首页 中国移动MM挑战杯移动内容策划师题库



中国移动MM挑战杯移动内容策划师题库中国移动MM挑战杯移动内容策划师题库 内容策划考题汇总 (总共统计10套试题(400道),去除250道重复题目,现总计150道,红色标记为无答案题目) 1. 【在线电子书孵化器】素材中需要那些图片素材,(多选)( ABC) A. icon B. 封底图 C. 应用加载页面 D. 插图 2. 【音乐应用孵化器】生成应用名称的最大字符限制是什么,(单选)A A. 20字符 B. 15字符 C. 10字符 D. 30字符 3. 下列哪些内容可以通过【快捷电子书孵化器】制作应用,(多选d A. ...

中国移动MM挑战杯移动内容策划师 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 库 内容策划考题汇总 (总共统计10套试题(400道),去除250道重复题目,现总计150道,红色标记为无答案题目) 1. 【在线电子书孵化器】素材中需要那些图片素材,(多选)( ABC) A. icon B. 封底图 C. 应用加载页面 D. 插图 2. 【音乐应用孵化器】生成应用名称的最大字符限制是什么,(单选)A A. 20字符 B. 15字符 C. 10字符 D. 30字符 3. 下列哪些内容可以通过【快捷电子书孵化器】制作应用,(多选d A. 学习资料 B. 博客 C. 视频 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the D. 原创小说 4. 【音乐应用孵化器】S60 V3平台下,应用LOGO图片支持的格式是什么,(单选)两次 B A. jpg B. png C. svg D. gif 5. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】个人创作者提交动漫/画册素材流程的分为几步,(单选)D A. 2步 B. 5步 C. 4步 D. 3步 6. 在【快捷电子书孵化器】电子书后台生成后,你可以到( )检 查孵化进度。B poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A. QQ B. MMarket开发者论坛 C. ARP D. 新浪 7. 【新媒体应用孵化器】S60 V3机型启动logo图片的像素要求是多少,(单选)五次 D A. 45*45 B. 47*47 C. 46*46 D. 44*44 8. 【音乐应用孵化器】音乐应用孵化过程中,以下哪种素材不需要个人创作者提供,(多选)三次 AC A. 歌词 B. 图片 C. 应用简介 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the D. 歌曲 9. 【移动视频孵化器】填写应用基本信息页面有哪几部份组成,(多选)两次BCD A. 孵化应用演示区 B. 填写视频资料区 C. 选择适配平台区 D. 孵化应用信息输入区 10. 【手机主题应用孵化器】当在使用应用孵化器中,可以通过以下哪些手段快速获得帮助,(多选)七次 A. 在线培训 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 B. 下载指导书 C. 查看使用帮助 11. 【手机主题应用孵化器】制作手机主题需要准备什么,(多选)三次BD poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A. 一杯可乐 B. 能上网的电脑 C. 一把剪刀 D. 喜欢的图片 12. 【新媒体应用孵化器】制作K-JAVA和S60V3的应用前需要准 备哪些图片素材,(多选)四次CD A. 样式图片 B. 文单内容封面 C. 启动logo D. 启动封面 13. 【手机主题应用孵化器】手机主题的格式有哪些,(多选)四 次 A. thm B. nth C. sis D. rar poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 14. 【移动视频孵化器】是否可以一次上传多个视频文件,(单选)B A. 不可以 B. 可以 15. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作的流程有几个步骤(单选)A A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3 16. 【新媒体应用孵化器】S60V3启动封面要求是什么格式图片,(单选)四次D A. jpg B. bmp poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C. png D. gif 17. 【移动视频孵化器】应用孵化ID由几位数字组成,(单选)四次 A. 10位数字 B. 15位数字 C. 20位数字 D. 30位数字 18. 【可视化电子书孵化器】图标图片大小必须小于( )(适应手机操作系统为S60、Android、OMS)(单选)四次B A. 20KB B. 30KB C. 10KB D. 40KB poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 19. 【可视化电子书孵化器】关于书籍内容审核 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 下面描述正确的是( )(多选)五次 A. 必须是小说 B. 禁止发表煽动抗拒、破坏宪法和法律、行政法规实施的内容 C. 禁止发表公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人的,或者进行其他恶意攻击的内容 D. 