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在希望的田野上在希望的田野上 2012“在希望的田野上”创业设计大赛实施方案 一、大赛主题 “在希望的田野上” --首届大学生新农村创业方案设计大赛 (一)大赛要求: 1.创业设计大赛内容创新、务实 2.创业设计项目具有社会价值和经济价值 3.赛事组织工作认真负责、扎实推进。 (二)大赛目的 专注服务于我院在校学生职业规划和职业发展,旨在提升在校大学生的就业与职业发展能力;引导大学生树立正确的成才观、创业就业观,发现一批有创业意识和创业行动的在校大学生,寻求广泛合作,凝聚创业激情,笃行创业梦想。 (三)主办单位...

在希望的田野上 2012“在希望的田野上”创业设计大赛实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一、大赛主题 “在希望的田野上” --首届大学生新农村创业方案设计大赛 (一)大赛要求: 1.创业设计大赛内容创新、务实 2.创业设计项目具有社会价值和经济价值 3.赛事组织工作认真负责、扎实推进。 (二)大赛目的 专注服务于我院在校学生 职业规划 大学生计算机职业规划未来五年的职业规划职业规划项目经理个人职业规划教师三年职业规划 和职业发展,旨在提升在校大学生的就业与职业发展能力;引导大学生树立正确的成才观、创业就业观,发现一批有创业意识和创业行动的在校大学生,寻求广泛合作,凝聚创业激情,笃行创业梦想。 (三)主办单位 主办:经济与管理系 承办:经济与管理系农政教研室 专家组组长:杨育箐 专家组成员:罗德文、 石林、蔡文春、杜君、魏鼎、彭敏 大赛组委会办公室:4409 日常联系人:石林(;)蔡文春() national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange (四)参赛对象 经济管理系农政专业学生,以个人或团队形式参赛。 (五)奖项设置 创业方案设计大赛奖项: 一等奖1名,加0.5素质学分 二等奖2名,加0.4素质学分 三等奖3名,加0.3素质学分 励志奖2名,加0.2素质学分 所有获奖人员均颁发获奖荣誉证书 二、大赛流程 本次大赛统一部署,分初赛及复赛两个阶段。 (一)宣传报名(2012年5月20日) 组织专题会议、动员宣传 职责部门:经济与管理系 配合部门:各班班委 (二)初赛 1.初赛报名(2012年5月20日-5月28日) 报名表(见后附件1)填写后交各班学习委员,学习委员在5月29 日内交到4409办公室。 2.撰写作品(2012年5月28日-6月6日) 参赛选手选择参赛项目,完成参赛作品的撰写。撰写作品期间,选 手可寻求本系老师辅导作为指导老师。 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 撰写主题:要求立足农村资源、契合市场需求,可选择特产推广、观光旅游、经济作物种植、生态养殖、农产品加工、农村商贸流通、低碳农业等某一主题。创业设计方案要围绕主题对项目的总体构思、经营策略、市场分析、销售渠道、效益分析、投资风险等步骤作具体详尽的阐述。 3.学生提交作品(2012年6月7日-6月8日) 参赛选手在6.8日前将纸质稿和电子稿(保存为WORD2003版,统一复制到U盘)交各班学习委员处,纸质《创业设计方案》作为评选依据, word电子文档作为存档依据。 4、选手辅导 大赛前期建议选手选择一位老师作为指导教师,把自己的想法与指导老师进行交流,以便更好的完成参赛作品草案。完成后可交由指导老师查看及修改,最终完成自己的作品。 5.初选(2012年6月9日) 于6月9-10日内,以参赛选手提交的书面作品为依据,由系部组织评委老师对选手创业策划方案进行书面评定,按得分的高低评选出8名优胜选手入围决赛。 (二)决赛(6月14日,如遇突发事件,顺延) 决赛入围选手,可以进一步修改方案,并制作PPT。决赛按随机抽签的顺序进行,经过团队展示之后,每支创业团队选派一名代表上台展示创业项目并进行答辩。要求以PPT形式和现场生动的解说展示自己的创业设计项目,以充分调查研究的数据论证创业设计项目的可national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 行性、创新性和示范性。最终成绩根据书面方案、PPT展示、讲解答辩三方面综合评定。 三、注意事项 (一)参赛者必须是参赛作品的原创作者,并保证其拥有该作品的合法权。获奖作品如发现有抄袭、盗用、作弊等手段、或不符合规定及违反他人著作权的,即予取消其参赛资格、追回奖励。 (二)所有参赛作品均不得涉及暴力、色情、非法宗教宣传等与国家相关法律、法规相抵触的内容。如遇此类投稿,主、承办方有权自行决定对其采取不予评审或删除等措施。 主办:四川信息职业技术学院 经济与管理系二〇一二年五月二十日 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 附件1: 四川信息职业技术学院 2012“在希望的田野上”创业设计大赛报名表 所在班级 组长姓名 小组成员 参赛题目 组长电话 电子邮箱 创业项目概要描述(200字内) national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 附件2: 四川信息职业技术学院 2012“在希望的田野上”创业方案设计大赛参赛作品规范 一、内容要求 创业作品要求:具有现实意义,可操作性强优先,注意团队意识和风险意识,提倡低成本创业。对自我和外部环境进行全面分析,提出自己的创业目标、可行性分析、发展路径和行动计划、创业项目的市场定位、财务预算、团队管理、资源整合等方面进行必要的阐述。 参赛作品不得违反有关法律、法规以及公认的道德规范,不得侵犯他人知识产权,不得剽窃、抄袭他人作品。 二、作品形式 参赛选手需同时提交《创业设计方案》的书面文档和电子文档。 三、书面作品规格要求 1. 参赛作品使用A4 纸打印装订,黑白、彩色均可,不提倡对参赛作品进行豪华包装。 2. 《创业策划书》必须有扉页,扉页填写参赛者的真实姓名、班级、联系电话、电子邮件地址。 四、电子版作品规格 电子版必须为Microsoft Word2003版 格式(*.doc 文件)。 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange 附件3:创业计划书 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 :本模板仅供参考,切勿照抄~ 第一部分 封面 署上2012“在希望的田野上”创业设计大赛参赛作品、参赛者姓名及学校等字样。 第二部分 扉页 参赛人资料(团队成员姓名列表) 团队负责人姓名:xxx 性别:x 籍贯:xxxxxx 班级及专业:xxxx级xxx专业 联系电话: xxxxxxxxxxx 第三部分 一、目录 二、正 文(总体构思、经营策略、市场分析、销售渠道、效益分析、投资风险) 三、结束语 national civilized city evaluation system 12 assessment items, 90 content evaluation. It is directly related to the urban environment has 7 assessment items, 31 content evaluation, and the comprehensive improvement of the listed eight outstanding issues, roads are hit about city evaluation points factors. In October, the Central Civilization Office future city were comprehensive evaluation, the effective working time only a month. Can be said that the comprehensive improvement of the start is a quick, strong, carry out is solid and effective, decides our new round a city work can achieve reinterpreted, To lay a hard foundation. Two, determined to strengthen measures to resolutely fight to win outstanding comprehensive improvement of the problem of the battle Then the ancients said, "the world will be difficult to easy, world affairs will be in fine, here is the key to a" dry "word. Some of the work is not implemented, not ability, attitude, and plans to improve, if not to implement, can only be a dead letter, Mirror Flower Suigetsu. Step on the accelerator was deafening sound, just don't see the wheels turn, only heard on the stairs, not seen anyone coming down, thunder, rain, only in command, do not go out for a battle, some work in a piece to implement sound lost, these strange
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