首页 2011高考天津理综试题



2011高考天津理综试题2011高考天津理综试题 理科综合 物理部分 第1卷 一、单项选择题(每小题6分,共30分。每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的) 1. 下列关于电磁波的说法正确的是 A(均匀变化的磁场能够在空间产生电场 B. 电磁波在真空和介质中传播的速度相同 C. 只要有电场和磁场,就能产生电磁波 D. 电磁波在同种介质中只能沿直线传播 2(下列关于原子和原子核的说法正确的是 A(衰变现象说明电子式原子核的组成部门 B. 玻尔理论的假设之一是原子能量的量子化 C(放射性元素的半衰期随温度的升高而变...

2011高考天津理综试题 理科综合 物理部分 第1卷 一、单项选择题(每小题6分,共30分。每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的) 1. 下列关于电磁波的说法正确的是 A(均匀变化的磁场能够在空间产生电场 B. 电磁波在真空和介质中传播的速度相同 C. 只要有电场和磁场,就能产生电磁波 D. 电磁波在同种介质中只能沿直线传播 2(下列关于原子和原子核的说法正确的是 A(衰变现象说明电子式原子核的组成部门 B. 玻尔理论的假设之一是原子能量的量子化 C(放射性元素的半衰期随温度的升高而变短 D.比结合能越小表示原子核中的核子结合得越牢固 3(质点做直线运动的v-t图像如图所示,规定向右为正方向,则该质点在前8s内平均速度的大小和方向分别为 A(0.25 m/s 向右 B(0.25 m/s 向左 C. 1 m/s 向右 D(1 m/s 向左 4. 一列简谐横波沿x轴正向传播,传到M点时波形如图所示,再经0.6s,N点开始振动,则该波的振幅A和频率f为 A. A= 1 m f =5 Hz B. A= 0.5 m f =5 Hz C. A= 1 m f =2.5 Hz D. A= 0.5 m f =2.5 Hz 5. 在静电场中,将一正电荷从a点移到b点,电场力做了负功,则 A. b点的电场强度一定比a点大 B. 电场线方向一定从b指向a C. b点的电势一定比a点高 D. 该电荷的动能一定减小 一、不定项选择题(每小题6分,共18分。每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确。有的有多个选项 正确,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,选错或不答的得0分) 6. 探测器绕月球做匀速圆周运动。变轨后在周期较小的轨道上仍做匀速圆周运动,则变轨后与变轨前相比 A. 轨道半径变小 B. 向心加速度变小 C( 线速度变小 D. 角速度变小 7.为探究理想变压器原、副线圈电压、电流的关系,将原线圈接到电压有效值不变的正弦交流电源上,副of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 线圈连接相同的灯泡L1、L2,电路中分别接了理想交流电压表V1、V2和理想交流电流表A1、A2,导线电阻不计,如图所示。当天关S闭合后 A.A1示数变大,A1与A2示数的比值不变 B.A1示数变大,A1与A2示数的比值变大 C.V2示数变小,V1与V2示数的比值变大 D.V2示数不变,V1与V2示数的比值不变 8 .用同一光电管研究a、b两种单色光产生的光电效应,得到光电流I与光电管两极间所加电压U的关系如图。则这两种光 A.照射该光电管时a光使其逸出的光电子最大初动能大 B.从同种玻璃射入空气发生全反射时,a光的临界角大 C.通过同一装置发生双缝干涉,a光的相邻条纹间距大 D .通过同一玻琉璃三棱镜时,a光的偏折程度大 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 理科综合 物理部分 第?卷 9.(18分) (1)如图所示,在高为h的平台边缘水平抛出小球A,同时在水平地面上距台面边缘水平距离为s处竖直上抛小球B,两球运动轨迹在同一竖直平面内,不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g。若两球能在空中相 vA遇,则小球A的初速度v应大于 ,A、B两球初速度之比AvB 为 。 (2)探究求合力的方法时,先将橡皮条的一端固定在水平木板上,另一端 系上带有绳套的两根细绳。实验时,需要两次伸橡皮条,一次是通过两细绳 用两个弹簧秤互成角度地拉橡皮条,另一次是用一个弹簧秤通过细绳拉橡皮 条。 ?实验对两次拉伸橡皮条的要求中,下列哪些说法是正确的 (填字母代号)。 