首页 2013年浙江省领队考试--领队英语--中译英 最清晰简单版

2013年浙江省领队考试--领队英语--中译英 最清晰简单版


2013年浙江省领队考试--领队英语--中译英 最清晰简单版2013年浙江省领队考试--领队英语--中译英 最清晰简单版 (1)At Information Desk 在问讯处 (P44) 1、请问前往汉城的CA112航班在哪里办理登记手续, Could you tell me where I check in for CA 112 to Seoul? 2、你知道他们什么时候办理登机手续, Do you know when they begin to check in? 3、顺便问一下,哪里可以打电话, By the way where can I make ...

2013年浙江省领队考试--领队英语--中译英 最清晰简单版
2013年浙江省领队考试--领队英语--中译英 最清晰简单版 (1)At Information Desk 在问讯处 (P44) 1、请问前往汉城的CA112航班在哪里办理登记手续, Could you tell me where I check in for CA 112 to Seoul? 2、你知道他们什么时候办理登机手续, Do you know when they begin to check in? 3、顺便问一下,哪里可以打电话, By the way where can I make a phone call? (2)At the Check-in Counter 在乘机登记处 (P45) 4、小姐,是在这里办理飞往新加坡的CA114航班的登机手续吗, Miss. Is this the counter for CA 14 to Singapore? 5、我们一行20人乘坐CA114航班飞往新加坡。 We are a group of 20 people going to Singapore by CA114. (3)Going through Security Check 通过安全检查 (P46) 6、让我想一想。有一些衣服,刮胡工具,几本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 和一些纪念品。 Now let me see some clothes, my shaving kit, a couple of books and some souvenirs. (4)At the Transfer Desk 在中转处 (P48) 7、劳驾,我们要乘转日本航空公司的458号航班去东京。你能帮助我吗, Excuse me .We are to transfer to JL 458 to Tokyo .Can you help me? 8、我们的座位能够尽量在一起吗, Can we have our seats as close to each other as possible? 9、我们要3个吸烟座位,7个非吸烟座位。 We need three smoking seats and seven non-smoking seats. 10、你能告诉我怎么去28号登机口吗, Could you tell me the way to boarding Gate 28? (5)Luggage Claim 提取行李 (P49) 11、我乘坐CA458从北京来,我去哪里取行李, I came from Beijing by CA 458. Where can I get my luggage? 12、从北京来的行李在哪个转盘上, Which carousel is for the luggage from Beijing? 13、对不起,先生。我的旅行箱的把手坏了。我应该到哪里去申报破损, Excuse men, sir. The handle of my suitcase is broken. Where can I go to report it? 14、我们有一位游客的行李找不到了。您能帮助我吗, One tourist of our group couldn’t find his luggage. Can you help me? 15、他说他的是一个大的黑皮箱,看起来像这个,第五款。 (不要) he says that his suitcase is a black ,big one made of leather [‘leð?]皮革.it looks like this one ,Type 5. 16、有一个照相机,三件衬衣,四条灰裤子,一件黑色外套和其他一些东西。 There are one camera, three shirts, four pairs of gray trousers, one black overcoat and other things. 17、目前,我们还不清楚下榻的酒店,但您可以与接待我们的旅行社联系,这 是地址和电话。 I am not sure the hotel which we will stay in at this moment, but you can contact with the travel agency .Here is the address and telephone number. 18、很抱歉给您添了这么多麻烦。 m sorry for having given you so much trouble. I’ 页 1 (6)Immigration and Emigration 1 办理入出境手续1 (P51) 19、对不起,我忘填了,我马上补上。 Sorry, I forgot to fill up. Now I will finish soon. 20、我们是旅行团。我们要参观几个地方。 We travel with a group .We have several places to visit. 21、7天。我们准备7月25日离开。 Seven days. We will be leaving on July 25th 。 22、先到法兰克福,然后再前往柏林。 Frankfur first, then we’ll be heading on to Beijing. 23、有,我们中国的回程机票,不过回程时我们先到巴黎,不是直接回中国。 Yes, we have a return ticket to China, however, we’ll be returning via Pairs, not going back to China directly. (7)Immigration and Emigration 2 办理入出境手续 2 (P52) 24、我是旅行团的领队,我们持有团体旅游签证。 I’m a tour leader .We have a group visa. 25、好的,请稍等。我收集一下。 OK, just a moment, I’ll collect their passports. 26、这是做签证 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 时的填写错误。