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苏州大学研究生英语读写佳境课后翻译苏州大学研究生英语读写佳境课后翻译 Unit1 At this height, the jungle looked like a gigantic green carpet, except for the red rivers snaking through it.….…the plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mighty Adgel Falls—the longest waterfall in the world —as it pl...

苏州大学研究生英语读写佳境课后翻译 Unit1 At this height, the jungle looked like a gigantic green carpet, except for the red rivers snaking through it.….…the plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mighty Adgel Falls—the longest waterfall in the world —as it plummeted down into Devil’s Canyon.在这个高度,丛林看起来像巨大的绿色毯子,惟有几条蜿蜒曲行于之上的红色河流。我 们的飞行员沿着丘伦河的轨迹前行,当飞机靠近平顶山的边缘时,飞机猛地沿着瀑布的弧线往下俯冲,这是世界 上最长的瀑布,像坠入德弗尔大峡谷一样。 It was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever beheld, but almost equally incredulous was the fact that we were the only ones there!这是我见过的最让人敬畏的景象之一,但几乎令人同样觉得不可思议的只有我们这些游客在哪 里~ Canaima’s remoteness is one reason; there is no road access so you must charter a flight from Puerto Ordaz, a one-hour journey from the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. .….…Of the few tourists who come here.….…challenging two-hour hike.Canaima距离遥远有一个原因,没有道路直达,你必须从离委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯一小时路程的奥尔达斯包 机抵达。航班稀少票价是昂贵的。另一个主要因素是政府并不支持Canaima和安赫尔瀑布发展旅游业。一些来到 这的游客中间,大部分人是直接飞到村庄,这是最容易到达瀑布的,也要通过三个小时的划船,和具有相对挑战 的徒步旅行。 The tour operators at Angel eco-tours take an interesting approach in that they emphasize the park and its people more than Angel Falls. ……In previous stays at indigenous villages, I had often gotten significantly to the sense that tourists were well received primarily because they contribute significantly to the village’s income. But the Pemon ……share their culture and learn about us. 生态之旅的主办方采取了非常有趣的方式,因为他们更加强调森林公园和生息于此的人们而非安赫尔瀑布本身。 他们营造出让我感到独一无二的体验。在很大程度上这是由于我们和印第安族人有着亲密的接触,我们这次安赫 尔生态之旅会把收入的5,捐给印第安人。我以前在本地村庄逗留,我经常有这种感觉游客受到欢迎主要是因为 他们为当地山村带来了相当可观的旅游收入。但是Pemon族人是慷慨热情的主人,从我们到达这里的那一刻起, 他们是真正的渴望与我们分享他们的文化和了解我们。 My fondest memory is of spending an evening watching three generation of Pemon, decked out in their traditional grab,perfrom a ceremonial dance. …… Our inhibitions quickly disappeared and before we knew it, we were dancing alongside the Pemon.我最难忘的回忆是花了一个晚上的时间看着三代Pemon印第安人穿戴着传统的盛装,表演祭 祀舞蹈。当地族人和游客喝着自制的木薯啤酒越来越多时,当时情景变得越来越有趣了。我们的拘束感很快消失, 不知不觉间,我们也和Pemon族人一起载歌载舞。 Given the other-worldliness of the park, I was not surprised to hear that a large number of the flora, including several carnivorous plant varieties,are endemic to the region.考虑到森林公园的超尘脱俗,我一点也不惊讶听到大量的植物, 包括一些食肉植物变种是这个地区所特有的。 As much as I found the trip exhilarating, I would not say it is for everyone. Eco-tourism means responsible, low- impact, and generally involves some degree of ―roughing-it‖.虽然我发现这次旅行令人激动,但我并不能说这次旅行适合所 有人。生态之旅是负责的,带来的不良影响小的旅游,而且一般要使旅游者风餐露宿,吃些苦,受些罪。 Unit2 The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness. 长期激烈争论的安乐死问题最近已演变为激烈的公众大讨论,正反双 方都声称对维护最终的正义负有责任。 2、And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greater force.因此这些安乐死的支持者已经开始更加大 肆地宣扬他们的依据是多么的确凿。 3、Cancer patients and sufferers from multiple sclerosis are the most frequent subjects of euthanasia in Holland, … 癌症病人和各种软组织硬化的患者在荷兰是最容易成为―安乐死‖的对象人群。 4、Last fall 19 distinguished British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanasia for AIDS patients in the advanced stages of their illness.