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保山旅游英语365句【英语资料】保山旅游英语365句【英语资料】 English 365 for Touring Baoshan 365 1 Unit 1 Part A A General Survey of Baoshan 1. Welcome to Baoshan! (欢迎到保山来!) 2. The city of Baoshan lies in the west of Yunnan Province. (保山市位于云南省西部。) 3. Baoshan is noted for its beautiful scenery,...

保山旅游英语365句【英语资料】 English 365 for Touring Baoshan 365 1 Unit 1 Part A A General Survey of Baoshan 1. Welcome to Baoshan! (欢迎到保山来!) 2. The city of Baoshan lies in the west of Yunnan Province. (保山市位于云南省西部。) 3. Baoshan is noted for its beautiful scenery, with its unique topographic features. (保山风景优美, 地貌特征独特。) 4. There is a wide disparity in the height above sea level. The highest point is 3,655.9 meters and the lowest point 525 meters. (海拔落差很大,最高海拔3655.9米,最低海拔525米。) 5. The weather is varied as the saying goes “A mountain witnesses four distinct seasons, and a ten-li distance sees a different weather”. (那里气候多变,正如百姓所传:“一山分四季,十里不同天”。) 6. In most areas of the region, you will not suffer from a biting cold in winter or a scorching heat in summer. (在大部分地区,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。) 7. Baoshan enjoys an ever-spring climate and an ever-green nature throughout the whole year. (保山四季如春,终年常绿。) 8. Baoshan is reputed as a most comfortable place for human habitation. (保山被誉为最适宜人类居住的地区。) 9.Baoshan is rich in natural resources. (保山自然资源丰富。) 10. Baoshan is rich in mineral resources, including ferrous metals, nonferrous metals and rare metals. (保山有丰富的矿藏,黑色、有色、稀有金属蕴藏均十分丰富。) 11. Baoshan is rich in forest resources, known as “the Kingdom of the Plant Kingdoms”. 2 (保山森林资源丰富,被誉为“植物王国中的王国”。) 12. Various kinds of animals are found in Baoshan. (保山有各类动物。) 13. Baoshan is honored with the title of “the Paradise in the Animal Kingdom in Yunnan”. (保山被誉为“云南动物王国的乐园”。) 14. Baoshan boasts a long history. (保山具有悠久的历史。) 15. It was the residence of the early primitive tribal group “Pupiao Horde”. (这里曾是很早的原始民族“蒲缥人”的栖息地。) 16. People of different ethnic groups live in harmony in Baoshan. (在保山,各族人民和谐相处。) 17. They show respect to each other. (他们互相尊重。) 18. Different cultural features of ethnic groups are in tune with one another and work out a melody. (各少数民族的文化相互交融,奏出美妙的旋律。) 19. Baoshan is an important hub of communication. (保山是一个重要的交通枢纽。) 20. Baoshan provides one of the shortest routes between the southwest of our country and South Asia, Africa and West Europe. (保山是我国西南地区与南亚、非洲、西欧各国交通线路中最短的线路之一。) 21. Baoshan chiefly relies on its agricultural economy. (保山是以农业经济为主的地区。) 22. Baoshan is famous for such produce as sugarcane, tobacco, tea and fine grain coffee. (保山的甘蔗、烟叶、茶叶和小粒咖啡有口皆碑。) 23. Baoshan has long been reputed as the “Grand Barn in West Yunnan”. (保山在很长时间曾被称为“滇西粮仓”。) 24. Baoshan has many places of interest. (保山有许多旅游景点。) 3 25. Baoshan has ancient towns, temples, hot springs and nature reserves, etc. (保山有古镇、寺庙、温泉、自然保护区。) 26. Baoshan is a reputed home of overseas Chinese in Yunnan Province. (保山是云南著名的侨乡。) 27. Baoshan is the earliest multi-ethnic frontier and the cradle of the ancient Ailaoguo culture. (保山是云南开发最早的一个边疆多民族地区,是古哀牢国的发祥地。) 28. The human civilization and natural scenery are complementary to each other and show perfect match with each other. (人文景观与自然景观交相辉映,珠联璧合。) 29. The volcano and terrestrial heat are eternal companions with each other. (火山地热相伴而生。) 30. Baoshan is world-known for the brave battles during the war against Japanese aggressors in West Yunnan. (滇西抗战使保山闻名于世。) 31. Burma Road and Stilwell Road go through the boundary lines. (滇缅公路、史迪威公路穿境而过。) 32. The ancient land has so far nourished a number of saints and sages throughout history. (古老的土地孕育了许多先贤圣哲。) 33. Baoshan, being in the van of opening Yunnan to South Asia, has been developing itself into the “No.1 Metropolis in China’s Opening to South Asia”. (保山作为云南面向南亚开放的“桥头堡”,正在建设“中国走向南亚第一市”。) 34. Baoshan has developed four superior tourist routes, namely the China Eco-Spa Health Route, the Mount Gaoligong Eco Route, the World War II Culture Route and the South Ancient Route. (保山推出了中国生态SPA康乐园之旅、高黎贡山生态之旅、二战文化之旅、 南方古道之旅4条黄金旅游线路。) 35. Baoshan has become a commonly acknowledged spot of interest with rich cultural implications for tourists. (保山已成为具有丰富内涵的健康旅游目的地。) 36. Baoshan is situated in one of the six most famous tourist areas known as the 4 “Frontier Tourist Area with Volcanoes and Terrestrial Heat in West Yunnan”. (保山位于云南六大旅游区域当中的“滇西火山热海边境旅游区”。) 37. Baoshan enjoys superior fame upon the strength of its peculiar historical and current features such as ten-thousand-year volcanoes and terrestrial heat, one thousand year ancient routes and frontier passes, hundreds of years’ emerald business city and today’s charming sceneries with harmonious combination of cultural and natural sights. (万年火山热海,千年古道边关,百年翡翠商城,今日锦绣保山。) 