首页 盖板涵施工方案



盖板涵施工方案盖板涵施工方案 一、工程概况 本合同段共计盖板涵3道。盖板涵涵台基础、台身和台帽均采用C25混凝土,盖板为C30预制钢筋混凝土盖板。洞口形式为八字墙。 二、主要工程数量 序号 里程 跨径(m) 单位 工程数量 1 K5+740.5 1-8*3 m 55.5 2 K6+226 1-4*3 m 50.75 3 K7+073.6 1-3*3 m 50.75 三 、施工准备 根据本工程节点工期要求,拟投入施工队伍3个,具体的人员、机械及其他配备如下: 1.施工机械: 主要机械设备表 序号 名称 规格型...

盖板涵施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一、工程概况 本 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 段共计盖板涵3道。盖板涵涵台基础、台身和台帽均采用C25混凝土,盖板为C30预制钢筋混凝土盖板。洞口形式为八字墙。 二、主要工程数量 序号 里程 跨径(m) 单位 工程数量 1 K5+740.5 1-8*3 m 55.5 2 K6+226 1-4*3 m 50.75 3 K7+073.6 1-3*3 m 50.75 三 、施工准备 根据本工程节点工期要求,拟投入施工队伍3个,具体的人员、机械及其他配备如下: 1.施工机械: 主要机械设备表 序号 名称 规格型号 数量(台/套) 备注 1 挖掘机 小松220 3 2 冲击夯 HD-60 6 3 电焊机 BX-16 4 4 钢筋切断机 GQ-40 2 5 钢筋弯曲机 GW-40 2 6 钢筋调直机 GT-40 2 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 序号 名称 规格型号 数量(台/套) 备注 7 汽车吊机 QY25 3 8 插入式振动器 8 9 抽水机 4 10 发电机 75KW 2 2.劳力准备 工人共58人,其中:混凝土工人20人,电工3人,模板工20人,普工15人。 3.施工用电 利用当地网电,并准备2台75KW发电机以备急用。 4.混凝土及钢筋 本合同段盖板涵砼由拌合站集中拌合供应,罐车运输至现场。 5.材料 目前,盖板涵所使用的原材料:水泥、沙子、碎石、水、外加剂、钢材等均已在监理工程师的旁站监督或其认可的试验室进行了常规项目的检验,质量合格,能够满足使用要求 6.主要人员安排 技术负责人:杨磊 质检工程师:陈永宏 试验工程师:丁毅 测量工程师:王小海 现场负责人:刘刚 7.技术交底 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 施工前,由项目总工负责向施工队伍进行技术和安全交底,并组织相关人员认真学习熟悉《实施性施工组织设计》、施工图纸、技术 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 等有关文件和图纸。 四、施工技术方案 特别说明:每道施工工序都必须经过监理工程师验收认可之后,方可进入下一步工序。 1、施工放样 盖板涵开工前,要对管涵的中心位置及轴线采用后方交会法进行定位放样,放样后加护桩保护。现场核对图纸所示的圆管涵位置、方向、长度、出入口高程,以及与既有沟槽、排水渠道的连接是否相符。如有不符,及时提出处理措施,报监理工程师和设计单位审定。 2、基坑开挖 基坑开挖采用挖掘机开挖,人工配合修理;开挖时派出专门的测量人员及时测出基底高程和开挖前的地面高程,防止超挖现象发生,预留30cm人工挖除整平。 (1)对于有地下水的区域,基坑开挖时在基坑四周挖排水沟或者集水井以保持良好的排水,确保在挖方的整个施工期间都不至于遭受水的危害,防止基坑坍塌。 (2)容易坍塌的土质采取木板等措施进行支护。开挖基坑时必须放坡,放坡坡度根据下表结合现场的实际情况来确定。 