首页 2005湖北黄石房地产市场定位报告



2005湖北黄石房地产市场定位报告2005湖北黄石房地产市场定位报告 一、城市概况与社会经济环境 1、城市概况 1.1、地理位置及人口分布 黄石市位于湖北东南,环山面湖临长江之南岸。东北临长江,与浠水县、蕲春县、武穴市隔江相望,北接鄂州市,西靠武汉市,西南与咸宁市、通山县为邻,东南与江西省武宁县、瑞昌县接壤。黄石市是在原黄石港和石灰窑两个镇的基础上,于1950年正式建立的省辖市,现辖一市一县五区(大冶市、阳新县、黄石港区、西塞山区、下陆区、铁山区、经济技术开发区),目前全市各区县面积及人口分布情况(2003年统计数据)如下: 区域 面积(...

2005湖北黄石房地产市场定位 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 一、城市概况与社会经济环境 1、城市概况 1.1、地理位置及人口分布 黄石市位于湖北东南,环山面湖临长江之南岸。东北临长江,与浠水县、蕲春县、武穴市隔江相望,北接鄂州市,西靠武汉市,西南与咸宁市、通山县为邻,东南与江西省武宁县、瑞昌县接壤。黄石市是在原黄石港和石灰窑两个镇的基础上,于1950年正式建立的省辖市,现辖一市一县五区(大冶市、阳新县、黄石港区、西塞山区、下陆区、铁山区、经济技术开发区),目前全市各区县面积及人口分布情况(2003年统计数据)如下: 区域 面积(平方公里) 人口(万人) 黄石港区 25.8 17.75 西塞山区 112.4 24.72 下陆区 38 10.95 铁山区 29.4 6.73 开发区 28.2 6.22 大冶市 1566.3 88.23 阳新县 2782.8 96.22 全市合计 4582.9 250.82 1.2、土地资源 黄石市国土面积4582.9平方公里,东西长约88.3公里,南北宽约91.6公里。全市耕地和林地资源占全市土地面积的52.09,,主要分布在大冶市和阳新县。 土地类型 面积(公顷) 土地类型 面积(公顷) 耕地 112470.41 居民点及工矿用地 32797.79 林地 126269.55 交通用地 3654.48 园地 10170.93 水利设施用地 7101.76 牧草地 44.83 未利用地 104770.24 水面 61005.35 土地利用现状的主要特点: 一是土地人口负荷量大,人口密度高。黄石市土地总面积占湖北省的2.46,,耕地占湖北省的2.31,,而人口却占湖北省的4.2,,人口密度为543人/平方公里; 二是土地类型多样、山多平地少。黄石地处幕阜山地向长江冲积平原延伸的丘陵地带,从地形上看,有丘陵、平原、岗地和低山,以丘陵为主,占总面积47(88,,其余依次为implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 平原、低山、岗地。 1.3、交通通信 黄石市地处吴头楚尾,顺江126公里与九江接壤,下通上海,逆江125公里与武汉相连,上达重庆。市区沿江建有大小码头39座,泊位41个,其中两个5000吨级泊位的集装箱外贸码头,可直达港澳,日本和东南亚。 铁路距武汉120多公里,可以武九线沟通京广、京九、汉丹等大动脉,并入铁路网。旅客列车可直达武汉、上海、福州等地。 境内公路纵横交错,通车里程达554多公里。以长江公路大桥沟通105国道和318国道运输体系,沿武黄高速公路一小时可达省会武汉,成为黄石与鄂、预、皖三省的交通运脉。 邮电通讯便利,宁汉渝光纤通信电缆贯穿黄石,程控电话、图文传真把黄石同世界紧密联系在一起。 1.4、经济开发区概况 黄石市高新技术产业开发区位于黄石市四个城区的几何中心,坐落在风光秀丽的磁湖风景区内,是湖北省和长江沿岸的重点开发区之一。区内条件优越、自然环境优美,是黄石开发区的显著特点。目前开发区是黄石市正在建设的山水园林式新市区,黄石市市委、市政府的未来行政中心将设于此,也是黄石市乃至湖北省高新技术产业发展基地。 黄石开发区自1992年成立以来,吸引了大批高等院校和科研所进区进行成果转化,引进了大批国内外知名企业进区投资和一批民营科技企业进区发展,形成了一种以高新技术产业为主和以外商投资为主的发展态势。目前,黄石开发区内正在建设的产业园主要有电子信息产业园、新材料产业园、生物医药产业园、军工科技园、出口加工园和花湖商贸区。 建区8年多来,开发区累计投入资金10亿余元,建设了一大批高起点的基础设施,使开发区的投资环境得到了明显改善。区域内一批新的高标准城市道路合纵连横构成完备交通网络,水电通信设施完善,兴建了诸如人民广场、黄石新二中、团城山实验学校、中心血站、团城山医院等的配套服务设施以及一大批的安居工程。 2、社会经济环境 2.1、经济特征 一、国民经济增长逐年提速,工业是经济增长的主体。黄石市地方生产总值由1998年的160亿元增加到2003年的274亿元,按可比价格计算,年均增长10.7,;黄石市工业基础雄厚,目前工业体系门类齐全,主要产品享誉全国。