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电影台词-《假结婚》The Proposal《假结婚》精 本片段剧情:在美国出版社做执行主编的加拿大人玛格丽特由于没有及时办理相关手续,而被告知将被驱逐回加拿大,并将因此丢掉工作,情急之下,她谎称和助理安德鲁坠入爱河并将结婚,从而暂时挽回局面。安德鲁同意和玛格丽特假结婚,但是有一个条件 影片对白: Boss’s assistant: We, uh, just spoke to your immigration attorney. Margaret: Great. So, we're all good? Everything ...

The Proposal《假结婚》精 本片段剧情:在美国出版社做执行主编的加拿大人玛格丽特由于没有及时办理相关手续,而被告知将被驱逐回加拿大,并将因此丢掉工作,情急之下,她谎称和助理安德鲁坠入爱河并将结婚,从而暂时挽回局面。安德鲁同意和玛格丽特假结婚,但是有一个条件 影片对白: Boss’s assistant: We, uh, just spoke to your immigration attorney. Margaret: Great. So, we're all good? Everything good? Boss: Margaret, your visa application has been denied. And you are being deported. Margaret: Deported? Boss: And apparently there was also some paperwork that you didn't fill out in time. Margaret: Come on. Come on! It's not like I'm even an immigrant! I'm from Canada, for Christ's sake. There's gotta be... there's gotta be something we can do. Boss’s assistant: We can reapply, but unfortunately you have to leave the country for at least a year. Margaret: OK. OK, well, that's not ideal, but, uh...I can, uh... I can manage everything from Toronto... Boss: No, Margaret. Margaret: with videoconferencing and Internet. Boss’s assistant: Unfortunately, Margaret, if you're deported, you can't work for an American company. Boss: Until this is resolved I'm going to turn operations over to Bob Spaulding. Margaret: Bob Spaulding? The guy I just fired? Boss: We need an editor in chief. He is the only person in the building who has enough experience. Margaret: You cannot be serious. I beg of you. Boss: Margaret. We are desperate to have you stay. If there was any way, any way at all that we could make this thing work, we'd be doing it. Margaret: There is no way...I am begging you. Boss: No, Margaret. (Knocking) (To Andrew) Excuse me, we're in a meeting. Andrew: Sorry to interrupt. Margaret: What? What! Andrew: Mary from Miss Winfrey's office called. She's on the line. Margaret: I know. Andrew: She's on hold. She needs to speak with you right away. I told her you were otherwise engaged. She insisted, so... sorry. So... Margaret: Uh...Come here. Uh... gentlemen, I understand. I understand...the predicament that we are in. And, um...And there's, uh...well...I think there's something that you should know. Uh... we're, uh... we're getting married. We are getting married. Andrew: Who is getting married? Margaret: You and I. You and I are getting married! Yes. Andrew: We are. Margaret: Getting married. Andrew: We are getting married. Margaret: Yes. Boss’s assistant: Isn't he your secretary? Andrew: Assistant. Margaret: Executive, uh... assistant secretary. Titles. But, wouldn't be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries. Would it, Edwin? With Laquisha. Remember? So, yeah... the truth is, you know, Andrew and I, we're... we are just two people who weren't meant to fall in love but we did. Andrew: No. Margaret: All those late nights at the office and weekend book fairs. You know… Andrew: Yeah... No. Margaret: Something happened. Andrew: Something. Margaret: Yeah. Tried to fight it and...Can't, can't fight a...Can't fight a love like ours, so, uh...Uh... are we good with this? Are you happy? Because, well... we are happy. So happy. Boss: Margaret. Margaret: Yes? Boss: It's terrific. Just make it legal. Mmm? Margaret: Oh! Legal. Yeah, well, then... then that means we...we need to get ourselves to the immigration office. So we can work this whole mess out. Right? Thank you very much, gentlemen. We will do that right away. Thank you very much, gentlemen. Thank you. Andrew: Gentlemen. Margaret: Thank you. Colleagues: Margaret and Andrew are getting married! What is that about? Dragon Lady! Here they come... Yeah. What is he thinking? Mmm-mmm-mmm. Dude, for real. Her? Married? Didn't even know they were dating... Margaret: What? Andrew: I don't understand what's happening. Margaret: Relax. This is for you, too. Andrew: Do explain. Margaret: They were going to make Bob chief. Andrew: So naturally I would have to marry you. Margaret: And what's the problem? Like you were saving yourself for someone special? Andrew: I like to think so. Besides, it's illegal. Margaret: They're looking for terrorists, not for book publishers. Andrew: Margaret. Margaret: Yes? Andrew: I'm not gonna marry you. Margaret: Sure you are. Because if you don't marry me, your dreams of touching the lives of millions with the written word are dead. Bob is gonna fire you the second I'm gone. Guaranteed. That means you're out on the street alone looking for a job. That means all the time that we spent together, all the lattes, all the canceled dates, all the midnight Tampax runs, were all for nothing and all your dreams of being an editor are gone. But don't worry, after the required allotment of time, we'll get a quickie divorce and you'll be done with me. But until then, like it or not, your wagon is hitched to mine. OK? Phone. 妙语佳句活学活用 1. deport: 驱逐出境。看一下例子:Even if they didn't put her in jail, they would deport her.