首页 电视宣传片策划方案



电视宣传片策划方案电视宣传片策划方案 策划主题:**玩具厂电视宣传片 委托单位: 企划单位:************广告有限公司 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, wa...

电视宣传片策划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 策划主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :**玩具厂电视宣传片 委托单位: 企划单位:************广告有限公司 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 一、 前言 ********籍由电视专题片为顾客综合服务平台之一,展开国外市场推广活动,特别是日本和欧美地区,是实现国内外市场推广行为整合,建立并改善与客户的品牌关系,维护并强化********专业形象与地位的有效途径。 同时,********电视专题片的成功构建与推广,又将成为********促进其他商务服务实现的一个前提条件。 因此,*********电视专题片将从企业生产玩具的工艺流程、工厂优势等方面来进行规划整合,比较完整地展现公司形象、实力和品牌,从而达到直接服务市场活动的目的。 二、 传播推广的目标 1、 实现海内外市场的协同互动,促进国际市场良性发展; 2、实现对既有客户群体的品牌关系维护与对潜在客户群体的消费 引导; 3、 强化合作商之间的业务来往,以及合作交流的深度和广度,扩 大其他潜在合作商的认知,吸引更多合作; 4、 强化*******专业品牌形象和地位。 三、制作电视专题片五大理由 、 电视专题片,是海外营销策略的一种催化剂,一种新兴的营销1 方式,特别对于玩具市场。不论是用于直接营销,还是用于间 接分销,公司形象或产品介绍之类的电视专题片都有利于市场 拓展,完善企业整个营销战略体系。 2、相对于呆板枯燥的说明书和四处充斥的宣传彩页,人们愿意接 受电视、图像等直观、生动地传播方式,尤其对于人性化比较 强的玩具以及正在成长发育的市场群体来说更加突出。 3、 VCD、DVD在国际的普及速度是空前的,将电视专题片转换成 VCD、DVD。可以在促销或其他活动上播放或者赠送给购买者。 4、 国际贸易、电子商务发展迅速,尤其在国际市场。电视专题可 以上载到互联网上,进行不分地域传播,覆盖面广,几乎可以 实现市场目标群体人人下载,速度快捷,观看方便。 5、在国际市场竞争中,电视广告催生市场、培养品牌将是一把双 刃剑。电视专题片正好是广告片的主体部分,可以从中提出很 多素材,或者直接作为电视专题广告片播放。 ations: responsible for concrete production andruction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operrock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all const-the Earth e forcanteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsibl chives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workersnel aresponsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personrchive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is rer, ais responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiv and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: mainuction equipment, materials construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required constr2 四、需求特色界定 1、内容条理分明,简洁清晰,以事实说话,充分考虑**********发 展战略需要和客户群体的心理特点,不牵强意味; 2、视频、音频、解说、图文字幕等多元素有机融合,强调整体视频 画面符合*******的专业市场特色、富有******* *******个性, 行文轻松活泼,章节过渡明快,音乐节奏激越奋进,字幕特技渲 染,解说语言风格接轨国际化。 3、以“服务客户”为本,遵循国外的风俗习惯以及行为、思维方式, 电视片采用国际化表现惯例,准确、扼要地介绍********,为目 标客户群体提供普遍关注的深度企业资讯,特别是产品工艺流程。 4、综合考虑国际市场需求,本电视片时长定位在5~8分钟左右,最 大限度提高市场目标群体记忆,达到完美的传播效果。 五、表现内容 本电视片采用产品生产流程介绍与公司形象相结合的方式,主要以介绍系列产品生产流程为主线,来展示******* *******的形象,使客户在通过观看此片时,有一种亲临******* *******的感觉,对******* *******有全面的认识。 公司形象方面: A、 企业目标、宗旨、精神、管理、理念 B、 技术优势 C、 人才优势 D、 营销网络 E、 售后服务 F、 企业荣誉 G、 企业文化 H、 发展战略 产品介绍方面 A、 产品种类 B、 产品生产流程(原料、成模、上色、描色„„) C、 产品QC、QA D、 产品包装 E、 产品运输 F、 产品销售 G、 产品开发 六、内容优化 本电视专题片要达到传播推广的目标,锁定市场目标群体,在整体 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 主线创意和章节上,内容优化,重点突出“新与奇”。 为此,我们将本电视专题片创作成一种富有故事性情节的记录片,塑造一位天真可爱、聪明伶俐的卡通天使形象使者来贯穿整个电视专题片,融娱乐性、新闻性于一体,既是一部企业形象电视专题片,又是一部企业资讯电视新闻片,令观看者耳目一新,余味无穷。 整体上,我们根据******* *******产品生产流程等企业个性特点,将本电视专题片划分为五个模块,在每个模块介绍中穿插相关的公司形象内容,用卡通天使过渡或以参观者身份进行介绍。这五个模块是:总论(类似新闻导语)、模型(MOLDING WORKSHOP)、成型(DECORATION WORKSHOP)、装配(ASSEMBLE WORKSHOP)、包装(PACKOUT WORKSHOP)。 通过这五个模块,可以让市场目标群体全面了解******* *******产品生产的整个流程,以及全公司的风貌和内涵。 