A.将橡皮条拉伸相同长度即可 B.将橡皮条沿相同方向拉到相同长度 C.将弹簧秤都拉伸到相同刻度 D.将橡皮条和绳的结点拉到相同位置 ?同学们在操作过程中有如下议论,其中对减小实验误差有差的说法是 (填字母代号)。 A.两细绳必须等长 B.弹簧秤、细绳、橡皮条都应与木板平行 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used C.用两弹簧秤同时拉细绳时两弹簧秤示数之差应尽可能大 D.拉橡皮条的细绳要长些,标记同一细绳方向的两点要远些 的内阻R,其量程为2V,内阻约2kΩ。实验室提供的器材有: (3)要测量电压表V1V 电流表A,量程0.6A,内阻约0.1Ω; 电压表V,量程5V,内阻约5kΩ; 2 定值电阻R,阻值30Ω; 1 定值电阻R,阻值3kΩ; 2 滑动变阻器R,最大阻值100Ω,额定电流1.5A; 3 电源E,电动势6 V,内阻约0.5Ω; 开关S一个,导线若干。 ?有人拟将待测电压表V和电流表A串联接入电压合适的测量电路中,测出1 V的电压和电流,再计算出R。该 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 实际上不可行,其最主要的原因1V 是 ; ?请从上述器材中选择必要的器材, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一个测量电压表V内阻R的实验电1V路。要求测量尽量准确,实验须在同一电路中,且在不增减元件的条件下完成。试画出符合要求的实验电路图(图中电源与开关已连好),并标出所选元件的相应字母代号; ?由上问写出V内阻R的表达式,说明式中各测量量的物理意义。 1V 10.(16分)如图所示,小球A系在细线的一端,线的另一端固定在O点,O点到水平面的距离为h。物块B质量是小球的5 倍,置于粗糙的水平面上且位于O点正下方,物块与水平面间的动摩擦因数为。现拉动小球使线水平伸直,小球由静止开, 始释放,运动到最低点时与物块发生正碰(碰撞时间极短),反 h弹后上升至最高点时到水平面的距离为。小球与物块均视为16 质点,不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g,求物块在水平面上滑行的时间t。 , 11.(18分)如图所示,质量m,0.1 kg,电阻R,0.3,长度l,0.4 m11 的导体棒ab横放在U型金属框架上。框架质量m,0.2 kg,放在绝缘水平面2 ,上,与水平面间的动摩擦因数,0.2.相距0.4 m的MM′、NN′相互平行, ,电阻不计且足够长。电阻R,0.1的MN垂直于MM′。整个装置处于竖直2 向上的匀强磁场中,磁感应强度B,0.5 T。垂直于ab施加F,2 N的水平恒力,ab从静止开始无摩擦地运动,始终与MM′、NN′保持良好接触。当ab运动到某处时,框架开始运2动。设框架与水平面间最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,g取10 m/s。 (1)求框架开始运动时ab速度v的大小; (2)求ab开始运动到框架开始运动的过程中,MN上产生的热量Q,0.1 J,求该过程ab位移x的大 小。 12.(20分)质谱分析技术已广泛应用于各前沿科学领域。汤姆孙发现电子的质谱装置示意如图,M、N为两块水平放置的平行金属极板,板长为L,板右端到屏的距离为D,且D远大于L,O′O为垂直于屏的中心轴线,不计离子重力和离子在板间偏离O′O的距离。以屏中心O为原点建立xOy直角坐标系,其中x轴沿水平方向,y轴沿竖直方向。 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 第 3 页 共 13 页 (1)设一个质量为m、电荷量为q的正离子以速度v沿O′O的方向从O′点射入,板间不加电场000 和磁场时,离子打在屏上O点。若在两极板间加一沿,y方向场强为E的匀强电场,求离子射到屏上时偏离O点的距离y; 0 (2)假设你利用该装置探究未知离子,试依照以下实验结果计算未知离子的质量数。 上述装置中,保留原电场,再在板间加沿,y方向的匀强磁场。现有电荷量相同的两种正离子组成的离子流,仍从O′点沿O′O方方向射入,屏上出现两条亮线。在两线上取y坐标相同的两个光点,对应的x坐标分别为3.24 mm和3.00 mm,其中x坐标大的光点是碳12离子击中屏产生的,另一光点是未知离子产生的。尽管入射离子速度不完全相同,但入射速度都很大,且在板间运动时O′O方向的分速度总是远大于x方向和y方向的分速度. 