首页 服装QC工作流程及基本品质要求



服装QC工作流程及基本品质要求服装QC工作流程及基本品质要求 一 . 接获工作指令 1. 要集齐验货用的所有资料 PO,尺寸表,生产批版,色版,测试报告(布料和成衣),辅料版(主唛,洗水唛,挂牌,钮,拉链,价钱牌,衣架,胶袋,车线等客批OK之实版)及上次验货报告.如缺少的资料要及时通知跟单补回. 2. 详细研究集齐的资料,明确其内容. 3. 电话询问工厂生产进度,及时安排初期/中期/尾期验货. 4. 做好查货前的准备工作: a.填好REPORT(验货报告).SHIPPING MARK(装箱分配).SHIPMENT RELEASE(报...

服装QC工作流程及基本品质要求 一 . 接获工作指令 1. 要集齐验货用的所有资料 PO,尺寸表,生产批版,色版,测试 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 (布料和成衣),辅料版(主唛,洗水唛,挂牌,钮,拉链,价钱牌,衣架,胶袋,车线等客批OK之实版)及上次验货报告.如缺少的资料要及时通知跟单补回. 2. 详细研究集齐的资料,明确其内容. 3. 电话询问工厂生产进度,及时安排初期/中期/尾期验货. 4. 做好查货前的准备工作: a.填好REPORT(验货报告).SHIPPING MARK(装箱分配).SHIPMENT RELEASE(报关单) b.针对不同的货品及工厂,制定检验重点及步骤细节. 二 . 中期检验 : 1 公司POLICY(规定) a.货品数量在1200PCS以下者,可以只检验尾期而不用安排中期检验,若因为该批货品容易产生问题或生产厂家品质较差者,可以安排一次中期检验. b.由1201PCS到6000PCS之货品必须要有一个中期检验报告. c.数量由6001PCS及以上数量的货品,必须要有两个中期报告. d.中期检验厂方必须要有10%的成品可供量度尺寸(烫好.查好.未入胶袋) e.凡厂方不能按期提供验货的,QC要向厂方了解下次中期的确切时间,要求厂方另订验货日期,同时第一时间通知MR(跟单)及上司. 2. 检验重点及步骤: a.QC到厂后,首先要巡视一遍工厂以了解工厂实际生产进度. b.以厂方实际烫好查好的大货数为LOT SIZE(批量尺码)据不同客人的AQL 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 抽取SAMPLE SIZE.(样品尺码) c根.据批版及PO的DEonSCRIPTION(种类)核对大货有无错款. escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts d.根据色版核对大货的颜色及手感.若大货为COTTON KNIT,(针织布)则需同时卡布磅布重并作记录. e.根据绣印花版核对大货绣/印花是否正确. f.量度尺寸: f.a. AQL标准;WOVENS(梭针布)用AQL6.5,KNITS(针织布)用AQL10.0. AQL=Acceptable(合格) Quality(品质) Level(水平) f.b. 中期度尺寸必须度齐所有尺寸并逐步并且同时满足以下两个条件: f.b.1. 齐色齐码:每色每码最少4PCS. f.b.2. 3200PCS以下度20PCS; 3201PCS-10000PCS度32PCS; 10000PCS以上50PCS. f.b.3. 量度尺寸时,超出接受公差的尺寸要在尺码表上打上”O”标识,跳码的则要在尺码表上打” +“标识. f.b.4 .检验毛衫时,每量完一件毛衫,必须同时记下磅重于尺寸表上. g.检查手工: g.a.检查手工时发现疵点要贴上箭头贴纸(返工贴纸).清楚显示,以便于分类记录疵点情况. g.b.查出的疵点可按进行分类,若没有详尽列明的疵点,则可以按以下的原则分类并记录于REPORT(报告)上. g.b.1. CRITICAL界定(鉴定) g.b.1.1 非业内人士都能觉察的,消费者不能接受的. g.b.1.2. 经使用后会出现问题的. g.b.1.3. 三个小疵点同时出现在同一区域的. g.b.1.4. 低劣的制作,其成品会破坏公司的品牌形象的. g.b.1.5.. 根据客人要求,所有疵点应界定为CRITICAL DEFECT(鉴定缺点) h. MAJOR主要的界定: h.a. 消费者不易觉察的,不会太介意的. escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts h.b. 经使用后其问题不会恶化的. i.可能的话,可根据PO预先核对厂方的SHIPPING MARK,包装方法,分配比例,外箱的净毛重及外箱长宽高尺寸. j.将检验结果写于REPORT上,要求工厂方确认并签字,同时立即向上司汇报及知会MR. k.检验后要了解厂方纠正缺点的方法(最好要求厂方立即进行纠正试验). l.如发现其疵点不可纠正或返工后会影响产品的品质则要立刻报告上司,以便及时处理. m.品质控制员同时要留意,所有危害成品品质的不良因素,随时向上司报告. n.DEFECT SAMPLE要及时带回公司,由上司判定是否可以纠正缺点.如果缺点不可纠正,则要尽快寄客批复. 三 . 尾期检验 . 1. 公司POLICY. a.尾期检验,所有待检成品必须100%装箱.不足者,质检员有权不作FINAL检验,但质检员要将工厂实际的生产进度写在REPORT上并由厂方签字. b.