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老友记 第二季第十二集中英分行对照剧本


老友记 第二季第十二集中英分行对照剧本老友记 第二季第十二集中英分行对照剧本 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Can't get the monkey off your back? 无法摆脱工作的压力? Then put it in your mouth... 那就来一杯„ ... with Monkeyshine Beer! „猴子乐啤酒吧 Get it, monkey 喝一口猴子乐 Get it, get it, monkey 喝一口猴子乐 Monkey, monkey 猴子乐„ Monkeyshine Beer. 猴子乐啤酒 B...

老友记 第二季第十二集中英分行对照剧本
老友记 第二季第十二集中英分行对照剧本 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Can't get the monkey off your back? 无法摆脱工作的压力? Then put it in your mouth... 那就来一杯„ ... with Monkeyshine Beer! „猴子乐啤酒吧 Get it, monkey 喝一口猴子乐 Get it, get it, monkey 喝一口猴子乐 Monkey, monkey 猴子乐„ Monkeyshine Beer. 猴子乐啤酒 Because it's a jungle out there! 因为外面是一片丛林 That commercial always makes me so sad. 那个广告总是让我悲从中来 But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him... 但是那个家伙一开啤酒女人就拥上来了„ ...so everything works out okay. „所以最後一切还好的 I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. 我的意思是那只猴子让我想到了马赛 I can see that. 我看得出来 Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. 它们都有棕色的大眼睛还有鼓鼓的小下巴 And the fact that they're both monkeys? 而且它们都是猴子 I wonder if I did the right thing, giving him away. 有时候我怀疑我是不是做错了不应该把它送走 Ross, you had to. He was humping everything in sight. 你是不得已的啊看到什么东西都要上 My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. 我的马里布芭此娃娃结婚不能穿纯洁的白纱了 Remember when he'd borrow your hat... 记得有时它会跟你们借帽子„ ...and when you got it back, there'd be monkey raisins in it? „等你要回来的时候里面会有小小的猴子”葡萄乾”? When he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my boss's hat.... 它干的就叫好玩如果我对我老板这么做的话„ Suddenly, I had this big "attitude problem." 突然就变成了我的态度不好 The One With the Super Bowl The One With the Super Bowl Hey, check it out! Guess what I got? 你们看,猜我有什么? Rhythm? 韵律感,对不对? No. My first fan mail! 不是,第一封影迷信 "Dear Dr. Ramoray: ”亲爱的雷医生 I love you and would do anything to have you." 我爱你,为了得到你我可以不惜一切” My gosh! "Your not-so-secret admirer, Erika Ford." ”你不神秘的仰慕者方艾丽” Oh, wait. 等一下 "P.S. Enclosed, please find 14 of my eyelashes." :”附注:随函附上了我十四根的睫毛” In Crazy World, that means you're married. 在疯子的世界里那就 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示你结婚了 It's not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. 这不是寄到制作单位的这是直接送到你家去 She was in our building. 她去过我们的大楼 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 I got my very own stalker! 我有我自己的变态影迷了 ===== 1===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= You are so lucky, I'm gonna share mine. 你真幸运,看来我应该和你共享我那个 Joey, remember we talk about good thing and bad thing. This is a bad thing. 乔伊,记得我跟你说过好的事和坏的事吗, 这是个坏事情. Where are you off to? 你上哪儿去了? There's a paleontology conference in L.A. 因为洛杉矶有一个古生物学研讨会 So I figured I'd go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. 我会去,然後开车到动物园给马赛一个惊喜 He will be surprised. Till he realizes he's a monkey... 我想它会很惊喜的直到它发现它是猴子„ ...and isn't capable of that emotion. „它根本就没 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 有那种情绪 Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. 菲此,那个可爱的家伙又来了 Okay, so everyone... 菲此,那个可爱的家伙又来了 ... pretend I'm telling you a story and it's really funny. „假装我在讲故事给你们听故事非常的好笑 So everyone just laugh. Now! 所以大家要笑 I know, I know! 我知道 I'm Rob Donan. 我叫罗伯杜南 Hi, Rob Donan. 罗伯杜南 I don't know anything about music, but I think you're really great. 我对音乐一窍不通不过我觉得你非常棒 Anyway, I schedule performers for children's libraries. 我在替市里的儿童图书馆安排艺人的演出 And I was thinking, have you thought about playing your songs for kids? 我在想,你有没有想过为小孩子演唱你的歌呢? I would love to have kids... 我好想要小孩哦„ ...hear me play the songs that I will write for them. 听我„听我演唱我为他们写的歌 What do we do for dinner? 你今天晚饭做什么? We could cook for ourselves. 我们可以留在家里吃自己啊 It's Erika. 我是艾丽 My God. The stalker! 变态影迷 Never mind. It's open. 没关系,门没关 Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. 对,用平底锅打她是个好主意 But we want a backup plan, just in case she isn't a cartoon! 不过,我们应该想点别的以防她不是卡通人物 Let's get out of here! 离开这里 The one time they're not home! 偏挑这个时候不在 We'll leave. When we pass her... 我们走时在楼梯上碰到的时候„ ...she won't know me, because we never met! „她不会知道是我因为我们没有见过啊 That's how radio stars escape stalkers! 