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速度与激情4英文剧本台词看电影学英语Fast And Furious 4《速度与激情4》 -Dom: All right, we're good to go. 好了,准备行动。 You got this. 该你上场了。 -Letty: I got your ass papa. 交给我了。 Let's make some money! 赚大钱喽~ -Dom: Everyone in position. position: 位置 大家各就各位。 -Han: I thought that we would be robbing...

看电影学英语Fast And Furious 4《速度与激情4》 -Dom: All right, we're good to go. 好了,准备行动。 You got this. 该你上场了。 -Letty: I got your ass papa. 交给我了。 Let's make some money! 赚大钱喽~ -Dom: Everyone in position. position: 位置 大家各就各位。 -Han: I thought that we would be robbing banks by now. rob: 抢 我觉得我们现在应该去抢银行。 We got some gas truck in the middle of no where. gas: 油 truck: 卡车 middle: 中央 在这荒无人烟的地方只有辆破油车。 -Letty: Down here gas is gold papa. 在这里石油比金子还值钱。 -Tego: Yeah, But banks don't move.. 没错,但是银行可不会到处乱跑。 -Man: Anytime you get near a bank. We have to break your ass out of prison. prison: 监狱 你一接近银行,我们就得准备去监狱救你。 -Dom: Kill the cheddar, game time. 别说废话,干正事。 -Letty: I wouldn’t piss them off guys. piss: 惹恼 我可不会把他们惹恼的,伙计们。 -Driver: Yeah, yeah,I hear you. 嗯嗯,听到你肚子叫了。 Hey, you greedy bitch! greedy: 饥饿的 嘿,饥渴的婊子~ -Dom: Ok guys we got to hit this hard fast ,we got 14 left before they drive to bridge. 好了,伙计们,我们要抓紧时间,在到达大桥之前还有14分钟。 -Woman: Locked and loaded. 套上了,开卸吧。 -Letty: This is all you, Han. 看你的喽Han。 Liquid gold ha, ha. liquid: 液体 gold: 黄金 液体黄金。 -Han: Were clear. 搞定。 -Dom: Ok Tego you up. 好的,Tego,该你上了。 -Han: Let see if you can get out of this big stride this time, heartbeat. stride: 进步,跨步 看你这回有没有进步,宝贝。 -Tego: What are you talking about? 说什么呢, I'll do it in one try! 一次就能搞定~ -Letty: More like three ,come on Tego keep it real. 估计得三回呦,Tego 别说大话。 -Dom: Just one km left we running out of roads get in there brother. 只剩1公里了,快点动手伙计。 -Tego: I got it, I got it. 知道了,知道了。 -Dom: Oh shit! 妈的~ tear: 揭开 Tear cut loose, un-Hitch... un-Hitch. 放弃行动,解开套索,解开套索。 Don't be crazy.lose your load! crazy: 疯狂 别逞强,快松开~ -Tego: What do you think I'm trying to do? 你以为我在干嘛呢, -Dom: Idiot,just release! Idiot: 蠢货 release: 放开 蠢蛋,快放开~ -Dom: Break the hitch~ hitch: 锁套 打断套索~ -Letty: I dont have a hammer. hammer: 锤子 锤子掉了。 -Dom: Just do it. 照做就好。 -Tego: Hold on, hold on. 抓紧,抓紧, -Man: Oh shit~ 妈的~ -Dom: Hold on to something tight. hold on: 抓住,抓紧 tight: 紧得 找个地方抓住。 Letty give me your hand. 抓住我的手。 -Letty: I can't reach. 够不到。 -Dom: You gotta jump. 跳过来。 Jump. 跳。 Letty jump. Letty 快跳。 I got you. 我会抓住你的。 -Letty: Dom. Dom。 Dom. Dom。 Dom. Dom。 -Tego: Mi primo is running security on the airbase. security: 安全 airbase: 空军基地 Mi Primo在空军基地负责安保。 -Man: Says that there's going to be a couple of refueling planes arriving. 听说会有几架飞机来加燃料。 -Dom: Go have fun. 去玩吧。 -Han: The cops just radar the garage at Baricola. garage: 车库 警察已发现在Baricola的车库。 They really interested in you. 他们对你很感兴趣。 Pizza and they will send out a flair thats gonna lead them right to us. flair: 精英 Pizza他们会派个精英来找我们。 I say we move out first thing in the morning. 我们最好明天一早就离开。 -Dom: Thats me they want. 他们只想抓我。 And they catch me. 一旦抓住我。 They fall a big numbers anybody with me. 我身边的人也会跟着倒霉。 Unrelated good one. unrelat: 无辜的 就算是无辜的人。 Its time for you to go and do your own thing. 你是时候离开做你自已的事了。 -Han: Are they doing some crazy shit in Tokyo, 在东京他们也敢这么疯干吗, -Dom: Do you see letty? 看到Letty了吗, Here she is. 你在这啊。 -Letty: I hear its nice this time of year. 听说此时的景色很漂亮。 -Dom: The cops are getting hungry. 警察着急了。 -Letty: Then, I guess we are doing our job. 这么说,我们干得不错嘛。 -Dom: We're a walking target. 我们就是活靶子。 I dont want you around when they catch up to me. around: 周围,身边,附近 catch: 抓住 他们抓住我时,我可不想你在附近。 -Letty Ride or die remember? 不干活就去死,还记得吗, Dom how long are we have been doing this? Dom,我们干这行多久了, And now all of a sudden out of nowhere, its too dangerous. sudden: 突然 突然你又说无缘无故地说干这行太危险了。 Come on. 得了吧。 We'll figure it out, we always do. figure out: 解决 我们会想到办法的,一定会的。 -Ruffian: Move. 让开。 Move out of my way. 别挡道。 I got a gun. 我有枪。。 I don't know shit, I don't know shit man. 我不知道,我什么都不知道。 -Brain: Give me a name. 告诉我名字。 -Ruffian: David park, David park is the guy you want. David Park,你要找的人叫David Park。 Please. 求你了。 -Trin: Oh thank god. 谢天谢地。 Listen, he's in a mood because yesterday was his cheap day and today some genius bought him some doughnuts. doughnuts: 油炸圈饼 听着,他心情不错因为他昨天捡便宜了,今天又有人请他吃甜甜圈。 -Brain: Oh great. 太好了。 Sorry Im late. 抱歉,我迟到了。 -Trin: The complaints keep rolling in after your little down town Olympics, O'conner. 你在街上的即兴 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演惹得投诉不断 O'conner。 Tell me that restating you was't a mistake. restating: 重述 证明一下再听你的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 不是个错误。 -Brain: I got a name. 我弄到一人名。 David park . David Park。 -Stasiak: Is that it? 就这些, Is that all you got David park? 你只弄到了这个David Park, I could do a fortune cookie out of this 150 David parks right now? fortune: 幸运 cookie: 饼干 150多个David Park中间能有幸运饼吗, -Trin: Its korean not chinese. 是韩国人不是中国人。 -Stasiak: What ever. 随便。 Park is a scout who recruits street racers to be a newest for Braga cartel. Park只是小人物,他帮Braga Cartel物色运货人。 We find park, and we bust the bad guys. 找到Park 就能找到其它人。 -Nina: Whats up. 还好吧。 -Dom: Nina I told you not to call me here. Nina,我说过不要往这给我打电话。 -Nina: Dom its Letty. Dom 是Letty。 She's been murdered. murdered: 被杀 她被杀了。 -Godhead: We're gathered here to pay respect,,, 我们聚集于此,共同瞻仰…… -Stasiak: Facial recognition solves for a match Toretto. 脸部识别系统确认Toretto。 About 2 minutes after you crossed the border. border: 边境 在你穿过边境2分钟后出现过。 I don't get it. 我真搞不懂。 How did he show. 他怎么过来的。 -Nina: I told you not to come, they are staking the place out what if they find you? 我让你别来,他们在监控这里,被他们发现了怎么办, -Dom: They won't. 不会的。 Come on. 好了。 Look at you. 看看你。 -Nina: Letty, wouldnt let them drunk it. Letty不准他们碰它。 You know there is a god damn curse. curse: 诅咒 你知道,就像有个天杀的诅咒。 When she came back, she was always in here. 她一回来就留在这儿。 Working on it, day and night. 保养它,不分昼夜。 It was weird. weird: 奇怪 好奇怪。 It was like she knew you were coming back. 就像她知道你要回来一样。 -Dom: I want to see the crash site. crash: 车祸 我想去看看车祸地点。 -Police officer: I just got off the phone with the deputy director. director: 领导 我刚和副局长通完电话。 If we don't make serious in roads on La Braga case in next 72 hours. case: 案件 72小时内若La Braga的案子再无进展。 There are going to shut us down. 他们会中止调查。 -Trin: I know I'm new-Bie here but why the clock now? 我知道我是新人,但为什么选这个时候, -Police officer: Because its been two years. 因为2年已经过去了。 And the last three agents we sent in for infiltrate this organization have come back in body bags. agent: 特工,探员 organizations: 组织 我们派去的3名卧底探员都惨遭杀害。 He's moved more heroin across the border than anybody did in ten years. heroin: 海洛因 他走私入境的毒品量比别人10年的都多。 This guy is becoming one of our biggest national threats and we dont even have a picture of him. threat: 威胁 他已经成为最大的国际威胁之一,可我们连他长什么样都不知道。 We dont have prints, not even a god damn DOB. 没有指纹,妈的,连出生年月都不知道。 What's the status on David Park? status: 地位 David Park的地位如何, Is he an articular in La Braga organization? articular: 骨干 是La Braga组织的骨干吗, -Trin: Well, we are running the name through city and county databases sorting the possibilities. 我们在市立及郡立数据库进行索检。 We have got over 500 already. 已查到500多人了。 -Stasiak: Parks is an insignificant, sounds like another jerk off to me. Park是个小人物,依我看,只是个小喽啰。 -Brain: He's not, without Park, Braga would't have drivers to move the shipment. shipment: 货运 不,若没有Park Braga就找不到人运货。 Cross check traffic. 核对交通记录。 Legal modification, street racing this guy would definitely have a record, We will find him. definitely: 绝对 record: 记录 违法记录,飚车纪录,这人肯定有案底,我们会找到他的。 -Police officer: We better. 最好找到。 -Stasiak: Oh what do you know, this guy has it plot on his own memory. 你知道吗,这家伙富可敌国,势力庞大。 We could bring his ass in. 我们会抓住他的。 -Brain: Not in your code youre not. 就靠你可没用。 -Nina: Straight ahead. 正前方。 You found something back there? 有什么发现吗, -Dom: Yellow burn marks on the ground. bum: 残留的 地上有黄色灼痕。 The kind that could be only caused by natural meth. natural: 自然的 只能由天然的甲安菲他明(一种兴奋剂)造成。 There is only one guy on all of L.A. Who sells that. 全洛杉矶只有一人卖那种东西。 -Nina: Nothing you can do is gonna bring her back, Dom. 无论你做什么,她都不会活过来了,Dom。 If I were Letty, I would ask you.. 若我是Letty,我会让你…… No, I would beg you, please let this go. beg: 请求 不,我会求你就此罢手吧。 Before it’s too late. 在万事已晚之前。 -Dom: It’s already too late. 万事已然太晚了。 -Nina: I love you. 我爱你。 -Stasiak: Miss Toretto. Toretto小姐。 I am Michel Stasiak, FBl. 我是Michel Stasiak FBl探员。 Would you and I have little chat? chat: 交谈 介意和我们谈谈吗, -Brain: Hi, this is poor sight for evidence. evidence: 证据 嗨,看起来没什么线索。 I need Stasiak down here right away. 我要Stasiak马上过来进行鉴别。 Thanks. 谢谢。 I narrowed it down to 50 or so David Parks. narrow: 缩小 我已将范围缩小到50多个David Park了。 And I like you to do is make a model for each one of them. model: 模型 请你给每个人建模。 -Trin: Okay.All right. 好的。 -Brain: You didnt tell me, we got a transfer. transfer: 转变,转换 你没告诉我有人转来。 You mind coming with me? 介意跟我来吗, -Man: Toreto, when did you get back in town? Toreto 你什么时候回来的, -Dom: I am looking for a car that you did an engine model on. 我要找辆你改装过发动机的车。 Natural methyl tank, fort full size, continental tires. 天然甲基加速,大型福特,马牌轮胎。 -Man: What.. What you doing? Coming here like this, 你这么过来是要干嘛, This ain't your scene anymore boss. scene: 地盘 已不再是你的天下了,Boss。 Don’t you put your hands on me again.. Okay? 别再来烦我,懂吗, Say hi to your sister for me. 替我向你妹问好。 What do you care, 你在乎吗, David park. 他叫David Park。 Green Ford Torino. 绿色福特老爷车。 Shit, Dont drop this on me. 妈的,别用这玩意对着我。 -Nina: Almost done. 差不多了。 Why don't you tell me why you draged me here Brian? 告诉我你干嘛拉我来这,Brian, -Brain: You know I am gonna capture Dom. capture: 逮捕 你知道,我迟早会逮捕Dom的。 Maybe worse. 也许更糟。 I don't want you get tangled up in this stay away from him. tangle: 卷入 我不想让你卷进来,离他远点。 -Nina: That's what you have to say to me after 5 years? 5年之后,你只能说这番话, All of the sudden you care what happens to me. sudden: 突然 happen: 发生 突然间关心起我的死活。 -Brain: What I did to you was wrong. 我对你所做的事是错误的。 I am sorry it was, it was hardest thing I ever had to do. 抱歉,那是我做过最困难的事。 -Nina: I’m sorry too Brian. 我也很遗憾 Brian。 I’m so sorry that you had to come into my home and pretend to love me. pretend: 假装 我很遗憾你要跑来我家,假装爱上我。 Im so sorry that you ripped my family apart. rip apart: 分裂 我很遗憾让你害我家破人亡。 I’m very sorry that was hard for you. 我很遗憾要你难办。 -Brain: I lied to you. 我撒谎骗你。 