去年秋天有19位著名的英国医生写了一封公开信,号召对已经进入晚 期的艾滋病病人实行安乐死合法化。 Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuses.那些安乐死支持者某些狂热举动反而 为那些人提供了反击他们的依据,那些人辩称说志愿安乐死的合法化会遭人肆意滥用尔酿成大祸。 Even in the Netherlands, the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases and would surround even those with elaborate safe guards.即使在荷兰,议会上的议案也只是将安乐死局限在很少的病例 上,甚至对那些已经具备严密安全防范措施的病例也要围绕它们反复论证。 Unit3 Apart from marriage ,a journey to a new place , a drive on the road ,a ride in an airplane ,a business transaction ,even a chance remark may result immediately or ultimately in tragedy.除了结婚之外,旅行去新的地方,在路上驾驶,乘坐 飞机,签署商业合约甚至是无意中说的话都可能很快的导致最终的悲剧。 To many of us,gambling is,in many case ,a non-tosic drug against boredom and apathy,and may well help preserve good temper, patience and optimism, which will du us a world of good.对我们很多人来说,赌搏在许多的情况下,是抵制 乏味和冷漠的无毒的药,有助于我们保持良好的心态,具有耐心和乐观向上,而这些能给我们带来极大好处。 As a matter of fact, few of us have the right to condemn gambling as few of us can say that they never gamble——even if it is only investing a few pence in a football sweep or a ―lucky dip‖.事实上没有人有权利谴责赌搏因为没有人敢说 曾他们从不赌搏,即使是花一点点钱投资在足球彩票上或是摸彩带。 he will not only lose his property gained through If a man makes gambling an obsession—almost a form of insanity— years of toil ,he will also lose his dignity and conscience . Far worse is the suffering of his dependents—his parents ,wife and children ,who are constantly deprived of their material comforts and mental peace .如果一个人迷恋赌搏达到了疯 狂的程度,他不仅仅失去多年辛勤工作得来的财富,而且也会失去他的尊严和良心。更糟的是他的家人,他的父 母和妻儿,会饱受折磨,他们被夺去了物质上的舒适和精神上的安宁。 That is to say, if one sticks to his limits, it is more a game of fun than the root of all evils.就是说如果一个人赌之有度, 那么赌博就是一个饶有趣味的游戏,而不是万恶之根源。 We can accomplish this by encouraging an interest in so many other activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence.我们为了达到能够控制赌博的目标,我们鼓励了如此多的 活动的兴趣,以致于赌博本身也会丢掉他的吸引力,不能成为调节无聊乏味生活的一个良方。 Unit4 No matter what we do, we are always involved with other people, whether we want to be or not. What we do —even alone—is affected by other people. From the day we are born , other people touch our lives in almost everything we do . 无论我们做什么,我们总是与其它人打交道,不管我们愿意不愿意。我们做什么,即使是单独做,也受其它人的 影响。从我们出生,其它人总是触动着我们的生活。 We might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighborhood. We might get cross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss .We might break relations with our close or distant relatives or break ties with our close friends.我们可能会与家人有些摩擦,或是与周围的人有过争吵,我们可能会与 同事生气或是得罪老板。我们可能会与我们近亲或是远新断绝来往与亲密的朋友断交。 Someone else may look down upon us or deliberately hurt us by flinging mud at us in public. Someone may even steal an attack on us or hit us below the belt or speak evil of us .其它人可能会看不起我们,或在公共场合故意地中伤我们, 一些人甚至会暗箭伤人或背后打击我们或说我们的坏话。 If you happen to have friction with someone around you , try to have a heart-to –heart talk with him in a placid mood .This does not imply that you are going to eat dirt ,unless your ―OPPONENT‖ is really hostile.如果恬巧你与身边 的人发生摩擦,你试着努力心平气和的、坦诚不恭的谈心。这并不是表示你忍气吞声,低头认输,除非你的对手 非常仇视的。 In face of unhappy encounters ,you don’t have to be misanthropic or to drive yourself to despair .You should be ,on the contrary ,humane and confiden ,for there’s always a profusion of chances for you to e better understood and to improve your relationship with other people . If , on the other hand ,you become revengeful and adopt a tit-for –tat policy,or use ungenerous remarks to wage a counterattack ,you will find yourself in more trouble ,because evils bounce back .