38. Emerald and Huanglong Jade are counted as treasures among frontier cities’ commodities. (翡翠、黄龙玉是边城宝货。) 39. Baoshan has been designated by the Provincial Government as the Central City in the Frontier Economic Area in West Yunnan. (保山被云南省政府确定为滇西边境经济区的中心城市。) 40. Baoshan borders on Burma with its boundary line running as long as 167.78 kilometers. (保山与缅甸接壤,国境线长167.78公里。) 41. Baoshan with its highly dense forestry is acclaimed as a “Natural Oxygen Bar”. (保山森林茂密,被誉为“天然氧吧”。) 42. Baoshan has been one of the most important commodity-collecting and -distributing centers throughout history. (保山历来是滇西重要的商品集散地之一。) 43. The railway running from Dali through Baoshan to Ruili is an important part of the west route of the “Trans-Asian Railway Network”. (由大理经保山至瑞丽铁路是“泛亚铁路”西线的重要组成部分。) 44. Baoshan is the last part of “the South Silk Route”, the earliest land route to the outside world in China. (保山是中国最早的对外陆路交通线——“南方丝绸之路”在中国境内的最后 一段。) 45. Baoshan boasts not only uniquely advantageous natural sights, but also a long cultural heritage. (保山不仅有得天独厚的自然风光,而且有深邃悠久的人文景观。) Part B Greetings and Introduction 5 46.--- Hello, Mr. Zhang. (您好,张先生。) 47.---Hello, Mrs. Smith. (您好,史密斯太太。) 48.---Good morning, Mr. Li. (早安,李先生。) 49.---Good morning, Mrs. James. (早安,詹姆斯太太。) 50.---Good afternoon, Mrs. Zhao. (下午好,赵太太。) 51.---Good afternoon, Mr. Milton. (下午好,密尔顿先生。) 52.---Good evening, Mrs. Dai. (晚上好,戴太太。) 53.---Good evening, Mr. Blake. (晚上好,布莱克先生。) 54.---How are you, Mr. Li?. (李先生,你好吗?) 55.---Fine, thank you. And you? (很好,谢谢!你好吗?) 56. ---This is Mr. Zhang. (这是张先生。) 57. ---How do you do? (你好!) 58. ---I’d like you to meet my friend, Mr. Black. (我向你介绍我的朋友,布莱克先生。) 59. --- Nice to meet you, Mr. Black. (见到你很高兴,布莱克先生。) 60.--- My name is John Smith. May I know your name? (我的名字叫约翰?史密斯。你叫什么名字?) 61.--- I’m Li Ming. Just call me Xiao Li. (我的名字叫李明。就叫我小李吧。) 62. ---Where are you from? (你是哪里人?) 6 63. ---I’m from America. (我是美国人。) 64. ---Small world, isn’t it? I feel very happy to see you again. (太巧了,又见面了。非常高兴。) 65. ---Very glad to meet you again. (再次见到你,真是太高兴了。) 66.--- How is everything going with you? (您一切都好吗?) 67.---Couldn’t be better. (非常好!) 68.--- This is Mr. Zhang, Chairman of our corporation. (这是张先生,我们公司的总裁。) 69.---Very happy to meet you. I’m Smith. I’m from Britain. (见到你很高兴。我是史密斯。我是英国人。) 70.---It’s my pleasure to meet you. (我很荣幸认识您。) 7 Unit Two Part A Longyang District, the Site of the Municipal Government --- 71. Yongchang Culture Garden, with a total area of 225 mu, came into being in 2000. (永昌文化园始建于2000年,占地面积255亩。) 72. In Yongchang Culture Garden, you can find a cultural centre, a museum and a library. (永昌文化园里有“三馆”:文化馆、博物馆和图书馆。) 73. Taibao Public Park is rated as an AA national scenic spot and a forest park at the provincial level in Yunnan. (太保公园被评为国家AA级景区,云南省级森林公园。) 74. “Jiu Long Mythology”, one of the well-known mythologies on the genesis of nationality, can trace its origin in Yiluo Pool here. (我国著名的民族起源神话之一 “九隆神话”的发源地就是易罗池。) 75. Lihua Wu is commonly considered as a sacred place for Buddhism. (梨花坞是一个佛教圣地。) 76. “The Gate of the Temple” is a dividing line between the mundane world of hustle and bustle and the Buddhist sphere of purity and serenity. (“山门”是滚滚尘世与纯洁宁静佛界的分界。) 77. “Long Wang Pond” is a farmer park opened up by farmers with their own money. (“龙王塘”是农民自己动手筹建的一个农民公园。) 78. In the north of the park, you may see cave ruins of human habitants in the Old Stone Age. (在公园北侧可以看到旧石器时代人类栖居过的洞穴遗址。) 79. The Reclining Buddha Temple is one of those temples well-known in Southeast Asia. (卧佛寺是在东南亚一带享有盛名的寺庙之一。) 80. Streams of visitors from Burma and Thailand come here to worship the Buddha every year. (每年,许多缅甸和泰国的游人到寺庙来拜佛。) 81. The name of “the South Silk Route” is derived from the counterpart of “the Silk 8 Route” in the north. (“南方丝绸之路”是借用北方丝绸之路的名称而来。) 82. “The South Silk Route” refers to the ancient route for international trade going through Yunnan to Burma, then to India. (“南方丝绸之路”是指国际通商之路,它通过云南,到缅甸,而后到达印度。) 83. Wooden Bridge Ancient Town is noted for its cultural heritage. (板桥古镇是一座历史文化名镇。) 84. As an important post station along “the South Silk Route” in history, Wooden Bridge Ancient Town has been a place of interest for businessmen and a place of leisure for men of letters. (板桥古镇作为历史上“南方丝绸之路”的重要驿站,素为商贾云集之所,文人 雅士休憩之居。) 85. Cuihua Tea House is just one of many old tea houses along the Qinglong Street, where folks often go for a chat with their old pals over a cup of tea. (翠华茶馆是在青龙街上众多的茶铺中的一家,老百姓经常到那里,跟老伙伴 们一起喝喝茶,聊聊天。) 86. Golden Rooster Ancient Town is acclaimed as the cradle of the Han civilization and Yongchang culture in Baoshan. (金鸡古镇被誉为保山汉文化的发祥地,永昌文化的摇篮。) 87. Treasure Tripod Temple is among stones of different weird shapes, known as a Little Stone Forest. (宝鼎寺周围尽是千姿百态的石头,俗称小石林。) 88. “Lujiangba” is the official name of the vast land along the banks of the Nu River. (“潞江坝”是怒江沿岸大地的正式称呼。) 