禁止发表散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪内容 20. 【快捷电子书孵化器】孵化用户需要选择哪些东西,(多选)两次 A. 屏幕类型 B. 平台类型 21. 【在线电子书孵化器】内容文档编码为,(单选)( )四次C A. UNICODE BIG ENDINA poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. UNICODE C. UTF8 D. ANSI 22. 【可视化电子书孵化器】连载方式制作电子书的审核规则( )(多选)三次 A. 对于新发布的书籍章节,平台会对其进行审核,审核通过后,内容会更新到用户端。 B. 对于已经审核过的内容进行变更,平台不用再进行审核,内容会更新到用户端。 C. 未通过审核的内容,平台会通知内容发布者,要求更改内容 D. 对于已经审核过的内容进行变更,平台同样会对其审核,审核通过后,内容会更新到用户端 23. 【快捷电子书孵化器】孵化平台的操作的过程中,我们需要上传的是:( )(多选) 三次 A. 电子书文本 B. 电子书的封面图片 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C. 以上都不是 D. 书籍原件的扫描 24. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】以下哪个步骤不是上传应用时需要完成的步骤,(单选)四次D A. 填写应用基本信息(书名、作者等) B. 上传相关图片素材(如应用程序icon、loading页面加载图) C. 上传版权证明文件 D. 上传内容素材包 25. 【可视化电子书孵化器】整本书上传方法中整书内容文本大小要小于(适应手机操作系统为S60、Android、OMS)( ),(单选)A A. 2M B. 10M C. 5M D. 1M poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 26. 【新媒体应用孵化器】应用审批不通过会可以进行哪些操作,(多选)两次 A. 删除 B. 修改应用信息 C. 进入资讯管理 D. 编辑 27. 【在线电子书孵化器】我的应用有几个状态,(多选)( )两次 A. 待审核 B. 已生成 C. 被驳回 D. 待提交 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 28. 【移动视频孵化器】填写视频名称时最多不能超过多少个字节,(单选)四次B A. 30 B. 20 C. 10 D. 40 29. 【动漫/画册应用】如要生成适用于Symbian V3系统的应用,上传的应用展示图片预览素材规格应该是,(单选)。四次C A. 100*100 B. 100*200 C. 100*150 D. 150*200 30. 【在线电子书孵化器】欢迎图片大小必须小于(单选)( )六次 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A. 200KB B. 50KB C. 100KB D. 150KB 31. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】动漫/画册应用孵化过程中,以下哪种 素材不需要个人创作者提供,(单选)六次 A. 原始素材压缩包 B. 应用ICON图片 C. 动态效果图片 D. 应用启动页图片 32. 【在线电子书孵化器】平台包含哪几个功能模块?(多选)( )五次ACD A. 生成应用 B. 首页 C. 我的应用 D. 帮助操作及客服留言 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 33. 【移动视频孵化器】当我的应用状态为待审核是否可以修改应用,(单选)B A. 可以 B. 不可以 34. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作步骤1机型选择涉及哪些操作,(多选) A. 选择手机型号 B. 选择手机品牌 C. 确认提交 D. 选择手机分辨率 35. 【音乐应用孵化器】原创歌曲应用制作和普通歌曲应用制作在提交素材哪方面有区别,(单选)四次 A. 歌曲资料 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. 歌词资料 C. 图片资料 D. 版权资料 36. 【可视化电子书孵化器】下面关于连载电子书叙述正确的是( )(多选)两次A??? A. 书籍图标格式要求是PNG格式 B. 制作电子书时选择书籍只能选择一本 C. 必须在平台提供的页面进行文章编辑。 D. 一本书中更新内容或添加章节不用再次制作电子书,客户端将自动更新 37. 【音乐应用孵化器】下列哪种音源格式符合上传要求,(单选)四次A/B/C??? A. AAC B. WMA C. MP3 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the D. APE 38. 在【快捷电子书孵化器】孵化的准备工作中,你可以用下列什么windows自带的软件进行准备:( )。(多选)三次B A. 播放器 B. 记事本 C. 超级终端 D. 画图 39. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】当在使用应用孵化器中,有不明白的地方,可以采取以下哪些方面寻求帮助,(多选)两次AC A. 培训资料下载 B. 应用查询 C. 常见问题 D. 在线咨询 40. 