面对 不愉快的遭遇,你不必憎恨或是失望。你应该,相反地,(充满)人道的和自信的,这样有更多的机会被其它人 理解并改进与其它人的关系。如果, 相反地,你要报复并采取以牙还牙的方法,或是运用仇恨的语言发动反击, 你将会陷入麻烦,因为恶有恶报。 If ,on the other hand ,you stick to your guns and become contumacious ,you are bound to suffer heavy losses or at least make your-self unpopular which will again bring you a lot of stress.如果,另一方面,你固执己见,进行反抗,你必 定会遭受重大的损失或至少会让你不会欢迎。以上的一切将会给你带来很大的压力。 Unit5 、The search for an answer brings you face to face with (直面)problems that are at once both the bane and lifeblood of 1 virtually all research into human emotions. You may think the social context of the emotion is obvious; but then you realize that people laugh when they’re nervous as well as amused, disappointed as well as joyous, and sometimes simply because someone else is laughing.对这个答案的搜寻使得我们直面这样的问题:对人类情感好坏的研究。你可以想 象情感的社会环境显而易见,但是你会意识到人们在他们紧张、高兴、失望、快乐时,甚至有时仅仅因为其它人 在笑也会笑。 You may also set out with the belief that the emotion has evolved into something rather sophisticated, requiring the brain’s conscious, cognitive centers to respond to subtle social indications like punch lines; but then you realise that most people cannot will themselves to laugh command or suppress an unwanted attack of the giggles.你也许开始相信这种情 感已发展为某种相当复杂的东西。 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 大脑的变化,认知中心对像妙语这样的微妙的话语作出回应。然后你会认 识到大多数人不能强迫自己笑或者压抑不必要的自然而然笑的来袭。 Indeed ,studies have shown that people are thirty times more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone, in the absence of pseudo-social stimuli like television. Even nitrous oxide, or laughing gas , loses much of its power if taken in solitude , says Willibald Ruch, a psychologist at the University of Dusseldorf. 实际上,研究表明,人们在社交场合比他们独处时笑笑三十倍,在缺少电视机这样的虚拟社会刺激物的情况下。 如果一个人在独处时吸入的话,甚至,氧化氮或是说笑气,也会失去它的作用, To many researchers, laughter is about strengthening social bonds. This feedback ―loop‖ of bonding-laughter-more bonding, plus the desire not to be singled out from the group, may explain why laughter is often contagious—sometimes dramatically so .对很多研究者而言,笑正在加强社会沟通与联系。―当人们舒适的与其它人在一起,当他们开放和 自由的时间笑就会发生。笑得越多,彼此间的联系就越密。‖Mahadev Apte说的。人们之间紧密联系会造成人们 更多紧密的联系,这样环环相扣的循环,加上人们不愿意单单从组织上挑出的愿望,有助于解释笑是有传染性的, 又非常的强。 Politicians and other public speakers understand the power of laughter to break down harriers and forge a connection with their audience. …… By inviting the audience to join him in laughter, Kennedy bridged much of the social gapbetween his wealthy ,noble status and ordinary voters. Almost every atter-dinner speaker opens with a joks for similar reason.政治家和其他的公共研究者明白笑的力量能消除隔阂并和观众建立联系。Morreall说肯尼迪总统很 大部分魅力是自嘲。通过让观众与他一起笑,肯尼迪消除了他富有、高贵的身份与普通选民之间的社会差异。几 乎每次餐后演讲者以笑话作开场白是因为相似的原因。 But laughter can exclude as well as include, as another American president learnt to his cost.笑不仅仅增强联系也要可 以让人排除在外,这是另一位美国总统付出代价意识到的。 Gruner believes that laughter originated from(起源于,come from) the cry of triumph and mock that a fighter might utter when he defeats his foe .Grune他相信笑起源于胜利的呐喊声和一个战士击败敌人后发出的嘲弄的叫喊声。 In the end,though, a convincing explanantion of why people laugh must wait for more and better data.最后,人们为什么 笑的令人信服的解释必须有待更多更好的数据来证明。 Unit6 Teenagers would do well to their parents when choosing a university. A bit of wisdom and experience go a long way. 年轻人在选择大学的时候最好听听父母的意见。一点聪明和经验是大有帮助的。 