89. Mangdan Garden of Ethnic Lifestyles and Customs is a place where as many as fourteen ethnic groups live in harmony. (芒旦民族风情园是十四个民族和谐生活的地方。) 90. Mangdan Garden of Ethnic Lifestyles and Customs has been a meeting place of multi-cultural features. (芒旦民族风情园是一个多元文化交汇的地方。) 91. Manhai Bridge is called “jaws of death” by drug traffickers, for they are always doomed to failure here. (曼海大桥被贩毒者称为“鬼门关”,因为他们总是在这里遭到失败。) 9 92. The diet custom of the Dai people is unique, for they turn various kinds of flowers into delicious dishes on the table. (傣族饮食习俗很独特,他们将各种花卉变成了餐桌上的美味佳肴。) 93. Mount Gaoligong is a southern extension on the east side of the Himalayas. (高黎贡山是喜马拉雅山脉的东部南延部分。) 94. The Hundred Flowers Ridge is known as the epitome of Mount Gaoligong, an eco-friendly scenic area which boasts forests, hot springs, waterfalls and streams. (百花岭可以说高黎贡山的一个小小的缩影,一个拥有森林、温泉、瀑布、河 流的生态景区。) 95. The summit of Mount Tiantai is blessed with floating clouds all around it. (天台山顶峰飞云缭绕。) 96. The orchid has been honored as the city flower of Baoshan. (兰花是保山的市花。) 97. The festival season of Duanyang Flower Street celebrated once a year enjoys a long history of hundreds of years. (一年一度的端阳花街在保山已延续了上百年。) 98. Baoshan Yongzi has been commonly acclaimed in the world as holy among chesses. (保山“永子”是古往今来举世公认的棋中圣品。) 99. The Wuhou Ancestral Temple in Mount Taibao is listed as one of the “Ten Best-known Wuhou Ancestral Temples in China”. (太保山武侯祠是“中国十大武侯祠之一”。) 100. The White Jade Reclining Buddha is the biggest jade Buddha extant in China. (白玉卧佛是中国现存最大的玉佛。) 101. The South Silk Route was in reality pioneered to a large extent by the horse herd known as the boat crossing the vast seas of mountain expanses. (南方丝绸之路是由山地之舟——马帮开通的。) 102. Lanjing Ancient Ferry is the only way leading to Yongchang Route. (兰津古渡是永昌道的必经之路。) 103. Jihong Bridge is one of the earliest iron suspense bridges in China. (霁虹桥是我国最古老的铁索桥之一。) 104. Tiny grain coffee, mangoes and fragrant tobaccos are known as the “Three 10 Treasures in Lujiang”. (小粒咖啡、芒果和香料烟被称为“潞江三宝”。) 105. Lujiang Town has been officially designated as a tourist town at the provincial level in Yunnan. (潞江镇是云南省级旅游小镇。) 106. The chorus without the accompaniment of musical instrument by the Lisu Ethnic Group is acclaimed as the “natural voice of the mountain wilds”. (傈僳族无伴奏四声部合唱被誉为“来自山野的天籁之音”。) 107. Mount Gaoligong has been named by UNESCO as a “World Biosphere Reserve”. (高黎贡山被联合国教科文组织批准授予“世界生物圈保护区”。) 108. Guangzun Temple, a cluster of ancient architectures serving as the meeting ground of three religious sects, namely Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, is of the largest size extant in Baoshan. (光尊寺是保山现存规模最大的佛、儒、道三教合一的古建筑群。) 109.Guangzun Temple was once the site of the Headquarters of the Chinese Expeditionary Army during the war against Japanese aggressors in West Yunnan. (在滇西抗战中,光尊寺曾一度是中国远征军司令部驻地。) 110. Dali-Baoshan Expressway enjoys the honor of being the first expressway set up among the Hengduan Mountain Range in China. (大理—保山高速公路是中国第一条在横断山脉建成的高速公路。) Part B Talking about the Time, Days and Dates and the Weather 111.---What’s the time now? (现在几点钟?) 112.--- It’s three o’clock. (三点。) 113.--- Excuse me, what’s the time by your watch? (劳驾,你的表几点了?) 114.---It’s ten past ten. (十点十分。) 115. ---When will our meeting begin? (我们几点开会?) 11 116.--- At eight. (八点。) 117.---What day is it today? (今天星期几?) 118. ---Tuesday. (星期二。) 119.--- What’s the date today? (今天几号?) 120.--- It’s April 10. (四月十日。) 121. --- When are you leaving for Shanghai? (你什么时候动身去上海?) 122. ---On May 21. (五月二十一日。) 123. ---When will you return? (你什么时候回来?) 124. ---On November 16. (十一月十六日。) 125. ---What’s the weather like today? (今天天气怎么样?) 126.---It’s warm. (很暖和。) 127.---What’s today’s weather forecast? (今天的天气预报怎么说?) 128.--- It will be fair to cloudy. (晴转多云。) 129.---What will be the weather like tomorrow? (明天天气怎么样?) 130.---It will be sunny. (阳光灿烂。) 131.---It’s a red-letter day, isn’t it? We have so many friends from afar. (今天是个好日子,对吧?我们有这么多来自远方的朋友。) 132.---It’s great. We should celebrate it and have a happy time. (是啊!我们应该好好庆祝一下,玩得开心。) 133. ---How is the weather? 12 (外面的天气怎么样?) 134.---It’s raining. (在下雨。) 135.---But it will clear up soon. (不过很快就会放晴。) 13 Unit Three Part A Tengchong, a Place with Spectacular Volcanoes and Terrestrial Heat --- 136. Tengchong is known as a “Species Gene Reserve”, “Natural Botanical Garden” and a “Natural Museum”. (腾冲堪称为“物种基因库”、“天然植物园”和“天然博物馆”。) 137. The feat of “Climbing the Knife Pole and Diving into the Fire Sea” is a thrilling performance in the “Tengyue Tourist Culture Garden”. (绝活“上刀杆下火海”是“腾越旅游文化园”中的一个惊心动魄的表演。) 138. Dongjing Music has long been of a cultural tradition, a noble and auspicious symbol. (洞经音乐是流传久远的传统文化,是一种高尚、吉祥的象征。) 