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英雄无敌6战役攻略英雄无敌6战役攻略 更新完毕了,不过没什么想说的话,感觉现在的游侠没以前的氛围了,讨论好少,最后谢谢一直以来关注此贴的朋友,谢谢你们的回复 剧情战役后来决定了按照剧情顺序来攻略所以可能会造成这场战役打一关那场战役打一关的情况,不过能更好的体验剧情,姑且就这样吧,以下是我的攻略顺序,蓝色字体为已经完成。 教学第一章,教学第二章,据点第一章,瀛洲第一章,地狱第一章,圣堂第一章,墓园第一章,据点第二章,瀛洲第二章,圣堂第二章,墓园第二章,瀛洲第三章,据点第三章,地狱第二章,墓园第三章,地狱第三章,瀛洲第四章,据点第...

英雄无敌6战役攻略 更新完毕了,不过没什么想说的话,感觉现在的游侠没以前的氛围了,讨论好少,最后谢谢一直以来关注此贴的朋友,谢谢你们的回复 剧情战役后来决定了按照剧情顺序来攻略所以可能会造成这场战役打一关那场战役打一关的情况,不过能更好的体验剧情,姑且就这样吧,以下是我的攻略顺序,蓝色字体为已经完成。 教学第一章,教学第二章,据点第一章,瀛洲第一章,地狱第一章,圣堂第一章,墓园第一章,据点第二章,瀛洲第二章,圣堂第二章,墓园第二章,瀛洲第三章,据点第三章,地狱第二章,墓园第三章,地狱第三章,瀛洲第四章,据点第四章,圣堂第三章,墓园第四章,圣堂第四章,地狱第四章,终章-血系,终章-泪系。 =================================================================== 前言 这里说点基本事项:(蓝色字体为比较重要) 1。这作困难难度不算难,有点前几作经验的人都能轻松上手适应困难难度,路上打野怪看清楚标示,分为致命(确实致命),高(能打赢但是无损或者低损需要过多战略或者条件),适中(无损和低损需要一定程度的条件),低(无损或者低损比较容易),微小(基本可以无损),所以当你在分岔路的时段,可以看看周围怪物的标示来决定先去哪个区域战斗。 2。这作是个主城就有传送,只要你修建出来传送器,英雄的魔法书内就多了传送技能,打开魔法书就能看见。 3。尽量多招个英雄陪着主力英雄走,主英雄负责打怪,副英雄负责捡物,城里再招个英雄负责运兵。 4。修建方面看形势随机应变,当然还是要先看重经济,单独升级兵的建筑比修墙增长要多。 5。本攻略的加点推荐只是为一种选择,不一定要效仿,并且只适用用单人战役,如果你拿这些天赋去PVP那会屎得很惨,适用于自己的战术不是看别人的而是自己思考出来的。 6。战役中建议大家玩两次以便收集,比如第一次玩的血系法师,第二次就玩泪系战士,英雄类别可以在第一关点击人物头像修改。 7。在初期不要拖拖拉拉,你要知道你拖得越久电脑越强,当然一路上的无损战斗也能对后面的大战减轻很多压力。 8。按照本攻略的流程,支线任务是不会缺的,因为在路上都能顺路完成。 9。我尽量使用该章节能获得的王朝武器,而不跨越使用,另外有BUG严重的王朝武器也不使用(比如墓园战役去使用瀛洲的潮汐之仗,狮鹫之剑除外) 10。有些时候路上的加成建筑对最终战是有改变战局的效果(也包括损失会很大的攻城战),所以在要打难打的战斗前多碰一点路上的加成建筑是不吃亏的。 11。本攻略的进军路线也许会和你打的时候情况不同(比如侧翼来敌等,所以请大家不要完全效仿,选择自己合适的战斗路线)。 12。只有套装以及王朝武器会被带入下一场战役,并且没装备的套装要放在背包前两排,超出则不会带入下一场(王朝武器还必须用主英雄装备一次才能保存) 13。本战役英雄为原设定(即未初始为法系专修则为法系,并未调整成另外专修)。 14。虽然是以困难为蓝本,但却适合任何难度的玩家参阅。 15。由于传送门这个神奇的东西存在,所以看攻略的朋友可能会出现按照本攻略路线上出现打不过的敌人,这样可以选择绕另外的路线攻打敌人,而不要墨守成规的死磕攻略。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. =================================================================== 教学篇 第一章:狮鹫之灾 本关能入手王朝武器:无 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:2级+战壕类-突进,3级+战壕类-英勇无畏,4,5级留点不加。 出来流程教育跟着走就行了,第二波狼先歼灭大狼,这样可以保证弓箭手不损失,继续前行收到牧师后小幅度调整下队形,把弓拖到第一格,卫兵第二格,牧师第三格(格子七个,上四下三,我说的是上面四个格,从左往右),之后上前被动开战,全部火力打大块头,第二回合弓和英雄打魅魔,其他打疯魔,注意治疗应该还是比较好保证无损的,我图中站位失误导致有损,勿调戏。 2011-10-16 21:12:00 上传 下载附件 (217.04 KB) 之后继续前进,攻打城镇,这场战斗无损比较难(对我来说),用弓加英雄可以秒狗,疯魔过来了集体招待,最后打魅魔的损失要小一点。打下城后可以招卫兵,之后不要和野外战斗,去地图的A处和B处收两队兽人,收到后回城招募守卫之后开始清理地图上的怪物。(路上的马房,红旗,女神像这些能碰就碰一下没坏处的) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-16 21:26:19 上传 下载附件 (11.84 KB) 把英雄技能的突进和英勇无畏加出来(剩下再升级的点数建议不加存起来),打架的时候给兽人加英勇几乎秒怪了,记得占金矿,一路往下,如果打掉右面水晶矿的怪,敌人英雄会自己过来找死的,这次战斗要避免大规模损失,上手先给兽人加英勇,然后弓手打魅魔,兽人走到地狱犬攻击范围,牧师治疗自己,守卫和牧师站一起保证第二回合敌人不找牧师麻烦,第二回合地狱犬自己上来送死,其他怪也会因为守卫的原因不攻击牧师去打兽人,接下来按照大块头,疯魔的顺序击破即可,图中损失有点杂是因为最后敌人英雄给了一个爆炸还是啥群攻魔法来着,无所谓了。 2011-10-16 22:02:50 上传 下载附件 (236.31 KB) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 之后占完矿后地下入口开启,进入地下后下面点就是支线任务号角,打掉食尸鬼拿到即可,地下的怪无损非常简单,把地面清理完后可以打本章最终BOSS了,打这BOSS我女人全送了,悲剧,思路基本上是先杀魅魔再杀卵魔,两步兵疯狂敲门,但是不要堵住门,留下位置敌人有些兵力会出来打我方的敲门兵,出来就乱棍打死即可。 2011-10-16 22:32:13 上传 下载附件 (163.9 KB) 打下后把城堡转化一下就过关了,教学关基本都是混的,所以拿英雄积分也很简单。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-16 22:32:32 上传 下载附件 (209.64 KB) =================================================================== 第二章:皇帝的意志 本关能入手王朝武器:狮鹫之剑(初始获得) 王朝特性:卡罗牌 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:4级+典范类-后勤,5级+战术类-战术I,7级+战壕类-完美突击,8级+战壕类-群体英勇无畏。 魔法系:6级+光明类-疗伤 2011-10-17 12:47:31 上传 下载附件 (22.66 KB) 一出来我方在A处,先加后勤和战术的技能,城堡左面的守卫会加入队伍,出来修建弓手和牧师,把初始区域扫干净,第七天城里修出城墙门就开了,招募一周的兵后一路杀下去,刚好花七天可以清理掉路上的杂兵并到达B点要塞门前(路上的无损都很容易,水元素的话,出来战术的时候守卫和弓手牧师站一起可以吸收大部分伤害,之后逐一击破,牧师复活人就可以了),开始攻打出来让守卫和牧师弓手站一起,最好是大门正对位置,敌人守卫会出城,我方利用英雄和弓手消耗对方弓手,敌人守卫出城时可以用弓打他一次,然后在用守卫和牧师可以击杀,剩下的就是互射了,完全不用去打门 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-17 12:29:07 上传 下载附件 (224.73 KB) 之后刚好一周可以招兵(我很幸运的碰到瘟疫周,只能说草泥马),由于瘟疫我兵力十分少,过传送门一战打很辛苦死了十多个守卫,具体就是弓对弓,其他对守卫的打法,记得给牧师套保护天使骗反击,六级升出光明魔法的疗伤,之后可以先打上面的C处亡灵城,这战更难,损失也非常大,初始集中兵力在下方,弓手初期打对方骷髅,英雄一般等疗伤能达到最大效果的时候就用,集中敲开最下面的墙,开墙后注意位置让女人顶无敌骗反击,守卫兽人打便宜,一般打掉量少那批食尸鬼就应该冲到敌人骷髅面前交战了,总是损失是难免的,我方兵力太少~ r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-17 12:29:11 上传 下载附件 (204.01 KB) 打掉亡灵城后应修养生息到下周,城里建造出高级守卫后,招募一周的兵力后去打要塞D,要塞D下方有队必然加入的高级守卫,一定要先收了再去打,要塞的打法同之前的打法,基本一样,敌人连行动方式都一样的,只是多个英雄而已,打掉要塞D去E处打掉守宝物的气元素,低损打法则是只让高级守卫出战,上手突进,最后疗伤即可。支线任务在F处占领生物槽即可,不要逗留直接去G处,再没有新的一周前攻打下G,计算准确的话刚好打下G就来了新的一周,招募士兵去H处拿盔甲(神器,而且正常流程来说收集宝物的任务会在 的盔甲,以及敌人英雄身上会掉落的盾牌),此完成,收集宝物的任务是在E处的肩膀,H处 最后打J处敌人即可,J处敌人兵力很多,可以等1-2周后再去攻打,我保险起见等了3周,而且敌人会时不时的派英雄出来骚扰要塞G,可以在打掉敌人骚扰英雄后到处去打野怪练练级别,练到8级最好,之后去J处最后决战,可能是我运气好吧,我到J处时敌人的大部分兵种给了一个废物英雄,而且是在城外~吃掉敌人废物英雄后,打主力英雄显得他兵力不足。