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 3 基坑坑壁坡度 坑壁坡度(高:宽) 坑壁土类 基坑顶缘无荷载 基坑顶缘有静荷 基坑顶缘有动载 砂类土 1:1 1:1.25 1:1.5 砾类土 1:0.75 1:1.0 1:1.25 粉质土 1:0.67 1:0.75 1:1.0 粘质土 1:0.33 1:0.5 1:0.75 极软岩 1:0.25 1:0.33 1:0.67 软质岩 1:0 1:0.1 1”0.25 硬质岩 1:0 1:0 1:0 3、基坑检验及沙砾垫层 基坑开挖至设计标高后,立即进行地基承载力检测,地基承载力不得低于160Kpa,检测合格后,可进行砂砾垫层的施工。垫层厚度30cm若承载力未达到设计承载力要求,应按照设计图纸、监理工程师要求对地基进行处理。 4、C20管基混凝土 管基混凝土分2次浇筑,先浇筑至管底以下部分,并注意预留管壁厚度及安放管节坐浆砼2~3cm,待安放管节后再浇筑以上部分。 4.1模板:选用竹胶板配合方木。 模板底部用砂浆找平,模板内侧应直顺,模板接缝处错台满足施工规范及图纸要求。外侧用用方木支撑在基坑坑壁之上。 4.2 砼的浇筑: construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the (1)混凝土浇筑前应再次对模板线形及其背后支撑牢固性进行检查。 (2)混凝土的振捣采用插入式振捣,移动不超过振捣器作用半径的1.5倍,与侧模应保持5到10厘米的距离。 (3)混凝土振捣到混凝土达到不再下沉,无显著气泡上升,顶面平坦一致,并开始浮现水泥浆为止。当发现表面浮现水层,应立即检查发生的原因并设法排除。 (4)基础施工时注意按照图纸要求预留2cm沉降缝。 (5)在混凝土收浆后尽快养护,混凝土的养护采用塑料薄膜覆盖、洒水,养护时间不得少于7天。 5、管涵预制 见管涵预制施工方案。 6、管节安装 6.1管节外壁必须注明适用的管顶填土高度,相同的管节应堆置在一处,以便于取用,防止弄错。管节在运输、装卸过程中,应采取防碰措施,避免管节损坏。管节安装在第一次浇注的管节基础完成,且管节及基础的强度达到设计强度后进行。安装管节前,先在砼面上精确放出涵洞的中心线及轴线,并测放出每一节管的接头位置。安装时以此作为控制每一管节的具体位置。施工放样时,必须注意管涵的全长与管节的配置以及洞口端墙的精确位置。 6.2采用吊车从涵洞下游往上游进行安装,吊装时注意保护管节端头不被钢丝绳损坏。管节平稳安放在管基上用混凝土垫块垫好后,摘下钢丝绳,用撬杠缓缓移动混凝土管并适当调整垫块直至两管整齐对接,并 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 5 注意两管接头处内侧管底平顺、不错台。 6.3为防止渗水,管节接缝应做止水处理,首先用浸过沥青的麻絮填塞管节间的缝隙,上半圈从外往里塞,下半圈从里往外塞。 7、沉降缝的处理 涵管节每隔4~6m设一道沉降缝。管基沉降缝必须与管节接缝相对应,缝宽2cm,为使洞口沉降缝不致影响涵身,涵洞与端墙、翼墙、进出口护底等结构分段处也应设置沉降缝,缝宽2cm,用沥青麻絮填塞。 8、八字墙 施工前应按设计图纸所示尺寸及位置,放出八字墙的控制点坐标。 8.1 模板支护 1)、模板采用6mm定型钢模。模板必须保证其表面平整,板缝间不漏浆。 2)、模板安装前,在模板表面涂层脱模剂,不得使用易粘在混凝土上或使混凝土变色的油料。模板安装时应在模板接缝处采取粘贴双面胶带或其他防漏浆措施。 3)、安装模板时,为防止模板移位变形,应在模板外侧搭设钢管支架,对模板用方木配合钢管支架支撑固定。台身、台帽的侧模之间设置拉杆固定。浇筑在混凝土中的拉杆,按拉杆拔出的要求设计,拉杆外套PVC管,模板拆除后重复利用。 4)、模板安装完毕后,为保证位置正确,必须对其平面位置、平整度、垂直度、顶部标高、节点联系及纵横向稳定性进行自检,合格后方可报监理工程师抽检,监理工程师认可后方能浇筑。混凝土浇筑时,发construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 现模板有超过允许偏差值的,应及时纠正。 8.2 混凝土浇筑 (1)混凝土浇筑前应再次对支架、模板进行检查,模板内的杂物、积水应清理干净,模板如有缝隙必须填塞严密。 (2)浇筑时采用分层浇筑,每层厚度不超过30cm,大致水平,分层振捣。 (3)浇筑过程中派专人检查模板和支撑的稳固情况,发现异常,及时停止浇筑,查明原因,防止跑浆,胀模。其他要求同上。 (4)混凝土抗压强度达到2.5MPa后,方可拆除模板。 