2003年,全市规模以上工业企业达到298家,拥有总资产368.3亿元,全部工业增加值占GDP的比重达到47,。 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 二、在黄石市经济增长中,内需作用明显增大,外需拉力减弱。2003投资需求对经济增长贡献率为47.8,,拉动GDP增长5个百分点;消费需求对经济增长贡献率为46.6,,拉动GDP增长4.9个百分点;出口需求对经济增长的贡献率为5.6,,比上年下降2.6个百分点,拉动GDP增长0.6个百分点。 三、由于投资不足,导致工业项目发展后劲不足。2003年,黄石固定资产投资实现了27.1,的大幅增长,投资率为25.3,,但是由于基数较小,投资规模仍显不足;另一方面招商引资工作不足,2003年,黄石实际利用外资1.54亿美元,与上年基本持平。2000年,2003年的四年间累计利用外资5.8亿美元,只占全社会固定资产投资的20,。 单位 2002年 2003年 生产总值 亿元 248 274 第一产业 亿元 20.69 22.38 第二产业 亿元 131.51 145.76 第三产业 亿元 95.8 105.86 财政收入 亿元 17.03 19.05 财政支出 亿元 16.87 15.26 2.2、居民生活 2003年,黄石市人口出生率为7.83‰,死亡率为3.86‰,自然增长率为3.97‰。年末全市总人口为250.82万人,其中城镇人口为124.41万人,农村人口为126.41万人。按常住人口计算,其城镇化率达到49.6,。 城乡居民收入逐步增加,但整体收入水平偏低。2003城镇居民人均可支配收入7165元,比上年增加560元,增长8.5,;农民人均纯收入2335元,比上年增加105元,增长4.7,;在一份沿江13个中等城市经济发展横向比较的资料中,2003年黄石市城乡居民收入排位靠后,均未达到13个沿江中等城市平均水平,只有沿江城市平均水平的95%。 镇居民消费结构进一步优化,2003年城镇居民恩格尔系数为35.3,,比往年均有所城 下降。但农村居民恩格尔系数上升为47,,是2000年以来最高。 居住条件有所改善,城镇居民人均居住面积达到20.03平方米,比上年增长8.7,;农民居民人均居住面积32.5平方米,增长0.8,。 单位 2002年 2003年 人均生产总值 元 9945 10946 人均财政收入 元 683 761 人均储蓄存款 元 3873 4764 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 人均消费品零售额 元 3682 3760 城镇居民人均可支配收入 元 6605 7165 农民人均收入 元 2230 2335 城镇居民人均居住面积 平方米 17.86 20.03 农村人均居住面积 平方米 32.24 32.5 2.3、城市产业结构 黄石市是长江中游重要的工业基地之一,矿产资源丰富,是一个老工矿城市。近几年来政府对经济结构进行战略性调整,对传统工矿产业改造并发展高新技术产业,工业增长较快。2003年规模以上工业总产值达到190.06亿元,其中高新技术产业产值占全市工业总产值比重21.79,;在农村进行农业产业化和结构调整,带动区县经济发展势头强劲,农业总产值2003年达到19.02亿元,五年年均增长6.8,;同时积极发展旅游、房地产、社区服务等第三产业,三产GDP构成由1998年的10.8:51.0: 38.2调整到8.2: 53.2: 38.6。 今年初黄石市政府新一届领导班子举行的记者招待会上,就提出了要进一步强化工业立市的理念。在今后比较长的一段时间内,黄石仍将是一个以第二产业为支柱的工业型城市。这是由其地理资源优势、现有工业基础以及今后发展趋势所决定的。 单位 2002年 2003年 生产总值 亿元 248 274 第一产业 亿元 20.69 22.38 第二产业 亿元 131.51 145.76 第三产业 亿元 95.8 105.86 GDP构成 , 100 100 第一产业 , 8.4 8.2 第二产业 , 53 53.2 第三产业 , 38.6 38.6 GDP指数(上年,100) , 110.3 110.5 第一产业 , 103.9 105.9 第二产业 , 111.5 111.2 第三产业 , 110.1 109.9 3、城市发展规划 未来黄石城市地区将由黄石城区和大冶城区两部分组成,总人口规模120万人,其中黄石城区90万人,大冶城区30万人。在城市规划区内,实行统一规划管理,适当调整城区布局,城市发展空间格局将发生巨大变化。逐步形成以以环绕磁湖的团城山、胜阳港、花湖、implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 陈家湾片区组成的主城为核心,罗 桥新城、铁山、下陆、西塞、河口 为外围组团的结构。