那是收音机明星的方法 She's coming! 她来了 It's me. 是我 This is it. This is how we're gonna die. 就这样了,我们就这样死的 You ready? 预备好了? Wait, wait, wait! 等等。。。 ===== 2===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Erika! 艾丽 -Mr. Geller? -Yes, hi. 盖勒先生? Dean Lipson, zoo administrator. 黎迪恩,我是这里的行政组长 You had a question? 听说你有个问题,是不是? I can't find the monkey I donated last year. He's a capuchin... 我似乎找不到我去年捐的猴子它是一只戴帽猿„ ...answers to the name Marcel? „它的名字叫做马赛? I'm afraid I have some bad news. 我恐十自有个坏消息要告诉你 Marcel has passed on. 马赛它已经过世了 Oh, my God. What happened? 天哪,怎么会呢? He got sick, and then he got sicker... 它生病了,然後它病得很重„ ...and then he got a little better. „然後它突然好了一点 But then he died. 然後就死了 I can't believe this! 我真不敢相信 I'm sorry, Mr. Geller. But you know, there's an old saying: 很抱歉,盖勒先生你也知道嘛,俗话说 "Sometimes monkeys die." ”猴子难免一死” It's not a great saying... 不是很好的俗语„ ... but it certainly is fitting today. „用在今天却很贴切 -Someone should've called me. -I'm sorry. 那应该有人通知我才对呀对不起 Look, I know this can't bring him back... 我知道这不能够让它复活„ ... but here, it's just a gesture. „这是我一点心意,请收下 Zoo dollars? 动物园礼券? Yes, and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. 对,四点请过来看一看乌秀金刚鹦鹉戴帽子 It's a lot cuter if your monkey hasn't just died. 你的猴子没死的话会可爱多了 I know. 我知道 I can't believe Joey's having lunch with his stalker! 真不敢相信乔伊去跟他的变态影迷吃饭 What is she like? 她长得怎么样? You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? 你还记得”战栗游戏”里面的凯西贝兹? Well, she looks the exact opposite of that. 她长得跟她完全相反 And she's not crazy? 那她不是疯子吗? Oh, no, no. She's a total whack-job. 不,她的完全秀斗了 She thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray. 她以为乔伊真的是雷崔克医生 Oh, my God! 我的天哪 And he's going out with her? 然後他还要去跟她约会? He cannot pursue this. 他不能这么做的 Just because this woman sees Joey through the magical box... 就因为这个女人以为她可以在她的客厅黑盒里面看乔伊„ ...in her living room doesn't mean she's not a person. „并不表示她就不是人啊 Does she not deserve happiness? Does she not deserve love? 我是说,她应该得到快乐也应该得到爱呀 Why are you looking at me? He's the one who wants to boff the maniac! 你们看我干什么?想上===== 3===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= 那个疯子的是乔伊研 Are you okay? 你还好吧? No. I'm just nervous. 不,我只是很紧张 Maybe if I just picture them all in their underwear.... 如果我幻想他们只穿内衣„ That's not a good idea. That's the reason the last guy got fired. 不,那个主意不好上个家伙就是那样被开除的 I'm used to playing for grownups. 我只是„我习惯为大人演唱 Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. 大人只是„边喝咖啡边做他们大人做的事 And kids... 小孩呢„ ...Iisten. „会专心听 It's just a huge responsibility. 我觉得这个责任好重大 What? 怎么了? Are you gonna kiss me? 你要亲我吗? I was thinking about it. 我正在考虑 Alrighty! Let's play some tunes! 那好,好耶,那我们来些音乐 Ok! Let's find some seats. 我们找个座位. Chandle, we gonna find our seats. 钱德,我们赶紧找个座位. Hold on a second. 好的,等一下下 He thinks he can. 他认为他能... He thinks he can. 他认为他能... Oh, what the hell. 天哪,这是什么鬼东西 He can. 他能! -Hi, everybody. I'm Phoebe. -Hi, Phoebe! -各位,我是菲比 -菲比 I'm gonna play some songs about grandparents, okay? 现在我要唱一首关於祖父母的歌 Now Grandma's a person Who everyone likes 奶奶走到哪里都大受欢迎 She bought you a train And a bright shiny bike 她送你火车跟一辆簇新单车 But lately she hasn't Been coming to dinner 但最近她不再来共进晚餐 And last time you saw her She looked so much thinner 上回你看到她时她看起来瘦多了 Now your mom and your dad said She moved to Peru 你妈跟你爸说她搬去秘鲁 But the truth is she died And someday you will too 事实上她死了,有一天你也会 I will have the great seven, and the doctor, will have the resertal. 我要7号餐,至于医生,就照旧吧 -Oh, Drake, isn't it amazing? -Yeah, it is. 崔克,这真是太好了是啊,没错 What? 怎么了? Well, here we sit, devil-may-care... 现在我们轻松地坐在这儿„ ...and a while ago you were reattaching Simone's spinal cord. „但不久前,你还在重注西蒙的脊髓 That was a tricky one. 是啊,那实在不简单 In reality... 事实上„ ...that operation takes 10 hours. But they only showed it for 2 minutes. „那个手术要花上十几个钟头可是他们只播了两分钟而已 Who's "they"? “他们”是谁, No one. 没有啦 ===== 4===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Drake, you are so talented. Let me see those hands. 崔克,你真有才华让我看看那双手 Oh, these hands, these beautiful hands. 这双美丽的手 I could just eat them. 真想吃掉它们 But I won't. 佄也换 Otherwise my watch would fall off. 