I lied to Dom, I lied to every body. 骗Dom 骗所有的人。 That’s what I do best, that’s why the feds recruited me. recruit: 招用 那是我最擅长的,所以联邦警察局才招了我。 -Nina: Maybe you're lying to yourself. 也许你是在骗自己。 If you’re not the good guy pretending to be a bad guy. 也许你不是好人装坏人。 Maybe youre the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. 而是坏人装好人。 You ever think about that, 你想过这点吗, -Brain: Every day. 每天都想。 -Nina: How I always wondered. wonder: 怀疑,疑惑 我经常在想。 Why did you let my brother go that day? 那天你为什么放走我哥, -Brain: I don't know. 我也不知道。 Oh shit. 妈的。 -Trin: Brian, I got a crosschecks on David park pack, I have a list of possibles. Brian,我反复核对了那些叫David Park的人,有几个很可疑。 -Brain: What do you got? 查到些什么, -Trin: A 45 year old male, with three reckless driving tickets. male: 男性 reckless: 超速 45岁男性,3张超速罚单。 -Brain: No. 不是。 -Trin: One cherry taco. 卖樱桃卷饼的。 -Brain: no. 不是。 -Trin: Two mini cuppers 607 and a Toyota hybrid. 2辆Mini Cuppers, 1辆丰田Hybrid 。 -Brain: No. 不是不是。 -Trin: A 98 satin,A 95 zebrine, a 98 Nissan 240 with a legel mod. 98年Satin 95年的Zebrine 98年的尼桑,合法改装的奔驰240。 -Brain: Thats it. 等等,就是这个。 -Trin: What?The 240 with legel mod? How do u know? 哪个,合法改装的奔驰240,你怎么知道, -Brain: Cause thats something I drive. 要是我,我会开那车。 -Dom: Green Torino, running nitro, whose car? 氮气加速的福特绿色老爷车是谁的, -Chinese: I don't know man, I am just a little bet I swear l am just... swear: 发誓 不知道,我只是小喽啰,我只是…… Wait... wait, I don’t know shit man, I swear. 等等,等等,我什么也不知道,我发誓。 I just run cars for Braga alright, all I do is get you in the race that's all I can do. 我只是帮Braga倒车,我只能让你参加车赛。 -Dom: What race? 什么车赛, -Chinese: Come on man, I don't know shit, just let me up. 别这样,我真的不知道,拉我上去。 -Brain: Bring him up, Dom. 拉我上去,伙计快点。 Bring him up. 求你,别放手。 -Dom: Are you here to take me in, O'conner, 你是来逮捕我的吗 O'conner, -Chinese: Oh.. Shit. 噢……妈的。 -Dom: Shut up. 闭嘴。 -Brain: They used my friends too. 他们也利用了我的朋友。 -Dom: You are't anyone's friend. 你根本就没有朋友。 -Chinese: Can you guys talk about this later? And pull my ass up. 你们能以后再谈吗,先拉我上来。 -Brain: She was running for this guy Braga and the things went bad. 她为Braga赛车出了岔子。 -Chinese: Please. 求你了。 -Brain: Im goanna get these guys, Dom. 我会抓住那些人的 Dom。 Now let me do my job, and bring him up. 这都是我份内的,把他拉上来。 -Dom: I am gonna kill this punk. 我要杀了这小混混。 And anyone else that gets in my way. 还有任何阻碍我的人。 -Chinese: Dont let go. 别松手。 -Stasiak: Conner. Conner。 Conner if you ever... Conner 如果你敢再…… -Police officer: That enough. 够了。 -Stasiak: Don’t touch me I’m fine. 别碰我,我很好。 -Police officer: That’s enough. 够了。 -Stasiak: You are through Conner. 你完了Conner。 -Police officer: I said that’s enough. 我说够了。 Stasiak, go and get yourself cleaned up. Stasiak,去处理一下。 -Stasiak: What? He hit me first. 什么,他先打的我。 -Police officer: This isnt cop scouts. 这不是童子军营。 Now go on, you'r bleeding on my floor. bleed: 流血 快去,血都滴到地板上了。 O'Conner, do you know the difference between a cop and a criminal? criminal: 罪犯 O'Conner,你知道警察和罪犯有何区别吗, -Brain: What? 是什么, -Police officer: One bad judgment call. judgment: 判断 是否做出了错误的判断。 Keep your shit on line son. 别太激动,孩子。 Have a good time. 祝你愉快。 -Brain: Take a seat. 坐。 -Police officer: Good news, we have inteled La Braga's no. 2 Ramon Campos. 好消息,我们已查到了La Braga的二号头目Ramon Campos。 We'll hold the street race in korea town tomorrow night to fill a slot in his team. slot: 空缺 明晚在韩国城将举行一次赛车以填补车队的空缺。 They’ve already chosen three drives from previous races. previous: 先前的 他们已从之前的车赛中挑出3名人选。 Our newest informant Mr. David Park has been kind enough to get us into the race. 我们的线人David Park先生,非常友善安排我们的人参加车赛。 O'Conner. O'Conner。 You’re up. 由你来。 -Trin: Let me guess, winner gets the slot. 让我猜下,赢家来填补那个空缺。 All right, so these all the imports that the city has in bill. imports: 进口 好的,这就是全市库存的进口车。 -Brain: Okay nice. 太好了。 -Trin: Pick your poison. 选车吧。 -Brain: Alright 2206 l crash one of those. 好吧 2206 我狂爱这款。 3418. 3418。 And 2765. 还有 2765。 -Trin: Okay, so which one do you want, 好的,你想选哪辆, -Brain: I want them all. 我全要。 -Man: Standard issue tracking device. standard: 标准 device: 装置 标准定位跟踪器。 The boss wants to know where you are all the time. 头儿要随时知道你身处何地。 -Clive: Hey... What you looking at mud sack? 嘿,看什么呢,乡巴佬, -Brain: I dont know you tell me. 我也不知道,你告诉我。 -Clive: The whites want the scout, see Cliveies the whites already on their team. 白人想上位,女士们,但他们队里已经有白人了。 You don't need to be fast if you wanna drive for la Braga. 要想给Braga开车可得开得超快呦。 -Bad girl: Is there a problem here? 这儿有问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 吗, -Clive: No. 没有。 -Bad girl: Are you one of the Clarks guys? 你是Clark的人吗, -Brain: Yeah. Yeah I am. 嗯,没错。 -Bad girl: Follow me. 跟我来。 -Clive: See you later punk. 一会儿见,小混混。 You two punk. 你也是,混混儿。 -Boss: Bulls eye, come on. 正中靶心,加油。 Ohm... it looks so thin.. Lama lama... 击偏了。 Do you all know why you are here? 你们都知道为何来这吗, Good drivers. 好车手。 Or diamond doesn't. diamond: 钻石 只会耍帅的就算了。 And every corner has got a chin ga lieder... tuna racing for pigs. 蠢猪想比赛,世上哪儿都有。 That's not what Braga got me to looking for. Braga想让我找的可不是这样的人。 Braga wants someone that will sell their vileta to be behind the wheel. Braga想要的是为得第一不怕毁车的。 Someone that drives a 10 sec cars but not in a straight line. straight: 直线 10秒能开0.25英里的人,还不能轻轻松松让你开。 