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高考英语复习相似词语辨析高考英语复习相似词语辨析 高考英语复习 相似词语辨析 1.force/make He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.由于政治原因,他被迫离开了自己的祖国。 How did the bat make the birds believe that he was on their side?蝙蝠是怎样使鸟儿们相信他是站在他们这边的, 两者都可以作“迫使”解。force 表示用武力或威胁迫使某人做某事,宾语发出的动作常带有不情愿的意...

高考英语复习相似词语辨析 高考英语复习 相似词语辨析 1.force/make He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.由于政治原因,他被迫离开了自己的祖国。 How did the bat make the birds believe that he was on their side?蝙蝠是怎样使鸟儿们相信他是站在他们这边的, <辨析>两者都可以作“迫使”解。force 表示用武力或威胁迫使某人做某事,宾语发出的动作常带有不情愿的意味。这种动作可以用带 to 的不定式表示,也可以用动名词表示。用动名词时,要与介词 into 连用。例如:We forced him to go(into going).我们迫使他去。make 的用法比较广泛,它所表示的强迫性有时不如 force 强,其宾语之后的不定式要省去 to。但当 make 用于被动语态时,所省去的 to 要补上。例如:I was made to go there alone.我被迫一个人去那里。 2.before long/long before Before long he had to move on again.不久他不得不再迁移。 She said that she had heard of it long before.她说,她老早就听说过这件事。 <辨析>before long 与 long before 是词义完全相同的两个词组。before long 意为“很快”,“不久”(soon,after a short period of time),其中 before 是介词,long 是名词。常在句中作状语,多与动词的过去时或将来时连用。如:I'll go to Shanghai before long.不久我要去上海。long before 意为“很久以前”,其中 long 是副词,long before 单独使用时,before 是副词。long before 后接名词、代词时,before 为介词。long before 后接从句时, 为连词。这个词组常与过去时或过去完成时连用。跟从句时也可以用在现在时的句子中。before 例如:It will be long before he arrives.还要多久他才到达。 3.keep/keep on It kept raining for three days.接连下了三天的雨。 In the years that followed,Mark kept on studying English and using it .在这之后的几年中,马克思继续学习和使用英语。 <辨析>keep 与 keep on 都有“不断”的意思。在表示每隔一会儿即发生的动作时,两者可互换。如:He carght cold and kept(on) coughing all the morning.他(得)感冒了,整个上午不停的咳嗽。如表示动作不间断或保持一种状态,则宜用 keep+v-ing。例如:We'ss keep going forward.我们将不断前进。注意:1)keep 或 keep on 后面只能接 v-ing,不能接不定式。2)两者后接表示动作的 v-ing(如:takling,writing,walking,working 和 standing 等),不能接表示静止状态的 v-ing(如 standing,sitting,lying 和 sleeping 等)。如不可以说 He kept on sleeping. 4.be sure about(of)/be sure to/be sure that He was not too sure about two things——the grammar and some of the idioms.他在语法和某些方面没有很大的把握。 You are sure to understand much more than before.你一定比以前懂得多了。 He was sure (that) nobody there would steal the money.他确信那儿不会有人偷钱。 <辨析>be sure about(of) 意为“相信”、“对......有把握”,后接名词、代词或动名词,表示当事人的看法,主语必须是人。be sure to 意为“一定”,“肯定”,后接不定式,往往表示局外人的推测、评论,主语不一定是人。如:It's sure to rain tomorrow.明天一定会下雨。试比较下面两句:He is sure of living to ninety.他自信可以活到90岁。He is sure to li 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 1 ve to ninety.他肯定可以活到90岁。be sure to 用于祈使句时,表示对对方的要求。作“务必”,“切望”解。如:Be sure to come tomorrow.你明天一定要来。be sure 接 that 从句时,意为“认为......一不会”,主语必须是人,that 可以省略。be sure 后面还可接 whether 或 where,when,who 等引导的名词性从句。这时主句通常是否定形式。如:I am not sure where I l eft my notebook.我不能确定我把笔记本忘在什么地方了。 5.go on to do/go on doing He went on to talk about the world situation.他接着谈了世界形势。 Dr Bethune went on working throughout the night.白求恩大夫整个夜晚都在做手术。 <辨析>go on to do 意为“停止以前做的事,接着做另一件事”;go on doing 意为“继续做以前的事”。试比较:Let's go on to discuss another question.我们接着讨论另外一个问题吧。Let's go on discussing the question.咱们继续讨论这个问题吧。此外,这两个短语在动作的时间概念上也有所不同,go on to do 指一个时刻的动作,go on doing 指一段时间的动作。例如:I went on to read Lesson Two at half past two.两点半钟我接着读第二课。I went on reading Lesson Two for half an hour.第二课我连续不断地读了半个小时。 6.advice/advise Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language.马克思对如何学习外语提出了一些意见。 I would advise you to earn enough money to travel round the world.我建议你挣些钱去做环球旅行。 <辨析>两者的基本意思都是“劝告”,“建议”。advice 是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词 a,后面也不能加复数词尾-s。“一项建议”是 a piece of advice,不可以说 an advice。“一些(许多、多项)建议”是 some (much,pieces of) advice。advise 是动词,常用作及物动词,间或用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词,也可跟含有不定式的复合宾语。还可跟 that 从句,这时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。如: I advise that you (should) go at once.我劝你马上就去。 7.consult/look up At the same time,consult dictionaries and memorize grammatical rules.同时,要查字典,记语法规则。 When you don't know how to pronounce a new word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 ,you must look it up.当你不知道一个生词怎么念时,必须查字典。 <辨析>两者都可以表示“查”。consult 意为“查阅”(refer to),后接表示“词典或参考书”的名词作宾语。look up 的意思是“在词典或参考书中查找”(find a word,phrase,etc.in a d ictionary or reference book)。但有时 look up 后面也跟表“词典”、“参考书”的名词,与 consult 通用。如:Did you look up a dictionary for the meaning of the word?你翻词典查过这个词的意思吗, 8.memorize/remember If you memorize a few words every day and keep on reading all the time,you are sur e to do well in the English study.如果你每天记住几个单词,并坚持不断地阅读,你就一定能学好英语。 He rememberd that the word was pronounced 'plau'.他记得这词该读作'plau'. <辨析>memorize 意为“记住”、“熟记”,表示有意识地努力去记。remember 意为“记得”、“记起”、“想起”,指某件事或某个印象留存在记忆中,常指不需要有意识地追忆便可想起来。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 2 9.close/shut/shut off Please close the windows.请把窗关上。 Shut the door,please.请把门关上。 The visionphone shuts off.电视电话机关上了。 <辨析>三者都有“关”的意思。close 与 shut 表示“关窗(门)”时,常可通用。但 shut 比 close 意味较强,close 仅指把开着的窗(门)关上的动作,而 shut 则指把窗、门关上并闩住的动作,即含有“隔绝内外”的意思。shut off 意为“关掉、停止运转”,常用于关收收音机、发电机、煤气、电视机等,既可看作不及物动词,也可看作及物动词。如:Shut the steam off——it's getting too warm in here.把暖气关上——屋里太暖和了。 10.examination/test We are going to have our term examination next week.下星期我们将进行期末考试。 We had our last physics test. 我们举行了一次物理测验。 <辨析>这两个名词都有“考试”的意思。examination 通常指比较正式的考试。如学期考试、入学考试等,可缩写成 exam,常用于口语。test 指小考或测验。还可指物理化学等(做)试验。如:The professor showed them how to do a test in the chemistry lab.教授在化学实验室里演示给他们看如何做试验。两者除表示“考试”外,也可作“(身体)检查”解。如:The doctors gave the little girl all kinds of tests (examinations).医生给小女孩做各种各样的身体检查。 11.breath/breathe The young man held his breath.那年青人屏住气息。 The doctor told Charlie to breathe deeply.大夫要查理做深呼吸。 <辨析>两者都有“呼吸”的意思,拼法仅有一个字母之差,用法也就不同。breath 是名词,与 breath 构成的短语有:hold one's breath 屏住气;out of breath 上气不接下气。breathe 是动词,用作及物动词或不及物动词。 12.because/since/as He didn't go to the meeting because he was ill.他因为生病没有去开会。 Since you have to stay home,why don't you do some shopping?既然你得待在家里,何不(利用这时间)买买东西呢, As he didn't know much English,he got out his dictionary and looked up the word "c ough".由于他英语懂得不多,于是就拿出词典查“咳嗽”这个词。 <辨析>三者是从属连词,引导原因状语从句。because 意为“因为”,它的语气最强,表达主从句间的必然因果关系。因此,回答 why 的问句,必须用 because;能放在“it is ...that...”句型中加以强调的也只能是 because 引导的从句。它所引导的从句一般放在主句后面,需要强调时,也可以放在主句的前面。如:Because he was Aristotle,the great thinker,no one q uestioned his ideas for almost 2000 years.因为他是亚里斯多德,是一位伟大的思想家,所以差不多2000来,无人对他的看法提出质疑。since 要比 because 的语气稍弱而没有 because 那样正式,表示无须加以说明的原因,这种原因是已知的。常常译作“既然”,所引导的从句多放在主句之前。如:Since you are busy,I'll do it for you.既然你忙,我来替你做吧。as 意为“由于”,“鉴于”,是本组中语气最弱的一个词,它所说明的原因是比较明显的,可能是已经浅露的原因。常用于日常的谈话中,它引导的从句可放在句首或主句之后。如:As it's raining,you'd better stay at home.天在下雨,你最好待在家里。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 3 13.agree with/agree to They could not agree with one another.他们谁也不能同意谁的意见。 We agree to this plan.我们同意这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 <辨析>两者都有“同意”、“赞成”的意思。agree with 后面常接表示人或意见(看法)的名词作宾语。agree to 后面一般接表示提议、办法、计划之类的名词作宾语。此外,agree with 还有“适合”、“符合”的含义。如:The climate here doesn't agree with him.他不适合这里的气候。 14.happen/happen to This story happened in London.这个故事发生在伦敦。 What happens to ice when it is placed in your hand?冰放在你的手里将会变成什么, The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant's side.第一个瞎子碰巧把手放在象的一侧。 <辨析>happen 是不及物动词,意为“发生”,其主语往往是物。使用 happen 时须注意:1)不能用于被动语态,如不可以说 An accident was happened last week.上星期发生了一个事故。应将 was 删去。2)happen 是终止性动词,其现在完成时不能同表示一段时间的状语连用。如不可以说 The accident has happened for a week.事故发生已有一星期了。应改成 The accident happened a week ago.如表示“某人发生了什么事”或“某物怎么了”则用 happen to sb./sth.结构。如:Has anything happened to him?他出什么事了,happen 还可作“碰巧”、“恰好”解,后接动词不定式或用于“it happens that...”结构。如:I happened to have n o money with me(=It happened that I had no money with me.)恰好我没带钱。 15.quarrel about/quarrel with The six man sat by the roadside all day,quarrelling about the elephant.那6个人整天坐在路边,为了那头象争吵不休。 John quarrelled with his wife yesterday.昨天,约翰跟妻子争吵。 <辨析>quarrel about 意为“为(某事)争吵”,quarrel with 意为“跟(某人)争吵”。 16.at all/not at all We were not tired at all.我们一点也不累。 It's very kind of you.——Not at all.你真客气——哪里,哪里。 <辨析>at all 起加强语气的作用,可用于以下几种场合:1)用在否定句中或与含否定意义的词的连用,意为“一点也不”、“根本不”。如例1)。2)用在肯定句或疑问句中,常有较强的感情色彩,意为“究竟”、“果然”。例如:Did you speak at all?你究竟发言了没有,3)用在条件句中,意为“既然”、“(如果)真的、确实”。如:Do it well if you do it at all.既然要做就得做好。not at all 常用作客套语,是“别客气”的意思。 17.who/that People who can see somethings act just as foolishly.有时候,眼睛看得见的人也同样做出这类蠢事。 Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?在那边看报纸的那个人是谁, <辨析>who 与 that 都可用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,指人。在从句中做主语时,通常两者可以互换。例如:The boy that(who) helped me is my brother.帮助我的那个男孩是我的弟弟。但下列几种情况多用 who:1)先行词为 those 时,如:Those who want to go to t he cinema,please be at the school gate at four o'clock.想去看电影的人,请四点钟到达校门口。2)先行词为 one,ones 或 anyone 时,如:They said,the clothes made of this m 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 4 agic cloth would be invisible to anyone who was unfit for the office he held.他们说,这种魔布缝制的衣服,任何一个不称职的人是看不见的。若主句是以 who 开头的疑问句,则其后的定语从句宜由 that 引导。如例2)。 18.that/which This is the best film that has been shown this year.这是今年放过的最好的一部电影。 The earth,which goes round the sun,is called a planet.