不然我的手表一定会掉下来 No, seriously. 不,说真的,这双手„ These hands... 这双 ...these miracle, magical, life-giving hands. „救人无数,创造奇迹的手 Just to be near them, touch them, maybe even lick one? 只要靠近,抚摸或许甚至舔一只就好了 All right. Just one. 好吧,一只就好了 You're good at that. 你很行耶 Oh, my God! Someone! He's choking! 天哪,来人哪,他噎住了 Is anyone here a doctor? 这里有没有医生? Yes, the best doctor in Salem! 沙仑市最好的医生就在这儿 Dr. Drake Ramoray! 雷崔克医生 Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes. 你十五分钟之後到夜行馆等我 Hey, look. I don't really enjoy being with other men that way. 少来了我不喜欢跟别的男人那样 But, zoo dollars? 要动物园礼券吗? It's about your monkey! 我要告诉你有关你猴子的事 It's alive. 它还没死 I don't understand. Why didn't you help that man? 我不懂,你为什么不救他? Because I'm a neurosurgeon... 因为我是神经外科医生 ...and that was clearly a case of... „他显然是患了„ ... "foodal chokage." „“食道阻塞症” I gotta tell you something 好吧,听著我要坦白一件事„ You don't have to tell me anything. 你什么都不用告诉我 You don't have to explain yourself to me. 你不用向我解释什么 Who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Ramoray? 我算老几啊竟然敢怀疑伟大的雷医生 I should be happy to be near you. 能接近你,我就该满足了 Hey, l 黑,我。。。 Hey what? 嘿什么? That's it. Just hey! 就那样,只是嘿 Like at the end of a dance. Hey! 像结束了一首舞那样,嘿 There'll be times when you get older 有一天你们会长大 When you'll want to sleep with people 你们会想跟别人上床 Just to make them like you But don't! 只为搏得他们 'Cause... 因为 ... that's another thing... 因为 ... that you don't wanna do Everybody! „你不要做的事一起来 That's another thing That you don't wanna do 那是另一件你不要做的事 -Excellent! -Very informative! 太棒了,很有教育性 Not at all inappropriate! 点也不会不恰当 Thank you for coming, everybody! There are cookies in the back. 谢谢各位光临後面有饼乾要 ===== 5===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= 送给你们 That was great. 真是棒透了 The kids loved you. 孩子们爱死你了 Yea! I rock! 对呀,我酷毙了 And you know why? Because you told the truth. 你知道为什么吗?因为你说实话 Nobody ever tells kids the truth. 从来没有人对小孩子说实话 You were incredible! 你真是了得 But...? 你真是了得 -How'd you know there was a "but"? -I sense these things. ?这种事情逃不过我的 It was either "but" or "butter." 不是”但是”就是”蛋饼” The thing is, I think some of the parents... 我想问题是有些父母„ ...they were hoping that... „会希望你多唱一点„ ...you'd play more songs about barnyard animals. „农场动物那类的歌曲 I can do that. 这个我办得到啊 Really? 真的, Because that would be fantastic! 因为那样子会非常棒 What? You wanna kiss me? 怎么?你要亲我吗? I'm thinking about it. 我正在考虑 So by the libery car carticuler, we still have some time. 图书馆关门之前,我们还有点时间. What, I'm unemploy. 怎么了,我失业了. The bat. 蝙蝠 Ambassador of darkness. 黑暗世界的大使 Flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger. 像一只插翅的信差冲出了巢穴 Sightless specter of the macabre. 死神之舞的盲目幽灵 Buddy, my monkey? 兄弟,我的猴子呢? Oh, yeah, right. 对了 There was a break-in... 在几个月前„ ...a few months back. Inside job. „这里被洗劫,内贼干的 Your monkey was taken. 你的猴子被偷了 The zoo told me that my monkey was dead! 我的天哪可是动物园说我的猴子死了 The zoo! 动物园 You believe everything the zoo tells you? 你相信动物园说的每一件事吗? That's the only thing the zoo's ever told me. 动物园只是告诉过我这件事 Of course they'll say that! They don't want the bad publicity. 他们当然会说它死了他们害怕消息传出去会不好看 It's all a great big cover-up. 他们掩饰得密不透风 Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? 你知道这件事情牵涉到多高层吗? That guy Lipson? 那个黎先生? Lipson knows? 黎先生知道? -Do you have idea who else knows? -I only know Lipson. -除了黎先生还有谁知道? -我只认识黎先生. Lipson knows, huh? 黎先生知道,是吗? ===== 6===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Hello, Mr. Possum. 哈罗,负子鼠先生 Enigma of the trees, upside-down denizen of the night. 树上的谜团上下颠倒的夜之民 -Taunting gravity -Buddy, my monkey. My monkey? 正在嘲弄著地心引力„兄弟,我的猴子呢? Word on the street 道上的传闻„ When I say "street," I mean those pretend streets here at the zoo. 当我说”道上”的时候我指的是园里的游园道路 Of course. 当然了 Your monkey found a new career... 你的猴子有了新职业了„ ...in the entertainment field. That's all I know. „往娱乐界发展去了我只知道这一些 This is unbelievable! 真是令人难以置信 So what is this information worth to you, my friend? 好了,这个消息对你值多少钱啊,朋友? Are you trying to get me to bribe you? 你是暗示我要贿赂你吗? Maybe. 或许吧 But you already told me everything. 可是你都已经告诉我了 Check it out. 你们看 He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey! 马赛就是啤酒乐广告里的那只猴子 What'll you do? 