(对了补充一点吧,如果和敌人城外交战应先杀牧师) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-17 12:29:16 上传 下载附件 (229.09 KB) 另外战后评分还是英雄,不过我好奇的是为什么我没拿到英雄评分的成就,难道这评分是假 的, 2011-10-17 12:29:20 上传 下载附件 (219.48 KB) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. =================================================================== 墓园篇 第一章:逆境重重 本关能入手王朝武器:灵魂掠夺法杖(打败C点上方的独眼巨人后获得),阿拉克尼宝剑(由H点进入地下往右走打败深渊领主后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,魔力+3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:1级+典范类-后勤,3级+典范类-启蒙,4级+战术类-战术I 魔法系:2级+黑暗类-吸取生命,5级+土系类-活力再生,6级+土系类-护体石肤,7级+气系类-风暴神箭,8级+黑暗类-群体吸取生命,9,10级没加。 2011-10-23 19:53:17 上传 下载附件 (19.28 KB) 亡灵无损战斗十分简单,特殊技能就是亡者复生,还有幽灵的复生,以及生命吸取,活力再生等魔法的支援下,食尸鬼和幽灵很难损失,再加上风暴神箭魔法支持的骷髅那就是遇神杀神遇佛杀佛。 出来经过地道来到A处,路上的兵打掉后在星期六攻打B处城堡最佳(路上就打兵,资源不捡,但要占矿),去1处出发召集大军的支线任务,之后直接招副英雄回去捡东西,主英雄一路杀到C处地道口,上方有队独眼看守着王朝武器,此战无损只需要带食尸鬼,让其一直站在战场最左下格不要动,给其加上石肤和吸血等独眼来送死,这样永远只有1只独眼能攻击到食尸鬼。之后顺着C地道通到2处找到召集大军的第二处,然后攻打D处城堡,具体打法和打野外兵种差不多,吸血给食尸鬼,石头皮肤可以给幽灵让其飞进去打敌人弓手,敌人地面部队不出意外都会出城来打正在敲门的食尸鬼的(城堡下方有个支线任务,具体是打败敌人一个圣裁官英雄掉落任务卷轴,这个应该是随机的),之后应该尽快占领E处,如果敌人来偷袭D处应立刻返回D处,然后再攻打F处,之后再返回3处完成召集大军的第三步,然后到第4处去完成召集大军的第四步,这时候再返回F处到5处完成召集大军任务,跟着攻占G处要塞,然后打H处城堡,打法和D处城堡没区别,之后走上方地道进入地下,看见岔路后往右走能看到深渊领主,此领主守护着一个王朝武器,这战无损的话和打独眼的r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 时候一样,只是主角换成了幽灵。 顺着地道来到I处攻打城堡后可以走旁边的传送门进去打光灵了(注:此光灵数量为固定,不会增长,所以如果实力差太多可以多等几个周,另外打之前请保证身上有群体虚弱卷轴,各个建筑的增益,最重要的是H处右方的水盾增益),具体打法为,全体放在左下,食尸鬼靠前,上手使用群体虚弱卷轴,食尸鬼直接向前冲,但是不要走得太靠前,大概走6步即可(我忘了是几步总之是比最大步数少一步的位置),幽灵则不动,远程打升级过后的光灵,第二回合幽灵等待,技能复活食尸鬼,然后食尸鬼找个光灵多的区域走进去,给骷髅加风暴神箭,幽灵复活食尸鬼,这样2回合下来敌人就死的差不多拉。 2011-10-23 19:53:24 上传 下载附件 (152.6 KB) 最后剧情过后本关结束 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-23 19:53:30 上传 下载附件 (124.22 KB) =================================================================== 第二章:深入内部 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,魔力+3,技能效果+5% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:9级+战争类-箭术I,10级+战争类-箭术II 魔法系:15级+黑暗类-恐惧怒嚎,15级+黑暗类-傀儡大师,15级+洪荒类-时间停泄,15级+ 洪荒类-冥想,15级+土系类-石化大法 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-28 16:49:45 上传 下载附件 (10.98 KB) 本关没有城堡,只要靠几个支线和墓地得到兵力,所以路上应全部无损最佳,而且亡灵无损特别容易,只需要使用食尸鬼,给其加上吸血,活力再生,石头皮肤的话完全能上演食尸鬼无双。无论打英雄还是打野怪,完全没有其他兵种登场的机会。 首先出来在地面,由于本关地下有3个升级圣坛,所以宝箱可以转化为金币,至少存2W金币为好,没有多余的路线,一直跟着唯一的路走就行了,路中间碰到姑妈后要等我方亡灵NPC走到城堡后才能继续剧情,见到蛛母后来到内心世界,如图先攻打A处城堡(打法之前都说过了,只需要带食尸鬼,之后也一样。打城的话用英雄砍死雪女敌人就会出城了),在B处触发雕像任务,需要触碰三处的美杜莎雕像,之后来到C处传送门,进去打败深渊恶魔可以完成一个支线,D处触发另外一个支线占领2个焚化场,另外焚化场右面有个美杜莎雕像,打败E处的兄弟后来到F处触碰雕像,雕像任务完成,之后一路来到G处占领另外一个焚化场,支线全部完成,最后回到H处进去打本章最后一战,如果前面全部无损,打此战的难度极小,远程轰杀对面魅魔,疯魔出来后来个时间停泄就废了,地狱犬就是送的。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-28 16:49:51 上传 下载附件 (164.35 KB) 打完之后过关,这里有人会说打完后就没下文了,那请你看看自己的任务列表,是不是没有 进行声望转职任务~转职任务在本章是主线,一定要完成了才会过关。 2011-10-28 16:49:58 上传 下载附件 (158.15 KB) =================================================================== r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 第三章:光芒四射的黎明 本关能入手王朝武器:桑德罗法杖(在地道中段岔路口上方接到拉玛苏任务完成后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,魔力+3,技能效果+5% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:魔法系:16级+洪荒类-魔法倾向I,17级+洪荒类-法力提升I,18级+ -法力提升III,20级+土系类-召唤土元素,21级+土系类-洪荒类-法力提升II,19级+洪荒类 群体活力再生,22级+土系类-群体石肤护体,23级+洪荒类-魔法倾向II,24级+洪荒类-魔法倾向III -2 20:11:46 上传 2011-11 下载附件 (38.05 KB) 本章由于英雄初期的攻击力十分可观,前期可以用食尸鬼单兵避免损失,后期由于对手是亡灵,得依靠泪系大招牺牲来撑起无损大任。 出来我方在A点(城堡优先升级食尸鬼),周围野怪清理掉后占领下方要塞后接到剿灭地狱任务,之后直接去打B处要塞(勿乱走触发吸血鬼任务),在去地底的时候先打打野怪等待第二周,让副英雄带食尸鬼下来输送给主英雄后开始下地道直接往C处走,路上的地狱英雄可以使用石化食尸鬼的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,然后石化期间利用主英雄的平砍消灭对手(注意蓝用掉一半使用冥想,食尸鬼有损则靠活力再生补充即可),只要打的快,C处城堡的敌人兵力也不多,打法和之前提及的一样 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-2 20:11:52 上传 下载附件 (154.45 KB) 打掉地狱城堡后可以清理下地底了,在D处可以接到拉玛苏任务,完成后可以获得王朝武器桑德罗法杖,之后再回到地面去E处接吸血鬼任务,这时候城堡招募大军,灭掉F处兽人后再回到E处即完成任务(血系路线可以把路德米拉收为后宫,误),打兽人无损就简单了不想多说,吸血即可。然后平定己方大岛后就可以航海出行了,海上环岛有不少加属性的地方,建议先访问了,之后登陆G处打掉兽人城堡(敌人很弱),然后跟着打掉H处城堡(敌人也很弱),最后打I处米兰达即可,米兰达兵力挺多的,要想无损还真得靠兵力压制,但是为了时间着想就不憋兵了,具体打法为第一回合吸血鬼防御,看行动条,在敌人尸巫和骷髅之前给吸血鬼加技能牺牲(血系的朋友可以不看下去了),全军冲锋到敌人近战类不会一下就打到自己的位置,第二回合再给吸血鬼加石化,其余飞行兵等待敌人出城,之后陆战类和远程类消灭出城的敌兵,飞行类快速进城去封堵尸巫和骷髅,等吸血鬼牺牲时间过了基本上也能把敌人灭得只剩下蜘蛛女有战斗力了,给他个停泄,随便搞即可 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-2 20:11:57 上传 下载附件 (216.07 KB) 之后剧情完成后过关,剧情有点伤不起啊 -2 20:12:02 上传 2011-11 下载附件 (197.99 KB) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. =================================================================== 第四章:蜘蛛的策略 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,魔力+3,技能效果+5% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:27级+战争类-坚韧I,28级+典范类-防御术I,29级+典范类-防御术II,30级+战术类-战术II 魔法系:25级+洪荒类-瞬间移动,26级+黑暗类-召唤暗元素 2011-11-10 17:27:33 上传 下载附件 (25.43 KB) 自动都能无损大部分野怪的种族,多余的言语也只是浪费口舌。 