首页 天文望远镜的光学原理



天文望远镜的光学原理天文望远镜的光学原理 天文望远镜由物镜和目镜组成,接近景物的凸形透镜或凹形反射镜叫做物镜,靠近眼睛那块叫做目镜。 远景物的光源视作平行光,根据光学原理,平行光经过透镜或球面凹形反射镜便会聚焦在一点上,这就是焦点。焦点与物镜距离就是焦距。再利用一块比物镜焦距短的凸透镜或目镜就可以把成像放大,这时观察者觉得远处景物被拉近,看得特别清楚。 O=物镜 E=目镜 f =焦点 fo=物镜焦距 fe=目镜焦距 D=物镜口径 d =斜镜 折射镜是由一组透镜组成,反射式则包括一块镀了反光金属面的凹形球面镜和把光源作 90 度...

天文望远镜的光学原理 天文望远镜由物镜和目镜组成,接近景物的凸形透镜或凹形反射镜叫做物镜,靠近眼睛那块叫做目镜。 远景物的光源视作平行光,根据光学原理,平行光经过透镜或球面凹形反射镜便会聚焦在一点上,这就是焦点。焦点与物镜距离就是焦距。再利用一块比物镜焦距短的凸透镜或目镜就可以把成像放大,这时观察者觉得远处景物被拉近,看得特别清楚。 O=物镜 E=目镜 f =焦点 fo=物镜焦距 fe=目镜焦距 D=物镜口径 d =斜镜 折射镜是由一组透镜组成,反射式则包括一块镀了反光金属面的凹形球面镜和把光源作 90 度反射的平面镜。两者的吸光率大致相同。 折射和反射镜各有优点,现分別讨论: 折射望远镜的优点 1.影像稳定折射式望远镜镜筒密封,避免了空气对流现象。 2.彗像差矫正利用不同的透镜组合来矫正彗像差(Coma)。 3.保 养主镜密封,不会被污垢空气侵蚀,基本上不用保养。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 折射望远镜的缺点 1.色 差不同波长光波成像在焦点附近,所以望远镜出现彩色光环围绕成像。矫正色差时要增加一块不同折射率的透镜,但矫正大口径镜就不容易了。 2.镜筒长。为了消除色差, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 望远镜时就要把焦距尽量增长,约主镜口径的十五倍,以六吋口径计算,便是七呎半长,而且用起来又不方便,业余制镜者要造一座这样长而稳定度高的脚架很是困难的一回事。 3.价 钱 贵光线要穿过透镜关系,所以要采用清晰度高,质地优良的玻璃,这样价钱就贵许多。全部完成后的价钱也比同一口径的反射镜贵数倍至十数倍~ 反射望远镜的优点 1.消色差。 任何可见光均聚焦于一点。 2.镜 筒 短 通常镜筒长度只有主镜直径八倍,所以比折射镜筒约短两倍。短的镜筒操作力便,又容易制造稳定性高的脚架。 3.价钱便宜 光线只在主镜表面反射,制镜者可以购买较经济的普通玻璃去制造反射镜的主要部份。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 反射望远镜的缺点 对角镜放置在主镜前,把部份入射光线遮掉,而对角镜支架又产生绕射,三支架1.遮光。 或四支架的便形成六条或四条由光星发射出来的光线。可以利用焦比八至十的设计减低遮光率。 2.影像不稳定 开放式的镜筒往往产生对流现象,很难完满地解决问题。所以在高倍看行星表面精细部份时便不容易了。 3.主镜便形温度变化和机械因素,使主镜变形,焦点也跟着改变,形成球面差,球面差就是主镜旁边线和近光轴的平行光线聚焦于不同地方,但小口径镜不成问题。 4.保 养 镀上主镜表面的驴或银,受空气污染影响,要半年再镀一次。不过一块良好的真空电镀镜面可维持数年之久。 折射望远镜由二块透镜组成,总共要磨四边光学面,反射望远镜只需要磨一边光学面,所以制造反射式望远镜花费较少时间。技术精良的话,一副自制的六吋口径反射望远镜质量随时超过市面出售的三吋折射望远镜。至于选择何种类型的望远镜则是根据天文爱好者的需要和喜爱而定。通常一枝四吋以下的折射望远镜已足夠作普通观测研究的用途。如果兴趣是观察行星或双星,便应该设计八吋口径而放大倍数高的反射望远镜,因为如此大口径的折射镜十分难制造,价钱非常昂贵,而且又非常笨重。从经济和难度考虑,初学者最适宜自制反射式望远镜。 反射望远镜的设计 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 反射望远镜有数种设计,现在只谈谈结构简单的牛顿式。 牛顿式望远镜最主要的结构是一块镀上反射物质的球面或拋物面玻璃。球面镜作用是把星星 来的平行光反射聚焦一点,然后靠一块细小光学平面镜放置于焦点前,把光作90度角的反 射至望远镜筒的边缘,再由一块凸透镜将形像放大,便获得普通望远镜应有的效果。不过球 面镜中心和旁边的反射角不同,故此成像并不完全聚焦于同一点上,而形成球面差;但拋物 面却可矫正这缺点,使离开光轴较远的光线也可以同时聚于焦点上,因此实际上牛顿式望远 镜主镜乃拋物线面。球面镜成像抛物面成像 设计望远镜时要考虑到它的实际用途,我们是用来观察或是摄影的,我们要求的放大倍数等 等,这便要介绍一下影响望远镜用途的各种因素。 放 大 倍 数 1 吋 = 25.4 毫米 (mm) 直徑(吋) 直徑(mm) 最低有效倍數 最高有效倍數 1 25 3.5 50 2 51 7 100 2.5 63 9 125 3 76 10 150 4 100 14 200 6 150 21 300 8 200 28 400 10 250 35 500 12 300 42 600 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 望远镜的放大倍数是物镜和目镜焦距之比。