(即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。) Deport如果和oneself连用,意思是“持……举止”,例如:She deports herself like a lady.(她的举止像淑女。) 2. videoconferencing: 可视会议,视频会议 3. turn ... over to sb.: 把……移交给某人。例如:He turned the business over to his two children. (他把生意交给了他的两个孩子经营。) 4. on hold: 等着通电话。例如:Put him on hold.(让他等一下。) On hold也有“暂缓,推迟,搁置”的意思。例如:We’ve put the project on hold for a month. (我们已把这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 暂时搁置一个月。) 5. predicament: 尴尬的处境,困境。请看例子:She was in a predicament when she missed the last train home.(当她错过最后一班回家的火车时,陷入了困境。) 6. fall for sb.: 爱上某人。例如:She fell for him in a big way.(她完全迷上了他。) 7. dragon lady: 凶悍的女人。显然同事们口中说的凶女人就是Margaret。 8. guaranteed: 必定的,肯定的。例如:It's guaranteed to rain.(肯定是要下雨的。) 9. all for nothing: 徒劳。 10. allotment: 份额。请看例子:Your allotment was three hundred dollars.(你名下分到三百元。) 11. quickie: 匆匆的。quickie也可以作名词用,意思是“仓促所做的事”。 12. done with sb./sth.: 了结,完成。影片中Margaret指一旦危机度过,她就会迅速和Andrew 离婚,两人间的这段关系就可以了结。例如:He is done with politics—he’s moving to the country to become a farmer.(他再也不愿过问政治了——他正把家迁往乡间,到那儿去当农夫。)又如:Have you done with the newspaper?(你看完报纸了吗?) 13. your wagon is hitched to mine: 我们是同坐一条船的人。 Mr. Gilbertson: So, I have one question for you. Are you both committing fraud to avoid her deportation so she can keep her position as editor in chief at Colden Books? Andrew: That's ridiculous. Margaret: Where did you hear that? Mr. Gilbertson: We had a phone tip this afternoon from a man named... Margaret: Would it be Bob Spaulding? Mr. Gilbertson: Bob Spaulding. Margaret: Bob. Poor Bob. I am so sorry. Bob is nothing but a disgruntled former employee. And I apologize. But we know you're incredibly busy with a room full of gardeners and delivery boys to tend to. If you just give us our next step, we will be out of your hair and on our way. Mr. Gilbertson: Miss Tate, please. Let me explain to you the process that's about to unfold. Step one will be a scheduled interview. I'll put you each in a room, and I'll ask you every little question that a real couple would know about each other. Step two, I dig deeper. I look at your phone records, I talk to your neighbors, I interview your coworkers. If your answers don't match up at every point, you will be deported indefinitely. And you, young man, will have committed a felony...punishable by a fine of $250,000 and a stay of five years in federal prison. Mr. Gilbertson: So, Andrew. You wanna... you want to talk to me? No? Yes? Andrew: The truth is...Mr. Gilbertson, the truth is...Margaret and I...are just two people who weren't supposed to fall in love. But did. We couldn't tell anyone we work with because of my big promotion that I had coming up. Mr. Gilbertson: Promotion? Andrew: Yeah. Margaret: Your? Andrew: We... we both felt, uh...That it would be deeply inappropriate if I were to be promoted to editor. Margaret: Editor. Mmm-hmm... Andrew: While we were... Mr. Gilbertson: So...Have the two of you told your parents about your secret loves? Margaret: Oh, I... impossible. My parents are dead. No brothers or sisters either. Andrew: Gone. Mr. Gilbertson: Are your parents dead? Margaret: Oh, no, his are very much alive. Andrew: No... very much. Margaret: Very much. They're, ah... well, we were gonna tell them this weekend. Gammy's 90th birthday, and the whole family's coming together. And we thought it'd be a nice surprise. Mr. Gilbertson: And where is this surprise gonna take place? Margaret: At Andrew's parents' house. Mr. Gilbertson: Where is that located again? Margaret: Um... why am I doing all the talking? It's your parents' house. Why don't you tell him where it is. Jump in. Andrew: Sitka. Margaret: Sitka. Andrew: Alaska. Margaret: Alaska? Mr. Gilbertson: You're gonna go to Alaska this weekend? Andrew: Yeah. Margaret: Yes, yes. We are going to Alaska. Alaska, that's where...That's where my little... that's where my Andrew's from. Mr. Gilbertson: OK. Fine. I see how this is gonna go. I will see you both at 11:00 Monday morning for your scheduled interview, and your answers better match up on every account. Andrew: Thank you. Margaret: (Answering the phone) Hello? Mr. Gilbertson: I have to say, I'm looking forward to this one. Andrew: We're looking forward to this one. Margaret: Thank you. Mr. Gilbertson: Gonna be fun. I'll be checking up on you. Andrew: You got it. Margaret: OK...so, what's gonna happen is we will go up there. We will pretend like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, tell your parents we're engaged. Uh, use the miles for the tickets. I guess I will pop for you to fly first class. But make sure you use the miles. If we don't get the miles, we're not doing it. Oh, and please confirm the vegan meal, OK? 