对不起,你能帮我改过来吗, I had made a mistake when I filled in the visa form. Sorry, would you please correct it for me? 27、请允许我最后一个通过。 Can I be the last one to pass ? (8)Going through the Customs 1 过海关 1 (P53) 28、这是在泰国买的礼品,带回中国去,有男式包、女式包,是不同类型的, 不可能拿来出售。 I bought these bags in Thailand[‘tailænd; -l?nd] as presents to China . There are some different kinds, including man style and woman style .It is impossible for me to sell them. (9)Going through the Customs 2 过海关 2 (P54) 29、这是我的海关申请表,这是我的护照。 Here is my Customs Declaration Form and here’s my passport. 30、我是旅行团的领队,是我的客人存在我的箱子里的,他们的箱子已经满了。 I’m a tour leader. One of my guests put them in my bag, because his bag is full. 31、我们没有超额携带,你可以检查其他人的行李箱。 We are under duty free allowance .You can check the other bags of our group. (10)Asking for Drinks 要饮料 (P59) 32、我要可口可乐,谢谢。 A coke would be nice. Thanks you. 33、不要了,谢谢。我要吃药,麻烦您给我一杯水,好吗, No more, thanks. But I want to take tablets [‘tæbl?t]. Would you bring me a glass of water ? (11)Air Sickness 晕机 (P60) 34、打扰您了,小姐。这位先生想吐。麻烦您给他杯冰水,好吗, 页 2 Excuse me, madam , a tourist of our group feels like vomiting [‘vɑm?t] 呕吐. Can I bother you for some ice water, please? (12)Feeling a little bit cold 感觉有点冷 (P61) 35、劳驾,小姐。请给我们几条毯子。我们有几位客人感觉有点儿冷。 Would you please give us some blankets [‘blæ?k?t]? Some tourists of our group feel a little bit cold. (13)Asking for entry card/customs declarations 感觉有点 (P62) 36、请给我一些入境登记卡/海关申报单,好吗, May I have some entry cards customs declarations? 37、我们旅行团有16人,请给我16张。我替他们填写。 There are 16 members in our tour group. Please give me 16 forms. I will fill them out. (14)Inquiry 询问 (P63) 38、我们何时到达东京, When do we arrive in Tokyo? 39、东京的天气怎样, What’s the weather like in Tokyo? (15)Check in 住宿登记 (P75) 40、我们来自康辉旅行社的旅游团。 We are the tour group from China Comfort Travel Agency. 41、我叫马刚。三个星期前我们公司预定了5个双人间。 My name is Ma Gang .Our Company booked 5 double rooms three weeks ago. (16)Room Service 送餐服务 (P76) 42、我明天想在房间里用早餐,您能否把早餐送到房间来,我住在511房间。 I’d like to have breakfast in our room tomorrow morning. Could you bring it here? I’m in Room 511. 43、请问还有什么别的方式得到客房送餐服务吗, Is there any other way to have room service? 44、那我们吃完饭后那些盘子怎么处理, Then what should we do with the dishes when we finished eating? (17)Morning Call 叫早服务 (P78) 45、我叫李刚 ,是旅行团的领队。我们明天一清早要去飞机场,因此我们想 要叫早服务。 I’m Lee Gang, the tour leader .We are going to the airport early tomorrow morning ; I’d like to have a morning call. 46、但是我必须在七点半赶到飞机场办理登机手续。 But I have to be at the airport to check in by seven thirty. 47、那样的话,我想让你六点钟叫醒我们。 d like you to call me at six o’clock. In that case, I’ (18)Laundry Service 1 洗衣服务 1 (P79) 48、我送洗的衣服,大概要多长时间才能洗好, When can I have them back? 页 3 (19)Laundry Service 2 洗衣服务 2 (P80) 49、我昨天下午送来的衣服,现在洗好了吗,我明天上午要离开。 I sent some laundry yesterday afternoon. Is it ready now? I’m leaving tomorrow morning. (20) check out 1 退房 1 (P81) 50、这不对。我没有打过任何长途电话,你再检查一下好吗, This is not correct. I didn’t make any calls .Can you check it again? (21) check out 2 退房 2 (P83) 51、(检查之后)电话费是客人自费的,可能他忘了。请稍等,我通知客人来 结。 