将以正在建设 中的黄石新火车站所在地罗桥开 发区为建设重点,东西向布置铁 山、下陆、西塞、河口等相对独立 的组团,形成“主城五组团”形态 和多核、分散、开敞的大城市发展 框架。 严格控制城市人口和用地规模,保护耕地,节约用地,合理用地。到2005年,主城区实际居住人口要控制在67万人以内,建设用地控制在53.5平方公里以内。到2010年,主城区实际居住人口要控制在74万人以内,建设用地控制在62.9平方公里以内。到2020年,主城区实际居住人口要控制在90万人以内,建设用地控制在80.8平方公里以内。 区改造。第一是要抓好黄荆山地2004年起,黄石市发展侧重于黄荆山新区开发和老城 区的规划和开发,以道路建设为重点全面推进黄荆山地区的开发。第二是以扮靓磁湖为重点,加快磁湖周边地区的建设和开发。第三是进一步加快道路建设。从黄石市区到大冶城区全长12.6公里的快速干道按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 将到8月份竣工通车,连接大冶市区和黄石市区。 二、住宅市场分析 1、市场现状分析 1.1、楼市发展概况 据有关部门统计,2003年全市商品房开发总面积为73.93万平方米,竣工面积为65.08万平方米,商品房销售平均价格为1170元/平方米。2004年拟开工项目62个、用地面积129.67万平方米、建设总规模135.84万平方米、计划完成投资总额约9.86亿元。总体而言,黄石市的房地产市场开发是全面启动的初期阶段。我们将今年一、二季度房地产成交情况与2003年一、二季度房地产成交情况作了一个比较: 2004年 成交量(起) 成交面积(万平) 成交额(亿元) 2季度 1季度 增幅(,) 2季度 1季度 增幅(,) 2季度 1季度 增幅(,) 合计 2870 1469 95.37, 29.27 13.64 114.51, 3.63 1.19 204.84, 商品房 1022 591 72.93, 10.89 6.37 70.80, 2.59 0.71 264.11, 二手房 930 429 116.78, 11.98 4.15 188.68, 0.69 0.31 123.80, implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 房改房 918 449 104.45, 6.40 3.12 105.13, 0.35 0.17 104.74, 2003年 成交量(起) 成交面积(万平) 成交额(亿元) 2季度 1季度 增幅(,) 2季度 1季度 增幅(,) 2季度 1季度 增幅(,) 合计 1357 840 61.55, 30.21 17.33 74.31, 2.21 1.75 26.71, 商品房 341 241 41.49, 3.37 2.33 44.68, 0.32 0.20 57.66, 二手房 618 285 116.84, 24.14 12.90 87.13, 1.74 1.42 22.81, 房改房 398 314 26.75, 2.70 2.10 28.45, 0.15 0.13 21.54, 我们发现今年黄石市房地产交易的各项指标都增长迅猛:去年二季度比一季度总成交量增长61.55,、总成交面积增长74.31,、总成交额增长26.71,,而今年二季度比一季度总成交量增长95.37,、总成交面积增长114.51,、总成交额增长204.84,。尤其是商品房项目,几乎是以倍增的趋势在增长。黄石市房地产交易日渐活跃,整个市场以加速度在发展,正是箭在弦上,不得不发之时。 结合经济发展和居民收入来看,黄石市由于投资不足,大型项目少,经济增长速度较慢。2003年,黄石经济增长10.5,,比同属东部地区沿江城市的南通、镇江平均增速13.9,低3.4个百分点;2003年,黄石市地方一般预算收入8.09亿元,人均一般预算收入323元,居民人均可支配收入仅7165元。财政收入总量和人均水平与黄石老工业基地极不相符。这样对房地产市场的进一步升温造成两方面不利的因素:1、政府在财政支持上会显得力有不足,只能好钢用在刀刃上,对非重点发展区域会投入较少甚至暂缓投入。2、居民在房产品消费需求上,将受整体经济水平不高、个人收入偏低的影响,对房价的承受弹性较小。 1.2、市场开发水平 今年黄石市商品房均价1115.6元/平方米,比去年的858元/平方米的均价上涨30,,增长速度过快。而在相应的房产品建筑 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 方面显得发展缓慢,整体开发水平偏低。表现在建筑风格单一,户型设计不合理,缺乏营销手段,对小区环境建设和物业管理不够重视等多个方面。 1.2.1、产品分析 目前市场上现有的楼盘项目在外墙、立面等方面缺乏创新,建筑表现单调。整体附加值低,会所、智能化、景观、物管等都处于初级阶段。而消费者在这些方面表现出意识不强,其主要关注对象依次为价格、绿化(如中心花园等)、学校等。 