首页 这篇升级指南是wow-pro网站上Jame's升级指南的前篇在完...



这篇升级指南是wow-pro网站上Jame's升级指南的前篇在完...这篇升级指南是wow-pro网站上Jame's升级指南的前篇在完... This guide is a prequel to Jame's leveling guide found here on wow-pro. At the end of this guide, you will have the necessary flight paths and an almost completely empty quest log, with exception of a few quests that wil...

这篇升级指南是wow-pro网站上Jame's升级指南的前篇在完... This guide is a prequel to Jame's leveling guide found here on wow-pro. At the end of this guide, you will have the necessary flight paths and an almost completely empty quest log, with exception of a few quests that will be handed in while following Jame's guide. It is a lot less polished than Jame's guide, but should provide sufficient information where you can complete the quests even without maps. That being said, if you plan to rewrite it in the same style as Jame's guides, feel free to do so, just be sure to credit me for it. 這篇升級指南是wow-pro網站上Jame’s昇級指南的前篇。在完成 這份指南後,你將會有必須的飛行路徑鳥點及幾乎完全空白的任 務日誌,但會有少數幾個任務存在是為了銜接Jame’s昇級指南。 與Jame’s昇級指南相比,本升級指南僅有較少的修飾,但是應該 已提供充分的資訊即使不用地圖亦可令使用者輕鬆完成任務。我 這麼說,如果你計畫用Jame’s昇級指南的風格重寫本份指南,盡 管去作,只要確定文中說明是引用我的這份指引即可。 This is still the first version which may contain some errors or inconsistancies. Please report them in the comments so I will be able to fix it. Also suggestions to add quests I may have missed are welcome. 本篇仍然是第一版其中可能包含某些錯誤或前後矛盾之處。請用 回覆議見的方式告知以便利我日後修正之。同時歡迎建議新增一 些我所遺忘的好任務。 To begin, it is expected that you have done the Deadmines and are in possession of the Unsent Letter which VanCleef drops, or have one of the follow up quests in your log. If you don't have it, you're going to miss a lot of xp and one of the best rings you can get at low level, so do the Deadmines first if you don't have it. Also, if you have quested in Darkshore, it is expected that you have the quest “The tower of Althalaxx” where you are required to deliver a letter to Delgren. If you don't have this quest, don't worry too much about it, it's completely optional. 在開始階段,希望你已刷完了死亡礦坑(副本)任務,並已拿到由 艾德溫?范克里夫所掉落的一封「未寄出的信」,或是有這封信所 觸發的任務:“未寄出的信”。如果你沒有這任務,你將會失去許多的經驗值及一個在低階可獲得的最好的戒子,所以如果你還沒 刷完死亡礦坑,首先趕快去刷吧。 Items needed: 1 x Bronze Tube 4 x (Minor Mana Potions) 2 x (Elixirs of Minor Fortitude) Buy these from the AH or make them as soon as possible. 需要物品: 1個青銅管 4罐初級法力藥水 2罐初級堅韌藥劑 可由拍賣場買或自行製作(盡快獲得) This guide starts in Auberdine, if you're there already make it your home. If you're on the eastern continent, this means you have to travel through the Wetlands and take the boat there. Feel free to take the quest “The Algaz Gauntlet” in north Loch Modan and the quest “Daily Delivery” while going there, but we'll deal with those later. Also, if you're on the eastern continent, make Menethil harbour your home instead of Auberdine. 這昇級指南開始於黑海岸的奧伯丁,如果你已在奧伯丁將其設為 你的家。如果你是在東部王國,這 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示你必須旅行經由濕地的米 奈希爾港坐船到黑海岸的奧伯丁。在經過洛克莫丹北部時可以和 「巡山人羅克加」接任務“丹奧加茲告急”而到了濕地的米奈希爾港則可以和「埃納爾?石鉗」接“日常供貨”任務,我們會於其後處 理這任務。並且,如果你是來自於東部王國,則將濕地的米奈希 爾港設為你的家。 1. (Darkshore) Optional: In Auberdine get the quest “Trek to Ashenvale” from Sentinel Selarin. She's only around when someone completes "A Lost Master", so just skip it if you can't find her. It's just a nice bonus when you're traveling to Ashenvale, but it is not required. 隨意的(非必須的):到了奧伯丁港和哨兵塞拉伊接“梣谷之旅”, 這任務必須先解完“丟失的主人”任務之後哨兵塞拉伊才會出現,因此如果你沒有發現哨兵塞拉伊可以直接略過這個任務。有 這任務僅是當你前往梣谷時可獲得不錯的經驗值,但這不是必須 的。 Travel south the grove of the ancients and get the quest “The Sleeper Has Awakened” from Kerlonian Evershade at 44,76. If he's not there it probably means someone else is doing this quest, you can either skip it or wait for hin to respawn. Get the horn from the chest and get back to the road and continue south. Whenever Kerlonian falls asleep, use the horn to wake him. As soon as he says anything else besides that's he's sleepy, it means some enemies are coming. If you run north immediately, you can avoid fighting them all at once, but if you can't avoid the fight be sure you both survive. If you fail this quest it's probably going to take longer for him to respawn than it's worth, so just abandon it and move on. 往南走到古樹之林和克羅尼亞?恒影(44,76)接任務“昏昏欲睡”。如 果他不在那裡有可能是其他玩家正在執行這任務,你可以等他重 生或直接跳過此任務。如果接了任務則可以在NPC旁邊地上的 箱子裡拿到一個號角然後回到路上繼續往南走。當克羅尼亞?恒 影睡著時,使用號角叫醒他,只要他開始說任何其他的話除了是 說他想睡之外,這表示有某些敵人正要來了。此時不要停下來或 立刻往北方走,可以避開與敵人的對戰,但是如果你無法避免與 敵人的對戰則必須確保你及克羅尼亞?恒影都存活下來。如果你 任務執行失敗則不值得花較長的時間等NPC重生,可以放棄這 任務繼續往梣谷走。 2. -(Ashenvale – run 1) At Maestra's post, hand in “The Sleeper Has Awakened” and “The Tower of Althalaxx” (optional if you quested in Darkshore before) and get the follow up. Get the quest “Barthran's Hair. Go north to Barthran's Haunt and get 5 of these from the ground. On your way back, visit the Ruins of Ordil'Aran and get a Glowing Soul Gem. Head back and turn the quests in, get the follow ups “Orendil's Cure” and “The Tower of Althalaxx”. Go south to Astranaar, get the flight path and the quests: 走到邁斯特拉崗哨的利拉迪斯?