地球围绕太阳运转,被称为行星。 <辨析>关系代词 that 与 which 引导的定语从句时,都可指物,都可作主语和宾语。有时两者可互换。如:A place is a machine that(which) can fly.飞机是一种能飞的机器。但在下列情况下,只宜用 that,不用 which:1)先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。如例1)。2)先行词被序数词以及 only,very,last 等修饰时。如:The first thing that we should do is (to) w ork out a plan.我们该的第一件事是订个计划。3)被修饰的先行词为 all,much,little 等不定代词时,如:All that can be done must be done.凡能做到的事情都必须做。4)当有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时,如:They talked of things and persons that the y remembered in the school.他们聊起他们所能记得的学校里的人和事来。5)关系代词在定语从句中用作表语时,如:My home village is no longer the place that it used to be.我的故乡现在已不再是过去那个面貌了。在下列情况下只宜用 which,不用 that:1)在非限制性定语从句中,如例2)。2)当关系代词前面有介词时,如:This is the room in which we lived last year.这是我们去年住过的房间。 19.as soon as/once I'll give this note to him as soon as school is over.一放学我就把这张便条给他。 Once you see him,you will never forget him.你一旦见到他,就永远忘不了他。 <辨析>两者都可译作“刚......就......”、“一旦......就......”,表示主句动作紧接在从句动作之后 发生。as soon as 强调时间的紧接,once 则带有条件意味。试比较:As soon as the bell rang,the teacher came in.铃一响,老师就进来了(不宜用 once)。You won't find it difficult once you have understood the rule.一旦你懂得了这条规律,你就不会感到困难 了。(不宜用 as soon as) 20.receive/accept Our country sometimes uses man-made satellites to send and receive TV programmes. 我国有时候使用人造卫星发送和接收电视节目。 He did experiments to test and prove an idea before he was rady to accept it.他准备接受一种观念之前,都先进行实验,对它加以验证。 <辨析>这两个词都有“接”的意思。receive 指“接到”、“收到”这一动作或事实,不涉及是否乐意或同意,可以表示收到信件、礼物、邀请,或接受教育、命令等。accept 指经过考虑“接受”下来,强调其主观上乐意“接受”。再看下例:Yesterday he received a present,but d idn't want to accept it.昨天他收到一件礼物,但他并不想要。receive 还可表示“接待”、“接见”,accept 则没有这种意义。如:We often receive foreign guests.我们经常接待外宾。注意:receive 是终止性动词,其现在完成时不能同表示一段时间的状语连用。如不可以说 I have received your letter for five days.应该说 I received your letter five days ago. 21.watch/observe In the evening we watched dancing and singing in a big theatre.晚上,我们在一家大剧场看了歌舞。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 5 He observed things carefully and never took anything for granted.他仔细观察事物,对任何事情从不想当然。 <辨析>watch 意为“看着”、“观看”、“注视”,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由不带 to 的不定式或现在分词构成的复合宾语,还可接连接代词或副词引导的从句,但不能接 that 从句。例如:I watched them get into the car.我看着他们上了车。He stopped to watch us working.他停一来看我们干活。Watch what I do and how I do it.看我的动作,看我是怎么做的。observe 意为“观察”(watch carefully),也可表示“注意到”(see,notice),后接名词或代词、复合宾语(与 watch 同),还可接 that 从句。例如:We observed that it had turned cloudy.我们注意到天转阴了。 22.decide/make up one's mind Jenny decided to turn the wallet in first.詹妮决定先交钱夹。 Galileo made up his mind to test Aristotle's theory by doing experiments.伽利略下决心通过试验验证亚里斯多德的理论。 <辨析>两者都有“决定”、“决心”的意思。decide 着重指经过考虑、商谈或研究之后而作出决定,后跟名词、代词、动词不定式或从句,可用于被动语态中。如:Nothig is decided yet.什么都没有决定下来。make up one's mind 是与“迟疑、动摇、不知所从”等相对的说法,意味着打定主意,下了决心,后跟不定式或 that 从句,也可单独使用。有时也解作“认定了某 事”。如:Aristotle had made up his mind that heavy objects always fell faster than l ight objects.亚里斯多德认定重的物体比轻的物体下落得快。 23.slow/slowly A feather falls slower than a stone.羽毛比石头落得慢。 He observed that feathers fell to the ground slowly.他观察到羽毛落地很慢。 <辨析>两者都可以用作副词,表示“慢慢地”的意思。slow 常用在动词 go,drive,speak,read 等后面或副词 how 后面。如:How slow he walks!他走得多慢啊~My watch goes slow.我的表经常慢。slowly 可置于行为动词的前后或句首。如:Mr Baker's face slowly turned red.贝克先生的脸慢慢地变红了。slow 的比较级和最高级是 slower,slowest;而 slowly 的比较级和最高级是 more slowly,most slowly。slow 还可作形容词,意为“慢的”、“迟钝的”。如:He was old and slow.他年纪大,行动迟缓。 24.pay/spend/cost He paid one yuan for the apples.他买苹果花了一元。 I spent ten yuan on the dictionary.这本词典花了我十元。 The new diamond necklace cost the Loisels thirty-six thousand francs.买新钻石项链花掉了卢瓦泽尔夫妇三万六千法郎。 <辨析>三者都有“花费(金钱)”的意思,但用法不相同。pay 与 spend 的主语应该是人,使用它们的方式分别是 sb.pays some money for sth.和 sb.spends some money on (for) sth.或 sb.spends some money in doing sth.cost 的主语总是所购买的东西,而购物的主人常常是它的间接宾语,其方式是 sth.costs sb.some money。试比较:The coat cost her twenty tuan./She spent twenty yuan on (for) the coat.She paid twenty yuan for the coat.买这件外衣她花了二十元。注意:cost 的间接宾语不能同介词连用。如不可以说 The coat cost twenty yuan for (to) her. 25.pay for/pay off/pay back We've already paid for the recorder.这架录音机我们已经付款了。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 6 We've at last paid off all our debts.我们总算把所有的债都还清了。 They had to pay back the money they had borrowed.他们不得不归还所借的钱。 <辨析>pay for 意为“付......款”(give money for),其宾语通常是表示物件或东西的名词或代词。pay off 意为“偿还(债务等)”(pay all that is owed on a debt,etc.)。pay back 意为“归还(所借的钱)”(return money that has been borrowed),有时后面跟表示“债务”的名词,作“偿还(债务)”解。如:You ought to pay back your debts.你应当偿还你的债务。这两个短语中的 off 与 back 可与 pay 拆开使用,跟代词作宾语时,必须将代词放在两者之间。 26.because/because of He isn't coming because he is very busy.他来不了,因为他很忙。 Mathilde lived a hard life for ten years because of the lost necklace.玛蒂尔德因为那条丢失的项链,而过了十年艰苦的生活。 <辨析>because 与 because of 都是“因为”的意思,但它们的词性与用法不同。because 是从属连词,后接原因状语从句。because of 是复合介词,后接名词(代词)或动名词,也可接 what 引导的从句。如:Her face went red because of what he said.他所说的话使她的脸都红了。 27.would rather/had better I would rather stay at home.我宁愿待在家里。 You had better go yourself.你最好自己去。 <辨析>would rather 表示句子主语的愿望、选择,意为“宁愿......”。如果表示“宁愿(可)......也不愿......”则用句型 would rather...than...。在 would rather 和 than 后面所连接的两个对比部分一般要一致,宜将 than 译成否定意义。如:The brave soldier would rather d ie than give in.那个勇敢的士兵宁死不屈。hat better 表示对别人劝告或建议,意为“最好......”。使用这两个短语须注意:1)两者都是后接动词原形。2)其否定形式分别在 rather 和 better 之间加 not。如:I would rather not tell you.我宁可不告诉你。You had better not keep the window open.你最好不要开着窗户。3)would rather 后可跟从句,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,即用过去时表示现在或将来要做的事情。如:I would rather that we sto pped now.我宁可现在停下来。 28.wise/clever/bright The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader and a wise,warm-hearted,hon est man.人民已把他看成一位具有感召力的领袖,看成一位聪明、热情、诚实的人而爱戴他。 The little mokey was clever.这只小猴子很聪明。 He told Tom's mother that Tom was not bright.他告诉汤姆的母亲说,汤姆并不聪明。 <辨析>这三个形容词都有“聪明的”的意思。wise 指人有广博的知识与经验,能作出正确的判断,采取明智的行动,经常用来形容伟人、领袖等。clever 应用范围较广,常用来形容一般人或小孩子,有“思维敏捷、聪明伶俐”的含义。bright 的意思与 clever 基本相同,常用于口语中,它一般用来形容小孩。 29.continue/last Though it was late,they continued the work.虽然天晚了,他们仍继续工作。 The war lasted four years before the North won in the end.这场战争持续了四年,最后北方取得胜利。 <辨析>comtinue 意为“继续”,可用作及物动词和不及物动词。作及物动词时,后接名词、代 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 7 词、不定式或动名词。如:She continued to do(或 doing) her lessons.她继续做功课。After a short break the play continued.休息一下以后,演出继续进行。last 用作不及物动词,意为“延续”、“持续”、“维持”。多用于时间、气力、友谊、金钱、利益、食物等方面的延续。如:We're sure our friendship will last forever.我们相信,我们的友谊将会万古长表。How long did the concert last?音乐会开了多久, 30.country/nation This country is in the west of Asia.这个国家位于亚洲的西部。 The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death.听到他的死讯,全国陷入深深的悲痛之中。 <辨析>这两个名词都可解作“国家”,但着眼点不同。country 侧重指疆而言。nation 侧重指人民而言,因此 nation 常可译作“民族”。 31.no more than/not more than He has no more than twenty yuan in his packet.他的口袋里只有20元。 He has not more than twenyt yuan is his packet.他口袋里的钱不超过20元。 <辨析>这两个短语在意义上是不相同的。1)后面接数词时,no more than 相当于 only,是“仅仅、只不过”的意思。not more than 相当于 at most,是“至多、不超过”的意思。前者强调少,后者说明事实。试比较:There are no more than ten tickets left.只剩下10张票了(表示不多了)。There are not more than ten tickets left.剩票不超过10张(说明事实)。2)后面接比较状语从句时,no more than 的意思是“和......同样不”:,not more than 的意思是“不比......更”、“不及”。试比较:Jack is no more diligent than John.杰克和约翰一样都不勤奋。(=Neither Jack nor John is diligent.)Jack is not more diligent than J ohn.杰克不如约翰勤奋。(=Jack is not as diligent as John.) 32.in order to/in order that But people killed many mountain lions in order to protect the deer.但是人们为了保护鹿,杀死了许多美洲狮。 They started out early in order that they might get there in time.他们很早动身,以便及时到达那里。 <辨析>两者都作“为了”、“以便”解。in order to 后接不定式短语,表示目的,既可位于名首,也可位于句末。in order that 后接从句常置于句末,表示目的,从句中常用情态动词 may(might),can(could)等。 33.ought/should You ought to start at once.你应当立刻出发。 What should we learn form Marx in mastering a foreign language?要掌握一门外语,我们应当向马克思学习些什么, <辨析>ought 和 should 都可以解作“应当”、“应该”,用来表达职责和义务,或提出劝告,在很多场合两者可以互换。只是 should 表示的主观看法强些,ought 则更多反映客观情况。ought 后面需接带 to 的不定式,与其他情态动词一样,用于各种人称,没有词形变化。应注意:ought to 与 should 加原形动词用于指现在或将来的动作,不能用于指过去的动作。要表示过去应该做而实际未做的事,应用 ought to (should)+have+过去分词。试译:你昨天本应写这封信。误:You ought to (should) write the letter yesterday.正:You ought to (shoul d) have written the letter yesterday. 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 8 34.how soon/how long/how often He sent another official to find out how soon the cloth would be ready.他又派了一位官员去看看还要多久布料才能织好。 He asked the doctor how long it had taken him to finish the operation.他问医生动这个手术花了多长时间, How often does your father let you watch TV?你爸爸让你多久看一次电视, <辨析>how soon 用来提问别人要“多快”能做好某事,所提问的部分一般是“要过多久以后”或“即刻”等意义的时间状语(如 in two weeks,before long,after March,at once 等),多用于含将来意义的句子中。how long 用来提问“多长时间”,所提问的部分一般是“一段时间”的时间状语(如 for three days,since last week 等)。how often 意为“是否经常”、“多长时间一次”,所提问的部分一般是表示频度的副词或词组(如 sometimes.seldom,every day,on ce a week 等)。 35.officer/official “use your knife,man!”ordered the British officer nearby.“嗨,用刀子~”旁边的英国军官命令到。 The official could see nothing.这位官员什么也看不见。 <辨析>officer 通常指“(海、陆、空)军官”或“警官”。