在户型结构方面,整体设计比较差。“品”字楼在多层和高层中屡有出现,导致整个项implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 目的通风、采光等都受到一定的影响;有的户型 存在17、18米的进深;个别楼盘出现100平方一 室的做法;在房间内出现角柱,减小使用面积, 影响室内布局;整体布局不讲究朝向,东西南北 随处可见。 1.2.2、物业管理及费用 在售项目物管普及率较高,无论是单幢还是 小区式的楼盘基本上都有物管,但物管对小区的 管理作用并未体现,仅以负责清洁工作为主。 物管费用:多层为0.2,0.3元/平方米左右,高层为0.8元/平方米左右。当地普通消费者对高层目前0.8元/平方米物业管理认可度低,导致很多7-9层的住宅都没有安装电梯。 1.2.3 、付款方式 付款方式主要分为按揭、一次性和分期,一般都只采取按揭和一次性这两种形式,部分项目考虑分期。一般一次性都可以打到9.8折;住宅首付7层,部分实力开发商可贷到8层,商业为5层。 1.2.4、营销企划 首先在楼盘定价方面,整个市场对楼层差价不够重视,一般多层在楼层差在每层10元左右,高层10-30元不等,但普便集中在10-20元每一楼层。致于朝向、景观等方面的差价,市场上基本没有出现。致使好楼层、好户型的销售要较快,无利于项目的整体销售并。 销售展示中心相对比较简陋,设址主要以 现场为主,基本上都未设样板房;大型的户外 看板也多是设在现场附近,另外分发单页是其 目前的主要宣传手段,而报纸广告未受到足够 注视,一般以软文居多;部分楼盘也采取定期 打折的促销方式来吸引购买者。 销售人员基本上以本地招聘为主,也有部分项目其销售员直接从武汉等地入住黄石,接待热情但专业素总体偏低。 1.2.5、物业去化情况 黄石房产市场在相关开发政策方面执行上不是很规范,只要有土地就可以公开预销,所implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 以开发商基本在持有规划建设许可证的基础上就公开预售,定金收取集中在1-2万/户之间。但从现房与预售房的销售情况来看,现房销售率、销售情况明显要高于预售房,这说明当地消费者对期房的认可度相对较低。 从整体上看黄石销售形式良好,多数楼盘销售率在60,以上,多层比高层销售率高,小户型比大户型销售得快,底层和顶层销售比中间要慢。和浙江等地相比,黄石受国家政策影响明显要小。 1.3、房地产三级市场 黄石市通过近年来住房 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 改革,住房由实物分配向货币分配转变,房地产市场出现新的交易机制。房地产一、二级交易市场的适时建立,使房地产交易尤是土地的出让由隐形转向公开、公平、公正。但是在我们对黄石市的二手房市场进行了解过程中发现,整体上黄石市并没有形成较为规范合理的房 地产三级市场。 黄石二手房市场相对落后,以小型零散的 中介公司为主,大部分中介公司都是一桌一椅 几册房源本就能开门营业。专业程度不高,买 卖交易收费基本上为买方1%;交易普遍较活 跃。 1300—2000元/平方米的商品房价格相对 黄石的经济收入已有所偏高,特别是对于首次 置业的年轻一族,基本上会考虑到二手市场寻 找10万/套的两室。从挂牌上看,象亚光新村、 颐阳路、大智路等市中心区域110平方左右的 简装修房(2000年左右的)价格集中在15、 16万/套左右;上窑-沿湖路这一段的美尔雅、 石榴园、八卦嘴、花园路、上窑新城、环湖路等的次中心的97年左右的简单装修两室(70-90平方)集中在8-14万/套之间;团城山开发区的90-100之间的二手简装房集中在6-10万/套。 相对住宅,商业交易就显得比较清淡,店面交易较少。商业黄金地段的人民路、交通路其售价在10000-20000元每平方米之间,团城山开发区、迎滨大道目前市场上流通的店面价格在5000-6000每平方米左右。 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 从二手市场的挂牌、交易上看,二手房市场上流通的房源多是存量房或房卡房,新开发的商品房较少,从侧面反映出整个市场投资炒房风尚未兴起。但新房的挂牌、交易也是存在的,炒房现象也开始出现,但由于当地房价、经济等制约,炒房在当地现还是受一定限制的。 2、住宅市场区域分析 黄石市环山面湖,整个城市被湖面自然分割,经过近几年来房地产市场的开发与发展,目前业已形成三个房地产开发集中的区域,分别是市区、团城山、花湖: 2.1、市区 市区土地狭长,是黄石市目前的行政中 心,人口聚集地。市区内建筑密度高,房屋 老旧,各工矿企业的厂区与居民区混杂,整 体居住环境不佳。根据当前的发展规划,许 多厂矿企业将逐渐搬迁撤出市区。比如东楚 名居项目,其对面即是水泥厂厂址,据了解 将于2007年全部搬迁完毕。目前市区内的 房地产开发主要以旧城改造和城区拆迁为主。