But to push it, and make it through places that no one else would take it. 而是要赛,要开过别人过不了的地方。 Real drivers, you getting this. 真正的车手才能做到。 -Dom: So, what are we howling? howling: 运 那么,我们要运什么, -Boss: You're here for the money which Braga's paying, so you don't need to know. 你来是为了赚钱。不用知道运什么货。 -Dom: You just said you wanted real drivers. 你刚刚还说要找真正的车手。 A real driver knows exactly whats is in his car. 真正的车手要清楚车上装的是什么。 -Fenix: Yeah, little driver. 嘿,开车的。 Nobody is forcing you to race. force: 强迫 没人逼你赛车。 -Dom: Youre the boss? 你是Boss, Or Im I talking to the boss? 跟我对话的才是Boss吧, -Fenix: Do I look like the boss? 我像Boss吗, -Boss: Papi! My job is to find the best drivers, period. 兄弟,我只要找到好车手,如此而已。 Whoever wins the race gets the info. info: 消息 赢比赛就有内部信息。 Are we cool? 明白了, Are we cool? 明白了, Yeah, we cool. 明白。 -Driver A: Nah, we ain't cool, man. 不,不明白,伙计。 Who's closing the streets? 谁来清理车道, -Boss: No one, thats the point. 没人清理,这才是重点。 -GPS: Please wait while direction are downloaded. 线路图正在下载中,等稍候。 Processed to the highlighted rat. 沿加亮线路前进。 -Dom: Are you sure you want to do this, 你确定要参加吗, -Brain: A lot has changed. 世道变了。 -Dom: Your are right. 没错。 -GPS: GO. 出发。 RIGHT, TURN AHEAD 前方右转 YOU ARE NOW 5 MILES FROM YOUR DESTINATION destination: 目的地 距目的地还有5英里 -Driver A: Im first you cheater bag. 我是第一,你这个骗子。 -Driver B: Oh.. Im going to serf you. 我要玩死你。 -Driver A: Dead man driving. 开车真不要命。 -Driver B: Come on. 快点。 -GPS: Right, turn ahead 前方右转。 -Driver A: Oh.. Shit! 妈的! -Brain: Yeah! 好耶! -GPS: Keep riding. 继续前进。 Keep riding. 继续前进。 Proceed straight ahead. Proceed: 继续向前。 Keep riding. 继续前进。 Keep riding . 继续前进。 -Brain: Just shut up! 闭嘴~ -GPS: You are 2.6 miles from destination. 距目的地还有2.6英里。 -Driver A: Oopse, I didnt see you. 哎哟,没看见你。 -GPS: You are now 4 and half miles from your destination. 距目的地还有4.5英里。 You turn is possible. possible: 可能的 可以选择U型转弯。 -Brain: Are you kidding me? 逗我玩呢, -GPS: You are now 4.2 mile from your destination. 现距目的地还有4.2英里。 -Brain: Shortcut. 抄近道。 -GPS: Your now 1 mile from your destination 距目的地还有1英里。 -Brain: Guess who is back, Dom. 看是谁又回来了,Dom。 -Driver A: Lets go. 冲啊。 Nice car baby. 车不错嘛,宝贝。 -Brain: Bitch. 混蛋。 -GPS: Your now one quarter mile on your destination 现距目的地还有0.25英里。 -Brain: To early Dom. 太早了,Dom。 -Dom: Still busted. 你还是没戏。 -GPS: Your have reached your destination good bye. reach: 抵达,到达 destination: 目的地 已到达目的地,再见。 -Brain: At least we now you can't beat it straight up. 你可不是轻易就赢的。 -Dom: I didn't know there were any rules. rule: 规则 我当时不知道还有规则呢。 -Fenix: Now that what I call real driver. 这才是真正的车手。 -Brain: Now that bullshit man. 胡说八道,伙计。 -Fenix: Go cry to your mama, aye. 找你妈妈哭去吧。 -Boss: You work for Braga now. 从现在起你为Braga效命。 When the GPS calls, you follow. 跟着GPS的指令走。 -Bad girl: Driver's licence? licence: 驾照 驾照, -Dom: What driver's licence? 什么驾照, -Bad girl: Thumb. 按指纹。 Cell phone number. 手机号。 The prints for, campos. 指纹,给Campos。 The number is for me. 手机号,给我。 -Clive: You mud sack. 你个笨蛋。 Let me tell you something man: Russell beats import every time. import: 进口 听我说,Russell每次都比进口货跑得快。 You know what am saying ,everytime! 听到没,每次都是~ Cliveies lets get back in to papa's land. 美女们,回爸爸家吧。 Papa wants you to take off your shoes. 爸爸要你们把鞋子脱掉。 Wipe your feet Take off the shoes. 擦擦脚,脱掉鞋。 So beautiful. beautiful: 漂亮的 太漂亮了。 I like this foot a lot. 我超爱这只脚。 -FBI: FBI freeze. FBl,不许动。 Come with us. 跟我们走。 -Clive: I didn’t do nothing man. 我什么都没干。 What did I do? Hey you stay, where you going? 我怎么了,嘿别走,你们要去哪, -Girls: Bye Clive. 拜,Clive。 -Clive: What did I do? 我犯什么事了, -Brain: You’re under arrest for distribution of meth. arrest: 被捕 distribution: 贩卖 meth: 兴奋剂 你因贩卖兴奋剂而被捕。 -Clive: Meth? I never touched that shit bro. 兴奋剂,我碰都没碰过那玩意。 -Brain: You have now? 现在碰过了吧, -Clive: No, they ain't mine. 不,那不是我的。 Get off. 放开我。 -FBI: You guys never gonna stick, allright? 你们永远闲不住,是不是, -Brain: Nay, its not suppose to. suppose: 应该 是的,就该这样。 -Dom: Yeah, chrome. 来杯烈酒。 -Brain: It’s too bad about the way, having to infiltrate your house the same night you make the team. infiltrate: 渗透,潜入 你加入车队当晚就搜你家,真是不好意思呢。 It’s an unfortunate. unfortunate: 不幸的 算我倒霉。 -Dom: I wish I could say I was a surprised to see you here. surprised: 惊讶 见到你在这,倒真是不怎么惊讶。 So, stop selling and then telling youre a cop. 那就别到处卖弄你是警察了。 -Brain: Probably the same thing that is keeping me from telling why you really here. 也许正因此,我才不会走露你来的小算盘。 -Boss: What up fellas,. 还好吗, -Brain: Hey, How you doing? 伙计,嘿你怎么样, -Boss: Having a good time, 玩得开心吗, -Brain: yep a good time. 很开心。 Yeah, great time. 那就好。 -Boss: How's your car? It took a nasty bump. 你的车怎样,撞得可不轻。 -Brain: It would be ready. 会修好的。 -Boss: I also heard that you just got out of the county. 听说你刚从郡里来。 -Brain: Yeah. 没错。 -Dom: You know a guy called Jim Garcia, 认识一个叫Jim Garcia的人吗, -Brain: No, big place, theres lots of names, lots of faces. 不认识,地方大鸟儿也多。 -Boss: And you? You want to buy a lot of people homes? 你呢,你想兼济天下, -Brain: Well that kind of heat can't be good for business business: 生意 这种热心可不利于生意。 -Dom: Yeah, well that depend on how you look at things. depend: 取决 这取决于你的看法。 I go down, I do time. 我没落过坐过牢。 I do real time. 很长时间。 I don’t know about the other drivers. 