总论(类似新闻导语):制造悬念、简要、人性地概括******* *******,引起观众的注意力。 模型(MOLDING WORKSHOP):主要展示原料、模型制造等方面的高 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,使目标客户对******* *******产品前期有深刻认识,认知产品背后,加深品牌印象。 成型(DECORATION WORKSHOP):主要展示产品打光、印染等精细工艺,突出******* *******产品精湛,以及******* *******人对玩具 *******品牌产生工艺一丝不苟的工作作风,促动目标客户对******* 信赖。 装配(ASSEMBLE WORKSHOP):主要展示产品的复杂性、做工的精细等,反映******* *******产品的每一个环节都是一项工程,吸引目标客户。 包装(PACKOUT WORKSHOP):主要介绍产品包装、输入等国际 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,让目标客户对******* *******产品放心,突出******* *******对CIS的重视。 七、解决方案 1、 表现手法 我们将采用 实景拍摄 、电脑动画特技合成二大手段来综合的、立 体的表现视频,以设置卡通天使形象的故事情节来行文解说******* *******独特企业形象,自创符合******* *******精神和行业特色 的艺术风格来装饰点缀本片。 实景拍摄:宽敞的办公室、大规模的工厂、地理位置优越的办公楼、 高素质的员工团队、高科技的产品、全神贯注的员工工作场景、各 种产品工艺流程生产场景„„能体现企业的综合实力和企业朝气蓬 勃、意气风发的精神活力的画面。 电脑动画:采用二维和三维动画直观形象地展现******* ******* -the Earth e forcanteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsibl chives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workersnel aresponsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personrchive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is rer, ais responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiv and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: mainuction equipment, materials construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required constrations: responsible for concrete production andruction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operrock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all const4 的高科技产品个性特色。此外,公司形象LOGO、产品LOGO等创意性的表现。通过这种手法力图准确、全面地反映******* ******* 的蓬勃生机。 行文解说:采用轻松笔调、事实说话、通俗易懂、错落有致,符合市场目标群体思维方式,解说集思想性、艺术性、科学性、哲理性、幽默性于一体,多方位地剖析******* *******系列优势,展示******* *******形象以及产品工艺。 艺术风格: 1、语言遵循国际风格,适合国际不同目标市场群体,提纲挈领,画龙点睛,切中要害; 2、画面视听冲击性强、节奏明快、主题突出、清晰明了; 3、音乐主旨表现激动的、奋斗的、成功的、上升的, 自豪的; 4、采用中、英、日文三种字幕; 5、采用国语、英语、日语三种语言解说; 6、全片风格轻松、活泼、幽默,符合玩具产品的特色和国际目标 市场的需求特点。 2、 影片基本架构及表现形式 第一部对******* *******进行精粹介形式:采用可爱的卡通使1分 分 绍,如: 者充当导游的形式,穿插钟左1、16年历史的资深玩具厂商 ******* *******大楼、右 2、各种玩具年出口量数百万 车间等镜头,显赫工厂的3、营销网络遍布亚洲、欧洲、规模。 美洲 4、仅工厂占地面积就达13000 平方米 5、装备了数十台高科技先进设 备 6、„„ 第二部对******* *******玩具产品生形式:采用可爱的卡通使4分 分 产流程逐一介绍,如: 者参观各个生产车间的钟左1、 模具是怎样 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 出来, 方式,适当地配以现场解右 2、产品经过怎样的工艺流说和配音旁白,介绍整个 程, 生产工艺流程。 3、产品质量检测是怎样, 画面既有实景,又有4、„„ 动画特技,和卡通天使的除了回答一些市场目标群体关形象使者穿插,动感强注的问题外,在该部分我们将烈,生动有趣。 从其他角度展现******* 目的:帮助市场目标群体*******产品的整个生产工艺充分了解******* construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 流程、设备、人员风貌等环节,*******,对其生产实力紧扣“内容优化”部分阐述中和工艺流程给予高度肯后面四大模块。 定,从而树立商务合作、 商务贸易的信念,产生信 赖。 第三部对******* *******进行总结和形式:采用卡通天使的形20秒 分 未来展望。如: 象使者做******* 左右 1、高度概括一两句公司战略*******参观的总结发 定位; 言。 2、对未来市场和技术发展进 画面洋溢一种青春活 行阐述。 力,充满激情与高科技 感。 目的:加深市场目标群体 对******* *******的 印象,同时帮助他们对 ******* *******的前 途充满信心。 3、 电视片制作流程; A、双方沟通; B、提交策划方案,协商创意表现; C、签定拍摄制作合同; D、撰写脚本,审核、修改,确定脚本; E、前期拍摄; F、后期制作; G、审核修改; H、交成片。 4、主创阵容: 由毕业于北京电影学院、广播学院的优秀导 演、摄影师、剪辑师和深圳大学的资深教授、 以及资深动画师、广告策划、制作人。 5、 拍摄制作设备: 数字级、广播级BETACAM摄像机、 升降摇臂、导轨,广角镜头; 专业电影拍摄用镝灯, 专业监视器。 