月河還任“昏昏欲睡”及“奧薩拉克斯之塔”(如果之前在黑海岸有接此任務)並取得其後續任務。找奧 雷迪爾?闊葉接任務“巴斯蘭的頭髮”。往北邊走到那座巴斯蘭鬼屋 的廢墟在地上撿取5個巴斯蘭的頭髮。在回到邁斯特拉崗哨的路 上打暗灘祭司或暗灘精兵直到獲得「發光的靈魂寶石」,回到邁 斯特拉崗哨找奧雷迪爾?闊葉還任務並接後續的任務“奧雷迪爾的藥劑”及“奧薩拉克斯之塔”。之後往南走到「阿斯特蘭納」取得 鳥點及以下的任務: Elune's Tear at 37, 51 (follow up from Orendil's Cure) The Zoram Strand at 34, 48 Raene's Cleansing, from the lady with the tiger and wolf named Raene On Guard in Stonetalon at 34, 39 Journey to Stonetalon Peak “月神之淚”於座標37,51(“奧雷迪爾的藥劑”的後續任務) “佐拉姆海岸”於座標34,48 “萊恩的淨化”,和萊恩?狼行者接任務 “守衛石爪山”於座標34,39 “石爪峰之旅”,和法德瑞斯?戈森沙爾接任務 Go to the Zoram strand and get the quest “The Ancient Statue” from Talen at 14,31. Go north and kill naga and get the statue at 14,20. After getting enough heads, go back to Talen and hand the quest in, do not get the follow up. Go to Lake Falathim west of Astranaar and get the gem and journal from Teronis' body. Head back to Astranaar and hand in “Raene's Cleansing”, get the follow up, hand in “The Zoram Strand” and get the follow up “Pridewings of Stonetalon”. Go east to Iris lake and get Elune's tear. Head back to the road and follow the instructions given in the quest log to find Shael'dryn at his moonwell. Hand in Raene's Cleansing and get the follow up. Now go south towards Talondeep Path located at 42,72. Go through the tunnel and you'll arrive in Stonetalon Mountains. 前往西北方的佐拉姆海岸在座標14,31處和「塔爾倫」接任務“遠 古雕像”。一路往北走殺納迦到座標14,20處取得「古代雕像」。在取得20顆「怒尾納迦的頭顱」後回到「塔爾倫」處回任務, 不要接後續的任務。前往阿斯特蘭納西方的法拉希姆湖在湖中央 的小島上找到泰洛尼斯的屍體並取得寶石及日誌。返回阿斯特蘭 納還任務“萊恩的淨化”並接其後續之任務,還任務“佐拉姆海岸” 並接後續任務“石爪山的雙足飛龍”。往東走到伊瑞斯湖取得月神之淚(46.45的地上,湖的中心)回到路上依任務日誌到月井尋找一 個名叫莎爾蒂恩的林精(53,46)。還任務“萊恩的淨化”並接其後續 之任務。現在往南走到「石爪小徑」(42,72)。經過隧道你將會到達石爪山脈。 3. -(Stonetalong Mountains - run 1) You will start in Windshear Crag, head southwest until and get the quest “Super Reaper 6000” from Ziz Fizziks at 58,62. Head southwest to 59,66 and hand in “On Guard in Stonetalon” and get the follow up. Immediately hand it in and get the follow up “A Gnome's Respite” from Gaxim Rustfizzle. Go back northwest and kill the required Venture Co. members and get the blueprints. Hand in the blueprints, don't get the follow up. Hand in “A Gnome's Respite” and get the follow ups “An Old Colleague” and “A Scroll from Mauren”. A human not hard to miss in Stormwind, yeah right. 你將會開始於狂風峭壁,往南走到座標(58,62)處和菲茲克斯接任務“超級收割機6000”。往西南走到座標(59,66)還任務“守衛石爪山”給加克希姆?塵鏈並接其後續任務。立刻交任務後再接後續任 務 “地精學者”。往東北方向走回並在路上殺掉10名風險投資公司樵夫和10名風險投資公司砍樹工(65,55附近),打風險投資公司操作員直到得到「超級收割機6000型的設計圖」。還“超級收割機6000”任務不要接後續的任務。還任務“地精學者”並接後續的“老同事”及“馬倫的卷軸”。是的,人類是很容易迷失於暴風城 中。 Head north until you come across a small lake. Kill the pridewings here until you have enough poison. Head further north until you arrive at Stonetalon Peak. Hand in the quest “Journey to Stonetalon Peak”, do not get the follow up. Fly back to Astranaar and hand in “Elune's Tear” and “Pridewings of Stonetalon”, don't get the follow ups. You should be level 22 right now. Before you use your hearthstone, you may want to visit Darnassus or The Exodar for some training. Use your hearthstone, if this was Auberdine, take the boat to Menethil harbour, otherwise you should be there already now. 往北走直到越過一個小湖(暗色湖)。在此打巨翼雙足飛龍直到收 集12個毒囊。繼續往北走直到你到達石爪峰。還任務“石爪峰之旅”,不要接後續任務。踩石爪峰鳥點飛回梣谷還任務“月神之淚”及“石爪山的雙足飛龍”,不要接後續任務。你現在應該22級了。在你使用爐石前你可以先回「達納蘇斯」或是「艾克索達」學新 的技能。使用爐石,如果你是在奧伯丁港則乘船去米奈希爾港(米港),否則你應該是在米港了。 4. -(Wetlands – run 1) In Menethil gather the quests: The Greenwarden Claws from the deep Young Crocolisk Skins (If you had “Daily Delivery” you have to hand it in first, this is an optional pre-quest) Digging Through the Ooze In Search of the Excavation Team (on the bridge just outside town) 在米奈希爾港接以下的任務: “綠色守衛者” “海中的魚人” “小鱷魚皮”(如果你之前已完成“日常供貨”才會有這個任務) “搜尋軟泥怪” “尋找挖掘隊”在出城的橋上和塔雷爾?石紋接任務 During this run, kill and young crocolisk you see if you don't have enough skins yet, there are some near town but even more in the center/southern parts of the wetlands. Out of town, head north and kill the required murlocs, including Gobbler. Get back on the road and travel east. Along the path, get the quest “Daily Delivery” if you did not get it earlier. Head towards 56,40 and hand in “The Greenwarden”, get the follow up “Tramping Paws”. Head south towards Dun Algaz, killing some gnolls along the way and travel through it. At Loch Modan get the quest “The Algaz Gauntlet”. If you do not have the flight path in Loch Modan yet, travel south to Thelsamar to get it. Go back to the wetlands and kill the required orcs along the way. 在這首次進行任務中,先打你所看見的小鱷魚以取得4張小鱷魚皮,你可以在米港附近發現這些小鱷魚,但還有更多的小鱷魚可 在濕地地圖的中南方。出了城往北方走殺掉12個藍腮魚人及殺掉高布勒爾並砍下它的頭。回到路上往東走,大約走到地圖的中 央處可找到埃納爾?石鉗(在路旁)如果你還沒接 “日常供貨”任務可以接。