首页 2012新版牛津英语7BUnit_6_Outdoor_fun_教案 词组 单元检测

2012新版牛津英语7BUnit_6_Outdoor_fun_教案 词组 单元检测


2012新版牛津英语7BUnit_6_Outdoor_fun_教案 词组 单元检测7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 备课时间:04月15日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 1、 能了解几种户外活动的英文名称。 2、能用英语谈论自己喜欢的户外活动。 教学重点:能用英语谈论自己喜欢的户外活动。 教学难点:能用英语谈论自己喜欢的户外活动。 教学过程 Welcome to the unit 一、 导入新课 T:Can you tell me some...

2012新版牛津英语7BUnit_6_Outdoor_fun_教案 词组 单元检测
7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 备课时间:04月15日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 1、 能了解几种户外活动的英文名称。 2、能用英语谈论自己喜欢的户外活动。 教学重点:能用英语谈论自己喜欢的户外活动。 教学难点:能用英语谈论自己喜欢的户外活动。 教学过程 Welcome to the unit 一、 导入新课 T:Can you tell me some outdoor activities you know about? Which one do you Like best?出示图片教学生词和短语(Do you know these outdoor activities? What other outdoor activities do you know?)camping n. cycling n. riding=horse riding n  skating n. 二、 自主学习 回答问题: 1. Do you want to go camping? 2. Who will go camping with you? 3. What kind of place / weather is good for camping? 4. What should people bring with them if they want to go camping? 完成Part A 三、 合作学习: 听录音回答问题:Why do they like the two activities? 两人一组朗读对话,然后小组交流, 各族派一名代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 向全班 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。 S1:What outdoor activity would like to try? S2:  I would like to go jogging. S1:  Why? S2:  Because I want to keep healthy and fit. What about you? S1:  I would like to…. S2:  What do you like about…? S1:  I think…. Comic strip 四、 导入新课: T: Eddie and Hobo are also doing an outdoor activity. Look at the picture, and tell me what it is. 五、 自主学习 听录音回答完问题: Does Eddie like it? What about Hobo? 听录音跟读 六、 合作学习 两人一组对话,复述故事。 根据所给汉语提示完成句子: 1. hurry up  匆忙  不要匆忙,我们还有时间。 , we still have some time. 2. You complain too much. 你真会抱怨。 complain to sb.    对某人抱怨    complain about/ of sth. 抱怨某事 就这件事我准备向经理投诉。  I am going to __________________________. 七、 达标反馈 根据汉语提示完成句子 1) 快点,不然要迟到了。_________________, or you will be late. 2) 帮我背吧。_______________________. 3) 你抱怨太多了。 You______________________________. 4) 他向我抱怨伙食不佳。 He __________________________me about the food. 5) 你想要尝试的户外活动是什么? _____________outdoor activity ________________________try? 6) 你喜欢你们学校的什么? _____________do you_____________________ your school? 7) 我想散步。I want________________________. 8) 我喜欢在户外,靠近美丽的湖泊和群山。 I like_________________, _______________beautiful lakes and hills.  八、 作业布置 1. 背诵漫画部分的对话,熟读B部分。 2. 完成《练习与测试》welcome to the unit的练习。 3. 预习reading。 九、 板 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一十、 教 / 学后记 7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 2 Reading(1) 备课时间:04月16日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 1. 阅读故事片段 2. 能在阅读过程中关注叙事的时间顺序。 教学重点:关注叙事的时间顺序。 教学难点:关注叙事的时间顺序。 教学过程 一、 导入新课 播放电影《Alice in Wonderland》片段,问学生What’s the video about? (a story between Alice and a rabbit) 二、 自主学习 1. 看图学习生词和短语 2. sit by a river  3. see a rabbit passing by 4. run across 5. jump down 6. get away 7. fall 8. locked 9. hit 10. find herself alone 11. go through the door 12. take a watch out of its pocket 13. run across the field 14. It surprised Alice 15. run after the rabbit 16. jump down a big hole 17. find herself alone in a long, low hall 18. notice a small door 19. try to go through the door 20. 回答下列问题: 1) What’s the story about? 2) What did Alice do one sunny day? 3) Did Alice go through the small door? 21. 听录音回答问题: 1) What did Alice do one sunny day? 2) Who did Alice run after? 3) What could Alice see on the other side when the small door opened? 4) Did Alice go through the small door? 完成Part B1、B2、B3 三、 合作学习 1. Read Paras. and answer the questions 1) What did Alice see a white rabbit? 2) What did the rabbit say? 3) What was the rabbit going to do? Can you guess? 