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 理科综合 生物部分 理科综合共300分,考试用时150分钟 生物试卷分为第?卷(选择题)和第?卷两部分,第?卷1至2页,第?卷3至4页,共80分。 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码,答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 祝各位考生考试顺利~ 第?卷 1.在叶肉细胞中,CO的固定和产生场所分别是 2 ?叶绿体基质 ?类囊体薄膜 ?线粒体基质 ?线粒体内膜 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 2.根据右表中的已知条件,判断苏氨酸的密码子是 A.TGU B.UGA C.ACU D.UCU 3.在“观察根尖分生组织细胞的有丝分裂”实验事,以下操作和 结论正确的是 A.剪取5cm根尖,用酒精和吡罗红混合液解离染色 B.右图是高倍显微镜下调节细准焦螺旋看到视野 C.持续观察,视野中的K细胞将分裂成两个子细胞 D.视野中,N细胞的染色体数目是M细胞的一半 4.下列关于物质跨膜运输的叙述,错误的是 (( A.主动运输过程中,需要载体蛋白协助和ATP提供能量 B.在静息状态下,神经细胞不再进行葡萄糖跨膜运输 C.质壁分离过程中,水分子外流导致细胞内渗透压升高 D.抗体分泌过程中,囊泡膜经融合成为细胞膜的一部分 5.下表为三个稳定草原生态系统中植物调查的统计数据。 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 据表可以确认的是 A.在植物丰富的区域采用样方法获得数据 B.典型草原中各种群密度均大于荒漠草原 C.流经草甸草原的总能量大于典型草原 D.表中荒漠草源旱生植物的丰富度最高 s表示短食 6.食指长无名指为长食指,反之为短食指,该相对性状由常染色体上一对等位基因控制(T LSL指基因,T表示长食指基因)。此等位基因表达受性激素影响,T在男性为显性,T在女孩子性为显性。若一对夫妇均为短食指,所生孩子中既有长食指又有短食指,则该夫妇再生一个孩子是长食指的概率为 1123 A. B. C. D. 4314 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 理科综合 生物部分 第?卷 7.(26分) R I.(14分)下图是培育表达人乳蛋白的乳腺生物反应器的技术路线。图中tet表示四环素抗性基因, Ramp表示氨青霉素抗性基因,BamHI、Hind?、Sma I直线所示为三种限制酶的酶切位点。 据图回答“ (1)图中将人乳铁蛋白基因插入载体,需用 限制酶同时酶切载体和人乳铁蛋白基因。筛选含有重组载体的大肠杆菌首先需要在含 的培养基上进行。 (2)能使人乳铁蛋白基因在乳腺细胞中特异性表达的调控序列是 (填字母代号)。 RR A.启动子 B.tet C.复制原点 D. amp (3)过程?可采用的操作方法是 (填字母代号)。 A.农杆菌转化 B.大肠杆菌转化 C.显微注射 D.细胞融合 (4)过程?采用的生物技术是 。 (5)对早期胚胎进行切割,经过程?可获得多个新个体。这利用了细胞的 性。 (6)为检测人乳铁蛋白是否成功表达,可采用 (填字母代号)技术。 A.核酸分子杂交 B.基因序列分析 C.抗原一抗体杂交 D.PCR ?.(12分)某地区从1964年开始使用杀虫剂杀灭蚊子幼虫,至1967年中期停用。下图是五年间蚊子幼虫基因型步率变化曲线。R表示杀虫剂抗性 基因,S表示野生敏感型基因。据图回答: (1)R基因的出现是 的结果。 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 第 5 页 共 13 页 (2)在RR基因型频率达到峰值时,RS、SS基因型频率分别为4,和1,,此时R基因的频率为 。 (3)1969年中期RR基因型几近消失,表明在 的环境条件下,RR基因型幼虫比SS基因型幼虫的生存适应能力 。 (4)该地区从此不再使用杀虫剂。预测未来这种群中,最终频率最高的基因型是 。原因是 。 8.(18分)根据下列实验结果回答问题。 实验一:选取同品种、同日龄的健康大鼠若干只,实施切除手术,一段时 间后随机等分成四组,分别注射激素及生理盐水30天,结果如图1。 (1)该实验的目的是探究 。 (2)手术应切除 。每次注射各激素的量应按照 来计算。 (3)图1表明胰岛素具有 的作用,胰岛素与生长激素共 同作用的效应 (小于/等于/大于)它们单独作用之和。 