走到座標(56,40)還任務“綠色守衛者”並接後續任務“踐踏之爪”。往南走到「丹奧加茲」沿途殺掉一些豺狼人並穿過隧 道。在洛克莫丹北部向巡山人羅克加接任務“丹奧加茲告急”。如果你還沒有洛克莫丹的鳥點則繼續往南走到塞爾薩瑪取得。走回 濕地並在路上(隧道內)殺殺死8個龍喉斥候和6個龍喉步兵。 Back in Wetlands kill the remaining gnolls for “Tramping Paws”, hand it in and get the follow up “Fire Taboo”. Head west and kill more gnolls for this quest. While doing so, kill oozes north of you for the quest “ Digging Through the Ooze”. Head back to the greenwarden and hand in the quest. Get the follow up “Blisters on The Land”. We're going to do this quest during our next run, but if you encounter a Fen Creeper already, feel free to kill it. 回到濕地殺了“踐踏之爪”任務所須的豺狼人,還任務接後續“火焰管制”往西偏北方走殺蘚皮蠻兵或蘇皮捕獸者取得9塊粗製打火石。當完成後再往北走(44.26鐵鬚之墓附近)打軟泥怪直到取得「污泥覆蓋的背包」。回「綠色守衛者」還任並取得後續任務“大地上的膿皰”。我們將在下一輪再執行此任務,但是如果你釓已 遇到「沼澤爬行者」則不要客氣的殺了它。 Head towards Whelgar's Excavation site at 38,52 and hand in “In Search of The Excavation Team” and get the follow up. Also get the quest “Ormer's Revenge”. Head back towards Menethil and kill the raptors along the way. Keep grinding until you're 10k xp away from level 24. Back in town hand in everything you have completed except “Ormer's Revenge” which we will hand in during the next run. Don't get any follow up yet, we also get them the next run. 前往維爾加挖掘場(由37,43的山路上去)座標(38,52)處找到麥琳?石紋還任務“尋找挖掘隊”並接後續之任務,同時和奧莫爾?鐵衣接 “奧莫爾的復仇”。往回走向「米奈希爾港」在路上殺死10隻雜斑迅猛龍和10隻雜斑尖嘯龍,在這種田直到還差10k經驗值即可昇24級。回到米港還所有身上已完成的任務除了“奧莫爾的復仇”我們將會在下一次的執行任務中再還此任務,不要接任何其 他的後續任務,我們會在下一次的執行任務中再接。 5. (Ironforge and Stormwind) Fly to Ironforge. Get the 1 Bronze Tube, 4 Minor Mana Potions and 2 Elixirs of Minor Fortitude from the bank if you stored them there, or buy them now from the AH. Go to Tinker Town, hand in “A Gnome's Respite”, get the follow up, hand it in immediately and get the next follow up “Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun”. From Gnoarn get the quest ” Speak with Shoni”. Take the deeprun tram to Stormwind and once there hand in “Shoni the Shilent”. Don't get the follow up. Read the letter you got from VanCleef and hand in that quest in Cathedral's Square, get the follow up "Bazil Thredd". Go to the stockades and hand it in, don't get the follow up yet, we'll do it later. Head towards the mage quarter and hand in the quest “A Scroll from Mauren”, get the follow up “Devils in Westfall”. Buy Stormwind Seasoning Herbs from Felicia Gump, the herbalism supplier, located at 64, 60. 飛回鐵爐堡,從銀行取出(或由拍賣場買得)1個青銅管、4罐初級法力藥水及2罐初級堅韌藥劑,到地精區找洛瑪克?鏈帶還任務 “老同事”接後續的“失職+藥劑=快樂”可以立刻還此任並再接後 續任務,和諾恩接“沉默的舒尼”。搭礦道地鐵到暴風城在矮人區 還任務“沉默的舒尼”,不要接後續的任務。還記得由艾德溫•范 克里夫(死亡礦坑最後一王)所掉落的一封信嗎?閱讀後可接到“未 寄出的信”,到教堂廣場找巴洛斯?艾力克斯頓還此任並接後續的 任務“巴基爾?斯瑞德”,到監獄還此任務但不要接後續的任,我們 會在之後要下監獄副本時再接此任。前往法師區找科林?馬倫還 任務“馬倫的卷軸”並接後續的任務 “西部荒野中的惡魔”。到植物供應商(64,60)處購買一份「暴風城特產調料」(註:在暴風城裡面貿易區的運河,有一間店教做芬芳花朵,在那裡面)。 Head to Darkshire in Duskwood. You can get there by following the road east inside Elwynn Forest and then head south at the eastern side of Elwynn, approximately after crossing the bridge. 前往暮色森林的夜色鎮,你可以出暴風城後在艾爾文森林沿路往 東走,到了東方後往南走,越過河流就接近了。 6. - 1a (Duskwood – run 1a) Duskwood has several long quests chain that require some traveling, which imo belong to the best quests in the game. Each undead or humanoid here has a chance to drop an old history book which starts a quest. If it drops, keep it with you until the point where you can hand it in immediately. In Darkshire get the flight path and the quests: 暮色森林有許多長串的任務鍊需要玩家疲於奔命,在此我們只選 擇在遊戲最好的任務。這裡的不死怪或人型生物會有機會掉落老 舊的歷史書可以觸發某些任務,如果你有撿到可以保留到立刻可 以完成時再使用之。在夜色鎮取得飛行鳥點及以下的任務: Deliveries to Sven Raven Hill The Hermit The Legend of Stalvan The Night Watch The Totem of Infliction Seasoned Wolf Kabobs (this quest may require a cooking skill greater than 1, some confirmation is needed) Look To The Stars, hand it in immediately and get the follow up. “給斯溫的物資” 和艾萊尼?卡爾文接 “烏鴉嶺” 和艾萊尼?卡爾文接 “隱士” 和艾萊尼?卡爾文接 “斯塔文的傳說”和伊瓦夫人接 “守夜人”和指揮官阿勒泰婭?埃伯洛克接 “懲罰圖騰”和伊瓦夫人接 “烤狼肉串”和旅店的廚師格魯奧接(這任務需要烹飪技能大於1 及某些需要的批准條件) “觀測星星”和維克托?安特拉斯接,可用青銅管直接回任後再接後 續任務“仰望星空”。 Make Darkshire your home town. We'll begin with “The Legend of Stalvan”. Speak to Clerk Daltry and get the follow up. Fly to Sentinell Hill in Westfall. Head a bit southwest until you're on the same height as the small lake on the map. From here go west. You should encounter some dust devils here for the quest “Devils in Westfall”, if not, try asking in the general channel if someone has seen one. Head to Moonbrook and get the follow up from “The Legend of Stalvan”, it can be found in the building that looks like a city hall. From here, head back towards Duskwood, the northwest corner to be exact. 將夜色鎮設為你的家,我們將從“斯塔文的傳說”開始先和書記員達爾塔說話並接後續的任務。飛往西部荒野的哨兵嶺,由此往西 南方走到地圖上的小湖,在路上應該可以遇到「魔塵」殺了它直 到取得「塵魔的殘骸」(“西部荒野中的惡魔”的任務物品)[註:可參考(45,49)、(68,72)、(53,40)、(42,59)及(42,42)這些座標位置找到 魔塵]。前往月溪鎮取得“斯塔文的傳說”後續任務的物品[註:月溪鎮右上方那一棟頭尖尖很像教堂的大房子,它的正後方剛好有座 墳墓(這棟就對了)進去後會靠近階梯的地方(41,66)即可找到"手提箱"箱子在階梯下而不是階梯上去那邊]。