数字化无压缩非线性编辑系统 视频特技效果制作系统 绘画、动画和三维特技制作系统 附:专题片脚本样式: ruction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operrock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all const-the Earth e forcanteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsibl chives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workersnel aresponsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personrchive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is rer, ais responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiv and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: mainuction equipment, materials construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required constrations: responsible for concrete production and6 序画面 字幕 解说 长号 度 001 一群姿态万态的卡通人物, 追求个性,品位生10 在一张世界地图上,充满活。 秒 喜、乐、哀、悲等各种可爱玩具文化已经震撼 的表情,他们在跳跃,歌唱、着人们的心灵。 和交谈。 玩具产业,犹如朝 阳,逐步照亮世界的每 个角落。 002 *******集团的LOGO,在世******* 10 界地图上从亚洲逐步地点******* 秒 缀欧洲、美洲„„世界各 地。(三维+实景) 003 推出片头和片名(三维) 3秒 004 世界地图上带有******* ******* *******,亚3秒 ******* LOGO的卡通人,太地区最大规模的玩秒 飞跃起来,像天使似的,展具制造商与开发商,已 翅翱翔在蓝蓝的天空。 经展翅起飞服务于世 界各地。 005 卡通人飞到亚洲地图的上 3秒 空,慢慢地降落在******* 集团办公楼,定格。 006 卡通天使,一手举话筒,一 先生们,女士们,玩具3秒 手举着******* *******给我们的生活带来了 的玩具产品,像一位电视节很多变化,不仅小孩子 目主持人一样,进行现场主喜欢,而且老人也青 持播报。 睐。呵呵,当然,我也 是一位玩具迷。 不过,在玩具的大千 世界中,我了解玩具产 品最多是******* *******生产的系列产 品。 007 卡通天使,主持节目,在同 哈哈,我不是催牛~30 期声中穿插入一组气势恢******* *******有秒 弘的******* *******形16年的发展历史,其 象画面。 生产规模还是亚太地 区之最,我身后的大楼 就有13000多平方米 的占地面积,员工construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 3000多„„„„(简 单而精辟地介绍 ******* *******,吸 引观众,对******* *******有一个大致了 解。) 008 卡通天使的主持画面, 刚才,我已经对3秒 ******* *******作 了一个初步了解,也许 你现在还在认为我在 催牛皮(笑声)。 现在我让你们随我到 ******* *******的 各大车间看看去。 009 ******* *******生产车 我们首先到******* 4分 间。 *******的模具车间。钟 以下依据产品生产的流她是玩具造型的发源左 程线,卡通人逐一开始介地。„„„„(把玩具右 绍,整个电视片的画面几乎流程,逐一介绍,各种 包括了*******集团整个公工艺用镜头表现。) 司。大到整个公司的大楼环 境,小到一个零配件的安 装、测试,甚至灰尘的清洗。 010 市场活动场景,营销网络分 好,我们已经顺利地参3秒 布格局、展览会、研讨会、观完了工厂,现在你们 企业文化、办公人员等等画知道了我真的没有吹 面 牛吧~ „„ 012 回眸******* *******玩 15 具生产的部分经典流程,画秒 面 013 卡通天使兴高采烈地飞出 *******集团越来越强10 ******* *******,飞翔在大,系列产品进入了千秒 色彩斑斓的世界,飞过川流家万户。已经开始了新 不息的人群,飞过高山大的征程,描绘出一幅玩 海„„ 具产业的宏伟蓝 一组即将推向市场的产品图。„„ 画面,和战略分布图 014 ******* *******的LOGO 3秒 和形象语组合,定格 严正声明:本创意脚本在未签订拍摄制作合同之前,所有版权仅为视界工社所有~ ations: responsible for concrete production andruction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operrock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all const-the Earth e forcanteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsibl chives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workersnel aresponsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personrchive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is rer, ais responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiv and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: mainuction equipment, materials construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required constr8 任何未经允许使用或抄袭本创意脚本,将依法追究其法律责任~ 时 间:06/04/2003 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and
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