139. A total of 3346 ranked and anonymous soldiers are buried in the National Martyrs Cemetery, who died in World War II. (在第二次世界大战中捐躯的3346名官兵长眠在国殇墓园里。) 140. Die’shuihe Waterfall goes down along three separate courses. (叠水河瀑布分三道泻下。) 141.Mount Laifeng, a volcano formed nearly a million years ago, ranks among the oldest volcanoes in Tengchong area. (来凤山是近100万年前形成的火山,是腾冲境内众多火山中最古老的火山 之一。) 142. Over a hundred rare and valuable strains of camellia have been developed in the Camellia Garden. (茶花园里栽培了100多个珍贵品种的茶花。) 143. Tengyue Emerald City is famous for the exploiting, trading, processing of and determining the authenticity and quality of emeralds. (腾越翡翠城以翡翠开采、翡翠交易、翡翠加工和翡翠鉴赏而出名。) 144. Herbal Medicine Emperor Palace is girdled with walls in the shape of the gourd, a symbol of traditional Chinese medicine. (药王宫的围墙为葫芦形,象征着中医的药葫芦。) 145. Herbal Medicine Emperor Palace was set up in honor of the then Herbal Medicine Emperor, Sun Simiao, the renowned doctor in the Tang Dynasty and 14 other renowned doctors of the thirteen foregone generations. (药王宫的建造是为供奉药王、唐代名医孙思邈,同时还供奉“十三代名医” 。) 146. Heshun is famed as China’s No.1 Charming Town, a title acquired in the national appraisal of charming towns in 2005. (和顺是以中国第一魅力名镇而出名,它在2005年全国名镇评比中获得了 这一荣誉。) 147. Returned overseas Chinese and their families account for 70% of the total population in Heshun. (和顺的归侨和侨眷占全乡人口的70%。) 148. Over the river are two arched stone bridges called “Double Rainbow Bridges”. (河上有两座石拱桥,名为“双虹桥”。) 149. The gate of the Volcano Park was designed after the castle architecture in ancient Rome. (火山公园的大门是根据古罗马城堡建筑设计的。) 150. In the seasons of summer and autumn, thousands upon thousands of black fish swim in the river. Hence the “Black Fish River”. (夏秋时节,河里游着成千上万的黑鱼,故这条河被叫做“黑鱼河”。) 151. In Tengchong, you will see the truth of the saying that “Hot springs in Yunnan rank top in the world”. (在腾冲,你将体会“云南温泉甲天下”的真正含义。) 152. This is the “Beauty Pond”, where nymphs are said to have taken a bath. (这是美女池,据说仙女曾在这里尽情沐浴。) 153. This is the “Drunken Birds Well” where birds perched on the nearby trees often fall just like drunkards. (这是醉鸟井,在周围树上栖息的鸟经常象醉汉一样掉下去。) 154. A small wooden boat can take you through brooks, tributaries and water plants in Beihai. (在北海,小木船便于在沟道、河汊和水草间穿行。) 155. Regular residents in Beihai are all kinds of water fowls, which live in harmony. (北海的常住者是各类水鸟,它们和谐相处。) 156. The Water Reflection Temple is a place where men of letters get inspirations for masterpieces. (水映寺是文人创作高作的地方。) 15 157. The Sino-Burma Friendship Monument is a boundary sign and a friendship symbol. (中缅友谊碑既是国门的标志,又是友谊的象征。) 158. Peasant paintings are part of mass artistic activities among ethnic groups. (农民画是少数民族参加的群众性艺术活动。) 159. Marshal arts of the Dai people are featured by coupling hardness and softness. (傣族武术独特,刚柔相济。) 160. The huge spring is very unique, for it is neither too cold nor too hot, with a constant temperature of about 20 degrees centigrade. (这里的巨泉很独特,因为它既不太冷,也不太热,常年温度保持在20摄氏 度左右。) 161. Tengchong is honored as “the No.1 City in the Frontier Area”. (腾冲被称为“极边第一城”。) 162. Tengchong has been conferred the title of “the First Emerald City in China” by Asian Federeation of Jewellery. (腾冲被亚洲珠宝联合会授予“中国翡翠第一城”称号。) 163. Die’shuihe Waterfall finds itself among the Volcano Yansai Waterfalls. (叠水河瀑布属于火山堰塞瀑布。) 164. Heshun is a stage to display the blending of the Han Culture, the South Asia Culture and the Western Culture. (和顺是汉文化与南亚文化、西方文化交融的窗口。) 165. Over ten thousand locals of Heshun, known as the biggest home of overseas Chinese along “the Southwest Silk Route”, have been developing their business and careers overseas, thus forming “a Community of Overseas Heshun”. (和顺是“西南丝绸之路”上最大的侨乡,至今有1万多人侨居海外,形成了“海 外的和顺”。) 166. Heshun Library is fully qualified for the honor of the most distinguished library so far as the countryside culture in China is concerned. (和顺图书馆在中国乡村文化界堪称第一。) 167. Tengyue Supernatural Horse Art epitomizes the essences of the local art of the Central Plains and Yunnan Province in China. (腾越神马艺术集中了中原及云南本土艺术的精华。) 168. The Museum of Yunnan and Burma’s Participation in the War against Japanese 16 Aggressors houses near seven thousand historic relics and evidences, including those left behind by the Chinese Expeditionary Army, the Chinese Army Deposited in India, Allied Forces of America and Britain, mass forces and Japanese aggressors. (滇缅抗战博物馆馆藏文物近7000件,包括中国远征军、中国驻印军、美英 盟军、民众抗战和日寇的遗物。) 169. Xiyi Pavilion is not only a peculiar sight, but also a reflection of traditional culture and morals in Heshun. (洗衣亭是不仅是和顺一道特有的风景,而且是一种文化道德传统的体现。) 170. Religious places of eight beliefs are in peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other in Heshun. (和顺的八大宗祠和睦共存。) 171. Ai Siqi enjoys the honor of being a famous philosopher in modern China. 艾思奇是我国现代著名哲学家。 