该区域现有房地产项目如下: 楼盘名称 物业类型 主力户型 主力面积 主力单价 去化速度 海石大厦,栋 高层 二室二厅 三室二厅 97.94,140.4 1860 71.90, 黄石形象 高层 三室二厅 130-135 预计2300左右 83.30, implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 金鑫大厦 高层 四室二厅 五室二厅 133.85,151.04 1985 10,15, 金翌豪庭 高层 二室二厅 三室二厅 100.16、157.98 1758 青龙阁,座 高层 二室二厅 三室二厅 124.02,158.74 1500 64.40, 颐阳华庭 高层 二室二厅 三室二厅 109.09、61.39 1910 不详 正宏大厦 高层 三室二厅 四室二厅 169.23、143.98 1748 69.20, 长龙牧羊诗苑 多层 90, 东楚名居 多层 二室二厅 120 1817.85 60,70, 湖边东路综合楼 多层 二室二厅 三室二厅 100-120 1080 差 龙羊庭院 多层 二室二厅 三室二厅 101、152 1748 70, 2.1.1、物业类型 目前市区内的房地产项目以高层和多层为主,有逐步转向高层的趋势。物业类型较为单一,无大型综合性项目。市区内的多层建筑相应较为规范,多以6、7层的项目为主,顶楼一般采取跃层结构,加大顶楼的消化力度。高层住宅受众接受度较低,其原因是对相对较高的电梯费望而却步(一般0.6元/平方米)。 、户型与价格 2.1.2 三室两厅两卫为整个市场的主力,面积主要集中在110-150平方米之间;其次为两室两厅,面积集中在90-120平方米之间;接着为四室两厅,面积在140平方米以上;顶层一般都采取跃层的形式,有些还带有空中花园。 市区公寓主力单价在1700,1800元/平方米以上,个别楼盘(如黄石形象)称明年开盘价可能在2300元/平方米左右。现供应主力总价在20-30万之间。 2.1.3、去化与客群 市区主要以拆迁为主,基本上都以高层的形式出现。项目以预售为主,随着工程进度的不同销售率各异。在建楼盘总体销售率良好,基本上可达50,以上。客群以市区居民和职工为主,另有部分拆迁房住户。 2.2、团城山 团城山区域即是黄石市科技开发区,其 中最早的住宅项目是96年的石榴园项目。 经过近年来的开发,现在整个个开发区内可 供开发的土地已所剩不多。根据黄石市城市 总体规划(2001至2020年)中的发展规划, 将开通两条隧道,科技开发区将向黄荆山南 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 麓拓展。这一区域是黄石市重点发展开发的区域,未来新的行政中心也将在此设立。目前将以道路建设为重点,促进整个黄荆山区域的发展。该区域现有房地产项目如下: 楼盘名称 物业类型 主力面积 主力户型 主力单价 去化进度 大可大厦 高层 192.20、210.58 四室二厅 预计低于1600起 尚未销售 石华大厦 高层 130-140 三室二厅 1670 75, 宝丰商住楼 多层 100-120 二室二厅 1490 30.00, 石榴园 多层 118.48-152.43 二室二厅、三室二厅 1405 61.50, 颐阳苑 多层 90-115 三室二厅 85.00, 武夷花园 多层 150-170 四室二厅 1640 74.40, 五峰才子家园 多层 130-150 三室二厅 1560 70, 总占地16.36公顷,绿化率45,,容积率1.2 山水明城 总建筑面积19.62万平方米,其中住宅总分18.2万平方米,约1780套, (注:山水明城项目位于石榴园对面,目前尚未开发) 2.2.1、物业类型 团城山区域内以多层的房产项目为主,且有部分9、10层的项目未安装电梯,这与市场上人们对电梯房尚未完全接受有关。目前区域内高层住宅较少,仅大可大厦和石华大厦两处。该区域内多数项目在销售时都已是现房或准现房。 2.2.2、户型与价格 户型方面基本上与市区雷同,以三室两厅、二室两厅为主,面积由90,150平方米。相对市区项目户型设计方面没有出现很明显的不足,但也没有出现较好的户型设计。 1600元/平方米之间,主力总价在15,25万之间。但后期开现售楼盘均价集中在1400- 发的项目价格将会出现大幅度的上涨,如去年拍卖的200多亩的山水明城(项目位于石榴园对面,目前尚未动工)对外声称价格将在2000元/平方米以上。 2.2.3、去化与客群 团城山现在售楼盘主要以现房销售为主(或者已是项目的后期),销售情况良好,销售 以上;现所剩可售面积少,主要剩下底层,顶层跃层为主。但本区域后期开发率均在60, 力度较大,如200亩的山水明城等等。客群多来自于下属的大治市以及工矿企业(治钢)职工。 2.3、花湖区 花湖区域是距离我们项目地块最为接近的一个区域,对本项目的影响将是最直接和明显的。