首页 大整数运算代码c#



大整数运算代码c#大整数运算代码c# //============================================================================== = // 大整数乘法 C#实现院 最大支持 2147483647 位结果运算 // // 此实现方式大此如下: // 数字以字符串方式存储,在C#中字符串表示的最大长度为32整型最大值是 2147483647, // 所以要求计算的结果,不能超过这个范围。 // // 乘法计算采用分治法 二进制整数X和Y各分为2段,每段的...

大整数运算代码c# //============================================================================== = // 大整数乘法 C#实现院 最大支持 2147483647 位结果运算 // // 此实现方式大此如下: // 数字以字符串方式存储,在C#中字符串表示的最大长度为32整型最大值是 2147483647, // 所以要求计算的结果,不能超过这个范围。 // // 乘法计算采用分治法 二进制整数X和Y各分为2段,每段的长为n/2位(假设n是2的幂) // 由此,X=A2n/2+B,Y=C2n/2+D。这样,X和Y的乘积为: // XY=(A2n/2+B)(C2n/2+D)=AC2n+(AD+CB)2n/2+BD 时间复杂度: T(n)=O(nlog3)=O(n1.59)。 // 利用此 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 进行递归调用 // // 在此实现中,以十进制进行计算。为满足非2的整次幂长度的数的计算,先对要计算的数用0进二的整 // 次幂长度填充后,再进行计算。 // //============================================================================== = // 作者:郭真林 // Emial:enin_dqc@163.com // QQ:366110836 // 日期: 2007 / 10 / 19 //============================================================================== = using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace BigNumMultiply ...{ public sealed class Number ...{ static void Main(string[] args) ...{ try ...{ Console.WriteLine("Please input two numbers:"); string x = Console.ReadLine(); string y = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(new Number(x) * new Number(y)); } catch (Exception ex) ...{ Console.WriteLine("An Error occurd. Exception Messgae: {0}", ex.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); } public Number() : this(false, string.Empty) ...{ } /**//// /// 构造一个数的Number实例 /// /// 数值 public Number(long num) : this(false, num.ToString()) ...{ } /**//// /// 构造一个数字串的Number实例 /// /// public Number(string numStr) ...{ if (numStr.StartsWith("-")) ...{ this.isNegative = true; numStr = numStr.Substring(1); } else ...{ this.isNegative = false; } this.Val = numStr; } /**//// /// 构造一个数的Number实例 /// /// 是否为负数 /// 数字串 public Number(bool negative, string num) ...{ this.isNegative = negative; this.Val = num; } /**//// /// 计算数的被拆的最小长度,必须为2的整次幂,且小于等于8 /// private static readonly int part = 4; /**//// /// 计算两数之差,要求两数必须为正。且大数在前,小数在后 /// /// 被减数 /// 减数 /// private static Number Sub(Number n1, Number n2) ...{ if (n1.isNegative || n2.isNegative) throw new ArgumentException("Number cant't be negative."); string a = Fill(n1.Val, Math.Max(n1.Length, n2.Length)); string b = Fill(n2.Val, Math.Max(n1.Length, n2.Length)); switch (CompareStr(a, b)) ...{ case 0: return new Number(0); case 1: ...{ Number reNum = new Number(); reNum.isNegative = false; string result = string.Empty; bool sf = false; int i = 1; while (i <= a.Length) ...{ int r = Convert.ToInt32(a.Substring(a.Length - i, 1)) - Convert.ToInt32(b.Substring(a.Length - i, 1)) - (sf ? 1 : 0); result = Convert.ToString(r < 0 ? r + 10 : r) + result; sf = r < 0; i++; } reNum.Val = result; return reNum; } case -1: ...{ Number reNum = Sub(new Number(false, b), new Number(false, a)); reNum.isNegative = true; return reNum; } default: throw new ArgumentException("Inerrorct compareStr value."); } } /**//// /// 计算两数之和,要求两数必须为正。 /// /// /// /// private static Number Add(Number n1, Number n2) ...{ if (n1.isNegative || n2.isNegative) throw new ArgumentException("Number cant't be negative."); string a = Fill(n1.Val, Math.Max(n1.Length, n2.Length)); string b = Fill(n2.Val, Math.Max(n1.Length, n2.Length)); string result = string.Empty; bool sf = false; int i = 1; while (i <= a.Length) ...{ int r = Convert.ToInt32(a.Substring(a.Length - i, 1)) + Convert.ToInt32(b.Substring(a.Length - i, 1)) + (sf ? 1 : 0); result = Convert.ToString(r >= 10 ? r - 10 : r) + result; sf = r >= 10; i++; } if (sf) result = "1" + result; return new Number(false, result); } /**//// /// 把一个数拆成两个数,被拆数长度必须为偶数 /// /// 被拆数 /// 高位 /// 低位 private static void DevideTo(Number sou, out Number a, out Number b) ...{ if (sou.Length == 0 || sou.Length % 2 == 1) throw new ArgumentException("Devided num not a valid value."); string value = sou.val; a = new Number(sou.IsNegative, value.Substring(0, value.Length / 2)); b = new Number(sou.IsNegative, value.Substring(value.Length / 2)); } /**//// /// 按2的整次幂,用0进行填充。 /// /// 被填充数 /// 希望被填充的大小,若不为2的整次幂,则长度为大小此数的下一个2的整次幂数 /// private static Number PowerFill(Number nm, int maxLeng) ...{ int p = 1; while (p < maxLeng) ...{ p *= 2; } Number re = new Number(); re.IsNegative = nm.IsNegative; re.val = Fill(nm.val, p); return re; } /**//// /// 计算两数相乘 /// /// /// /// /// private static Number Multiply(Number x, Number y, int n) ...{ if ((x.Val.Length + y.Val.Length) > Int32.MaxValue) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The length of the result exceeds maxinum value:2147483647}"); if (x == Number.Zero || y == Number.Zero) return Number.Zero; Number a, b, c, d; if (x.Length > part) //x.length = y.length ...