那你打算怎么办? I'm gonna call the beer company and try to find him. 我要打电话给那家啤酒厂问他们它在哪里啊 That's what I did when I lost my Clydesdales. 我丢了马儿时就是这么做的 Okay, hi again! 你们好 Hi, Phoebe! 菲此好 Today, we're gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. 今天我们要先唱一些关於农场动物的歌曲 Oh, the cow in the meadow goes "moo" 草地上的牛说哞 Oh, the cow in the meadow goes "moo" 草地上的牛说哞 Then the farmer hits him And grinds him up 农夫在敲它的头把它绞成肉酱 And that's how we get hamburgers 汉堡就是这样来的 Now chickens! 现在„鸡 Only you who can save her, Drake! 崔克,你是唯一救得了她的人 Damn it! I'm a doctor. I'm not God! 该死,我是医生,我不是神 There goes my whole belief system. 我的信仰就是这样被推翻了的 It's Erika. 是艾丽 Quick! Shut off the TV. 老天,快,关掉电视 I wanna see what happens! 不,我要看结果 I get Leslie out of the coma then we make out. 我救丝莉脱离昏迷状态然後我们亲热 How can that be? You were kissing Sabrina! 怎么可能?你刚才亲了莎宾娜 Rachel, it's a world where Joey is a neurosurgeon. 瑞秋,那只是乔伊是神经外科医生的世界 Hey, Erika. Come in. 艾丽,请进 How did you get here so fast? I just saw you in Salem. 你怎么这么快就到了?我刚刚还在沙仑看到你 Right, they choppered me in. 对,他们用„直升机送我 What's up? 什么事? ===== 7===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= You're having a little party too! 还有一场小派对 -ls she here? -Who? 她在吗,谁呀, Sabrina. I know about you two! 莎宾娜,你们的事我全知道了 I saw you today, kissing in the doctor's lounge. 我看到你们两个在医生休息室里接吻 It's not what you think 不是你想的那样子啦,那是„ You told me I was the only one! 你说你心里只有我 All right, look. That's it. 好,听著,够了 We shouldn't see each other anymore. 我想我们不该再见面了 I should have told you a long time ago... 我知道我很久以前就应该告诉你了„ ... but I am not Drake Ramoray. „我并不是雷崔克医生 I'm not even a doctor. I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. 我连医生都不是,我是个演员我只是假装我是医生而已 Oh, my God! Do the people at the hospital know? 天哪,那医院的人知道这件事情吗? Somebody wanna help me out here? 你们谁来帮帮忙,好不好? Oh, I know! I know! 我知道。。。 Where am I? 我在哪里? University Hospital... 大学的附设医院„ ... where you've been for the last 18 years. „你已经在这里度过十八年了 How can you be here and there? 你怎么会在两个地方? Because it's a TV show! 因为那是电视节目 What are you getting at? 崔克,你到底要说什么? Nice girl, not great with concept. 好姑娘,就是有点概念不清 I'm not Drake! 我不是崔克 That's right! He's not Drake. He's... 没错他不是崔克,他是„ ... Hans Ramoray, Drake's evil twin! „雷汉斯,崔克邪恶的双胞胎 Is this true? 真的吗? Yes! Yes, it is true! 是真的 And I know this... 我知道因为„ ... because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me! „他假装他是崔克来„来骗我上床 And then he told me he would run away with me! 然後他告诉我他要带我私奔 And he didn't! 他骗我 And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! 然後你马桶盖没有放下来你这个浑蛋 Is all this true? 这些都是真的吗? Yes, I'm afraid it is. 是,恐怕是真的了 You deserve much better than me. 我根本配不上你,艾丽 You deserve to be with the real Drake. He's the one you fell in love with. 你应该跟真正的崔克在一起你爱上的人是他 Go to Salem. Find him! 去沙仑吧,去找他 He's the guy for you! 他才是你的王子 Oh, Hans! 汉斯 Hans? 汉斯? Hans! 汉斯! Yo, evil twin! 邪恶的双胞胎 ===== 8===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Right. Goodbye, Erika. 对,再见,艾丽 Good luck in Salem. 一切顺利 Take care. 保重了 I'll never forget you, Hans. 我永远不会忘记你的 All right. The people who threw the water! 刚才是谁向我泼水 Helping you out! 我们只是想帮你 Fired? 开除? Why? 为什么? The library board got a lot of complaints from parents... 有很多父母向图书馆的董事会投诉„ ...about the stuff in your songs. „你歌词里的一些内容有问题 I can't believe this is the libery! 我真不敢相信这就是图书馆 -I mean, books, freespeech, newspapers on sticks. -I know. -我是说,书啊,演讲啊,报纸啊都在说这些 -是的,我知道 What about the kids. 那孩子们怎么办 Did you tell your board that the kids want to hear the truth? 难道说你没有告诉你的董事会孩子们多么想听实话吗? I see. 我懂了 Maybe if you just played some regular kiddy songs? 或许如果你只是唱一些一般的儿歌 What do you want me to be? Like some... 不,你要„我当什么呢? ...stupid, big, like, purple dinosaur? „当一只愚蠢的紫色大恐龙吗? You don't have to be Barney. 我又没说你必须当巴尼 Who's Barney? 巴尼是谁啊? I tracked down Marcel and get this. He's healthy, he's happy... 我是追查马赛追查到这个的现在它很健康也很快乐„ ...and he's in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan. „它在纽约拍”危机总动员病毒肆虐曼哈顿” You're kidding! 你骗人 -This is amazing! -I know. 简直绝妙,我知道 I finally get a part on TV, and the monkey's making movies. 我才终於混上电视这猴子开始拍电影了 Rachel, I'm ready. 