9、涵洞回填 9.1回填范围为管顶以上50cm、涵管每侧不小于2倍孔径范围内填土要分层夯实,压实度在95%以上。涵洞顶填土厚0.5-1m时,管顶路基及管身两侧,在不小于两倍孔径范围内,应用含灰量9%的石灰土每10cm一层。分层夯实,使密度达到石灰土最佳含水量的90%,或使用天然级配砂石料每10cm一层,分层夯实,使密实度达到95%。 9.2管顶填土压实厚度必须大于50cm时,才能允许机械和汽车通过。涵顶填土50cm内应采用小型打夯机人工夯实。回填时应注意涵洞两侧必须同时进行回填并压实,不得出现偏压,使安装好的管节移位。 10、质量检验 规定值或 项次 检查项目 检查方法和频率 允许偏差 在合格 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 1 砼强度(Mpa) 按附录D检查 内 用全站仪检查、纵横向各2 轴线偏位(mm) 50 两处 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 7 用水准仪检查洞口2处、拉线3 涵底流水面高程(mm) +/,20 检查中间2处 4 涵管长度(mm) +100,,50 用尺量 5 管座宽、厚度(mm) 大于设计值 用尺量3处 管径?1m 3 相邻管节底6 用水平尺检查接头处 面错口 管径>1m 5 五、工程质量管理体系及保证措施 建立由项目部直管工程作业队的质量管理体系。项目部设立质检部作为质量安全管理机构,在施工过程中坚持工班自检、技术人员专检、质检工程师终检的方法,实施工程质量全员、全方位、全过程、全要素的管理 (一)质量管理体系 质量方针: 质量第一 精心施工 恪守合同 争创一流 质量目标: 1、 工程一次验收合格率100%,优良品率90%以上; 2、满足业主对工程产品的质量要求和期望; 3、工程质量超过国内同行业先进水平,争创国际先进水平。 (二)质量保证措施 从工程一开始就做好质量控制,建立质量岗位责任制,从管理、实施和检验三个层次把关,在人员、设备、材料、工艺、环境五个方面采取一整套切实可行措施,确保优质工程 1、人员保证:安排得力的技术骨干,充实各关键技术岗位。 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 2、技术保证:施工前认真会审图纸,吃透设计意图,并组织人员对施工现场进行深入的踏勘和调查,制定切实可行的施工方案;努力推广和采用新技术、新工艺、新材料;做好施工 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,严格遵守监理程序。 3、原材料保证:施工所需原材料必须具有材料合格证和检验证,并经试验室抽样,检验合格后方可使用,不合格的原材料不准进场入库。入库原材料严格按仓库规定实施管理,严把质量关,对统供原材料、构件也不免除质量检验的责任。 4 、设备保证:按工程性质调配所需的适用机械设备,坚持维修、保养制度,确保机械设备的完好,满足工程施工要求。 5、严格抓好试验检测工作,认真贯彻执行各项技术规范。 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 9 质量保证体系 施工全过程质量保证体系 组 工作质量保证体系 织 施工准备阶段质保 施工阶段质量保竣工阶段质量质量监督保量保证子体系 证 工证子体系 保证子体系 证子体系 思想创优体 作 教育 方针 系 开工条件保证 程安经理部质资料整理保证 序全量检查 施工质量保证辅助质量保保作业质设计、施工图纸TQC管理项目体系 证项目体系 证 队创分级会审保证 量作业队质竣工决算保证 教育 流程 优领措量检查 导小施施工作业人员保证 施工组织设计保证 择优定点保证 材料竣工文件保证 组 保班组质量工经济工作 供应证 检查 作责任规划 施工技术力量保证 按标验收保证 质量施工预算保证 创优标制 施工技术总结保证 保证 领导准优质管理保证 质量检施工设备保证 创优小组保划分质量验收项目 定 责任查规划 质量评定保证 证 办公期制 质室 不 原材料保证 安全质量措施保证 量定技术协作保证 外协工质量评奖奖惩保证 管期 作件作各竞赛 制度 施工工艺保证 理质分级测量保证 材料移交保证 质量效Q量隐蔽工程办保证 率C检质量检查 法施工工序质量保证 交工质量保证 质量劳动保小QC小组建组保证 查保 考核 竞赛 制证 组 质量评定 证 度 制度 创优工作模式化 质量组织系统化 质量工作规范化 质量第一、用户至上 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 六、安全生产管理体系及保证措施 (一)安全保证体系 职业健康安全方针: 安全施工,预防为主;遵章守法,保护健康;持续改进,创平安路桥。 