首页 社区老年人日间照料中心建设标准



社区老年人日间照料中心建设标准社区老年人日间照料中心建设标准 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强和规范社区老年人日间照料中心的基础设施建设,提高工程项目决策和建设管理水平,充分发挥投资效益,推进我国养老服务事业的发展,制定本建设标准。 第二条 本建设标准是社区老年人日间照料中心建设项目决策和合理确定建设水平的全国统一标准,是编制、评估和审批社区老年人日间照料中心项目建议书的依据,也是有关部门审查工程初步设计和监督检查建设全过程的重要依据。 第三条 本建设标准适用于社区老年人日间照料中心的新建工程项目,改建和扩建工程项目可参照执行。 本建设...

社区老年人日间照料中心建设 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强和 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 社区老年人日间照料中心的基础设施建设,提高工程项目决策和建设管理水平,充分发挥投资效益,推进我国养老服务事业的发展,制定本建设标准。 第二条 本建设标准是社区老年人日间照料中心建设项目决策和合理确定建设水平的全国统一标准,是编制、评估和审批社区老年人日间照料中心项目建议书的依据,也是有关部门审查工程初步设计和监督检查建设全过程的重要依据。 第三条 本建设标准适用于社区老年人日间照料中心的新建工程项目,改建和扩建工程项目可参照执行。 本建设标准所指社区老年人日间照料中心是指为以生活不能完全自理、日常生活需要一定照料的半失能老年人为主的日托老年人提供膳食供应、个人照顾、保健康复、娱乐和交通接送等日间服务的设施。 第四条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设必须遵循国家经济建设的方针政策,符合国家相关法律法规,从老年人实际需求出发,综合考虑社会经济发展水平,因地制宜,按照本建设标准的 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ,合理确定建设水平。 第五条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设应满足日托老年人在生活照料、保健康复、精神慰藉等方面的基本需求,做到规模适宜、功能完善、安全卫生、运行经济。 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 第六条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设应与经济、社会发展水平相适应,纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,统筹安排,确保政府资金投入,其建设用地应纳入城市规划。 第七条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设应充分利用其他社区公共服务和福利设施,实行资源整合与共享。统一规划,合理布局,并充分体现国家节能减排的要求。 第八条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设除应符合本建设标准外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准、定额的规定。 第二章 建设内容及项目构成 第九条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设内容包括房屋建筑及建筑设备、场地和基本装备。 第十条 社区老年人日间照料中心房屋建筑应根据实际需要,合理设置老年人的 生活服务、保健康复、娱乐及辅助用房。其中: 老年人生活服务用房可包括休息室、沐浴间(含理发室)和餐厅(含配餐间); 老年人保健康复用房可包括医疗保健室、康复训练室和心理疏导室; 老年人娱乐用房可包括阅览室(含书画室)、网络室和多功能活动室; 辅助用房可包括办公室、厨房、洗衣房、公共卫生间和其他用房(含库房等)。 第十一条 社区老年人日间照料中心的建筑设备应包括供电、给排水、采暖通风、通讯、消防和网络等设备。 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 第十二条 社区老年人日间照料中心的场地应包括道路、停车、绿化和室外活动等场地。 第十三条 社区老年人日间照料中心应配备生活服务、保健康复、娱乐、安防、等相关设备和必要的交通工具。 第三章 建设规模及面积指标 第十四条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设规模应以社区居住人口数量为主要依据,兼顾服务半径确定。 第十五条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设规模分为三类,其房屋建筑面积指标宜符合表1规定。人口老龄化水平较高的社区,可根据实际需要适当增加建筑面积,一、二、三类社区老年人日间照料中心房屋建筑面积可分别按老年人人均房屋建筑面积0.26?、0.32?、0.39?核定。 表1 社区老年人日间照料中心房屋建筑面积指标表 社区人口规模2类别 建筑面积(m) (人) 一类 30000,50000 1600 二类 15000,30000(不含) 1085 三类 10000,15000(不含) 750 注:平均使用面积系数按0.65计算。 