瑞秋,我好了 Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady is, who tells the truth? 抱歉,这是那个说实话的唱歌小姐吗? I guess that's me. 对呀,我猜那就是我 She's here! 她在这里 Sometimes men love women 有时男人爱女人 Sometimes men love men 有时男人爱男人 Then there are bisexuals 然後还有双性恋 Though some just say They're kidding themselves 虽然有些说他们在骗自己 This is exciting! I haven't seen my monkey in a year. 真是令人兴奋我都快一年没见到我的猴子了 What, you never look down in the shower? 你洗澡从来不往下看吗? I'm not allowed to make one joke in the "monkey is penis" genre? 我连说个”猴子等於命根子”===== 9===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= 的笑话都不可以吗? Back up, please. 好了,好了 Back up. Come on. 各位,往後退 Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? 打扰了那只猴子在什么地方? I'm sorry. It's a closed set. 抱歉,各位这场戏不对外开放 I'm sorry, you don't understand. I'm a friend of his. 对不起,你不了解我„我是它的朋友 We used to live together. 我们„我们以前住在一起的 And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. 是啊,我跟海豚飞宝还在波可若分租公寓过呢 There he is! 罗斯,它在那里 Hey! Buddy! 兄弟 Marcel! Marcel! 兄弟 In the jungle 在丛林里 The mighty jungle 偌大的丛林 The lion sleeps tonight 今夜狮子睡著了 In the jungle The mighty jungle 在丛林里,偌大的丛林 The lion sleeps tonight 今夜狮子睡著了 Excuse me, this is a 抱歉,各位,这片场„ Closed set. We know. But we're friends with the monkey. 不对外,我们知道我们是猴子的朋友 Good morning. 早安 Look who I brought! 伙计,你看我带谁来了 Your old friend, Harry Elafonte! 是你的老朋友耶,毛毛芳 Whoa, dude. Burn! 真惨! I don't get it. 我不懂 He seemed so happy to see me yesterday. 它昨天好像很高兴看到我 Don't take it personal. He's under pressure, starring in a movie and all. 放在心上,它近来压力很大你知道,主演一部电影 How big of a star is Marcel? 马赛现在到底有多大牌呀? In human terms? I'd say... 用人来此啊,我说像„ ... Cybill Shepherd. „西碧雪佛 So you guys in the movie or you just really paranoid? 你们是有份演出的还是你们小题大作而已? Hey, Sal? 沙尔? Jerry wants to know if the monkey's ready. 杰利想知道猴子可以上地铁那一幕了吗? Excuse me? 抱歉 Jerry is the director? Which one's he? 杰利是导演吗?他是哪一个? -The one in the director's chair? -Gotcha. 就是坐在导演椅子那个我懂了 Pheebs, walk with me. 菲此,我们走 Why am I walking with you? 我干嘛要跟你走? We're just going over here so that we can get away from... 我们只是要走过来这里远离那些„ ...the horrible flesh-eating virus! „嗜血肉的可怕病毒 For the love of God, woman, listen to me! 看在老天的份上,听我说 Is he looking? Is he looking? 他有没有在看?有没有在看? ===== 10===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= -We've got a problem. -Tell me. 我有个难题 I can't do Chris' makeup. 我没有办法帮克丽化妆 She refuses to acknowledge her mustache. 她拒绝承认她的嘴巴上有胡子 -ls it bad? -lt looks like her eyebrow fell down. 很多吗?像道眉毛掉到嘴上似的 Unless we convince her to let me bleach it... 除非有人说服她让我帮她漂白„ ...Van Damme will be making out with Gabe Kaplan. „不然尚克劳范达美就得去跟大胡子亲热了 I'll talk to her. 我去跟她谈谈 I hate actors. 我讨厌演员 Nice camouflage. For a minute there, I almost didn't see you. 老兄,伪装得不错我刚才差点没看到你 Excuse me. 抱歉 Is your name Chandler? 你叫钱德吗? Yes, it is. 对,没错 Chandler Bing. 钱德宾 Do you know me or are you just really good at this game? 你认识我?还是你很会钓男人? I'm Susie Moss. 我是莫苏西 Fourth grade? Glasses? 四年级呀,戴眼镜 I carried a box of animal crackers like a purse? 我常常像拿手提包一样拿一包动物饼乾 Susie Moss! 莫苏西 Right! Yeah! Wow! 对呀,是呀 You look.... 你真是„ Great job growing up. 女大十八变 It's nice to see you don't still wear the cap with the mirrors on it. 很高兴看到你不再戴那顶缀满小镜子的牛仔帽 I graduated fourth grade and realized I wasn't a pimp. 升上五年级之后我发现我不是个拉皮条的 Remember the class play? 记得班上的话剧吗? You pulled up my skirt and the entire auditorium saw my underpants? 你掀我的裙子全礼堂的人都看到我的内裤了 Yes. Back then, I used humor as a defense mechanism. 对,那个时候我用我的幽默感来保护自己 Thank God I don't do that anymore. 谢天谢地,我现在不用那样了 What you have been doing since childhood? 那之后你怎么样 Well, I got a new belt. 我有了一条新腰带 I wondered! 我很期待 -Oh, my God! -What? What? 天啊。。。,怎么了, It's Jean-Claude Van Damme. 是尚克劳范达美 I didn't know he was in this movie. He is so hot! 我不知道他在这部电影里面他好帅啊 You think? 真的吗? The Muscles from Brussels? Wham-Bam-Van-Damme? ”此利时大汉”啊”悍将范达美” Did you see Time Cop? 你看过”时空特警”吗? No. Was he any good in it? 没有啊,他演得很好吗? ===== 11===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Rachel, he totally changed time! 瑞秋,他完全改变了时空 So why don't you go talk to him? 那你过去跟他讲话嘛 Go tell him he's cute. What's the worst that could happen? 你过去告诉他,他很可爱最糟能怎样 呢? He could hear me. 