2. Read Paras 2-3(Outside the hole) 1) What did the rabbit say? 2) Where did the rabbit go? 3) Why did Alice jump down the hole? 3. Read Paras4-5  (Inside the hole),fill in the table. There were doors all around, but Alice saw a small key on a table,   Alice saw a lovely garden on the other side, and tried to go through the door,         4. Post-reading Put the sentences in the correct order 1) Alice ran across the field after the rabbit. 2) The strange rabbit surprised Alice. 3) Alice sat by a river with her sister. 4) Alice opened a small door with the key. 5) Alice could see no one in the hall. 6) Alice found a small key on a table. 7) Alice jumped down the hole after the rabbit. 8) Alice saw a white rabbit passing by. 5. Retell the story 四、 达标训练 I、 单项选择 1. Who took the apples___ the box.  A. out  B. out of C. outside D. away 2. The cat jumped into the house_________ the window. A. in  B. across  C. through  C. near 3. Tom__________ his head on the wall. A. is hiting  B. hitting    C.hit    D. hitted 4. Alice_________ into a rabbit hole. A. falling  B. fall  C. falled  D.fell 5. He________ and_______ a sound. A.heard; listened B. listened; heard C. listened; heared D. heard; listened to II、 选词填空 pass by, jump down , go through the door, fall , get away , run across , find herself alone, hit , locked, 1. The doors were_______________________. 2. She _________________________the field after the rabbit. 3. Alice tried to________________________, but she was too big. 4. Alice didn’t want to let the rabbit______________,  so she___________. 5. She saw a rabbit in a coat___________________. 6. She______________________ when Alice was in the hole. 7. She_____________for a long time, and then she___________ the ground. 五、 作业布置:记忆词汇、词组和句型 六、 板书设计 七、 教 / 学后记 7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 3 Reading(2) 备课时间:04月17日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 1. 能在阅读过程中关注叙事的时间顺序。 2. 能掌握重点词汇,体会一般过去时的用法,学习动词与方位词的搭配。 教学重点:掌握重点词汇 教学难点:体会一般过去时的用法,学习动词与方位词的搭配。 教学过程 一、 导入新课 出示与课文相关的图片,让学生看图回答下列问题: 1. Where did Alice sit with her sister? 2. What did she see when she looked up? 3. What did the rabbit do? 4. What did the rabbit do after the rabbit? 5. Where was Alice? 6. Were the doors open or not? 7. Where did she find the sky? 8. What was on the other side of the door? 9. What did Alice try to do? 二、 探究学习 语言点归纳 1. look up by    prep. 在……旁边,靠近 adv.经过 2. see sb. doing sth.  看见某人正在做某事 3. pass by 4. take …out of 5. How amazing! 感叹句:How + adj / adv +主语+谓语!    What +adj+n. +主语+谓语! 6. stand up 7. run across the field  从田地穿过 8. jump down 9. get away find oneself alone… 发觉自己一个人 10. alone 独自的, 相当于by oneself, on one’s 11. hit the ground 12. all around 13. Put…… into 14. on the other side 15. go through …穿过…… 三、 自主学习Finish off  Part B4。 四、 合作学习 (一) Talk about a story between Alice and a rabbit (二) 根据所给汉语提示完成句子: 1. 过来坐在我边上。Come and sit                             . 2. 她刚走过。She                      just now. 3. 格林先生没和我说话就匆忙过去了。Mr. Green                  without speaking to me. 4. 我看见她正在花园浇花。 ___________________________the flowers in the garden. 5. 他看见我们正在游泳。 He __________________________________. 6. 这只小白鼠多么可爱啊! __________________________lovely the white rabbit is! __________________________lovely white rabbit it is! 7. 那位老人正在过马路。The old man is                                   . 8. 她想游过河去。She wants                                            . 9. 阳光从窗户射进来。The sun shines                                     . 10. 他一个人穿过了森林。He went                                by himself. 11. 他醒来发现自己在医院里。He woke up and                               . 12. 他自己完成了这项工作。He finished the work ______________________. 五、 达标训练 I、 Complete the article One day, Alice sat _______ a river, then she saw a white rabbit_______ by. The rabbit_______ a watch out of its_______ and looked at the time. Soon the rabbit ran _______a field . It          Alice. So she ran after it. They both jumped into a _______. Alice hit the ground, and found herself __________in a long ,low hall. She saw a            on a table and used it to open a small door. She wanted to go ______________the door, but she couldn’t. II、 同义句改写 1. The girl is too young. She can’t go to school by herself. The girl is too young. She can’t go to school _________. 