实验二:选取健康大鼠,持续电刺激支配其胰岛的副交感神经,测客血液 中胰岛素和胰高血糖素的浓度,结果如图2。 (4)开始刺激后,血糖浓度将 ,原因 是 。 (5)图2中胰高血糖素浓度下降的原因之一是胰岛素直接抑制胰岛A细胞分泌。若要证实该结论,可在胰岛组织中注射 ,通过检测主射前后其周围血液中 的浓度变化来确定。 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 理科综合 化学部分 理科综合共300分,考试用时150分钟。 化学试卷分为第?卷(选择题)和第?卷两部分,第?卷1至2页,第?卷3至6页,共100分。 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 祝各位考生考试顺利~ 第?卷 注意事项: 1(每题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 2(本卷共6题,每题6分,共36分。在每题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 以下数据可供解题时参考: 相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 1(以节能减排为基础的低碳经济是保持社会可持续发展的战略举措。下列做法违背发展低碳经济的 是 A(发展氢能和太阳能 B(限制塑料制品的使用 C(提高原子利用率,发展绿色化学 D(尽量用纯液态有机物代替水作溶剂 2(化学已渗透到人类生活的各个方面。下列说法不正确的是 A(阿司匹林具有解热镇痛作用 B(可以用SiN、AlO制作高温结构陶瓷制品 3423 C(在入海口的钢铁闸门上装一定数量的铜块可防止闸门被腐蚀 汽车尾气污染 D(禁止使用四乙基铅作汽油抗爆震剂,可减少 3(下列鉴别方法可行的是 3+2++A(用氨水鉴别Al、Mg和Ag ,2,2,B(用Ba(NO)溶液鉴别Cl、SO和CO 3243 C(用核磁共振氢谱鉴别1,溴丙烷和2,溴丙烷 D(用KMnO酸性溶液鉴别CHCH,CHCHOH和CHCHCHCHO 4323224(下列液体均处于25?,有关叙述正确的是 A(某物质的溶液pH < 7,则该物质一定是酸或强酸弱碱盐 ++B(pH , 4.5的番茄汁中c(H)是pH , 6.5的牛奶中c(H)的100倍 C(AgCl在同浓度的CaCl和NaCl溶液中的溶解度相同 2 +,D(pH , 5.6的CHCOOH与CHCOONa混合溶液中,c(Na) > c(CHCOO) 3335(下列实验设计及其对应的离子方程式均正确的是 3+2+2+A(用FeCl溶液腐蚀铜线路板:Cu + 2Fe , Cu + 2Fe 3 +,B(NaO与HO反应制备O :NaO + HO , 2Na + 2OH + O? 22222222 +,,C(将氯气溶于水制备次氯酸:Cl + HO , 2H + Cl + ClO 22 D(用浓盐酸酸化的KMnO溶液与HO反应,证明HO具有还原性: 42222 +2+,2MnO + 6H + 5HO , 2Mn + 5O? + 8HO 22224 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 第 7 页 共 13 页 6(下列各表述与示意图一致的是 ,1,1A(图?表示25?时,用0.1 mol?L盐酸滴定20 mL 0.1 mol?L NaOH溶液,溶液的pH随加入酸体积的变化 B(图?中曲线表示反应2SO(g) + O(g) 2SO(g);ΔH < 0 正、逆反应的平衡常数K随温度的223 变化 ,1,12+C(图?表示10 mL 0.01 mol?L KMnO 酸性溶液与过量的0.1 mol?L HCO溶液混合时,n(Mn) 4224随时间的变化 D(图?中a、b曲线分别表示反应CH,CH (g) + H(g)CHCH(g);ΔH< 0使用和未使用催化,,,22233 剂时,反应过程中的能量变化 绝密?启用前 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷) 理科综合 化学部分 第?卷 注意事项: 1(用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。 2(本卷共4题,共64分。 7((14分)X、Y、Z、L、M五种元素的原子序数依次增大。X、Y、Z、L是组成蛋白质的基础元素,M是地壳中含量最高的金属元素。 回答下列问题: ? L的元素符号为________ ;M在元素周期表中的位置为________________;五种元素的原子半径从大到小的顺序是____________________(用元素符号表示)。 ? Z、X两元素按原子数目比l?3和2?4构成分子A和B,A的电子式为___,B的结构式为____________。 ? 硒(se)是人体必需的微量元素,与L同一主族,Se原子比L原子多两个电子层,则Se的原子序数为_______,其最高价氧化物对应的水化物化学式为_______。该族2 ~ 5周期元素单质分别与of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used H反应生成l mol气态氢化物的反应热如下,表示生成1 mol硒化氢反应热的是__________(填字母2 代号)。 ,1,1,1,1a(+99.7 mol?L b(+29.7 mol?L c(,20.6 mol?L d(,241.8 kJ?mol ? 用M单质作阳极,石墨作阴极,NaHCO溶液作电解液进行电解,生成难溶物R,R受热分解3 生成化合物Q 。写出阳极生成R的电极反应式:______________;由R生成Q的化学方程式:_______________________________________________。 +HO / H28((18分)?(已知:R,CH,CH,O,R′ R,CHCHO + R′OH ,,,,,2 (烃基烯基醚) 烃基烯基醚A的相对分子质量(M r)为176,分子中碳氢原子数目比为3?4 。与A相关的反应如下: 请回答下列问题: ? A的分子式为_________________。 ? B的名称是___________________;A的结构简式为________________________。 ? 写出C ? D反应的化学方程式:_______________________________________。 ? 写出两种同时符合下列条件的E的同分异构体的结构简式: _________________________、________________________。 ? 属于芳香醛; ? 苯环上有两种不同环境的氢原子。 HCCCH?(由E转化为对甲基苯乙炔()的一条路线如下: 3 ? 写出G的结构简式:____________________________________。 ? 写出? ~ ?步反应所加试剂、反应条件和 ? ~ ? 步反应类型: 序号 所加试剂及反应条件 反应类型 ? of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 第 9 页 共 13 页 ? ? ? —— 9((18分)纳米TiO在涂料、光催化、化妆品等领域有着极其广泛的应用。 2 制备纳米TiO的方法之一是TiCl水解生成TiO?x HO,经过滤、水洗除去其中的Cl,再烘干、焙烧2422 除去水分得到粉体TiO。 2 用现代分析仪器测定TiO粒子的大小。用氧化还原滴定法测定TiO的质量分数:一定条件下,将TiO222 3+3+4+溶解并还原为Ti ,再以KSCN溶液作指示剂,用NHFe(SO)标准溶液滴定Ti至全部生成Ti。 442 请回答下列问题: ? TiCl水解生成TiO?x HO的化学方程式为_______________________________。 422 ,? 检验TiO?x HO中Cl是否被除净的方法是______________________________。 22 ? 下列可用于测定TiO粒子大小的方法是_____________________(填字母代号)。 2 a(核磁共振法 b(红外光谱法 c(质谱法 d(透射电子显微镜法 ? 配制NHFe(SO)标准溶液时,加入一定量HSO的原因是_________________;使用的仪器除天44224 _____(填字母代号)。 平、药匙、玻璃棒、烧杯、量简外,还需要下图中的 a b c d e ? 滴定终点的现象是___________________________________________________。 ,1,1? 滴定分析时,称取TiO(摩尔质量为M g?mol)试样w g,消耗c mol?L NHFe(SO)标准溶液V 2442mL,则TiO质量分数表达式为_________________________。 2 ? 判断下列操作对TiO质量分数测定结果的影响(填“偏高”、“偏低”或“无影响”) 2 ? 若在配制标准溶液过程中,烧杯中的NHFe(SO)溶液有少量溅出,使测定结果442 _________________________。 ? 若在滴定终点读取滴定管刻度时,俯视标准液液面,使测定结果_________。 