由此走回暮色森林的 西北方。 Hand in “Deliveries to Sven” and get the quests “Sven's Revenge” and “Wolves at our Heels”. Head south and kill wolves and spiders along the way. Make sure you get at least 6 Gooey Spider Legs, don't worry about killing enough wolves yet. At the road, head northeast towards Raven Hill and hand in the quest “Raven Hill”, get the follow up “Jitters' Growling Gut”. Head further north, at the east side of the huge cemetery and find Abercrombie in his hut. Hand in “The Hermit and get the follow up “Supplies from Darkshire”. Go back south to the road and head east. At the splitting, get the quest “Eight-Legged Menaces”. Head south a bit on the road, then just north of the mountains head east. Look for a mound of dirt at 50, 78 complete “Sven's Revenge and get “Sven's Camp”. Hearthstone to Darkshire. 回到暮色森林座標(7,34)還任務“給斯溫的物資”並接後續的任務“斯溫的復仇”同時向旁邊的拉爾斯接“惡狼成群”任務。往南走殺遇到的惡狼及蜘蛛,確定取得6個粘糊的蜘蛛腿[註:小型結網毒蜘蛛比較會掉],不要擔心是否已殺足夠的惡狼。走到路上後, 往東北方向可到烏鴉嶺在此還任務“烏鴉嶺”並接後續任務“饑腸 轆轆的基特斯”。再往北走,在巨大墓園的東邊一間簡陋的小屋 中找到亞伯克隆比,還任務“隱士”並接後續任務“來自夜色鎮的貨物”,往南走回路上再往東走。在岔路口和守夜人道茨接任務 “蜘蛛的威脅”。再沿路往南走一段路到群山的北邊轉向東到座標 (50,78)處小土堆還任務“斯溫的復仇”並接後續任務“斯溫的營地”。爐石回夜色鎮。 7. - 1b ( Duskwood – run 1b) Hand in “Supplies from Darkshire” and get the follow up “Ghost Hair Thread”. Hand in “The Legend of Stalvan” at clark Daltry and get the follow up. Go to the inn and hand in “Jitters' Growling Gut”, get the follow up and hand it in immediately, then get the next follow up “Return to Jitters”. If you have 10 Lean Wolf Flanks already, hand in “Seasoned Wolf Kabobs”. Sell and repair. Fly to Stormwind, and head south to Goldshire. Hand in “The Legend of Stalvan”, get the follow up. Get the letter from updtairs and head back to Stormwind. Inside Stormwind, hand in “Devils in Westfall”, get the follow up “Special Delivery for Gaxim”. Also get “Retrieval for Mauren”. Hand in “The Legend of Stalvan” (west side of the city), get the follow up. Open the crate and get the Torn Journal Page. For the time being, this is as far as we go with this quest line, but we'll complete it later. Go back to Sven in NW Duskwood, it may be fastest to take the flight path to Sentinel Hill first. 還任務“來自夜色鎮的貨物”並接後續任務“幽靈的髮絲”。向書記員達爾塔還任務 “斯塔文的傳說”並接後續任務。到旅店還任務 “饑腸轆轆的基特斯”接後續任並和和格魯奧廚師談話可直接還 任再接後續任務“基特斯的美餐”。如果你已有10塊狼肋排則可和格魯奧廚師還任務“烤狼肉串”。在夜色鎮修裝賣包包中不要的 物品及補充飲料及食品。 飛回暴風城往南走到閃金鎮的獅王之傲旅店還任務“斯塔文的傳說”,到旅店2樓取回「一封未寄出的信」以接後續任務,然後 回暴風城。 在城內還任務“西部荒野中的惡魔”並接後續任務“給加克希姆的 特快專遞”,同時也取得任務“完鱗歸瑪倫”。到城的西邊運河區的管理員弗索姆還任務“斯塔文的傳說”並接後續任務。在管理員 弗索姆身後的「密封的箱子」中找到「被撕破的日記書頁」。到 此為止,這是「斯塔文的傳說」這一系列任務路程中你將要走的 最遠路程(到東谷伐木場),我們會在日後再完成。回暮色森林西 北邊的斯溫處,先飛往西部荒唐的哨兵嶺再往東北方走去是最快 的路徑。 Around Sven, kill wolves until you complete “Wolves at our heels”. Hand it in together with “Sven's Camp” and get the follow up “The Shadowy Figure”. Head south, killing spiders and wolves until you complete “Eight-Legged Menace” and “Seasoned Wolf Kabobs” if you have not done that already. Go to Jitters at Raven Hill and hand in “Return to Jitters”. Go to the splitting in the road and hand in “Eight-Legged Menaces”. Head east, then go to Blind Mary just south of town. Hand in “Look to the Stars”, get the follow up, hand in “Ghost Hair Thread”, get the follow up “Return the Comb”. Head south towards the cemetery and kill skeletons until you complete “The Night Watch”. Go into the small building and loot Mary's Looking Glass from an Insane Ghoul. Go back to town. 在斯溫周圍附近殺惡狼及蜘蛛直到你完成“惡狼成群”,並與“斯溫的營地”一起還任務並接後續的“模糊的人影”。往南繼續殺惡狼及蜘蛛(15隻小型結網毒蜘蛛)直到完成任務“蜘蛛的威脅”及“烤狼肉串”(如果你尚未完成此任務)。走到烏鴉嶺還任“基特斯的美餐”。走到地圖中間的岔路口還任務“蜘蛛的威脅”。往東走到座標(81,59)處的房子內找盲眼瑪麗還任務“仰望星空”並接後續任務;還任務“幽靈的髮絲”並接後續任務“歸還梳子”。往南走向墓地並殺8個骷髏戰士和6個骷髏法師以完成“守夜人”。 前往靜謐的花園墓場,從瘋狂的食屍鬼那裡拿回盲眼瑪麗的單眼透鏡 再回夜色鎮。 In town, hand in “Look to the Stars”, get the follow up. Hand in “The Night Watch”, get the follow up. Hand in “Return the Comb”, get the follow up “Deliver the Thread”. Hand in “The Shadowy Figure”, continue this quest line with “The Shadowy Search Continues”, “Inquire at the Inn” and “Finding the Shadowy Figure”. If you have not done it earlier, hand in “Seasoned Wolf Kabobs” now. Get the quest “Crime and Punishment”. Travel north to the lumber mill in Elwynn forest and hand in “The Legend of Stalvan”. Get the Faded Journal Page upstairs and hand it in, get the follow up (again.....). Head east towards Lakeshire, get the quest “What Comes Around...”. 在夜色鎮, 還任務“仰望星空”並接後續任務。 還任務“守夜人” 並接後續任務。 還任務“歸還梳子” 並接後續任務“幽靈的髮絲”。 還任務“模糊的人影” 並接後續任務“繼續搜尋”,“調查旅店”及 “搜尋烏鴉嶺”。 如果你已完成“烤狼肉串”任務則可以找旅店的廚師還任務。 由夜色鎮的米爾斯迪普議員處接任務“罪與罰”(監獄副本任務) 往北走至艾爾文森林的「東谷伐木場」找治安官哈迦德還任務“斯塔文的傳說”,到其身後的房子2樓房間內找出一頁褪色的日記 拿給治安官哈迦德並取得後續任務。 往東走到赤脊山的湖畔鎮找衛兵伯爾頓接任務“伸張正義” (監獄副本任務)。 