2. He and his classmate saved the little girl. He saved the little girl ____________ his classmate. 3. The rabbit wanted to run away. The rabbit__________ to__________ away. 4. What amazing music! _______ _______ the music is! III、 完成句子 1. 这个孩子多么聪明啊!___________the child_______ ! 2. 她正在穿过花园。She _______________the garden. 3. 我看见他坐在窗边。I saw ______________the window. 4. 他常帮助老人过马路。He often ______the old ___________the road. 5. 我发现自己在一片田野里。I _____________________a field. 六、 作业布置 1. 背诵漫画部分的对话,熟读B部分。 2. 完成《练习与测试》welcome to the unit的练习。 3. 预习reading。 七、 板书设计 八、 教学后记 7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 4 Grammar 备课时间:04月18日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 1. 能掌握一般过去式的肯定、否定和疑问句式。 2. 能在对话中使用一般过去时。 教学重点  能掌握一般过去式的肯定、否定和疑问句式。 教学难点:能在对话中使用一般过去时。 教学过程 一、 导入 In the story “Down the rabbit hole”,everything happened in the past,so we used the sample past tense. Do you remember the rules of this tense? 二、 自主学习 写出一般过去时的结构和动词的过去式形式 三、 合作学习 回答下列问题 Who did Alice sit by a river with? What did she hear then? What did she see passing by? Did the rabbit run after Alice? Were all the doors in the hole open? 四、 自主学习 仔细看课本第73页的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 五、 合作学习 讨论一般过去时否定句、一般疑问句的变化规则 点拨:一般疑问句: be 动词Was/were+主语+其他? Yes,主语 +was/were.        No,主语 +wasn’t/weren’t. 行为动词Did+主语+动词原形+其他? Yes,主语+did.                No,主语+ didn’t. 根据要求完成练习 1. Alice sat by the river with her sister.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答) _________________________________ by the river with her sister? ____________________________  ________________________________ 2. The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. (对划线部分提问) _____________________________________ out of its pocket? 3. The rabbit ran after Alice.(改为否定句) _____________________________after Alice. 4. Alice found a key on a small table. (对划线部分提问) __________________________a key? 5. Alice put the key into a small door.(对划线部分提问) ___________Alice__________? 6. The girl was at home last night. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答) _____________at home last night?    Yes, _____________. No, ____________. 六、 自主学习 完成Part A。 七、 合作学习 老师呈现Part A上方的图片,让学生两人一组讨论图片(play football / play volleyball Go fishing/ do some shopping    go out / stay at home  ) S1:Did Millie go to the zoo last weekend? S2: No, she didn’t. S1: What did Millie do last weekend? S2: She went to the park. 八、 自主学习  完成Part B。 九、 合作学习 对话表演。 成果展示(Ok class,now I want to know what you did last weekend) 四人一组对话表演,然后小组小组表演比赛: Sandy:What did you do last Sunday, B? Simon:  I played football with Amy last Sunday. Sandy:  Did you play football last Sunday, Amy? Amy:  Yes, I did. Sandy:  What did they do last Sunday, Shirley? Shirley:They played football last Sunday. 一十、 达标训练: I、 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. We             (be not) in Beijing last week. We           (be) at home. 2. Kitty and I           (be not) happy because of the bad weather this morning. 3. We always             (go) to Shanghai when I was a child. 4. They         (not go) to school last Wednesday, they        (have) a match. 5. Mike         (drive) to Nanjing three days ago, he_____(not, take) a train there. 6. She seldom               (arrive) home late after work, but she               (come) back at 10p.m. yesterday. II、 按要求改写句子 1. They had a good time in the park last weekend.(改成否定句) They _____________________ a good time in the park last weekend. 2. They were on the playground just now. (改成一般疑问句) __________________________ on the playground just now? 3. We met at the school gate yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _______________________________________yesterday? 