如:His uncle was an officer in the Red Army.他叔叔是红军军官。official 一般指政府的文职官员,包括行政人员或高级职员。如:His father is a bank official.他父亲是银行高级职员。 36.wide/widely The poor old Prime Minister opened his eyes wider and wider.可怜的老丞相,惊得眼睛越睁越大。 English is probably the most widely used at those meetings.在那些会议上,英语可能用得最广泛。 <辨析>两者都可以用作副词。wide 通常表示范围或程度的极点,用于修饰作表语的形容词。如 wide awake(完全清醒)。widely 通常表示范围或程度的广大,用于修饰过去分词,如 widely read 阅读广博。两者都可以修饰动词,wide 一般位于动词之后,widely 可位于动词之前或之后。wide 的比较级和最高级是 wider,widest;widely 的比较级和最高级是 more widely,most widely。 37.most/a most/the most It's most beautiful!真是美极了。 This is a most interesting book.这是一本很有趣的书。 They know how to weave cloth of the most beautiful colors and designs in the world. 他们会织世界上色彩最漂亮,图案最美的布料。 <辨析>句1)中的 most 意为“非常”、“很”,相当于 very,不表示最高级,只是用来加强语气,这样用时前面不加定冠词,但可以加不定冠词。如例2)。句3)中的 most 与形容词 beautiful 构成最高级形式,前面应有 the。如果 most 和副词结合构成最高级时,定冠词 the 可以省略。如:She writes (the) most careful of the three.三人中她写字最仔细。试比较:He asked us a most important question.他问了我们一个非常重要的问题。He asked us the most important question on the subject.他问了我们有关那个学科的一个最重要的问题。 38.point to/point out They pointed to the empty looms and asked him if he liked the design and the color 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 9 s.他们指着空荡荡的织布机问他是否喜欢布料的花纹和色彩。 When she finished playing the piano,Liszt pointed out a few small mistakes.她弹完琴后,李斯特给她指出了几个小错误。 <辨析>point to 意为“指向”、“指着”。point out 意为“指出”,其中 out 是副词,它后面的宾语若是代词,必须放在 out 之前。如:We'll correct out mistakes,whoever points t hem out.不论谁指出我们的错误,我们都要改正。 39.put on/wear/have on/dress Then he put on his coat and hat and went to a chemist's shop.于是,他穿上外衣,戴上帽子,到一家药店去了。 Wei Feng is wearing a red shirt today.魏芳今天穿着一件红衬衫。 But he has nothing on.但他什么也没有穿。 The cheats pretended to dress him in his new clothes.骗子们假装给他穿新衣服。 <辨析>这四个词语都与“穿”或“戴”有关。put on 是“穿上”、“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性短语动词,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。wear 是“穿着”、“戴着”,强调状态,用一般时表示状态,用进行时表示暂时状态,用完成时表示动作所达到的程度。如:He has worn his coat to rags.他把衣服穿得破烂不堪。have on 与 wear 同义,但 have on 一般不用于进行时态。dress 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,常以人作宾语,意为“替某人穿衣”,表示穿的动作。如果要说“给某人穿上某种衣服”时,可以说 dress sb.in...。如例4)。dress 是过去分词,可用来构成 be dressed in 结构,表示“穿着......的衣服”。如果:She was dressed in white like a nurse.她穿一身白衣服,好像一个护士。注意:dress 后面不带衣服作宾语。用作不及物动词,可作“穿上衣服”解,表示一次性动作。如:He washed,dressed and went out.他洗完脸穿好衣服就出去了。还可以解作“穿着衣服”,表示经常的状态。如:They dress well.他们的穿着都不错。 40.fit/be fit for How well the clothes fit!这衣服多合身~ He thought the Prime Minister a wise,honest man who was more fit for his office th an anyone else.他认为丞相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何人都更称职。 <辨析>fit 用作动词时,可作“适合”解,既是不及物动词又是及物动词。作不及物动词用时,常跟 will,badly 等副词连用。如:Each stone fits so well,yet they didn't have our m odern machines!每一块石头放得恰到好处,而他们(当时)并没有我们的现代化机器啊~用作及物动词时,其宾语通常是人,也可以是物。如:This shirt doesn't fit me.这件衬衣我穿不合身。The key doesn't fit the lock.这钥匙不配这把锁。fit 还可用作形容词,意为“适合的”、“能胜任的”,常用作表语,后接 for 短语或不定式。如:The weather is not fit t o go out in.这种天气不宜外出。 41.please/pleased/pleasure/pleasant Dose the colth please you?这布料合你的意吗, The Emperor was pleased by what the Minister told him about the cloth.听了大臣关于布料的禀报,皇帝非常高兴。 He tried hard to pretend to share in teh pleasure of his officials.他极力装出和官员们一起分享快乐的样子。 It was cold,but the trip was pleasant.天气很冷,但旅行却令人愉快。 <辨析>这四个词都有“满意”、“高兴”的意思,但词性和用法不相同。please 是动词,可用作及物动词或不及物动词,表示“(使)高兴、满意、愉快”。pleased 是过去分词,意为“感到 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 10 高兴(满意)”,其作用相当于形容词,常与 be 连用,后接 at,with,by 等引起的短语,还可接动词不定式或 that 从句。pleasure 是名词,表示“高兴”、“快乐”、“娱乐”时,为不可数名词;表示“乐趣、高兴的事”时,为可数名词。如:It is one of my greatest pleasures. 它是我最大的乐趣之一。pleasant 是形容词,意为“使人感到愉快(满意)”,一般用作定语。如主语指物,也可用于表语。 42.pick/pick up They picked leaves from the trees.他们从树上摘下叶子。 The monkey picked up a big stone and quickly climbed up teh tree.猴子捡起一快大石头,迅速爬上了树。 <辨析>动词 pick 是“采、摘”的意思,后跟“植物花草”名词作宾语。后跟其它名词做宾语,可解作“挑选”、“挖”、“扒窃”等意思。如:When you write,you should pick your words c arefully.你写作时应十分注意措辞。He had his pocket picked.他的腰包被掏了。pick up 意为“从地区性把某物拾(拣)起来”。如:The boy saw a watch lying on the ground.he pi cked up and turned it in at once.这个男孩看见地上有块手表,他拾起来,立刻上交了。 43.grow/grow up/grow into The wheat is growing well.麦子长势很好。 Slowly,the little worms would grow up and spit out silk to form snow-white cocoons. 慢慢地,小虫儿长大了,吐出丝来结成雪白的茧子。 All the seeds she had dropped had grown into trees.原来她扔下的种子都已长成树了。 <辨析>grow 用作不及物动词时,意为“生长”;用作及物动词时,意为“种植”。例如:We grow mainly rice.我们主要种稻子。grow 还可用作连系动词,意为“变得”。如:She found that her father had grown old.她发现父亲已经老了。grow up 的意思是“长大(成人)”。如:When I grow up I shall be a doctor.我长大后将做个医生。grow into 意为“成长为”、“发展成”。如:He has grown into(=grown up to be) a fine young man.他已长成一个英俊的小伙子。 44.in charge of/in the charge of Who is in charge of the games this afternon?谁负责今天下午的比赛, The operation is in the charge of Doctor Wang.这次手术由王医生负责。 <辨析>in charge of 意为“主管”、“负责”,有主动的含义,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词。in the charge of 意为“由某人负责(掌管、照料)”,有被动的含义,主语通常是表示某项工作或某个单位、部门的名词。 45.in surprise/to one's surprise "A farmer?"said the Frenchman in surprise.“农夫,”,那个法国人惊奇地说。 To her surprise,she found herself in a different world.她很惊讶地发现自己来到了一个不同的世界。 <辨析>in surprise 意为“惊奇地”。to one's surprise 意为“使某人惊奇的是”,常位于句首。类似的说法还有 to one's joy (horror,satisfaction,delight 等),为了加强表示感情的程度,名词前面还可以加上 deep,great 等形容词。如:To our great joy,our women vol leyball team won the gold medal in the 23rd Olympic Games.使我们极为高兴的是,我国女排在第23届奥运会上获得了金牌。 46.till/until 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 11 I can do without the raincoat till tomorrow morning.我这件雨衣,直到明天早上我不用它都行。 They went on with their work at the empty looms until late into the night.他们继续在空织布机上干活,直到深夜。 <辨析>till 与 until 都可用作介词或连词,其用法有两种:1)用在肯定句中,意为“到......(的时候)为止”,谓语动词一般是延续性的,表示这个动词的动作一直延续到 till(until)所表示的时间为止,如上述两例。2)用在否定句中,意为“直到......才”,表示这个动词的动作直到 till(until)所表示的时间才发生。如:They are not going back to work until(ti ll)they get more money.他们要等到增加了工资才复工。这两个词一般情况下可通用,但以下两种情况只能用 until,不可以用 till:1)用于句首时,如:Until you told me I had no i dea of it.在你告诉我直前,我对此一无所知。2)在以 not 开头的短语或从句里。如:Not until eleven o'clock did we get home.我们直到11:00才回家。注意:till(until)只用来引导时间,不能用于指距离。试译:我们走到树林边。误: We walked till(until) the edg e of the forest.正:We walked to the edge of the forest. 47.army/troop Where did your brother study before he joined the army?你哥哥参军之前在哪儿学习, One column of smoke with one gunshot meant an enemy troop of about 100.一烟一炮,表示敌军有100人左右。 <辨析>两者都有“军队”的意思。army 着重指军队这个整体,有时常单指“陆军”而言。如:An Eighth Route Army man riding a horse came from the front.一位八路军战士骑着马从前线赶来。troop(常用复数形式)着重指士兵这个集体。另外,一队正在行进或准备行进的士 troops。如:Later that afternoon the main body of troops moved up toward t兵也称为 he front.当天下午,主力部队朝前线开来。 48.used to/be used to He used to live in Changchun.他过去住在长春。 I'm used to washing my face with cold water.我惯于用冷水洗脸。 And all this beautiful silk,she said,would be used to weave colorful clouds in hea ven.她说,所有这些美丽的蚕丝都将用来织天上的彩云。 <辨析>used to 是情态动词,只有过去式,表示过去存在但现在已不存在的情况或习惯。它后面接不定式,如例1)。be used to 是“习惯于”的意思,可用于各种时态,其中 to 是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。如例2)。应注意,有时 be used to 是动词 use()用 的被动语态,在这种结构里,to 是不定式符号。如例3)。 49.across/through The boy swam acorss the river.那男孩游过了河。 A railroad tunnel was dug through the mountain.在山上凿通了一条火车隧道。 <辨析>两者都有“穿过”的意思,但在用法上有所不同。across 指在一空间内从一端到另一端或成十字交叉穿过,而 through 着重指从物体中间穿过。 50.defend/protect During the Warring States,more walls were put up to defend the borders of teh diff erent kingdoms.战国时期,各诸候国为了保卫自己的边境,分别修筑了更多的边墙。 So the farmers thought of ways to protect their trees.于是农夫们想办法来保护他们的树木。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 12 <辨析>defend 意为“防御”、“保卫”。指抵御或击退外来的威胁或攻击。protect 意为“保护”、“防止(危险、损害等)”。指采取保护 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,使之不受伤害或损伤,可用于防御风雨、寒冷、烈日、疾病或保护经济、法律、权益等。 51.drag/draw They dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders.他们肩背绳索拖拽巨石。 Draw your chair nearer to the stove.把你的椅子挪远一点。 <辩析>这两个动词都有“拖”、“拉”的意思。drag 指慢慢地、费力地拖着笨重地东西,意味着所拖地东西阻力很大。draw 往往指比较平稳地“拉”。除可用于拉某人或某物以外,还可用于从某处抽出某物这种动作。 52.add to/add...to/add up/add up to Since then,the Great Wall has been often added to,rebuilt and repaired.从那时起,长城不时得到扩建、重建和修缮。 You can add a note to the posters.你可以在海报上加个说明。 He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up all the weights.他记下每块石头的重量,然后再把这些重量加起来得出总数。 His whole school education added up to no more than one year.他所受的全部学校教育加起来不过一年时间。 <辨析>add to 意为“增加”、“增添”。add 是不及物动词,to 是介词。add...to 意为“把......加到......上去”。add 是及物动词,to 是介词。add up 意为“加起来”、“合计”,其中 up 是副词,可与 add 拆开使用,用名词作宾语时,可放在 up 之前或之后,用代词作宾语时,必须放在其中。add up to 意为“加起来等于”、“总计于”,这个短语不用于被动语态。 53.choose/select/elect let you choose how you're going to die.我要让你自己选择死的方法。 I'll He looked through the suit and selected the cheapeat one for me.他在那些衣服里找了一阵,挑了一套最便宜的给我。 In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States.1860年,亚伯拉罕.林肯当选为美国总统。 <辨析>choose 的意思是“选择”、“接待”,使用范围比较广泛,通常指在所提供的两个或多个对象中,凭个人的判断力选择。如:Right or left——you choose,now.是左还是右——你挑吧。select 指从一些(至少三个)对象中,有目的地仔细认真地选择,有“精选”的涵义。如:We must select some for seeds.我们要挑出一些留做种子。elect 主要用作“选举”,指用表决的方式正式选举某人任某职。如:We elected him our monitor.