Telephone charge will be paid individually. Maybe he forgot it. Please wait for a moment; I’ll let him pay for it. (22) Reservation 代客订房 (P84) 52、你们有空房间吗, Do you have any vacancies? 53、我想要一间双人间,从5月7日起住2个晚上。 I’d like a double from May 7th for two nights? 54、我是为旅行社订房,能否便宜点儿, I reserve for the travel agency. Do you have any discount? 55、需要先付订金吗, Do I have to leave a deposit? (23) Meal 进餐 (P92) 56、我叫李刚,是这个旅行团的领队,导游黄先生有事稍后过来,请你先给我 们安排一下。 My name is Lee Gang, the leader of this tour group. Mr. Huang the guider is coming soon. Would you please make an arrangement for us? 57、顺便问一下,客人自点酒水如何算钱, By the way, how much does the guest pay for the drink? 58、您能给我们推荐一些菜吗, Can you recommend anything? 59、听起来很不错。就来份带骨牛排吧。 That sounds good. I’ll have the T-bone steak. 60、香草冰激凌 Vanilla ice cream . (24) Bill Payment 付账 (P95) 61、我想我没带足够的现金。你们接受信用卡吗, I don’t think I have brought enough cash .Do you accept credit cards? 62、那好。这是我的信用卡。请在总数上加10%,那是给你的小费。 That’s good .Here is my credit card. Please add 10% to the total amount .That’s my tip for you. (25) Duty Free shop 免税店 (P103) 63、我想买点儿烟和酒。我要去中国。您知道去中国的免税限额吗, I’d like to have some cigarettes and liquor. I’m going to China. Do you know the duty free limit? 64、请给我拿一条希尔顿、一瓶红方酒和一瓶苏格兰威士忌。 页 4 Could you give me a carton of Hilton, a bottle of Red Label and a bottle of Scotch whisky, please? 65、我还剩一些当地货币,我可以用它支付吗,不够部分支付美元。 I still have some local cash left. Can I pay with them? The rest will be paid in US dollar. 66、请给我开一张收据。 Please give me a receipt. (26) Buying Souvenirs 购买商品 (P103) 67、我想买些纪念品。你们有没有适合女士用的, I’m looking for souvenirs. Do you have anything for ladies? 68、给我看看那款,好啊, Will you please show me that one? 69、那好,我要这块。请问有质量保证书吗, All right. I’ll take this one. Do you have quality certification? 70、我是旅行团的领队,两个月前我的一位客人在这里购买了一条项链,回国 后发现有质量问题,向我们旅行社提出退还要求。希望你们能原价退货。 m the leader of tour group. One of my passengers bought a necklace here two I’ months ago. However, she found there was quality problem with it after she returned to China. She asked our agency to send her money back. So I really hope you can return all her money. (27) Buying Fruit 买水果 (P111) 71、看样子不够成熟 It seems they aren’t ripe enough. (28) Tax Refund 退税 (P111) 72、我怎么办理退税, How can I get tax refund? 73、我到哪儿领退税款呢, Where can I get the refund ? 74、是不是所有商品都能办理退税, Can I get the tax refund for all the goods I bought? (29) Taxi 1 出租车 1 (P117) 75、请到肯尼迪机场,我得7点钟赶到那里。 Kennedy Airport, please. I have to be there by 7:00. (30) Taxi 2 出租车 2 (P117) 76、你能一刻钟后达到联合火车站吗, Do you think you can get me to Union Station in a quarter? (31) Taxi 3 出租车 3 (P118) 77、请到希尔顿饭店,我10点半有一个约会。 The Hilton Hotel, please. I have a 10:30 appointment. 78、前面堵车,请让我在这儿下车吧。 Let me get off here because there is a traffic jam in front. 79、给你20块,不用找了。 Here’s $20.00. Keep the change. 页 5 (32) Taxi 4 出租车 4 (P118) 80、请到中央车站,我要赶6点钟的火车。 Central Station, pleased, I want to try to catch a 6:00 train. (33) Taxi 5 出租车 5 (P119) 81、送我去机场。从这儿到机场要多长时间, Please get me to the airport. How long dose it take from here to the airport? 82、这就是说我们9点钟以前,可以到达机场 That means we can get there before 9:00 . 