我不知其它车手是怎样。 But when I see flash in nights in my mirror. mirror: 镜子 但我在后视镜看到有车在追。 I don’t stop. 我不会停下。 -Boss: Do you know each other? 你们是不是认识, -Dom: He used to date my sister. 他以前泡过我妹妹。 -Boss: I see. 明白了。 -Boss: You're lucky man. 你很走运。 -Brain: How's that? 怎么讲, -Boss: You're still breathing. breathe: 呼吸 你还活着。 To the Cliveies we loved and the Cliveies we lost. 敬那些我们爱过的及失去的女人。 Salute. 干杯。 -Brain: So, what's Braga "about"? 嗯,Braga是怎样的人, -Boss: You know, he's just one of us came up from the streets down for Albarrio. 你知道,他和我们一样出身街头,为Albarrio卖命。 Now, he's shot caller. 现在,他成了老大。 Boss of bosses. 绝对的老大。 See all these cats in here? 看见这里的马仔了吧, Anyone of them will die for Braga. 他们都愿意为Braga赴汤蹈火。 -Brain: Including you? include: 包括 包括你? -Boss: Especially me. especially: 特别,尤其 特别是我。 -Boss: Enjoy the party fellas. 好好玩,哥们儿。 The clubs is yours, what ever you want. 这里是你们的,只要喜欢,酒和女人,应有尽有。 -Brain: Braga's mine. Braga是我的。 I’m taking the whole house down. 我要把他们全整垮。 -Dom: Good luck. 祝你好运。 -Bad girl: Something interest you about this car? interest: 兴趣 对这车感兴趣吗, -Dom: Just admiring the body work. admire: 喜欢 只是喜欢车身的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 。 -Bad girl: Are you one of those boys who prefers cars to women? prefer: 更喜欢 你是那种喜欢车多于女人的家伙么, -Dom: I'm one of those boys who'd appreciate. appreciate: 欣赏,喜欢 我是那种喜欢漂亮身形。 The fine body regardless to the "mink!". 不看花哨外表的人。 Your car? 这车是你的, -Bad girl: It's Fenix's car. 是Fenix的。 You met him in the "Randevoz". 你应该在Randevoz见过他。 He would be leaving you. 你跑不过他的。 From now. 从现在开始。 That I know your taste in cars. 我知道了你对车的品味。 Tell me, what about your women, 告诉我,你的女人是怎样, -Dom: Well starts with the eyes. 从眼睛开始。 She has gotta have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit. 她的眼睛能看能穿谎言。 To be good in someone. 看到人心的善良。 20% angel, 80% devil. 20%是天使,80%是魔鬼。 Down to earth. 下到凡间。 Ain't afraid to get a little edge of grease under her fingers nails. edge: 边缘 grease: 油脂,贿赂 什么事都敢做。 -Bad girl: That doesn’t sound anything like me. 听起来不像是说我。 -Dom: It ain't. 是的。 -Brain: Hey ,I got a gift for you. 嘿,我有件礼物给你。 -Trin: Alright. 好啊。 A dirty shot glass, just what I always wanted. dirty: 脏的 一个脏玻璃杯,我梦寐以求啊。 -Brain: I got these from the club last night. 我昨晚从夜总会里拿到的。 Theres two set of prints here here run it both. prints: 指纹 上面有2个指纹都查清楚。 I know one of these is Campos and I think the other might be Braga's. 我知道一个是Campos的,另一个可能是Braga的。 And you have to go beyond the Interpol.. 不能惊动国际刑警组织。 -Trin: So that means I have to contact individual agencies that could take weeks. contact: 联系 individual: 独立 于是我要联系独立机构,这要花上好几周。 Ok. 好的。 -GPS: DOWNLOADING DATA COORDINATES 下载数据座标。 -Brain: Yeah. 喂。 -Police officer: That’s your third traffic violation in less than three blocks. violation: 违章 block: 街区 不到3条街这是你第3次违章了。 Slow it down, O'Conner. 减速 O'Conner。 -Brain: Sure thing that. 没问题。 -Stasiak: He stopped. 他停下了。 -Woman: We lost him. 追踪不到他了。 -Stasiak: He killed the tracker. tracker: 追踪器 他关了追踪器。 -Police officer: We don’t know that. 那可不一定。 -Stasiak: Im telling you he killed the tracker. 我告诉你他关了追踪器。 -Police officer: We don’t know that yet. 还不一定呢。 Get the bird overhead. overhead: 在空中,在天上 派架直升飞机过去。 - Pilot A: Right now, we’re heading to the north 3356. 我们飞向正北3356。 - Pilot B: All clear. 安全。 - Pilot A: Base black 9, I am angel's 5 I dont have a tally on the target, I repeat. 黑色9号,我是天使5号,没有发现符合目标,重复。 I don’t have a tally on the target. tally: 标签 target: 目标 没有发现符合的目标。 -Trin: They are gone, there’s No One down there. 他们跑了,下面没有人。 -Police officer: Damn it. 可恶。 No service. service: 服务 不在服务区。 -Driver A: They said nothing about being locked in the trunk. 不对劲啊,哥们,他们没说要把我们锁在车厢里。 Tell me about it. 跟我说说。 -Driver B: you, where do you think they're taking us? 你觉得他们要带我们去哪儿, -Dom: Don’t matter. 这不重要。 We're all just along for the ride now. 只是向目标前进。 -Bad girl: Welcome to Mexico, boys. 墨西哥欢迎你,伙计们。 There're helicopters and surveillance cameras that scans for heat signature at the border. helicopter:直升机 camera: 摄像头 边境有直升机和热信号探测摄像机。 But there're blind spots that I can guide you through via satellites. blind spot: 盲点 guide: 指引 satellites: 卫星 不过还是有盲点,我会通过卫星引导你们。 There can be no margin of error. error: 错误 不能有丝毫差错。 So you must follow my every direction. follow: 跟随 direction: 指令 你们必须听从我的任何指令。 Any questions? 有问题么, -Dom: I thought Fenix was gonna be here. 我还以为Fenix会在这儿。 -Bad girl: He will meet you out there. 他会和你在终点见面。 Allright everybody, sync up. 好了,大家同步数据校正。 Good luck gentlemen. 祝你们好运,先生们。 Satellite link up engage. satellite: 卫星 engage: 加入 卫星连接成功。 Keep proceeding north bound in current speed. current: 当前 以当前速度继续向北部边境前进。 Stay close to Fenix. 跟紧Fenix。 He'll lead you across. 他会带你们穿越边境。 -Soldier A: I got a heat signature north bound along... regardo ravine. signature: 信号 ravine: 峡谷 北部边境的Regardo峡谷热信号监测异常。 -Soldier B: Thermal imaging window, I am at Mexico-Site can you be down for about 45 seconds? 热能成像部门,我是墨西哥中心,你能在45秒内开始工作吗, Get the camera on. 打开摄像头。 -Soldier A: Manual over-Ride. manual: 手动的,手工的 手动操作。 Rewind the camera to designated coordinate. rewind: 转回 designate: 标出,指定 摄像机转回到指定座标。 -Bad girl: Hurry up, you guys been tagged. tag: 发现 加速,你们已被发现。 -Brain: Shit. 