第十六条 社区老年人日间照料中心各类用房使用面积所占比例参照表2确定。 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support3 表2 社区老年人日间照料中心各类用房使用面积所占比例表 使用面积所占比例(%) 用房名称 一类 二类 三类 生活服务用房 43.0 39.3 35.7 老 年人 保健康复用房 11.9 16.2 20.3 用 娱乐用房 18.3 16.2 15.5 房 辅助用房 26.8 28.3 28.5 合计 100.0 100.0 100.0 注:表中所列各项功能用房使用面积所占比例为参考值,各地可根据实际业务需要在总建筑面积范围内适当调整。 第四章 选址及规划布局 第十七条 社区老年人日间照料中心的选址应符合城市规划要求,并满足以下条件: 一、服务对象相对集中,交通便利,供电、给排水、通讯等市政条件较好; 二、临近医疗机构等公共服务设施; 三、环境安静,与高噪声、污染源的防护距离符合有关安全卫生规定。 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 第十八条 社区老年人日间照料中心宜在建筑低层部分,相对独立,并有独立出入口。二层以上的社区老年人日间照料中心应设置电梯或无障碍坡道。无障碍坡道的建筑面积不计入本标准规定的总建筑面积内。 第十九条 社区老年人日间照料中心建设应根据日托老年人的特点和各项设施的功能要求,进行合理布局,分区设置。 第二十条 社区老年人日间照料中心老年人休息室宜与保健康复、娱乐用房和辅助用房作必要的分隔,避免干扰。 第五章 建筑标准及有关设施 第二十一条 社区老年人日间照料中心建筑标准应根据日托老年人的身心特点和服务 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 ,结合经济水平和地域条件合理确定,主要建筑的结构型式应考虑使用的灵活性并留有扩建、改造的余地。 第二十二条 社区老年人日间照料中心建筑设计应符合老年人建筑设计、城市道路和建筑物无障碍设计和公共建筑节能设计等规范、标准的要求和规定。 第二十三条 社区老年人日间照料中心房屋建筑宜采用钢筋混凝土结构;其抗震设防标准应为重点设防类。 第二十四条 社区老年人日间照料中心消防设施的配置应符合建筑设计防火规范的有关规定,其建筑防火等级不应低于二级。 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support5 第二十五条 社区老年人日间照料中心老年人休息室以每间容纳4,6人为宜,室内通道和床(椅)距应满足轮椅进出及日常照料的需要。老年人休息室可内设卫生间,其地面应满足易清洗和防滑的要求。 第二十六条 社区老年人日间照料中心老年人用房门净宽不应小于90cm,走道净宽不应小于180cm。 第二十七条 社区老年人日间照料中心老年人用房应保证充足的日照和良好的通风,充分利用天然采光,窗地比不应低于1:6。 第二十八条 社区老年人日间照料中心的建筑外观应做到色调温馨、简洁大方、自然和谐、统一标识;室内装修应符合无障碍、卫生、环保和温馨的要求,并按老年人建筑设计规范的相关规定执行。 第二十九条 社区老年人日间照料中心供电设施应符合设备和照明用电负荷的要求,并宜配置应急电源设备。 第三十条 社区老年人日间照料中心应有给排水设施,并应符合国家卫生标准。其生活服务用房应具有热水供应系统,并配置洗涤、沐浴等设施。 第三十一条 严寒、寒冷及夏热冬冷地区的社区老年人日间照料中心应具有采暖设施;最热月平均室外气温高于或等于25?地区的社区老年人日间照料中心应设置空调设备,并有通风换气装置。 第三十二条 社区老年人日间照料中心应根据网络服务和信息化管理的需要,敷设线路,预留接口。 附录一 主要名词解释 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 1.日托老年人:到社区老年人日间照料中心接受照料和服务的老年人。 2.医疗保健室:为日托老年人提供简单医疗服务和健康指导的用房。 3.康复训练室:为日托老年人提供康复训练的用房。 4.网络室:供日托老年人上网及通过网络与亲人、朋友聊天的用房。 5.多功能活动室:供日托老年人开展娱乐、讲座等集体活动的用房。 6.心理疏导室:为日托老年人及老年人家庭照顾者提供心理咨询和情绪疏导服务的用房。 附录二 用词和用语说明 1 为便于在执行本标准条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下: 1)表示很严格,非这样做不可的: 正面词采用“必须”,反面词采用“严禁”; 2)表示严格,在正常情况下均应这样做的: 正面词采用“应”,反面词采用“不应”或“不得”; 3)表示允许稍有选择,在条件许可时首先应这样做的: 正面词采用“宜”,反面词采用“不宜”; 表示有选择,在一定条件下可以这样做的,采用“可”。 2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为“应符合„„的规定”或“应按„„执行” upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support7
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