{ DevideTo(x, out a, out b); DevideTo(y, out c, out d); Number ac = Multiply(a, c, n / 2); Number bd = Multiply(b, d, n / 2); //Number a_b_d_c = (a - b) * (d - c); //Number n1 = PowTen(ac, n); //Number n2 = PowTen(a_b_d_c + ac + bd, n / 2); //return n1 + n2 + bd; return PowTen(ac, n) + PowTen((a - b) * (d - c) + ac + bd, n / 2) + bd; } else ...{ Number result = new Number(Convert.ToInt32(x.val) * Convert.ToInt32(y.val)); return result; } } /**//// /// 计算一个数的与10的l次幂的积 /// /// 被乘数 /// 10的L次方 /// private static Number PowTen(Number num, int l) ...{ if (num == Number.Zero) return Number.Zero; Number re = new Number(); re.IsNegative = num.IsNegative; re.val = num.val; while (l > 0) ...{ re.val += "0"; l--; } return re; } operator override#region operator override public static Number operator *(Number x, Number y) ...{ if (x == Number.Zero || y == Number.Zero) return Number.Zero; Number a = PowerFill(x, Math.Max(x.Length, y.Length)); Number b = PowerFill(y, Math.Max(x.Length, y.Length)); a.IsNegative = b.IsNegative = false; Number nm = Multiply(a, b, a.Length); nm.IsNegative = x.IsNegative == y.IsPasstive; return nm; } public static bool operator ==(Number a, Number b) ...{ if (a.isNegative != b.isNegative) return false; if (CompareStr(a.Val, b.Val) == 0) return true; return false; } public static bool operator !=(Number a, Number b) ...{ return !(a == b); } public static bool operator >(Number a, Number b) ...{ if (a.isNegative && b.IsPasstive) return false; if (a.IsPasstive && b.isNegative) return true; int cs = CompareStr(Trim(a.val), Trim(b.val)); switch (cs) ...{ case 0: return true; case 1: return !a.isNegative; case -1: return a.isNegative; default: throw new ArgumentException("Inerrorct compareStr value."); } } public static bool operator >=(Number a, Number b) ...{ return (a == b) || (a > b); } public static bool operator <(Number a, Number b) ...{ return !(a > b); } public static bool operator <=(Number a, Number b) ...{ return (a == b) || (a < b); } public static Number operator +(Number a, Number b) ...{ Number re; a = a.Clone(); b = b.Clone(); if (a.IsNegative && b.IsNegative) ...{ a.isNegative = b.isNegative = false; re = Add(a, b); re.isNegative = true; } else if (a.IsPasstive && b.IsPasstive) ...{ re = Add(a, b); } else if (a.IsNegative && b.IsPasstive) ...{ a.IsPasstive = true; re = Sub(b, a); } else// if(a.IsPasstive && b.IsNegative) ...{ b.IsPasstive = true; re = Sub(a, b); } return re; } public static Number operator -(Number a, Number b) ...{ b = b.Clone(); b.isNegative = !b.isNegative; return a + b; } #endregion /**//// /// 把一个数字串,按leng长度用0进行填充 /// /// 被埴数字串 /// 最大长度 /// private static string Fill(string val, int leng) ...{ if (val.Length == leng) return val; else if (val.Length > leng) throw new OverflowException("The length of val can't above leng."); else while (val.Length != leng) val = "0" + val; return val; } /**//// /// 检查字符串是否为合法的数字串 /// /// /// private bool Check(string val) ...{ val = val.Trim(); for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++) ...{ if (!char.IsNumber(val[i])) return false; } return true; } public override string ToString() ...{ if (IsNegative) return "-" + this.Val; return Val; } /**//// /// 删除数字串前多余的0填充 /// /// /// private static string Trim(string valNum) ...{ int i = 0; while (i < valNum.Length && (char.GetNumericValue(valNum, i) == 0)) i++; valNum = valNum.Substring(i); if (valNum.Length == 0 || (valNum.Length == 1 && valNum == "0")) return "0"; return valNum; } /**//// /// 比较两数串表示的数的大小 /// /// /// /// 1 大于,0 相等, -1 小于 private static int CompareStr(string des, string sour) ...{ string a = Trim(des); string b = Trim(sour); if (a.Length == b.Length) ...{ if (a.Length == 0) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) ...{ if (a[i] > b[i]) return 1; else if (a[i] < b[i]) return -1; else continue; } return 0; } if (a.Length > b.Length) return 1; else return -1; } /**//// /// 返回该数的一个副本 /// /// public Number Clone() ...{ return new Number(this.isNegative, this.Val); } public override int GetHashCode() ...{ return base.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) ...{ return base.Equals(obj); } private bool isNegative; private string val; public bool IsPasstive ...{ get ...{ return !this.IsNegative; } set ...{ this.IsNegative = !value; } } public bool IsNegative ...{ get ...{ return isNegative; } set ...{ isNegative = value; } } /**//// /// 该数的数字 /// public string Val ...{ get ...{ return Trim(val); } set ...{ if (Check(value)) val = value; else throw new ArgumentException("Num is not a valid value."); } } /**//// /// 该数的位数 /// public int Length ...{ get ...{ return this.val.Length; } } /**//// /// 数字0的Number实例 /// public static Number Zero ...{ get ...{ return new Number(0); } } }
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