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高一英语第四单元阅读课教学设计高一英语第四单元阅读课教学设计 Unit 4 : Earthquake 一、三维教学目标(3-Dimentional Teaching Demands) 根据《国家教育部新课程标准》(英语实验稿)关于三维目标的定位及其实现途径和目标具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我把本节阅读课的教学目标定为: (一)课标内容(Curriculum demands) 英语课程标准 教学目标 三维目标领域 理解、内化、运用课本31个生词、12个词组,更好地扫除 语言知识 听读障碍,以及相关句型与语法:定语从句 Kn...

高一英语第四单元阅读课教学设计 Unit 4 : Earthquake 一、三维教学目标(3-Dimentional Teaching Demands) 根据《国家教育部新课程标准》(英语实验稿)关于三维目标的定位及其实现途径和目标具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,我把本节阅读课的教学目标定为: (一)课标内容(Curriculum demands) 英语课程标准 教学目标 三维目标领域 理解、内化、运用课本31个生词、12个词组,更好地扫除 语言知识 听读障碍,以及相关句型与语法:定语从句 Knowledge Cognition 知识与技能领域 语言技能 对《地震》这篇文章进行篇章阅读,积极思考,达到强化语 言意识,积累语言 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 的目的,全面提升综合语言运用能力, Language Competence 学习策略 自主学习策略;有效合作与交际策略;信息处理与探究策略; 过程与 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 领域 资源策略运用 Learning Strategy 情感态度 体会“以人为本”的精神实质,培养团结互助精神,学习唐 山人民勇敢面对灾害,积极进行灾害重建的精神 Emotion &Value 情感、态度与价值观领Cultivation 域 文化意识 了解地震等重大灾害的信息以及相应的 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,提高灾害预防 和自我保护意识 Culture awareness (二)教学要求(Teaching demands) 1、了解有关自然灾害、重大事故等英语新闻报道 2、初步掌握与地震等灾害和事故相关词汇 3、听懂一个关于灾难描述的事件; 基本要求 4、运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆,地震危害及震后援救,具有一定的逻辑性。 5、培养阅读微技能训练:查读,略读,跳读,寻读等功能 6、运用所学语言知识掌握演讲稿的格式及新闻报道的写作 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 和要点。 发展要求 学会运用网络资源搜索有关地震等相关自然灾害的信息,发展合作与交流策略,重 视特定领域探究的能力培养。 二、学情分析,Learner analysis , 1( 新的教材,新的教学方法,呼唤着新的评价体系。那种陈旧的以终结性考试来排队,区分好、中、差学生的方法不能充分反映学生平时的学习效果,检查他们的学习方法是否得当;它同时也给教师平时的工作成打了折扣。对于我们成年人尚不能以一、二次的工作业绩去评判一个人的工作能力,何况对于正在成长、变化之中的学生们呢,在新教材,新教法,新理论深入人心的今天,大家都急切盼望一种新的合理的评价体系能够尽快出台,并对此畅所欲言,各抒己见。大家的设想也给我的想法注入了许多新的内容, 1 使我有一种想去尝试一种新的评价方法的冲动。 2( 开学伊始,我就在任教的高一两个班学生先展开问卷调查,就一个简单的问题,了 解他们对学习英语的态度。这就是:你对英语学习的看法 ?喜欢?不喜欢?不清楚。如 果回答?请继续回答原因 ?内容枯燥,没兴趣?老师教法死板,没新意?成绩不理想, 灰心丧气。 喜欢 不喜欢 不清楚 57% ? ? ? 5% 10% 3% 25% 经过调查之后得出的结论是本次调查问卷发放97份,实际收回97份有效问卷,其 中喜欢英语的人57%,不清楚自己是否喜欢的5%,不喜欢的占38%。其中因为成绩不理想, 丧失学习信心的占有25%的比率。 我校属于浙江省一级重点中学,学生都是由各个地区中学经过中考选拔上来的,虽 然喜欢英语并且有信心学好英语的学生占了57%,但由于英语水平参差不齐,学习压力大, 学习策略与方法不合理,还是有38%的学生不喜欢英语。这个问题值得我们引起高度重视。 由此可见旧的评价体系严重挫伤学生学习的信心和学习兴趣。仍然运用以往的以考试成绩来 刺激学生学习的作法显然只能是适得其反了。 The students in my class are of different levels so I should adapt the lesson to each of them and try to solve different kinds of problems which may appear in the lesson. There are 73 students in my class, which is large .So I often use some activities in the class to finish some tasks such as individual, pair or group work to let each of them have more chances to practise English and involve actively in the lesson, thus to make some improvement . 三、教学重点和难点:(Teaching difficult and important points) ?重点: 1让学生掌握本篇文章当中的单词,词组以及重要表达 Master the new words ,phrases and useful expressions in the text . 2.训练学生掌握理解文章细节的阅读能力 Train the students’ reading ability to understand the content of text in detail 3.帮助学生在体验中学会与人合作的能力 Train the students’ability to cooperate with others. ?难点: 1.重要动词, 如:shake , burst,rise ,destroy,shock ,fresh,injure 2.重要词组,如 right away ,at an end , lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp,instead of, think little of sth. 3.重要句型 ?It seemed/seems that…… ?The number of sb./sth reached/reaches…… 2 ?All hope was not lost(部分否定) 2. 