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长沙话(Changshanese)长沙话(Changshanese) 长沙话(Changshanese) How much do you know about Changsha dialect? Eight onamot [BaMiZi] Zhuangsha, installed po. [patients] told me eight Mi Zi Nan, I crystal clear! Ban style [BanShiYang] a no grace. [cases] today did not bring him a lot of...

长沙话(Changshanese) 长沙话(Changshanese) How much do you know about Changsha dialect? Eight onamot [BaMiZi] Zhuangsha, installed po. [patients] told me eight Mi Zi Nan, I crystal clear! Ban style [BanShiYang] a no grace. [cases] today did not bring him a lot of money Ke, Ban Da style. Pull a [BanDuoZi] odd gambling. [cases] a pretty big pull winning Nan, suddenly stand men Ke thousands of GA. Help the LORD [BangLaoGuan] for helping workers. [patients] the return of Lord help even quite NIA cheeks, don't know to do things, and lazy. [near] put sandals White master [BeShiFu] who knows nothing. [you see him], nothing, the whole Za white master. Monkey [BoLoHuo] inferior goods, shoddy products low. [cases] buy some guy in the river. The street was full of goods basket today. No gross [BuNiaMao]: nia. [example] he's the number one character, not nia. [with] not NIA gills Not many delicate [BuXiuQi]. [patients] I thought can be quite cheap ah, do not know their delicate oh. [example] Mount Yuelu tickets 12 Yuan Da, not delicate style. Not like BuZaiXiang, children are disobedient, naughty. [patients] you like in it, make a meal "! Step on [CaiYiJiou] stop (from sitting in Pakistan), wait a minute. [step on it], I'll take the ha. Fried land [ChaoDiBi] a very popular poker game, similar to double upgrade. [case] speculation on land is more attractive than playing. Land excavation. At night he [CheXiuKuo] elbot, chat, talk. [example] two brothers off the night night nibbling; [near] fans chatted. Cong Ling on [CongShangLing] to promote, support, Zhuang wei. [patients], only way I only put on the potential of Cong Ling, to engage in. [near] canopy CuoBaZi [cheat] cheat. [example] he is ZA, and you also believe in dan! [near] poke treasure, poke expensive, poke expensive. Board [DaBanZi] negotiate lower prices. [example]1000, how much is it? It will certainly be the dot board sha. To hold the autumn [DaBaoQiu] swimming, floating. [example] you learn how to catch turtles and hold eggs - they are shells (broad)! Put on a mat [DaDianZi], go to bed, sleep. [patients] you still in the fans chatted ah, I want to play mat Ke Da nang. Play [DaQuZi] gifts. [example] a uncle Grandpa I got hit, a Chinese sub GA. Oh, a pair of saws! With a cage [DaiLongZi] set a trap. I said, "you two blind eyes!"! Take the cage of Lao Zi, follow Lao Tze to the police station ke! The funeral of Tang Silang [DangSiLang]. [case]X big daddy yesterday night sunspot "Tang" Da Da, I want to (Ke) to help white Xi busy. Carrying basket [DiaLanZi] intermediary, empty handed white wolf. [patients] that a few years really is all business, even retired Xijie everywhere to carry the basket. Computer ghost [DianNaoGui] neurotic nerd; paranoia. [example] the ZA computer is not quite innocent. Ghost, [near] electric Dagui. Taste [DiaoKouWei] tease; flirt. [patients] I do not taste be in a serious tone, Nan; [patients] business can not do, only know the taste with fine tune girl! Going to [DuiQingGa] after a quarrel with each other to ignore each other, especially among children. [patients] two of them to the "relatives" grinning, like the child. Chop a knife [DuoYiDao] to kill people. Now, the better an acquaintance is, the better he chops....... [near] saw (Ge) Well, your old family [EnNanGa]. [cases] Oh, Moumou Xijie, um Nanjia ring slightly boil real pop? Draw a beard [FaFuzi] false; an accident; a lover; a rich man. [example] the ZA draw Da, Da no road; [patients] that women are Za Za painted mustache. Your uncle [GuiDaiYe] a bit innocent people. [example] you prick my expensive oh, he Da skull? [near] poke expensive, poke expensive. Clam oil [HaLiYou] is a little retarded, honest, paranoid, taste people. [patients] he is a clam oil for many years, countless seasons in tuo. [近]哈粒子、哈蜊哈 闲吧烂【hanbalan】乱七八糟的东西。