'Cause last time they actually gave it to a vegan, and they, uh... forced me to eat this clammy, warm, creamy salad thing, which was...Hey, I'm... why aren't you taking notes? Andrew: I'm sorry, were you not in that room? Margaret: What? What? Oh! The thing you said about being promoted? Genius! Genius. He completely fell for it. Andrew: I was serious. I'm looking at a $250,000 fine and five years in jail. That changes things. Margaret: Promote you to editor? No, no way. Andrew: Then I quit, and you're screwed. Bye-bye, Margaret. Margaret: Andrew! Andrew: It really has been a little slice of heaven. Margaret: Andrew, Andrew! Fine, fine. I'll make you editor. Fine. If you do the Alaska weekend and the immigration interview, I will make you editor. Happy? Andrew: And not in two years. Right away. Margaret: Fine. Andrew: And you'll publish my manuscript. Margaret: Ten thousand copy first... Andrew: Twenty thousand copies, first run. And we'll tell my family about our engagement when I want and how I want. Now, ask me nicely. Margaret: "Ask you nicely" what? Andrew: Ask me nicely to marry you, Margaret. Margaret: What does that mean? Andrew: You heard me. On your knee. Margaret: Fine. Does this work for you? Andrew: Oh, I like this. Yeah. Margaret: Will you marry me? Andrew: No. Say it like you mean it. Margaret: Andrew? Andrew: Yes, Margaret? Margaret: Sweet Andrew? Andrew: I'm listening. Margaret: Would you please, with cherries on top, marry me? Andrew: OK. I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I'll do it. See you at the airport tomorrow. Margaret: Good. 妙语佳句活学活用 1. tip: 有用的意见,劝告,告诫。影片中Bob打电话给移民局通风报信。请看例子:Take my tip and keep well away from that place.(听我的劝告,离那个地方远远的。) 2. disgruntled: (尤指因未能如愿而)不满的,不高兴的。 3. tend to sth.: 照料,料理。例如:The nurse tended to the soldier’s wounds.(护士护理那个士兵的伤口。) 4. out of one’s hair: 不再烦某人。相反的习语是get in someone’s hair,意思是“(因不断烦扰而)惹恼某人”。例如:I find the children get in my hair during the school holidays.(在学校放假的日子里,我被孩子们折腾得烦恼不堪。) 5. match up: (使)相配。例如:These colors match up very nicely.(这些颜色配得很好。)当match up后跟介词to时,意思则是“比得上”或“与(期待的事)一样好”。例如:It wasn’t a bad holiday, but the weather didn’t match up to our hopes.(假期过得不错,可是天气不如我们希望的那样好。) 6. coming up: 要发生的。Come up有“(尤指意想不到地)发生”的意思。看一下例子:I’ll be late home—something’s just come up at work.(我回家要晚一些,因为工作上刚才出了点儿事。) 7. vegan: 严守素食主义的;绝对素食者。影片中Margaret指她上次坐飞机时,负责准备食物的是一个绝对素食主义者,做的沙拉让她难以下咽。 8. clammy: 黏糊糊的。clammy也可以用来形容天气,意思是“湿冷的”。Clammy hands指 “湿冷的双手”。 9. fall for: 上……的当。例如:Many people fell for his tricks.(许多人上了他的当。) 10. you’re screwed: 你完蛋了。 Andrew’s ex-girlfriend: So did I miss the story? Margaret: What story? Andrew: What story? Andrew’s ex-girlfriend: About how you proposed. Gammie: Oh! How a man proposes says a lot about his character. Andrew’s ex-girlfriend: Yes. Andrew: Yes, it does. Andrew's mother: I actually would love to hear the story, Andrew. Would you tell us? Friends: Yeah. Yeah. Andrew: You know what? Actually, Margaret loves telling this story, so I'm just gonna let her go ahead and do that. Cause I think we should just sit in rapture. Margaret: Huh! Wow, OK. Wow, where to begin... this story. Well... um, wow. Mmm... yeah. OK, well, um, Andrew and I...Andrew and I were about to celebrate our first anniversary together. And I knew that he'd been itching to ask me to marry him. And he was scared. Like a little tiny bird. So I started leaving him little hints here and there...because I knew he wouldn't have the guts to ask, but... Andrew: that's not exactly how it happened. Margaret: No? Hmm. Andrew: No. No. I mean, I picked up on all her little hints. This woman's about as subtle as a gun. Yeah. What I was worried about was that she might find this little box... Margaret: Oh! The decoupage box that he made where he'd taken the time to cut out tiny, little pictures of himself. Yes. Just pasted all over the box. Oh! So beautiful. So I opened that beautiful, little decoupage and out fluttered these tiny, little hand-cut heart confettis. And once they cleared, I looked down, and I saw...the most beautiful, big... Andrew: ...fat nothing. No ring. Gammie: No ring? Andrew's mother: What? Andrew: No. But inside that box...underneath all that crap...there was a little handwritten note...with the address to a hotel, date, and time. Real Humphrey Bogart-type stuff. Friends: Yeah. Andrew: Masculine. Anyway, naturally, Margaret thought... Margaret: I thought he was seeing someone else. It was a terrible time for me, but I went to that hotel anyway. I went there and I pounded on the door, but the door was already unlocked. And as I swung open that door, there he was... Andrew: Standing. Margaret: Kneeling. Andrew: Like a man. Margaret: On a bed of rose petals, in a tuxedo. Your son. Your son. And he was choking back soft, soft sobs. And when he held back the tears and finally caught his breath, he said to me... Andrew: "Margaret, will you marry me?" And she said, "Yep." The end. Who's hungry? Andrew's mother: That is quite a story. Andrew: Gorgeous. Gammie: Oh, Andy! You are so sensitive. Andrew's mother: Hand-cut confetti? Friends: Hey! Let's see a kiss from you two cuties. Give her a kiss! Andrew: No. Come on. Andrew's mother: Oh, yeah. Friends: Come on! Andrew: All right. OK. Here we go. Ready? Friends: What is this? Kiss her on the mouth like you mean it. Kiss her. Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Andrew: OK! OK. All right. OK. Here we go. Mmm-hmm. Oh! Gammie: Andy! Give her a real kiss! Margaret: Gammy. Friends: A real one! Yeah. You can do it! Margaret: Why don't we just do it? Let's just do it really fast. Mmmm. Mmm. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. Andrew: OK. Mmm. Margaret: Hmm. Gammie: I'm so happy for you two! So happy! So happy! Friends: Let's get the champagne! 1. rapture: 着迷,痴迷。看一下例子:She listened with rapture to the sweet music.(她着迷地听着那美妙的音乐。) 2. itch to do sth.: 渴望做某事。请看例子:The boys were itching to let off their fireworks.(男孩子们急着想放烟火。) 3. guts: 勇气,决心。例如:We all agreed that boss was making a terrible mistake, but no one had the guts to tell him.(我们全都认为老板在犯严重错误,但没有人有胆量去告诉他。) 4. decoupage: 剪纸装饰。 5. confetti: 五彩碎纸。 6. pound: (连续)猛击;(猛烈)敲打。例如:Tom pounded the table angrily.(汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。) 7. catch one’s breath: 缓口气,歇口气。例如:Let me sit down for a moment while I catch my breath.(让我坐下来喘口气吧。) 经典电影求婚对白 1.爱情故事Love Story Jenny: I mean you should keep at it. Oliver: Who said I won't? Jenny: I'm going to study with Nadia Boulanger. Oliver: Who? Jenny: Next year. I have a scholarship in Paris. Oliver: Paris? Jenny: Yeah, I've never been to Europe. I can hardly wait. Oliver: How long have you known? Jenny: Come on, Oliver. It's stupid. Would you please. It's inevitable. Oliver: What is? Jenny: That we'll graduate, we'll separate. You'll go to Law School. Oliver: What are you talking about? Jenny: You're a millionaire, I'm a social zero. Oliver: What do you mean? We're together, we're happy. Jenny: Harvard is like a bag full of toys, but when the holiday is over, you have to go back where you belong. Oliver: Back to bake cookies? Jenny: Pastries. Don't make fun of my father. Oliver: Then don't leave me, Jenny! Please. Jenny: What about my scholarship and Paris, which I've never seen in my whole god damn life? Oliver: What about our marriage? Jenny: Who said anything about marriage? Oliver: I'm saying it, now. Jenny: You want to marry me? Oliver: Yeah. Jenny: Why? Oliver: Because... Jenny: That's a good reason. 2. 四个婚礼一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral Carrie: Hello. Charles: Hi! You're soaking. Come in. Carrie: No, no. I'm fine. Comes a point you can't get wetter. Charles: Okay, I'll come out. Carrie: No, please don't. I just wanted to check you're okay. Not busy killing yourself or anything, but...But you're fine, so...I shouldn't have come to the church this morning. I'm sorry. Charles: No! No! Wait. It was all my fault. I mean, I'm the bastard here. And it definitely sorted out one thing, which is, marriage and me...we're very clearly not meant for one another. Sorted out another big thing as well. There I was, standing there in the church...and for the first time in my whole life I realized I...totally and utterly loved one person. And it wasn't the person standing next to me in the veil, it's...the person standing opposite me now...in the rain. Carrie: Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed. Charles: The truth of it is...I've loved you from the first second I met you. You're not suddenly going away again, are you? Carrie: No. I might drown, but otherwise, no. Charles: Okay, okay. We'll go in. But first, let me ask you one thing. Do you think...after we've dried off...after we've spent lots more time together...you might agree...not to marry me? And do you think...not being married to me might be something you could consider...doing for the rest of your life? Do you? Carrie: I do. 3. 音乐之声Sound Of Music Captain: Well, uh...Nothing was the same when you were away and...it'll be all wrong again after you leave. And I just thought perhaps you might, uh...change your mind? Maria: I'm sure the baroness will be able to make things fine for you. Captain: Maria, there isn't going to be any baroness. Maria: There isn't? Captain: No. Maria: I don't understand. Captain: Well, we've, um, called off our engagement, you see, and... Maria: Oh, I'm sorry. Captain: Yes. You are? Maria: Mm-hmm. You did? Captain: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're...in love with someone else. Can you? Maria: The Reverend Mother always says, "When The Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window." Captain: What else does the Reverend Mother say? Maria: That you have to look for your life. Captain: Is that why you came back? And have you found it...Maria? Maria: I think I have. I know I have. Captain: I love you. Maria. Is there anyone I should go to, to ask permission to marry you? Maria: Well, why don't we ask-- Captain: The children? 3. 