I am a pushy parent, proud of it. Parents such as I may be an irritant to universities, but I am convinced we should accompany our offspring to university open days because we can make a difference to their futures.我是个固执的家长, 我以此为豪。像我这样的家长对大学来说是不受欢迎的,但是我相信我们应该陪同我们的孩子参加大学的开放日, 因为能对他们的未来产生影响。 The differences were enormous, which is something you can’t really find out just by reading prospectuses, surfing university websites, or by osmosis. Nothing beats seeing for yourself. 发现有很大有不同, 有些东西通过阅读校方的 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 资料,或是点击大学的网页,或是长期熏陶是根本找不到的。 没有什么比亲眼目睹更好的啦 Many universities did their utmost to separate students from their parents, partly because parents can have a stifling effect on their children, but also because there wasn’t room.很多大学尽全力想把孩子和他们的父母分开,部分原因是 父母会对小孩子产生重要的影响,但是他们没有足够的空间来容纳。 So, masquerading as a mature(very mature)student, I often sneaked in to the back of the student sessions.所以,我伪装成 成熟的学生,我经常溜到学生会议的最后一排去。 and the chap at University of London seemed a bit out of touch.。在伦敦大学的那些人看上去似乎一点也不了解,表 现失常。 Armed with the answers to these question, applicants are better able to prepare。……And, of course, they deserve (almost) all the credit when they get in对这些问题的答案心中有数,应征者会做好更好的准备。当然当这些学生进 入大学以后,几乎所有的赞誉他们都受之无愧。 Unit7 That cultural imperialism is said to impose American values as well as products, promote the commercial at the expense of the authentic, and substitute shallow gratification for deeper satisfaction.文化帝国主义据说是将美国的价值观念以 及文化产品强加于人,真实的促进商业的而牺牲,并且用肤浅的得意来取代更高层次的满足。 Globalization not only increases individual freedom, but also revitalizes cultures and cuntural artifacts through foreign influences, technologies, and markets. Thirving cultures are not set in stone.全球化不仅增加个性自由,而且通过国外 影响技术和市场。繁荣上升的文化并非一成不变。 In some ways,America is an outlier, not a global leader. Most of the world has adopted the metric system borm from the French Revolution; America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.从某种意义 上讲,美国只是个局外人,而不是一个领导者。世界大部分地区已采用了源于法国大革命时期的公制;而美国坚 持使用来自英国殖民地过去的老掉牙的度量衡。 Local fare glues more eyeballs to TV screens than American programs. Although nearly three-quarters of television drama exported worldwide comes from the United States, most countries’ favorite shows are homegrown.当地节目远比 美国的电视节目吸引更多的眼球。虽然世界上出口的电视剧中接近四分之三来自美国,大多数国家的最受喜爱的 节目仍然是国产的。 With one big exception:cinema. Yet Hollywood’s hegemony is not as worrisome as people think. Note first that Hollywood is less American than it seems. …To some extent, then, Hollywood is a global industry that just happens to be in America. Rather than exporting Americana, it serves up pap to a global audience.只有一个大的例外,那就是电 影,然而好莱坞的一统天下并非如人们认为的那样可怕。要首先注意好莱坞并不像他看起来那样美国化。从某种 程度上讲,好莱坞刚巧在美国是一个全球性产业。它不是在出口美国价值观念,而是在服务大众,吸引全球观众。 Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English; Now their soccer team is emblematic of national pride.德国人曾抵制过英式足球,因为它被认为是英国的东西,现在他们的足球队是民族自豪的象征。 English may be all-conquering outside America, but in some parts of the United States, it is now second to Spanish. 英语在美国之外的地区兴许是所向披靡的,但是在美国的某些地区,它现在屈从于西班牙语。 Individuals are forming new communities, linked by shared interests and passions, that cut across national borders. Friendships with foreigners met on holiday. Scientists sharing ideas over the Internet. Environmentalists campaigning together using e-mail. House-music loves swapping tracks online. Greater individualism does not spell the end of community.个人正在形成新的社区,通过由共同的兴趣和激情连接起来,与跨越国界,与在假期中遇到的外国人 结成友谊。