首页 第六章 幼儿园教育活动评价

第六章 幼儿园教育活动评价


第六章 幼儿园教育活动评价第六章 幼儿园教育活动评价 教学目标: 1.明确幼儿园教育活动评价的内容与原则 2.掌握儿园教育活动评价的方式 3.掌握课堂评价的一般策略 教学时数:4学时 第一节 幼儿园教育活动评价的内容与原则 一、评价的含义 指在幼儿园教育活动中,教师对幼儿的发展情况,能力水平及其行为表 达作出随机性语言评价。 二、评价的目的 1.调控行为 2.指引方向 3.促进发展 三、评价的要求 1.评价要客观公正 2.评价要具体、明确 3.以正面评价为主 4既重结果评价,又重过程评价 四、幼儿园教育活...

第六章  幼儿园教育活动评价
第六章 幼儿园教育活动评价 教学目标: 1.明确幼儿园教育活动评价的内容与原则 2.掌握儿园教育活动评价的方式 3.掌握课堂评价的一般策略 教学时数:4学时 第一节 幼儿园教育活动评价的内容与原则 一、评价的含义 指在幼儿园教育活动中,教师对幼儿的发展情况,能力水平及其行为表 达作出随机性语言评价。 二、评价的目的 1.调控行为 2.指引方向 3.促进发展 三、评价的要求 1.评价要客观公正 2.评价要具体、明确 3.以正面评价为主 4既重结果评价,又重过程评价 四、幼儿园教育活动评价的基本原则 (一)尊重性原则 (二)科学性原则 (三)全面性原则 (四)情境性原则 (五)个别化原则 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 五、幼儿园教育活动评价的内容 (一)对幼儿学习的评价 , 幼儿对教育活动的参与度 , 幼儿的情感态度 , 幼儿的学习方式 , 幼儿在教育活动中的互动程度 , 幼儿在教育活动中的能力 , 幼儿的学习习惯 (二)对幼儿发展的评价 (三)对“教师”教的评价 1.对教育活动目标的评价 (统一性、整合性、针对性、操作性) 2.对教育活动内容的评价 (适宜性、有效性;针对性,挑战性; 多元性、整合性;自然性,开发性) 3.对教育活动方法的评价 (适宜性,有效性) 4.对教育活动环境材料的评价 (相宜性,启发性,多样性,开放性) 第二节 幼儿园教育活动评价的方式 一、正式评价和非正式评价 ,正式评价是指评价者富有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 性、目的性和针对性的评价。(P175) , 一般采用量化和等第或分数的评价方式。 , 常表现为上级行政部门、幼儿园园管理层展 开的评价。 , 非正式评价是指发生在教育活动过程中和特定活动情境中的,不自觉的进行的 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio ,对学习者的行为语言及教学活动现象或事件等的观察和评定。它是教师在与幼儿日常接触及互动过程中通过不断的了解幼儿,进而形成对幼儿的某种判断与反馈的一种评价方式。非正式评价的方法很多,其中观察是最基本也是最广泛使用的评价方法之一。(P179) 二、形成性评价和总结性评价 , 形成性评价是通过对幼儿学习进展情况的评价,进而影响学习进程的评价模式。 ,形成性评价可以通过观察、谈话、作品分析等分正式的评价方法来进行。 , 总结性评价是指在完成某个教育活动或单元性、阶段性活动之后进行的总结和评价。 ,总结性评价是对目标达成程度的测定。 三、个体评价和群体评价 , 个体评价是指对参与教育活动过程的幼儿个体所进行的评价。 , 评价内容:兴趣、参与程度、学习方式、互动与社会化程度、学习能力与学习习惯 , 群体评价是指对教育活动中参与活动的幼儿整体的评价。 , 可用于正式或量化的评价,也可用于非正式评价 四、内部评价和外部评价 ,内部评价是指参与者主体依据一定的价值判断和评价 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 对自己的教学活动进行的自我反思与评价。 美国学者波斯纳提出: 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 +反思=成长 从幼儿学习角度进行反思 教师如何反思 从教师教学角度进行反思 ,外部评价是指评价主体独立于评价对象之外所实施的一种他人评价。