我们选取他当班长。该句如果改用 choose 或 select,意思只有选择,不一定是正式选举。整个句子应为 We chose hom as our monitor.我们推选他当班长。 54.anxious/eager The suit didn't fit,but is was new and I was anxious to have it.衣服不合身,但它是新的,我很想把它买下来。 Everyone was eager to know if our women volleyball team had won.大家急切地想知道我们的女排是否赢了。 <辨析>两者都可以译为“急于”。anxious 着重指“担心”或“焦急”。eager 着重指对成功的“期望”,表示一种进取的心情。两者均可跟介词 for 或 about。例如:I am anxious about h is health.我很担心他的健康。He is eager about his progress.他渴望进步。anxious 也有 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 13 “很想”、“渴望”的意思,后接动词不定式。如例1)。开头提到的两个例句中 anxious 和 eager 可通用,但 eager 决不可能表示“焦急”、“担心”的意思。 55.visit/call on/drop in We'll visit a boy named Charlie Green.我们将看望一个名词查理.格林的孩子。 Last Sunday we called on the old scientist.上星期天我们拜访了这位老科学家。 I'll drop in and leave the new address.我会顺便来一趟,把新地址留下。 <辨析>三者都有“拜访”的意思。visit 为正式用语,可以表示逗留时间较长的访问,它除指进行友好的社交性的访问外,还表示医生、牧师等出于职业上的需要而进行的访问,后面的宾语可以是人也可以是地方。call on 用于社交上的正式访问,后面跟表人的名词或代词作宾语,如跟表地方的名词或代词必用 call at。如:Yesterday we called at Tom's house.昨天我们到汤姆家探访。drop in 是“顺便来访”、“非正式访问”的意思,是不及物短语动词,其后不可接宾语,如跟表人的宾语该用 drop in on。He dropped in on us last week. 上星期他来看我们了。 56.give an order for/give orders for I'll give the factory an ordre for 1000 radio sets.我将向这家工厂订购1000台收音机。 He was giving orders for evening suits,morning suits,shirts and all sorts of thing s.他吩咐给我做夜礼服、便服、衬衫心脏其它各种服装。 <辨析>give an order for 意为“订购”、“定做”。give orders for 意为“下令”、“嘱咐”、“吩咐”。 57.clothes/clothing/cloth You shouldn't judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears.对一个陌生人,你不应该总是凭他的衣着来判断他的身份。 The owner made a dive for the refected clothing.店老板急匆匆地向那堆顾客不要的衣服走去。 I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth.我想知道织工把我的布织的怎么样了。 <辨析>clothes 是指具体的衣服,包括上衣、下裳、内衣、外衣。它不能与数词连用,如不可以说 four clothes,但可以说 many(these,a few 等)clothes。也不能用来指一件衣服,不可以说 a colthes,说“一套衣服”可以用 a suit of clothes。它总是以复数形式出现,因此不能说 The clothes is...。而要说 The clothes are...。clothing 是衣服、服装的总称,是集体名词,没有复数形式,要说“一件衣服”,可以用 an article of clothing,a piece of c lothing,不能说 a suit of clothing。cloth 指做衣服等用的材料。如“布”、“毛料”等,是不可数名词,表达“一块布料”,应该说 a piece of cloth。但是用于特殊用途的布,如“台布”、“揩布”等是可数名词。如:Pass me a table cloth,please.请递给我一块台布。 58.earth/soil/mud They lifted earth in baskets.他们用筐子运土。 The waste goes into the water,the soil and the air.废物进入水里、土壤里和空气中。 The mud at the entrance to the nest had kept the rain out.蚁窝入口处的泥土挡住了雨水。 <辨析>earth 指一般的泥土,也泛指大地上的土层。soil 常表示土壤、土地的意思,尤指植物等生长需要的土地。mud 指含水的半固体状的泥土。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 14 59.a number of/the number of Waste water from a number of cities is now "cleaned" before flowing back into rive rs.现在,许多城市里的废水被净化后才让它流回河里。 The number of deer,nountain lions,and wild roses does not change much.鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量并不起很大的变化。 <辨析>a number of 是一个固定词组,用作定语,意为“一些”、“许多”,of 后面跟的名词或代词是复数形式,谓语动词常用复数形式。如:A number of people are waiting for the b us there.许多人在那里等公共汽车。the number of 表示“......的数目”,作为句子的主语部分时,谓语动词用复数形式。 60.used to/would He used to say so.他过去常常这样说。 She would sit like that for hours.她总是那样一坐就是几个小时。 <辨析>两者都可以用来表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。used to 强调过去与现在的对比,含义是“过去如此,现在不再那样了”。would 则不强调这种对比。它是以一种回忆往事的心情来描绘过去的习惯动作,有“总是”、“总会”之意。因此,如无具体的上下文,应有时间状语加以限定。如不可以说 I would get up early.可将 would 改为 used to。如果在提到过去一种习惯性动作时讲到具体时间,而这样习惯在句子中没有显示出与现在有直接或暗示的关系,则可采用二者之中的任何一个。如:They would (used to) play near the lake after school w hen they were children.童年时,他们常常在放学之后到湖畔玩耍。注意:used to 后面既可以接动作动词,也可以接状态动词。而 would 一般一跟状态动词。如:I used to like swimming when I was a boy.我小时候喜欢游泳。(其中 like 是状态动词,若表达上述意义,则 u 不能改作 would。) sed to 61.die of/die from/die for In big cities during cold winter months,many old people die from the polluted air. 在大城市里,在寒冷的冬季,许多老年人因呼吸污染的空气而死去。 His father died of hunger and cold before liberaton.他父亲解放前因饥寒交迫而死。 he died for the country.他为国牺牲了。 <辨析>die of 与 die from 都有“因......而死”的意思。如表示因疾病、衰老、饥饿、寒冷、年迈而死时,两者可以互换。如:die of(from) cancer (old age,hunger,cold)。如因内在感情(爱情、悲伤、羞愧、大笑等)原因致死,宜用 die of。如因某种外因(环境、受伤、事故等)而死,宜用 die from。die for 的意思是“为(某一目的或事业)而献身”。 62.such as/for example Some of the rubbish,such as food,paper and iron,rots away over a long period of ti me.有些废物,如剩饭、破烂纸和烂铁器,时间一久就烂掉了。 Matter may be invisible.Air,for example,is invisible.物质可能是看不见的。例如,空气就是看不见的。 <辨析>两者都可以作“例如”解。such as 用来列举事物,插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间。as 后面切不可有逗号。使用这个短语时应注意:在后面列举的事物的数量不能等于它前面所提及的东西的总和,一旦相等,就要用 that is 或 namely。如不可以说”He knows three languages,such as Chinese,English,Japanese.应将 such as 改成 namely 或 that is,后面加上逗号。for example 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,可位于句首、句中或句末,一般作插入语用。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 15 63.alone/lonely Her parents were dead and she was alone.她父母死了,留下她孤独一人。 He now felt even more lonely without his firend,the dog.没有了朋友——那只狗,他现在感到更加孤独。 <辨析>alone 是形容词,只用表语用。意为“单独的”、“独一无二的”,只是陈述一个客观事实。alone 还可作副词用。如:He lived alone.他独自一个生活。lonely 意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓厚的感情色彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊时所产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情,只能作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。用作定语时,意为“荒凉偏僻的”,一般多修饰地方。如:Was there someone else on this lonely island?在这个荒岛上还有别的人吗, 64.on the wall/in the wall Don't draw on the wall.别在墙上画画。 He made holes in the wall.他在墙上凿些洞。 <辨析>两者都可以译成“在墙上”。如表示墙上有洞(门、窗),应该说 in the wall,因为洞(门、窗)都是在墙的里面。如表示在墙的表面则用 on the wall。 65.glare at/stare at Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness.突然他看见有两只眼睛从黑暗处瞪着他。 Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.克鲁索盯着脚印看,满怀恐惧。 <辨析>glare at 意为“怒目注视”、“瞪眼”(look at sb.or sth.in an angry way)。stare 意为“凝视”(look at sb.or sth.with wideopen eyes for a long time.)。 66.on fire/no the fire The house over there is on fire.那边的房子着火了。 They seemed to be eating something they had cooked on the fire.他们好象在吃刚刚在火上烤过的东西。 <辨析>on the fire 意为“在火上”。on fire 是习语,意为“着火了”、“烧着了”(=burning)。注意 fire 前面有加冠词。 67.altogether/all together Cruson had eleven guns altogether.克鲁索一共有11支枪。 They went all together.他们一道去了。 <辨析>altogether 意为“总共”、“全部”(=in all)。all together 意为“每个人全部......”(everybody together)或“每件东西全都......”(everything together)。 68.beat/hit/strike/tap In the end their army was beaten.最后他们的军队被打败了。 The stone hit him on the head.石头击中了他的头部。 The ant strikes a cow bug's back with its forelegs and feelers.蚂蚁用前腿和触角敲打蚜虫的背部。 The ant taps on the other's head with its feelers,using a kind of telegraphcode.蚂蚁用它的触角轻敲对方的头部,发出电码进行“交谈”。 <辨析>这四个动词都与“打”有关。beat 着重“连续性地击打”,如殴打或体罚,也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方。strike 是很普通的用语,通常表示打一下,打若干下的意思,不一定 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 16 都是有意。hit 往往可与 strike 通用,但严格地说,hit 指“打中”或“对准......来打”,着重敲打或打击对方的茉一点。tap 一般是轻轻敲打的意思。注意:“痛打某有”应该说 beat sb.up,说“打某人某处”应是 heat(hit,strike) sb.on (in) the head(shoulder etc.)。 69.gather/collect The ant is no gathering this food for itself alone.蚂蚁不只是为自己采集食物。 I've collected over three hundred Chinese stamps since I came here.我从到这以来,已收集了三百多枚中国邮票。 <辨析>这两个动词都有“收集”、“聚集”的意思,可用作及物动词。gather 表示把分散的东西集中到一起,不仅可用于人和物,还可用于把抽象的东西,如力量、印象等聚集起来,也指采花、摘果、采蜜等。例如:It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered h is strength to speak.那男孩用尽气力才说出话来。They were gathering flowers for th e festival.他们正在采集节日用花。collect 则指精心地、有选择地进行收集。两者还可用作不及物动词,通常可以换用。例如:Clouds are gathering(collecting).云聚拢起来了。 70.means/way They "talk" a great deal by this means.它们用这种方式进行大量的“交谈”。 In this way he got the weight of the elephant.他用这种方法称出了大象的重量。 <辨析>means 意为“方法”、“手段”、“工具”,多用于抽象或概括性的意义,但也可指具体工具。如:improved means of travel 改良的旅行工具。这个词总是以-s 结尾,一般用作单数意义,前面常用 a,one,this,that,every 等。有时前面加 such,these,those,all 等,表示复数意义。way 本意是“道路”,引伸作“方法”、“方式”解,如 a right (wrong) way 正确(错误)的方法。“用这种方法”可以说 in this way 或 by this means。“用这种方法”,则通常说 in that way 或 that way 。 71.language/tongue/speech The Chinese language is very difficult.汉语是很难学的。 English is Mary's mother tongue.英语是玛丽的本国语。 Let's have you dying speech.让我们听听你的临终演说吧。 <辨析>language 意为“语言”、“语言课程”。tongue 意为“语言”、“方言”,如可说 one's mother tongue 本国语,如:在表示一人国家、一个民族的语言时与 language 通用。如:The travellers could not speak the language (tongue) of the country.那些旅行者不会说该国语言。speech 的意思是“讲话”、“发言”,也有“方言”的意思。例如:the native speech of Ireland.爱尔兰方言。 72.pass through/pass by We passed through several villages before we reached the factory.我们走过好几个村庄才到达那个工厂。 They passed by the fountain and entered the hall.我们走过喷水池进入大厅。 <辨析>pass through 意为“......(中间)穿过”。pass by 意为“从......旁边走过”。这两个短语的 through 与 by 也可用用副词,其后不跟宾语。例如:They heard that an elephant was passing by.他们听说有一头大象正在路边。The crowd was so dense that we had g reat difficulty passing through.人群拥挤得很,我们好不容易才挤过去。 73.begin/begin with He begin his talk by saying that he would not speak very long.他开始讲话时就说,他 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 17 不会说得太久。 You may begin with English 900.你可以先从《英语900句》学起。 <辨析>begin 意为“开始”,可用及物动词或不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后面跟名词、代词,也可跟动词不定式或动名词。begin with 意为“从......开始”、“先从某事做起”。还可解作“首先”、“第一点”。作此义解时,只用于不定式,在句子中常常以插入语的形式出现。如:To begin with,we ought to know what we study for.首先,我们应该知道为什么学习。 