科学家们通过因特网互享思想。环境保护主义者通过伊妹儿共同行动。家庭音乐爱好者在网上互相交 换网址。更大的―个体主义‖并不意味着社团的终结。 People may lament the passing of old ways. Indeed, many of the worries about globalization echo age-old fears about decline, a lost golden age, and so on. 人们或许哀叹老方式的逝去。实际上很多对全球化的担忧只是重复了由来已久的担忧关于对逝去的黄金时代的担 忧。 Unit8 Between the chaos of Regent Street and the opulent bustle of New Bond Street is a little region that is curiously hushed. It is made up of short streets that pretend to run parallel to one another, but actually go off at all angles.在喧嚣的Regent 街和New Bond街之间有个静得离奇的小区域。它是由一些小街贯穿其中,装模作样地互相平行,但实际上朝着 不同的角度延伸。 The establishment there have a certain air of dignified secrecy, not unlike that of servants of the old school,those impassive butlers who appeared to know nothing, but really knew everything.这些建筑物有着一种高高在上的神秘 ,就像古旧学校的仆人,以及表面一无所有但洞悉一切的懒懒散散的管家一样的神秘。 感 The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed, for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye, no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter.那电费确实花不了几个钱,因为没有炫目的闪亮招牌,没有引人驻足的华丽橱窗 装饰。 In a new world in which anything will do so long as it arrives quickly and easily, this region has fallen sadly behind the times. It is still engaged in the old quest for perfection.一个新的世界里任何东西都是合适的只要它来得快捷容易一 些,这个地方很遗憾跟不上时代了,但它依然追求着过时的至善至美。 That they are artists and not tradesmen is proved by the fact that, unlike tradesmen, they do not labor to please their customer, but to please themselves.他们是艺术家而不是裁缝,是以这些事实来证实的,与人不同,他们辛勤劳作 不是为了取悦顾客,而是为了取悦自己 By the time I have been inside one of those places ten minutes I have not a shred of self-respect left. … To stand like a dummy, to be simply a shape of flesh and bone, is bad enough, but what make it much worse are the mirors and lighting.当我在试衣间呆了十分钟就一点自尊多没有了,这比在理发店还要遭和牙科诊所差不多。像木偶一样站着,只剩 下一个躯壳这已经够糟了,然更糟的是在试衣间里有着许多镜子和灯光更是雪上加霜。 He has one of those tight, healthy-looking, clean-shaven faces, like a brownish apple; and looks something between a priest, a surgeon, and a solicitor who occasionally rides to hounds.他有一张光滑,健康,胡子刮得很干净的脸,像一 个浅棕色的苹果,看上去像牧师,外科医生,又像偶尔骑马纵犬打猎的律师。 When he once condescended to tell me about his boy (who is at a public school) I felt immensely flattered and rushed to agree with everything he said.当他有一次屈尊告诉我他的孩子在私立学校,我倍感荣幸,连忙对他所说的一切表示 赞同。 Unit9 1、Few understand the magniude of the potential tragedy; fewer still have a good idea of what to do sbout it. 没有几个人能理解这场潜在的悲剧的深度和广度,更没有人知道该如何面对这问题。 The Titanic’s passengers were mainly innocent victims, but the dilemma now facing society is largely of our own making. And for us, there is still hope.泰坦尼克上的乘客主是无辜的受害者,但人类社会现今所面临的困境很大程度上是我 们自己造成的。对我们而言,仍然有希望。 The 20 years since that meeting have seen the birth of a worldwide environmental movement, the emergence of thousands of grass-roots environmental organizations, and the proliferation of environmental laws and regulations in nations around the world.自从那次会议的20年里,目睹了全球环保运动的产生,数千个草根阶层环境保护组织的 出现,在世界范围内普及了环境保护法律法规。 These fundamental assaults on the atmosphere are caused almost entirely by rich nations that use most of the fossil and ozone-depleting chemicals. Yet, the long-term costs will be borne by humanity as a whole.对大气造成的根本性攻击破 坏主要是富国造成的起因,富国使用大量的石化燃料和化学物品促使臭氧层的耗尽,然后长期的代价却要整个人 类来承担。 I many nations, environmental degradation is now recognized as a key barrier to governments’ ability to meet basic needs and sustain living standards.