8. -2 (Stonetalon – Run 2) Time to travel. Go to Menethil and take the first ship to Auberdine. Then fly to Stonetalon Peak. Get the quest “Reclaiming the charred Vale”. Head south towards Gaxim and hand in “Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun” and “Special Delivery for Gaxim”. Get the both “Covert Ops” quests. Head east into Windshear Crag. The materials you just received are just decoys and not essential for the quests. Complete both quests (Beta is more south than east) and hand them in, get the follow up “Kaela's Update”. Hand it in and get the quests “Enraged Spirits” and “Wounded Ancients”. Go to the Charred Vale in the southwestern part, to get there, head west at the small lake north of you. Inside the charred vale start grinding until you complete “Retrieval for Mauren”, “Reclaiming the Charred Vale”, “Enraged Spirits” and “Wounded Ancients”. While grinding, head south into Desolace and get the flight path at Nijel's Point, then continue grinding. Once done, head back to Kaela and hand in the two quests, get the follow up “Update for Sentinel Thenysil”. Go back north and hand in “Reclaiming the charred Vale”, get the follow up. We won't complete it in this guide, but you can hand it in at one of the first places while you're following Jame's level 30-40 guide. Fly to Astranaar. 旅行時間到了,飛米港搭船至黑海岸的奧伯丁再飛往石爪峰。和 守護者奧巴格姆接任務 “奪回焦炭谷”,往南走到加克希姆?塵鏈 (在59,67的位置)處還任務“失職+藥劑=快樂”及“給加克希姆的特快專遞”並接兩個任務“隱秘行動:A”及“隱秘行動:B”。往東走到「狂風峭壁」在伐木場內面對貨車的右手邊(大型鋸木的右邊)木箱上座標(66,51)可取得「風險投資公司工程計畫書」;而在座 標(74,59)處在礦坑的外面可取得「風險投資公司函件」(有像一座小樓的地方,在兩個箱子的上面。旁邊有一堆怪,在礦坑另一 個出入口的旁邊而那個推車就在礦坑前面有一點距離那兒,所以 建議先抓好文件位置才開始引爆炸彈)。有關這兩個任務NPC給的任務道具只是誘餌,並非主要為了此任務,完成這兩個任務並 再接其後續的任務“向凱拉回報”立即向旁邊的凱拉?影矛還任後 再接任務“怒靈”及“受傷的古樹”。現在到西南方的焦炭谷,你可 以先到在北方的小湖再往其西方走就可以到達。在焦炭谷內練功 直到完成“完鱗歸瑪倫”、 “奪回焦炭谷”、 “怒靈”及“受傷的古樹”4個任務。當在此練功時順便往南走到淒涼之地東北方的「尼 耶爾前哨站」取得鳥點之後再回焦炭谷繼續練功。當完成上述4個任務後,回到凱拉?影矛處還“怒靈”及“受傷的古樹”兩任務並接後續任務“向塞恩希爾報告”。往北走回石爪峰還任務“奪回焦炭谷”並接後續任務。我們在這階段不會去完成這任務,這會留給 當你依詹姆斯的30~40昇級指引執行任務時再去完成。現在飛回 梣谷。 9. - 2(Ashenvale – Run 2) In Astranaar, hand in “Update for Sentinel Thenysil”, get the follow up. Get the quests: 在梣谷,還任務“向塞恩希爾報告”,並接後續任務 “泰蘭妲的接 待”,然後接下列任務: “An Aggressive Defense” “Culling the Threat” “The Ruins of Stardust” “先發制人” 向萊恩?狼行者接 “解除威脅” 向萊恩?狼行者接 “星塵廢墟” 向皮爾圖拉斯?懷特姆恩接 Go north and complete “Culling the Threat”, go back and hand it in. Optional: if you have “The Tower of Althalaxx”, head southwest to Fire Scar Shrine and complete it, if you don't, you won't miss that much. Go south of Astranaar to the Ruins of Stardust and get the required stardust. Head east and kill furbolgs until you complete “An aggressive Defense”. Head towards the Mystral Lake south of the furbolgs and get the quest “Elemental Bracers”, complete it and hand it in, don't get the follow up. Head north towards The Howling Vale (near Felwood) and get the wooden key required for “Raena's Cleansing”. Go back to Shaeldryn (You have to go through Raynewood Retreat, there's no shortcut) and hand in “Raena's Cleansing”, don't get the follow up. Go back to Astranaar and hand in “An aggressive Defense” and “The Ruins of Stardust”, don't get any follow up. Optional: go to Maestra's post and hand in “The Tower of Althalaxx”, don't get the follow up. You should be level 26 by now. If you trainer is not present at Darnassus, abandon "Reception from Tyrande" and go to The Exodar for training. Otherwise, go to Darnassus, train and hand in "Reception from Tyrande". Hearthstone back to Darkshire. 往北方走,找達爾?血爪在荊皮村.村口位置(34,35),它會以巡邏各個營地的方式走動隨機出現,解“解除威脅”後回阿斯特蘭納還任務。 選擇性執行任務:如果你先前有任務“奧薩拉克斯之塔”則前往西南方的「火痕神殿」完成此任務,如果你沒有此任務也沒關係, 你不會有太大的損失。 前往梣谷南方的「星塵廢墟」(座標:35,64)取得所需的星塵(在島上的植物有發亮就是.週邊都有)。往東走到銀風避難所再右邊 (在中間下面的湖的右邊)殺熊怪(座標:55,61)解任務“先發制人”。前往密斯特拉湖北的銀風避難所和哨兵維爾莉妮?星墜接任 務 “元素護腕”完成任務並還任務,不要接後續的任務。 往北走到在靠近費伍德森林的邊界地區尋找一小塊林間空地座 標(54,35)附近先殺附近的瘋狂的古樹人取得鑰匙再去開木箱即 可取得『鐵杆』(解“萊恩的淨化”的任務物品)。回莎爾蒂恩還任務(你必須往南經林中樹居到座標(50,50)處再往上走,這沒有其 他捷徑),不要接後續的任務。 回阿斯特蘭納還任務“先發制人”及“星塵廢墟”,不要接任何後續的任務。 選擇性執行任務:至邁斯特拉崗哨還任務“奧薩拉克斯之塔”,不要接後續任務。 你現在應該26級了,如果你的訓練師不在「達納蘇斯」可以放 棄“泰蘭妲的接待”這任務,直接去「艾克索達」接受專業訓練, 否則就去「達納蘇斯」接受專業訓練順便還“泰蘭妲的接待”這任務。 用爐石回夜色鎮。 10. - 2(Duskwood – Run 2) Get the quest “Worgen in the Woods”. Continue the quest line “The Legend of Stalvan” in town as far as you can until you get the follow up where you have to kill Mistmantle. Fly to Sentinel Hill and head east from there towards Raven Hill. Hand in “Finding The Shadowy Figure” and get the follow up “Return to Sven”, travel to Abercrombie and hand in “Deliver the thread”, get the follow up “Zombie Juice”. Head west to Sven, hand in “Return to Sven” and get the follow up “Proving Your Worth”. Go west to Sentinel Hill and fly to Darkshire. Hand in “Zombie Juice” and get the follow up “Gather Rot Blossom”. Head to the huge cemetery north of Raven Hill and kill skeletons until you complete “The Night Watch”, “Gather Rot Blossoms” and “Proving Your Worth”, then head back to Sven, get the follow up “Seeking Wisdom”. Hearthstone back to town, hand in “The Night Watch”, get the follow up. Hand in “Gather Rot Blossoms”, get the follow up “Juice Delivery”. Fly to Stormwind. 