74.except/except for/except that All of them began to write the numbers down except one boy.除一个男孩以外,所有制的孩子都开始把一个个数字写下来(演算)。 Except for a few words,I do not know any French at all.除了记几个单词外,我一点也不懂法语。 The Swede stood quite still,except that his lips moved slightly.那个瑞典人除了嘴唇微微动着以外,站着一动也不动。 <辨析>三者都可以表示”除......以外“的意思。except 意为“从整体中除去一部分”。一般不放在句首。except for 意为“把某一点除外”、“若无......",通常指所除去的和提到的并非同一类事物,而 except 则指从同类人或物中除去一部分。例如:The library opens every d ay except Sunday.除了星期天,图书馆天天开放。(every day 与 Sunday 都表示时间,是同类语。)He is quite a good man except for his quick temper.他人挺好,就是有占急脾气。(man 与 temper 不是同类的东西。)except that 后接从句,有时可与 except for 相互替换。如:The room was empty except that there was a broken chair.=The room was empty ex cept for a broken chair.屋里空荡荡的,只有一把破椅子。 75.word/words Word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.他们听说拿破仑要亲自来视察他们。 What did Jenny think of Mr Baker's words?詹妮怎样考虑贝多克先生的话呢, <辨析>word 作“消息”、“音讯”解时,是不可数名词,前面不加冠词。作“话”、“字”、“言语”解时,是可数名词。另外,word 还有“诺言”意思,此时它只有单数形式,并且要与人称代词所有格连用。如:He kipt his word.他信守诺言。 76.practice/parctise They gave him a lot of parctice.他们帮助他反复操练。 He was still practising.他还在练习。 <辨析>这两个词只有一个字母之差,都解作“实践”、“练习”,读音也相同。practice 是不可数名词。在美语里,也可用作动词。practise 是动词,可用作及物动词或有及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或动名词,但不能接动词不定式作宾语。如不可以说 He practises to speak English every morning.每天早上他练习说英语。应将 to speak 改成 speaking。 77.broad/wide His shoulders are broad.他的肩膀很宽阔。 The streets are wide and straight.街道又宽又直。 <辨的>broad 与 wide 都有“宽的”意思。在一般情况下,两者可互换。如:The river is 30 feet broad (wide).这条河有30英尺宽。但 wide 着重两边的距离,如形容眼、嘴大,只能用 wide,而不能用 broad。wide 还可用比喻用,有“广博的”、“广大的”等意思。如:wide v 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 18 iew 远大的眼光。wide knowledge 知识面宽。broad 着重指幅面的宽广。如形容背、肩、胸等宽阔,用 broad,而不用 wide。broad 也可用作比喻,意为“(胸怀)宽广”。 78.war/campaign/battle/fight/struggle His work was stopped,however,by the First World War.然而,由于第一次世界大战,他的(研究)工作停顿了。 Did you serve in either of my last two campaigns?我的上两次战役你参加过一次没有, No one was killed in that battle.那次战斗中无一人阵亡。 It is a fight between life and death.这是一场生死搏斗。 Many of these songs called on the workers to take up the struggle.这些歌曲中有许多是号召工人们起来斗争的。 <辨析>war 解作“战争状态”或“战争”,前者用作不可数名词,后者用作可数名词,往往指的是包括一系列战役的整个战争。campaign 意为“战役”,指在某一地区进行的一连串有固定目的的军事行动。battle 也作“战役”解,其规模比 campaign 小,还可作“战斗”解,指的是一场战争或一次战役中的具体战斗,只能只持续几小时,也可能持续若干天。fight 意为“战斗”,往往指战场上的搏斗,还可作“打架”解。struggle 意为“斗争”,常侧重于精神上或政治上的斗争。 79.join/connect/unite South America is joined to North America.南美满和北美洲是连在一起的。 Most of the large land areas are connected,or almost so.多数大块陆地是相连或者基本上是相连的。 The two nations united as one in time of trouble.在遇到麻烦的时候,这两个国家团结得像一个国家一样。 <辨析>这三个动词都有“结合”、“边结”的意思。join 强调原来形体清楚地分离的事物之间的结合,通常指直接地连接。如:田与田、国与国互相接连。connect 指通过某种连接物把具体事物(或人)或抽象概念连接起来。如:His research work is connected with steel indust ry.他的研究与钢铁工业有关。有时 join 与 connect 可替换使用。如:The two cities are c onnected (joined) by by a railway.一条铁路把两个城市连接起来。应注意:join...to...与 connect...with...中的介词不可互换。unite 指很紧密地结合,着重结合成为新的统一体。如指把两个部分或两个国家合成一体。 80.separate/divide Only a narrow strait separates North America from Asia.北美洲与亚洲之间只隔一条狭窄的海峡。 The largest landmass is usually divided into two "continents" along the Ural Mount ains.习惯上说,地球上最大的一块陆地是沿着乌拉尔山脉分为两大“洲”的。 <辨析>两者都有“分开”的意思。separate 侧重把两个或两个以上的人、物或成分“分开”,使之隔一段距离。divide 侧重把某一整体的人或事物分成若干部分。 81.most/mostly The world's coldest continent,and the most difficult to reach,is Antarctic.世界上最冷的洲,也是最难到达的洲是南极洲。 He is mostly out on Sunday.每逢星期天他多半在家。 <辨析>most 与 mostly 都可有作副词,但词义不同。most 前面加 the,用于组成形容词、副词的最高级,表示“最”。在口语中常用来表示“十分”、“很”,用于加强语气,这样用时,前 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 19 面不加任何冠词,或者加不定冠词(参看词条 most/a most/the most)。mostly 的意思是“主要的”、“大部分的”。most 还可以用作形容词,意为“最多的”、“大部分的”、“大多数的”。例如:Most children can go to school.大部分儿童都能上学。还可以用作名词。如:Most of the large areas are connected,or almost so.多数大块陆地是相连的或基本上是相连的。mostly 则没有这两种用法。 82.man/mankind/human being Man must make the earth support more people.人类必须使地球养活更多的人。 They hope to find new resources for mankind.他们希望为人类找到新的资源。 They wre not the bones of an animal,but of a human being!它们(指骨头)不是动物的骨头,而是人的骨头。 <辨析>man 意为“人”(可指男人或女人)、“男人”(区别于妇女、小孩);作“人类”解时,用作单数,前面没有冠词。mankind 意为“人类”,含义最广泛,包括所有男人和女人,前面不加冠词,通常被看作复数(有时也被看作单数)。human being 意为“人”,是和动物相对而言的“人”。因此,不可以说:There are many human beings here. 83.whole/total The whole village went out to welcome us.全村的人都出来欢迎我们。 The Pacific covers almost half to the total ocean area.太平洋几乎占去整个地海洋面积的二分之一。 <辨析>两者都有“整个的”意思。whole 指整个的数、量或长、宽、广度,强调毫无删除、减少或保留。total 意味着总额、总量、总数,强调一切都计划在内。这两个词常用在冠词或物主代词之后。 84.far/by far He swims far better than I.他游泳比我游得好得多。 This is better by far.这好得多。 <辨析>两者都可以作程度状语,修饰形容词或副词的比较级或最高级,以加强语气,意为“......得多”、“最”、“极”。far 用在比较级或最高级的词前面(位于定冠词之前),如例1)。例如:This is far the best of the five.这是5个当中最好的。by far 用在最高级前面有 the 时,便可以将 by far 放在前面。如不可以说 This is by far better than that.但可以说 This is by far the better of the two.far 作程度状语时,还可与 too 连用。如:The lights were far too brilliant.灯光太耀眼了。 85.in the east of/to the east of/east of China is in the east of Asia.中国位于亚洲的东部。 Japan is to the east of China.日本位于中国的东面。 East of the city is a steel works.这城的东面有一家钢厂。 <辨析>in the east of 指在某一地域或范围之内的东部。to the east of 指在某一地域或范围之外的东面。east of 等于 to the east of,其中 east 是副词。如果表示两个地方紧紧相邻,可以用介词 on。如:Korea lies on the east of China.朝鲜位于中国东方。介词 in 与 to 的区别也适用于 west,south,north 等表示方向的词。 86.although/though Although most of the people bowed to Gessler,they spat into the dirt as they did s o.虽然大部分人都向盖斯勒鞠躬,但他们鞠躬时都往泥土地上啐唾沫。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 20 They thought that everyone else could see the wonderful work of the weavers thoug h they could not see it themselves.他们认为尽管自己看不见织工们的奇妙活儿,别人是会看得见的。 <辨析>两者都可作“虽然”解,用作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,一般情况下可以相互代用,只是 although 引导的从句放在句首的时候居多,而 though 引导的从句放在主句后面的时候居多。但在下列情况下两者不能通用:1)在 as though,even though 词组中,though 不得以 although 取代。如:I won't let you do it even though you dare.即使你敢做,我也不让你做。2)though 可以用在倒置的让步状语从句中,但 although 不能这样用。如:Poor though he is,he is happy.他尽管穷,但很幸福。3)though 可用作副词,作“可是、然而”解,although 不可用作副词。如:He said could come;he didn't,though.他说他会来,然而没有来。应注意:汉语可以说“虽然......但是......”,在英译时不可说"Though(Although)...but...",只能用其中之一。 87.shoot/shoot at He made up his mind to shoot them if they came again.如果他们再来,他决心用枪打死他们。 He ordered Tell to shoot at the apple with one of his arrows.他命令泰尔用他自己的一支箭射这个苹果。 <辨析>shoot 与 shoot at 意义不同。shoot 作及物动词时,意思是“射中”、“(用枪)打死(伤)”。shoot at 是以某人或某物主目标进行射击,不一定射中。试比较:Billy shot the hare and killed it.比利射中了那只野兔,把它打死了。Billy shot at the hare,but missed it.比利向野兔射击,但没打中。 88.raise/rise He raised his voice so that everybody could hear him.他提高嗓门让大家都能听见。 Steam rose from very hot water.蒸气从热的水里冒出来。 <辨析>这两个动词都有“升高”的意思。raise 是及物动词,可用于被动语态,意为“举起、提高”,如抬头、举手(目、帽、石头、重物等),还可用作比喻,如提高政治觉悟(生活水平、地位、名誉、声音等)。rise 是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,意为“上升”、“升起”、“起身”、“起立”、“上涨”,以及“(日、月星等)升起到地平线上”。 89.know/know about I know him.我认识他。 I know about him.我了解他(的情况)。 <辨析>know 与 know about 的意思不同。know 意为“认识”、“知道(一件具体的事)”,指人与人与间直接的了解。know about 等于 know of,意为“知道(了解)关于......的情况”,指间接的听人说起过。试比较下面的句子:We know abuot her,but we can't really say th at we know her.我们知道有其人,但说不上认识她。 90.have sb.do/have sb.or sth.doing/have sth.done The soldiers had him stand with his back to his father.士兵们让他背对着他的父亲站着。 The two man had their lights burning all night long.这两个人让灯通宵亮着。 He should have new clothes made of this splendid cloth.他应该用这块绚丽多彩的布料做一身新衣服。 <辨析>have sb.do 作“使某人做某事”解,have 后作宾语补足的不定式通常不带 to。have s 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 21 b./sth.doing 与 have sb.do 的意思大致相同,只是现在分词作宾补强调动作在进行,而不定式作宾补只表示发生了某件事。试比较下面两个句子:The boss had his workers working a ll day long.那老板让工人们整天(不停地)干活。The boss had his workers work fourte en hours a day.那老板让工人们一天干14小时的活。应注意:在 have sb.or sth.doing 结构中,have 如被否定,往往作“允许”、“容忍”解。如:I won't have you saying such th ings.我不允许你讲这样的话。have sth.done 作“(有意识地)让别人替自己做某事”解,过去分词表示的动作赏由别人完成,宾语是过去分词所表示地动作的承受者。have sth.done 还可批无意识的被动行为,have 作“受到”、“遭受”解。如:I had my pen stolen.我的钢笔被人偷了。 91.on the left/to the left A bullet had passed through his chest on the left.一颗子弹穿过了他的左胸。 Look to the left and you'll find a farm house.朝左看,你将发现一所农舍。 <辨析>on the left(right) 意为“在左(右)边”,表示位置。to the left(right) 意为“朝左(右)边”,表示方向。注意下面两句的区别:He is sitting on my left.He is sitting t o my left.前句表示“紧挨着左边坐”,后句表示“坐在我左边”(不一定紧挨着)。 92.a second/the second Now tell my why you tool a second arrow.现在告诉我,你手里为什么还拿着一支箭。 His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows.不久他从二楼的一扇窗口探出头来。 <辨析>the second 是“第二个”的意思,表示正常顺序。a second 不是强调其顺序,而是表示“再(一)”、“又(一)”的意思,即 another。试比较“This is the second time that h e has visited China.这是他第二次访问中国。We'll do it a second time.我们得重做一次。 93.expect/hope/wish They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of teh enemy.他们期望着发现远处敌人的迹象。 He hope to be back soon.他希望很快就回来。 The children wished to spend their holiday in the People's Park.孩子们希望到人民公园去过假日。 <辨析>这三个动词都含有“希望”、“期望”的意思。expect 指相信或认为某事有可能出现,后接名词、代词、不定式、由不定式构成的复合宾语或 that 从句。hope 强调主观愿望,而且通常对期待中的事情具有一定的信心,后接不定式或 that 从句。wish 表示可以实现的愿望时,后接不定或由不定式构成的复合宾语;表示不可能实现的愿望时,后接 that 从句(从句中用虚拟语气);而在表示祝愿时,常跟双宾语。