妈的。 -Bad girl: Toretto, we got bad information. information: 信息 Toretto,有坏消息。 -Soldier B: Reimaged comencesing. 重新成像。 -Soldier A: I don't see anything. 我什么也看不到。 -Soldier B: They're gone. 他们走了。 Get the helicopters to cover it. helicopter: 直升飞机 cover: 覆盖 派直升飞机去看看。 -Pilot: 34.7 sec from Regardo ravine. ravine: 峡谷 34.7秒后到达Regardo峡谷。 -Bad girl: They're sending a helicopters. 他们派出了直升机。 You have 30 seconds. 你们只有30秒。 - Pilot: North, Its on 3233 west 11649. 北3233 西164。 -Bad girl: The window's closing fast. 通道即将关闭。 You need to get out of there before they send ground to floor. 必须在他们降落前通过。 15 seconds. 还有15秒。 -Pilot: Target is at 2 miles. 基地1号,距离目标2英里。 -Bad girl: You running out of time. 快没时间了。 You need to get out, now~ 必须立刻出去,现在~ -Pilot: Base one, its north 3233, west 11649. 基地,已到达北3233 西11649。 Got no visual contact, no information. visual: 情况 没有发现任何情况。 -Fenix: Slowly. 慢。 Very slowly. 太慢了。 -Man: What are you doing man? 你们在干什么, Come on. 快点。 Get up. 出来。 Come on man, let’s go. 快点,哥们,走吧。 -Driver: Hey don’t touch me, don’t touch me. 嘿,别碰我,别碰我。 I said don’t touch me man. 我说你别碰我。 Hey look dog I said don’t put your hands on me Chill bro. 嘿,我说别把你手放我身上,冷静点,兄弟。 What’s up with your boy? 你的人有什么毛病, -Dom: Hey, bossman. 嘿,Boss。 -Fenix: What did you say? 你说什么, -Dom: I said only pussies run nitro meth. nitro: 硝基 我说娘们才用氮气加速呢。 -Fenix: You looked under my hood? hood: 引擎 你打开我的引擎看过, I’m talking to you. 我在和你说话呢。 You got something in your mind? 你有意见吗, -Dom: 70 pilamers. Pilamer街70号。 Her name was Letty. 她叫Letty。 -Fenix: Yo. 嘿。 Where’s my money? 我的钱呢, -Dom: Somebody racked the car. rack: 撞 有人撞了那辆车。 -Fenix: I ricked the car. 是我撞的。 You remember her face? 你还记得她的脸么, Because I don't. 但我记不得了。 Last time I saw her it was burning. burning: 着火 我最后一次看见她时,她身上着火了呢。 Now what? 又想怎样, -Dom: I'm enjoying what happens next. enjoy: 享受 happen: 发生 我很期待即将发生的事。 -Brain: Come on, get in. 快点,上来。 Get in come on. 快上来。 Come on, get in fucking car, let's go. 妈的快上车,我们走。 Hurry up. 快点。 -Police officer: What have you got Trin? 你有什么发现 Trin, -Trin: We contacted agencies in multiple countries. 我们联系了多国的机构。 Unfortunately most of them have to manually scan their print for us to upload. unfortunately: 不幸的是 不幸的是他们大多只能人工扫描指纹,以供我们参考。 -Stasiak: O'Conner is online 5. O'Conner在5线上。 Sir you should see this. 长官你应该看看这个。 -Police officer: Thank you. 谢谢。 Talk to me, O'Conner. 说吧,O'Conner。 Where the hell have you been? 你他妈去哪儿了, -Brain: I got the shipment. 我拿到货了。 -Police officer: I got the shipment? Or we got the shipment? 你拿到货了还是我们拿到货了, -Brain: What are you talking about? 你在说什么, -Police officer: Traffic cams in the area picked up. 那里的摄像头拍到。 Pictures of you and Toretto together. 你和Toretto在一起的照片。 Listen to me O'Conner. 给我听着 O'Conner。 Bring in the shipment and bring in Toretto. 把货和Toretto一起带回来。 -Brain: I thought the point was to get La Braga we got the opportunity here. opportunity: 机会 我还以为目标是Braga ,我们有机会了。 -Police officer: Brain, the clock stopped ticking. Brain 没有时间了。 Bring him in, are we clear? 带他回来,听明白了么, Conner? Conner, -Dom: So this's what sixty million dollars looks like. 6千万美元就长这样。 -Brain: Hey, you need a doctor. 嘿,你得去看医生。 -Dom: We have to find a place to hide this. 我们得找地方把这藏起来。 -Brain: I got a spot. spot: 地点 我有地方。 5021 reckless we need a 48 hours hole. 5021号违章车,扣留48小时。 -Conservator: Go back, tell me anything you find. 去后面吧,随便找个地方。 -Dom: Are you sure about this? 你确定要这样做么, -Brain: Yeah, the last place still checked. check: 检查 是的,不会有人想到这儿的。 No one in the burn yard trust me. 没人会来翻旧帐的,相信我。 You know, I'm thinking when you blew up your car back there, you blew up mine too? 我在想你当时炸自己的车时,把我的也炸了, -Dom: Yeah. 是的。 -Brain: Yeah. 是的。 So, now you owe me a 10 second car. 你现在欠我辆快车。 -Dom: Is that right? 是这样么, -Brain: Yeah. 当然。 -Dom: How are you? 这样行了吗, -Nina: This's the way that you're keeping me away from him? 这就是你让我远离他的方式吗, -Brain: You’re answering his calls. 你都接他电话了。 -Nina: He's my brother of course. 他是我哥哥,当然了。 Bullet's not in there. 里面没有子弹。 I'm gonna clean it, stitch it up it's gonna hurt. 我要清理并缝合伤口,会很疼。 -Dom: I bet your are gonna enjoy this. 我打赌你就喜欢这样。 -Nina: A little. 有点吧。 Do you want this? 要这个吗, -Dom: Yeah. 好的。 -Nina: Spicy. 很辣。 Dom, what you do? Dom,你在干什么, You eat first! You should say grace. grace: 祷告 怎么一上来就吃,要先做祷告。 -Dom: Thank you lord. 感谢上帝。 For blessing this table. 赐给我这张桌子。 -Nina: With food and family. 食物和家庭。 And friendship. 还有友情。 -Brain: You asked me why I let Dom go? 你问我为什么放Dom走, Unless because of that moment. 我想是因为在那一刻。 I respected him more than I did myself. respect: 尊敬 我比敬重自己更敬重他。 One think that I learnt from Dom is that. 我从Dom身上学到的一点是。 Nothing really matters unless you have a code. 除非你有原则,否则一切都无关紧要。 -Nina: And what’s your code, Brian? 那你的原则是什么,Brian, -Brain: I’m working on it. 我正在努力发掘。 -Brain: Oh, Shit. 妈的。 Hey Dom, 嘿 Dom。 -Dom: When you were gonna tell me? 你打算什么时候告诉我, -Nina: Dom What you doing ? Dom 你要干嘛, -Dom: when were you gonna tell me that you were running Letty? 你打算什么时候告诉我你在利用Letty, -Brain: Let me explain This when were you gonna...... 听我解释,你要什么时候…… -Nina: Stop, Stop. 住手,住手。 -Brain: You don’t understand. 你不明白。 -Dom: I don’t want to understand. 我就不想明白。 -Dom: Stop! 住手, Stop, Stop it, please Stop! 