首页 对食品安全的认识(1)



对食品安全的认识(1)对食品安全的认识(1) “民以食为天”。这话应该有两层意思。 食物不但是维系生命的必要条件,也能损害身体,甚至让人丢掉性命。 取食于天然是工业化以前人类的生存方式;而自从现代农业诞生起,尤其是农药、化肥的发明和大量使用,以及现代畜牧业发展起来之后,食物已经不再来自大自然,而是加入了很多工业制造的成分。 因此,食物的安全不再像古时候人们“冒险吃河豚”那么简单了。鹤顶红、地沟油、铅中毒、激素、瘦肉精、三聚氰胺、苯并芘乃至转基因„„每个成分都有可能产生不可预料的后果。 “瘦肉精”事件尘埃未落,“染色馒头”、“牛...

对食品安全的认识(1) “民以食为天”。这话应该有两层意思。 食物不但是维系生命的必要条件,也能损害身体,甚至让人丢掉性命。 取食于天然是工业化以前人类的生存方式;而自从现代农业诞生起,尤其是农药、化肥的发明和大量使用,以及现代畜牧业发展起来之后,食物已经不再来自大自然,而是加入了很多工业制造的成分。 因此,食物的安全不再像古时候人们“冒险吃河豚”那么简单了。鹤顶红、地沟油、铅中毒、激素、瘦肉精、三聚氰胺、苯并芘乃至转基因„„每个成分都有可能产生不可预料的后果。 “瘦肉精”事件尘埃未落,“染色馒头”、“牛肉膏”、“兽药豆芽”又接踵而来。莱克多巴胺、山梨酸钾、蛋白胨、亚硝酸钠……这些以前不甚熟悉的名词,为老百姓狠狠地补了一节化学课。一再出现的食品安全事故,让人们对自己餐桌上的食品是否安全产生怀疑。 随着人们生活水平的提高,生命和营养方面知识、信息增多,生活质量的提高,人们非常在乎自己的健康,而且很多信息也让人们知道了更多的有关健康的知识。技术的发展使人们对食物生产操作性增强。过去的农业生产、食品加工人们没有那么多新的技术发明,通过发明一些农药、化肥、激素、添加剂之类的东西去改善生产的状态。环境污染的加重。工业化迅猛发展过程带来了农业生产环境、空气环境、水环境等的污染,包括包装的污染。安全意识增强是好事。科学the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 教育的进步,生活水平的提高,人们关于食品卫生、安全知识的信息唤起人们对食品质量安全更加关注。 说到添加剂和食品安全性,科学家认为科学、合理、合法地使用合格的食品添加剂是食品加工的需要,对食品加工有好处,但是我们要反对滥用、错用和违法使用食品添加剂。对于食品添加剂的使用,一定要科学、慎用食品添加剂,不要把食品添加剂单纯地作为赢利的工具,而不考虑消费者的利益。 所以对于食品添加剂,我们应该有全面、客观的理解,不要绝对地否认。目前主要的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 是许多添加剂的使用往往仅是为了满足生产企业赢利的需要,降低成本的需要,而忽视了消费者利益的需要,使得消费者对生产者的信赖感丧失。这是我们应该解决食品添加剂恐慌问题的主要因素。又 指出一个安全感的误区,认为纯天然的就是安全的,实际上纯天然不等于安全,一个食品毒性有无,不能以是否纯天然判断。自然界中本来有毒或产生毒素的生物一直威胁着人类的健康。比如说生鲜菜豆、黄花菜不加热就是有毒的,包括毒蘑菇,实际现在纯天然的食品是非常少的,人类正是靠加工技术的进步,使得许多不可食的纯天然物质,加工成安全的食品。我们要杜绝的是危及安全的错误加工 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 ?1996年6月,云南省会泽市工业酒精勾兑假酒案,157人致残, 36人死亡; the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit ? 1996年6月27日至7月21日,云南曲靖地区会泽县发生食 用散装白酒甲醇严重超标的特大食物中毒事件,192人中毒,35 人死亡,6人致残; ? 1998年2月,山西省朔州、忻州、大同等地区连续发生多起 重大的假酒中毒事件,有200多人中毒,夺去了7人生命; ? 1998年,江西省发生因食用装过有机锡油桶中的猪油后,近 200人中毒,3人死亡; ?2003年3月19日,辽宁海城学生豆奶中毒,毒倒3000多名, 3人死亡; ?2003年6月6日,广西玉林市师范学校、环西学校、育英高 中、新民小学的学生由于食用了非法添加“吊白块”的粉丝,发 生了食物中毒,中毒人数87人; ?2004年4月,劣质奶粉流入阜阳,造成该市100多名儿童受 害,10多名儿童死亡。 ?2005年,月,苏丹红事件给中国广大消费者带来了一场巨大的食品安全恐慌 ?2007年,月,央视《焦点访谈》栏目以“揭秘泔水油”为题,报道了四川省成都市双流县东升镇葛北村一家工厂将大量泔水油原料加工成泔水油后销往食用油市场的问题。 the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 这些食品安全事故的发生,使人们已越来越清楚地认识到食品安全的重要性。食品安全确实关系到人类的生命安全、身体健康、民族的兴旺发达乃至整个国民经济的发展。食品的安全性已经成为当今世界各国政府、食品生产企业、食品流通企业以及广大人民群众最为关注的问题。也是老百姓谈论最多的热门话题之一。 胡总书记曾指出:“群众利益无小事”。质量技术监督部门承担着食品安全安全监管的政府职责,加强食品安全质量安全监督,确保百姓食品消费安全,是党中央、国务院交给质检系统的一项光荣而有艰巨的任务。食品安全监管责任重于泰山,我们每一位同志都应有高度的责任意识,百倍的工作热情,严谨的工作作风,娴熟的业务管理技能,认认真真地履行职责,把食品安全监管的各项工作任务落到实处,确保食品安全,让老百姓买的放心,吃的放心。但现在食品安全摆在各位质监人面前的问题非常严峻,下面是我根据资料总结出的几点: 一、食品监管机制问题。我国现在有质监、工商、药监、卫生、经贸、农业等几个部门对食品安全负有监管责任,但是食品安全问题却依然层出不穷,“八个大盖帽管不好一个大草帽”,监管部门实行典型的网状交叉式监管,表面仅就职能分工而言,看似合理,每个部门管一块,能集中资源把好关。其实不然,多头交叉管理的不利之处是职责不清,有功大家争,有过互相推,出了问题经常是头痛医头、脚痛医脚,临阵磨枪。经常会出现诸如本部门取得了多少成绩,管理了多少企业,发了多少证书,为经济增长作出了多少贡献等表功新闻,the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 又出了许多诸如对问题本部门管理不了,需要联合执法,于是时常出现由多部门的联合执法,但往往不了了之,最后谁也不会承担责任。要解决上述问题,应该做到信息沟通,明确各部门的责任,现在国家设立了各级食品安全协调委员会,意图很明显,在政出多门的情况下,希望其能起到协调作用。各部门把该解决的问题在本部门内解决,不是属于本部门的问题报送其他监管部门或者食品安全协调委员会,大可不必再搞什么兴师动众联合执法,浪费精力和物力。 二是明确企业在食品安全中是质量责任的主体地位,使其重视质量问题。出了问题板子打在企业。食品是企业生产出来的,作为生产者必须对企业的质量安全负责。作为企业来讲,必须按照标准组织生产,没有国家、行业、地方标准的应制订企业标准。作为我们质监部门,这方面就必须要经常督促企业进行采标、制标工作,也就要求我们标准化工作人员各方面知识面的提高,业务水平的提高。在我工作的县级质监局,经常碰到企业在采标时候无法确认该用什么样的标准、对于企业在制标的时候的困难经常出现无能为力的情况。这些都是和资料的缺乏、素质的不够造成的。再从企业方面看,在我国,有些企业从办厂到销售想的是怎么省钱多赚利润,而考虑质量安全较少,有的当出现质量问题时,不是想办法弥补,而是找种种借口搪塞消费者和媒体。从政府部门或主管部门来讲,在一定程度上充当了企业质量主体角色,基本上是以整改为主,重罚取缔的较少,这使企业在一定程度上觉得出了问题不是找自身原因,而是找政府说情,找主管部门说情,虽然我们每年也和企业签定各种各样的食品质量安全责the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 任书,但都流于形式,或许有的企业在拿到这样的责任书只是图方便把章印上去,把名字签上,连内容都未看。 三、必须建立健全有关法律法规,使企业不敢造假。在我国有关食品安全的法律法规除了《食品卫生法》外,还颁布有一系列九十余个配套规章配合其实施。作为我们质监部门适用的法律法规包括:《产品质量法》、《食品生产加工企业质量安全监督管理办法》以及2007年7月26日施行的《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理特别规定》等。但这些法律法规所规定的惩罚幅度都较低,除去新制定施行的《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理特别规定》外,比如食品卫生法规定的处罚最多是五万元以下或是违法所得的五倍罚款,而《产品质量法》则是三倍以下罚款及没收违法所得。现在社会上都有这样的议论,因为违法成本过低,使的不法分子有机可乘,马克思曾经说过:“资本家害怕没有利润或利润太少,就像自然界害怕真空一样。