4. The boy is crying in the bedroom.(用a moment ago改写) The boy __________________________________ in the bedroom a moment ago. 一十一、 作业布置: 1. 掌握本课时的词汇、词组和语法知识。 2. 完成《练习与测试》 3. 预习Integrated skills。 一十二、 板书设计 一十三、 教学后记 7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 5 Integrated skills 备课时间:04月19日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 1. Recognize key expressions involved in an emergency call 2. Understand directions and instructions in a new context 3. Extract key information from listening in order to write an e-mail reporting an accident 教学重点  To listen to tape for details in order to extract factual information. 教学难点  To listen to tape for details in order to extract factual information. 教学过程 一、 导入  1. Ask What outdoor activity would you like to do?鼓励学生表述理由。 2. Say,‘If you have free time, you can try all these activities. They’re very exciting. I want to fly kites with my family this Saturday. 3. 看几幅风筝图片,让学生回答下列问题: 1) Do you like flying kites? 2) Where do you usually fly kites? 3) Who often goes with you? 4) What do these kites look like? 5) What are they made of? 4. 板书对话中出现的新知识:wood,be made of / make…out of 5. 结合语境解释:This part of the kite is made of wood. Look around our classroom. Your desks are made of wood, too. What else is made of wood? 二、 自主学习 看75页A1 部分的图片回答问题 What does the fist kite look like? What does the second kite look like? What does the third kite look like? What does the fourth kite look like? 听录音完成A1部分的练习 三、 合作学习 1. 回答下列问题: 1) Whose kite looks like a bird? 2) What does Simon’s kite look like? 2. 看图片相互问答 1) Do you know their names? 2) Do you know any of Mozi’s students? 3) What did Lu Ban usually to use to make things? 4) Who found a new way to make paper? 5) Where did Marco Polo come frome? 3. 听录音完成Part A2,然后描述每一位历史人物 4. 根据PartA2 的信息完成Part A3,并找出不易理解的词汇与短语。核对答案 Speak up 四、 导入 Now, we have known a lot about kites. It’s time to fly kites. Who wants to go with me? If you want to go with me, we can go to Wanshan park(a park in our city). We can also have a picnic together. Are you excited?(板书excited) New words: excited When we go, remember the most important thing: mobile phone New words: mobile phone Amy and her cousin Shirley are going for a picnic. They are so excited 五、 自主学习 1) listen and do “T”or”F” questions a) They had a picnic yesterday. b) It is dangerous to fly a kite there. c) They will not swim in the lake. d) Shirley will take the mobile phone. 2) Read after the tape sentences by sentences 六、 合作学习 1) Boys read Amy and girls read Shirley 2) Pair work and act out 3) Make a new conversation(group of 4) 4) Conclusion Doing sports can make us healthy, but sometimes it’s dangerous.What can we do to be away from danger? be careful,don’t do dangerous things,don’t go to dangerous places,don’t make friends with dangerous person, remember  to take the mobile phone 七、 达标训练 I、 Translate phrases 1. 从木头中做出鸟 2. 西方人 3. 用竹子做风筝 4. 一切准备就绪 5. 有悠久的历史 6. 在13世纪 7. 因为…而出名 8. 从那时起 9. 如此的激动 10. 恐怕不行 II、 Fill in blanks(抢答) 1. We are so __________(excite) to hear the good news. 2. The old China went through lots of  ________(dynasty). 3. Remember __________(take) the umbrella when  you are away. 4. Can you think of a new way _________(help) the poor? 5. Now almost everyone has a m_________ phone with them. 6. Shall we go on ____________(野餐) this weekend? 7. Zhenjiang is f__________(著名的) for vinegar(醋) 8. The computer games become__________(受欢迎的) among the boys. 9. The ________(Italy) are proud(自豪) of Venice– the city over the river. 10. It’s dangerous __________(swim) in the lake. 八、 作业布置  记忆本课所学词汇、词组和句型。背诵B部分的对话。 九、 板书设计 一十、 教学后记 7下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 6 Task 备课时间:04月22日              课型:新授课          上课时间: 教学目标 能条理清晰的描述事情。 能熟练运用本单元所学知识进行续写。 教学重难点 能条理清晰的描述事情。 