用关系代词who, that, whom, whose,which等引导的定语从句. 3. 训练学生掌握阅读微观技能 四、教学方法 (Teaching Methodology) 根据第二语言习得理论、“整体语言教学”的理论和实践,以及当前教学改革,课程改革等先进理念,为达成上述教学目标,运用任务型教学(Task-based teaching mode)途径,我把英语课堂设计采取“P---T---P”自主学习立体模式: (Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task) 五、教学工具: Blackboard, computer-assisted teaching (multimedia),projector, 六、教学时间:45 分钟 Period I Warming up and Reading 七(教学设计步骤(Teaching Precedures) Step 1:Greeting &Lead-in (情境导入) Show the Greeting to the students as usual. Task 1:Free-talk on picture-linking (学生自由发言) ( show a picture or a video of two high buildings and a flying 747 Flight) Question& Answer: 1. What can you see in the picture or video? Suggested Answer:(two buildings, one 747 plane) 2. What is the plane doing now ? Suggested Answer:(The plane is flying towards the building) 3. Can you guess what will happen next ? Suggested Answer:people on plane will die. 3 The plane will be broken into pieces or crash . The buildings will be destroyed and then fall down to ground . 4.Could you tell me what this accident is,which we’ve known before? Answer:(9.11Terrorism Attack) 5.Can we say 9.11 is a big disaster? Answer: Yes, of course. Step 2:Warming-up (热身活动) Task 2:Talking about disasters(Group-work activity) 1. What other disasters do you know ? 2. Have you ever experienced one of these disasters? Can you describe what it was like and how you felt? Suggested Answer:( like a terrible ghost, dangerous,frightening ,afraid ,nervous ,etc.) Step 3: Pre-reading(读前准备) Task 3: Looking and guessing: 4 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What do you think may happen before an earthquake? Suggested Answers: Before an quake, animals will become nervous. Cows, pigs, horses and dogs will be upset. Mice will run about and fish will jump out of water. In winter, people can even see snakes. There are bright lights in the sky. Water pipes may crack or burst. So earthquake is predictable(可预测的). 3. You have time to take only one thing.What would you take when the earthquake is coming ?(开放性答案) Step 4: Prediction (课文标题预测) Task 4: Probing Questions:(探究问题) 1.What cause you can’t sleep well at night? Suggested Answers:(Physically ill ,psychologically interrupted ,have a bad dream,or thinking about sth throughout the night ) 2. What a kind of information does the author try to convey to us through the title ? A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP Suggested Answers:(There must be something strange happening at night on earth.So the earth didn’t sleep ) 3.What cause the earth “didn’t sleep at night” in the text? Suggested choices:(earthquake , volcano, tsunami ,tornado ,hurricane, flood) Answer: Earthquake(Ss have previewed the text) Step 5:Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the text as quickly as possible and try to answer the following questions below. Task 5: Divide the whole passage according to the change of time Part 1: Signs before earthquake Part 2:Damage and destruction of earthquake Part 3:Reconstruction after earthquake Step 6:Careful reading (细节阅读) Task 6 :Reading the para 1 for the second time and finish the following diagram In the well Well water, rose and fell,smelly gas ,came out