[例]他检哒一下场,把点闲吧 烂哈丢嘎哒。 蕻子菜【hongzicai】奉承话, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 扬。[例]细伢子还是喜欢呷蕻子菜 咧,表扬得他两句,* * * *里都是劲。 化孙子【huasunzi】败家子,顽皮鬼(原指未满花甲而逝世者)。[例] 嗯咯ZA化孙子,不听话啰,我敲你两栗壳~ 挤牙膏【jiyagao】绞尽脑汁,慢。[例]每次喊他写作文就跟得挤牙 膏样的,半天写不得一个字。 夹码子【jiamazi】不正宗。[例]咯是杂夹码子呢~ 捡篓子【jianlouzi】得便宜。[例]要哒唦~不然会送得满伢子捡哒 篓子去哒喃。[例]好得他捡只篓子~ 叫脑壳【jiaonaoke】不服气,叽叽歪歪。[例]莫讲叫脑壳喃,我敲死你。 警调子【jingdiaozi】Pol。冰。[例]你那车子冇牌照就不怕警调子短起啊, 转泛子【juanfanzi】想办法,非常途径。[例]我转点泛子,搞出几担钱零花。 空头路【kongtoulou】非正事、毫无意义的事。[例]三伢子哎,空头路经就少搞点喃。[例]搞一老时,一点尽空头路。 老麻嘿【laomahei】爱理不理,摆架子。[例]我柯找哒他一回,他老麻嘿样的,我懒齿得他哒。[近]老粒子 老口子【laokouzi】老手。[例]他调妹子一碗饭啰,老口子哒喃。 丽家浪【ligalang】情人。[例]昨天晚上我在JJ的士高看到你哒喃,还带哒个丽丽。 令令光【linglingguang】干干净净的。光亮亮的。[例]你看啰,一大碗菜他呷得令光的。[例]你看他的衣服啰,油抹布一样,令光的。 流逛男【liuguangnan】不务正业的人。[例]他做么子鬼生意罗,一ZA流逛男咧。[近]飘哥。 冒噻起【maosaiqi】不尿它,藐视。[例]他那号鬼相样子,我还冒噻起咧。 磨南鼓【molanggu】鹅卵石。[例]他就蛮猛喃,卯哒就是一磨南鼓,殺(扔)得别个屋里去哒。 摸脶拐【moluoguai】奉承,献媚。[例]那他就蛮会摸脶拐喃。[例]哈宝,去摸下子细姨的脶拐,她就会买家伙给你呷的啰。 闹场合【naochanghuo】吵架。[例]冒得一点味,他们两公婆天天闹场合咧。 捏象哒【niejiangda】非常象。[例]何解他屋里的细伢子捏象哒隔壁的王麻子罗, 牛恋氹【niulianduan】自己吃掉所送的那份礼金(类似AA制,象上海人说的劈硬柴)[例] XX明天生日,我们柯牛恋氹啵, 怕懒得【帕兰德】没关系,没事。[例]你怕懒得,有不要你出钱。[例]怕懒得,去玩下子不现话得,[近]现话得 起梗子【qigengzi】捣乱,使坏。[例]别个哈冇作声,就只他在那里起梗子。[同]起拱子 刹钩子【sagouzi】暗示异性。[例]一天到晚就只晓得刹钩子是吧,[近]接刹(表示对方接到自己的暗示并有所反应) 三打哈【sandaha】一种很流行的扑克玩法:“三家打一ZA哈宝”。[例]哎,晚上打几盘子哈啵,[同]打哈 散阳子【sanyangzi】花钱,消费。[例]刚好准备走,碰哒三表哥来哒,他五一收媳妇,害得我又要散阳子,冇得办法咧。 水老倌【shuilaoguan】小流氓,小瘪三。[例]穿得水老倌样的,看我不敲死你啰~ 四路子【siluzi】到处。[例]一到哒上下班,就四路子堵车,脑壳痛 咧。[同]四路里 统码的【tongmadi】低档的,很次的。[例]那ZA商场肚里, A little monkey as goods, the code. Fresh [TouXianDi], very taste, naive. What he said to me the other day was clear: "how many thousands of dollars did you make?" Legs master [TuiFuZi] characters, characters. [example] the ZA full brother, that is a hard leg "! Dilute [XiXiaDi] X L, shameless, not paste the wall. [example] the ZA when the ghost chief, thin under, you are afraid of him not gifts? Small particles [XiaoLiZi] children. [you should have Za little particles, and they got me dizzy. [near] small heavy child. Have not had [XieFaDe] no matter, can. [I'm afraid] my teeth are so rough. You don't have to have not! And do some way, so he no evil? [with] have not Wake up. [XingMenZi] or exposure to the target (from mahjong cards). [patients] you really spicy, the point of Siemens ha wake up as da. Night food [YaFangCai] describes children as lawless. [grandmother] ah, that's his night meal. The same meal Night blind [YaHaZi] night, night. [night blind] I want to come back. [near] broken black, night (ya) sunspot, night GA li. Be bored with [YanHaAn] dislike; despise. [cases] your stomach that Gazi, Mo Da blind eye. Yang Italy sub [YangYiZi] art, new ideas. [ah] Yes, I have seen dan! Yeah, yeah, YeYieWu [empty], fake. [patients] he promised to have so far the results from a za, yeah yeah no, no wind down. [YiGuaiPo] an angry person. [patients] you really blame Italy miscellaneous Po Nan, even do not know the letter against you. A bowl of rice [YiOFan] is just the strength. Let him have a bowl of rice. The road just fell into his job. A lump [YiTongDuo] together, collusion good. [they're two Za guys, a lump. [near] a hand The painter [YouQiGong] wandered about. How did you get the paint? Swim here, huh, where paint one ha. The hunchback [ZhengTuoZi] lesson. [patients] do you want me to be your whole hunchback? Not yet. Make a prayer [ZouDaoGao] and fall (sleep). [example] you take lunch anyway to GA at the "prayer"? Count and seize the time to play a few laps. Do [ZouHaoShi] not to regard it as right; (women) patients. [that's a good idea. If I do good, I can't swim. Take the water [ZouShuiLou] through the back door, not normal channels. Have to take