172. Mount Gaoligong provides the comfortable surroundings for the growing of the biggest and tallest species of azalea trees. (当今世界最大、最高的大树杜鹃生长在高黎贡山。) 173. Tengchong is acclaimed as a “Natural Volcanic Geological Museum”, for it reflects the young volcano and terrestrial heat in the most concentrated, magnificent and typical manner. (腾冲是中国最集中、最壮观、最典型的年轻火山地热区,被誉为“天然的 火山地质博物馆”。) 174. The columnar jointing in the Black Fish Gorge displays a most spectacular sight. (黑鱼河峡谷的柱状节理雄奇壮观。) 175. The shadowgraph outcuts from Tengchong have been collected into Leipzig Museum in Germany. (腾冲的皮影靠子被德国的莱比锡博物馆收藏。) 176. The Yunfeng Mountain is a holy place of Taoism in West Yunnan. (云峰山是滇西道教圣地。) 177. Tengchong is one of the three largest terrestrial heat areas in China, scattered with over eighty hot springs throughout the whole county. (腾冲是中国三大地热区之一,全县有80多处温泉。) 178. The terrestrial heat in that particular “Hot Sea” area shows seven distinct features, namely the sprouting holes, the heating fog oozing ground, the boiling hot 17 spring, the sprouting spring, the heating water spraying fountain and the “anti-poisonous” fog spring. (热海的地热显示特征有喷气孔、冒气地面、热沸泉、喷泉、热水泉华、毒 气泉等7种景观。) 179. “Hot Sea Scenic Area” is principally composed of such spectacular sights as the big boiling pot, the pearl spring, the impregnating well, the spectacle spring, the drum beating spring and the frog mouth spring. 热海景区主要有大滚锅、珍珠泉、怀胎井、眼镜泉、鼓鸣泉、蛤蟆嘴等奇 观。 180. Beihai Humid Land has been publicized as the only natural preserved humid land at the national level. (北海湿地是云南省内已被公布的唯一一个国家级自然保护湿地。) 181. Britain once set up its consulate in Tengchong in 1899. (英国曾于1899年在腾冲设立领事馆。) 182. Heshun is honored with the oldest international business brand in Yunnan Province. (和顺拥有云南最古老的跨国商号。) 183. The Tengyue culture with its rich implications and profound significance is derived from its time-honored history. (悠久的历史造就了内涵丰富、影响深远的腾越文化。) 184. Tengchong is the earliest area opening into the rest of the world and the first trading port in the inland of Southwest China, and is deemed as the first home for overseas Chinese in Yunnan Province. (腾冲是中国西南内陆最先对外开放的地区、西南第一通商口岸、云南第一 侨乡。) 185. Tengchong has turned itself into a new tourist highlight in Yunnan Province. (腾冲已成为云南旅游的新亮点。) Part B Asking for Help, Permission and Opinions and Offering Help , 186. ---Could you do me a favor? (请帮我一个忙好吗?) 187. --- Sure! (当然可以!) 188.---Would you take a picture of us with my camera? 18 (请你用我的照相机为我们拍一张照好吗?) 189.---Yes, of course. (行,当然可以。) 190.--- Is there anything I can do for you? (要我帮你忙吗?) 191.--- Thank you. I can manage by myself. (谢谢!我自己行。) 192. ---Would you like me to do it for you? (要不要我帮你把这件事做了呢?) 193.---No, please don’t bother. (不用啦,请不用麻烦。) 194.--- Could you give me a hand? (你能帮我一下吗?) 195. ---No problem. (没问题。) 196.---Do you mind my smoking here? (我抽烟你介意吗?) 197.---Not at all. (没关系。) 198.---Does anyone mind if I smoke? (我抽烟有人介意吗?) 199.--- To be frank, I’d rather you didn’t. (说实话,我希望你别抽。) 200.---Do you mind if I open the window? (我开窗你介意吗?) 201.---Please go ahead. (请开吧!) 202. ---Could you spare me a few minutes? (你能给我几分钟吗?) 203. --- Sure. (当然可以。) 204. ---What do you think of Baoshan? (你认为保山怎么样?) 205.--- It’s a wonderful place. (它是一个美妙的地方。) 19 206.---How do you like Chinese food? (你觉得中餐怎么样?) 207.---It’s delicious. (非常可口。) 208.---What can I do for you? (您需要帮忙吗?) 209.---Where is the nearest supermarket? (最近的超市在哪里?) 210.--- Shall I run you over there in the car? (我用车把你送去好吗?) 20 Unit Four Part A Changning---a Green Pearl on the West Yunnan Plateau ---“” 211. Changning is being built into an attraction of eco-tourism noted for having a leisure life and going vacationing. (昌宁将建成集休闲、度假为一体的生态旅游景区。) 212. Changning enjoys the reputation of “the Home of Tea”. (昌宁被誉为“茶乡”。) 213. Changning is rich in land dainties of various kinds. (昌宁还富有各类山珍。) 214. The Little Bridge Hot Spring is a retreat from the worldly noise. (小桥温泉是抛开尘世喧闹的静居胜地。) 215. It is a wondrous world, with flowers blooming in profusion, with green hills and green waters. (这是青山绿水的花花世界。) 216. It is an intoxicating sight of harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. (这是人与自然和谐共处的醉人意境。) 217. The Paradise High Mountain Humid Land is determined as a nature reserve. (天堂高山湿地被划为自然保护区。) 218. Among the lofty trees with broad leaves, we can see only a strip of the sky. (四周树林高大茂盛,抬头仅能看到一块天。) 219. The first huge square in Changning County is called the “Century Square”, set up in 2000. (昌宁县第一个大型广场建立于2000年,取名为“世纪广场”。) 220. The name of Mount Elephant is derived from the legendary story of an elephant stuck in the lake mire being transformed into a mountain. (象山因一只深陷湖潭的巨象化为山的传说而得名。) 221. Entering the scenic spot of the Flying Rooster Hot Spring, one can see a pair of pagodas. (进入鸡飞温泉景区之后,可以看到一对塔。) 21 222. The tall pagoda is male while the short one is female. (较高的为公塔,较低的为母塔。) 