【新媒体应用孵化器】应用名称不能超过多少汉字,(单选)两次B poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A. 12个字。 B. 10个字。 C. 13个字。 D. 11个字。 41. 【手机主题应用孵化器】对于审核不通过的手机主题,可以在孵化平台上继续进行以下操作,除了,(单选)两次 A. 重新提交 B. 应用下载 C. 应用修改 D. 应用删除 42. 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作的文字准备工作时,电子书保存时,要用什么编码方式:( )。(单选)四次B A. 以上都不是 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. ANSI(GBK) C. UTF-8 D. Unicode 43. 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作的文字准备工作时,txt文档的的电子书名以后,空行以后, 是( )。(单选) 四次B A. 以上都不是 B. 电子书的正文 C. 电子书的目录名 D. 电子书的书名 44. 【新媒体应用孵化器】在制作应用时需要上传和填写信息,(多选)五次 A. 应用名称 B. 文章来源 C. 启动LOGO D. 启动封面 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 45. 【新媒体应用孵化器】应用在已生成状态下是否支持在线更新资讯内容,(单选)三次 A. 支持 B. 不支持 46. 【在线电子书孵化器】在什么状态下可进行删除应用操作,(多选)( )三次 A. 待审核 B. 待提交 C. 被驳回 D. 已生成 47. 【手机主题应用孵化器】进入手机主题孵化平台,最先接触到的页面是,(单选)四次 A. 主题制作页面 B. 免责声明 C. 应用管理页面 D. 机型选择页面 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 48. 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作的文字准备工作时,txt文档的的正文的开头,需要( )个全角空格,(单选) 六次 A. 6 B. 4 C. 2 D. 8 49. 【可视化电子书孵化器】电子书封面上传图片大小如果和手机像素不一致,客户端将采取( )处理图片。(单选)四次 A. 随机 B. 平铺 C. 拉伸 D. 居中 50 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作的准备工作之二,封面的准备工作中,图片的大小是:(B )(单选) 三次 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A. 80*80 B. 240×320 C. 800*600 D. 640*480 51. 【新媒体应用孵化器】K-JAVA机型启动LOGO的尺寸是多少,(单选)三次 A. 50*50 B. 30*30 C. 60*60 D. 40*40 52. 【移动视频孵化器】上传视频的文件大小有什么要求,(单选)五次 A. 小于40M B. 小于10M C. 小于20M poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the D. 小于30M 53. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】在哪个页中集合了使用动漫/画册孵化平台的所有说明文档、素材 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、培训教程等,供个人创作者下载。(单选) A. 培训文档 B. 常见问题 C. 应用查询 D. 在线问答 54. 【移动视频孵化器】目前视频孵化系统支持哪些格式的视频文件,(多选)六次 A. wmv B. rmvb C. mpg D. avi poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 55. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】制作动漫/画册应用所需要的Symbian V3系统ICON图片的像素规格为,(单选)四次 A. 240*320 B. 320*240 C. 96*96 D. 100*150 56. 【移动视频孵化器】当应用处于待提交状态时,可以执行哪些操作,(多选)两次 A. 上传 B. 删除 C. 修改 D. 下载 57. 【音乐应用孵化器】S60 V3平台下,启动页面的图片是什么格式,(单选),两次 A. jpg poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. gif C. png D. bmp 58 【音乐应用孵化器】音乐孵化器是否有内容审核的步骤,(判断题)三次 A. 没有 B. 有 59. 【音乐应用孵化器】音乐应用孵化器是否有“使用手册”下载(判断题)四次 A. 没有 B. 有 60. 【可视化电子书孵化器】封面图片格式可以是, ( )(适应手机操作系统为S60、Android、OMS)(多选)四次 A. PSD poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. PNG C. JPG D. GIF 61. 【音乐应用孵化器】用户上传音频的最佳码率是多少,(单选)四次 A. 32kbps B. 64kbps C. 128kbps D. 256kbps 62. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】在查询应用时,可根据哪些条件进行查询,(多选) A. 应用状态 B. 提交时间 C. 应用编码 D. 应用名称 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 63. 【在线电子书孵化器】S60V3系统素材中欢迎图片的格式为,(单选)( ) A. jpeg B. png C. svg D. gif 64 【可视化电子书孵化器】生成客户端自带功能不包括( )(单选)四次 A. 设置字体颜色 B. 阅读标签 C. 设置字体大小 D. 删除部分内容 65. 【移动视频孵化器】填写应用基本信息页面,都需要填哪些资料,(多选)三次 A. 视频文件 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. 封面视频 C. 启动logo D. 启动封面 66. 在【快捷电子书孵化器】电子书后台生成的过程中,以下描述正确( )。(多选)三次 A. 平台将在后台审核你的资料 B. 以上都不是 C. 审核通过后生成手机应用安装程序 D. 电子书将自动下发用户手机 67 【手机主题应用孵化器】手机主题不能做什么,(单选)三次 A. 随心情更换不同主题风格 B. 向朋友炫耀漂亮的手机桌面 C. 更改手机外壳 D. 个性化自制出自属于自己风格主题 68. 【在线电子书孵化器】S60V3系统素材欢迎图片的两种尺寸为?poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the (多选)( )三次 A. 260x640 B. 320x240 C. 176x220 D. 240x320 69. 【在线电子书孵化器】手机阅读的优势有,(多选)( )三次 A. 付费流程简单方便 B. 方便随时 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 事件 C. 解决盗版问题 D. 便于用户精确营销 70. 【新媒体应用孵化器】K-JAVA只支持什么的格式素材,(单选)三次 A. png B. jpg poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C. bmp D. gif 71. 【移动视频孵化器】适配S60 V3机型的启动封面素材要求,(多选)四次 A. gif格式、240*320像素、大小50K B. gif格式、320*240像素、大小50K C. jpg格式、320*240像素、大小50K D. jpg格式、240*320像素、大小50K 72. 【音乐应用孵化器】音乐应用孵化器提供哪两种类型供用户使用,(多选)两次 A. 普通歌曲应用制作 B. 有声读物 C. 纯音乐制作 D. 原创歌曲应用制作 73. 【可视化电子书孵化器】可视化电子书孵化平台中制作的电子poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 书应用可适配什么手机平台,( )(多选)两次 A. Android B. Symbian C. OMS1.5 D. OMS1.0 74. 【可视化电子书孵化器】包括哪些内容上传方式, ( )(多选) 三次 A. 预定上传方式 B. 整本书上传方式 C. 连载上传方式 D. 多本书上传方式 75. 【在线电子书孵化器】素材提交后平台进入那个步骤,(单选)( )两次 A. 直接上传到开发者平台 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. 等待通知 C. 内容审核 D. 开始生成电子书应用 76. 【音乐应用孵化器】S60 V3平台下,应用LOGO图片象素是多少,(单选)两次 A. 100*100 B. 240*320 C. 44*44 D. 320*240 77 【新媒体应用孵化器】新媒体孵器可以将哪些媒体的资讯孵化成手机应用,(多选)两次 A. 报纸传媒 B. 杂志媒体 C. 视频媒体 D. 网络媒体 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 78. 【手机主题应用孵化器】生成的手机主题下载后的主题名称可以重命名为什么类型字符,(多选)四次 A. 字母汉字 B. 英文字母 C. 数字符号 79. 【手机主题应用孵化器】制作手机主题涉及哪些类型的操作,(多选)五次 A. 图片上传 B. 颜色设置 C. 调整字体大小 D. 铃声裁剪 80. 【移动视频孵化器】上传视频封面的格式要求是什么类型,(单选)三次 A. svg poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. jpg C. gif D. png 81. 【在线电子书孵化器】上传到图书状态有哪些, (多选)( )四次 A. 全本图书 B. 不完整章节图书 C. 连载中图书 D. 不完整内容图书 82. 【音乐应用孵化器】在Symbian操作系统下生成的应用文件格式是什么,(单选)三次 A. SISX文件 B. CAB文件 C. JPG文件 D. TIF文件 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 83 【音乐应用孵化器】原创音乐制作需要提供哪些音源,(单选)三次 A. 翻唱歌曲 B. 纯音乐 C. 原创歌曲 D. 流行歌曲 84. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】进入动漫/画册孵化平台,最先接触到的页面是,(单选)三次 A. 主界面 B. 帮助页面 C. 