住手,求你别打了~ -Brain: She did it for you Dom. 她这么做都是为了你 Dom。 She did it for you. 都是为了你。 Letty came to me to clear your name in exchange for bringing down La Braga. exchange: 交换 Letty来找我,想让我抓获La Braga 给你洗脱罪名。 She just wanted you to come home. 她只想要让你回家。 I’m sorry Dom, I'm sorry. 我很抱歉 Dom 对不起。 -Police officer: You better have one hell of an explanation. explanation: 解释 你最好有一个合理解释。 You disobeyed the direct order. disobey: 违背 direct: 直接的 order: 命令 你违背了命令。 Where’s the shipment? shipment: 装货,货物 货在哪儿, -Brain: It’s safe. 货很安全。 -Police officer: It’s safe. 很安全。 -Brain: Look, we could use the shipment to parade in front of the media. parade: 曝光 media: 媒体 听着,我们可以把这批货曝光给媒体。 That you get a few hundred pounds of heroins off the streets. 表扬你在街上追缴了几百磅海洛因。 But La Braga's gonna send another shipment next week. 但La Braga下周还会再发一批货。 And a week after that. 下下周也是。 Let's use the shipment to roll La Braga out mob the head off out of the multi- Million dollor cartel. roll: 引诱 让我们用这笔货诱La Braga出来,把这个庞大的金钱集团消失。 -Police officer: And how do you suggest we do that? suggest: 建议 那你觉得我们应该怎么做, -Brain: A hand to hand exchange with La Braga. 与La Braga当面交易。 -Stasiak: He'll never show up. 他绝不会出现的。 -Brain: He can't afford not to. 损失太大,他不会不来的。 -Police officer: You got a plan? 你有计划了, -Brain: Theres a price. 我有条件。 We bag La Braga, you let Toretto walk. 抓住La Braga ,就放了Toretto。 -Bad girl: Yes. 喂。 -Dom: Hey star. 嘿大腕。 -Bad girl: I was just thinking about you. 我刚刚在想你。 You know when I gave you my number l was hoping that you'll call. 给你号码就是想让你打给我。 But not under these circumstances. circumstance: 情况 但不是在这种情况下。 -Dom: What circumstances? 什么情况, Me, being alive! 我,可还活着。 -Bad girl: Don’t take it personally its just business. personally: 私人地,个人地 别往心里去,这是做生意。 -Dom: I got some business of my own. 我自己也有生意。 Get Campos. 我要找Campos。 -Bad girl: It’s for you. 找你的。 -Dom: Was that how La Braga inspires loyalty? inspire: 激发 loyalty: 忠诚 La Braga就是这样激发忠诚的吗, Killing his drivers? 杀掉他的Driver B, -Boss: One can always find more drivers. 总能找到更多的Driver B。 It’s just good for business. 那么做是为生意好。 -Dom: I want to trade. trade: 交易 我要做交易。 -Boss: La Braga does not negotiate. La Braga从不谈判。 -Dom: Fine how can you explain to him that how all of the sudden the 60 million dollar worth of product disappeared. explain: 解释 sudden: 突然 worth: 价值 product: 产品 disappear: 消失 好吧,那你要怎么跟他解释,6千万的货忽然就不见了。 I know that can't be good for business. 我想这对生意可不利哦。 -Boss: What do you want? 你想怎么样, -Dom: 6 million cash, delivered by Braga himself. 6百万现金,让Braga亲自来送。 I don’t like being shot at. 我不喜欢中枪的感觉。 I ain't gonna put my neck out again unless he has got something to loose to. 除非他也冒点风险,我是不会再伸头待宰的。 -Boss: He'll never go for it. 他不会去的。 -Dom: Either I deal with Braga or you do. 让我跟Braga解释,要不你去。 -Boss: When and where? 何时何地, -Police: Sir, clears are on-site holding positions at the perimeter. position: 地点,位置 perimeter: 周长,周界 长官现场已检查完毕,周边人员已各就各位。 -Stasiak: Alright, listen up every body stay froze. 好的,都听好了,大家都别动。 We not moving a muscle until conner gives the signal. Conner发信号前谁也别动。 When you get some money you know what to do. 收到钱就办事。 -Brain: Well, the good news is that when we get this guy. 好消息是等我们抓到他。 You walk out here a free man. 你就是自由身了。 -Dom: Is that what they told you? 他们是这么跟你说的吗, -Brain: Yeah Thats the deal. 是的,这是条件。 -Dom: You still put milk and cookies out for Santa Claus? 你还会准备好牛奶饼干等圣诞老人来吗, -Brain: Yeah. 会。 Here, keys this to the city. 到时按这个键通知部里。 -Dom: Just like old times. 像原来一样。 -Brain: Yeah. 没错。 -Fenix: Oyo, you dropped something, 嘿,你是不是落了点什么, That’s what you wanted right? 你就想要这个是不是, -Boss: Hold on. 别动。 He's harmless don’t worry about him. harmless: 无害的 他不会伤害你,别担心他。 And he's really sorry about, Letty. 而且他对Letty的事非常遗憾。 Where’s our stuff? 我们的东西在哪, -Brain: You mean the stuff that used to be in here right? 你是说原来在这儿的货么, Well, you'll see it when we see Braga that was the deal。 我们看见Braga你就能看见了,这是条件。 -Boss: No worries. 不用担心。 Braga keeps his word. Braga遵守诺言。 -Sham Braga: 2 million. 2百万。 You get the rest when I get my property. 我拿到货,其余的钱就给你。 -Stasiak: It's Stasiak. 我是Stasiak。 -Trin: We got a match. 找到匹配了。 Finger's print La Braga is a hundred percent. 与La Braga的指纹百分百吻合。 Just waiting a facial confirmation via fax. 正在等待脸部识别的结果传真过来。 -Brain: I got a question for you. 我有一个问题。 You were in peak when your clawing your way out of la barrio. 你从La barrio抽身时正值顶峰。 -Stasiak: Tell all the agents to move in. 让所有探员行动。 We got a confirmation primary suspect is wearing gray suit. confirmation: 确认 primary: 最初的 suspect: 嫌疑人 已经确认,首要嫌疑人身穿灰色西装。 Let's move. 开始行动。 -Police: Sir, O'Conner hasn't given us the signal yet. signal: 信号 长官, O'Conner还没给我们信号。 -Stasiak: What point you didn't understand, we just get conformation, do it. understand: 理解,明白 你哪点不懂,我们收到了确认结果,行动。 -Police: Secure primary suspect in gray suit, repeat. 首要疑犯身穿灰色西装,解除他的武装,重复。 Secure primary suspect wearing a grey suite. 首要疑犯身穿灰色西装,解除他的武装。 -Brain: You’re thinking what Im thinking, right? 你和我想的一样,对吧, -Dom: He aint Braga. 他不是Braga。 -Trin: Oh shit. 妈的。 -FBI: Drop your weapon FBl. 放下你们的武器,FBl。 -Brain: Look out. 小心。 Get out of here. 离开这儿。 Get out of here, Dom. 快离开这儿 Dom。 -Boss: Run him down. 