即物镜焦距越长,放大倍率越高;目镜焦距越短,放大倍率越高。放大率亦可以量度入射瞳孔和出射瞳孔的直径求得,入射瞳孔通常即望远镜物镜直径。放大倍数越低,影像越清晰,最宜观测暗星云。放大率高则可用来看行星表面的细微结构,但光度很弱。每枝望远镜的最高有效放大倍数是物镜直径的50倍。例如六吋口径望远镜便可放大到 300倍。虽然天文望远镜的物镜焦距是不能改变的,但望远镜放大倍数则不是固定的,它可以通过变换目镜焦距的方式而获得不同的倍率。但目镜制造困难,多数购自光学商店,业余制镜者只自制主镜部份。即:放大倍数=物镜焦距/目镜口径 =入射瞳孔直径/出射瞳孔直径 焦比(Focal Ratio) 望远镜放大倍数不能无限制的增加,即目镜不能太短;最短约四毫米,主镜焦距亦不能太长,究竟焦距长度如何决定呢,通常焦距和物镜直径的比例不能超过一个数值,它们的比值称为焦比,焦比是用来表示望远镜的特性的指标,焦比即照相机上的光圈,焦比值多数定于2.5 和 1 1 之间。例如六吋望远镜焦距最长可达 66 吋,最短是 15 吋。焦比的限制是和望远镜的曲率有关,焦比大,球面和拋物面值相差不远,主镜磨成球面便行。但焦比太大,镜筒便会很长,搬运不方便,脚架制作也不容易。焦比短,球面主镜便不能把平行光聚于一點,形成球面差,那时要将球面修改成拋物面就颇费功夫。另一方面,照相曝光时间和焦比的平方成正比,所以焦比值越小曝光时间越短,拍摄暗星体时便很有用,故多用作观测或拍摄星云、星团。焦比大,焦距长度增加,放大倍率高,故此多用作观测行星。即:焦比=焦距/物镜直径(通常会写成F/或F值) 集光本领(Light Gathering Power) 直径 直径 集光本领 极限星等 吋毫米 倍 星等 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 2.5 63 81 10.8 3 76 118 11.2 4 100 204 11.8 6 150 459 13.0 8 200 820 13.3 10 250 1300 13.8 12 300 1800 14.2 14 350 2500 14.5 16 400 3300 14.8 18 450 4100 15.1 20 500 5100 15.3 望远镜口径越大,集光力愈强,可以看见星星的数目亦增加,集光力是收音机收集光线比眼睛强多少倍的意思。集光本领乃望远镜物镜直径平方和瞳孔直径平方之比。人的瞳孔,日间受光影响,故收缩,晚上则尽量扩大,直径伸缩由四毫米至八毫米,平均值是七毫米。望远镜比肉眼大上许多倍,以一枝150 毫米即六吋口径反射镜来记算,就比肉眼看东西明亮 495 倍。当然望远镜口径大还可以观察到更加暗的星星,口径和星等的关系如右。人的瞳孔是固定的,所以要增加集光本领就唯有向物镜直径打主意,造一枝大口径望远镜。但大口径镜的球面和拋物面值相差颇大,一定要磨成拋物面,初学者未掌握好磨镜技术的话,因该以小口径开始。另外大口径望远镜又必须做一座重型精密、稳定性高的脚架,否则在调校光轴,对准星体时就会出现困难。而机械制作所花的时间可能还比磨镜还多,怎样可令至初学者兴趣慢慢减低。而搬运如此重的装备往郊外观测也很成问题。经历数次辛劳后,望远镜可能被放置在屋角去渡其晚年。 即:集光本领=物镜直径(mm)平方/49 极限星等=1.77+5xlog物镜直径(mm)=8.8+5xlog物镜直径(吋) 分 辨 本 领 (ResolvingPower) 直径 直径 分 辨 本 领 吋 毫米 弧秒 2.5 63 1.82 3 76 1.52 4 100 1.14 6 150 0.76 8 200 0.57 10 250 0.46 12 300 0.38 14 350 0.33 16 400 0.29 18 450 0.25 20 500 0.23 集光本领,放大倍数并不能表达望远镜的质量,望远镜质地取决于它的分辨本领,它就是分开两颗很相近的双星的最高能力。分辨力高,星像清晰的六吋镜会远比只得集光力强的大口径十吋镜实用得多。天文观察要求光学质量最高,若大口径镜只看见模糊的星像,用处就不大,只可用来看看风景吧! 英国业余天文学家杜氏(Dawes)根据观测双星的经验,记算出望远镜口径的最高分辨能力,这就是著名的杜氏极限(Dawes\' Limit)。 六吋口径望远镜,分辨本领最高是0.76 弧秒,虽然因星空观察受大气流动影响,而会使分辨本领降至一弧秒,但已经比肉眼只可分辨两颗距离一弧分以上双星的能力要大上六十倍。以天文爱好者的需要和能力来决定定,初学者最适宜自制一枝六吋口径,48 吋焦距,焦比是八的牛顿式望远镜,因为主镜只需要磨成一個球面,镜筒短,脚架制造比较容易。若喜欢轻巧和方便携带的可造一枝120 毫米口徑,720 毫米焦距,即 f/6 的望遠鏡。 计算方法:分辨本领=116/物镜直径(mm) (单位:弧秒) =4.56/物镜直径(吋) (单位:弧秒) adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by
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