免责声明 D. 素材上传界面 85. 【在线电子书孵化器】 在什么状态时可以下载,(单选)( )三次 A. 待生成 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. 被驳回 C. 审核通过 D. 已生成 86. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】以下哪种图片格式是Symbian V3系统icon图片必须的,(单选)三次 A. png B. svg C. jpg D. bmp 87. 【可视化电子书孵化器】整本书方式提交整书内容文件现阶段提供的格式是,(适应手机操作系统为S60、Android、OMS)( )(单选) A. UMD B. txt poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C. doc D. docx 88. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】动漫/画册应用原始素材图片在上传时应该打包成以下哪种格式,(单选)四次 A. iso B. rar C. sis D. zip 89. 【移动视频孵化器】在什么状态下应用可以进行下载测试,(单选)三次 A. 待审核 B. 已生成 C. 待生成 D. 待提交 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 90. 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作的文字准备工作时,txt文档的第一行是( )。(单选) A. 电子书的目录名 B. 以上都不是 C. 电子书的正文 D. 电子书的书名 91 【可视化电子书孵化器】背景图片大小必须小于( )(适应手机操作系统为S60、Android、OMS)(单选) 两次 A. 100KB B. 250KB C. 150KB D. 200KB 92. 【移动视频孵化器】适配S60 V3机型的启动LOGO素材要求,poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the (单选)两次 A. jpg格式、50*50像素,大小10K B. gif格式、30*30像素、大小10K C. svg格式,44*44像素,大小为10K D. bmp格式、40*40像素、大小10K 93. 【可视化电子书孵化器】可视化电子书孵化平台可以实时预览哪些内容? ( )(多选) 四次 A. 目录 B. 文章内容 C. 封面图片 D. 背景图片 94 【在线电子书孵化器】生成后如何提交到开发者平台,(单选)( ) 两次 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A. 开发者到mm开发者平台提交 B. 应用孵化平台自动提交 C. mm开发者平台来跟您收取 95. 【手机主题应用孵化器】手机主题有什么特点,(多选)三次 A. 变化多彩 B. 简单灵活 C. 悦耳动听 D. 个性时尚 96. 【新媒体应用孵化器】删除栏目后,文章会出现什么情况,(单选)四次 A. 保留部分 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B. 全部删除 C. 继续保留 D. 删除部分 97. 【新媒体应用孵化器】新媒体应用是什么类型的应用,(单选) A. 视频类 B. 动漫类 C. 软件类 D. 资讯类 98. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作哪个选项是必须要设置的,(单选)三次 A. 待机背景图 B. 菜单背景图 C. 时钟表盘 D. 功能表图标 99. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作对已上传的图片不满意,可poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 以做哪些操作,(多选) 两次 A. 清除 B. 编辑 C. 重新上传 D. 插入 100. 【音乐应用孵化器】下列哪种歌词格式符合音乐孵化器的上传要求,(单选)两次 A. lrc B. txt C. tif D. exe 101. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】用户第一步上传应用素材,如下哪些不是必填(必选)项,(单选)三次 A. 展示页风格 B. 软件包覆盖终端 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C. 作品简介 D. 作品作者 102 【在线电子书孵化器】S60V3系统素材中icon图片的格式为?(单选)(A )两次 A.jpeg B.gif C.png D.svg 103. 【新媒体应用孵化器】S60V3的启动LOGO图片格式有什么要求,(单选)D A.gif B.jpg C.svg poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the D.png 104. 【快捷电子书孵化器】的审核包括哪些(单选)两次 A.格式和内容 B.内容 C.格式 D.以上都不是 105. 【在线电子书孵化器】内容上传分那几种方法,(多选)( )AB A.单个内容文件上传 B.多个内容文件打包上传 C.多个内容文件上传 D.word文档上传 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 106. 