区域内现有项目并不多,且包括两个地区一为黄石区域,另为鄂州区域(锦绣江南、假日威尼斯)。但项目规模相对较大,其中天方百花园(属黄石)即有多层29栋,高层2栋,implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 总建筑面积20.9万平方 米。未来的花湖区将是 黄石市主城核心区的主 要组成部分,该区域现 阶段仍是以拆迁为主, 天方百花园对面即有2、 300亩的土地被上海一 开发商拿去,将于年内 开始拆迁。但就目前情况而言,整个区域尚未完全启动,且近期内黄石市政府的工作重心亦不在此。该区域现有房地产项目如下: 楼盘名称 物业类型 主力面积 主力户型 主力单价 去化进度 天方百花园 多层、小高层 110.,133.67 3/2 1545 30,(二期) 假日威尼斯 独立起价1688、联体1388 锦绣江南 独立别墅、联体别墅、公寓 133(公寓) 3/2(公寓) 别墅销售良好 公寓878 2.3.1、物业类型 由于现有楼盘较少,物业类型较为单一,主要是多层项目,另有一部分别墅与多层公寓的综合性项目,有尚在开发的锦绣江南和尚待开发的假日威尼斯 2.3.2、户型与价格 因为该区域有较多别墅项目,且开发相对较晚,与前两个区域相较这下,户型设计方面稍显合理一点。公寓以110,140的三室两厅为主。 黄石区块以天方百花园为代表公寓单价在1550元/平方米左右,主力总价在18-22万之间;鄂州区域现主要以别墅为主;独立别墅单价1688元/平方米左右,主力总价在85-90万左右;联体在1400元/平方米左右,主力总价在30-35万左右,普通公寓价格在900元/平方米左右,主力总价在10-15万之间。 2.3.3、去化与客群 单就目前现状而言,花湖区的市场接受度较前两个区域要弱,多层公寓的销售并不是特别理想。但别墅排屋部分销售状好尚佳,锦绣江南一期别墅已销售完,二期销售形式亦是良好。虽然锦绣江南与本项目同属鄂州下辖,但别墅客群99,是来自黄石市。 、市场综述 3 根据黄石市房地产市场发展现状结合城市经济状况,明确了对整体市场的三点认识: implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 首先是整体开发规模不大,潜在需求未能激发。我们从黄石市房产局了解到,98年以来,房地产交易2.5万起,交易额57亿元,按年平均算,每年仅有房地产交易4000余起。根据2003年统计数据,黄石市拥有市区人口数66.37万,户均家庭人口数为3.04人。依此数据计算,即一年中每54户家庭中才有1起房产消费,其中的消费缺口和需求潜力可见一斑。 其此是普便开发水平不高,利于新产品及概念的导入。黄石市房地产市场上现有的楼盘,无论是外部的建筑形式、外墙立面方面,还是内在的小区环境、户型设计方面都不能令人满意。开发商在这此方面有意忽视,而客户对此也尚未形成明确的观念。因而当我们的项目宣传引入新产品新概念时,只要引导方法得当,能取得登高振臂效果。 最后是消费心态不成熟,消费观念尚需引导。这种不成熟是表现在多方面的,比如人们对按揭购房的疑虑。在去年10月份黄石市第四届房交会上,总成交1275起,其中按揭购房的仅有34起。此外,受黄石当地经济水平影响(人均收入约在五六百左右),人们在购房时仍然偏重于考虑总价因素,在户型、通风、采光等方面的要求就有所降低。目前黄石许多项目的户型设计都很不理想,这种受条件限制的迫使性行为,为我们的项目在户型设计上亦提供了机会点。 三、项目地块分析及市场定位 1、项目地理位置及主要经济指标 1.1、项目地理位置 本地块位于黄石市和鄂州市紧邻的区域,紧靠武黄高速公路,在行政权属方面属于鄂州市管辖范围之内 1.2、主要经济指标 总占地面积:479607.2平方米; 总建筑面积:569218.2平方米(其中:住宅435745.5平方米;商业94903.5平方米; 公建部分:38569.3平方米); 容积率:1.19; 建筑密度:32.4,; 绿地面积:171219.7平方米; 绿化率:35.7,; 总户数:2668户; implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 停车位:3084个。 2、项目地块所在区域市场分析 2.1、区域市场概况 本项目地处黄石市与鄂州市交界处,在行政划分属鄂州市下属管辖。但其地理位置上距黄石市市区更为接近,且根据黄石市今后的发展规划市区范围将向团城山、花湖倾斜,所以本项目在客群上更侧重于吸引黄石市的客户。但行政权属的问题使本项目在区域位置方面毫无优势可言。 本项目距花湖区最为接近,目前花湖区在开发的项目较少,缺乏热点楼盘,尚未形成楼群盘开发的热点区域;与市区及团城山相比价格偏低,具有一定的价格优势;区域内没有品房产项目,缺少文化品牌内涵,宣传力度不强,减少了想象空间和价格空间。虽然花湖区在未来规划中的前景尚佳,但就目前来说并非黄石市政府主力发展区域,因而对此区域房地产发展速度的预估需要放缓。