223. Another rare sight within the scenic spot is a pair of stone pots. (这个景区的另一个奇观是一对石锅。) 224. It is said that an egg boiled in the little stone pot can never be “overdone”. (据说,在小石锅里煮的鸡蛋不会老。) 225. It is believed that anyone who has eaten the egg boiled in the little stone pot will enjoy an eternal summer of life. (人们相信,谁吃了在小石锅里煮过的鸡蛋将永葆青春。) 226. The Big Steaming Pond has a mystical and miraculous phenomenon of presenting three different colors within a single day. (大蒸锅有一种神秘的现象:一天呈现三种颜色。) 227. The Sweethearts Spring has the magic to bless people in love with the happy marriage. (情侣泉具有神奇的魔力,使相爱的人终成眷属。) 228. Here is the reputed spot of the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle in the Chinese culture. (这里是著名的12生肖景观区。) 229. This natural limestone cave is called the “Cave for the Mountain God”. (这个天然形成的溶洞被称为“山神洞”。) 230. The Olive River Hot Spring area is dotted with numerous little bathtubs. (在橄榄河温泉区,遍布着许许多多的小澡塘。) 231. The Lancang River Big Canyon shows a variety of features. (澜沧河大峡谷表现出千差万别的形态。) 232. The Lion Pond was the first stone in the human world when the world was created. (狮子塘是盘古开天辟地时落在人间的第一块石头。) 233. The Coastal Park by the waters is an ideal place of a leisurely life. (依水的滨江公园是一个理想的休闲场所。) 234. The temple was set up in honor of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy in Buddhism. (这座寺是为纪念观音而建造的。) 22 235. The Immortal Breath Hole is a steaming vent of the hot spring, whose steam could be used to cure many diseases. (仙气孔是温泉的蒸汽洞,从中出来的蒸汽可以治疗疾病。) Part B Expressing Likes and Dislikes 236. --- What programs do you like best? (你最喜欢什么节目?) 237.--- I like sports programs best. (我最喜欢体育节目。) 238. --- I’m fond of Chinese folk music. What about you? (我喜欢中国民乐。你呢?) 239. ---I also like Chinese music. (我也喜欢中国民乐。) 240. ---I prefer Chinese food to western food. How about you? (与西餐比较,我更喜欢中餐。你呢?) 241.--- In fact, I like both. (事实上,我中餐西餐都喜欢。) 242.--- Which is more interesting to you, sports programs or fashion programs? (体育和时尚,你哪个节目更感兴趣?) 243.--- Sports, of course. (当然是体育节目。) 244.--- Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? (咖啡和茶,你喜欢哪种饮料?) 245. ---Tea, please. (请上茶吧。) 246.---How do you find the cycling trip? (您感到骑自行车兜风怎么样?) 247.---It’s very enjoyable. (很开心。) 248. ---I wonder if you have a fondness for cartoons. (我不知道你是否喜欢卡通片。) 249.---Yes, I’m fond of cartoons. (是的,我很喜欢卡通片。) 250.--- I hate staying up late at night. (我不喜欢熬夜。) 23 251.--- But I don’t like to get up early in the morning. (但我不喜欢起早。) 252.---Shall we go to the movie? (我们去看电影好吗?) 253.---I’d rather stay at home, as I feel very tired today. (我情愿待在家里,因为我今天感到很累。) 254.---Are you very keen on watching soap operas? (你喜欢肥皂剧吗?) 255.---Not at all. (一点儿也不喜欢。) 256.---I’m afraid I don’t like a barbecue. (恐怕我不太喜欢烤肉野餐。) 257.---I don’t find much pleasure in it, either. (我也不觉得有很大乐趣。) 258.---Shall we go to the party? (我们去参加联欢会好吗?) 259.---I can’t say I’m very keen on attending the party. (恐怕我对联欢会不太感兴趣。) 260.---OK. Enjoy yourself. (好吧!你忙你的吧。) 24 Unit Five Part A Longling --- A Place with Constant Rainfalls Where Four Seasons See Blooming Flowers ----“” 261. Longling was an important passage of the famous “South Silk Route” in history. (龙陵是历史上著名的“南方丝绸之路”的重要通道。) 262. The rainfall in Longling ranks top in West Yunnan. Hence the name of the “Rain Screen in West Yunnan’’. (龙陵雨水冠滇西,因此得到了“滇西雨屏”的雅名。) 263. Longling is compared to a landscape painting with superb natural scenery. (人们把龙陵比喻成一幅风光秀丽的山水画。) 264. The reputation of diligence and intelligence Xiangda girls enjoy goes far and wide. (象达姑娘勤劳聪明,名声远播。) 265. In the Celestial Being Cave, there are stalactites of various strange shapes. (在仙人洞里,钟乳千奇百怪。) 266. Mengnuo, in the Dai Language, means a land with seas. (勐糯在傣语中意为“有海子的地方”。) 267. Songshan was the main battlefield in the war against Japanese aggressors during World War II in West Yunnan. (松山是二战中滇西抗日主战场。) 268. This tree with so many dents of wounds serves as a witness to the war. (这棵树上到处都是伤疤,是战争历史的见证树。) 269. The Songshan Military Campaign between the Chinese Expeditionary Army and the Japanese Invaders in 1944 lasted three months and three days. (远征军和日军之间展开的松山战役历时三个月零三天。) 270. The Huge Bas-relief Sculpture Wall epitomizes the whole process of the anti-Japanese activities in Longling in World War II. (大型浮雕景墙浓缩了二战期间龙陵抗战的整个过程。) 271. The Bronze Ever-ringing Bell functions as a constant reminder of the tragically heroic period in history. 25 (这口铜制的长鸣钟警示我们要记住这段悲壮的历史。) 272. In the Longling City proper, there still remain many historical traces of the activities of the Japanese invasion in China. (在龙陵城区仍保留了许多日军侵华活动的各种遗迹。) 273. This hexagonal block house built of steel-reinforced concrete occupies a land of ten square meters. (这个六边形的钢筋水泥建成的碉堡占地面积10平方米。) 274. Being an undeniable witness to the Japanese invasion into China, the block house has been determined as a historical relic. (作为日军侵华的铁证,碉堡定为重点文物保护单位。) 