我方初始在A点,占领下面的木头矿就可往上路进攻了,打掉B处要塞。1处的野怪打掉能拿到圆盘1,路上遭遇地狱英雄也是乱玩死他,打法和之前战役一样,单兵石化流(前期用食尸鬼,后期尸巫)。进入C处传送门打掉地狱城堡(注意城堡打掉后就会被传送出来,所以东西注意捡干净再打城),继续打掉D处城堡以及E处传送门内的城堡,这时候可以传送回A处了(没传送门就立刻造) 这次由A处左面进发,打掉F处要塞,进入G处传送门打掉城堡,2处的野怪打掉能拿到圆盘2,拿下H处城堡后这时候应该派个副英雄去F处左面坐船,把船开到I处,主英雄则攻打I处传送门内的城堡,打掉城堡后船也过来了,上船去打掉3处的野怪拿到圆盘3,之后一路往上打掉J处传送门内的城堡,4处的野怪打掉能拿到圆盘4,亚莎之泪出现在造船厂附近,最后拿下K处城堡以及传送门内的城堡,之后可以一直休息完成招募1000个骷髅兵的任务。最后去L处打乌列尔即可,乌列尔很简单,骷髅记得放中间,第一回合石化吸血鬼,其他兵种等待,等他飞过来,拉玛苏抗一次攻击骗掉反击,幽灵复活拉玛苏,其他兵种猛轰r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 他,第二回合牺牲吸血鬼,剩下的就是狂点他了(如果要完成成就,需要1回合内解决掉乌列尔以及在场的所有小兵,最好的方法是把乌列尔打到还有一个反击就会死的程度,然后全员等待,等他找我方怪麻烦的时候利用反击弄死他,之后相当于有两次行动的机会灭掉所有小兵) 2011-11-10 17:27:39 上传 下载附件 (161.13 KB) 最后剧情之后过关。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-10 17:27:43 上传 下载附件 (126.08 KB) =================================================================== 圣堂篇 第一章:腐烂之物 本关能入手王朝武器:铁羽宝剑(完成拯救狮鹫任务后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:1级+典范类-后勤,2级+战术类-战术I ,4级+战术类-天降援兵I,6级+战术类-天降援兵II,7级+典范类-启蒙,8级+战争类-箭术I,9级+战争类-箭术II 魔法系:3级+土系类-活力再生,5级+土系类-护体石肤,10级+洪荒类-毁灭之光 2011-10-22 23:11:40 上传 下载附件 (28.07 KB) 人类无损主要靠神官吸收火力,但是要注意一点,如果守卫保护了神官而没有保护到弓手敌人会攻击弓手,所以要注意走位,神官的平静是个好技能,只要我方神官数量多,几乎必出平静,不要害怕升了级的弓手无差别射击,只要学了战术,出来站位站好是不会影响弓手发挥的。 出来在A处,占领了木头和石头矿后收编石头矿上方的守卫,然后回头来打城堡下方区域,建造方面钱优先,之后把3个兵种全部升级(有了神官的平静那打野可是刚刚的),第2周就能带着3样升过级的兵扫荡B区域了,这时应召一个英雄跟着捡路上的东西,主英雄只负责打怪和占矿之类的,第3周则速攻下C处城堡(路上的要塞不要错过),由于对方主力英雄出城来打我的捡矿英雄导致下回合被我主力野战轻松拿下,导致后面的攻城战不是太难,r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 但是如果没有在野外打掉对方主力英雄,那攻城战会损失不少,具体打法应该分3个数量为10的守卫包围我方弓箭手(就是之前打要塞下方挑战个遗迹能获得的30个守卫),为给牧师天降援兵,敌人踏梦者和战士肯定会出城(因为多),先打兽人,等打到能平静的程度再全力打踏梦者(弓手也要打,而不要理会地精),等清理完了最后击杀地精即可,损失会有,只要不太大就没有关系,之后再去D处进入地下,这时应在A处城堡修建出高级传送门,顺便存16个水晶,在D处地下有队守卫会加入,下方发现任务地精,选择血或泪线后上到狮鹫岛,完成任务获得铁羽剑,之后直接打开魔法书传送回城,补充兵力后直奔E处,由于我方兵力有所加强,所以E处反而比C处的兽人更好打了,别忘了E处下方的遗迹能得50个牧师,然后等新的一周直接攻打F处城堡,这个城堡兵力不少,具体打法为,守卫和弓手狮鹫站一起,神官单独站,这样敌人会集火神官,我方则第一回合靠狮鹫和弓手打敌人神官,让其治疗自己,守卫等待,等牧师加自己一口后英雄补给天降援兵,保证后面几回合靠额外兵顶住敌人弓手的射击,第二回合则全力击杀对方弓手,弓手杀掉后敌人会出城,再击杀神官,守卫即可。 2011-10-22 23:11:48 上传 下载附件 (224.36 KB) 之后在占领G处要塞,G处要塞下方有大队狮鹫会加入,G处上方的地下也有大队弓手会加入(这2队兵必须收,大量),之后打H城堡就轻松加愉快了,打法同F处,最后打I处城堡,打法还是同上。之后一段剧情本关结束 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-22 23:11:54 上传 下载附件 (179.96 KB) =================================================================== 第二章:好人成了恶棍,恶棍成了好人 本关能入手王朝武器:悲歌法杖(打败看守宝物的天使后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) +战争类-英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:15级+战术类-破胆怒吼,15级+战争类-恢复,15级 顺势斩,15级+战争类-反戈一击I,15级+战争类-狂暴,16级+战争类-反戈一击II,17级+ 战争类-反戈一击III r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-26 12:57:26 上传 下载附件 (25.51 KB) 首先不得不说一下人类的BUG,升级的狮鹫俯冲没有伤害,所以不要升级,骑士感觉并没有冲锋效果,前期魔法缺乏应装备先知套装的配件来保持法力的续航,本关野外战斗很容易无损就不多说了,攻城战一般让守卫保护光灵,弓手,狮鹫,把神官放到个无关紧要的位置加上天降就几乎无损了。另外注意活用狮鹫,不要急着俯冲,上手狮鹫应先等待,然后再俯冲可以获得多一个回合的行动权。 一出来我方在A点,路上砍砍杀杀来到B处,暂时不要急打城,城堡左方有一对狮鹫和守卫会加入,收了之后再攻打,此战优先解决拉玛苏,然后吸血鬼,牧师肯定全死了,再牺牲点守卫可以拿下。之后攻占C处空城,这时候往C处左走触发剧情,然后最好消灭一只来犯的圣堂部队后进入D处地下,占领亡灵的要塞,亡灵这里兵力很弱很容易打,之后攻占E处城堡,打人类城堡则是狮鹫弓手第一回合打神官,第二回合弓手射对方弓手,其他兵种等待敌人出城剿灭,站位同开篇提及的站位(后面所有的城堡打法都一样,不多做说明),占领E处后迅速攻占F处,然后攻打G和H处(只有H处能升级光灵,请务必升级),之后去I处攻占要塞,要塞下方有天使守护的王朝武器悲歌法杖,一定要有了高级的光灵后再去打I城,因为J城兵力十分多,打下J城后传送到H处进入K处地道,和弟弟一战,这里弟弟兵力比较少,而且又是野外战斗,无难度,最后进入传送门攻打最后的亡灵城堡即可,最后一战的难度还不及J处圣堂城堡,更无需多说(狮鹫弓手直接打残尸巫,其他亡灵部队出城门就是送) 2011-10-26 12:57:32 上传 下载附件 (153.12 KB) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. =================================================================== 第三章:诱惑并非完全让人不顾一切 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,回城术消耗移动减少50% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:21级+战争类-坚韧I,22级+典范类-领袖魅力I,23级+典范类-领袖魅力II,24级+典范类-领袖魅力III 魔法系:18级+光明类-疗伤,19级+土系类-群体活力再生,20级+光明类-群体疗伤 2011-11-8 21:30:43 上传 下载附件 (25.61 KB) 本关野怪数量不多,远远低于我方城堡的产量,数量优势下无损十分容易。打城方面,和以前差不多,守卫保护好光灵,狮鹫,弓手,让神官暴露在外抗打击即可,由于本关地方守城部队不会太强,也不需要过多讲解 首先打掉A处城堡,建设方面优先出光灵,钱可以缓慢修建(缺木头),之后打掉1处的野怪拿到圆盘1,再占领下方要塞(城堡这时候应再召一个英雄来输送兵力),然后去2处打野怪占矿,打掉2处的野怪拿到圆盘2,这时候输送兵力的英雄最好已经过来了,合并了兵力后一路过去打掉B要塞,不要停顿直接过去拿下城堡C(兵力很弱无需讲解),然后召集新兵力打D处城堡(需要在旁边的码头造船),拿下D城堡后进漩涡来到E处打掉E城堡,之后拿下F处要塞,然后可以直接打掉G处城堡和H处要塞。 之后可以选择去打掉3处的野怪拿到圆盘3,以及打掉4处的野怪拿到圆盘4,然后回主城修建亚莎建筑完成支线,然后来到I处触发任务,需要点亮三处的祭坛,位置任务里都标明了就不详细说出来了,点亮了三处祭坛后大门开启,直取I城堡,之后经过I城堡下方的传送门过去J处挑战最后一个敌人英雄即可。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 整场下来没任何难点战斗,所以本章攻略过程写的十分简单。 -8 21:30:50 上传 2011-11 下载附件 (192.82 KB) =================================================================== 第四章:虽败犹胜 本关能入手王朝武器:天使联盟(完成地道任务后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,回城术消耗移动 减少50% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:25级+战术类-战术II,28级+典范类-防御术I,29级+典范类- 防御术II,30级+典范类-防御术III 魔法系:26级+洪荒类-法力提升I,27级+洪荒类-法力提升II r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-11 18:46:03 上传 下载附件 (26.11 KB) 安东这货初期魔法值完全不够用,所以要一直穿戴先知套(特别是帽子和肩膀),战斗方法基本同之前战役 出来我方在A处,打掉城堡后建议先打B处要塞(因为能占领水晶矿),之后再回去打C处要塞(记得补充新一周的兵力,这样有队骑士会讨钱加入),之后打掉D处城堡(打D处城堡之前要下处理掉路上的废墟,能获得32个耀灵)。