在许多国家,环境恶化现在被认作制约政府满足基本需要,维持生活水平的关键 因素。 Stabilizing the climate, for example, depends on restructuring national energy policies. Getting the brakes on population growth requires fundamental changes in social values and services. So far, only a handful of countries have undertaken such initiatives.但是这些措施本身并不能恢复地球健康稳定气候。例如,重新建构国家能源政策,减缓人口增长 要求我们从根本性转变社会价值观和政府服务部门职能。目前,一把抓的很少,只有少数几个国家采取行动。 The growth in Third World jobs has fallen short of population growth, leaving tens of millions unemployed and hundreds of millions underemoployed. Even more people lack access to clean water, adequate health care, and a full and balanced diet.第三世界的工作岗位低于人口增长,有千万的人口没有就业,有百万的人没有充分就业,更多的人们缺乏干 净的水,充分的医疗条件,和充足的平衡的饮食。 Once the self-reinforcing trends of environmental degradation and deepening poverty are too deeply established, only a superhuman effort could break the cycle and reverse the trend.一旦环境恶化和日益加剧的贫困之间形成的自我强化 趋势根深蒂固,只有超人的力量,才能打破恶性循环,扭转局势。 Unit10 Abandoned in the harsh weather, she huddled in a ball on the front steps of our building, an elementary school for emotionally disturbed children where I provided therapy three days a week.流浪猫被抛弃在寒冬中,在我们大楼前的 台阶上冻得蜷缩成一团。这个大楼是面向心理不正常的儿童,我提供每周的三天时间的心理咨询服务的那所 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 的。 When they spotted the kitten, their faces suddenly brightened. Their reticence and tenseness seemed to melt away as they petted the stray, and our session were relaxed and open.当他们发现了小猫,他们的表情立刻变得快乐起来。在他们 抚摸流浪猫的时候,他们素日的缄默与紧张好像消失了,我们的治疗过程变得既轻松又坦率。 My dog, Holly, was a gentle, gregarious, well-behaved seven-year-old of mixed parentage. Couldn’t she have the same relaxing effect on the children I counseled?我的狗Holly,是一只温顺、合群、有礼貌的,七岁的混血狗。她会不会 像我预想的那样能对孩子们产生松弛神经的效果呢, The project was approved, but my superisor clearly let me know that Holly and I were on trial. The reseponsibility for any problems with the ―dog experiment‖would land squarely on my shoulders.这个提案被批准了,但是我的领导明确 地让我知道,Holly和我处于尝试阶段,关于―狗的实验‖所发生的任何问题,我都要承担全部责任。 She neatly and gently took the treat, swallowed it quickly and licked the boy’s hand. The boy smiled. Holly’s critical debut had been a success.Holly安静地、温柔地拿到食物很快地吞了下去,并舔着小男孩的手,小男孩笑了,Holly 的初次登场获得了成功。 After the bell rang , a succession of little visitors came to our door, vying to see Holly. As they took turns handing treats to Holly, she wagged her tail and licked their hands, showing her approval.下课铃响了以后,一群小参观者陆续来到了 我们的门前,争着看霍利,他们轮流给Holly食物吃,Holly摇着尾巴,舔他们的手,表现出满足和友好。 As they relaxed with Holly, they let down their defenses. Our counseling sessions became smooth and productive. 当孩子们和Holly在一起很放松的时候,他们解除了戒备,我们心理咨询的进展就变得顺利,并卓有成效 Even the teachers ducked in for some pet therapy throughout the day, giving Holly a short pat and restoring their spirits in her presence.甚至在一天当中,教师们也不时地光顾这里的宠物治疗,拍拍Holly,在它面前重新打起精神来。 I slid into the front seat of my car that afternoon, I leaned back, exhausted from the emotional trauma.那天下午我坐在 汽车的前排,我往后靠,感情上的创伤令我疲惫不堪。 10、She was just as drained as I was, if not more so, and not for the first time, I felt a pang of guilt. Was it fair to ask my dog to take on the emotional responsibilities of troubled children?它同我一样的疲倦。如果不是这件事,我不只一次, 我感到一点的内疚,这公平吗,让狗来承担起心理不健康的儿童的责任是不是公平呢, Unit11 It was not that long ago that the term makeover suggested little more than a new eye shadow or a dye job.就在不久之 前,一个学期变化一下形象,只是意味着一个新的眼影或染头发。 