他会听到的 -I'm doing it for you. -Don't you dare! Don't! 少来了,好吧,我去帮你讲瑞秋,不要„ Don't! 不要 Tell him I cook! 说我会做菜 Excuse me. 对不起 This is gonna sound kind of goofy... 这样会有一点怪怪的„ ... but my friend over there... 我那边那个朋友„ ...who cooks, by the way.... 她很会做菜„ She thinks you're cute. 她觉得你很可爱 You don't think I'm cute? 你不这么觉得吗? I don't know. 我不知道 Do you think you're cute? 你觉得你可爱吗? We're getting off the track. I was supposed to tell you... 我们扯太远了我是过来告诉你„ ... my friend thinks you're cute. „我朋友她觉得你很可爱 What should I tell her? 我该怎么告诉她呢? You can tell her I think her friend is cute. 告诉她我觉得她的朋友,很可爱 -Makeup! -That's me. I gotta go. 十匕妆叫我了,我得走了 How many times must I touch you on the arm before you ask me on a date? 我得碰你老兄的手 多少次你才会开尊口约我出去呢? Well, let's try one more. 我想再试一次 There you go. Ernie's, 8:00? 我们去”厄尼”,八点钟 I'll be there. 我会到 And if things go well, maybe this time... 谁知道,一切顺利的话或许这一次„ ... I'll get to see your underwear. „我能看到你的内裤 No one was around to hear that? 没人在这里听这个? So what'd he say? 他怎么说? What a jerk! 他真浑蛋 I kept talking about you, and he kept asking me out. 我一直在跟他谈你可是他却一直想要约我 Naturally, you know, I said no. 我当然是说不行罗 Thanks, anyway. 还是谢了 He just kept asking... 但是他一直约我„ ...and asking, asking, asking.... 约我„ If you want to go out with him, you can. 如果你想跟他约会的话就去啊 Sounds like a jerk to me, but 他听起来像是个浑蛋,但... Jean-Claude, she said yes! I'll see you tonight! 尚克劳,她说好,今晚见 Thank you. 谢谢 Then Jean-Claude took me to Crossroads... 然後尚克劳带我去”十字路口” ...and we hung out with Drew Barrymore. „我们在那里跟芙儿芭莉摩鬼混 Oh, man. She's so smokin'! 老兄,她好惹火 ===== 12===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= She's got the greatest set of 她有对最炫的„ No guys around, huh? 这儿没男的? -Does anybody need anything? -I'll have an espresso. 有谁需要什么吗?我来杯浓缩咖啡 I'll get it. 我还是自己去拿 If I ask you to, you'll end up drinking it yourself. 叫你去的话说不定最後会被你喝掉 -That is so unfair. -I know. 好不公平啊,我知道 Like you'd drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme? 你跟范达美那样对她之後还要喝她的咖啡吗? I have to cancel racquetball tonight. 乔伊,我要取消今晚的壁球 Marcel's trainer will let me have him for a couple of hours. 刚刚是马赛的训练师他会把马赛让给我几个小时 You're blowing me off for a monkey? 你为了猴子失我的约? We can reschedule for Saturday. 我们可以改星期六打呀 Unless you hook up with a bunch of pigeons. 对,除非你搭上一票鸽子 Stick a fork in me... 用叉子叉我„ ... I am done! „我熟了 Stick a fork what? 用叉子什么? Like when you're cooking a steak. 像你煎牛排那样啊 I don't eat meat. 我不吃肉的 How do you know vegetables are done? 那你怎么知道菜熟了呢? Well, you don't. You eat them and you can tell. 不知道啊只要吃一口就知道了 Okay, then eat me, I'm done! 那吃我吧,我熟了 I've met the perfect woman. 我遇见完美的女人了 We're sitting on her couch, fooling around... 我们坐在沙发上我们在亲热„ ...and then she turns to me and says: „突然她转过来对我说: "Did you ever want to do it in an elevator?" ”你有想过在电梯里做吗?” What did you say? 那你说什么? I believe my exact words were.... 我相信我的回答是„ How do you know if you wanna do that? 你怎么知道要不要在电梯里做? You just know. 你就是知道 We gotta go. Got a reservation in 30 minutes. 我们得走了三十分钟后订了餐厅位置 What I had planned shouldn't take more than two, three minutes, tops. 我的计昼最多绝对不会超过两,三分钟的 Two hundred seconds of passion! We gotta go. 两百秒钟的激情,我们得走了 But... 但是„ ... here's an idea. „我有个主意 Have you ever worn women's underwear? 你有没有穿过女人的内衣呀? Well, yes, actually... 这个事实上,有„ ... but they were my Aunt Edna's. „是我艾达姑妈的 And there were three of us in there. 条裤子里挤了三个人 I was thinking it would be kind of sexy... 我在想,如果你今天„ ...if you wore mine tonight at dinner. „晚饭的时候穿我的内衣会蛮性感的 You want me to wear your panties? 你要我穿你内裤? ===== 13===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Could you? 可以吗? If I was wearing your underwear... 若我穿了你内裤的话,那么„ ...then what would you be wearing? „你要穿什么? You're swell! 你太棒了 Got the music, got the dinner. 有音乐,有晚餐 I made Marcel's favorite dish, banana cake... 我还做了马赛最喜欢吃的香蕉蛋糕„ ...with mealworm. „加了虫虫 Candle. 蜡烛啊 What do you think's gonna happen here tonight? 你以为今天晚上这儿会发生什么事啊? Hi, are you on your way over 你正要过来„ No, I understand. A monkey's gotta work. 不会„我了解我是说,猴子得工作嘛 It's no big deal. 不,小事一桩嘛 It's not like I had anything special planned. 又不是说„我计划了什么特别的 -You feel that? -what? -你感觉到了吗? -什么? We passed moment we should stop holding hands. 