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风电场工作总结风电场工作总结 我去风电场参观实习了,感觉太好了,不总结总结都对不起这次机会,哈哈, 为学习宣传贯彻党的十七大精神、团的十六大精神和迎接改革开放三十周年、华北电力大学50周年校庆营造良好氛围,我院利用这次研究生暑期社会实践机会,组织并开展了京能集团北京官厅风电场——华北电力大学研究生暑期社会实践活动。本次社会实践团由控制科学与工程学院博士生导师徐大平教授带队,以教授、副教授、博士生、硕士生为骨干成员,对京能集团北京官厅风电场进行了为期三天的暑期社会实践活动。 官厅风力发电场位于河北省怀来县狼山风口、官厅水库东...

风电场 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 我去风电场参观实习了,感觉太好了,不 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 总结都对不起这次机会,哈哈, 为学习宣传贯彻党的十七大精神、团的十六大精神和迎接改革开放三十周年、华北电力大学50周年校庆营造良好氛围,我院利用这次研究生暑期社会实践机会,组织并开展了京能集团北京官厅风电场——华北电力大学研究生暑期社会实践活动。本次社会实践团由控制科学与 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 学院博士生导师徐大平教授带队,以教授、副教授、博士生、硕士生为骨干成员,对京能集团北京官厅风电场进行了为期三天的暑期社会实践活动。 官厅风力发电场位于河北省怀来县狼山风口、官厅水库东南沿岸一带,东临延庆康西草原,距离北京市区约80公里。整个风力发电厂南北长约6公里,东西宽14公里,而这里正是传统意义上的北京“上风口”,常年大风不断。从去年7月开始吊装第一台风机,到去10月底全部33部风车就安装完成。按照设计标准,一期工程的风电装机容量为5万千瓦时,就意味着风电场每小时就能发出5万度电。这样的数据是在风机达到满负荷运转下得到的,但由于风力并不是恒定不变的,因此一年中大约只有部分时间能达到满负荷发电的水平。 作为北京可再生能源规模最大的建设项目,官厅风电场总投资5.8亿元,总装机容量10万千瓦,分两期进行建设,作为北京2008年 “绿色奥运”工程之一的北京官厅风电场一期工程于2008年1月18日并网调试成功,并开始源源不断地向北京电网注入绿色电力,预计年发system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 电量1亿度。以北京每户家庭年均使用1000度电计算,1亿度电至少能够解决10万户家庭的生活用电需求。二期工程建设将于2010年前完成工程建设。 与火力发电机组相比,同等发电量情况下,官厅风电场一期工程能提供的这种绿色电力相当于每年减少5万吨煤炭或2000万立方米天然气的使用量,可减少二氧化碳排放量10万吨、二氧化硫排放量782吨。环境效益非常可观。另外,风力发电是北京2008年奥运会绿色电力的重要组成部分,有20%的奥运场馆用电为风力发电。 随着风电场一期工程的完工,数十台洁白的风车在蓝天碧水的映衬下也显得更为优美。在去年十一期间,就有很多人到水库旁观光,风车也成为此处最显眼的景观之一,许多游人争相摄影留念。 风力发电机组所有设备都安装在地面8.8米以上的位置。根据官厅水文记录,这样的设计可以抵御百年一遇的洪水,也不会影响到周围人们的安全。此外,在风电场建设前组织的环境影响评估中,专门有一章考虑到对周围候鸟迁徙影响的问题。根据研究,官厅风电场附近最主要的候鸟栖息地位于延庆野鸭湖,但出入野鸭湖的候鸟迁徙路线距离风电场最近的点也有10公里以上的距离。因此,风电场不会影响周边候鸟的迁徙。 官厅风电场运行的主力机型是国产金风1500KW永磁直驱式风力发电机组,直驱型风力发电机组由于省掉了齿轮箱,使得伺服传动系统system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 简单很多,故障减少、维修简单、风机机舱重量减轻了许多,因此是未来风力发电的一大方向。 2008年8月26日,我们在徐大平博导的带领下,从学校出发,经过一个小时的车程,到达了官厅风电场主监控楼,在风电场唐厂长的带领下,我们参观了主控室,并与运行人员进行了详细的交流。上午11时30分,我们一行人驱车前往风电场参观风电机组。刚进风电场,映入眼帘的就是数十个巨大的风车,高大而洁白的风车静静地矗立在官厅湖畔,默默地为人类贡献着电能。附近的玉米地里有几个农民正在辛勤的耕作,不时还能传来牛羊的叫声,远处的官厅湖水在太阳的照射下熠熠发光,水面上悠闲的泛着几叶扁舟。多美的一幅田园画卷啊,我深深地被眼前的景色所打动,人与自然在这里竟然是如此的和谐,我平生第一次体会到了“天人合一”的感觉。 