10((14分)二甲醚是一种重要的清洁燃料,也可替代氟利昂作制冷剂等,对臭氧层无破坏作用。工业上of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 可利用煤的气化产物(水煤气)合成二甲醚。 请回答下列问题: ? 煤的气化的主要化学反应方程式为:_____________________________________。 S用NaCO溶液吸收,生成两种酸式盐,该反应的化学方程式? 煤的气化过程中产生的有害气体H223 为:_________________________________________________________。 ? 利用水煤气合成二甲醚的三步反应如下: ,1? 2H(g) + CO(g) CHOH(g);ΔH , ,90.8 kJ?mol 23 ,1? 2CH3OH(g) CH3OCH3(g) + HO(g);ΔH, ,23.5 kJ?mol 2 ,1? CO(g) + HO(g) CO(g) + H(g);ΔH, ,41.3 kJ?mol 222 总反应:3H(g) + 3CO(g) CHOCH(g) + CO (g)的ΔH, ___________; 2332 一定条件下的密闭容器中,该总反应达到平衡,要提高CO的转化率,可以采取的措施是__________ (填字母代号)。 (加入催化剂 c(减少CO的浓度 a(高温高压 b2 d(增加CO的浓度 e(分离出二甲醚 ? 已知反应?2CH3OH(g) CHOCH(g) + HO(g)某温度下的平衡常数为400 。此温度下,在密332 闭容器中加入CHOH ,反应到某时刻测得各组分的浓度如下: 3 物质 CHOH CHOCH HO 3332 ,1浓度/(mol?L) 0.44 0.6 0.6 ? 比较此时正、逆反应速率的大小:v ______ v (填“>”、“<”或“,”)。 正逆 ? 若加入CHOH后,经10 min反应达到平衡,此时c(CHOH) , _________;该时间内反应速33 率v(CHOH) , __________。 3 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 第 11 页 共 13 页 理科综合 化学部分参考答案 ?卷共6题,每题6分,共36分。 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 答案 D C C B A B ?卷共4题,共64分。 7((共14分) ? O 第3周期 第?A族 Al > C > N > O > H HNNH HNH ? HHH ? 34 HSeO b 24 ,,? Al + 3HCO ,3e , Al(OH)? + CO? 323 ,3+3+,(或Al,3e , Al Al + 3HCO , Al(OH)? + CO? 323 ? 2Al(OH) AlO + 2HO 3232 8((共18分) ? CHO 1216 ? 1,丙醇(或正丙醇) HCCHCHOCHCHCH 3223 ,,,,? CHCHCHO+2Ag(NH)OHCHCHCOONH+2Ag?+3NH +HO 323232432 CHCH33 CHOCHO? CHCHCHO32 CHCH33 (写出其中两种) of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used ? HCCHCH32 ? 序号 所加试剂及反应条件 反应类型 ? H,催化剂(或Ni、Pt、Pd),? 还原(或加成)反应 2 ? 浓HSO,? 消去反应 24 ? Br(或Cl) 加成反应 22 ? NaOH,CH5OH,? —— 2 9((共18分) ? TiCl + (x+2)HO TiO?xHO? + 4HCl 4222 ,? 取少量水洗液,滴加AgNO溶液,不产生白色沉淀,说明Cl已除净。 3 ? d ? 抑制NHFe(SO)水解 442 a c ? 溶液变为红色 cVMcVM? (或%) 10w1000w ? ? 偏高 ? 偏低 10((共14分) 高温 ? C + HO CO + H 22 ? HS + NaCO , NaHS + NaHCO 2233 ,1? ,246.4 kJ?mol c e ? ? > ,1? 0.04 mol?L 0.16 mol/L?min of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 第 13 页 共 13 页
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