83、对不起,乘公共汽车到市中心怎么走, Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the downtown by bus? 84、到市中心要多少钱, How much does it cost to get to the downtown? (34) Making a call 打电话 (P126) 85、是的,我住在1008房,我想开通房间的国际长途。 I’m in room 1008; I want to make an international call in my room. 86、接线生吗,我的国际长途已经开通,请问如何拨号, Operator? My international call has been connected. I Wonder how to dial. 87、我想打一个叫人的电话给美国的李太太。我的名字叫李刚。 I’d like to make a person-to-person call to Mrs. Lee in America. My name is Lee Gang. 88、接线员,我想打一个对方付款的电话。 Operator,I’d like to make a collect call . 89、信从这里到中国需要多少天, How many days does it take to send a letter from here to China? 90、特快专递要多少钱, How much does it cost for EMS mail? 91、快件的费用是多少, What’s the postage for express mail? 92、请你解释一下两者的区别吗, Could you please explain to me the different between them? 93、保价信要花多少钱, How much does it cost for an insured letter? 94、这个包裹寄往中国,行吗, Can I send this parcel to China? 95、我是一个集邮爱好者,我想用余下的钱买尽可能多的不同的邮票。 I’m a stamp collector, so I’d like to use the change to buy as many different stamps as possible. 96、还请你给我几枚航空标签好吗, Can you give me some airmail labels, please? (35) At the Bank 1 在银行 1 (P143) 97、我想兑换一些美元,请问在哪儿, Where can I change some U.S dollars? 98、今天的兑换率是多少, What is the exchange rate today? 99、请给我小钞吧,五元,十元的。 页 6 Give me small notes, fives and tens, please. (36) At the Bank 2 在银行 2 (P144) 100、我想在自动取款机上取点钱,但不知道如何操作。 I want to draw some money from the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). But I don’t know to handle it. 101、谢谢你的建议 Thank you for your advice . (37) At the Bank 3 在银行 3 (P144) 102、你好,我能在这里换旅行支票吗, Hello, can I change my traveler’s check here? (38) At the Bank 4 在银行 4 (P146) 103、请告诉我哪里可以把日元换成美元, Would you please tell me where I can change Japanese yen into US dollars? (39) Seeing the doctor 1 看医生 1 104、我们有一位客人病了。他喉咙发炎,胸口疼。 (P151) One of our group members is ill. He has a sore throat and his chest hurts. 105、你看我们该怎么办呢, What do you think we ought to do? (40) Seeing the doctor 2 看医生 2 (P152) 106、我头疼、咳嗽,喉咙也疼得厉害。 I have a headache, cough and I’ve got a terrible sore throat. 107、我身上好像有点发烧。 It seems that I am running a fever. 108、还有其他需注意的事吗, What other things do I have to do? (41) At the police station 医院里 (P154) 109、一个较高,黄头发,蓝眼睛。另一个是黑人。他稍矮点。 One is taller, with yellow hair and blue eyes. The other one is a black. Oh, he is shorter. (42) Sightseeing and entertainment 观光和娱乐 (P162) 110、你好,我们是旅行团,能不能买团队票, Hello! We are from a tour group of tourist. Can we buy group ticket? (43) Tourist get injured 游客受伤 (P166) 111、我有一名游客不小心掉落到中心公园的湖里了,请您赶紧派救护 车来。 A tourist fall down into a lake in the centre park, we need an ambulance. (44) Being robbed 被抢 (P166) 112、我的团队刚才被2个人抢劫了,他们有枪。我的一名游客腿上被 打了一枪。 Two gun-men robbed my group just now, and one of the tourists got shoot in his leg. (45)Tourist illegally overstay 游客滞留 (P167) 页 7 113、我是一个中国旅游团队的领队,我的旅游团中有一个人不见了,明天我 们就要离开回国了。我想他可能是要非法滞留了。 I am a tour leader of China, one of my tourists is lost, and we will leave tomorrow, I think maybe he will stay here illegally. 页 8
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