使用这三个动词时,须注意以下几点:1)三者都不能接动名词作宾语。2)hope 后面不能接名词作宾语,只有与 for 连用时,才能接名词作宾语。试译:我希望成功。误:I hope success.正:I hope for success.3)hope 不能跟由不定式构成 的复合宾语。如不可以说 I hope you to get well soon.应该说 I hope that you('ll) g et well soon.我希望你不久就会恢复健康。 94.beautiful/pretty/handsome I'm surt you looked beautiful that evening.我相信那天晚上你一定美极了。 You were always a pretty girl.你一向是一位漂亮的姑娘。 He was a handsome boy with large,bright eyes and fair hair.他是个英俊的少年,长着一双明亮的大眼睛和金黄色的头发。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 22 <辨析>这三人词都有“美”的意思,但在程度上有所不同。beautiful 是最普通的用语,可指各种各样的美,如姑娘、花鸟、风景、图画的美,也可指天气、曲调、衣服的美等。它形容人时,一般用来形容女性。pretty 也是普通用语,侧重于小巧、优美或雅致,足以悦目或悦耳,其美的程度不如 beautiful 那样强。形容人时常指年轻妇女或女孩。handsome 多用于描写男人“英俊”、“健美”,用于女性时主要指五官端正,而不一定秀丽。 95.know/recognize Everyone in the town knew him so we had no trouble in finding his house.镇上谁都认识他,因此我们毫不费事地找到了他的家。 Did the father recognize his teacher at once?父亲立刻认出了他的老师吗, <辨析>know 意为“认识”,可以表示认识或熟悉某人,也可以只表示认识某人是谁(即认识某人是什么样子),它不仅可以用于人,也可以用于地方等。recognize 意为“认得出”,表示能认出曾见过或原来认识的人或物。应注意:recognize 是终止性动词,其完成时不能同表示一段时间的状语连用。试译:我认识他已经三年了。误:I have recognized him for three ye ars.正:I have known him for three years. 96.finish/complete Have you finished writing your composition?你的作文写完了吗, The Department of Education gave him a medal for having completed sixty years of t eaching.教育部因他任考60年而向他颁发了一枚奖章。 <辨析>这两个动词都有“完成”的意思。finish 是一般用语,用得比较广泛,常用于表示完成日常的工作,有“完了”的意思。complete 是正式用语,一般指计划、工程、事业的“完成”。有时两者可通用。如:The work was finished (completed).工作完毕了。但 finish 作“结束”时,不能用 complete 代替。如:finish the meal 吃完饭。注意:finish 后可接动名词,而 complete 却不能。 97.permit/promise Will you permit an old pupil to shake hands with you?请允许您从前的一个学生跟您握握手,好吗, I promised that if anyone came to set me free,I would make him king over the earth. 我许下诺言:谁来把我放了,我就让他当世界之王。 <辨析>permit 意为“允许”、“许可”,后接名词、代词或由带 to 的不定式构成的复合宾语,如例1)。promise 意为“允诺”、“答应”,后跟名词、代词、不定式或双宾语结构。promise 还可接 that 从句,但 permit 不能这样用。试译:母亲不准我出去。误:Mother didn't perm it that I might go out.正:Mother didn't permit me to go out.注意下面两个句子在结构和意义上的不同:Tom permitted me to go.汤姆允许我去。Tom promised me to do.汤姆答应我要去。前一句是 permit 后接复合宾语结构,不定式是宾语 me 发出的动作(意思是 me 去而不是 Tom 去)。后一句是 promise 后接双宾语结构,不定式是句子主语的动作(意思是 Tom 自己去)。 98.living/alive But can you believe that my first teacher,Mr Crossett,is still living ?然而你能相信我的启蒙老师克罗塞特先生现在还活着吗, They were alive and as happy as ever.他们还活着,并且跟以前一样快活。 <辨析>living 与 alive 都有“活”的意思,但用法不一样。living 既可作表语,也可直接置于名词前作宾语,可兼指人和物。living 还可用作名词,表示“生计”、“生活”。alive 一般 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 23 用作表语(上述两个例句中的 alive 与 living 可互换),如作定语,则需放在被修饰的名词的后面。 99.incident/accident my father told me of an incident that took place on his first day at school in Mr. Crossett's class.我父亲给我讲了他第一天上克罗塞特先生的课时发生的一件事。 There was on accident this morning——a car ran against a tree.今天早晨了一一件车祸——一辆小汽车撞到了一棵树上。 <辨析>这两个词都含有“事件”的意思。incident 通常指大事件中较小的事件、小插曲或人生中所碰到的虽小但留下较深印象的平凡事件。它还用来指政治上具有影响的事态或事件,如战争、叛乱等。例如:Xi'an Incident happened on December 12,1936.西安事变发生在1936年12月12日。accident 通常指不幸的意外事件,如车祸、摔伤、砸伤等,多是无意或偶然造成的。 100.with words/with the (these) words I do not want you simply to promise me with words that you will be good.我并不要求你们只在口头上答应我你们要学好。 With these words,he threw the big stone at the crocodile.说着,他把那块大石头向鳄鱼(身上)砸去。 <辨析>with words 意为“口头上”,注意在 words 前不用冠词。汉语里的“口头上”还可用 in word 来表示,如:He is a friend in word only.他只是口头上的朋友。with the (these) words 意为“这样说着”、“这样说着就......”(=after saying these words)。 101.kind/sort/type The children asked all kinds of questions.孩子们问了各种各样的问题。 Why did the owner give orders for all sorts of suits for the man?为什么店老板吩咐给那个人做各种各样的套服, Altogether there are four basic types of blood,as for as I know.就我所知,共有四种基本血型。 <辨析>三者都是可数名词。kind 意为“种”、“类”、“属”,指属于同种类的东西而言,它所表达的概念比较笼统。sort 的意思与 kind 一样,指大体相似的东西而言,实际上,这两个词可以相互换用。不过,当表示带有轻蔑的意味时,多用 sort。如:I don't like that sort of t hing.我不喜欢那种事。type 意为“型”、“类型”、“式”,指某一类中的典型,它所表示的概念比较具体、肯定。如:I saw a new type of car in front of his house.我在他房前看见一辆新型的小汽车。 102.be made of/be made into/be made up of Nearly everything inside their houses is made of bamboo.他们家中的东西几乎样样都是用竹子做的。 Bamboo is also made into paper.竹子也可以用来造纸。 We sometimes tend to think that the ocean bottom is made up of smooth plains.我们有时会想,大洋底部全是(由)光滑的平原(构成的)。 <辨析>这三人短语的含义不同。be made of 意为“由......原料制成”,主语为制成品,介词宾语为原材料。be made into 意为“把......做成......”,主语为原材料,介词宾语为制成品。试比较以下两句:Bottles are made of glass.瓶子是用玻璃制成的。Glass is made in 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 24 to bottles.玻璃可制成瓶子。be made up of 指事物的构成成分,意为“由......构成(组成)的”。 103.answer/answer for Nobody answered the question.没有人回答这个问题。 All these things are to be answer for.这一切都是要偿还的。 <辨析>answer 与 answer for 的意义不一样。answer 多作及物动词,意为“回答”,也可解作“响应”、“接(电话)、应声(和 phone,door bell 等连用)”。如:Who answered the teleph one?谁接的电话,answer for 的意思是:“对......负责”、“对......承担责任”,引伸意思是“受到惩罚”、“得到报应”。 104.advise/persuade He advised us to speak English more.他劝我们多讲英语。 I persuaded him to let me move his hand away.我说服了他让他把我的手移开。 <辨析>advise 意为“劝告”,指拿道理劝告,使人改正错误或接受意见,至于对方是否听,则未交代;后接名词、代词或带不定式的复合结构,也可跟 that 从句,从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。例如:I advise that you (should) go at once.我劝你马上去。persuade 含有“劝说成功、说服”的意思。常用于 persuade sb.to do sth.或 persuade sb.into doing sth. 结构。如:She persuaded him to go(或 into going).她说服(了他,使)他去了。 105.affair/business wrote a letter to the Minister disclosing the whole affair.医生给大臣写The doctor 了一封信,揭发了整个事件。 Let's get down to business.让我们谈正事吧。 <辨析>affair 意为“事情”、“事件”,含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事,复数常指重大或头绪较多的事。如:The Prime Minister deals with important affair of state.总理处理重大国家事务。business 作“事务、事情”解时不能用复数形式,常常强调任务、职责,有时说的是指派的工作;也常指商业上的买卖活动等,常用短语有 in business 经商,on business 有事、因公等。两词在作“事情”解时,意义很相近,常可通用。例如:It's a sorry affair(b usiness).事情搞得很糟。 106.lay/lie Then,as his hand dropped,he dropped with it,and I laid him down dead.然后,当他的手落下来时,他的身体也随着倒下,我把他放下,他死了。 That was why she had lied.这就是她说谎的原因。 There on some hay on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.在那里地上铺着一些干草,草上躺着一个农家男孩,年龄不超过17岁。 <辨析>lay 是及物动词,解作“放”、“下蛋”,是不规则动词,过去式与过去分词都是 laid。lie 是不及物动词,作“说谎”解,是规则变化动词,过去式与过去分词都是 lied;作“躺”、“平放”、“位于”解时,是不规则动词,过去式与过去分词分别是 lay,lain。注意:lie(“躺”、“平放”、“位于”)的过去式和 lay(“放”、“下蛋”)的原形相同,在使用时极容易混淆。例如:The hen laid an egg in the henhouse which lay on the hill.那只鸡在山坡上的鸡窝里下了个蛋。 107.meet/meet with He's going to meet his aunt and uncle at the station at eight.他打算8:00在火车站 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 25 接他的伯母和伯父。 Say something about Dr Mmnette's meeting with the boy.谈谈莫耐特先生会见那个男孩的情景。 <辨析>meet 与 meet with 都可以表示“遇到”的意思。如:I met (with) him at a friend 's house.我在一个朋友家里遇到他。这两个词在意思上的差别是:用 meet 时,指用作主语的人主动地有意去会见;用 meet with 时,用作主语的人无意地偶然相遇。因此,在表示“接”、“有意碰到”时,用 meet,不和 meet with。meet with 还可解作“遭遇”,常与 difficulty 等名词连用。在这种情况下,不用 meet。但表示“对付(困难)”时,则用 meet。如:I met with a difficulty.I met the difficulty.应分别译作:我遇到了一人困难;我对付了这一困难。 108.even if/even though/though Nothing could have saved him even if he had been tended without delay.即使当时他得到及时的救护,也救不了他的生命。 Even though you are not lifting anything,your muscle gets tired.即使没有举着什么东西,你的肌肉也会感到疲劳。 Though there were a lot of difficulities,they managed to make the waste water clea n.尽管有许多困难,他们还是设法把废水净化了。 <辨析>三者都可以引导让步状语从句。even if 与 even though 一般可以换用,意为“即使”、“纵然”,引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握不大的事情,有时动词可用虚拟语气,如例1)。though 意思是“虽然”,引出的从句说的是事实。试比较:He won't tell me about it though h e knows the news.虽然他知道这个消息,但他不愿告诉我。(他是肯定知道这个消息的。)He w tell me about it even if (though) he knows the news.即使他知道这个消息,他也不on't 愿告诉我。(他对消息可能知道,也可能不知道,句子含有一定的推测意味。) 109.be engaged to/be engaged in She was engaged to a young man.她和一下年青人订了婚。 He is engaged in the teaching of English.他从事英语教学。 <辨析>be engaged to 意为“与某人订婚”。be engaged in 意为“从事某事或忙于某事”。 110.steal/rob They said that the Arab had stolen their camel.他们说这位阿拉伯人偷了他们的骆驼。 We were robbed by that man who is standing there.站在那里的那个人掠夺了我们的财产。 <辨析>steal 意为“偷”,指暗中窃取别人的东西,其宾语总是物,而不是被盗者本人。rob 意为“抢”,指用暴力夺取别人的东西,其宾语总是人(被劫者)或某一机械(地方),而不是被劫走的物。应注意这两个词的用法搭配:steal+something+from+somebody or somewhere;rob +somebody or somewhere+of+something 试比较下面两句:The thief stole the purse fro m her.小偷偷走了她的钱包。An enemy soldier robbed her of purse.一个敌兵抢了她的钱包。 111.summon/call I'll call you after lunch.午饭后我将叫你。 I summon your brother,the worst of your bad race,to answer for them separately.我要叫你的弟弟——你们这些孬种中最坏的一个,单独来偿还这一切。 <辨析>这两个动词都有“召集”、“召唤”的意思。call 是一般用语,后面中 somebody 作宾语,意思是“叫某人”。summon 常用于召集会议、召唤证人、召唤被告和召集陪审官等场合,后面 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 26 可跟 somebody 作宾语。也可用于 summon sb.to do sth.结构中,表示“召唤某人做某事”,call 不能这样用。 112.for a moment/for the moment The captain seemed to hesitate for a moment.上尉似乎犹豫了片刻。 But,filled for the moment with extraordinary strength,he raised himself completely. 但是他一下子使出惊人的力气,完全站了起来。 <辨析>这两个短语在意义上有区别。for a moment 表示“片刻”、“一会儿”。for the moment 表示:1)暂时。2)指过去的“当时”或现在的“此刻”,相当于 at that (this) moment。例如:Please stop discussing for the moment.请暂停讨论。I have nothing to do for the mom ent.此刻我无事可做。 113.deep/deeply Frogs go deep under the mud.青蛙钻入泥土的深处。 They were deeply moved by the heroes's deeds.他们被英雄们的事迹深深感动。 <辨析>两者都可用作副词,表示“深深地”意思。deep 多用于修饰具体的动作。