如果仅是一个花湖区,其房地产项目的开发对本项目的接动会力有不逮。我们将视线稍稍放宽就能看到团城山开发区,此区域是未来黄石市开发的重点区域,房地产开发较早,已形成一定的规模市场。但剩余土地量不足,而规划中的黄荆山南麓以工矿用地居多,本项目应抓住市场需求的空白点,寻找产品的差异化,以产品为突破点,弥补区位上的不足 2.2、项目地块的开发条件 2.2.1、交通条件 本项目距武黄高速公路约一公里左右,对商业部分利好;地块附近即有公交线路连接黄石市区,但仅有一条,每三分钟一班;黄石市的出租车较少出现。 2.2.2、配套情况 属城乡结合部,目前周边基本上是农民自建房为主。缺少菜场、学校、银行等生活配套,商业设施基本上没有。 2.2.3、环境污染 远离市区厂矿集中区,且按黄石市今后的规划发展来看,未来的工矿区将离此地更远,土块周边基本上没有污染源,空气、水源质量良好。 2.2.4景观资源 本地块地势平坦,即不面湖亦不临山,外部景观资源缺乏,无明显优势。须在项目本身上做文章,提高小区内部的景致建设,增强可竞争性。 3、项目地块,,,,分析 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 针对项目的地块现状,结合供应市场以及客户需求的详尽分析,对本项目,,,,做出如下研判,矩阵图如下: 项目,,,,分析矩阵 Strength优势分析 Weakness劣势分析 S1:黄石市房地产市场属于快速起步W1:行政划分上不属于黄石市,政府不会有投入, 初期,整体市场环境良好; 只能借周边邻近区域抬升人气,较为被动; S2:本项目占地规模大,易形成独有W2:周边非成熟居住区,各类配套设施不齐全; 的小区风尚及文化; W3:开发商介入黄石市房地产业时间不长,品牌召S3:开发商资金周转压力较小,项目力不强; 操盘灵活性强; W4:区域前期炒作不足,知晓度不高 Opportunity机会分析 Threat威胁分析 O1:目前整个黄石市都缺少高品质楼T1:区域内已有两个项目与本项目定位基本类似, 盘,可作为本项目的突破点; 后市竞争有所激化,需要差异化的产品来支持; O2:高端产品的客群存在,使高端市T2:未来黄石市土地供应量将持续增加,存在潜在 场具备一定消费空间; 威胁; O3:团城山开发、市区拆迁改造,未T3:房地产投资不活跃,必需细分市场寻找本项目 来有部分人口向本区域延伸; 的目标消费群; 4、项目核心概念及项目定位 4.1项目核心概念 我们根据黄石市目前房地产市场开发水平不高,产品及客群方面存在空白点,结合本项目自身条件,提出本项目将担当黄石市“市场领先者”的角色。以高品质的别墅、排屋产品提升楼盘整体形象,在建筑风格、小区环境、户型设计、项目配套等方面占领目前市场的高点,并带动个性化的多层公寓的销售,以“领先者”的形象出现在受众面前。 4.2、项目市场定位建议 4.2.1、建筑风格 就目前房地产市场上建筑风格单一的情况,本项目可在建筑色彩、立面等方面超越市场现有房产品的水平,形成鲜明易记、与众不同建筑风格。一方面区别并领先于现有两个定位类似的的项目,另一方面可借此打造开发商的品牌形象。 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 4.2.2、小区环境 小区环境建设是房地产产品开发过程中小投入、大收益的一个环节。良好的为受众所接受的小区环境将给项目带来5倍的经济效益。在结合现阶段黄石市居民对小区环境有较强需求的心态和意识,本项目的小区环境将是生态环境功能、休闲活动功能、景观文化功能三者的结合。 4.2.3、户型设计 户型设计方面的不科学是黄石市房地产市场上的普便现象,为本项目入市提供了一个很好的切入点。本项目的户型应尽量避免10米以上的长进深,在通风、采光等方面要合理设计利用。同时在宣传上亦可突出本项目在户型方面的优势,培育市场消费观念的更新。 目前市场上各类不佳户型: 4.2.4、项目配套 考虑到本项目所处地理位置上的劣势,且周边配套较少,而黄石市居民对子女入学问题的重视,建议在本项目周边适当建设一小学或初中学区,并引入黄石市的名校,吸引更多的客户群体,变劣势为优势,拉开与同类产品的差距。 4.3、项目客群定位 4.3.1、不同阶层客群需求心态不同(这里的价格档次,你可以自己改~~~ 能承受价格在1500元/平方米以下楼盘的客户,首先追求满足居住要求、工程质量,并逐步转向追求舒适性、安全性、私密性等方面。 能承受1500-2000元/平方米价格的客户,在追求上述要求的基本基础上,更加注重楼implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work 盘的个性、内涵及升值潜力,对小区的整体环境规划要求较严格。 能承受2000元/平方米以上的客户,相对前两种客户来说已有了质的提高,在选择楼盘时,最注重的是享受,追求理念和内涵,彰显社会身份。