由「卡洛爾」接任務“森林裡的狼人”。繼續“斯塔文的傳說”系列的任務,在城鎮裡完成直到你接到最後的任務「幹掉斯塔文?密 斯特曼托,把他的家族戒指交給伊瓦夫人」。 飛到哨兵嶺再往東北方走到烏鴉嶺,找「基特斯」座標(18,56)還任務“搜尋烏鴉嶺”並接後續任務“回覆斯溫”,走向亞柏克隆比(28,31)還任務“幽靈的髮絲”並接後續任務“殭屍汁”。向西走到斯溫處還任務“回覆斯溫”並接後續任務“證明你的實力”。 向西走到哨兵嶺再飛回夜色鎮,到旅店老闆史密茲處還任務“殭屍汁”並接後續任務 “收集腐敗之花”。 到烏鴉嶺北方的大墓園,開始殺恐怖骸骨和骸骨魔等小怪,直到 你完成“守夜人”、“收集腐敗之花”及“證明你的實力”。 向西走到斯溫處還任務“證明你的實力”並接 “尋求指引”任務。 爐石回夜色鎮,還“守夜人”任務並接後續任務,到旅店老闆史密 茲處還任務“收集腐敗之花”並接後續任務“殭屍汁”。 飛往暴風城。 11. (Stockades) In Stormwind, start looking for a group to go to the Stockades. While doing this, get the quest “The Color of Blood” in the old town. Hand in “Retrieval for Mauren”. In the non instanced part of the Stockades, get the quests “Bazil Thredd” (This quest requires you to have killed VanCleef in the Deadmines and handed in the letter from his corpse), hand it in and get the follow up “The Stockade Riots”. Also get “Quell the Uprising”. Continue looking for a group if needed and then complete all 5 quests inside the instance. 在暴風城,開始尋找下監獄副本的團員。當在找的這段期間,去 舊城區找尼科瓦?拉斯克接“鮮血的顏色”。到法師區找「科林?馬倫」座標(42,80)還任務“完鱗歸瑪倫”。在監獄的非副本區取得任 務“巴吉爾?特雷德”(這任務必須先殺死死亡礦坑最後的王「艾德溫?范克里夫」由其掉落的『未寄出的信』所觸發的),還任務後再接後續的“監獄暴動”及“鎮壓暴動”。 繼續尋找團隊並進入副本完成5個監獄副本任務。 12. (Stormwind) Once you're done, hand in “Quell the Uprising” and “The Stockade Riots”, get the follow up “The Curious Visitor”. Go to the cathedral and hand in “Seeking Wisdom”, get the follow up “The Doomed Fleet”. Also get the quest “Speaking of Fortitude”. Hand in “The Curious Visitor” and get the follow up “Shadow of the Past”. Go to the Old Town and hand in “The Color of Blood”. Continue to Mathias Shaw, hand in “Shadow of the Past” and get the follow up “Look to an old Friend”. Go to Elling Trias and hand it in, get the follow up “Infiltrating the Castle”. Inside Stormwind keep, hand it in and get the quest “Items of Some Consequence”. Inside the library hand in “Speaking of Fortitude” and get the follow up “Brother Paxton”. If you found the book I mentioned earlier in Duskwood, read it to get the quest “An Old History Book”, hand it in and get the follow up “Southshore”. We will also not complete this quest in this guide, but if you follow Jame's level 30-41 guide you will be able to complete it during your mid 30s. Go to the auction house and buy the required silk. 當完成監獄副本任務後,向「典獄官塞爾沃特」還“監獄暴動”及 “鎮壓暴動”並接後續任務“好奇的訪客”。 到大教堂區找「主教法席恩」還 “尋求指引”任務並接後續任務“被詛咒的艦隊”。 向「克里斯多夫修士」接“關於堅韌的演講”。 找「巴洛斯?艾力克斯頓」還任務“好奇的訪客”並接後續的任務“往日的陰影”; 到舊城區找「馬迪亞斯?肖爾」還“往日的陰影”並接後續任務 “老朋友”; 到貿易區.提亞斯乳酪店.2樓找「伊林?提亞斯」還任務“老朋友”並接後續任務 “潛入城堡”; 到暴風要塞的花園中找「泰里恩」還“潛入城堡”並接後續任務“必備物品”。 進入皇家圖書館內去與「密爾頓?西弗」交談還任務“關於堅韌的演講”並接後續任務“帕克斯頓修士”。 如我先前在暮色森林中所說的,如果你有在暮色森林中打怪時撿 到老舊的歷史書,這時可以拿出來讀一讀以觸發任務 “一本破舊的歷史書”找「密爾頓?西弗」還任並接後續任務“南海鎮”,我們在這個階段不會去執行這任務,但是如果你之後依據『Jame's level 30-41 guide』則將會在那階段完成此任務。 去拍賣場買所需要的絲綢(3塊絲綢)。 Just outside Stormwind, get the apples, then continue east towards Northshire Abbey. Hand in “Brother Paxton” and get the follow up “Ink Supplies”. Hearthstone to Darkshire, hand in “Crime and Punishment”, fly to Redridge and hand in “What Comes Around...” and “Ink Supplies”, don't get the follow up. Fly back to Stormwind. Hand in “Items of Some Consequence”, get the follow up “The Attack!”. Complete it and get the follow up “The Head of the Beast” from Elling Trias (if it's too hard ask a high level in the War Room who is waiting for a BG to join and try again). Head back to Mathias Shaw and hand it in, get the follow up “Brotherhood's End”. Talk to Baros Alexston and get the follow up “An Audience with the King”. Complete this quest chain and get one of the best rings you can get for a long time to come. (Note, although you can start this quest chain from the letter which VanCleef drops, the Defias Brotherhood quest chain you probably did during your teens is part of the same quest chain, making this the longest, and one of the best, quest chains in the entire game). Make Stormwind your home and fly to Menethil Harbour in the Wetlands. 出暴風城,在城外右邊的克拉拉的小農場內的桌上取得2顆大蘋果。然後往東走到北郡修道院,解任務“帕克斯頓修士”並接後續任務“墨水補給”。 爐石回夜色鎮,還任務“罪與罰”。 飛往赤脊山湖畔鎮,還任務“伸張正義”及“墨水補給”,不要接後續任務。 飛回暴風城,還任務“必備物品”並接後續任務“伏擊!”,完成此任務並由「伊林?提亞斯」處接後續的任務“禽獸的首級”(如果覺得這任務很難,找個高階的路人或朋友來幫忙吧)。去舊城區的軍情七處找「馬迪亞斯?肖爾」還任務並接後續的任務 “兄弟會的滅亡”。到在教堂區(49,30)找巴洛斯?艾力克斯頓談話,並接後續 的任務“覲見國王”,完成此任務鍊即可獲得這一路走來你現階段 可以使用的最好的戒子(註:雖然此任務鍊開始於死亡礦坑的艾德溫•范克里夫所掉落的一封「未寄出的信」,但是 “迪菲亞兄弟會”任務鍊在你10~20級時可能已完成的任務,亦是本任務鍊的 一部份,造就這整個遊戲中最長的任務鍊及可獲得最好的戒子)。 現在,將暴風城設為你的家,然後飛往濕地的米奈希爾港 13. 