敌人会时不时的走单向传送门过来偷袭我方B处,建议等灭掉地方过来偷袭的一个英雄后再往E处走(路上要塞不要错过),在E处完成了任务后可以直接打F处城堡,再平定掉E处下方的要塞后可以传送回A城了。 回到A处后这次直接往下面打,依次打掉G,H,I处城堡即可,两个支线任务,转换D,F,G,H处城堡为圣堂,并放入10个牧师,两任务可以一并完成,都处理好了后则再次回到A城,进入B处的地道,地道为一个圆圈形状,绕一周打掉2个要塞2个城堡(建议走左面),把两个城堡转换后中间道路开启,进去解决一个敌人后任务完成,获得天使联盟,最后召集大军一路占领2个要塞到J处打最后BOSS即可,这个BOSS很简单,不过要无损的话,则出来站位不要有任何兵种挨一起,弓手放正对大门,天降给神官,利用4级的无敌去骗走他的反击,又能顺便复活实在划算,他伤害最多的就是群攻火伤了,中了之后要利用天使复活和神官治疗吧死人拉回来(当然也要利用4级无敌拉人加骗反击),总之还是要自己去体验,我没办法手把手教导怎么打。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-11 18:46:10 上传 下载附件 (217.37 KB) 剧情过后过关。 -11 18:46:14 上传 2011-11 下载附件 (199.3 KB) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. =================================================================== 瀛洲篇 第一章:狂怒与泥沼 本关能入手王朝武器:潮汐之杖(完成水元素任务后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):加核心兵种产量3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:1级+典范类-后勤,2级+战术类-战术I(如果攻城困难就提前加出战术II) 魔法系:3级+水系类-霹雳寒冰,4级+土系类-活力再生,5级+水系类-寒冰护甲,6级+水系类-冰冻大地,7,8,9本人没加 2011-10-18 04:21:21 上传 下载附件 (18.5 KB) 我方出来在A点,第一级技能则选择的后勤,打掉路上杂兵无损很容易,有潮汐技能的远程能损嘛,注意路上有个提供一周内主动的雕像碰一次,当收到一队祭司后这时应该两级了,不要犹豫立刻升出战术I,之后打堵路的守卫和弓手,把两个祭司一上一下即可轻松无损。打完后升级了,可以升出霹雳寒冰,之后和B点的水元素说话,走泪系声望可以接下任务,走血系声望我是没打过,25个水元素估计难打。(本攻略决定走泪系),之后去C点完成一个触发式支线可以收到河童,然后到D处击杀火元素,速度要快,中间不耽误刚好在打火元素的时候是星期天,目标只有14个,不用带河童,两个远程耗即可无损,之后可以走下面一路杀回水元素处交任务,然后到E处碰一下那个所谓的魔法加倍的石柱,然后就能在水上飞了,往上救鲛卫,之后一路来到F进入地底。 说下各个元素的打法吧,火元素不用说同上,土元素用剑圣顶,30个祭司的潮汐完全够了,当然旁边的鲛卫也要不偷懒的输出,气元素的话建议点出土系魔法中的活力再生,这样可以只用30只祭司和5只剑圣上场去打,祭司奶自己,英雄奶剑士,剩下的就简单了。水元素r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 比较同土元素,只是他的冰冻会乱打人,注意潮汐的行动顺序。光和暗元素打法都差不太多,出了地下来到G处总算是有城堡了。 城堡上方的竞技场看似难打,不过不用追求无损,因为即使损失了打完也不会算进去的,当然有意思打无损的可以看看打法,建议英雄加出寒冰护盾的魔法,排兵布阵方面让两个远程以及河童在最下面,剑士以及鲛卫在上面,河童往前走以便下一回合跳到对面地精面前,上方则给鲛卫加护盾以及潮汐,两个远程帮忙速度打掉上方的部队,上面我是先击杀兽人,然后鸟人,最后大个。河童则在两个地精中间一直防御拖时间,等上面解决了我方河童也快归西了,赶快用30多个的祭司给其回春,然后把河童撤回来剑士补上去,剩下的就是回合数而已了。 I处城堡兵力比较强,比较好的方法是英雄去H处占矿,敌人英雄有几率带大部队来打我方主城,这时候赶回及时可以逼迫对方打野外战,打野外战无损起来就容易多了,由于地方英雄带了部分兵力走,I处空虚则比较容易拿下了,之后攻打J处要塞,这个要塞兵力很多,攻城的话要带上2周产量的兵力才行,具体出来剑士正对大门,河童和鲛卫挨着剑士,剑士直接打门,河童和鲛卫踩水后打门,我方远程则要负责消耗对方远程(其实是消耗牧师治疗术),2回合撬开门后剑圣加冰盾回春顶着敌人的守卫和牧师,河童和鲛卫找薄弱的墙进城,最后可留下少量弓手给我方用活力再生复活的时间。 2011-10-18 04:21:28 上传 下载附件 (222.01 KB) J处打下后直接攻打K处过关。敌人守城兵力倒不多,城外驻扎的副英雄兵力还不少,不知道AI为毛那么差,打城外战我方有剑士根本不怕人类的大量核心部队。如果敌人很多部队都龟缩在城内,那就要么回家补充兵力,要么远离要塞J诱使敌人副英雄出城,因为本关打城敌人守兵过多的话损失是比较大的,如果要选择打实力强大的城,推荐加战术II,这样可r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 以让河童以鲛卫能第一时间踩水,加快突破城门的速度。 第一章结束, 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 依然是蛋疼的英雄但是没有成就,到底肿么了,最后 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 下,瀛洲本关的打法基本就是剑士在前面冲,后面有套潮汐的祭司在不怕死的,打城的时候痛苦点,因为敌人的弓手比我方祭司要强。 2011-10-18 04:21:34 上传 下载附件 (163.95 KB) =================================================================== 第二章:旋梯 本关能入手王朝武器:麒麟软剑(完成麒麟任务后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):加核心兵种产量3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:7级+典范类-启蒙,8级+战壕类-完美突击,9级+战术类-战术II 魔法系:10级+光明系-疗伤,11级+土系类-护体石肤,12级+土系类-群体活力再生,15级+土系类-石化大法,15级+洪荒类-瞬间移动,15级+洪荒类-冥想,16级+洪荒类-时间停泄,17级没加 第二章的无损主要依靠鲛卫配合完美突击的高攻秒怪,剑士抗怪,祭司奶的方式成立(有几批剑圣队伍觉得难打的可以用冰冻大地减缓敌人的行动,逐一击破),后期如果反击能致死敌人而又要等回合回复的情况下可以用泉灵去吸收伤害,而反击敌人也不会打掉太多。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-19 20:37:26 上传 下载附件 (20.02 KB) 上手先加出启蒙,一看就明白的,我方初始资源太少,必须要把拾取到的宝箱转化为钱,战壕的完美突击对鲛卫提升很大也建议加出来,初始祭司不多可以考虑加出疗伤缓解无伤压力,出来速度攻占木头和铁矿,第一周修出每周2000就可以先出兵了,之后有钱了招个英雄去海上捡东西,再出4000和城墙,第二周清理干净B点,第三周就可以清理C点了,之后路上能打的都打掉,然后在D点接到任务,敌人圣堂英雄会自己来找我方打架,在周围打打野怪等他来送死即可,敌人兵力不强,之后D处城堡归顺,直接去E处,这时候麒麟任务触发,这时候有选择了,可以选择直接杀掉传送门的雪女和泉灵,也可以选择做他们的任务,做任务的话就是跑腿,至少要耽误2周路程,这里我推荐选择直接打雪女和泉灵,只需要2天时间,然后出来和麒麟交战还能拿到王朝武器麒麟软剑~,之后去F点过漩涡打常波,敌人不强,城堡建议先出雪女再出泉灵,再补城墙,麒麟不出,太消耗资源,打完常波收编了他的部队后再在D处城堡补充点兵力可以直接打G处城堡,打此城堡必须要战术II,而且保证你的泪系升级并拥有风和日丽的技能,具体打法当然还是剑士放在正对大门,河童和鲛卫挨着剑士,保证第一回合能走到护城河,上手风和日丽敌人祭司,河童和鲛卫踩水,剑士则直接打门,第二回合则可敲开城门,给剑士套上石头皮肤进去顶怪,最好把敌人一只部队打残废,这样敌人祭司会给其套潮汐,而不会攻击我方,之后河童插入城内找位置跳到祭司身上,后面的战斗就无压力了。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-19 20:37:33 上传 下载附件 (225.6 KB) 之后可以去H处打怪练级,怪物都是成千的,经验十分高,打完后在H处左面的传送门可 以直接回到D处城堡,然后通过I处地下城堡直接通过去打J处城堡(地下有2个加能力的 地方别错过),打法和上个城堡类似,不过如果你有15级了,在有传送,石化之类的技能的 话,就更不用我说怎么打了,直接传鲛卫到敌人祭司脸上还有神马压力。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-19 20:37:49 上传 下载附件 (233.25 KB) 之后攻下K处城堡,走到L处过关即可。 -19 20:37:54 上传 2011-10 下载附件 (167.53 KB) =================================================================== 第三章:暗血色潮汐 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,魔力+3,技能效果+5% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:21级+战争类-箭术I ,22级+战争类-箭术II 魔法系:17级+洪荒类-魔法倾向I,18级+洪荒类-魔法倾向II,19级+洪荒类-魔法倾向III,20级+土系类-召唤土元素,23级+光明类-群体净化之水,24没加 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 22:30:57 上传 下载附件 (22.72 KB) 本章初期打野怪只需要用鲛卫单兵作战,给其加好活力再生基本能无损大多数战斗,难打点的战斗则把雪女和祭司一起派上。建设方面,只建A和B城,其他城不管 我方出来在A点,由于泪线缘故出来又常波捡东西,城堡以修钱为先,周7一定要出雪女,第2周则可以带着新招募的鲛卫,雪女,祭司一路杀到B处(路上一兽人加入队伍,他可以跟着主英雄屁股后面捡东西,常波则负责运兵),注意A城修传送门,因为有敌人会来偷袭,把B范围的野怪打空之后就可以直接去C处了(右面的监牢处,要打掉拦路的猎豹勇士),C处守护监牢的怪物很多,要无损还是得只用鲛卫,出来放左下,直接时间停泄骷髅,等女妖和食尸鬼走过来后瞬间移动去灭掉骷髅(记得自己活力再生的回合数),之后石化食尸鬼和女妖单挑,最后和食尸鬼单挑(单挑食尸鬼很吃力,注意给自己套石化给活力再生回复时间) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 22:31:06 上传 下载附件 (170.9 KB) 监牢里有选项,如果泪线的话会直接把2处城堡占为己有(推荐),之后打掉1处的怪物拿到圆盘1,这时候可以用常波传送到2处城堡输送兵力,之后打掉2处怪物拿到圆盘2,顺便清理下周围的怪则回城,然后去3处打掉怪物拿到圆盘3,之后打掉D处监牢,然后去4处打掉怪物拿到圆盘4,这样圆盘齐全了就可以去E处拿亚沙之泪了,现在再转换2个兽人城堡,打掉个兽人英雄后,到F打掉要塞,这时候应该先用一个英雄去G处城堡的上方触发舰队任务,不触发的话有可能会遇见卡关的BUG,途中的加属性点访问过后召集一批部队则可以攻打G处城堡,具体打法为,剑圣正对大门,鲛卫站剑圣下方,河童和泉女挨着鲛卫,上手两远程点蜘蛛女,其他等待,等鲛卫行动时召唤土元素在敌人骷髅和巫妖脸上,顺便丢给石化给食尸鬼,鲛卫去踩水,这样敌人的拉玛苏和吸血鬼会出城,第二回合传送麒麟到土元素死掉的位置秒巫妖,后面的就是活力再生以及疗伤拉人的垃圾回合了(打到剩1个怪的时候可以给他个石化让敌人英雄无法出手,这样就有时间回复了),最后的H处城堡和G处打法一样不再多说。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 22:31:17 上传 下载附件 (212.59 KB) 打掉H处城堡后过关。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 22:31:29 上传 下载附件 (167.28 KB) =================================================================== 第四章:虽生犹死与虽死犹生 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,魔力+3,技能效果+5% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:魔法系:24级+光明类-群体疗伤,25级+光明类-惩戒光环I,26级+光明类-惩戒光环II,27级+光明类-惩戒光环III,28级+洪荒类-法力提升I,29级+洪荒系-法力提升II,30级+洪荒系-法力提升III 2011-11-6 12:29:25 上传 下载附件 (19.22 KB) 本关前期无损依靠鲛卫,后期可以选择河神惩戒光环单兵也可大军一起上,总之英雄等级很高了,打野怪是很容易的 出来我方在A处(城堡兵力优先选择泉灵,有个增加泉灵产量的英雄也尽早招募),直接一路清理野怪打掉B处城堡,然后清理下B区域后就往C处走(不要接近G处),在C处有分歧,如果是泪系则要清理掉D处岛上的恶魔,收复了C城堡后可以直接攻打E处(我去的时候此城堡归恶魔所有,并且占领了也不会导致支线不占领恶狼城镇失败),E处的恶魔英雄兵力虽多,但是打掉还是很容易,只用鲛卫,上手石化自己,然后用疗伤和英雄平砍先打掉卵魔(注意补石化),卵魔打掉了再慢慢依靠石化最后一回合攻击不受反击的优势以及活力再生等魔法耗死对方。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-6 12:29:34 上传 下载附件 (244.93 KB) 拿掉E处后召集兵力传送到B处直接攻打F处城堡,此城堡英雄和之前打E城堡的英雄一样打法(而且几乎每次他都会主动求战),F城的兵力很多,这时候鲛卫已经没什么用武之地了,换成河神单兵(由于在城外击杀对方英雄,所以不用惧怕卵魔抽蓝了),给河神加上活力再生,惩戒光环III,上去厮杀即可,如果感觉快死了立刻给自己石化,然后利用疗伤,活力再生慢慢恢复了数量又重复惩戒光环战术直至耗死对方 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-6 12:29:37 上传 下载附件 (165.34 KB) F城堡一打恶魔已经不成气候,收掉G处城堡后可以一路清理右上区域(由于支线任务不能攻占别的恶狼城堡,所以还有的圣堂城堡不要去攻打,击杀过来偷城的英雄即可),在H处可以收到十分可观的瀛洲野外部队,一定要去,H处野外部队收编完成后传送回F城,进入I处地道挑战卵魔大王,这个BOSS想无损的话就只带剑圣即可(法系英雄专利),具体打法为,第一回合上去砍BOSS一刀后石化自己,待石化时间要结束的回合等待,然后再砍BOSS,这样砍了BOSS后还是自己动,再给自己补上石化,反复此步骤耗死BOSS即可(如果有损失可以利用石化的时间给自己活力再生等) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-6 12:29:40 上传 下载附件 (152.06 KB) 卵魔王打掉后敌人的看门英雄消失,大门也打开了,这下可以直取J处城堡,此战打法和打 地狱时候一摸一样,步骤都一样没啥好说的。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-6 12:29:45 上传 下载附件 (228.38 KB) 结束后弑夫成功,很好很强大 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-6 12:29:49 上传 下载附件 (200.79 KB) =================================================================== 地狱篇 第一章:天使,天使,火光冲天之夜 本关能入手王朝武器:摄魂者(走出初始城堡控制范围后获得,简单点说就是跟着剧情走就会获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):加核心兵种产量3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):血系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:1级+典范类-后勤,3级+战术类-战术I ,5级+战术类-天降援兵I,6级+战术类-天降援兵II,7级+典范类-启蒙,9级+战争类-箭术I,10级+战争类-箭术II 魔法系:2级+黑暗类-吸取生命,4级+土系类-活力再生,8级+土系类-护体石肤 2011-10-21 21:42:23 上传 下载附件 (24.98 KB) 说下地狱本关的具体战略,基本就是好东西都给地狱犬加上,保证地狱犬无损战斗就无损了。魅魔也要看好时机用魅惑,能更好的无损。 出来加后勤,木头矿和石头矿的魅魔都会无条件加入,收编后打掉暗元素后再打守护石碑的疯魔能到2级,升出技能生命吸取后可以无损A区域了,没蓝了可以吃一次龙脉,城的发展修钱为主,之后出兵,魅魔优先升级,跟着剧情进行就能获得王朝武器摄魂者,在第一周的第7天可以打掉B城堡,之后去收编C处的魅魔,然后一路杀到D处打墓地收20个卵魔(在这之前应该能和敌人英雄遇见打一场野战),之后可以打E处城堡,由于野外击杀了对r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 方英雄,此城堡防守薄弱,再一路直奔F处(如果这时候敌人来偷袭B处的话,可以考虑用 城镇传送门传送回去击杀对方英雄,这样能保证他一周内不会再下来,E处的传送门也是如 此),F处守兵比较多一点,注意用我方魅魔迷惑对方魅魔,给狗套上什么天降援兵,吸血, 活力再生之类的直奔城门即可,有了蓄力槽立刻丢召唤疯魔在对方魅魔脸上,这样损失非常 小就能拿下。(本关深渊蠕虫是个好东西,如果感觉攻城战难打强烈建议先碰深渊蠕虫建筑 再打城,城外有废物英雄的话就把兵给副英雄清理掉看门的再用主英雄攻城) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-21 21:42:30 上传 下载附件 (168.23 KB) 之后的G处和H处的城堡打法也和F处大相径庭,一路经过I,J处来到K处,K处敌人兵力更强大,如果显示是致命的话,建议回去补充点兵力再来,最好显示情况是高比较好,打法类似前面几场,而且敌人肯定会出城求战,总之敌人的目标200%是地狱犬,什么石头皮肤,吸血,再生全招呼上就是了。最后还要操作深渊领主打一场战斗,这场不是乱打就能赢的,上手癫狂地狱犬,之后放火,在癫狂和放火CD的时候就给敌人加印记(优先加远程),癫狂是1回合,CD要2回合,所以在CD的回合中我方还要移动到敌人地狱犬打不到的位置去,基本就是靠放火,反击来杀怪,同时躲避和敌人地狱犬打正面即可。