学习过程 一、 导入新课 Say:Alice in Wonderland is a famous story. We read a part of it in reading. Ask: Do you like it? Do you think it’s exciting?What do you think will happen to Alice? 二、 自主学习 Read the article and answer the questions: 1. What did Alice see on the table? A little bottle 2. Did Alice drink the juice on the table? Yes, she did. Read the article again and answer the questions: 1. Did Alice drink the juice in the bottle? Yes, she did. 2. What happened to Alice after she drank the water in the bottle? She felt a little ill. 3. What did she decide to do then? She decided to enter the garden. 4. Did Alice enter the garden? Why? No, because she walked towards the door, she forgot about the key. 5. Why couldn’t Alice reach the key on the table? Because she was too small to reach the key. 6. What did she see under the table? She saw a piece of cake on it. Read the text carefully and put the sentences into correct order(排序) a) Alice saw a piece of cake under the table. b) Alice was too small to reach the key and failed to climb up the table. c) Alice opened the bottle and drank a little and felt a little ill. d) Alice became smaller and smaller. e) Alice saw a little bottle on the table. 三、 合作学习 完成Part B 四、 探究 1. Her body became smaller and smaller. 比较级+and+比较级,此结构表示程度的加深,表示“越来越……” l e.g. Our life is getting better and better. 我们的生活越来越好。 <拓展> l the +比较级 , the + 比较级,表示”越…越… “ e.g  he says ,”the busier ,the better.” 他说:”越忙越好。“ 2. Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door, so she decided   to enter the garden. 1) enough修饰名词 enough一般放在名词前, e.g.: enough money ,enough time 修饰形容词,副词,enough放后面 good enough      She sang well enough. (她唱得足够好) 2) decide to do sth. 决定做某事 e.g.: At last he ___________the poor people with those money. 最后他决定用这些钱去帮助穷人。 3. She was too small to reach the key. “too…to”结构中,整个结构的意思是“太……以致不能……”。 基本形式:too + adj. / adv. + to do .其中“to do”修饰“too+adj. / adv.”作为结果状语或程度状语。“to do”通常包含否定意义。  e.g.: The problem is _________ for a child______________.问题太难了,小孩子不能理解。 It’s too good an opportunity to miss. 那是一个不应该错过的极好机会。  五、 【课前预习】 1. 英译汉 1) rabbit  n. 2) hole  n. 3) by  prep. 4) pass  v. 5) dear 6) watch  n. 7) fall  v. 8) hit v. 9) herself  pron. 10) alone  adj. 11) low  adj. 12) locked  adj. 13) notice  v. 14) into  prep. 15) side  n. 16) through prep. 17) surprise  v. 18) look up 19) pass by 20) take …out of 21) stand up 22) run across 23) jump down 24) get away 25) hit the ground 26) find oneself alone 27) all around 28) put into 29) on the other side 30) go through 31) look up 32) pass by 33) take …out of 34) stand up 35) run across 36) jump down 37) get away 38) hit the ground 39) find oneself alone 40) all around 41) put into 42) on the other side 43) go through 44) She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. 45) How amazing! 46) She found herself alone in a long, low hall. The strange rabbit surprised Alice. Unit 6 Outdoor fun词组 Welcome & comic 1.hurry up 快点,赶快 2.sb be tired 累了(surprised / excited / interested / amazed / bored )-ed式形容词主语是人) sth be tiring(surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing / boring  -ing式形容词主语是物) It’s adj (surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing )that---- It’s adj (surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing )to do----- 3. be too / very / so / quite heavy 很重(too / very / so / quite 修饰形容词副词原级) 4 carry sth for sb 为某人提某物 5.complain too much 抱怨太多  complain不及物动词 complain to sb about / of sth向某人抱怨某事  eg. He complained to me about the bad weather there.他向我抱怨那儿糟糕的天气。 complain that 投诉--- 6.too much 不可数名词        太多 too many可数名词复数      太多 much too 形容词、副词原级  太--- 7.  that heavy =so heavy那么重   that ( adv.)那么,那样  8.outdoor activity 户外活动  after-school activity 9.go riding 去骑马 10.go camping 去露营(cycling / skating / jogging / swimming / skiing / hiking / diving) 11. too big =too large  太大(too adj / adv.) Reading 1.one sunny day     一个晴朗的早晨 one Sunday morning 一个星期天的早晨(常用于故事开头,用过去时) 2.on a sunny / rainy / windy day 在晴朗的一天  on a cold / hot / warm / cool morning有形容词修饰 ,介词用on 冠词a in the morning冠词the 3.   