That attaining such features often involves anesthesia, injections, incisions, blood and p professional with at least seven years of medical training is a distinction increasingly lost on the general population。获得这些特征的容貌往往涉及到 麻醉、注射、手术、血和一个至少有十年从业经验的专业人员,这越来越被普通公众所忽略的。 But plastic surgery does mean going under the knife, and lately there have been plenty of reminders of the risks involved.但是整形手术确实意味着要挨一刀之苦,并且近来大量事实一直在提醒人们:做整形手术是有风险的。 This is the same location where last month, in a case that made national headlines,the First Wives Club author Olivia Goldsmith, whose work often celebrated and satirized plastic surgery, died after seeking a cosmetic procedure. 这是跟上个月成为全国各家报纸的重要新闻,是在同一地点,―第一夫人俱乐部‖作者Ocivia Gold smith 死于寻找 美容手术中,这成为报纸头版头条。他的作品常讽刺整形外科。 The vast majority of cosmetic procedures—both surgical, such as face-lifes and lipo-suction, and nonsurgical, like Botox and collagen injections—conclude without incident.绝大部分整形手术,包括像是拉皮去皱和吸脂这样的外科手术和 无需手术的像是波托克斯和胶原注射的整形都以平安告终。 6、But many doctors don’t bother with the special training and practice the surgery anyway to supplement their income. 但很多医生不想费事去接受专门的培训,不管怎样,而直接实施外科手术,能增补他们的收入。 Patients often enjoy a doctor’s office because it feels more personal; many doctors preder it because they exercise complete control over their surroundings and costs.病人通常喜欢医生的办公室,因为给人更人性化的感觉,很多医 生也是如此。因为他们能完全控制环境和费用。 It is not uncommon for people to have multiple procedures performed at once, and when the patient is in good health, it is not especially perilous.对人们来说同时进行多个手术并不罕见。当病人身体状况良好的话,这样做并不特别危 险。 Sometimes a patient can appear to do everything rignt but still end up paying the ultimate price.有时候病人看起来做得 都对,但仍然以付出最大代价而告终。 It did, however, cause a momentary flutter in the plastic-surgery community. Doctors across Florida, California and New York said they received a few concerned calls from patients that week.然而,他确实同时进行的多项手术在整形圈内 激起了片刻的波动。佛罗里达、加州等地的医生,他们说那周他们接到了病人几个表示担心的咨询的电话。 这家极负盛名的医院里,绝大部分手术都是以平安无事结束的,但也不能忽视病人的权利。由于医院有权进行整 容手术,病人必须自己去查明医生的专业背景,决定他或她对医生曾经接受的培训情况是否感到宽心。病人还应 高调查打算做手术的场所的情况,以保手术结果万无一失。 整容术在当今看来似乎很时髦。很多爱美人士为了改变面貌不惜经手外科手术之痛苦和承担可能致命的风险。即 使一些失败的手术和死亡病例在社会上激起片刻的波动或几个表示担心的咨询电话,但事实上美容诊所里的预约 电话还是响个不停。 Unit12 When our Founders boldly declared Amercia’s independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, they knew that America to endure would have to change. No change for change’s sake but change to preserve America’s ideallife, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of Americans must define what it means to be an American. 当我们的先驱勇敢地向世界宣布美国独立,并向上帝表明自己的目的时,他们知道,美国若要永存,就必须变革。 不是为变革而变革,而是为了维护美国的理想--为了生命、自由和追求幸福而变革。尽管我们随着当今时代的节 拍前进,但我们的使命永恒不变。每一代美国人,都必须为作为一个美国人意味着什么下定义。 Raised in unrivaled prosperity, we inherit an economy that is still world’s strongest but is weakended by business failures, stagnant wages, increasing inequality and deep divisions among our own people. 我们在无与伦比的繁荣中长大,我们继承的经济仍然是世界上最强大的。但由于商业失败,工资增长停滞以及人 民内部不平等状况加剧,分裂加深,我们的经济已经削弱。 Communications and commerce are global, investment is moblie, technology is almost magical, and ambition for a better life is now universal. We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all cross the earth. Profound and powerful forces are shaking and remarking our world. And the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy.通信和商务是全球性的,投资是流动性的;技术发展不可思议;而人 人都怀着提高生活质量的欲求现在具有普遍性。今天,我们通过同世界各地人民进行和平竞争来赢得我们在美国 谋求生存。各种深远而强大的力量正在震撼和改造我们的世界,我们这个时候最迫切的问题在于我们能否改革变 成我们的朋友,而不是成为我们的敌人。 