275. This is a compound with houses around a square courtyard, a civil structure and a private estate of the Dong family, a local personage. (那是一座当地董姓人家的私宅,是一个土木结构的四合院。) 276. During World War II, Burma Road was the only route for the allies to provide goods for the Chinese in their struggle against the Japanese invaders, so it was deemed as a life-giving passage. (在第二次世界大战期间,滇缅公路是盟国运输援华抗战物资的唯一生命 线。) 277. Bang’lazhang enjoys widespread renown for its beautiful scenery and highly curative hot springs. (邦腊掌以其风光秀美、温泉疗效显著而闻名遐迩。) 278. There are as many as twenty three elements in spring water, such as kalium, natrium, lithium, calcium, magnesium, fluorin and so on, which have particularly curative effects for rheumatism, cardiovascular system diseases and obesity. (泉水中含钾、钠、锂、钙、镁、氟等23种元素,对风湿、心血管疾病、 肥胖症有特殊疗效。) 279. Bang’lazhang is enveloped in a misty fog in the morning and looks like a fairyland. (清晨,整个邦腊掌雾气升腾,犹如仙境。) 280. Due to the fact that different minerals can be found in them, no hot springs here are the same in color. (这里的温泉颜色各不相同,这是由它们含有不同的矿物质所致。) 281. The Stone Vat Spring is in the shape of a vat which can hold only one person. Its water is comfortably warm all year round. 26 (“石缸泉”形状好似一口缸,只能容纳一人,水温刚好适中,四季都可沐浴。) 282. The Immortal Bathtub is famous for its changing water-color, which can forebode the weather and the earthquake. (“仙人澡塘”以水色的变化能预兆晴雨和地震而闻名。) 283. Throughout the ages, men of letters have been intoxicated by the dreamland of Bang’lazhang and produced numerous poems and verses. (古往今来,文人墨客沉醉于邦腊掌的梦幻水城,吟咏诗文不胜枚举。) 284. Abundant plant resources provide a favorable living environment for animals. (丰富的植物资源为动物的生长提供了良好的生存环境。) 285. The Eight Zero Eight Reservoir, famed for its beautiful scenery and clear and crystalline water, is reputed as “a Bright Pearl on the West Yunnan Plateau”. (八O八水库风景秀美,碧波荡漾,被人们赞誉为“滇西高原上的一颗璀璨 明珠”。) 286. The Song Mountain was named as the “Oriental Gibraltar” by American military experts. (松山被美国军事家称为“东方直布罗陀”。) 287. Bang’lazhang is designated as the “Earthquake Observation Point of Dynamic Conditions of Ground Water” by Yunnan Seismological Bureau. (邦腊掌被云南省地震局纳入“地震地下水动态观测点”。) 288. Such rare ferns as Alsophila spinulosa are growing in Mount Xiaoheishan nature reserve at the provincial level. (小黑山省级自然保护区生长着珍稀蕨类植物桫椤。) Part B Expressing Gratitude and Apologies 289. ---Thank you! (谢谢!) 290.--- You’re welcome. (别客气。) 291.---I’m grateful to you for your help. (谢谢你的帮忙。) 292.---It’s my pleasure. (这是我荣幸。) 293. ---It’s very kind of you. 27 (多谢你的好意。) 294.---No trouble at all. (不用谢!) 295.---Thank you for your nice present. (谢谢你漂亮的礼物。) 296---I’m glad you like it. (你喜欢它我很高兴。) 297. ---Thank you for your wonderful dinner. (谢谢您丰盛的晚餐。) 298.---I feel happy you enjoyed it. Thank you for coming. (您能尽兴我很开心。谢谢您的光临。) 299.---Thank you for your hospitality. (谢谢您的热情好客。) 300.---I’m glad you had a good time. (我很高兴你很尽兴。) 301.---Thank you for showing us around. (谢谢您带我们参观。) 302.---Happy to do it. (不用谢。) 303.--- Many thanks for your tips. (多谢您的提醒。) 304.---Delighted to be of some service. (我能为你帮上点忙真是太高兴了。) 305.---Thank you for your comments and directions. (谢谢您的批评与指教。) 306.---I hope they will be of some help to you. (我希望你会得到启发。) 307.---I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to you. (我谨表示对你的真诚谢意。) 308.---It’s my honor. (这是我荣幸。) 309.---Sorry, I’m late. (对不起,我迟到了。) 310. ---Oh, that’s all right. (噢,没关系。) 28 311.---Will you come to the ceremony this Friday? (您将出席周五举行的仪式?) 312.---I’m afraid I should make an apology to you. I’m leaving for Paris this afternoon. (恐怕我得向你表示歉意了。我今天下午要去巴黎。) 313.---It’s OK. Bon voyage. (没关系。祝你旅途愉快!) 29 Unit Six Part A Shidian, a Place with a Stone Able to Sing ----“” 314. Another ancient name for Shidian was Stone Dian. (施甸古称石甸。) 315. The name of Stone Dian is derived from the imitated sound of a stone on Mount Shigu, with the meaning that it’s a place with a stone able to sing. (据说石甸这一名字的来源是石鼓山上有一块会发出“咚、咚”响声的石头, 意思是有“会唱歌”的石头的地方。) 316. The complicated topographic features and varied weather bless the Shidian region with advantageous conditions of rich natural resources. (施甸境内复杂多变的地貌地形和立体气候,为各种丰富的自然资源提供了 得天独厚的条件。) 317. On the rich red soil of Shidian, a total of 22 ethnic groups live in harmony, such as the Han people, the Yi people, the Bulang people, the Hui people, the Dai people and so on. (在施甸这块富饶、美丽的红土地上,居住着汉族、彝族、布朗族、回族、 傣族等22个民族。) 318. The charming ethnic lifestyles and customs bring about colorful folk artistic entertainments. (这些醉人的民族风情造就了丰富多彩的民间文艺。) 319. Though they have no written language, the Bulang people boast an exceptional wealth of oral literature, distinct ethnic costumes and customs. (虽然布朗族没有文字,但是他们有着极为丰富的口头文化,保留着最具鲜 明特征的民族语言、服饰和其他风俗。) 