of ,cracks In the Chickens&pigs,nervous to eat , farmyard mice run out to hide,fish , jump out of In the sky Bright light, the sound of plane In the city Water pipes ,cracked and burst,people ,go to bed as usual 5 Task 7: Reading the para 2 &3 and fill in blanks of two diagrams below.? What do all the numbers referred to in the 2nd passage? What do you feel? 3:42 A.M. Began to shake 11 kilometers Below the city ,underground th20 century The greatest earthquake 100 kilometres Heard away from Beijing 1/3 1/3 nation felt this earthquake 8 kilometres The length of crack 30 metres The width of crack 15 seconds The earthquake only last so short Thousands of Families killed ,children left without …… 400,000 People were killed or injured ?The numbers referred in passage 3 75% The factories and buildings were gone 90% The homes were gone Two Dams fell Tens of The cows never give milk again thousands of Half a million Pigs died Millions of Chickens died ?What happened later that afternoon ? Event Situation Another big quake Rescue workers &doctors ,trap,under ruins shook Tangshan Building down, water,food,electricity hard to get Step 7:Sentences Enjoyment (句子欣赏) Task 8:Read again and try to appreciate the language of the passage: 1.For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. Repetition: to make a deeper impression on the reader 2.It seemed that the world was at an end! 6 Exaggeration: to draw people’s attention to the seriousness of the disaster. 3.Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. Simile: to create a vivid image. 4.Slowly, very slowly, the city began to breathe again. Personification: to form a vivid image. 5.A night the earth didn’t sleep Personification: to form a vivid image. Step 8:Consolidation(课文巩固) Task 9:Task Filling the blacks with the first given letter: Several days before July 28,1976, many s______things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e_______. But people in the city of Tangshan didn’t think m_______of these. At 3:42am that day,the earth began to s________,which d_________the city. Many people,including workers and doctors,came to r_______those t_________under the ruins. Later that afternoon,another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more buildings f________down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. T________were organized to dig out the trapped and b________the dead. Step 9:Post reading (读后讨论) Task10 : Discussion.(小组活动) 1.From whose point of view are events described? How do you know? (He uses third-person to describe the quake. For example, “Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.”) 2.Why do you think the writer choose to express his feelings about the quake rather than report what had happened? (Although the writer was not there, he felt sad for the people of Tangshan.With some feeling, he will make the reading more interesting.) 3.What messures can we take to reduce the damage that earthquake brings to us and to make self-rescue? Suggested Answers: 1.We can set up a pre-warning system of earthquake 2.We can change the structure of houses ,bridges and buildings in order to adapt to the shake and quake from earthquake . 