2(Wetlands – Run 2) Hand in “The Doomed Fleet” and get the follow up “Lightforge Iron”. Get the quest “The Third Fleet”, buy the Flagon of Mead inside and hand it in, get the follow up “The Cursed Crew”. Get the quest “Report to Captain Stoutfist”, hand it in and get the follow up “War Banners”. Also get the quest “Apprentice's Duties”, Reclaiming Goods” and “Fall of Dun Modr”. Swim south to a shipwreck and complete “Lightforge Iron”, get the follow up “The Lost Ingots”. Kill murlocs until you have all the ingots needed. Hand it in and get the follow up “Blessed Arm”. 還任務“被詛咒的艦隊”並接後續的任務“光鑄鐵”。 找旅店門口的「大副菲茲莫斯」接任務“第三艦隊”,去旅店內找旅店老闆赫布瑞克買「壺裝蜜酒」,還“第三艦隊”任務並接“被詛咒的船員”。 找「瓦斯塔格?鐵齶」接任務“向斯托菲隊長報告”,到2F閣樓 (9,57)去和斯托菲隊長談話並接後續的任務 “龍喉戰旗”。 同時也接下列3個任務: “學徒的職責” – 找「詹姆士?哈洛倫」接。 “奪回雕像” – 找「卡爾?波蘭」接。 “丹莫德的陷落” – 找「哈爾羅?巴納比」接。 往南游到失事船的殘骸,完成任務“光鑄鐵”並接後續的“光鑄鐵錠”,殺魚人直至取得5塊光鑄鐵錠,還任務給「戈羅林?鋼眉」 並接後續任務“格瑞曼德?艾爾默”。 Head north into the murloc camps we were in during our first run. At 13,41 complete “Reclaiming Goods” and get the follow up “The Search Continues”. At 13,38 get the follow up Search More Hovels”. At 14,35 get the follow up “Return the Statuette”. Go north towards the two shipwrecks and kill Sailors, Marines and Snellig for “The Cursed Crew”. Directly east on the land is a good spot to find the crocolisks required for “Apprentice Duties”. Continue heading east through the swampy waters killing Fen Creepers along the way. When you cross the road heading north, follow it a bit and complete “Fall of Dun Modr at 49, 18. Don't get the follow up. Kill the last few Fen Creepers needed and hand in the quest “Blisters on the Land”. Head southwest and kill Dragonmaw orcs until you have eight War Banners. Head a bit further west and hand in “Ormer's Revenge”, which has been in your quest log for a very long time now. Get the follow up, and also get the quest “Uncovering the Past”. Head down into the excavation area and complete both quests. Hand them in and get the last part of “Ormer's Revenge”. Sarltooth is roughly at 32,51, kill him and hand in the quest”. Head back to Menethil and hand in everything you have, don't get any follow up. Hearthstone to Stormwind. 出米港往北走到藍腮魚人的營地(我們在首次任務之旅中去過),到座標(13,41)處找到「破損的箱子」完成“奪回雕像”並接後續任務“繼續搜尋”,到座標(13,38)處找到「密封的桶」完成“繼續搜尋”並接後續任務“搜尋雕像”,到座標(13,35)處找到「半埋的大 桶」完成“搜尋雕像” 並接後續任務“歸還雕像”。 往北走到兩艘沉船處解任務“被詛咒的船員”(大副斯涅利格在第 一艘船下,座標大約(14,31)的破洞內)。 由此岸邊直接往東方陸地行走可以發現『巨型鱷魚』,在此打『巨 型鱷魚』直到取得6張巨型鱷魚的皮。繼續往東走在途中殺死藏 在沼澤深水中的『沼澤爬行者』。當你走到路上後往北方走到座 標(49,18)處找到「布萊德?長鬚」還任務“丹莫德的陷落”,不要接後續的任務,回頭到沼澤區殺『沼澤爬行者』直到完成任務“大地上的膿皰”並到「綠色守衛者雷希耶爾」處還任務。 往西南方走到出區,龍喉大門附近殺「龍喉襲擊者」直到取得8面龍喉戰旗。之後再往西走一些,去維爾加挖掘場(由37,43的山路上去) 還任務“奧莫爾的復仇”,這任務應該放在你任務日誌中 很久了,接後續任務同時亦和在山洞中的「勘察員維爾加」接任 務 “發現歷史”。往下走到挖掘區去完成這兩個任務【註:奈爾 魯碎片(33.51)、高爾姆碎片(35.47)、莫德爾碎片(34.50)及阿度斯碎片(33.51)參考位置】。還完這兩個任務再接最後的連續任務“奧莫爾的復仇”,「薩爾圖斯」的位置約在座標(32,51)的山上,去殺了它並還任務。 回米港還所有可還的任務,不要接任何後續的任務。爐石回暴風 城。 14. (Stormwind) At the Cathedral district get the quest “The Missing Diplomat”. Hand it in and get the follow up. Inside the Dwarven District hand in “Blessed Arm” and get the follow up “Armed and Ready”. Get the quest “Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators” from Shoni the Shilent. Near the small lake when you jump down near the flight path you will find Jorgen. Hand in “The Missing Diplomat” and get the follow up. Head back into Stormwind to Elling Trias and get the follow up. Fly to Darkshire. 在教堂廣場和「湯瑪斯」接任務 “失蹤的使節”,去暴風要塞找到「德拉維主教」還任務並接後續任務。 到矮人區還任務“格瑞曼德?艾爾默”並接後續任務“整裝待發”。 和「沉默的舒尼」接任務“陀螺式挖掘機”(諾姆瑞根副本任務)。 到暴風城的英雄谷找到喬貞(由城牆上的鳥點往下跳到小湖內直 游上岸就可發現英雄谷),還任務“失蹤的使節”並接後續任務,再回暴風城貿易區的提亞斯乳酪店2樓,將喬貞的密函帶給「伊林? 提亞斯」還任務“失蹤的使節”並接後續任務。飛往暮色森林的夜 色鎮。 15. - 3a(Duskwood – run 3a) Just north of Darkshire, find Backus and hand in “The Missing Diplomat”, get the follow up. While you're north, kill Mistmantle, his house is east of the road. Southwest of town at The Rotting Orchard kill enough Nightbane Shadow Weavers until you complete “Worgen in the Woods”. Go to Abercrombie and hand in “Juice Delivery” and get the follow up “Ghoulish Effigy” Head west towards the huge cemetery. Enter the eastern catacomb and kill zombies until you complete “Ghoulish Effigy”, “The Totem of Infliction” and “The Night Watch”. Hand in “Ghoulish Effigy and get the follow up “Ogre Thieves”. Then head west to Sven and hand in “Armed and Ready”, get the follow up “Morbent Fel”. Head west towards Sentinel Hill and fly back to Darkshire. Hand in “Worgen in the Woods”, get the follow up. Hand in “The Night Watch”, “The Legend of Stalvan” and “The Totem of Infliction”. 往夜色鎮北方沿路走,找到「守夜人巴庫斯」還任務“失蹤的使節”並接後續任務,前往密斯特曼托莊園在路的東邊座標(77,36)殺了「斯塔文?密斯特曼托」解任務“斯塔文的傳說”。去夜色鎮西南方的爛果園內殺12隻「夜行黑暗狼人」解任務“森林裡的狼人”。到烏鴉嶺墓園北方小屋裡找「亞伯克隆比」還任務“殭屍汁”並接後續任務“食屍鬼假人”,往西進入烏鴉嶺大墓園。進入大墓 園東方的地下墓穴殺殭屍直到完成任務“食屍鬼假人”、“懲罰圖騰”及“守夜人”。 到烏鴉嶺墓園北方小屋裡找「亞伯克隆比」還 任務“食屍鬼假人”並接後續任務“巨魔盜賊”。之後向西走到座標 (7,33)找「斯溫 . 猶根」還任務“整裝待發”並接後續任務“摩本特?費爾”。往西到哨兵嶺鳥點飛回「夜色鎮」。