轧死他们。 -Brain: Campos is Braga. Campos就是Braga。 -Dom: Come on. 来吧。 -Police: Looking primary target. primary: 主要的 主要嫌犯在此。 Primary suspect is secure. 主要嫌犯已被控制。 Let’s go. 我们走。 Get up. 起来。 -Office holder A: He was under your nose the whole time. La Braga一直在你眼皮底下。 La Braga's escaped ,heading south by long across the border by now. escape: 逃跑 你却让他跑了,Toretto现在可能已经越过南部国境了。 You have any idea what kind of touble you are in, O'Conner. 你知道你有多大的麻烦吗,O'Conner。 -Brain: I was doing my job. 我是在尽本份。 -Office holder A: You're the first bad guy who helped escape the law's grasp. 你是头号恶人,助他逃离法网。 -Office holder B: As of now you’re being taking off back to duty until this house comes with a formal enquiry. formal: 正常的 enquiry: 问询 议院进行正式问询之前,你被免除一切职务。 -Brain: What about Braga?. 那Braga呢, -Office holder B: That's no longer your concern. concern: 关心 那已经不关你的事了。 -Brain: We now know where Braga is, right? 我们现在知道Braga在哪儿,对吧, -Trin: Customs checked him via satellite his home base is in Mexico. 海关用卫星追踪了他,他的大本营在墨西哥。 -Police officer: Mexico is out of our jurisdiction, the fact is. jurisdiction: 司法权,审判权 墨西哥在我们司法管辖范围以外,事实上。 The press will be so busy holding press conferences over the seizure. Brass会忙着为那些扣押品开新闻发布会。 We'll escape under the radar. 我们可以偷偷行动。 -Brain: I thought we sign on to do the right thing. 我还以为我们受雇是要做正确的事情。 Everyone's looking for you. 大家都在找你。 -Dom: I’m right here. 我就在这儿。 -Brain: It’s nice to see you gone with the time, it looks good. 很高兴看到你与时俱进,因为我们已安装了电子燃油喷射装备,看起来真不错。 -Dom: Possibly, it can look good. 可能真的不错。 -Brain: Im going with you. 我和你一起去。 -Dom: I don't plan on bringing anyone back. 我没打算带人回来。 -Brain: I know. 我知道。 -Dom: Hit that motor. 发动马达。 -Nina: Hate to say goodbye to my only brother. 我不想与自己唯一的哥哥告别。 -Dom: You don’t? 真的, -Dom: I thought you weren’t gonna show up. 我还以为你不会来了。 -Bad girl: You saved my life. 你救过我的命。 I’m willing to return the favor. 我很愿意还你这个人情。 This will help catch you to Braga. 这能帮你抓住Braga。 Dom. Dom。 Going in there is suicide. suicide: 自杀 去那里等于自杀。 -Dom: I have no choice. choice: 选择 我别无选择。 -Bad girl: You must have loved her very much. 你一定很爱她。 -Brain: So this's where my jurisdiction ends? 我的管辖范区就到这里了, -Dom: This, is where mine begins. 从这里开始就是我的地盘了。 -Godhead: Welcome to the huose of thelord, Sr.Braga. 欢迎来到耶和华殿 Braga先生。 -Boss: Don't worry father, everything’s go. 别担心,神父,一切都会好起来的。 To help us get to heaven. 帮我们上天堂。 -Godhead: Please receive this blessing. 请接受上帝的祝福。 Amen. 阿门。 -Dom: You ain't forgiven. forgiven: 原谅 你还没被宽恕。 -Boss: You boys want to arrest me? 你们想抓我, In here? 在这里, -Brain: No it's beyond that. 不,不仅如此。 -Dom: You can't buy your way out of this one. 这次你逃不掉了。 -Boss: You and me. 你和我。 You and me, we are not so different. 你和我,没有什么差别。 You're no hero. 你不是英雄。 -Dom: You're right. 你说得对。 And that's why you're going back across the border. 所以你得穿越国境回去。 But Fenix's mine. 但Fenix是我的。 -Brain: You got it. 没问题。 -Man: Oh.. Shit. 妈的。 -Boss: We'll make couple of miles out if you're lucky. 如果你走运,我们能逃出去几英里。 You know where you’re going? 你知道你要去哪儿吗, You want to borrow my GPS? 想借我的GPS吗, -Brain: Where's your boys? Are they going to show up or what? 你的手下呢,他们不跟来吗, -Boss: Be careful what you ask for. 说话小心点。 Just stop, just stop the car. 停下,快停车。 -Fenix: Dont shoot the boss, idiots. 别打到Boss,蠢猪。 -Dom: Right behind you. 就在你后面。 -Brain: Dom, head to the tunnel let's use the tunnel. tunnel: 隧道 Dom 朝隧道开,利用隧道。 -Dom: Get out of here, Brian. 离开这里 Brian。 -Boss: You sure you know where the tunnels are? tunnel: 隧道 你确定你知道隧道的入口在哪儿么, You sure? 你确定, -Brain: Yeah, hold on. 当然,坐好。 This might hurt. 可能有点疼。 -Fenix: Its now or never baby? 更待何时,宝贝, Thats it baby, end of the road. 就这样,宝贝儿,穷途末路了。 -Boss: Now what? 现在怎么办, -Fenix: Ah game over. 游戏结束了。 -Brain: No No No. 不要,不要,不要。 -Boss: Come on, 快点, Hey, get me out of here, 嘿,拽我出来, -Dom: Pussy, 娘们儿。 Let me see that. 让我看看。 Hey, just keep the pressure there. 压住这儿。 You'll be alright. 你会没事的。 -Brain: You have to get out of here. 你得离开这儿。 -Dom: I ain't running anymore. 我不再逃跑。 -Brain: Can I ask you something? 我能问你点事吗, -Dom: Yeah. 当然。 -Brain: You know I would of won that race if you didnt cheat, right? cheat: 作弊 你知道如果你没作弊了就是我赢,对吗, -Dom: You did hit your head hard. 你的头撞得不轻啊。 -Brain: Dont make me laugh. 别惹我笑。 -Guide: All rise. 全体起立。 -Judge: Please be seated. 请坐。 Please rise, Mr. Toretto. 请起立,Toretto先生。 I've listened to the Testimony and taking in to special consideration agent O'Conner's. special: 特别 consideration: 考虑 我听过了证词陈述并特别考虑到O'Conner探员。 Appeal of clemency on behalf of mr Toretto. appeal: 要求 要求对Toretto先生宽大处理。 His action directly resulted in the apprehension of known drug traffic. 他的行动对逮捕大毒贩Arturo Braga。 Arturo Braga. 功不可没。 However. 尽管如此。 This Judiciary finds that. 本庭认为。 One right does not make up for a life time worth of wrongsand as such. 一功不足以平千过,因此。 I find that I'm forced to level the maximum sentence under California law. 我必须根据加州刑法的最高量刑。 Dominic Toretto. 判Dominic Toretto。 You are here by sentenced to serve 25 years to life at the lampooner maximum security prison system. 终生监禁,关押地点Lampooner最高警备监狱。 Without the possibility appeally parole parole: 假释 不得假释。 Court over 宣判结束。
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