音乐之声Sound Of Music Captain: Well, uh...Nothing was the same when you were away and...it'll be all wrong again after you leave. And I just thought perhaps you might, uh...change your mind? Maria: I'm sure the baroness will be able to make things fine for you. Captain: Maria, there isn't going to be any baroness. Maria: There isn't? Captain: No. Maria: I don't understand. Captain: Well, we've, um, called off our engagement, you see, and... Maria: Oh, I'm sorry. Captain: Yes. You are? Maria: Mm-hmm. You did? Captain: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're...in love with someone else. Can you? Maria: The Reverend Mother always says, "When The Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window." Captain: What else does the Reverend Mother say? Maria: That you have to look for your life. Captain: Is that why you came back? And have you found it...Maria? Maria: I think I have. I know I have. Captain: I love you. Maria. Is there anyone I should go to, to ask permission to marry you? Maria: Well, why don't we ask-- Captain: The children? 5.阿甘正传Forrest Gump Forrest: Will you marry me? I'd make a good husband, Jenny. Jenny: You would, Forrest. Forrest: But you won't marry me. You don't want to marry me. Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. 考考你 1. 我盼着他们快点儿离开,好让我打开礼物。 2. 要做那样的事情需要很大的勇气。 3. 快跑过后让我喘一口气。 4. 要证明他自己的观点是正确的,难道就非得擂桌子不可吗? The Proposal《假结婚》精讲之二参考答案 1. The manual is full of useful tips. 2. The children kept getting in my hair. 3. No one can match up to Tom in vigor. 4. I'll let him know if anything comes up. 精彩对白:"Margaret, will you marry me?" And she said, "Yep." The end. Who's hungry? 文化面面观:千奇百怪的各国婚礼 考考你:小试牛刀 本片段剧情:安德鲁的父母在清晨突然造访,搞得玛格丽特和安德鲁这对假情侣有些措手不及。安德鲁的父母和奶奶都希望他俩明天在这里结婚,虽然不愿意,但是看在年迈的奶奶的份上,两人只好被迫同意了…… 影片对白: Andrew's mother: Room service. Breakfast for the happy couple. Margaret: Andrew! Andrew! Andr...Your mother's at the door. Get up! Get up here! Your mother's... Andrew: Oh, God. Margaret: Just a second! Not the baby blanket. Andrew: OK, all right. Margaret: Not the baby blanket. Get it off, get it off, get it off. OK, all right. Andrew: Wait a second. Hold on. Margaret: What? What? Andrew: Are you wearing makeup? Margaret: What? No. Of course not. Andrew: OK, what do we do? Margaret: Just spoon me, spoon me... Andrew: All right. Margaret: Oh, my God! What is that? Andrew: I'm sorry. It's morning. Margaret: What do you mean, "It's morning"? Andrew's mother: Are you OK? Andrew: Yep! Coming. One second. Yep. Come on in. Everything's fine. Margaret: Disgusting. Ow, you're on my hair. OK, just...Oh, wow. Andrew: Ooh, smells good. Cinnamon rolls. Margaret: Oh, you shouldn't have gone to that trouble. Andrew's mother: Oh, you're family now. It's no trouble. Andrew's father: Hey, you have room for one more? Andrew: Wow. Could we not do the Brady family meeting right now? We just got up...Yeah. if you don't mind. Andrew's father: Your mother and I have come up with a proposition...and I happen to think it's a terrific idea... Andrew's mother: We want you to get married here tomorrow. Andrew's father: Tomorrow. Margaret: What? What? What? Andrew: Mmm-mmm. No. Andrew's mother: Well, you're gonna get married anyway, so why don't you get married here...where we can be all together, and that way Grandma Annie can be a part of it. Margaret: Oh. Oh, we're... Andrew: No. Margaret: No. No, it's Gammy's big birthday tomorrow night. Andrew: Big day for her. Margaret: We don't want to ruin it. That's you know... Gammy: I've had 89 birthday parties. I don't need another one. Margaret: Oh, Gammy. Gammy: It would be a dream come true for me to see my one grandchild's wedding. A dream come true! Andrew: Mmmm. Gammy: So you'll do it? Andrew: Mmm-mmm. Gammy: Before I'm dead? Margaret: OK. OK. Andrew: OK. Andrew's mother: OK, we will do everything. And you can get married like we did, in the barn. It's a Paxton family tradition. Margaret: Oh, wow! Andrew: Yup. Margaret: Wow! Uh! I've always wanted to get married in a... in a barn. Andrew: I have. Gammy: It's a sign. A sign from the universe that you're meant to be together. Oh, we must give thanks, I tell you. Come, come. We must give thanks. Andrew's mother: OK, I know I should leave you alone now. But we're just so excited! I know you're excited, too. Margaret: It's the craziest. Andrew's mother: Really excited. Andrew: Yeah! Go. Go. Go. Oh, my God. When my mom finds out that this whole thing is a sham she's gonna... she's gonna be crushed, and my grandmother's gonna die. Margaret: Your mom's not going to find out. Andrew: I... my father. What the hell's with that? The whole wedding thing? Where did that come from? Margaret: She probably got him worked up into it. It's fine. She's not gonna find out. They're not going to find out. Andrew: Oh, God. Margaret! Margaret: Andrew, they're not gonna find out, OK? Just relax. It's gonna be OK. It's not like we're gonna be married forever. We'll be happily divorced before you know it. It will be fine. It will be fine. You OK? Andrew: Yeah. Margaret: Get us some coffee. Andrew: Yeah. Margaret: So, would you like a cinnamon soy latte? Andrew: A-ha. You're right, you know...Get a quickie divorce, we'll be fine. Margaret: Absolutely. Andrew: It's gonna be fine. Margaret: Everything is going to be great, but this little missus better learn how to cook...so she can take care of her husband. Keep my man happy. I don't want him leaving me for another woman. Andrew: Come on...haven't left you yet, Margaret. I got it. Let go. You all right? Margaret: Yeah, um...You know what? I'm gonna go. Andrew: Where? Margaret: I just kinda feel like going outside. Andrew: All right. That's the bathroom. Margaret: Oh, yeah. I know. I'm just, uh...I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and then I'm gonna go out, outside. Andrew: All right. All right. 