职业健康安全方针的内涵是: ——职业健康安全管理,必须提高全员安全意识,强化安全预防措施。 ——必须自觉遵守国家、地方政府或相关部门制定、颁布的法律、法 规,加强安全生产管理,建立健全安全生产责任制度,完善安全生产 条件,确保安全生产,维护工作场所内员工和其他人员在安全生产方 面的合法权益。 ——通过职业健康安全管理体系的核心要素,周而复始的按照P—D—C —A循环的模式运行,实现对整个安全状况的改进,促进企业健康和谐 的发展。 职业健康安全目标: 1、杜绝职业健康安全重大事故的发生; 2、施工生产轻伤率小于5‰; 3、岗前安全教育培训率100%。 (二)安全保证措施 根据此项目工程环境和特点,制定和落实安全保障措施,以防范和化解安全隐患的发生。 1、组织保证措施 成立以项目经理为组长,项目经理、项目总工为副组长,各施工处处长为组员的安全领导小组,项目部设置专职安全员,各职能部门和各专业 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 11 班组均设置兼职安全员,全面负责施工安全管理工作。确立明确的安全目标:坚持“安全第一,预防为主,教育开路,制度确保”的方针,坚决杜绝人为重大事故。 2、建立安全保证制度 (1)开工前,编制《圆管涵专项安全施工方案》报驻地办审批后方可开工。 (2)制定安全生产目标,实行单位连续安全生产天数累进奖励制和事故当事人与领导责任追究制,采用行政和经济相结合的奖罚办法。 (3)建立安全工作“日查月审”制度,安全工作要做到时时讲、处处讲,将“质量第一,安全第一”的口号叫响,使安全意识深入人心,不允许有半点侥幸麻痹的思想存在。 (4)各专业作业班组都必须结合工程特点,补充制定完善的安全施工规章制度,报项目经理批准后认真贯彻执行。协作施工的人员必须遵守呼唤应答制和联络信号,确认安全后方可操作。 (5)各种机械设备均由经考核合格的专职人员操作,严格执行操作规程,无证人员严禁擅自操作。实行单机包机制,安全责任到人。加强运输管理,遵守交通规则,服从当地交警部门的管理,防止交通事故发生。 3、加强安全教育和安全措施的设置 (1)所有工种操作人员都必须加强岗前培训,系统掌握有关安全知识,并通过考核合格后,持证上岗。 (2)开展普遍的安全知识教育,提高职工在险情下的应对能力。 (3)所有进入施工现场的人员,都必须配带安全帽和安全通行证。 (4)项目部及施工队驻地设立保安人员,加强与当地公安部门的联系,共同维护好施工区域的治安管理。 (5)在施工作业现场及运输道路上,设置醒目的警示标志及各类操作规程和安全规则。 (6)实行安全生产交接制度,安全措施不落实或不安全、隐患不排除前,不得进入场地。 基坑内施工人员必须通过专门预留的安全通道上下,作业过程中随时留意坑壁的稳定性,预防边坡坍塌。 规范用电操作,施工用电必须采用36,安全电压照明。基坑内电器设备,如电焊机等驱动电源必须采取可靠的接地措施,并安装有效的漏电保安设备方可作业。 (7)夏季延长中午休息时间,避免紫外线的强烈照射;当气温达到30?高温时,在驻地周围洒水,保持地面湿润防止中暑。 4、加强安全工作的物质保障 (1)作业人员必须配发有关的劳动保护用品,如安全帽、安全带、防滑劳动鞋等。 (2)定期对施工人员进行体检,不适宜从事特种岗位工作的人员要及时撤换。 