a walk to see the boat. Pig head crazy [JuDouHen] curse words. Describe one's loss of reason and make an act that is not comprehensible. With irony. [example]: four sister, hey, you pay attention to come, Lao Tze Hong Kong words count, and so on, ha son launched pig head crazy, you don't run. [near] ha ha! Yan skin blunt meat [AnPiDenRou] incorrigible rogue. [patients] the ZA baby child, facial skin blunt meat, call letters! [near] in salt He Da skull [BanDaNaokuo] curse words, not innocent. [cases] no skull well Da trip! Don't be innocent. Without love, [BuDaiAiXiang] annoying, not conscious. [patients] you like. Heshen without love. I just pick up the GA field, and make the room dilute mess! Not into the oil and salt [BuJinYouYan] would not listen to the words of others, do not accept. [patients] the child is slightly like, not in a little salt. Stamp soup pot [CuoTangGuoZi] to deceive, improvise, to tease. [patients] do you think he's wife, is not the ZA stamp soup pot! Yang's eyes [DaYanSiYan] to doze off, so narrow. [case] sitting in the car before playing a ha Yang eyes, sitting over Ga Da body. A hand [DaYiHuoShou] two or three people in good (mahjong). [patients] you two in a hand, I do not play Ke! The master [DanJiangShiFu] will only talk about people who can't do it. [patients] you are supposed to house that is only play carpenter master, do not know their own extended a hand. On the 24 corners of [ErSiGuoShang] Ji angle corner forgotten. [for a long time] he lost 24 horns and Ke Jiao in the corner. Mess up, [GaoTuoBuQing] do not know, do not understand, confused. [patients] his whole a lump of countless, not with his hand. Ghost Dance seventeen [GuiWuShiQi] not serious, intentionally trouble. [you're] Za guys, ghost dance seventeen, that tooth you got! Sea up days [HaiShiLiaoTian] no arrogance. I could not even [patients] XX Da, sea up days. I have even [HanDeYunJin] slow. [cases] he house two brats have even foolish to do homework, not for a long time to write a composition, with insect like, don't worry. Scared to death eight people [HeSiBaRen] momentum (momentum) great. [Mo] don't make it, scared to death eight people? I don't know yet. What's the path?. Cara, oh, Dutch [KaLaOHo] KaraOK. [cases] last night with my boss Cara sing Oh bearing Ke Da, engage in God more at midnight (ya). Compaction Miami [JiMiAMi] describe particularly crowded. [cases] the stars ah, Miami is compaction, South drum mill on ah, is a lot of more than 8. PigHead wood liner [JuDouMmoCen] idiotic, bad attitude. [patients] my lazy tooth he, he is a vice that people like the wood liner pan pighead. Huoqiu cold smoke [LengHuoQiuYan] is very quiet, no noise. [cases] 7 o'clock Da, or cold Huoqiu smoke. Oh, OHoXiTian! Shout loudly, make a noise. [patients] only heard downstairs Oh NL West, do not know why, what road? Seven Li, eight Li [QiLiBaLi], left, right, wordy, troublesome. [cases] to be no good, in a word, Mo Qili eight. Timid son [QieBuDeZi] unbalanced heart. [example] you give an apple to full of the child, the two child is afraid not the son. The challenge of being in the milk [QinShiMieHeng] to seek ideas (destructive), a naughty. [patients] you bastard guy with my challenge of being in the milk. Lao Tzu called Fabao gas nan. Ukraine Jiaoba [WuJiaoBaGong] in a complete mess. [cases] the meal was slightly Jiaoba Ukraine, slightly Heshen to take?! Yang five or six dust [YanWuLouChen] not decent, Yang posture dance. [cases] with slightly rians dust five or six Mo Nan, I be in a serious tone! Salt water wet [YanJiaoShuiSi] a small amount of water, not clean. Don't drag around, a lot of people, but also drag your son, and make salt water wet. Yau Ma Tei [YouMaLingGuang] describes particularly bright. [cases], miscellaneous guy straight hair slightly, like some other light mousse, Ma
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