妙语佳句活学活用 1. spoon: (床上姿势)身体成钥形,双方均侧身,其中一方用胸部和腹部贴紧另一方的背部。spoon也可指做亲吻、爱抚等亲密动作。 2. go to much/a lot of trouble to do sth.: 劳心费力做某事。影片中Margaret是在说客气话,意思是“太麻烦你了”。看一下例子:He must have gone to a lot of trouble to get this.(他一定是费了很大劲儿才拿到这个。) 3. come up with: 想出。例如:He could not come up with a proper answer.(他想不出一个合适的回答。) 4. sham: 骗局。Their independence was a sham. (他们的独立是一个骗局。)sham还可以表示“虚伪,假装”,例如:I’m a blunt straightforward man; I hate sham.(我是个耿直坦率的人,我讨厌虚伪。) 5. crushed: 被压垮,崩溃。看一下例子:She was crushed when she heard the news.(她听到这个消息后崩溃了。) 6. work sb. up: 鼓动,激发,使激动。He had worked himself up into a terrible state about the coming exam.(面对即将举行的考试,他把自己弄得紧张极了。) Work sth. up / work up sth.则有“逐步发展,逐步建立,逐步完成”的意思。请看例子: I have worked up quite a thirst playing tennis.(我对打网球渐渐上了瘾)。 I’m hoping to work up these notes into a book.(我希望把这些笔记整理成书。) 为了祭祀的印度婚礼 在印度教徒看来,结婚的首要目的是完成种种宗教 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx ,其中祭祀最为重要;但是,男子必须结婚生儿子才有资格向祖宗供奉祭品。因此,在结婚仪式上,夫妇双方为此念咒、祈祷、发誓,并且丈夫向妻子明确说道:我为了得到儿子才同你结婚。祭司等人也为此而祝愿他们。 秘密进行的丹麦婚礼 筹办婚姻会好几天,都是秘密进行的,因为公开筹办会触怒鬼怪或引起他们的嫉妒。在婚庆快要结束的时候,人们把一大坛啤酒抬到院子里。新郎新娘的手握在酒坛上方,然后酒坛被打得粉碎。在场的适婚女子会把碎片捡起来,捡到最大的碎片的女子注定会第一个结婚,而捡到最小的注定会终生不嫁。 砸碗盆图吉利的德国婚礼 应邀前来参加婚礼的客人们,每人都带着几样破碗、破碟、破盘、破瓶之类的物品。然后玩命地猛砸猛摔一通,他们认为这样可以帮助新婚夫妇除去昔日的烦恼、迎来甜蜜的开端,在漫长的生活道路上,夫妻俩能够始终保持火热的爱情、终身形影相伴、白头偕老。 叫苦不迭的俄罗斯婚礼 婚宴上会有人大喊“苦啊!苦啊!”每当有人带头喊时,在场的所有人便会齐声附和,这时新人便会站起来,当众深情地一吻。没过几分钟,又会有人大声叫“苦”,新郎新娘便又站起来,再次用甜蜜的吻来平息亲友们的叫“苦”声……这样的“程序”在婚宴上至少要重复十几次亲友们才会罢休。原来,按照俄罗斯人的说法,酒是苦的,不好喝,应该用新人的吻把它变甜。 简单的法国婚礼 结婚前先订婚,仪式简单,一般由女方的家长宴请男方的家长及兄弟姐妹,也可同时邀请其他亲戚、甚至一两名好友出席。婚礼也已逐渐简化,但仍不失为最隆重的家庭节日。婚礼由市长或他的一名副手主持,习惯上是在周二、四、五、六早9时至下午5时之间。婚后大宴宾客。 新旧结合的芬兰婚礼 现代芬兰人举行婚礼不但要创新、有特色,而且更要反映他们的传统风俗,像抛撒大米,切婚礼蛋糕。现代婚礼可谓是古典与浪漫的结合。豪华婚礼轿车上装饰着叮当作响的锡罐,新郎要抱着新娘跨过门坎。 静悄悄的印第安婚礼 加拿大印第安人的婚礼带有浓厚的民族色彩。婚礼地点多选择在印第安人聚居区公共建筑物里举行,一般是一幢较大的木头房屋。举行婚礼时,亲朋好友,左邻右舍,村中居民纷纷来到木房里,众人席地而坐,互致问候。虽然印第安人性情开朗,但婚礼场合却显得非常安静,即使说话也是轻言细语。 恪守传统的菲律宾婚礼 通常在婚礼上,新娘要身穿传统的白色婚纱,而新郎则身着菲律宾传统男式礼服。这种礼服是一种透明的系扣男式衬衣,通常用来参加一些特殊聚会或重大场合。婚礼的主办人将会参加婚礼,见证新人结拜为夫妻。(Source: ) 考考你 1. 他想出一个推广产品的好方法。 2. 他的愤怒只是假装的。 3. 哈利被失败压垮了。 4. 那个政客煽起了人群的情绪,弄得他们又是喊叫又是喝彩。 The Proposal《假结婚》精讲之三参考答案 1. I'm itching for them to leave so I can open my presents. 2. It takes a lot of guts to do something like that. 3. Let me catch my breath after running so fast. 4. Must he pound on the table to make his point? 精彩对白:Andrew, they're not gonna find out, OK? Just relax. It's gonna be OK. It's not like we're gonna be married forever. We'll be happily divorced before you know it. It will be fine. It will be fine. You OK? Andrew's mother: Oh, there they are. There they are. Margaret! Gammy: Woo! Andrew's mother: We need Margaret. Gammy: Afraid we're going to have to steal you away, young lady. Margaret: Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm just gonna keep... Gammy: No, not to worry. No strippers, no chanting in the woods. Promise. Margaret: Oh, well... Andrew's mother: Yeah. Come on. But not you. It's girl stuff. You'd hate it. Margaret: But... Gammy: Come on. Margaret: Um, OK. Will I, uh...are these shoes OK for what we're gonna do? Gammy: I can't believe this is happening. My mother made this dress by hand. In this very shop. In 1929. It's funny how things come back in style. Margaret: Just...just finishing up the buttons. Andrew's mother: Yeah, and don't worry about the fit because Annie is the best tailor in southeast Alaska. Gammy: Oh... Pssh. Margaret: Wow, incredible. Maybea tad loose in certain areas, but otherwise... Gammy: Oh, sorry. I'm a bitchesty to begin with and I happened to be knocked up when I wore this. Oh, let's see if we can find your boobs. They're in there somewhere. Andrew's mother: Yes. Yes, they are. Gammy: This is like an Easter egg hunt. Margaret: Maybe they shrunk up in the cold Alaskan air. Gammy: Oh! There they are. Margaret: That...yes. That would be... Gammy: There, let's see. Andrew's mother: I was thinking, if you'd like, maybe we could head down your way for the holidays this year. Margaret: Oh, that would, uh... that would be nice. That'd be nice. Or maybe we could come to you, too. Andrew's mother: Well, that would be lovely. Margaret: Mmm-hmm. Andrew's mother: I would like that very much. Gammy: Oh, Grace, for God's sake. We've got work to do. Andrew's mother: I know. I'm sorry. Gammy: Go make yourself a cup of tea. I'll finish this. Go. Now, let's make this absolute perfection. Now, just one special touch and you're ready. It's been in the family for more than 150 years. Margaret: Annie, it's beautiful, but I don't really think... Gammy: Shh. I'm not finished. Margaret: Oh, sorry. Gammy: My great-grandfather gave it to my great-grandmother when they got married. They were quite a scandal, you know. He was Russian and she was Tlingit, and back then you had to get approval from every member of the tribe before you got married. Almost broke them up. Margaret: Well...how did they stay together then? Gammy: She was a lot like you. Tough. Wouldn't take "no" for an answer. She was good for him. I want you to have it. Margaret: I can't. Can't take this. Gammy: I don't want to hear it. Grandmothers love to give their stuff to their grandchildren. It makes us feel like we'll still be part of your lives even after we're gone. Take it. Are... are you all right, dear? Margaret: I, uh...Uh... Well, I, um...I, uh... I just, uh, I just wanted to...make sure there was enough time to get all the sewing done. Gammy: Don't you worry about that. You're gonna be beautiful. Margaret: OK. Gammy: Now let's get you out of those pins. Margaret: OK. ************** Andrew: All right. This is untied. Hop on in. Hey, hey, hey. Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Whoa! What...Mind telling me what the hell's wrong? Margaret: I just needed to get away from everybody. Andrew: What's wrong? Margaret: Nothing! Just stop talking, please! Andrew: Would you mind telling me what's happening now? Margaret. Margaret! Margaret: I forgot, OK? Andrew: You forgot what? Margaret: I forgot what it was like to have a family! I've been on my own since I was 16 and I forgot what it felt like to have people love you and make you breakfast and say, "Hey! We'd love to come down for the holidays." And I say, "Well, why don't we come up and see you instead?" And give you necklaces! And you have all that here, and you have Gertrude, and I'm... I'm just screwing it up! Andrew: You're not screwing it up! I agreed to this! You were there, remember? Margaret: Your family loves you. Do you know that? Andrew: I know that! Margaret: You know that? Andrew: Yes! Margaret: And you're still willing to put them through this? Andrew: They're not gonna find out! Margaret: How do you know they won't find out? Andrew: Because you said so yourself. Margaret: I know, but what if your mother... Andrew: You said so yourself! Margaret: Oh, my God, if your mother found out... Andrew: Whoa! Whoa! Margaret: Oh, my God! What if Gammy finds out? Andrew: The boat is moving! Margaret: If Gammy finds out, she's gonna have a heart attack! Andrew: Stop! It's gonna be fine! Margaret: She's gonna have a heart attack! Andrew: Will you calm down! Hold on! (Margaret falls into water) Whoa, whoa. Whoa! Whoa! I don't think that hijacking a boat is a proper way to express your frustration! Now... Oh, great. Now you decide to shut up! Margaret? Margaret: Andrew! Andrew: Margaret? Margaret: Andrew! Andrew: Margaret! Margaret: I can't swim! Andrew: Margaret! To the buoy! Margaret: What? Andrew: To the buoy! Margaret: OK. Andrew: All right, come on! Give me your hand! Hey! Give me your hand! Margaret! Give me...Come on, give me your hand! Come on, come on. I got you. I got you. I got you. Come on. God! What the hell were you thinking? Could've gotten yourself killed. Margaret: You turned the boat and made me fall in, you jackass. Andrew: You let go of the steering wheel, Ahab. Margaret: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Andrew: All right, come here. You've got to get warm. Come on. Come on. It's OK. That's OK. It's OK. 妙语佳句活学活用 1. finish up: 结束,完成。请看例子:We toured Europe and finished up in Paris.(我们游遍了欧洲,最后一站是巴黎。)finish up后面还可以带动名词,例如:Everything went wrong, and I finished up wishing I’d never tried it.(一切都乱了套,我最后真是希望我没有作过这次尝试。) 2. a tad: 一点儿。 3. chesty: 胸部丰满的。 4. knock sb. up: 使(未婚女子)怀孕。影片中Gammy指的是她未婚先孕,所以是挺着大肚子穿婚纱的。Knock sb. up还有“敲门唤醒某人”的意思。例如:Knock me up at 7:30.(七点半钟敲门叫醒我。) 5. touch: 修饰,润色,点缀。请看例子:I'm just putting the finishing touches to the cake.(我正在给蛋糕作最后修饰。) 6. screw sth. up: 把……搞糟,搞砸。例如:It was such a simple plan; how could you have screwed it up?(这是个很简单的计划,你怎么会把它弄得一团糟呢?) 7. buoy: 浮标。 8. jackass: 蠢人,笨蛋,傻瓜。 Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given to celebrate the Easter holiday or springtime. The egg was a symbol of the rebirth of the earth in Pagan celebrations of spring and was adopted by early Christians as a symbol of the rebirth. The oldest tradition is to use dyed or painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as jelly beans. These eggs are often hidden, allegedly by the Easter Bunny, for children to find on Easter morning. Otherwise, they are generally put in a basket filled with real or artificial straw to resemble a bird's nest. Easter egg traditions Egg hunt is a game during which decorated eggs, real hard-boiled ones or artificial ones filled with, or made of chocolate candies, of various sizes, are hidden for children to find, both indoors and outdoors. When the hunt is over, prizes may be given for the largest number of eggs collected, or for the largest or the smallest egg. Egg