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-21 21:42:37 上传 下载附件 (188.83 KB) =================================================================== 第二章:可畏的对称 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,魔防+3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):血系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:12级+战争类-反戈一击I,13级+战争类-反戈一击II,15级+战争类-反戈一击III,15级+战争类-顺势斩,16级+战争类-狂暴,17级+战争类-恢复,18级+战争类-箭术III,19级+战术类-战术II 魔法系:11级+土系类-群体活力再生 2011-10-31 18:56:51 上传 下载附件 (17.73 KB) 本关由于对手是亡灵,吸血基本废了,而且我方是战斗系英雄,那可怜的土系回血只能保证打野怪不损(打野怪给地狱犬套天降),打英雄的话多少会损失点,只要不太大就可以,一定要利用好初期拾取到的一个手镯(能额外使用一次活力再生)。 出来在A点,在往B点的路上有对光灵(记不太清)守护者一个手镯,可以额外使用一次活力再生的,必拿,路上只打怪不捡物,一路拿下B点,然后立刻召唤个英雄回去捡物,自己在城堡面前清理下怪第二周修建好高级魅魔直接一路打到C处,敌人是圣堂可以用吸血,无损很简单,跟着拿下D处,在周围清理野怪到第三周直接攻打E处(这里有BUG,那就是敌人如果修建了传送门,会把自己最强大的英雄传送过来,如果这样的话可以GG思密达了),打亡灵没什么无损的好办法,战术还是给地狱犬套天降,然后两次再生的机会一个给地狱犬一个给疯魔,让他们去骗反击吧,魅魔主要负责点对方尸巫,活用召唤门卡对方的远r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 程,不要想用近战敲开城门了,不如靠大量魅魔点掉对方远程让其近战出城来的快。跟着打掉F处要塞会接到救悍魔的任务,再打掉G处要塞就能拥有悍魔了(如果选择血系声望还送一个10级可以自由加点的英雄哦),这时候可以利用副英雄高级回城在加自由传送到要塞输送兵力给主部队, 一路占领H要塞,然后攻打I处和J处(两处顺序不一,主要看哪处防守薄弱则先攻下哪处),都清理干净了再去K处,可完成任务救助卵魔,这时候城里可以建造卵魔了(有人可能会觉得早点收掉卵魔比较好,这点看个人喜好,因为到K城堡的路上有200多吸血鬼拦路,以早期兵力攻打会损失不少,而且兵力少的时候打卵魔的看守英雄也会损失,卵魔本关作用实在不大,所以看个人取舍),之后打掉L城堡后来到M地道打蜘蛛母,蜘蛛母想无损的朋友可能只有多攒兵了,少损可以看看我提供的打法首先要有战术II支持,然后分1个数量为1的地狱犬,悍魔放最上,魅魔再悍魔下,在下面空2格放2只地狱犬站最前面,然后放后面的是疯魔,暴魔和卵魔(也许说的大家听不懂,自己体会吧,反正敌人第一回合冲锋至少要打中两个目标,最好的情况是让其中一个目标是数量为1的地狱犬,第一回合还是给地狱犬加天降,敌人冲锋过来后围殴,但是注意站位要分散,不要抱团,敌人会范围眩晕,敌人不会反击,所以放心集火即可(小幽灵交给卵魔解决),兵力不是太弱的话2回合就能解决掉他了。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-31 18:56:57 上传 下载附件 (186.96 KB) 过后一段剧情本关结束 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-31 18:56:59 上传 下载附件 (122.9 KB) =================================================================== 第三章:黑夜森林 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,魔防+3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):血系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:20级+战术类-破胆怒吼,22级+战术类-天降援兵III,23级+典范类-进攻术I,24级+典范类-进攻术II,25级+典范类-进攻术III 魔法系:21级+黑暗类-群体吸取生命 2011-11-3 20:34:32 上传 下载附件 (29.18 KB) 其实我觉得本章难度也算最低的之一,因为出来就有一对深渊恶魔免费加入,这打野无脑了啊有木有,就利用深渊恶魔单兵无双,再利用技能破胆怒吼就可以清理几乎3/4的地图了,还能保证无损。 出来我方在A处(城堡发展方面,修钱为主,之后优先升级魅魔,出卵魔,直接跳深渊,其余兵种以后资源多起来了再造),下面点就有队免费加入的深渊恶魔,带着冠军兵的优势,推掉下方的要塞后直接打掉B处城堡(敌人兵力不多,而且利用吸血,活力再生,破胆等技能是很容易无损的),然后进入B处城堡上方的地道进去打C城堡,在1处可以拿到支线亚莎建筑的圆盘1,然后由D处地道上到地面攻打E处城堡,在2处可以拿到支线亚莎建筑的圆盘2,然后走入单向传送门回到D处地道(这期间应该在B处城堡修建高级传送门,然后让副英雄传送回来召集兵力然后转移给主英雄),往F处地道进发,一路打掉G处城堡和H处城堡,之后可以选择打打H处城堡下方的地道,清理干净没事了就传送回B城堡 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 路上打掉个要塞后过去打掉I城堡(如果城堡建设不拖 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的话,我方的兵力一定是压制性的),经由右面的传送门可以到达3处拿到支线亚莎建筑的圆盘3,经由左面的传送门可以到达4处拿到支线亚莎建筑的圆盘4,别忘了拿掉J处城堡(打瀛洲很好打,因为有城防,敌人的河童不会跳过来了,这反而对我方更有利,出来天降地狱犬让他抗住远程,第二回合破胆深渊进去乱戳即可,亚莎之泪会出现在G处城堡右方,传送回H城堡,经由K处地道可以一路来到5处,在有3个宝箱的位置触发战斗,胜利后支线任务抓捕隐藏的兽人完成,此战敌人兵力多,不过一个破胆就2了。最后的L城堡敌人居然连精英兵都才开始建造,空有1000+的河童,鲨鱼也是送啊。最后来到M处下地底剧情看完过关 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-3 20:34:37 上传 下载附件 (150.41 KB) =================================================================== 第四章:天堂与地狱的联婚 本关能入手王朝武器:束缚之刃(击败莎拉后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,回城术消耗移动减少50% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):血系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:29级+战争类-屠戮巨人 魔法系:26级+洪荒类-法力提升I,27级+洪荒类-法力提升I,28级+洪荒类-魔法倾向I,30级+洪荒类-吸取魔力 2011-11-12 21:37:27 上传 下载附件 (26.12 KB) 由于出来有圆盘宝物,召唤凤凰的支持,野外无损远程兵就召唤凤凰堵枪眼,也轻松无比,后期地狱犬数量多了直接天降过去那可是秒杀一片 我方出来在地底,跟着一条唯一的路走打掉莎拉可以获得王朝武器束缚之刃,之后出地道出现在A处,先往B处进发,(物资留给莎拉捡),1处的暗元素任务记得打掉,待清理干净B处或者敌人英雄来偷袭我方主城的时候传送回去,招募部队之后打掉C处要塞,这时候可以再招募个副英雄跟着捡物,莎拉则拾取B处留下的物资,2处上方遗迹挑战获胜后会的暗元素,必打,之后打2处暗元素的时候则只派暗元素出场,然后自动战斗即可,以后的暗元素打法都应当如此,之后按照D,E,F的顺序攻克这两个区域(中途可以让副英雄传送回去招募兵力再传送到新占领的要塞或城堡传送兵力给主英雄),城堡建设方面建议新占领的城堡建钱优先,等主城堡建设完善了再作手新城堡的兵种建设,3,4处的暗元素任务记得打掉,一路上都比较简单。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 继续打掉G,H处城堡,之后可以在H城堡右侧招船去打5处的暗元素,还上的加属性建筑都别错过了,之后回去招募大部队后传送到C处,直接攻打I处,如果发展没落下,敌人的兵力和我方是不成正比的,可以很轻松拿下(打法基本还是天降保护地狱犬,然后无脑杀吧),打掉I城后要完成支线还要击杀敌人英雄一次,就在旁边,在城内都打不过你,在城外就更是送菜了,之后拿下J处要塞,6处的暗元素任务记得打掉,传送回H处,进入K处地道,进入地道就能看见7处的暗元素,顺着地道一路走到底就可进入传送门进入最后一战了,敌人是各类元素,我无损打法则是天降地狱犬全军等待,等敌人的灵体状态消失,远程秒掉气元素,第二回合招凤凰堵下面的火元素,狗负责收拾暗元素,地狱之门召爆魔堵上面的火元素,之后的战斗就是慢慢回复的事了,异界门能量用之不尽,随意招兵海啊。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-12 21:37:34 上传 下载附件 (184.4 KB) 剧情过后地狱也完结了。