首页 [教学设计]1 滕 市初中英语优秀教案评选办法

[教学设计]1 滕 市初中英语优秀教案评选办法


[教学设计]1 滕 市初中英语优秀教案评选办法[教学设计]1 滕 市初中英语优秀教案评选办法 2012滕州市初中英语优秀教案评选办法 一、评选对象、数量、方式和有关事项 1. 全市初中英语任课教师。 2. 初中英语七、八和九年级的详细课时教案。课型以新授课、复习课为主。新授课每周一个单元~每单元设4课时。 3. 各单位对本校教案进行初评~以学校为单位每周上报一个单元教案,任选年级,~使用压缩文件~word文档~A4页面~每周五下午5:00前申报~9月7日完成第一次申报。所推荐的每课时教案只能是一位教师署名~包括电子文本、课件(教学反思紧随教案)。 4....

[教学设计]1   滕 市初中英语优秀教案评选办法
[教学设计]1 滕 市初中 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 优秀 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 评选办法 2012滕州市初中英语优秀教案评选办法 一、评选对象、数量、方式和有关事项 1. 全市初中英语任课教师。 2. 初中英语七、八和九年级的详细课时教案。课型以新授课、复习课为主。新授课每周一个单元~每单元设4课时。 3. 各单位对本校教案进行初评~以学校为单位每周上报一个单元教案,任选年级,~使用压缩文件~word文档~A4页面~每周五下午5:00前申报~9月7日完成第一次申报。所推荐的每课时教案只能是一位教师署名~包括电子文本、课件( 教学反思 平行与垂直的教学反思班会课教学反思分数的初步认识教学反思科学我从哪里来教学反思平行与垂直教学反思 紧随教案)。 4. 滕州市教研室将成立初中英语教案评审小组~对各单位上报的教案进行评选~每周择优上报枣庄一套教案,包含三个年级,。枣庄市专家评审组从全市参评教案中每课时评出两节优秀案例。 5. 申报邮箱tzjapx@163.com。联系人:滕州市教学研究室 李亚璞,电话:5594025。 6. 杜绝造假~参评教案必须是按教学进度上过并修改的课。 二、教案编写要求 1.编写者要在《义务教育英语课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 (2011版)》的指导下,以现行人教英语教科书为依据,在课堂使用的基础上修订教案。教案要体现目标引领、以学定教、优化导学、以学评教、自主学习和合作学习的理念~体现语言学习对学生发展的价值。培养学生浓厚学习兴趣、良好的学习习惯、创新能力、实践能力和正思维习惯,关注学生意志品格~形成开放、包容的性格~提高国际竞争力和国际交往能力。 2.编写者采用“自主、合作、质疑、点拔”课堂模式进行编写。该模式的具体流程如下: 生词课 展示目标?读记生词?小组互助?教师答疑?当堂检测?小组评定?编写故事?思维导图 听说课 展示目标 ?预习检测? 热身导入?听取大意? 听取细节?听力填空?仿说原文?朗读原文?角色扮演?自创对话?翻译探究?当堂检测?课后反思? 使用建议 阅读课 展示目标 ?预习检测? 热身导入? 阅读大意?阅读细节?仿读原文?朗读原文?引导背诵?学生仿写?翻译探究?当堂检测?课后反思? 使用建议 编写者也可采用本区,市,、学校推行的课堂教学模式或经个人教学实践检验的高效教学模式~鼓励教有模式~又不唯模式~提倡教有良法~百花齐放。 3.参考样案 学校 (全名) 年级 年 月 日 第 周 星期 第 节课 主讲人 个人手机 邮箱 单元 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目 Unit 9 When was he born? 编故事~学单词。,编写说明:学生在掌握单个单词后~再把本课的生词编成一段 意义连贯的文字~并在本课生词下面划线。, The Brazilian was born in 1967. He is a national hero. He got a big achievement in golf. He still holds the world record for hiccupping and sneezing. He also succeeds in ice skating. He is not too old to become famous. He has a happy family. His grandfather is kind and loving. His grandma is a pianist. She is still alive. She could hum some pieces of music when she was too young. His father is an unusual and outstanding violinist . His wife is a well-known athlete. She can play the accordion. She took part in sports meeting in Poland. His grandson is talented and creative. Now, they will tour around the US. ,在学生掌握单个单词的基础上~把一个单元的生词编成一段逻辑性强的短文~这为学生学习单词创设了有意义的语境,因为学生不仅要记忆词汇本身的含义~还应用词汇来描述或命名事物~在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能~体现学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言~并在此基础上学习和运用语言的理念~这为学生学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件~有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。同时这也是创造性地使用教材~加强了词汇学习的完整性和系统性。, 听说课 Section A(1a-1c) Learning Goals Talk about famous people we admire with such patterns as Who’s that? That’s…When was he/she born? He/She was born in…He/She is … Learn the English for some jobs. Listen for numbers. Learn from famous people. They work hard to succeed.,目标引领~用一段话表述了 本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。, Preview 一、 Do you know something about Deng Yaping, Michael Jordan, Martina Hingis or David Beckham? If not, look at the following passages. 邓亚萍~前中国子女乒乓球队运动员~获得过18个世界冠军~连续2届4次奥动会冠军~ 曾获得4枚奥运金牌~被誉为“乒乓皇后”~是乒坛里名副其实的“小个子巨人”。 