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 评价者可以是幼儿园管理者、上级行政部门、督导部门、同行教师。 五、幼儿成长档案袋评价 (一)幼儿成长档案袋评价的含义 是对幼儿成长过程的档案式 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,通过幼儿作品及相关资料的收集、整理,记录,记录幼儿在各类活动中体现出的个性、兴趣、态度、能力等表现,它是对幼儿发展中的真情实景以及发展轨迹的真实记载,是体现幼儿发展“动态评价”的最佳形式之一。 , 涉及儿童、教师及家长共同参与和合作的评价过程 , 蕴藏在幼儿园课程与教育活动之中 , 折射出教师的教育观、儿童观、教学观以及教学方法、教学手段的运用能力 (二)幼儿成长档案袋评价的特点 1.反映幼儿成长的“动画片” 2.组织教育活动的“资源库” 3.架设家园合作的“信息桥” (三)幼儿成长档案袋评价的内容 1.幼儿生长发育方面 2.幼儿认知活动方面 3.幼儿动手能力方面 4.幼儿艺术活动方面 (四)幼儿成长档案袋评价的一般记录方式 1.幼儿作品记录 2.文字记录 3.声像资料记录 (五)幼儿成长档案袋评价的运用 1.基本原则 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio (1)目的性、计划性 (2)主体性、参与性 (3)积累性、总结性 2.一般步骤 (1)建立档案 (2)充实档案 (3)保存档案 3.要点提示 (1)不同类型,为我所用 (2)不同样式,追求实效 第三节 幼儿园教育活动评价的策略 一、肯定策略 是教师对幼儿活动结果、行为表现表示认可的一种评价方式。评价时伴随眼神、 微笑、点头表达。 一般用简洁的语言、肯定的语气表示 如:小明都答对了;小明的想法很好; 二、表扬奖励策略 是教师对幼儿良好行为、进步表现以及独创精神的赞许、鼓励。 运用表扬、奖励应注意: (1)表扬要适度 (2)配合感情表达 (3)适当结合其他形式奖励 三、批评策略 是教师对幼儿不良行为进行的否定评价 应注意: strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio (1)态度要诚恳、和蔼 (2)语言要亲切、幽默 (3)就事论事,不言其它 四、纠正策略 指教师在发现问题,指出问题的同时告知幼儿正确的答案和做法,对错误认识和不当之处给予纠正与提示。 如:你的画画得很整洁,如果小动物再画大一点,颜色美一点就更好了。 这个娃娃病了,你给它打针吧~ 五、讨论策略 指教师不直接对某个现象、某个问题给予肯定或否定,而是引导幼儿分析、判断,使他们在讨论中明白对错、好坏、应如何改正。 要注意: (1)内容合适 (2)注意引导 (3)适当小结 六、总结策略 是对集体活动效果、活动情况的评价。 如活动的收获、幼儿的进步、发展情况、存在问题等方面。 此外,教师还要善于引导幼儿自评、互评、提高幼儿分析、判断问题的能力和自我检查,自我调整、自我约束的能力。 训练: 1.仔细阅读下列两组事例,给出评价意见。 事例一:小雨是个胆小怯懦的孩子。今天画“小鸟飞”的主题曲,他出乎意料得很快画好了,并犹豫的递给老师:“老师,我画好了。”其实,他画的小鸟没有“飞”起来,两只翅膀一个长,一个短,添画的小蜜蜂,小蝴蝶比花朵还要大„„ strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 事例二:折纸比赛前,老师提出的要求:在相同时间里,看谁折的“东西”最多, 而且是不一样的。讲评时,老师发现:李新小朋友桌上堆放着大小不一但完全一 样的五只小鸟。李新介绍说:“这是鸟外婆,这是鸟妈妈,这是鸟爸爸,这是鸟 外公,这是鸟哥哥。” strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio
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