【快捷电子书孵化器】上传的作品审核时间是在()小时内(单选) 三次 A.48小时 B.10小时 C.24小时 D.2小时 107. 【快捷电子书孵化器】孵化需要用户自己做开发吗,(单选) A.不需要 B.需要 108. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】对于原始素材包的图片格式,动漫/画册应用孵化不能支持以下哪一种,(单选)C A.JPEG poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.GIF C.TIFF D.PNG 109 【新媒体应用孵化器】栏目名称限定几个字数,(单选)三次 A.2-4个字 B.3-5个字 C.4-6个字 D.2-8个字 110. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】为保证阅读效果,原则上每个动漫/画册应用的内容不能少于()帧。(单选)D A.30 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.50 C.40 D.60 111. 【移动视频孵化器】提交审核后以下哪个应用状态是错误的,(单选)四次 C A.待生成 B.待确认 C.待提交 D.待审核 112. 【移动视频孵化器】填写视频资料区需要填写哪些资料,(多选)两次 ABCD A.剧情介绍 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.视频名称 C.导演、主演 D.视频封面 113. 【可视化电子书孵化器】书籍图标格式要求是(适应手机操作系统为S60、Android、OMS),( )(单选) A A.PNG B.GIF C.JPG D.PSD 114. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】如果要登录动漫/画册应用孵化平台,必须要先登录如下哪个平台,(单选)四次 C A.MM管理者社区平台 B.MM手机客户端平台 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C.MM开发者社区自服务区平台 D.MM牛人社区平台 115. 【可视化电子书孵化器】电子书 在什么状态时可以下载,( )(单选)B A.审核通过 B.已生成 C.流程终止 D.待生成 116. 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作的文字准备工作时,txt文档的的正文的编辑过程中,在一个自然段落结束以前,用( )来换行,(单选) C A.回车 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.SHIFT C.格式菜单中的自动换行 D.TAB 117. 【手机主题应用孵化器】个人开发者提交的手机主题,可以通过审核的情况有,(单选) A A.积极健康 B.诽谤他人 C.暴力 D.含有敏感字 118. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】“动漫/画册应用孵化”平台素材提交后,哪个不是孵化应用平台的状态,(单选)两次 D A.待生成 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.待审批 C.应用完成 D.已提交 119. 【音乐应用孵化器】登录音乐应用孵化器后,最先接触到的页面是,(单选)两次 C A.主界面 B.帮助页面 C.素材上传界面 D.免责声明 120. 【可视化电子书孵化器】页面背景图片格式可以是, ( )(多选)两次 AB A.PNG poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.JPG C.GIF D.PSD 121. 【手机主题应用孵化器】手机主题可以做什么,(多选)两次 BCD A.更改手机外壳 B.更改手机功能图标 C.更改手机桌面背景 D.更改手机字体颜色 122. 【新媒体应用孵化器】当应用处在什么样的状态开发者才能下载,(单选)A A.已生成 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.待审核 C.待提交 D.待生成 123. (在线电子书应用孵化)在孵化一个新的应用前,首先要准备填写应用名称为()?(单选) A.25个以内英文字符 B.25个以内中文字符 C.不限制 D.25个以字符 124. 【快捷电子书孵化器】制作文字准备工作时,电子书保存时,用什么格式,( )。(单选) 两次 D A.DOC poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.PPT C.JPG D.TXT 125. 【可视化电子书孵化器】对所保存的所有电子书预览包含哪两种方式,( )(多选) 三次 A.缩略图 B.列表 C.平铺 D.图标 126. 在【快捷电子书孵化器】为电子书起名时,书名的最大长度最好是( )个字之内,(单选) 两次 C A.12 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.4 C.8 D.16 127. 【音乐应用孵化器】在一个应用中最多能上传多少首歌曲,(单选) A.20首 B.15首 C.10首 D.5首 128. 【在线电子书孵化器】我的应用有几个操作功能,(多选)( )两次 A.编辑 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.申请MM上架 C.删除 D.提交 129. 