sit by a river 坐在河边 4.hear a sound 听到一个声音(listen / listen to / hear / sound ) voice / sound / noise / whisper 5. look up / down抬(低)头 6.a white rabbit in a coat一只穿白外套的白兔( in a coat介词短语作后置定语) 7.take sth out of 从……拿出…… 8.  look at the time 看时间 (look / look at / see / watch) 9.  stand up 站起身,起立 10.run across the field 跑过田地 across 介词, 从表面穿过 go / walk / swim across (prep)=cross (v)动词,从表面穿过 go through (介词 )the door 从空间穿过 11. jump down 跳下 12.get away 逃脱;离开 13. let sb do sth  make / let / have do 让 / 使某人做某事,make / let / have为使役动词,省to watch / see / hear sb do 观看、看见、听见某人做某事 watch / see / hear为感官动词省to 强调do动作全过程 watch / see / hear sb doing sth  强调doing动作正在进行 14.for a long time 好长一段时间 15. find herself alone in … 发现他自己单独在… alone = on one’s own = by oneself    adj 独自的 adv  独自 lonely  adj 孤独的 16. all around 周围 17.on the other side 在…另一边  one ---the other some---- the others one -----another some----- others 18.try to do sth 努力做某事 19.go through 通过;浏览 through / across / cross 20.open the door with the key=use the key to open the door 用钥匙打开了门 21.surprise sb使某人措手不及 surprise v使惊奇; 使措手不及 surprised adj 吃惊的,惊讶的 surprising adj令人惊讶的 22.visit the park 参观公园 23.  have a good time =have fun=enjoy oneself  (doing sth)玩得高兴 24.   go out 出去 go out of----从-----出去 25.  put up our tent 搭起帐篷 put up张贴;挂起;举起 put ---in  把---放在---里 put---into把---放到---里 put off脱下;延迟,推迟 Integrated skills 1.last weekend 上周末 2.complete her article 完成她的文章 3.people in the west  = Western people西方人 4.tell sb all (nothing / a little / little ) about sth 告诉某人全部()关于某事 5.find a new way to make paper 发现了造纸的新方法 find sb to do sth       to do sth不定式作目的状语 find sb doing sth       doing sth 现在分词作补语 find sb alone / clever / lazy---形容词作补语 find sb to be (n, adj., prep)  to be 可省 find it adj. to do sth      to do sth作宾语 it 为形式宾语 find that clause find / find out / look for 6.use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝 =make kites with bamboo 7.make a bird out of wood 用木头做了一只鸟 be made of / from 由----制造, 常用被动 be made into 被制成----      常用被动 8. have a long history 具有悠久的历史 9.in the Warring States period 在战国时期 10. in history 在历史上 11. in the Eastern Han dynasty在东汉 12.begin to use paper to make kites= begin to make kites with paper开始用只做风筝 begin to do = start todo sth 开始做某事 13.become famous for making kites因做风筝而出名 become famous as因----出名 become famous as 以----闻名 14.from then on 从那时起 have / has done from then on 15.a great day 精彩的一天 16. fly kites 放风筝 17.I’m afraid not. I’m afraid so. 18.It’s dangerous to swim in the lake. It’s dangerous to do sth 做某事很危险 19.remember to take your  mobile phone 记着带上手机 remember (not) to do sth 记着(别)要做某事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事 20.  the history of kites 风筝的历史 Study skills 1.in alphabetical order 按字母表的顺序 2.start / begin with 以 …… 开始 3. look up 查阅 4.  in the top corner 在顶部的角落 Task 1.know what to do 知道做什么 (tell sb / worry about / ) know how / when / where to do sth 2. feel a little ill 感到有点不舒服 eat little 几乎不吃 drink a little喝了一点点 have a little(一点儿) time / food / water have a little(小的) cat / fish a little(有点儿) ill / different (原级) a little (有点儿)better (比较级) less than不足,少于 at least至少 3.It tasted sweet. taste sth         taste行为动词,品尝 taste sweet / good / nice      taste系动词,尝起来 have a good taste  taste 名词,味道  用法同smell 4.have a good taste 5.drink some  (much)  more又喝了一点 6.look down  / up向下看 7.become smaller and smaller 变得越来越小 run faster and faster become more and more important 8.decide to enter the garden 决定进到花园里 decide to决定做某事 enter=go into 9. small enough 足够小 be adj enough to do sth do A adv enough to do B 10.be too small to reach the key太小而够不着钥匙 too … to … 太……而不能 eg.walk too slow to follow the others reach 伸手(脚)够得着;
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