rolling is also a traditional Easter egg game played with eggs at Easter. In England, Germany, and other countries children traditionally rolled eggs down hillsides at Easter. Egg dance is a traditional Easter game in which eggs are laid on the ground or floor and the goal is to dance among them without damaging any eggs which originated in Germany. In the UK the dance is called the hop-egg. Margaret: I, uh... have a bit of an announcement to make about the wedding. A confession, actually. Andrew: What are you doing? Margaret: Uh... I'm a Canadian. Yes, Canadian. With an expired visa who was about to be deported. And because I didn't want to leave this wonderful country of yours, I forced Andrew here to marry me. Andrew: Margaret, stop it. Margaret: See, Andrew has always had this extraordinary work ethic. Something I think he learned from you. And for three years I watched him work harder than anyone else at our company. And I knew that if I threatened to destroy his career...he would, he would do just about anything. So I blackmailed him to come up here and to lie to you. All of you. And I thought it would be easy to watch him do it. But it wasn't. Turns out it's not easy to ruin someone's life, once you find out how wonderful they are. You have a beautiful family. Don't let this come between you. This was my fault. Andrew: Margaret... Margaret: Andrew, this was a business deal, and you held up your end, but now the deal is off. I'm sorry. And, you, meet me at the dock. You're giving me a ride to the airport. Andrew's mother: What were you thinking? Andrew: I don't, I don't know. Andrew's mother: Andrew, you lied to us. Andrew: Let me get my head on straight, OK? I'll explain everything later. I'm sorry. (Andrew reading the letter from Margaret): You were right. This book is special. I lied because I knew publishing meant I'd lose you as an assistant. But... you have an extraordinary eye, and I'll make sure we buy this before I leave. Have an amazing life. You deserve it. Margaret. Andrew's ex-grilfriend: Well, that was, uh... crazy. You know, people are gonna be talking about this forever. Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Andrew's ex-grilfriend: Are you OK? Andrew: Yeah. No. Uh...I just feel...You know what the problem is? The problem is that this woman...is a gigantic pain in my ass. First there's the whole leaving thing. I totally understand that. It's a sham wedding. It's kind of stressful. But then she goes ahead and she leaves this note. Because she doesn't have the decency...the humanity to do it to my face. Three years. Three years I work with this... this terrorist. Never once has she had a nice thing to say, and then she goes ahead and she writes this crap! Andrew's ex-grilfriend: Andrew. Andrew. Andrew: But none of that matters because we had a deal! Andrew's ex-grilfriend: Andrew. Andrew: Sorry. I'm sorry. I just...She just makes me a little crazy. Andrew's ex-grilfriend: Yeah. I can see that. So you're just gonna let her go? 妙语佳句活学活用 1. expire: 期满,到期。例如:The car broke down two days after the guarantee had expired.(那辆车在保修期满两天之后坏了。) 2. blackmail: 威迫。看一下例子:He accused his mother of using emotional blackmail to stop him leaving home.(他指责母亲使用感情手段逼他留在家里。) 3. hold up one's end: 做好自己份内的事,尽自己的责任。请看例子:All you need to do is to hold up your end.(你所需要做的一切就是做好自己份内的事。) 4. pain in one's ass: 令某人讨厌的人。相似的用法还有pain in the neck,意思是“讨厌而难避免的家伙/事情/局面”。例如:It's a pain in the neck having to meet them at that airport.(必须到机场去接他们,真是烦人。) 5. to one's face: 当着某人的面。例如:He wouldn't be so rude to her face.(他不会当着她的面显得那样粗鲁。) 复古气息的喜剧 2006年凭借《舞出我人生》的大热获得了业界关注后,导演安妮?弗莱彻的电影之路从此走得一帆风顺,在去年执导轻喜剧《27套礼服》获得不俗的票房成绩之后,安妮?弗莱彻再次出手喜剧题材《假结婚》,这部同样讲述与结婚有关的电影,究竟跟她之前的《27套礼服》有什么不同之处呢?安妮?弗莱彻说:“如果说《27套礼服》是一部以完全的女性为中心的电影,那么《假结婚》则提供了更大的视角,展现的是一对男女面对突然而至的婚礼所面临的各种问题。《27套礼服》这部电影主要是为观众展示一个人想结婚却一直不能结婚的困境,但《假结婚》却是两个不愿意结婚的人非得结婚,所以他们的刻画点并不一样。不过,这两部电影都是以结婚为主线,而且都是喜剧,我觉得我将来有机会的话,再拍一部讲述男人在结婚之前遇到的问题,组成一个‘结婚三部曲’,那么我可以对自己说,没有遗憾了。” 讲述一个中年女强人和初出茅庐的大学毕业生的恋情故事,老少配的《假结婚》引起了不少媒体的兴趣,因为这样的故事在现实中看起来是比较荒唐的,那么电影又是从什么角度去考 虑的呢?安妮?弗莱彻说:“我觉得这是一部有着一些复古气息的电影,看上去它很像上个世纪50、60年代的电影,那时候的故事很有想象力,虽然大家都觉得荒诞,但却很有趣,我觉得整个故事是建立在现实之上的幻想,因为我们想通过这么一个看上去有些不靠谱的故事来揭露现实里很多真正存在的问题。影片大部分时间都在阿拉斯加的一个小镇拍摄,那里靠近海岸线,风景非常之好,很适合做一些比较浪漫的场景。我们特意要营造出跟美国部分的反差,希望观众有种从繁忙的工作里一下子跳到度假胜地的感觉。” 新鲜搭配的主角 提起桑德拉?布洛克,大家最津津乐道的还是她与基努?里维斯合作的《生死时速》,几年前两人再续前缘的《湖边小屋》也让许多影迷感动不已,如今桑德拉?布洛克已经年过40,在《假结婚》里她出演的也正是一位中年上班族,剧中她和30出头的瑞安?雷诺兹有着不少的亲热戏,对于这部电影,桑德拉?布洛克说:“接到剧本的时候我的确是吃了一惊,我想这个角色是否适合我?因为看上去似乎是一个老女人逼着年轻男孩结婚的故事,但后来我得知男主角将是瑞安?雷诺兹出演的时候,心里算是稍微放心了,因为我原来会以为剧组找一个20来岁的年轻人,那样的话差距实在太大了,我想观众会觉得很奇怪。《假结婚》有一个很有趣的故事,描述的是两个生拉硬扯到一块的人逐渐变得亲密的过程,我想这也算是缘分的一种吧,毕竟这样的事,在现实里也时不时会发生的。” 已同斯嘉丽?约翰逊喜结连理的的瑞安?雷诺兹,前不久才在《金刚狼》里出演了大反派“死侍”,《假结婚》里他又重新回到自己最擅长的喜剧电影中。对于同桑德拉?布洛克的对手戏,瑞安?雷诺兹说:“《假结婚》里我扮演的角色是很倒霉的,几乎做什么事都没有称心过,整部电影至少有一半的笑料是源自我身上。我喜欢这样的轻松喜剧,尤其是和桑德拉?布洛克这样的美女一起演出。在电影里我必须表现得像一个什么都不懂的小孩子一样,风头都让桑德拉?布洛克扮演的角色出尽了,私底下,我叫自己的角色为‘蠢男人’。” 在影片里,桑德拉?布洛克扮演的角色来自加拿大,为了签证不得不和来自美国的瑞安?雷诺兹结婚。但现实生活中,桑德拉?布洛克是不折不扣的美国人,相反,瑞安?雷诺兹才是加拿大人。(来源:百度百科) 考考你
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