尾期检验如不合格,QC要向厂方了解纠正疵点的方法(最好马上试验),并及时通知上司及MR.并且抽取DEFECT SAMPLE带回公司,交上司判定. c.若第二次尾期仍不合格,QC要及时通知MR,由MR决定三次尾期. 2. 检查重点及步骤: a.QC到厂后首先要巡视一遍工厂,看有无大货仍在车间生产. b.QC必须亲自到仓库点箱及抽箱,为防止厂方有”摆空箱阵”或”使掉包计”的行为,QC必须时刻警惕,抽箱时要随意从中间或底下抽,并要记下箱号后再在纸箱底面骑缝处签名. c.要抽取的箱数必须满足以下两个条件: c.a. 总箱数开平方. c.b. AQL要求的SAMPLE SIZE除以每箱实装的大货数. d.核对箱唛是否正确,大货用的是几坑箱,净毛重及纸箱尺寸. escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts e.核对大货颜色码数分配比例是否正确. f.核对胶袋的内容,包括:码数/成份/产地/产地/洗水语/警告语是否正确. g.据批板及P.O再次核对大货款式. h.据色版再次核对大货颜色/手感.若大货为COTTON KNIT则需要同时卡布磅重量并作记录. i.据花版再次核对大货绣花/印花是否正确. j.据TEST REPORT及辅料版再次核对大货的主唛,洗水唛,价格牌,挂牌,钮,拉链,捆条,线,衣架. k.据AQL量度大货尺寸(只度MAIN POINT). k.a. 量度尺寸时,超出容忍度的尺寸在尺寸表上打”O”,跳码的尺寸在尺寸表上打” “. k.b. 检验毛衫时,每量度完一件尺寸就要记下磅重于尺寸表上. l. 据AQL标准检查手工,发现疵点贴上箭头纸. m.据DCL进行缺点分类并记录于REPORT上. n.核对厂方的装箱单,看是否与我司的资料一致,如发觉SHORT SHIP或OVER SHIP多于5%,必须通知MR及要批核才能出货. o.了解厂方的整改方法,抽取SHIPMENT SAMPLE(出货样品)或DEFECT SAMPLE(疵点样品)及时通知MR(跟单)及上司. p.检查结果写在REPORT上,要求厂确认及签名确认. q.QC及时将REPORT传真给MR及上司主管. r.上司酌情判断是否需要寄客批复及联络厂家与MR. 3.遇到与厂方发生争议时的处理方法; a.厂方对品质控制员之检验结果不认同,品质控制员可向厂方声明:可保留有争议之问题及物证,提报公司判定(所有争议之物证,品控员要亲自把它们封于箱内,并于臬底面封箱胶纸处骑缝签章)同时立即报告上司. b.厂方对品质控制品有意见,品质控制员要虚心检讨自己并及时纠正错误! escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 服装成品基本品质要求 一、规格不符 序号 缺陷 产生原因 1、规格超差——样板不准;裁剪下刀不准;绗棉时缝位超差。 二、缝制不良 2、针距超差——缝制时没有按工艺要求严格调整针距。 3、跳针——由于机械故障,间断性出现。 4、脱线——起、落针时没打回针;或严重浮线造成。 5、漏针——因疏忽大意漏缝;贴缝时下坎。 6、毛泄——拷边机出故障或漏拷;折光毛边时不严密,挖袋技术不过关,袋角毛泄。 7、浮面线——梭皮罗丝太松,或压线板太紧。 8、浮底线——压线板太松,或梭皮罗丝紧。 9、止口反吐——缝制技术差,没有按照工艺要求吐止口。 10、反翘——面子过紧;或缝制时面子放在上面造成。 11、起皱——没有按照缝件的厚薄调换针线;或缝合件有长短。 12、起绺纽——由于技术不过关缝纽了;缝合件不吻合。 13、双轨——缉单明线,断线后,接缝线时不在原线迹上;缝制贴件下坎后,补线时造成两条线迹。 14、双线不平行——由于技术不过关;或操作马虎造成双线宽窄不匀。 15、不顺直——缝位吃得多少不匀造成止口不顺直;技术差缉明线弯曲。 16、不平服——面里缝件没有理顺摸平;缝件不吻合;上下片松紧不一。 17、不方正——袋角、袋底、摆角、方领没有按90度缝制。 18、不圆顺——圆领、圆袋角、圆袖头、西服圆摆,由于缝制技术不过关出现细小楞角。 19、不对称——由于技术差或操作马虎,必须对称的部位有长短、高低、肥瘦、宽窄等误差。 escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 20、吃势不匀——绱袖时在袖山部位由于吃势不均匀,造成袖山圆胖,或有细褶。 21、绱位歪斜——绱袖、绱领、定位点少于三个或定位不准。 22、对条、对格不准——裁剪时没有留清楚剪口位;或排料时没有严格对准条格;缝制时马虎,没有对准条格。 23、上坎、下坎——缝纫技术低或操作马虎,没有做到缉线始终在缝口一边。 24、针孔外露——裁剪时没有清除布边针孔;返工时没有掩盖拆孔。 25、领角起豆——缝制技术低;领角缝位清剪不合要求;折翻工艺不合要求;没有经过领角定型机压形。 26、零配件位置不准——缝制时没有按样衣或工艺单缝钉零配件。 27、唛牌错位——主唛、洗水唛没有按样衣或工艺单要求缝钉。 三、污迹 28、笔迹——违反规定使用钢笔、圆珠笔编裁片号、工号、检验号。 29、油渍——缝制时机器漏油;在车间吃油食物。 30、粉迹——裁剪时没有清除划粉痕迹;缝制时用划粉定位造成。 31、印迹——裁剪时没有剪除布头印迹。 32、脏迹——生产环境不洁净,缝件堆放在地上;缝件转移时沾染;操作工上岗前没有洗手。 33、水印——色布缝件沾水裉色斑迹。 34、锈迹——金属钮扣,拉链,搭扣质量差生锈后沾在缝件上。 