【新媒体应用孵化器】资讯管理的添加栏目最多可添加几个,(单选) A.10个 B.9个 C.7个 D.8个 130. 【新媒体应用孵化器】应用提交后,会有几个状态,(单选)B A.6个 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.4个 C.5个 D.7个 131. 【音乐应用孵化器】素材提交后,在应用管理中该应用的状态是什么,(单选)两次 C A.待生成 B.已提交 C.待审批 D.已生成 132. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作颜色设置选项可以选择多少种颜色(所有平台机型颜色设置系统相同),(单选) 两次 A.128 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.64 C.256 D.8 133. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】个人创作者提交的动漫/画册素材没有通过审核,以下可能原因中不正确的是,(单选) C A.素材包含有黄色或敏感内容 B.素材包内容不完整 C.素材包内容不新颖 D.素材包内容版权存在明显争议 134. 【音乐应用孵化器】上传音源时,单首歌曲的文件大小限制是,(单选)两次 C A.10MB poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.6MB C.5MB以内 D.7MB 135. 【新媒体应用孵化器】新媒体应用孵化系统可以看做是什么的辅助功能性系统,(单选) A.MM移动应用商场 B.移动商场 C.移动应用平台 D.移动平台商场 136. 【动漫/画册应用孵化器】动漫/画册应用孵化平台在Symbian操作系统下生成的应用文件格式是什么,(单选)三次 A.JPG文件 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the B.CAB文件 C.TIF文件 D.SISX文件 137. 【可视化电子书孵化器】在制作电子书应用时,我们可以对文字的( )进行编辑(单选) 两次 A.文字大小 B.文字亮度 C.文字字体 D.文字颜色 138. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作步骤3需要填写哪些内容,(多选)两次 A.应用分类 B.应用介绍 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the C.应用标签 D.主题名称 139. 【在线电子书孵化器】S60V3系统icon图片尺寸,(单选)( ) A A.53X53 B.70x70 C.30x30 D.16x16 140. 【新媒体应用孵化器】用户通过手机浏览孵化的资讯应用是否需要收流量费,(单选) A.需要收流量费 B.免流量费 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 141. 【音乐应用孵化器】S60 V3平台下,启动页面图片分辨率的有哪些,(多选)AB A.240*320 B.320*240 C.100*150 D.128*240 142. 【可视化电子书孵化器】关于电子书孵化平台的描述正确的是,( )(多选) A.简单易用快捷 B.可以提供手机电子书应用的制作 C.不需要专业的编程知识 D.使用电子书孵化平台制作的电子书客户端自带阅读标签设置字体poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 大小等功能 143. 【手机主题应用孵化器】主题制作场景详细列表的选项最多能展开几层,(所有机型平台相同)(单选) A.2 B.5 C.3 D.4 144. 【移动视频孵化器】适配S60 V3机型的封面素材要求,(单选)C A.png格式、100*120像素、大小20K B.png格式、240*320像素、大小40K C.png格式、90*120像素、大小20K poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the D.png格式、240*320像素、大小50K 145. 【新媒体应用孵化器】新媒体孵化器适合什么对象使用,(多选) A.网络媒体 B.视频爱好者 C.报纸媒体 D.个人开发者 146. 【快捷电子书孵化器】一次性提交素材孵化出的应用,可以覆盖同平台,相同屏幕尺寸的机型吗,单选) A.不可以 B.可以 147. 【移动视频孵化器】在制作应用前需要准备哪几项素材,(多选)ABCD poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A.视频文件 B.启动封面 C.启动logo D.封面视频 148. 【在线电子书应用孵化器】下面哪些是提交素材的步骤,(多选)( )两次 AD A.提交图书内容素材 B.提交图书信息 C.提交个人感言 D.提交图片素材 149. 【移动视频孵化器】S60 V3屏幕是否可以选择240*320填写(单选)B poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the A.不可以 B.可以 150. 【手机主题应用孵化器】手机主题适用哪些平台手机,(多选) A.Symbian B.Sony Ericsson Themes C.WindowsMobile D.Kjava poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the
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