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-12 21:37:40 上传 下载附件 (145.62 KB) =================================================================== 据点篇 第一章:兽人之友无国可归 本关能入手王朝武器:恶狼之剑(救出伊琳娜后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):加核心兵种产量3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:1级+典范类-后勤,2级+战术类-天降援兵I ,5级+战术类-战术I,6级+战壕类-完美突击,7级+战术类-天降援兵II,8级+战争类-箭术I,9级+战争类-箭术II,10级+典范类-启蒙 魔法系:3级+土系类-活力再生,4级+黑暗类-吸取生命,11级本人没加 2011-10-20 20:17:52 上传 下载附件 (21.89 KB) (注意本战役有BUG,第一章不要选择声望转职,否则第二章会卡关),出来在A处,先后勤国际惯例,然后可以装备上教学关拿到的王朝武器狮鹫剑,往上走碰个石碑可以直接到2,这时候直接加天降援兵I,之后右走收到几个兽人后回头打暗元素,利用天降援兵I可以无损,一路到B处,路上不打木头矿之类的话基本上可以在第一周星期天打城,打城之前英雄要达到3级,加出活力再生技能,这样上手天降援兵I后等待,然后敲牧师一下,再敲弓箭手,套上活力再生,无损拿下。然后在回头去打掉木头矿区域的野怪(只打怪,东西不用捡,城里招个英雄专门负责捡东西),之后去C点收到地精(本周内去触发,这样可以多一周地精),新一周来到招了兵直奔D处收半人马和鸟人,然后去E处进入地下收编大队的兽人,之后攻打D处城堡,为了更少的损失,打此城堡建议只带兽人和地精,然后带5个分成了1的鸟人,鸟人负责打城门,只要城门一开,兽人进去就是屠杀了。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-20 20:17:59 上传 下载附件 (224.04 KB) 之后一路杀到F处,城堡里速度修建半人马(水晶不够就去市场换),这个英雄就略显弱势,灭之,收到G处地精后一路来到H处,H处城堡兵力比较多,需要回D处城堡招兵后才敢攻打,具体打法就是半人马和地精射弓箭手,兽人和萨满去打门,鸟人放上方在城墙下待命,因为敌人的兵力不少的,所以他的近战系都会出城,所以准确来说还并不是太难。打掉H处城堡后补充点实力就可以往I处进发了,在I处打掉了英雄和要塞后去J处攻打城堡。 J处城堡可谓是十分坚固,应把已经有的3个城堡建造出摧毁城墙+1的建筑,这样打门可以一次造成4点伤害,可以这样,招3个英雄,以H城堡到J城堡的线路形成一条运输线,这样能再星期一招到新兵力后直接攻打城堡,这样敌人的兵力是维持在上一周的状态,摆放位置让地精正对大门,兽人和萨满在旁边,鸟人在上方一点,开局天降牧师(具体在某处可以收编,100来只,如果你没收到就忽略),鸟人出来走到下回合能打到敌人弓手的位置即可,地精可以在敌人牧师前面摆个陷阱,然后兽人和萨满去敲门,这样敌人狮鹫必然出门,第二回合加血怒人马地精打狮鹫,萨满兽人冲进去打牧师,鸟人封住弓手射击,然后再击破守卫即可,具体打后会损失很多兽人,但是能保全其他部队,之后的K处城堡也是如此打法。也许有人会觉得打J和K城堡损失巨大,可以不打直接下去过关,但是这个支线奖励英雄属性的,少拿了2点力量属性是比较亏的,建议还是打掉。占领K城堡后在下方上船出海,走两步即可过关 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-20 20:18:01 上传 下载附件 (135.07 KB) =================================================================== 第二章:好的,坏的,还有血腥的 本关能入手王朝武器:惠索朋之剑(完成泪系主线,则完成地图右上任务后获得,和雷鸣法杖无法兼得),雷鸣法杖(完成血系主线,则完成地图左下任务后获得,和惠索朋之剑无法兼得),马拉苏阿切肉刀(完成战役后获得) 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:15级+战术类-破胆怒吼,15级+战争类-箭术III,15级+战争类-顺势斩,16级+战争类-狂暴,17级+战争类-恢复 魔法系:11级+土系类-护体石肤,12级+黑暗类-群体生命吸取 2011-10-24 15:27:46 上传 下载附件 (25.61 KB) 本关初始拿到独角兽之弓的话,野外只要出来给人马加上天降援兵后基本很难损失,打城也几乎不会损失,两个远程秒全场,打法十分无脑 我方出来在A处,往B处方向移动,路上有队半人马一定要捡金币收掉,然后才能去打守护独角兽之弓的敌人,拿到独角兽之弓后基本全程都能无损了,到达B处前可以把A区域清理干净才去B城堡,因为过去后立刻会被传送到C处,在C岛发育一会就去攻占1,2处的要塞,经由D处来到核心地带(这里根据个人选择的声望系而不同,选择血系的则去左下写有血字的E岛打败敌人,打城时人马最好站位正对城门,一般来说上手如果敌人后动就给人马天降,敌人先动就给人马吸血,敌人陆战部队基本会出城求战,地精等待着秒杀出城的步兵即可轻松胜利,后面几个城堡打法类似,泪系则走写有泪字的E岛攻打3个水晶矿最r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 后打败敌人,之后攻占F岛的城(注意击杀夏卡的英雄),本人走的泪线,攻占F处后补充兵力直接去G处打独眼巨人(血系路线还需要去攻占E泪小岛的城堡,并且血系路线能收复独眼巨人英雄),之后来到B处城堡,招募好兵力经由H处传送门后攻打I处城堡 此城堡兵力说多不多,说少也还是不算太少,站位人马正对城门,鸟人靠上方一点,地精最下脚,其他兵种挨着人马,一般情况下一定是敌人先动手,我方第一回合全体等待,敌人会出城,大家都知道城门下只容得下两个位置,敌人的兽人和踏梦者则会走这两个位置,独眼行动时英雄使用破胆怒吼,独眼去攻击踏梦者的话他不会反击,但会浪费反击机会,之后用猎豹挨着独眼则能堵住敌人的前进路线,再加上鸟人和弓手线的火力,一回合就能秒掉踏梦者,记得在回合快完的时候开种族技能提升主动,这样第二回合我方才能先动,第二回合打开群体吸血,我方弓手部队收拾对面人马,陆地部队干掉敌人兽人,第三回合差不多我方被敌人群体虚弱了,不要紧,如果你是泪线可以用泪线特殊技解除,之后杀进城去灭了鸟人,剩下个地精就是浮云了。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-24 15:27:53 上传 下载附件 (227.5 KB) 后面依然是一段剧情,之后过关。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-24 15:28:01 上传 下载附件 (210.2 KB) =================================================================== 第三章:七个野蛮人 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,第一个英雄免费 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:18级+战术类-天降援兵III,19级+战争类-反戈一击I,20级+战争类-反戈一击II,21级+战争类-反戈一击III,22级+战争类-坚韧I,24级+典范类-进攻术I 魔法系:23级+土系类-群体活力再生 2011-10-29 23:07:03 上传 下载附件 (16.77 KB) 本关地图上的据点怪全会加入队伍,打野怪的话用单兽人战士吸血即可,如果敌人是核心怪的话,想节约魔法则用人马和猎豹利用破胆让核心野怪傻掉,注意本关在收集完地图上所有据点兵之前不要升级兵种,不然收野怪的时候会尴尬 出来就是一战,此战初期兵种死掉也没有关系,不过能无损还是无损吧,就当和大家分享下战术,出来阵型一定要好,把我方三个核心兵全收掉不出场,人马放最上,接着下面是独眼,猎豹,碎梦放最下。出来破胆怒吼,人马打祭司,独眼冲过去白打剑圣,碎梦给自己加速,猎豹扑剑圣,第二回合给人马套个吸血秒掉祭司(需猎豹补刀),碎梦封雪女,灭掉剑圣,第三回合让人马和泉女玩,猎豹套个活力跟着独眼猛打河童,最后剩雪女慢慢来就是了。(最后一箭射急了,忘了人马的吸血时间过了,不然是无损的,不想从打了就将就了吧) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 23:07:14 上传 下载附件 (239.14 KB) 本关敌人会走四个漩涡来犯,时间不一,我方在A处,利用王朝免费特性再召集一个英雄,主英雄去B处(路上只打怪,用新招的英雄捡东西),另外个英雄去C处,城里存水晶出高级传送门(敌人第一个英雄应该已经出现了,基本第一次都只会出现在上方),这时候打野怪等待敌人第一个英雄出现在主城范围后传送回去灭掉敌人(注意把C处英雄收集到的兵也拿过来),敌人很弱不用说了,之后去D处(敌人来犯要第一时间利用高级回城再等一天的指定传送消灭敌人,路上的兽人都加入野战不损的话几乎都是碾压对方英雄的兵力),清理掉D区域后去E处地下收到碎梦者,然后回来占领F处要塞,一路往上到G处要塞(路上敌人英雄来犯就灭之,如果在其他地方来犯要及时回防),最后进入H处地下一路来到I处完成七武士任务,之后可以去I处下面做支线,泪线直接完成,血线则要打BOSS,不过他实在太弱了,地图中有3个水坑,BOSS只会在水坑范围移动,所以出来只要给猎豹一个天降,让他进入BOSS攻击范围抗住即可,其他远程全力轰杀之 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 23:07:25 上传 下载附件 (192.24 KB) 最后就是等待敌人来犯的垃圾时间了,由于敌人的群伤很2,被迫加了一点群体活力再生, 一直等到一个蛇形英雄来犯后打败他即可过关,他就和之前打败的所有瀛洲英雄一个打法, 没什么需要多说的。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-10-29 23:07:35 上传 下载附件 (178.54 KB) =================================================================== 第四章:蠕动魔虫 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,回城术消耗移动减少50% 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:战斗系:26级+典范类-进攻术II,27级+典范类-进攻术III,28级+战术类-战术II,29级+战争类-坚韧II,30级+战争类-坚韧III 魔法系:25级+光明类-疗伤 2011-11-8 20:46:29 上传 下载附件 (18.9 KB) 本关建议王朝等级满级再来打会比较容易,因为需要各处支援有回城减半移动力的奖励会改善很多,本关野怪不强,战术参照之前兽人打野,后期可以说每队野怪看见我方都会选择逃跑。 