3. We should learn some knowledge about self-rescue in case of the disaster. Step 10: Assignment (课后作业) 1.Finish the exercise on P27-28 7 2.Write a letter to the mayor about how to take messures to reduce the damage from the earthquake and make self-rescue. 给市长写封信探讨一下如何采取措施减少地震给我们人类带来的破坏以及如何进 行自救。 Step 11.Assessment and Feedback(教学评价与反馈) 1. My comments on the activities in the lesson:(教师课堂教学评价) The advantages of these activities are: more students can communicate with each other, discuss with each other, learn from each other, help each other,, share different opinions with each other. They feel interested in negotiating, debating, and responsing, they feel more confident and be bold to participate in the activities. In these activities, I help them to achieve their full potential, encourage and motivate them to value each other and the relationships they make. I raise their aspiration and give them confidence. So learning in this activity and in this atmosphere will be more effective and successful. 2. Students’ reflection(针对学生制定的反思性评价问题) A Have you got those useful words and phrases you’ve learnt B whether you have understood what the text is about during a short period of time ? C. Have you found out any other beautiful sentence patterns? D. Are there any other points you are still confused with? E. Is your spoken English a little bit improved ? F. What should be prepared for the next class ? Are you ready ? 附: 表一:Teaching Procedures(教学过程) 教学目标 教学内容 教学步骤 时教学意图 媒体 间 Coming to the topic 引起学生兴点评学生课前的作通过作文,使学生 through the discussion 3 趣 文引出课文主题 提前进入角色,激多媒体 of the compositions. 引入话题 发学习兴趣 Discussion: the work 讨论记者工组织学生分小组讨训练学生对生活常 of a reporter 4 作 论,根据生活经验识的归纳能力 多媒体 讨论记者的工作 A mini play about the 创设情境:根据教师规定场通过情景表演,调 rules of interview 4 引出记者工景,由学生进行现动课堂气氛,激发 作的要求 场表演 学生求知欲 Answer the question: 快速阅读:根据所给问题有目让学生掌握课文的 the basic task of a 2 以掌握课文的地阅读全文回答大致内容 多媒体 reporter 主要内容 问题 Answer several 仔细阅读:细读课文,回答设通过录音让学生掌多媒体 8 questions to deepen 6 训练阅读能计好的问题(由简握记者的工作,训录音机 their impression 力 到难) 练阅读能力 Pick out some useful 词汇、语法:让学生找出难句,训练学生语境中猜 expressions and 让学生掌握重点词汇,猜测其词的能力,掌握重 important language 8 一些重要的意,然后重点讲解点词汇、语言点并多媒体 points 词汇和语言语言点,分析难句,通过运用加深记忆 点,分析难让学生造句 句 Exercises: let the Ss 练习:及时针对本文所学语法通过随堂练习及时 do some exercises to 5 巩固语法点 点、词汇设计适量巩固所学知识,强多媒体 consolidate the 随堂练习题 化记忆 language points Ask the Ss to retell the 检验:检验让学生复述课文,通过复述课文以检 text to check their 4 学生对课文老师做最后总结 验学生对课文的理多媒体 understanding of the 的理解和掌解和掌握,培养概 text; conclusion 握 括、口头表达能力 Practise: make an 形成性练模拟记者采访名通过模拟实际情 interview with your 习:让学生人,组织一场采访景,让学生在情景 partner 8 在实际中运秀,采访过程中注中灵活运用的所学多媒体 用知识 意运用课文中的内知识并加深记忆 容 Homework 1 课外作业以布置一些课本上以通过作业使学生复巩固课堂知及课外练习 习课堂上所学知多媒体 识 识,达到巩固效果 教学流程图 开始 Presentation目标呈现 投影 Warming 热身 Free talk小组式自由谈论 投影 投影 9 Probing 1应用性探索 prediction标题预测 Skimming 略读 scanning查读 回答问题 找出中心思想 音乐的种类及比较 Probing 2应用性探索 Post reading task 读后任务 Group activity and debate小组活动及讨论 Group activity and d Practice开拓性实践 投影 Enjoy words and Find how the text is Learn about the sentences describing organized usages of the words music and sentences 词句欣赏 语篇结构 词句的运用 10 讨论、思考、辩论debate Enjoy sentences quoted from some play wrights名人词句欣赏 投影 名句欣赏 教师总结 结束 图形 意义说明 图形 意义说明 开始,结束 决策,判断 教师活动 教学内容 学生活动 媒体教学内容 流程线 11
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