如:He hushed his stick deep into the mud.他把手杖深深插入泥土。在形容静止状态时,只用 deep,不用 deeply。如:He stood there thinking,his hands deep in his pockets.他两手深深地插在口袋里,站在那儿思索着。deeply 用于修饰形容词或过去分词,含义比较抽象,deep 则不能这样用。如:I'm deeply grateful to you.我非常感激你。 114.fairly/rather To do that,it must find a place where it can keep fairly warm.为此,它必须找一个可以保暖的地方。 This microscope is rather difficult to repair.这显微镜很难修理。 <辨析>两者都含有“相当地”、“颇有几分”的意思。fairly 在语气上比 rather 轻,一般修饰含褒意的形容词或副词,如:good,nice,well 等。rather 在语气上比较重,多含有贬意的成分,往往与 bad,poor,stupidly 等形容词或副词连用。有的形容词或副词,如 fast,slow,hot 等,它们本身无所谓“好”还是“坏”,要由说话人的好恶来决定用 fairly 还是用 rather。如:This cup of tea is rather(fairly) hot.这杯茶相当热。(用 rather 指说话人觉得这茶太热了;用 fairly 指他喜欢热茶。)使用这两个词时还须注意:1)rather 能和比较级连用,可以说 rather hotter,但不能说 fairly hotter。2)rather 可与 too 连用,fairly 则不能。如:The book is rather too difficult for me to read.(不能说 fairly too)3)如果修饰的形容词后面有一个可数的单数名词,rather 放在不定冠词的前面或后面均可,fairly 总是放在不定冠词之后。如:This is a rather (或 rather a) bad novel.这是一本相当坏的小说。He is a fairly good violinist.他是个相当好的小提琴手。 115.pain/ache A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain.冬眠的动物感觉不到任何疼痛。 He has an ache in a tooth.他觉得牙痛。 <辨析>这两个名词都有“痛”的意思,有时可通用。例如:Where's the ache (pain)?哪儿痛,pain 是一般用语,侧重于人体某部位突然而来的疼痛,除指肉体上的痛处,也可指精神上的痛苦。ache 通常指一种持续性的隐痛,往往是局部性的,它常和身体的某一部分组成复合名词,表示某处在痛,而 pain 则没有这种用法。如:I have got a bad headache.我头痛得厉害。pain 还可作“努力”、“辛劳”解,这时需用复数。如:No pains,no gains.不劳则无获。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 27 116.manage/try But the family did manage to send him to a technical school.不过,家里的人还是设法送他进了一所技术学校。 Frather tried to explain it to me but I just couldn't understand.父亲设法给我讲解,可我就是不懂。 <辨析>两者都含有“设法”、“试图”的意思,都可跟动词不定式。manage 表示设法做成了某事,try 只表示设法去做某事,而不表示是否做成。试比较:He managed to do the operation with very little hilp.He tried to do the operation with very little help,but didn' t succeed.前一句表示“在没有多少帮助的情况下,他设法将这个手术做成功”,后一句表示“他试图在没有多少帮助的情况下做这个手术,但没有成功。” 117.insist/strick No matter how busy he is,he always insists on coming with me.无论他怎么忙,他总是坚持与我一起来。 But Einstein stuck to his theory and went on with his research.但是爱因斯坦坚持他的理论,继续从事他的研究。 <辨析>这两个动词都有“坚持”的意思。insist 多用于坚持某种意见、要求、主张等,后面接“ on+名词或动名词”,也可以接 that 从句(从句中用虚拟语气)。如:They insisted that we (should) begin the work at once.他们坚持要我们立刻开始工作。insist 还可表示“坚持说”,后跟从句(不用虚拟语气)或用于插入语。如:He insisted that he felt well enough for light work.他坚持说他挺好,可以做点轻微工作。"Surely he did right,"she insisted.“肯定他做对了,”她坚持说。stick 多用于坚持决定、计划、原则等,后面跟“介词 to名词或动名词”。注意:不要把 to 当成不定式符号。误:If you stick to study English,+ you'll surely be able to master it.正:If you stick to studying English,you'll sur ely be able to master it. 118.story/tale A story is told about a Swede who wanted to join Napoleon's Grand Army.有一篇故事讲的是一个要参加拿破仑大军的瑞典人。 He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales.他看上去好象刚从我的童话故事书中走出来。 <辨析>这两个名词都可解作“故事”。story 是普通用语,可以指口头的或书面的、真实的或虚构的故事。story 还指“事迹”、“经历”。例如:The boy told him his story and also that of the girl upstairs.那个男孩向他诉说了自己的遭遇和楼上那个姑娘的遭遇。tale 是个有几分古风和诗意的词,它所叙述的多是幻想的或传说的故事,常译作“传说”或“神话”。应注意:tale 一般不指较短的“故事”。 119.forget to do/forget doing He had forgotten to put on his shoes.他忘记了穿鞋。 I forgot locking the door.我忘了我已经把门锁上了。 <辨析>forget to do 与 forget doing 意思不一样。前者意为“忘记(而未曾)做”,即不定式所表示的动作未曾做;后者意为“忘记曾经做”,指动名词所表示的动作已做,但忘记已经做过。试比较:I forgot to do the experiment.我忘记去做那个试验了。I forgot doing the experiment.我忘记曾做过那个试验。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 28 120.salary/pay He accepted,but asked for a very small salary.他接受了(这一邀请),但他要求的薪水很低。 You won't have to worry about rank or pay.你不必担心军衔或薪金。 <辨析>这两个名词都有“薪金”的意思。salary 一般指从事脑力劳动者,如教员、律师、记者、医生及管理人员的薪金,一般一月付一次。pay 尤指军饷及政府部门工作人员的薪饷。 121.besides/except Besides his work in physics,he spent much time working for human rights and progre ss.除了物理学方面的工作以外,他还花了很多时间为人权和进步而工作。 All of the class could answer the question except the boy.除了这个男孩,全班的同学都能回答这个问题。 <辨析>这两个介词都可解作“除......之外”,但含义不同。besides 表示“除......以外,还有”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,词义是肯定的。except 表示“从整体中除去一部分”,含义是否定的。试比较:We all went besides him.除他之外,我们大家也都去了(他去了)。We all went except him.除他之外,我们都去了(他没有去)。应注意:用于具有否定意义的句子时,两者的意思是一样。如:He did nothing except(=besedes) this.他只做了这件事。 122.affect/effect The war and the suffering that it caused affected him greatly.这场战争及其所造成的苦难对他影响很大。 His speech produced a powerful effct on the minds of the public.他的讲话对公众的思想产生了巨大的影响。 <辨析>这两个词都含有“影响”的意思。两者在拼法上仅一个字母之差,读音也很相似。affect 用作动词。effect 用作名词,它还可表示“效果”等意思。如:The medicine has had n o effect at all.这药毫无效果。effect 也可作动词用,但不表示“影响”,而表示“产生、招致、实现”等。例如:The change was effected quickly.这种变化很快就出现了。 123.high/highly Holding his head high,he walked past the pole and soldiers.他昂首从那根杆子和士兵面前走了过去。 But I know the government thinks highly of it.但是我知道政府对它(他的发明)评价很高。 <辨析>两者都可用作副词,但用法有区别。high 表示位置的“高”。highly 表示抽象概念的“高”,有 very much 的意思,用于此义时,常与动词搭配使用。如:to speak (think) highly of s b.。high 通常用来修饰动词,一般不用作形容词的修饰语。highly 不仅可以修饰动词,还可以修饰词或用作形容词的分词。如:I'm highly pleased to meet you.我见到你很高兴。 124.benefie/benefit from This invention of yours will greatly benefit the whole world.你的这项发明将会有益于全世界。 Everyone will then be able to benefit from this invention.到时大家都将从这项发明中受益。 <辨析>benefit 既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。作及物动词时意为“有益于(do good to)”。如:This will not benefit you directly.这不会使你直接受益。作不及物动词时意为“得益 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 29 于、获益(receive good)”,通常与介词 from 或 by 连用。如:He benefits by(from) your a dvice.他得益于你的忠告。 125.excited/exciting Father seems to be excited this morning.今天上午父亲好象很激动。 The volleyball match we watched was very exciting.我们看的那场排球赛非常激动人心。 <辨析>两者都含有“激动”的意思。exciting 指某事物令人兴奋、激动;excited 表示某人对某事物感到兴奋、激动。 126.come for/come from So you've come for the papers of my invention.这么说你们是来取我的发明论文稿了。 The name comes from a great salt lake nearby.这个名字源自附近的一个很大的盐湖。 <辨析>come for 意为“来拿(取)某物”、“来找(接)某人”,有时可作“逼近”解。如:A fierce-looking dog dashed out of the landlord's house and came for me.从地主家冲出一条恶狗,直向我扑来。come from 有三种意思:1)从......来,来自(=arrive from),2)源出于(=originate in),3)出生于(be born and brought up in),作此义时,一般要用现在时,试比较:He cmes from Shanghai.他是上海人。He has come from Shanghai.他刚从上海来。 127.useful for/useful to Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.体育运动还有利于品质的培养。 and games are especially useful to those who work with their brains most oSports f the day.体育运动对那些大部分时间从事脑力劳动的人更为有益。 <辨析>useful for 和 useful to 都是“对......有用”和“对......有益”的意思,但用法略有不同。 表示目的或用途时,用介词 for,后接动名词或事物名词。表示对象,用 to,后接表示人的名词或代词。 128.sport/game Sports help to keep people healthy.运动有助于保持人们身体健康。 They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games.他们买票或打开电视机看比赛。 <辨析>这两个名词都有“运动”或“比赛”的意思。sport 多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如:打球、跳高、游泳、钓鱼、打猎、赛马和拳术等。例如:Swimming is his favourite sport. 游泳是他最喜欢的运动。sport 作复数用时,可指运动会。如:He created a new record in h igh-jump at our school sports.在我们学校运动会上,他创造了跳高新纪录。game 主要指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则,凡参加者均需遵守。例如:After a game on the sports f ield they often become good friends.在运动场上进行一场比赛之后,他们常常变成了好朋友。应注意,说“比赛”,以英国通常用 match,在美国通常用 game。另外,game 作复数时,一般指大型的国际体育运动会、比赛会,如:he Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会。 129.onto/on to In table tennis,our eyes see the ball coming,judge its speed and direction and pas s this information on to the brain.打乒乓球时,眼睛看到球打过来,要判断它的速度和方向,再把这个信息传到大脑。 The monkey came down and jumped onto teh crocodile's back.猴子爬下来跳到鳄鱼的背上。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 30 <辨析>onto 和 on to 都含有“到......上”的意思,有时两者可以互换。onto 是美国英语形式,on to 是英国英语形式。例如:He jumped on to (onto) his horse and ran away.他跳上马背奔驰而去。在美国口语中,onto 有时单独代替 on 或 to。如:They finally got ont o(=on) the bus.他们终于上了公共汽车。The crowd got onto (to) the street.大伙儿到了街上。应注意:在下列两种情况下应分开写为 on to:1)在动词 drive(walk,go 等) on to 等语中的 on 有副词意义“继续”时。例如:After having a short rest,we drove on to Bei jing.我们稍事休息之后,又继续驱车驶向北京。例1)中的 on 也具有副词意义,因此,不能把 on to 改为 onto。2)当 to 是不定式符号时。如:He went on to talk about the world s ituation.他接着又谈了世界形势。 130.instead/instead of We did not go to the cinema,we went to the zoo instead.我们没有去看电影,而是去动物园了。 She went to school instead of staying at home.她没有待在家里而是上学去了。 <辨析>instead 与 instead of 的词性与用法都不相同。instead 是副词,意为“由......代替”,在句中作状语,instead of 主要有两个意思:1)表示“代替......”,后接名词或代词。如:He will go instead of me.他将代替我去。2)表示“而不”,后接动名词。如例2)。instead of 有时可用来连接两个对等的语法成分,也就是说,其后可接形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式等。如:They went there on foot instead of by bus.他们没乘公共汽车而是步行到那里去的。 131.be afraid/fear/frighten/terrify I was very late that mornig on my way to school and was afraid of being scolded.那天早晨上学,我去得很晚,心里害怕挨骂。 He looked out olf the windows,saw nothing to fear.他从窗口往外看,一点也不胆怯。 These words frightened me.这些话吓了我一跳。 He was terrified at the sight.看到这情景他吓坏了。 <辨析>这一组词语都有“害怕”的意思,但在用法上和含义上有所不同。be afraid 后接不定式、of 短语或 that 引起的从句。后接 that 从句时,常用于语气不定,或表示委婉客气的语句。意为“担心”、“恐怕”。例如:Please hurry!I am afraid that it will rain.请赶快,恐怕要下面了。fear 多数情况下被用作及物动词,可接名词、代词或动词不定式。例如:She always fears mice.他一向害怕老鼠。Don't fear to tell the truth.不要害怕说出真实情况。fear 还可跟 that 从句,也常有“恐怕”这种意思。如:She feared that she might not f ind him in his office.她怕在办公室会找不到他。frighten 意为“使害怕”,指事先没有精神准备突然遭到惊吓而害怕、恐惧。