我方出来在A点(建造方面优先人马,以及升级的鹰身女妖,独眼不造),旁边的废墟打掉后能得到客观的碎梦者(海面上的英雄可以往2处进发,2处有个灯塔应该尽早占领),有了这波兵力可以利用碎梦者单兵加破胆怒吼的优势扫荡城堡右侧,由于主城出来就有4000,所以可以等两天召唤副英雄捡东西,之后再打掉B点要塞,而后打掉C处城堡,这时候AI会过来骚扰了,优先解决骚扰的AI,传送门的话建议花掉10个水晶封掉,之后清理D处后就可以出海了,优先去E处打掉敌人要塞,而后打掉F处要塞,这时候不要急忙攻城,可以先回家补充一下,等F处的敌人英雄来偷F处要塞的时候传送过去击毙对方英雄,之后打城r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 的话城堡无英雄防守会容易很多,由于敌人城堡有亚莎建筑,所以不适合多兵上场,只派鹰 身女妖最佳,放在最下面最前排,这样能第一回合打到卵魔,利用吸血,以及泪系免伤大招 (以及召唤凤凰卡魅魔的位置),可以减少损失,由于魅魔反伤所以还是死了不少。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-8 20:46:33 上传 下载附件 (159.43 KB) 拿下F城后就可以到处去逛了,按照G,H,I的顺序占领敌人要塞,1处为支线任务沉掉的船,J处城堡可打可不打,由于还是有亚莎建筑,所以打的话只有一个形式,那就是敌人有几率会让带大部队的英雄在城外,带小部队的英雄在城内,如果带大部队的英雄在城外的话,会变成打野外战斗,这样的话就可以轻松拿下,所以拿这个城堡需要一些人品,其实不拿也没关系的,之后打掉K处要塞就可以回城换水晶了(每当水晶到达一定数目会出现矿井坍塌事件,进入废弃的矿井能得到客观的资源),拥有500水晶后剧情触发(剧情触发的因素:个人认为在拥有500水晶后,首先地图上有要地狱敌人的城堡,或者传送门,如果都没有,那就必须打一波中立怪物),剧情触发后在主城进入地底挑战蠕虫,其实正常打的话这BOSS很简单,没什么战术可言,但是要拿成就的话就要麻烦一点,具体拿成就的方法为,把BOSS打到3W血左右开始防御,等BOSS吃我方鹰身女妖(基本都是吃这个),吃掉后全军等待,等最后一个行动的时候开始狂打BOSS,进入下个回合后,在BOSS前一个行动的兵种时开满级血怒(种族技能),这样比BOSS后动的兵种有了主动加成会比BOSS先动,利用这2轮时间打掉他即可(如果打慢了BOSS会把吃进去的东西吐出来,没有成就,如果打进狂暴模式BOSS将不会吞噬) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-8 20:46:39 上传 下载附件 (162.61 KB) 之后剧情过关。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-8 20:46:44 上传 下载附件 (136.4 KB) =================================================================== 终章篇 血系章:多过光明的黑暗 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力攻+3,魔力+3 使用种族:地狱 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):血系(力量英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:参照地狱篇英雄加点 2011-11-14 19:43:29 上传 下载附件 (21.81 KB) 由于只有地狱是血系,所以也只能选这个种族了,不过感觉地狱打本关是很合适的,有种地狱犬在手,天下我有的感觉 出来在A点,由于英雄等级满的扫荡起来很轻松,加上召唤凤凰,初期打野怪带魅魔单上即可,初期应把A区域和莎拉出现的区域扫荡干净(东西莎拉捡),可以卖掉些不用的套装加快资金累计,之后打掉B区域,招募军队后再打C城,老战斗方式,就是天降地狱犬,之后等对方出门,第二回合招凤凰堵远程,以及用异界门丢狗进去(最好是4级的,可以瞬发),有损失的话等最后留一个远程怪,异界门招一对魅魔出来则可以实现永远魅惑,剩下的时间拿来活力再生吧,C城破了立刻破掉D城,召集点兵力就可以打E处英雄了(弱),之后一路打到F处(这时兽人的兵力看起来略多,但是肯定是经不起天降后的地狱犬咬的,开场天降地狱犬,过去加上顺势斩的连动,几乎就把敌人咬残废了,不得不说为什么地狱犬会是嘲讽脸了,这泥马攻击太恐怖了,敌人守城则第一回合全等待,如果有东西敢出来就灭掉,没东西出来第二回合丢凤凰去堵独眼,等异界门的能量丢狗进去,当然最后有损还是要利用魅魔无限魅惑),F城打后打G城,之后进去H处地道打掉敌人要塞,新的道路就开启r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 了。 进去I处地道,打掉路上的城堡,进去J处地道,这攻打K处要塞,这里约根的兵力较比之 下十分庞大啊,打法其实就和打兽人差不多,天降狗全军等待,魅魔魅惑弓手,卵魔打天使, 有敌人出城集体歼灭,第二回合招个凤凰堵了弓手,远程集火天使,近战继续在城外等肉吃, 如果能量满则丢地狱犬进去,老套路而已。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-14 19:43:33 上传 下载附件 (227.41 KB) K处下方的城堡不要错过了,之后返回L处进入地道,一路打掉要塞进入M处地道,之后打 掉N处的英雄(路上城堡不要错过),由于是野外,敌人虽多但是打起来毫无压力,地狱犬 要选好位置,最好的位置当然是能第一回合要到幽灵,食尸鬼和拉玛苏,连动秒掉尸巫,剩 下的就好办多了(由于亡灵不能魅惑,所以地狱犬的站位必须要很讲究才能无损) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-14 19:43:37 上传 下载附件 (180.73 KB) 最后进入N处地道则可打最终BOSS,打这BOSS要做成就的话,最好只带地狱犬,深渊领主,卵魔,魅魔,站位两远程一个最上一个最下,中间两近战,不过位置要分开点,别挤一起,第一回合没有士气高涨的话两近战就等待(士气高涨的话就冲龙屁股后面去,注意一上一下),天降得给魅魔加,BOSS的吐息基本都是往远程身上招呼,位置站好的剩下的就是打BOSS了,注意士气高涨的近战放弃第二次攻击(打过就知道,攻击递减的,士气高涨本来就减攻击了,再减就不成样子了),吸血得套给地狱犬,异界门召唤魅魔和卵魔,招在出来摆放地狱犬和深渊领主的地方,反正打几个回合他就死了,连飞天招暗元素都没涌出来。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-14 19:43:40 上传 下载附件 (153.19 KB) 至此终章血线完工。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-14 19:43:43 上传 下载附件 (135.55 KB) =================================================================== 泪系章:天使哭泣之泪 本关能入手王朝武器:无 王朝特性(由于王朝等级各人不同,不用效仿):移动速度加3,力防+3,魔力+3 使用种族:亡灵 本人派系选择(个人喜好不必效仿):泪系(魔法英雄) 英雄技能加点推荐:参照亡灵篇英雄加点 2011-11-15 18:18:31 上传 下载附件 (21.5 KB) 要拿米迦勒成就的朋友建议选亡灵,吸血鬼打米迦勒比较快也轻松,而且亡灵路上自动战斗也能无损比较快速,打野怪和打敌人都只需要带尸巫招暗元素的战术即可,打英雄石化尸巫避免损失,其他没啥好说的,当然选圣堂也很好,这样占领的城堡都不用花资源转换 我方出来在A处,一路打怪经过传送门打掉B城堡(战术上面说了以后不多说),发展方面优先尸巫和吸血鬼以及城墙,其他兵种不造都没事,经过1处传送门可以在孤岛区域找到圆盘1,打掉2区域要塞,2处可以找到圆盘2,之后打掉C处城堡,我选择往右走的,打掉3区域要塞,3处可以找到圆盘3,下方传送门通一个孤岛可以去打打野怪,上方传送门来到D城堡打掉,进上方传送门打掉E要塞,之后回到D城堡打掉左面的要塞,再绕下路打掉隔壁的要塞,之后进攻F城堡,打掉后走下方的传送门清理4区域,4处可以找到圆盘4,亚莎之泪在1处出现,之后走F城上方传送门打掉G处要塞,最后召集好部队攻打H城(路上还有个要塞要打掉门才会开),打掉H城后在城里守几天米迦勒就来了。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 拿成就带吸血鬼即可,放在左下,上手防御等他们过来,一般米迦勒占了4个格子,只有2队小兵能打到吸血鬼了,把小兵砍来剩5个后,才是开始(如果感觉很多小兵都要死了就石化吸血鬼让米迦勒给小兵加血),砍来剩5个小兵后再砍米迦勒他就会掉血了,一般吸血鬼攻击米迦勒小兵会受500-800伤害(以我190吸血鬼为例),所以需要做的就是敌人小兵1800血以上的时候,就防御,用反击打米迦勒,看情况是防御两回合还是三回合,小兵血下900了就石化吸血鬼,然后活力再生啊,复活啊用上来恢复部队,也等米迦勒恢复他的部队,然后再反复这样即可(我想坑爹的反击成就在这拿也很合适啊) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-15 18:18:41 上传 下载附件 (215.33 KB) 最后泪线也完结了 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 2011-11-15 18:18:48 上传 下载附件 (212.16 KB) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment.
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