我们是不是应该放开手了 Rachel, why don't you start talking first? 瑞秋那我们就由你先开始说好了 I feel that this is totally unjustified. 好吧,我觉得她这样是完全没道理的 She gave me the green light, I did nothing 她说我可以的我又没做什么„ Do you think I can't see you in the TV set? 你以为我在电视上看不到你吗? If there's something you'd like to share 好了,摩妮卡你有什么话要说就说好了„ You had no right to go out with him! 你没有这个权利跟他出去 -That's the most ridiculous -You sold me out! 你这么说太荒唐了吧你出卖我 -I did not! -You absolutely 我才没有出卖你呢有,你有 Would you let me talk! 你让我讲好不好? Did you just flick me? 你刚刚弹我的头? Well, you wouldn't let me finish and I was 你不让我说完,我只是想„ That hurt! 好痛啊 Quit flicking! 别弹了 Stop flicking! 你,你别弹了 You flicked me first! 是你先弹的,是你先弹的 Let's not do this! 别这样,别这样嘛 Happy thoughts! 想点快乐的事 Now I'm gonna kick some ass! 好吧,老娘要教训人了 All right. Now, I will let go if you both stop. 好吧你们住手的话我就放手 You want me to stop seeing him? 你要我不再见他吗? You want me to just tell him you're seeing him instead? 你要我打电话给他告诉他你要替我跟他 约会吗? Is that what you want? 你想这样吗? That's what you want? 你就是想这样?是的 -Fine! -Fine! 好好很很 There we go. 好了 If we were in prison, you guys would be, like, my bitches. 我们要是在牢里的话你们就会是我 的女人 ===== 14===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= Thanks for letting me tag along. 谢谢你们今天晚上让我跟 Forget about it. 何需挂齿 How you doing there, squirmy? 你觉得怎么样,扭动先生? I'm hanging in. 我窝在里面 And a little out. 有一点出来 So assistant to the director? 你是导演的助理? That's an exciting job. You must have a ton of responsibilities 你的工作一定很有意思你一定有很多很酷的责任„ I don't do the casting. 我跟选角完全无关 So what are you guys gonna eat? 你们大家想吃什么? How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth... 为什么我满脑子都想著把那冰块放进嘴里„ ...and licking you all over? „然後舔遍你的全身? Because I went to an all-boys high school, and God is making up for it? 因为我上的高中是男校现在神要补偿我? I want you right here... 我现在就要你„ ... right now. „在这里 Right now, right here? 现在?在这里? Don't you think we're in kind of a public place? 你不认为这里是公共场所吗? They do have the shrimp. 这里有活虾 Meet me in the bathroom. 到洗手间等我 I'm going to the bathroom now. 现在我要去洗手间了 Come on. 来呀 All right, mister. 好,先生 Let's see those panties. 给我看那条内裤 Alrighty. 遵命 But you know what would be even sexier? 你知道怎么样会更性感吗? What? 怎么样? If you didn't have your shirt tucked into them. 你没把你的衬衫塞进去的话 All right. Now, I would like to see you wearing nothing but them. 好,现在呢我想看你只穿那件内裤 Take your clothes off. 把衣服脱下来 I hope you realize this means we'll miss hearing about the specials. 好吧,但是你要知道这表示我们会错过特餐的介绍 Come on, hurry! 来,快点... Do you want this done quick or done right? 你要我快点弄好还是要我做得好? All right, turn around. I wanna see you from behind. 好,转过去,我要看你的後面 Somebody's been doing his Buns of Steel video. 有人跟著”钢铁玻璃”录影带运动 So you want me to clench anything or...? 所以你要我缩紧什么吗?或者是„ Susie? 苏西„ This is for the fourth grade. 这个就是报四年级的仇 -What do you mean? -What do I mean? 什么意思啊?什么”什么意思”? What do I mean?! 什么意思? ===== 15===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= I mean underpants, mister! That's what I mean! 我的意思是内裤,先生那就是我的意思 What? What do you mean? 什么意思? My skirt... 我的裙子„ ...you lifted. IKids laughing! „你掀开了,大家笑了 I was Susie Underpants till I was 18! 到十八岁大家还叫我内裤苏西 That was in fourth grade! How could you still be upset? 那是四年级的事了你怎会到现在都还在生气呢? Call me in 20 years and tell me if you're still upset about this. 你二十年後打电话给我告诉我你是不是还在生气 I hope you realize you're not getting these underpants back! 我也要告诉你你这条内裤我是不会还你的 I can't believe this. 我真不敢相信 Just two weeks ago, I was watching Sudden Death... 两个礼拜前我还在看”绝命杀阵”„ ...and now I'm on a date with Jean-Claude Van Damme. „现在我竟然在跟范达美约会 Can you beat up that guy? 你能打扁那个家伙吗? -Can you beat up that guy? -Sure. 扁这个咧,当然 This is so wild. 这太疯狂了 I gotta admit, I was surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date. 我得承认我有点奇怪你会同意跟我来个盲目约会 Normally, I would not do it. 通常我是不会答应的 What made you make the exception for me? 是吗?那你为什么会为我破例呢? Rachel told me... 因为瑞秋告诉我说 ...you were dying to have a threesome with me and Drew Barrymore. „你想跟我还有芙儿芭莉摩来个”三人行”啊 By the way, Drew has some ground rules and.... 对了,芙儿她有一些规矩的„ Say you're sorry! 说你对不起我 Say it! 说~ No! I'm not gonna! 