Michael Jordan was put into the Basketball Hall of Fame on Sept. 11th, 2009. He is thought of as the God of Basketball, holding about 81 records. On Sept. 25, 2001 he was the manager of Wizards(奇士) . Martina Hingis (born 30 September 1980) is a retired Swiss ,瑞士的,professional tennis player who spent a total of 209 weeks as World No. 1. In June 2011, she was named,命名, one of the "30 Legends of Women's Tennis " by Time,时代周刊, David Robert Joseph Beckham is an English footballer born on May 2, 1975 in Leytonstone, London. He is a midfielder (中场) and captain(队长) of the English national team, free-kicks (罚任意球)and corners(角球).famour for ability(能力) to hit 二、Look at p53, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. 1.中国乒乓运动员 2.美国篮球运动员 3.瑞士网球运动员 4.英国足球运动员 5.列出国际体育明星 6.他什么时候出生?1963年出生。 7.我出生在1991年8月21日。 8.中央电视台记者 9.某人最喜欢的星迷 10.我们羡慕的名人 三、Put the following into Chinese. nineteen seventy three nineteen eighty six nineteen seventy five nineteen sixty two nineteen eighty nineteen sixty six two thousand and two two thousand and twelve thirty forty thirteen fourteen fifteen, sixteen seventeen eighteen ,预习体现了以学生为中心的思想~强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流~以学定教。, Warming up and leading in热身导入 P 53: T: Look at the pictures. Do you know them? Ss: Yes. They are Deng Yaping, Michael Jordan, Martina Hingis and David Beckham. T: Do you want to know their birthdays? Ss: Yes. T: Let’s come to 1b.,导入要联系所学的内容~使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习。, Listening for the general idea听取大意 1b1 Listen and choose the main idea of the four conversations. The main idea of the four conversations is to talk about . A. world-famous sports stars B. international singing stars C. famous dancing stars Listening for the specific ideas听取细节 1b2 Listen and write the year the sports star was born under each photo. Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1.Boy:Who’s that ? Girl:That’s Deng Yaping.Girl:He born in 1963. 3.Boy:Who’s that? She’s a great Girl:That’s Martina Hingis. ping-pong player. She’s a great Swiss Boy:When was she ? tennis . Girl:She was born in 1973.Boy:When was she born? 2.Boy:Who’s that? Girl:She was born__ 1980.Girl:That’s Michael Jordan. 4.Girl:Who’s that? He’s a great AmericanBoy:That’s David Beckham. player. He’s a great British Boy:When was he born? player. Boy:He was born in .Girl:When was he born? Listen and repeat,听力理解一般要先听大意~然后再听细节~初步用听的技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。理解文段后~进行听力模仿~感知英语发音特点~提高口语表达水平。, Post-listening activities听后活动 Talk about the four stars in 1b2 in pairs using A: Who’s that? B: That’s...She/He is a… A: When was she/he born? B: She/He was born in... Interview one another about their favorite stars in groups and one of them reports to the whole class Student A is a reporter from CCTV. Student B,C and D are fans of favorite stars. Reporter: Hello, I’m a reporter from CCTV. May I ask you something about your favourite stars? Fans:Yes, you may. Reporter::Who is your favorite star? Fan B: … Fan C: … Fan D: … Reporter::What’s his/her job? Fan: … Fan B: … Fan C: … Fan D: … Reporter:When was he/she born? Fan B: … Fan C: … Fan D: … Reporter::Thanks for your answers. Fans:You’re welcome. Report like this! Here are three famous sports players. One is …He was born… He is a famous … in the world. Another is …. He was born…He is a famous … in the world .The third player is …He was born…He is a famous … in the world. ,听后活动是接近实际生活的各种情境~语言实践活动要循序渐进~主要培养学生用英语做事情的能力~在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力及交流与合作的能力~形成语感~以便在具体情境下开展有效交流。, Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一、 观察并翻译下面的句子~体会本课语法。 1. He was born in 1963. 2. She was born in 1975. 3. When were you born? 4. When was he born? 结论:was/were born 表示 ; 用when询问 练习:翻译下面的句子 ? 我弟弟生于1998年。 ?她是什么时候出生的, ,引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律~形成有效的学习策略。教师不再直接告诉~而是在学生还不会的地方进行精讲~落实了以学定教。, The end-of class test 当堂检测 一、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.Deng Yaping is an outstanding pig-pong player, and she got many m in her sports life. 2.Deng Yaping is a (中国的)ping-pong player. 3(Michael Jordan is a great American (篮球)player. 4. He was born (于) 1975. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.She (be) born in 1985. 2.I (be) born on July 23rd,1991. 3.You were ,bear,on Tuesday. 4.The boys all born in 1993. 5.What (do)he do? --He is a player. 三、请翻译下列句子。 对话1: 男孩:那是谁, 女孩: 那是邓亚萍。她是一个伟大的中国乒乓球运动员。 男孩:她是哪年出生的, 女孩:她出生于1973年。 对话2: 女孩:那是谁, 男孩:那是迈克尔.乔丹。他是一个伟大的美国篮球运动员。 女孩:他是哪年出生的, 男孩:他出生于1963年。 对话3: 男孩:那是谁, 女孩: 那是玛蒂娜.辛吉斯。她是一个伟大的瑞士网球运动员。 男孩:她是哪年出生的, 女孩:她出生于1980年。 对话4: 女孩:那是谁, 男孩:那是大卫.贝克汉姆。他是一个伟大的英国足球运动员。 女孩:他是哪年出生的, 男孩:他出生于1975年。 ,以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价~有条件的学校可以拓展课程资源。, Unit 9 When was he born? 阅读课Section A,3a-4b, Learning Goals 1.Review the dialogue in period 2 2.Talk about famous people’s achievements using “golf , Brazilian ,national ,achievement , perform, gymnast , gold , medal , championship, golfer ,never too …to… When did she become … ? How old were /was … when you/he … ? You’re never too young to start doing things. It is never too old to learn. Talk about one’s own first time. Show students how to find the main idea. Find out the difference between when and while. Encourage students to cherish the present and work hard for their own dreams as early as possible. Review Role play the dialogue in period 2 in front of the class. Preview Look at P55, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. 1. 老虎.伍兹是打高尔夫的。 2.罗纳尔是巴西足球队员。 3. 梅兰芳是戏剧家,演京剧。 4. 刘璇中国体操运动员在世界锦标赛获得金牌。 5. 秀兰邓波是电影明星。 6. 莫扎特是音乐家。 7.你能根据表格描述人吗? 8.它是一部叫bowl喜剧。 9. 你多早开始做这些事情都行。 10.多大年龄学习都行。 Warming up and leading in热身导入 P55 T: Hello, everybody! Look at this picture, Who is he? Ss: He’s Tiger Woods. T: What’s Tiger Woods’ job? Do you know? Ss: Yes. A famous golf player. T: When did he start golfing? Ss: Ten months old. T: It is surprising that he started golfing at the age of less than 1 year old. There are a few more international stars who started doing things very young. Do you want to know them? Ss: Yes. T: Let’s come to 3a. Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea读取大意 1. The main idea of the two passages is about ( A. famous people B. international people who started things early C. international stars who started things late Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas读取细节 Student A ,read this article and fill in the chart, and student B ,go to Page 86. Name Achievement Age Tiger Woods golfing Shirley Temple Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mei Lanfang Ronaldo Liu Xuan Exchange information with your partner using “A:Who is/was …B:She/he is…A:When did she/he …B:When she/he … Post-reading activities听后活动 Listen and repeat Retell the passage according to the key words in the chart . Name Achievement Age Tiger Woods golfing 10 months old Mozart writing music 4 years old Ronaldo soccer star 17 years old Achievement Age Shirley Temple movie star 3 years old Mei Lanfang Beijing Opera actor 10years old Liu Xuan gymnast 8 years old Complete 3a without looking at the text You are never young start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started when he only ten months old . Mozart started when he was years old. And Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player, for his national team when he was seventeen. Interview:Talk about your first time and fill in the chart. How old were you when you …? Name Achievement Age More information learned to ride a bicycle learned to swim started learning English started playing a sport first went to a movie first had a party Report what you have interviewed to the class. Selina started things early…When she… Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一、You are never too young to start doing things. 1.never 用作副词~意为“ ”,用来构成句子的 形式。如: I’ll (永远不会忘记)the day . 2. too…to…意为“ ”。too 为副词~后接形容词或副词的 级~其中的不 定式表示否定的结果。如: My brother to school. 我弟弟太小~不能去上学。 二、Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten years old. 1. 这是一个 从句~用一件事情的发生作为另一件事情发生的时间。我们经常 能见到的是when 和while 引导的状语从句。 When 和while 的区别是while 只能引导延续性动词~而when 既能引导延续性动词~ 也可以引导非延续性动词。如: , the telephone rang. 当我在看电视的时候~电话铃响了。 2. start doing 表示“ ” 如: . 开始下雨了。 三、Find out the similarity,相同点, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old. Ronaldo played for his national team when he was seventeen. 这三句都含有 引导的时间状语从句。 如:当我看电视的时候~电话铃响了。 I was watching TV the telephone rang. The end-of- class test当堂检测 一、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. Ronaldo played for his (国家的)team when he was 17. 2. What play did the actors p_ at the theater last night? 3.The boy wants to be a g because he likes playing golf very much. 4.Shirly Temple was a movie star (当……时)she was 3 years old. 5.Mei Lanfang (p)Beijing Opera when he was ten. 6. Liu Xuan (win)at the World Championships when she was 17. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. This boy is too young (carry) the heavy box. 2. I live in a city (call) Taierzhuang. 3.Tiger Woods started (golf )when he was only ten months old. 4.Mozart (start )writing music when he was four years old. 5.Ronaldo (play) for his national team when he was seventeen. 三、请翻译下列句子。 你开始做这些事情~无论多早都行。例如~老虎.伍兹仅仅10个月时就开始打高尔夫球了。莫扎特4岁就开始写乐曲了。而杰出的巴西足球队员罗纳尔多17岁就为国家队踢球了。秀兰邓波3岁时就是电影明星。梅兰芳10岁演京剧。刘璇中国体操运动员在世界锦标赛获得金牌。 ,每节课的答案附在本节课的后面, 亮点 1.本课的导入。Tiger Woods是名人~本文谈论的是名人。读前和同学们谈论Tiger Woods有利于学生为阅读做好准备。 2.本课的阅读训练。让学生带着问题略读文章,找出文章的大意; 然后让学生带着问题细读文章,找出文章细节。这些策略有利于学生逐渐提高寻找大意和细节的能力。读后的听、跟读、复述、背诵和采访等活动有利于学生内化所读内容。 3.本课的情感教育的自然渗透。国内和国外名人成功的故事~会拓宽他们的全球视野~激发他们从小要成功的渴望~使他们珍惜当下~努力学习。 4.当堂训练的汉译英。当堂训练的题目尽量不用选择题~要用考查学生真水平的题目~ 如一通百通的汉译英练习~希望大家重视这种题目。 翻译探究使用建议 “翻译探究”的主要目的是变老师讲解语言知识为学生自学语言知识。学生使用“翻译探究”时可以和答案同时使用~帮助自学、探究、发现和归纳~学生个人学不懂时可以以小组形式互助,若还不会,老师再讲解,这是先学后教,以学定教。“翻译探究”的题目数量因学情而定。学懂后~不看答案~两人一组互相讲解。
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