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护士变更注册表护士变更注册表 附录3 广东省护士变更注册 申请审核材料 姓 名: . 原证书编号: . 行政区域: . 材 料 编 号: . 广东省卫生厅制 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these a...

护士变更注册表 附录3 广东省护士变更注册 申请 关于撤销行政处分的申请关于工程延期监理费的申请报告关于减免管理费的申请关于减租申请书的范文关于解除警告处分的申请 审核材料 姓 名: . 原证书编号: . 行政区域: . 材 料 编 号: . 广东省卫生厅制 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 广东省护士变更注册材料审核登记表 姓 名 执业证书编号 工作单位 联系电话 单位 地市、县区卫生厅审提交材料一览表 审验 局审验 验 1.变更注册申请审核表 2.申请人的《护士执业证书》 3.申请人身份证明(复) 4.毕业证(复) 5.学历验证证明或计划内招生的证明 6聘用证明 7.健康体检证明 8.医疗机构许可证副本(复)(执 业单位集体提供) 审验人员签名 (单位) (县、区局) (地市局) (省厅) subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 填表说明 (带,号为必填项目) 1.本表供护士申请变更注册时使用。 2.用钢笔或者签字笔填写,内容真实、完整,字迹清晰。 3.本表的第1、2、3、4项由申请人填写,第5、6项由有关医疗卫生机构填写,第7项由注册机关填写。 4.表内的年月日时间,用公历阿拉伯数字填写。 .申请人学历,填写护理或者助产专业的最高学历。 5 6.申请人健康状况,由本人填写健康状况:良好、一般或者有慢性病。 .申请人工作类别,填写临床护理、护理行政管理、预防保健或者其他。 7 8.申请人现技术职称,填写护士、护师、主管护师、副主任护师、主任护师、 未评定。 9.拟聘用人工作单位意见中,单位法定代表 授权 个人房产授权委托书公司各类授权委托书模版医师授权办法餐饮分店授权书产品代理授权书范本 者可以是职能部门负责人。 10.护理工作岗位包括:“在岗”或“不在岗”。“在岗”类别:?在医疗卫生保健机构或社区卫生服务中心(站)从事护理工作;?在医学院、校从事护理专业教育;?在卫生行政主管部门从事护理行政管理。?在护理学术团体、护理中心从事护理学术交流及研究等工作的护士。“不在岗”指在上述机构和部门以及其他机构和部门中从事非护理工作的护士。不在护理岗位的护士不得延续注册。 11.“工作类别”项中:临床护理指在医疗卫生保健机构中从事护理工作的人员。护理行政管理指在医疗卫生保健机构护理部担任护士长以上行政职务或各级卫生行政主管部门从事护理管理人员。护理教育指高等医学院校或中等卫生/护士(理)学校专职从事护理教育人员。护理研究指专职从事护理研究人员。社区护理指在社区卫生服务中心(站)或医疗卫生机构中,从事社区卫生服务的护理人员。其他指非上述人员。 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 护士变更注册申请审核表 填表前请认真阅读首页的填表说明(带,项均有说明)。填报日期: 年月 日 1、 申请人情况 姓 名, 性 别, 民 族 出生日期, 年 月 日 国 籍, 身份证号, ?????????????????? 所学 最高学历, 专业, 毕业学校, 学 制 毕业时间, 年 月 日 学 位, 健康状况, 从事专科护理学习和工作的经历,: 2、申请人原工作单位情况, 原工作单位名称 省(自治区/直辖市) 地区(市) 县单位行政区划 (区) 邮政编码 护理工作岗位 技术职称 工作类别 职务 工作时间 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 3、申请人拟工作单位情况, 拟工作单位名称 单位行政区划 省(自治区/直辖市) 地区(市) 县(区) 邮政编码 拟工作科室 技术职称 拟工作类别 职务 4、申请人签名, : subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 5、申请人原工作单位意见(由工作单位填写), 工作单位意见: 同意? 不同意? 单位法定代表(授权者)签字 盖章 填写日期 年 月 日 6、申请人拟工作单位意见(由工作单位填写) 工作单位意见: 同意? 不同意? 单位法定代表(授权者)签字 盖章 填写日期 年 月 日 7(注册机关意见(由注册机关填写),(入省变更注册者需要报省卫生厅在注册本上盖章) 准予变更注册? 不准予变更注册? 不准予变更注册理由: 注册机关盖章 填写日期 年 月 日 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 身 份 证 复 印 件 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 毕业证复印件 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 学历验证证明 或计划内招生证明 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 护士执业注册聘用证明 姓名 性别 出生年月 职称 学历 毕业时间 身份证号码 执业编码 执业机构名 称及登记号 机构地址 1、该护士于 年 月 日至 年 月 日在本 执 业 单位 科从事 岗位工作。 期 间 2、接受继续医学教育完成情况: 基 本 情 负责人签名: 医疗机构盖章: 况 年 月 日 理论考核成绩: 考 技能考核项目: 核 技能考核成绩: 情 况 考核部门盖章: 考核时间: 年 月 日 1、本表由执业机构填写; 2、民营医院、门诊部、诊所、医务室、卫生站等医疗机构护士执业注册考核,由执业机构所在辖区卫生行政部门指定培训部门进行。 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 广东省护士执业注册健康体检表 姓 名 性别 出生日期 近期 二寸免冠 身份证号 正面半身 ?????????????????? 彩色照片 工作单位 (加盖体检医院出 生 地 民族 婚否 公章) 既往病史 家 族 史 裸眼视力 医师意见: 矫正视力 左 右 眼 眼 疾 签名: 色 觉 听 力 医师意见: 左 右 耳 疾 耳 鼻及鼻窦 鼻 嗅 觉 喉 咽 签名: 喉 粘 膜 医师意见: 口 牙及牙龈 腔 舌 签名: 呼吸 次,分 脉搏 次,分 血压 , mmHg 医师意见: 发育及营养 内 神经及精神 肺及呼吸道 心脏及血管 肝、脾、双肾 科 腹部包块 签名: 其 他 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel 身 高 厘米 体 重 千克 医师意见: 皮 肤 淋巴结 外 头、颈 甲状腺 脊 柱 四肢 肛 门 生殖器 科 签名: 其 他 胸 片 医师签名: 心电图 医师签名: 辅 肝功能 检验师签名: 助 检乙肝两对半 检验师签名: 查 血常规 血型 检验师签名: 结 果 尿常规 检验师签名: 结果:(请在以下项目序号前打“?”表示选定该项体检结果) (请在以下项目序号前打“?”表示选定该项体检结果) ?健康或正常 ?有色盲?、色弱?、双耳听力障碍? ?传染病活动体 期 ?有精神病史 ?其他影响履行护理职责的疾病、残疾或功能障碍 如选择上述结果????项之一者,请具体说 明 .—— 检 . 体结 检医院盖章 医师签名: 体检日期: 年 月 日 填表日期: 年 月 日 果 执 业 机 构执业机构盖章 意 见 负责人签名: 填表日期: 年 月 日 subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Center's construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a subway line. Now, Sapporo city planning basic core principle is based on the subway station for urban development in key areas. Sapporo rail transit network composition table 5. line 1-4 station (a) line length (km) 26 59 Metro JR lines 69 48 tram 23 12 total 118 116 East of Sapporo subway West to a maximum, up to more than 20 km, North-South line and the Toho line length within 15km. Average distance between 3 metro lines in 1km, most of the underground. Nanboku line passenger flow efficiency, load intensity nearly 20,000 passengers/km • day, parallel
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