常有于 be frightened 这一结构,后接 of 短语或动词不定式。如:The boy was too frightened to move.这孩子吓得动弹不了。terrify 意为“恐吓”、“使恐怖”,多指客观环境造成的“恐惧”。例如:It terrified her.这使她大为惊慌。 132.defeat/fail He was defeated in the election.他竞选失败了。 The German fascists failed in the war.德国法西斯主义者在这场战争中失败了。 <辨析>defeat 用作及物动词,意为“战胜”、“击败”,指在战争、比赛或辨论中击败对方,取得胜利,这个胜利一般是临时性的。也可表示“使(希望、计划等)失败、挫折”。fail 通常作不及物动词,意为“失败”、“不成功”,也可指考试不及格。fail 后面加不定式时表示“没有能够”。如:I failed to see him.He was out.我没见到他。他出去了。fail 还可用作及物 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 31 动词,意为“使失望”、“辜负”。如:We trusted him,and he did not fail us.我们信赖他,他也没有辜负我们的信赖。 133.tiresome/tiring/tired My books that a short time ago had seemed so tiresome,so heavy to carry,now seeme d to me like old friends.我那些课本刚才还那么讨厌,携带起来还姥沉重,现在它们却好象是我的老朋友了。 We never thought the climb was so tiring.我们从没想起登山会使人这样疲劳。 I thought that the ants would be tired from their day-long work.我认为这些蚂蚁会因为成天劳动而累了。 <辨析>这三个都是形容词。tiresome 与 tiring 均可表示“使人疲劳的”、“令人讨厌的”,两者一般可互换。tired 意为“(人)感到疲劳的”、“(人)感到厌烦的”。试比较:The lecture lasted no less than five hours and everyone was tired.演讲长达5小时之久,人人都感到疲倦了。The lecture lasted on less than five hours and the lecturer was really tir esome (tiring).演讲长达5小时之久,而这位演讲人又实在叫人厌倦。 134.dismiss/fire He was dismissed from school.他被学校开除了。 The workers went to Mr Smith and asked him to fire John.工人们去找史密斯先生,要求他解雇约翰。 <辨析>dismiss 意为“开除”、“打发走”、“解散”,意思是允许离开,不予理睬或不加考虑。如:The lesson is over,You are dismissed.放学了,你们走吧。John Smith was dismissed for an injury in an accident.约翰.史密斯因在一次事故中受伤而被解雇。fire 也可作“解雇”解,常有于口语中,表示很突然的解雇行为。如:Get out!You are fired.滚开~你被解雇工。 135.try to do/try doing It almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this la st lesson.这个好心的人仿佛要在这最后一堂课上把他的全部知识都教给我们。 I want you to try solving the problem all by yourself.我要你自己试着解决这个问题。 <辨析>try to do 与 try doing 意义不同,不可混用。前者意为“努力去做”,后者意为“试验着做”,即试验某种作法是否行得通。 136.keep sb.from doing sth./keep sb.doing sth. His companion helped him fix the line that was to keep him from floating away fro m the ship.他的同伴帮他系好缆绳,以免他从飞船边漂走。 You can draw a good horse in five minutes,yet you kept me waiting for a year.你能在5分钟之内画好一匹很好看的马,然而你却让我等了一年。 <辨析>keep sb.from doing sth.的意思是 prevent (stop) sb.from doing sth.即“阻止某人做某事”,应注意 keep 后面的介词 from 不能省略。keep sb.doing sth.意为“使某人保持某种状态”。试比较:That kept her studying.那使她一直学习。That kept her from studying.那使她没法学习。 137.appear/seem The sky appears blue to us on earth.我们从地面上来看天空是蔚蓝色的。 These ideas may seem strange to you.这些想法对你来说似乎是奇怪的。 <辨析>这两个动词都有“看起来似......”的意思,差别不大,只是 appear 强调外表上给人 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 32 某种印象,有时含有实质上并非如此的意思。seem 则暗示判断有一定根据,这种判断往往接近事实。如:He appears (to be) uneasy.他显得很不自在。(内心不一定如此)He seemed (to be) uneasy.他显得不自在。(可能确实不很自在)在搭配上应注意以下几点:1)两者都可跟形容词和 to be 结构,也可用在 it appears (seems) that 结构中。如:It seems (appears) that the book is too difficult for us.看来这本书对我们是太难了。2)可以说 it seems as if...,不能说 it appears as if...。如:It seems as if it's going to rain.天好象要下雨了。(不能用 appears 代替 seems) 138.extend/spread/scatter From Antarctica,three major"gulfs"extend northward.有三个大的“海湾”从南极洲向北延伸。 The story of the boy's death had spread quickly all down the line of soldiers.男孩牺牲的事情已经迅速传遍整个部队。 The workers gathered in groups,then scattered.工人们三三两两聚在一起,然后又散开。 <辨析>extend 意为“延伸”,用于指空间、时间、土地等延伸或伸展。例如:The park extends westward as far as the river.这个公园向西一直延伸到河边。spread 意为“展开”,指广布在表面,又常被用作比喻,泛指“传播”、“散布(消息、疾病)”。如:Let's spread some newspapers on the floor to catch the dust.我们在地板上铺些报纸来挡挡土吧。Flies spread diseases.苍蝇传播疾病。scatter 意为“散开”,指用力量驱赶或抛掷,使杂乱地或向不同方向散开。如:The farmer scattered corn for the chickens.农夫撒谷子喂鸡。 139.believe/believe in Show us some radium,and we will believe you.拿点镭给我们看看,我们就会相信你。 We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须对自己有信心。 <辨析>believe 与 believe in 意义和用法都不一样。believe 意思是“相信”,即认为某人是诚实的,某事是真实的或某人的话是可信的。作及物动词用时,后面可接名词、代词、从句或含不定式的复合宾语。如:What made Crusoe believe (that) these men were cannibals? 什么使得克鲁索相信这些是食人者,He believed the earth to bo a globe.他相信大地是一个球体。believe in 是个短语动词,意为“信奉”、“信仰”、“信任”,其后常接真理、宗教、原则之类的词做宾语。如:I don't believe in God.我们不信上帝。 140.discover/invent This was what she set out to discover.这就是她着手去发现的东西。 In the seventeenth century an adding machine was invented.加法机是在17世纪发明的。 <辨析>discover 意为“发现”,即发现原来早已存在但人们还不知道的东西,如“新大陆”、“科学规律”等。invent 意为“发明”,即发明以前从未存在过的东西。试比较下句中的 discover 与 invent 的用法:Gilbert discovered electricity and Edison invented the electri c light bulb.吉尔伯特发现电,爱迪生发明了电灯泡。 141.set out/set about That winter we set out to write a history of the Party.那年冬天我们着手写一部党史。 He set about helping homeless women and children to places of safety.他着手帮助把无家可归的妇女和儿童送到安全地方。 <辨析>这两个短语动词都有“开始(着手)”的意思。在这个意义上,set out 后接动词不定式,set about 后接名词或动名词。set out 还可作“出发”、“动身”解。It was raining when w 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 33 e set out.我们出发时天正下着雨。 142.above all/after all We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须对自己有信心。 After all.your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,你的生日离现在只有两个星期了。 <辨析>above all 意为“首先”、“重要的是”;after all 意为“毕竟”、“终归”、“到底”,常用来说明事情的结果。这两个介词短语都用作状语,起加强语气的作用。 143.search/search for/search...for/in search for The young American stood quietly while the British guards searched his clothes.英国卫兵搜他的衣服时,那个年轻的美国人静静地站着。 Bashi's parents had already searched for the "body" in 50 wells.八喜的父母已在50口井里寻找他的“尸体”。 She searched shop after shop for Jim's present.她为了给吉姆买件礼物,找遍了所有的商店。 At this time her husband joined her in her search for this unknown radiation.这时她的丈夫和她一起寻找那种尚不为知的射线。 <辨析>search 作为及物动词,意为“搜查”、“在......之中搜查”,它的宾语一般是被搜查处所,也可接表人的名词或代词,作“搜身”解。search for 意为“寻找”,“搜索”,可与 look for 换用。试比较:They searched the house.他们搜了那幢房子。They search for the house.他们寻找那幢房子。search...for...意为“搜查......为了要找......”。in search for 是介词短语,search 是名词,意为“寻找、寻求”,其中 for 也可用 of 代替。例如:They are still out in search for (of) the lost cat.他们还在外面寻找那只丢失的猫。 144.worth/worthy This book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。 The chain was even worthy of the watch.这表链完全配得上那只表。 <辨析>worth 意为“值得”,一般只作表语,后接名词或动名词,不接动词不定式。接动名词时,要用主动形式,表示的意义却是被动的。例如:The dictionary is worth 5 yuan.这本词典值5元钱。The play is worth seeing.(不能用 to see 或 being seen)这场戏值得一看。worthy 除解作“值得”外,还有“配得上、相称的”等意思。它既可作定语也可作表语。作表语时,后跟 of 接名词或动名词的被动形式。worthy 后也可跟不定式,如表示被动意思须接不定式的被动语态。例如:The watch is worthy of being bought.(=The watch is worthy to be bo ught.)这块表值得买。 145.pause/stop One flight up Dalla ran,and paused for a moment,panting.德拉一口气跑上一段楼梯,喘息着歇了一会儿。 She stopped at a sign.她在一块招牌前停了下来。 <辨析>这两个动词都可作“停止”解,但 pause 的意思是“休止”、“暂时停止”,暗含“再进行”的意思,总是作不及物动词用。例如:She paused,and then went on singing.她歇了一下,接着又唱了起来。stop 既可用作不及物动词也可用作及物动词。如:He stopped the car and walked into the house.他停下车来,走进了屋子。 146.be good to/be good at/be good for 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 34 Be good to me,for the hair went for you.对我好一点吧。因为头发卖掉是为了你呀。 The gold chain was good enough for Jim's watch.这条金链与吉姆的表很相配。 John was good at his job.约翰工作出色。 <辨析>be good to 意为“对......和善”,good 相当于 kind。be good for 意为“有益于......”、“对......有用”。试比较:He is good to her.他对她和善。He is good for her.他有益于她。be good at 意为“在......方面好”、“善于”,后接名词、代词或动名词。如:This cat is good at catching rats.这只猫很会捉老鼠。 147.emotion/feeling At the very forst sight of that door he experienced a peculiar imotion.他一看到那扇门,一种特殊的感情油然而生。 What does this sentence tell us about Dalla's feelings?这句话告诉我们德拉是什么感情, <辨析>emotion 意为“情绪”、“感情”,常指由于喜、怒、哀、乐等而使感情变化的强烈心情,多指精神上的反应。如:He was chocked with emotion.他因悲哀的情感而哽不成声。Love,hatred,joy,fear and grief are emotions.爱、憎、喜、惧、悲是各种不同的感情。feeling 指人生理上受到刺激产生的某种感觉,如痛苦、饥饿等。如:He had lost all feeling in the l eft leg.他的左腿完全失去了知觉。此外,还可引伸为“同情”。如:We showed much feeling for the old man.我们对那老人深表同情。feeling 指“感情”时,要用复数形式,有时也与 emotion 混用。如:By a masterful effort she controlled her feelings (emoting). 她坚定地控制住自己的感情。 148.too much/much too But boo much snow can cause trouble.但雪太多会引起麻烦。 You are much too kind to me.你待我实在太好了。 <辨析>too much 和 much too 在形式上相近,但用法不一样。too much 作“大多”解,有三种用法:1)用作名词词组。如:You have given me too much.你给我太多了。2)用作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词,如例1)。3)用作副词词组,修饰动词。如:Don't spead too much.别讲得太多。much too 意为“太”、“非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词、副词。如:The old man walked much too slow.这位老人走得太慢了。应注意:too much 与 much too 都可用作副词词组,但 too much 不可修饰形容词,much too 不可修饰动词。 149.awake/wake But before long,the camel woke him.不久,骆驼就把他弄醒了。 A great noise awoke the baby.嘈杂的声音把孩子闹醒了。 I couldn't get up,but I was wide awake.我站不起来,但我完全清醒。 <辨析>wake 与 awake 都作“醒来”、“唤醒”解,可用作及物动词,如例1)和例2),也可用作不及物动词,如:I usually awake (wake) at six.我通常6:00醒来。应注意:wake 后面往往可用 up,awake 则不能。如:This idea hit me when I woke up this morning.我今天早上醒来突然想起这个主意。(不能说 awoke up)awake 还可用作形容词,意为“醒着的”,如例3)。 150.at noce/all at once We'ss o the work at once.我们立刻就干这项工作。 All at once I knew what to do.突然,我知道该怎么办了。 <辨析>at once 意为“立即”、“马上”(=immediately);all at once 意为“突然”(=suddenly), 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 35 还可作“同时”、“一起”解。如: It is impossible to solve these porblems all at once.We'll take one at a time.我们不可能同时解决这些问题,而只能一个一个地解决。 用心 爱心 专心 122号编辑 36
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