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 13 各级领导层层负责、包保落实 安全生产 党政工团齐抓共管 组 委员会 抓好安全预防,开展预想、预测、预防活动 织 经 理 安全质量部搞好安全设计 保 副经理 抓好安全宣传教育 证 总工程师 安全员 安检机械人员配备齐全 基础工作 加强职工岗位培训,坚持培训、持证上岗 安 各部门按职责分工做好安全工作 安全责任制 加大安全技术设备和设施的投入 全 班前安全讲话制 建立群体保安的总体格局 工 严格执行民工管理规定 保 作 周一安全活动日制 保 防高空坠落事故 项目经理安全责任制 证 证 安全设计制 防物体打击事故 总工程师安全责任制 体 安全技术交底制 防范重点 防机具设备伤害事故 安监工程师安全责任制 系 交接班制 防爆破伤害事故 公安人员安全责任制 安全挂牌制 防电击伤害事故 防护人员安全责任制 安全检查制 防行车事故 工区长安全责任制 安全生产奖惩制 制 安全目标 兼职安全员安全责任制 消灭死亡、重伤、多人事故 度 年负伤率在2‰以内 定期与日常质量检查制 保 操作工人安全责任制 证 定期安全课制 七、环境保护体系及措施 (一)环境保护体系 成立环保领导管理小组,由项目经理担任组长,副经理任副组长并具体实施全员、全方位、全过程的管理,建立健全制度,完善环境保护、水土保持保证体系,做到人与自然和谐发展,真正建成一条“环保路、生态路”。 环教育学习有关法律法规项目部保 管 管理 保证措施项目保证制度施工队理手 段地方管理部门奖罚管作业班 理上级年评奖罚 层奖罚制度 经理部自评奖罚次环 境作业队自评奖罚 水 基土保持环境卫生、施工噪音控制、大气污染控制、 层保施工污水处理、施工扬尘控制、交通设施保护、 检持固体废弃物的处理。 查体 系 框地方管理部门监督环图 保上级单位监督监 督项目经理部例行检查 (二)环境保护措施 环保方针:遵纪守法,环保工程;节能降耗,创绿色企业。 1、环境方针的内涵是: (1)遵纪守法,建环保工程 即:依据国家与地方的法律、法规与其它要求,预防和治理污染,减少废物排放是企业义不容辞的义务和责任,企业承诺要通过强化员工的环境意识,提高环境管理的能力与水平,规范环境行为,确保环境的净化,创建优质环保工程。 21 (2)节能降耗,创绿色企业 即:节约能源,充分合理利用各类资源,降低耗费,既是保护人类生存环境的社会要求,又是企业提高经济效益的必要途径,在确保施工产品质量的基础上,不断追求能源、资源利用的高效率,确保环境管理绩效得到持续改进,创建绿色环保企业。 2、环境目标 (1)各种污染物的排放水平满足国家和地方环境标准的要求,主要污染物排放水平较体系建立前有明显改善; (2)改革施工工艺和材料,减少生产过程中对环境的污染; (3)废弃物实现分类管理,并实现废弃物的减量化、无害化和资源化; (4)加强对能源使用的管理,合理利用能源,减少能源浪费; (5)加强工程质量,控制各工序的废品率,减少废品损失。 依据公司的环境方针、目标、法律及法规要求和所识别确定的重要环境因素,相关职能部门和各项目经理部要制定具体的环境目标和指标;并根据实际情况的变化,适时调整环境目标和指标。 3 、环保、水土保持综合治理措施 (1)接受当地环保组织监督 认真贯彻国家及当地政府的有关环境保护、水土保持的规定,充分发挥环保及水土保持组织机构的协调与监督作用,落实环保部门对施工阶段的环保要求以及施工过程中的环保措施。 (2)加强教育培训,提高环保、水保意识 组织沿线施工调查,上场人员接受环保知识的多种形式教育。组织环保专职人员的岗前培训。 (3)建立环保检查制度,奖优罚劣 认真做好生态环境保护和水土保持工作,并承担由施工保护、保持不力而引发的经济赔偿、处罚。坚持“预防为主,综合防治,全面规划”原 16 则,抓住本工程环保工作重点,有针对性地采取措施,确保水源、植被不被污染和破坏。 (4)临时工程环境保护 施工营地、场地、便道在使用完毕后立即恢复,符合环境保护及水土保持规定的要求。 合理规划施工用地,少占耕地。 施工便道:施工便道定期洒水、维护,并勤洗施工机械车辆,减少车辆通行时的扬尘对附近环境的污染。 (5)施工环境保护措施 a、土地资源及植被保护 在施工期间应始终保持工地的良好排水状态,各类临时排水渠道要与永久性排水设施相连接,不得引起淤积和冲刷。 b、现有公用设施的保护 施工过程中,如果遇到农田水利设施、地下管线等一切公用设施与结构物,要采取一切适当措施加以保护。在靠近公用设施的开挖作业前,要通知有关部门,采取措施后方可施工。
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