一旦有适应当的利润,资本就大胆起来。如果有百分之十的利润,他就保证到处被使用;有百分之二十的利润,它就活跃起来;有百分之五十的利润,它就铤而走险;为了百分之一百的利润,它就敢践踏一切人间法律;有百分之三百的利润,它就敢犯任何罪行,甚至冒绞死的危险。”制假售假分子亦是这样,在这个经济建设为中心的社会,在这个各地均以GDP为第一元素的时代,违法成本的过低,对那些不法之徒缺乏应有的威慑力。往往被惩处的人很快就会东山再起,继续干违法的事,何况被惩处的人只是冰山一角。在国外,有关食品质量的法律法规是比较健全的,轻者罚款,重者要向法院起诉。the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 一旦有人吃了食品中毒,那企业就是犯了大罪,企业就得倾家荡产,责任人就要坐牢,进一步修改完善食品质量方面的法律法规,将法律条文规定的“硬一点”、“狠一点”,使企业不敢造假,不敢售假。而企业一旦造假售假就要倾家荡产,就要关门,就要坐牢。同时,要建立信用体系,企业若有“污点”,其法人代表终生不能从事食品生产和经营活动。最近国务院很重视这方面的问题,新制定施行的《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理特别规定》对食品安全这块的惩处达到了10倍-20倍承乏,并吊销许可、追究刑事责任。同时,可考虑建立档案,企业若有“污点”,其法人代表终生不能从事食品生产和经营活动。 四是尽快完善食品安全标准体系。由于订标工作缺乏有效的统一协调机制,我国现有的食品安全标准在实施中暴露出不少相互矛盾的问题,比如质量标准、检验检测标准或方法不同、含量限度要求不同等,这不仅让相关食品加工生产者颇为头疼,也使得政府部门在对不少食品的监管上陷入了尴尬的境地。而且由于我国的食品安全标准和发达国家及国际组织相比接轨程度不够,从而导致标准的可信度在国际上不高,商品出口遇到技术壁垒的事件层出不穷。国家质量监督检验检疫总局和国家标准化委员会根据2004年9月发布《国务院关于进一步加强食品安全工作的决定》的要求,开始组织实施食品标准的制订及修订,这一重要的基础工作的开展将对提高我国食品安全水平有着非常重要的作用,将会大大提高我国食品安全水平。 五是打造一个良好的监管环境,使监管到位有效。在国外监管环the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 境是很宽松的,如对企业检查问题,对监管部门没有限制,企业也不敢抵制,好的企业去得比较少,差的企业、不放心的企业检查的频率比较高;再比如,一旦发现有制假售假行为,监督部门按照有关的法律法规裁定,政府官员和其他人没有说情的现象。而我们的监管环境值得改进:企业对监管部门的检查可以配合,可以不配合;个别的地方为优化发展环境,以软环境治理、发绿卡等制定了一些限制监督检查的规定;一旦出现制假售假行为,还有方方面面的说情,对企业的罚款,地方政府还得过问等等。这些都不利于监管部门的监管。各方要积极为企业的监管创造良好的环境,引导企业加强自律行为,守法生产和经营,更好地走质量效益型的路子。当然,对监管部门的乱检查、乱收费等行为,对监管人员吃拿卡要等违规违纪行为要严肃处理,触犯刑律的要绳之以法。 六、构建和谐社会,加强食品安全监督管理,需要大家的努力。食品质量安全是全社会的大事,不仅仅是政府及几个部门抓就能办的好的。教育宣传的作用不能小觑。宣传教育工作是在全社会营造食品安全氛围的基础,应当突出主题、注重实效,以提高人民群众对食品安全的关注和认识水平。通过各种方式开展食品法制宣传和安全教育,对公众进行食品科普教育,尤其是在进校园、进社区等,使公众不会再对每一次有关舆论报道食品安全问题的时候显得那么恐慌。信用在当今社会的作用越来越大,作为市场经济的产物,它已成为企业的无形资本。食品安全不仅需要政府的监管,也需要政府在信用体系方面加大建设力度,通过道德约束、法律建设、健全的机制、公平的the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 氛围构建的食品安全信用体系定能真正发挥其对食品安全的保障作用。 七、关于小作坊的监管。小作坊的监管的确是个头疼和难度大的事。以我在的这个县为例,大部分小作坊是高粱酿酒、油坊、蛋糕店、挂面制作等等,存在卫生环境较差,人员水平较低、生产 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 落后等问题,但小作坊又是不少人赖以生存的经济来源,如果监管不到位,就会诱发食品安全问题,如果监管过严,就会影响社会安定。