对开发商的资质、楼盘的知名度、社区环境也非常注重。 4.3.2、目标客群分类: 黄石房产主要以黄石市人民消费为主,投资客所占比例较低,大冶市到黄石购房居住比率相对较高,他们主要集中购买在团城山开发区或者市中心的一些相对高档楼盘。由于本项目定位属高档楼盘,又受区域限制,客源面相对狭窄,根据客源所处的区域、社会地位、购房意图、购房心等差别作如下分析: 私营业主:有较为雄厚的经济基础,事业相对稳定,有广泛的社交关系,并且有足够的休闲时间去品味、享受生活,对新理念有较强的接受度,。 官员:此类人士具有较高的社会地位、稳定的收入,大多已有单位分配的住宅,但政府 希望一个更为私密、高档的生活空间。此类人群对档次、安全、私密及小区规划、配套有较高要求。 高级白领:此类客户具有高学历、高收入的特点,追求高品味的生活氛围,以突显自己的价值。这部分客源对社区档次、配套、知名度等较为关心。 年青成功人士:此部分人有着灵活的思考、较高的收入,社会地位起点高,追求现代的上流生活。这类客源主要选择小户型,但比例有限。 4.3.3、目标客群描述 别墅排屋:年龄在35——50岁之间的经济富裕、固定资产投资的专业市场经营者、大治市 私营厂矿主以及部分高收入人士; 家庭构成:1,3或4口、中年夫妻或带一小孩或有老人; 公 寓:年龄在28——45岁之间的事业有成在开发区工作的管理阶层、市政公务员、教 师; 家庭构成:1—3口、青年夫妻或带一小孩、单身中青年; implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practicaltheory and business knowledge of learning as a awareness, and a responsibility, both learn science theory and Office business knowledge, and learn modern skills and something work skills; both to books learn, to practice learn, and to led learn, and to colleagues learn, formed strong of learning atmosphere, race Dang learning type cadres, striving for learning type organ. To strengthen the sense of innovation. We are in an era of constantly changing, to analyze new situations with old thinking, old solutions to new problems with old routines to catch new works, often less effective. Must continue to emancipate the mind, advancing with the times, overcome the bad habits of inert, rigid, to the spirit of reform and innovation pay special attention to the work of the Office of the Government. Innovative thinking, work areas, carriers and methods of work, Office work and constantly create new characteristics, new breakthroughs, new performance, reached a new level. To strengthen the consciousness of struggle is the leading. Encourage and guide Agency staff seeking upward mobility, as the awareness and enhance the momentum of the race, the first class, tell people striving to be, ignore the big picture of the party's lead; to become exemplary study, discipline; struggle is the moral integrity, fair on the example; striving to be about hard work
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