Americans have ever been a restless, question and hopeful people, and we must bring to our task today the vision and will of those who came before us. From our revolution to the Givil War, to the Great Depression, to the civil rights movement, our people have always mustered the determination to construct from these crises the pillars of our history. 美国人历来是锐意精进、勤于探索和充满希望的民族,今天,我们必须把前人的远见卓识和坚强意志带到我们的 任务中去。从革命,内战,大萧条,直到民权运动,我国人民总是下定决心克服危机,构架起我国历史的强大支 柱。 To renew America we must be hold. We must do what no generation has had to do before. We must invest more in our own people—in their fuyure—and at the same time cut our massive debt. And we must do so in a world in which we must compete for every opportunity. It will not be easy. It will require sacrifice. But it can be done and done fairly. Not choosing sacrifice for its own sake, but for our own sake. We must provide for our nation the way a family provides for its children. 我们要振兴美国,就必须勇往直前。我们必须做前人无需做的事情。我们必须更多地投资于人民,关注于他们的 工作和未来,与此同时,我们必须减少巨额债务。而且,我们必须在一个需要为每个机会而竞争的世界上做到这 一切。这样做并不容易:这样做要求做出牺牲。但是,这是做得到的,而且能做得公平合理。我们不是为牺牲而 牺牲,我们必须像家庭供养子女那样供养自己的国家。 Posterity is the world to come. The world for whom we hold our ideals, from whom we have borrowed our planet and to whom we hear sacred responsibility. We must do what Amercia does best: offer more opportunities to all and demand more responsibility from all.未来的世界一片繁荣-我们为之坚持自己的理想为之奋斗,从他们那里借居于这个行星 之上,因此对于他们我们肩负着神圣的责任。我们必须做到美国最好:向所有的人提供更多的机会,同时也向所 有的人要求负起更多的责任。 It is the time to break the bad habit of expecting something for nothing from our government or from each other. Let us all take more responsibility not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country.现在是破除 只求向政府和别人免费索取的恶习的时候了。让我们大家不仅为自己和家庭,而且为社区和国家担负起更多的责 任吧。 I challenge a new generation of young Americans to a season of service; to act on your idealism by helping troubled children, keeping company with those in need, reconnecting our torn communities. There is so much to be done. Enough, indeed, for millions of others who are still young in spiril to give of themselves in service, too.我提醒新一代的美国年 轻人去承担新一轮的挑战,要求你们投入这一奉献的季节—按照你们的理想主义行动起来,使不幸的儿童得到帮 助,使贫困的人们得到关怀,使四分五裂的社区恢复联系。实际上有成千上百万的年轻人在服务中奉献自己,他 们已经做的够多了。 In serving, we recognize a simple but powerful truth: We need each other and we must care for one another. Today we do more than celebrate America, we rededicate ourselves to the very idea of America: An idea born in revolution and renewed through two centuries of challenge; an idea tempered by the knowledge that but for fate we, the fortunate and the unfortunate, might have been each other; an idea ennobled by the faith that our nation can summon from its myriad diversity the deepest measure of unity; an idea infused with the conviction that American’s long, heroic journey must go forever upward.在奉献过程中,我们意识到一条简单而又强大的真理。我们彼此相依为命,因此我们必须互相关 照(今天,我们不仅是在赞颂美国,而是我们再一次把自己奉献给美国的理想:这个理想在革命中诞生,在两个 世纪的挑战中更新;这个理想经受了认识的考验,大家认识到,若不是命运的安排,幸运者或不幸者有可能互换 位置;这个理想由于一种信念而变得崇高,即我国能够从纷繁的多样性中实现最深刻的统一性,这个理想洋溢着 一种信念:美国漫长而英勇的旅程必将永远继续。 And so, my fellow Americans, as we stand at the edge of the 21st century, let us begin anew with energy and hope, with faith and discipline. ―And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.‖ 因此,我的美国同胞们,在我们即将跨入21世纪之际,让我们以旺盛的精力和满腔的希望,以坚定的信心和严 明的纪律开始工作,直到把工作完成。《圣经》说:"我们行善,不可丧志,若不灰心,到了时候,就要收成。
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