不,我才不要跟你说抱歉呢 Say it! Say it! Great! 快说„好极了 Say you're sorry or your sweater gets it. 瑞秋,道歉不然你的毛衣就遭殃 That is my favorite sweater! That is my third-date sweater! 那是我最喜欢的毛衣我第三次约会的毛衣 Say you're sorry. 说,你很抱歉 You wanna play? Okay, let's play. 你想玩,是不是? Let's play. 好,咱们就来玩 What'll you do? 你想怎么样? Give me back my sweater or it's handbag marinara. 把毛衣还给我不然我就酱腌皮包 You don't have the guts. 你才不敢这么做 Yeah? At least I wasn't too chicken to tell some guy he was cute. 是吗?至少我不会不敢告诉男人,我觉得他很可爱 Stop! Stop the madness! 好了,住手,你们别疯了 This is crazy! 你们两个疯了 Who can remember why you're fighting in the first place? 现在你们谁还记得你们本来在吵些什===== 16===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= 么东西吗? Yes, that's right. 对,没错 But still.... 但是„ Look at your purse! 看看你的皮包 Look at your sweater! 看看你的毛衣 Look at yourselves! 看看你们两个人 I'll help you fix your sweater. 我会帮你补毛衣的 I'll help you... 我会帮你„ ...throw out your purse. „丢掉皮包 I'm sorry I made you stop seeing him. 对不起,我阻止你再见他 I'm sorry I went out with him when I knew you liked him. 对不起我知道你喜欢他还跟他约会 I'm sorry that I borrowed your gloves. 对不起,我„借了你的手套 Joey? 乔伊? Ma? 妈? What are you doing here? I thought you guys took off. 你在这儿干嘛?我以为你们走了 She took off with my clothes! 她带著我的衣服走了 -Are you naked in there? -Well, not exactly. 你一丝不挂,不完全是 I'm wearing panties. 我穿著女生内裤 You always wear panties? 你经常穿女生内裤吗? No, no. This is the first time. 不„这是第一次 Talk about your bad luck! 你还真够倒楣 The first time you try panties and someone walks off with your clothes. 第一次试女生内裤然後衣服就被别人给带走了 I was not trying them out. Susie asked me to wear them. 不是我要穿的是苏西叫我穿的 Let me see! 让我看看,不要 No! I'm not letting you or anybody else see, ever! 我才不让你或任何人看呢 All right, all right! 好吧... Someone's flossing! 有人在用”牙线” Joey, some people don't like that. 乔伊,有些人不喜欢那样的 Chandler's wearing panties. 钱德穿女生内裤 What? 什么? -Let me see! -You don't have to see! -让我看看! -你没必要看! Hi, tushy! 小屁屁 One of you give me your underpants. 你们谁把你们的内裤借我穿 I'm not wearing any. 帮不上忙,我不穿内裤的 How can you not be wearing any? 你怎么会没穿内裤呢? I'm getting heat from the guy in the hot pink thong. 穿粉红丁字裤的人倒训起人来了 Look, Ross. I'll give you $50 for your underpants. 听我说,罗斯,我出五十块钱买你的内裤,好吗? -Can I have the milk? -I'm almost done with it. -菲比,牛奶用完给我好吗? -我快好了 Keep your panties on. 拉住裤裤不要急嘛 And I'm in the movie! 各位,我在电影里了 -What happened? -A virus victim called in sick... 怎么了?有个病者请病假„ ===== 17===== 老友记第二季第十二集中英剧本= ...so Cathy recommended me and boom! I'm dying on a gurney! „所以凯西就推荐我上场我会死在担架上 Marcel just finished his last scene, if you wanna go say goodbye. 罗斯,马赛刚拍完最後一幕如果你要去现场跟它道别就„ That's okay. He's probably got parties to go to and stuff. 不,没关系啦他说不定还有派对什么的要去 He's moved on. That's the way it goes, right? 它继续它的生活了生活就是这样子,对不对? Oh, my God! 天啊 What? 什么? Looks like we made it 看来我们成功了 Left each other on the way... 成功忘记对方„ ... to another love „找到新欢 Looks like we made it 看来我们成功了 Or I thought so, till today 今天以前,我还如是想 Until you were there, everywhere 直到看到你为止 And all I could taste was Love the way we made it 看到你,往日回忆涌上心头 Looks like we made it 看来我们成功了 I'm sorry. It has work between you and me. Or you and me. 非常抱歉,工作成了你我的障碍. 当然也是你我之间的 Drew was very disapoited. 吉尔非常失望 Well, bye for me too. 我也要告别一个 Okay, we will bye-bye again. 好吧,我们再告别一次 Perhaps the three of us. Just... 或者就我们三个... Are you sure, I can crush longer with my butt. 你们确定吗?我可以坚持很长时间的 No, no, no...Impressive but no. 不不,很不错不过还是算了 Bye, Marcel! 再见,马修! See you on the big screen. 大屏幕上见 You keep people drinking that beer. 让那些家伙不停的喝那些啤酒 I will miss you buddy. 我会想你的,伙计! I think I want to write a song about all this. 我想我应该写一首关于这件事的歌 Except one of the strings on my guitar is broken. 只是我的吉他有条弦断了 Chandler, can I borrow your G-string? 钱德,丁字裤借我,好吗? -How long you been waiting to say that? -About 20 minutes! 你等说这句话等了很久了吧?大概二十分钟啊 Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying! 你们看不出来吗?这个人快死了 Cut! 停 Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying! 你们看不出来吗?这个人快死了 Cut! 停 Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying! 你们看不出来吗?这个人快死了 Mommy! 妈咪 Can't you see what's going on? This man is dead! 你们看不出来吗?这个人死了 ===== 18=====
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