還任務“森林裡的狼人” 並接後續任務,還任務“守夜人”、 “斯塔文的傳說”及“懲罰圖騰” 16. - 3b(Duskwood – run 3b) Head to the Rotting Orchard again and kill Nightbane Dark Runners this time. Continue west towards the Vul'Gol Ogre Mound. Near the entrance of the cave you'll find Abercrombie's Crate. Inside you will find Zzarc'Vul who has Viktori's Monocle. Even further west you will find Addle's Stead. The Defias Docket is in a chest at 24,72. Go back to Abercrombie and hand in “Ogre Thieves”, get the follow up “Note to the Mayor”. In town hand in “Worgen in the Woods”, get the follow up. Hand in “Look to the Stars”. North of town hand in “The Missing Diplomat”, get the follow up. Hand in “Note to the Mayor”, get the follow up “Translate Abercrombie's Note”, hand it in get the follow up “Wait for Sirra to Finish”. Also hand that in to get “Translation to Ello”. Hand in (again.....) and get “Bride of the Embalmer”. Optional: find a group for the two elite quests “Bride of the Embalmer” and “Morbent Fel”. While you're looking for a group, or if you decide to skip these (just abandon them in that case), go south of town to Roland's Doom to kill more Nightbanes. Head back to town and hand in “Worgen in the Woods”, get the follow up and hand it in again. Optional, hand in the two elite quests. Hearthstone back to Stormwind. 再次前往「爛果園」這次要殺12個夜行黑暗狼人。繼續向西走 到「沃古爾巨魔山」在洞穴入口附近【座標(33,76) 洞口前右邊有跟大樹幹.就在樹幹後的其一箱子】你將會發現『亞伯克隆比 的箱子』。在山洞內你可發現巨魔「札克烏爾」殺了它取得『巨 魔的單片眼鏡』【註:任務“仰望星空” 「維克托?安特拉斯」所要 的單片眼鏡】。再更往西走你會發現「腐草農場」在座標(24,72)房子裡面的保險箱可找到『迪菲亞記事本』。到烏鴉嶺墓園北方 小屋裡找「亞伯克隆比」還任務“巨魔盜賊”並接後續任務“給鎮長的字條”。 回夜色鎮,還任務“森林裡的狼人”並接後續任務。還任務“仰望星空”。到鎮的北邊還任務“失蹤的使節” 並接後續任務。還任務 “給鎮長的字條” 並接後續任務“翻譯亞伯克隆比的信”,找「希拉?沃寧迪」翻譯信件後再接後續任務“翻譯好的信件”,將信件還給「艾爾羅?埃伯洛克公爵」再接後續的任務“藏屍者的妻子”。 選擇性的:找團隊解“藏屍者的妻子”及“摩本特?費爾”這兩個精英任務。當你在找團員時,或是決定放棄這兩個精英任務,往南走 到「羅蘭之墓」殺狼人解任務“森林裡的狼人”,回鎮上還任務後 再接後續任務,再去殺狼人解任務直到完成這一系列任務。 選擇性的:還“藏屍者的妻子”及“摩本特?費爾”這兩個精英任務。 爐石回暴風城。 In Stormwind go to Elling Trias and hand in “The Missing Diplomat”, get the follow up. Go to the Old Town and beat up Dashel Stonefist after handing in the quest and getting the next, ignore his friends, they will go away after you've beaten him. Talk to him again and get the follow up. Go back to Elling Trias and get the follow up. 再暴風城內找「伊林?提亞斯」還“失蹤的使節”並接後續任務。去 舊城區找「達舍爾?石拳」和他說話後打敗他以獲得後續任務(在和石拳打架時他的朋友會來幫忙,不用理他們,當你打敗石拳後 他們自然會離開的),回到「伊林?提亞斯」還任“失蹤的使節”並 接後續任務。 17. - (Optional – Gnomeregan) Doing Gnomeregain is optional, but can give some nice items and a needed boost. You're probably level 30 now, or close to 30. Since Jame's guide contains a LOT of grinding at the start, it's highly recommended to go to Gnomeregan if you don't like that. If you don't want, abandon the quest “Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators” 執行諾姆瑞根副本任務是非必要的,但是這副本可以令你獲得很 好的裝備及提昇性能。你目前或許已30級了或接近30級了。自從Jame's guide以來就包含許多的一開始的練功地方,在此強力 建議玩家去完成“諾姆瑞根”副本任務即使你不喜歡這副本。如果 你不想去則可放棄“陀螺式挖掘機”(諾姆瑞根副本任務)。 Take a gryphon or tram to Ironforge, start looking for a group. At Tinker Town get the quests “Data Rescue”, “Essential Artificials”, “Save Techbot's Brain!”, “The Grand Betrayal” and “The Day After”. In the town of Kharanos hand in “The Day After and get the follow up “Gnogaine”. If you don't have a group yet you can solo this last quest outside the instanced region and get the follow up “The Only Cure is More Green”. After you're done with Gnomeregan hand in all you have. 乘獅鷲獸或地鐵到鐵爐堡,開使尋找組隊。在地精區取得下列任 務: “搶救資料”和「大機械師卡斯派普」接; “基礎模組”和「科羅莫特?鋼尺」接; “拯救尖端機器人!” 和「工匠大師歐沃斯巴克」接; “大叛徒”和「大工匠梅卡托克」接; “災難之後” 和「諾恩」接。 出鐵爐堡往南走到卡拉諾斯與「奧齊?電環」談話解任務“災難之後”並接後續的任務 “諾恩”。如果你尚未找齊團員,你可以自己 一人先去副本外解“諾恩”任務 【拿著鉛瓶,靠近身上綠綠的輻 射入侵者或者輻射搶劫者(要活著的時候),按右鍵收集即可】,並回卡拉諾斯與「奧齊?電環」還任務“諾恩”後再接後續任務 “更多 的輻射塵!”。當你組好團隊並完成“諾姆瑞根”副本任務後回鐵爐堡還所有完成的任務。 18. (Final part) Fly to Menethil, speak to Mikhail and hand in “The Missing Diplomat”, get the follow up. Speak to Tapoke Jahn, beat him up (ignoring his friends who will back off after you've beaten him, just as in Stormwind), and hand it in. Get the follow up from Mikhail again. Take the boat to Theramore, get the flight path. Hand in “The Missing Diplomat”, get the follow up. 飛到濕地的「米奈希爾港」找旅店內的「米克哈爾」談話還任務 “失蹤的使節”並接後續任務。找「塔伯克?賈恩」並打敗他(就像 是在暴風城的任務一樣,不管來幫他的朋友,一直攻擊「塔伯克? 賈恩」當打敗他之後那些朋友就會自動消失了)。打敗了「塔伯克?賈恩」和他說話可接“失蹤的使節”後續的任務。乘船前往塵泥 沼澤的塞拉摩島,取得飛行鳥點。找找到塵泥沼澤的指揮官「薩 莫爾」還任務“失蹤的使節”並接後續的任務。 This is the end of the level 20-30 guide. You should have three quests in your log now, “Reclaiming the Charred Vale” and “Southshore”, which only require talking to the NPC once you get to those regions. “The Missing Diplomat” can be finished along the way towards the Barrens, but it's probably too hard right now. Best thing is to wait until you get at Dustwallow March again at level 36 in Jame's guide. 到此20~30昇級指南已完成了,你應該有3個任務在日誌中,“奪 回焦炭谷”、 “南海鎮”及“失蹤的使節”。前兩個任務僅要到達所要求的區域和NPC說話即可完成任務,至於“失蹤的使節”可於前往『貧瘠之地』的路上完成,但是以目前的等級是很困難的。 最好是等你到達36級之後再來解。
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