320. The Three-Stone Reservoir and the Jiangjia Reservoir are in close vicinity among the mountains. Hence the name “Two Sisters Lake”. (三块石水库与旁边紧紧相连的蒋家水库相依在群山之间,被称为“姊妹 湖”。) 321. Quantities of paleo-fossils have been discovered in dozens of spots within the Shidian region. (施甸境内,数十处地点保存着大量的古生物化石。) 322. On festival occasions, natives of the Yi people and the Lisu people are invited to 30 communicate with each other with melodious local songs, which is quite a spectacle. (每到节日的时候,当地的彝族、傈僳族群众便相邀来到娲女温泉这里对山 歌,十分热闹。) 323. Yaoguan is famed for not only the beautiful scenes, inviting weather, rich natural resources, but also its long-standing cultural heritage. (姚关不仅风光秀美,气候宜人,物产丰盈,而且人文底蕴深厚。) 324. Yaoguan lies in the south of Shidian, an important post station along the South Silk Route in history and a center of economic and cultural exchanges. (姚关位于施甸南部,历史上是南方古丝绸之路上的重要驿站,也是经济、 文化交流中心。) 325. Yaoguan has been designated as an eco-friendly town and a heritage town at the provincial level in Yunnan and placed on the list of 60 tourist towns in Yunnan. (姚关已被云南省命名为云南省生态乡镇和历史文化名镇,并被列入云南60 个旅游小镇之一。) 326. The caves in the Qingping Cave Scenic Spot enjoy the reputation of magnificence, for they are capable of housing a hundred people apiece, with cool and refreshing air. (清平洞景区的山洞雄奇壮观,洞内清新凉爽,可容纳百人。) 327. It is said that Deng Zilong, a famous general in history, created immortal verses in the Octagonal Pavilion. (据说邓子龙在八角亭中写下了不朽的诗篇。) 328. Perhaps it is hardly credible to many people that Deng Zilong, the renowned general, was only a geomancer before he was 27 years old. (也许很多人都不会相信,邓子龙这位名将在27岁之前还只是一位替人看 地的风水先生。) 329. The scholars concerned call the Nan’er Room the “Cultural Treasure in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Huanghe River” for it contains the treasures handed down from the Ming Dynasty. (南耳室存有明代珍宝,专家称之为“中原文化瑰宝”。) 330. The Qingping Cave has now been designated as an educational center of patriotism. (如今,清平洞已成为弘扬爱国主义的教育基地。) 331. Mount Mars is featured with the precipitous summit, steep slope and peculiar shape, and it presents a different unique appearance if seen from a different 31 angle. (火星山山峰险峻,坡度陡峭,形状独特,从不同的方向可以看到奇异的形 状。) 332. At the foot of the mysterious and beautiful Mount Mars lies the Wild Duck Lake Humid Land. (在神奇美丽的火星山下,就是野鸭湖湿地。) 333. In summer, you will feel refreshed and comfortable with the faint fragrant scent from lotus flowers in the inviting breezes while you stroll along the lake. (每到夏天,当你漫步在湖边时,微风轻轻吹过,迎面飘来的是莲花幽幽的 清香,让你感到心旷神怡。) 334. Shidian is very rich in ground water, and you may hear the babbling sound of water wherever you are. (施甸地下水十分丰富,不论是高山峻岭、峡谷,还是平坝都有清泉潺潺流 出。) 335. The Shipiao Hot Spring is located in the river valley of the subtropical zone, with ever greens and beautiful scenes. (石瓢温泉位于亚热带河谷区,这里四季青树翠绿,风景秀丽。) 336. The water in the Shipiao Hot Spring is clear and crystalline and tastes sweet and pleasant. (石瓢温泉泉水清澈透明,饮之甘甜可口。) 337. Here are two exquisite and huge natural bathtubs known as the Celestial Being Bathtub and it is believed that whoever has taken a bath in it enjoys longevity. (精巧大方的两个天然澡堂就是仙人池,据说在塘中沐浴过的人将会健康长 寿。) 338. Local people hold that mountains and waters are under the protection of divine dragon, so the Divine Dragon Temple is set up in honor of the god. (当地的人们相信这里的奇山异水必定有神龙保佑,就建了一座龙王庙供奉 龙王。) 339. Nianzhu Meal is known as a “Cultural Identity Card” with local features in Shidian. (年猪饭是施甸富于地方特色的“文化名片”。) 340. The Shipiao Hot Spring is the most wondrous natural bath pool in Nujiang Gorge. (石瓢温泉是怒江峡谷中最神奇的天然澡塘。) 32 Part B Expressing Good Wishes and Extending Congratulations 341. ---Good luck! (祝你好运!) 342.--- Many thanks. And you too! (非常感谢。也祝你好运!) 343.---Have a good time. (祝你愉快!) 344.---I will. Thank you! (我肯定会很开心的。谢谢!) 345.---I hope everything goes well with you. (我希望你一切顺利!) 346.--- Thanks! The same to you. (谢谢!希望你也一切顺利。) 347.--- Merry Christmas! (祝你圣诞快乐!) 348.---Have a happy Christmas! (祝你圣诞快乐!) 349. ---Happy New Year to you! (祝你新年快乐!) 350.--- Best wishes for a happy New Year! (祝你新年万事顺利!) 351.---Happy birthday! (生日快乐!) 352.---Thank you for your good wishes! (谢谢你的良好祝愿!) 353.---Please join me in a toast to the friendship between us! (为我们的友谊干杯!) 354.---Cheers! (干杯!) 355. ---Congratulations! (祝贺!) 356.--- Thank you. (谢谢。) 33 357. ---Hearty congratulations on your success! (衷心祝贺你成功!) 358.---Thank you for your kindness! (非常感谢!) 359.---Congratulations on your thriving business! (祝贺你事业兴旺!) 360.---Let’s hope for good cooperation between us! (希望我们能合作愉快!) 361.---Wish you a happy journey! (祝你旅途愉快!) 362.--- Expecting to meet you in America. (期待着在美国与你见面。) 363.---Allow me, on behalf of our director, wish a successful cooperation between us! (允许我代表我们董事长祝我们合作成功!) 364.---I propose a toast for our cooperation ! (我建议为我们的合作干杯!) 365.---Toast! (干杯!) 34 35
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