国家质检总局也于7月10日发布了《关于进一步加强食品生产加工小作坊监管工作的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 》,全国各级质监部门在这方面探索很多,也有很多有益建议。如:甘肃省质监局为专门破解这一难题,出台《甘肃省食品小作坊监管工作暂行办法》同时,甘肃要求各地质量技监部门在全面普查,摸清底数,建立辖区食品生产加工小作坊质量状况动态档案的基础上,分3个层次进行全面整顿,限期达标;山东泰安质监部门的六点措施加强食品小作坊监管(一是调查摸底,为小作坊建立档案并进行动态管理。二是建立两个网络,即乡镇协管员、信息员,动员社会力量搞监督。三是实行以巡查为主要手段的监督检查制度。四是建立以质量安全承诺为主要内容的自我声明制度。五是立足当地、服务为主,引导小作坊健康发展。六是紧紧依靠政府,建立定期 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 制度和座谈会制度。)这些都是我们可以借鉴、参考的。 the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit 总之,食品安全需要全社会的共同努力,需要我们质监人的不断打造,最终形成一个公平的竞争机制,良好的监管环境,文明的公众氛围,构建和谐质监、和谐社会。 the unit of evaluation scoring, into the performance evaluation, performance evaluation and the work of civilization, as the first tree, use of cadres of the important reference. Sixth, we should strengthen the protection of style. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the "man of action is the ability, implementation is the level" concept, develop the ability to endure hardship, not afraid of difficulties, fight tough style, so the face of responsibility play no prevarication, task execution does not flinch, difficulties is not to avoid. To the comprehensive rectification action as test and temper cadres and understanding, execution, innovation "touchstone", and further establish a "development of heroes, by performance with cadres of guidance. Development is of great significance to create a national civilized city comprehensive rectification action, glorious mission. Municipal Party committee and municipal government called on, the city to act quickly, vigorous and resolute style of work, and resolutely fight to win the battle of assault fortified positions, to the people of the city to surrender a qualified answer roll! The meeting is held by the Bureau of the Party committee of consent. The main contents of the meeting is implement the PUC volunteers safe construction work to promote the spirit
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