四、整烫 35、烫焦变色——烫斗温度太高,使织物烫焦变色(特别是化纤织物) 36、极光——没有使用蒸气熨烫,用电熨斗没有垫水布造成局部发亮。 37、死迹——烫面没有摸平,烫出不可回复的折迹。 38、漏烫——工作马虎,大面积没有过烫。 escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 五、线头 39、死线头——后整理修剪不净。 40、活线头——修剪后的线头粘在成衣上,没有清除。 六、其它 41、倒顺毛——裁剪排料差错;缝制小件与大件毛向不一致。 42、做反布面——缝纫工不会识别正反面,使布面做反。 43、裁片同向——对称的裁片,由于裁剪排料差错,裁成一种方向。 44、疵点超差——面料疵点多,排料时没有剔除,造成重要部位有疵点,次要部位的疵点超过允许数量。 45、扣位不准——扣位板出现高低或扣档不匀等差错。 46、扣眼歪斜——锁眼工操作马虎,没有摆正衣片,造成扣眼横不平,坚不直。 47、色差——面料质量差,裁剪时搭包,编号出差错,缝制时对错编号,有质量色差没有换片。 48、破损——剪修线头,返工拆线和洗水时不慎造成。 49、脱胶——粘合衬质量不好;粘合时温度不够或压力不够,时间不够。 50、起泡——粘合衬质量不好;烫板不平或没有垫烫毯。 51、渗胶——粘合衬质量不好;粘胶有黄色,烫斗温度过高,使面料泛黄。 52、套结不准——套结工没有按工艺要求摆正位置。 53、钉扣不牢——钉扣机出现故障造成。 54、四合扣松紧不宜——四合扣质量造成。 55、折衣不合格——没有按工艺要求(或客户要求)折衣。 56、衣、袋规格不符——包装工操作马虎,将成衣装错包装塑料袋。 57、丢工缺件——缝纫工工作疏忽,忘记安装各种装饰绊,装饰纽或者漏缝某一部位,包装escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 工忘了挂吊牌和备用扣等。 58、装箱搭配差错——包装工工作马虎,没有严格按装箱单搭配装箱。 59、箱内数量不足——打下的次品过多,没有合格品补足造成尾箱缺数。 60、外箱唛头印错——外贸部门提供的唛头有错;生产厂家辨别英语出错 escòria de fang i el col•lapse del sòl cos, una vegada més a poc a poc va proposar col•lapse local de paret de ranura, o ha trobat underground edificis era targeta en directe, es plataforma enterrat quota de fang de control directe, demostrat obstacles i oportuna tramitació Argila plàstic conèixer aigua expansió, psiquiatre de paret de ranura Conca trepant doblegat també obliqua ranura tenia gran en argila plàstica en la perforació o ranura forat elements obliqua pensen que ha escombrat sovint superiors i inferiors forat corregit marc trepant (perforació al quadre guia plataforma era ranura paret sòl cos viu, suport local no perforació) mica desgast seriós, mica diàmetre reduït, causat amplada de forat de ranura variable fa petit, quadre guia es va posar en directe no pot TALADRAR mica diàmetre ha que guia caixa àmplia 20 ~ 30 mm; poc desgast greu ha de omplir oportuna soldadura major plataforma tallat xip pala vertical ganivet o costat per tirar la fallada del dispositiu, o conèixer la capa de pedra de sòl dur , Poder insuficient, tallar a auxiliars d'impacte Trepant trencat Hou nou perforació va continuar ensorrat construcció de paret contínua taula 1.1 del problema i la paret de ranura de processament (paret forat local es va ensorrar nivell sobte declinat, orifici prendreadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts
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