当我们来到一台风车下面时,眼前的这个庞然大物使我感到非常震撼,65米的“身躯”直立在地基上,37米的“手臂”在空中晃动着,发出“呜呜”的声响。塔筒上清晰的印着“京能集团”四个蓝色大字,非常醒目。这就是我们本次社会实践要重点考察的1.5MW的风力发电机组。在风电场工作人员的指引下我们爬上了塔筒内距离地面8.8米的设备平台。风电机组的主要设备都位于此平台上,主要有主控制柜、变流柜、冷却柜、箱式变压器。其中,主控制柜是整个机组的大脑,它负责机组的起停,各项参数的监控,以及与远程主控室的通信。变流柜中主要有电力电子器件IGBT及其控制电路,它由整流部分和逆变部system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 分组成,负责将发电机发出的电能转换成符合电网要求的电能。它是整个风力发电机组中对技术要求最高的部分,目前变流柜还无法实现国产化,需要从国外进口。由于变流柜中用到的电力电子器件功率较大、开关频率较高,所以发热量很大,需要进行水冷,冷却柜就是用来对变流柜进行冷却的。冷却柜也有其控制器,负责对整个冷却系统的控制。 我们华北电力大学暑期社会实践团来到官厅风电场,风电场领导对我们非常重视,8月26日晚上,风电场领导组织风电场员工和我们研究生进行技术交流,会上气氛非常热烈,我们通过和风电场运行员交流,学到了许多现场的知识。另外,风电场员工在和我们交流的过程中也提高了自己的理论水平,从而可以更好的利用这些理论来指导实践。总之,通过当天晚上的交流我们双方都受益匪浅,暑期社会实践活动是增进高校与企业之间相互了解的一座桥梁,对双方是都是有利的。 8月27日上午,我们在风电场运行员小刘的引领下参观了风电场的输配电设备及其继电保护系统。小刘是风电场的骨干员工,他先后引领我们参观了无功补偿室,主配电间,继电保护间,主变、断路器、刀闸等主要输电设备。对照着实物再加上小刘详细的讲解,我们对风电场输配电设备及其继电保护系统有了一个非常清晰的了概念。27日下午,在我们的努力争取下,风电场唐场长终于同意我们上风机的请求了,适逢天公作美,风很小,在不影响发电量的前提下,小刘停system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 掉了28号风机,允许大家去机舱里看看,想到能爬风机了,大家真是无比的激动和兴奋,但是,爬塔架并不是一件容易的事,机舱离地面有65米,因此,要想从地面爬到65米的高空,对人的体力也是一种考验。但是我们有坚强的意志和必胜的信心,最后我们七个人,包括两名女同学,全部爬到了65米高的机舱中,机舱中的部件主要有发电机、变桨距系统、偏航系统、液压刹车系统、机舱控制柜等组成。发电机是一台44对极的外转子永磁电机,定子采用双绕组结构,额定功率为1.5MW,变桨距控制柜嵌在轮毂里随轮毂一起旋转,负责桨叶节距角的调节,用于机组的起停及气动刹车。偏航系统则是根据风向信号进行风轮的对风操作,它的执行机构是四个偏航电机,而液压刹车系统则是在机组停机时,固定机舱之用的。此外,机舱控制柜则是整个机舱的大脑,机舱中的各种信号都是汇集到该控制柜中,然后通过通讯光纤传到塔筒柜中。机舱上有个天窗,通过天窗可以俯瞰整个官厅湖的景色,当时正赶上夕阳西下,金色的阳光洒满了整个湖面,这迷人的景色深深地吸引了我,能够欣赏到这样的景色,对于习惯了城市喧嚣的我来说简直就是一种享受。 8月28日,这是我们此次社会实践活动的最后一天,风电场小刘带我们参观了他们场的一些后勤设施,比如冬天可以取暖夏天可以制冷的水源热泵系统,还有用于灌溉的污水处理系统,最令我们感到吃惊的是风电场员工食堂里的饭菜是他们利用一块空地自己种植的纯绿色蔬菜,由于风电场的员工较少,有好多菜他们自己吃不了,还能拿到市场上去卖呢,整个风电场简直就是一个绿色产业基地。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 三天的实践活动结束了,美好的时光总是过得那么快,8月28日下午,我们乘车回到了学校,我不断的回想这三天的行程,感觉很温馨,我们本次社会实践活动不仅从企业学到了 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 本上学不到的知识,而且也将我们在学校里学到的知识回馈给社会。回想起这三天的风电场的生活,我们收获的不仅是团队成员之间互相帮助互相鼓励的友谊,而且更收获了和风电场员工之间的信任和友谊,为我们以后校企进一步的合作打下了坚实的基础。在这里我要特别感谢徐大平博导为我们争取到了这次机会,感谢热情好客的唐厂长对我们的关心和照顾,感谢纯朴、勤奋、好学的风电场运行员小刘对我们无私的帮助。本次社会实践活动对我来说是一次非常难忘的经历,这将是我的人生中一笔宝贵的财富, system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction
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