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高中化学必修一目录高中化学必修一目录 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 化学 必修1 第一章 从实验学化学 第一节 化学实验基本方法 第二节 化学计量在实验中的应用 归纳与整理 第二章 化学物质及其变化 第一节 物质的分类 第二节 离子反应 第三节 氧化还原反应 归纳与整理 第三章 金属及其化合物 第一节 金属的化学性质 第二节 几种重要的金属化合物 第三节 用途广泛的金属材料 归纳与整理 第四章 非金属及其化合物 第一节 无机非金属材料的主角---硅 第二节 富集在海水中的元素---氯 第三节 硫和氮...

高中化学 高中化学教材全套pdf高中化学基础知识填空高中化学选修1全套ppt高中化学学法指导高中化学选修四电化学 必修一目录 普通高中课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 实验教科书 化学 必修1 第一章 从实验学化学 第一节 化学实验基本方法 第二节 化学计量在实验中的应用 归纳与整理 第二章 化学物质及其变化 第一节 物质的分类 第二节 离子反应 第三节 氧化还原反应 归纳与整理 第三章 金属及其化合物 第一节 金属的化学性质 第二节 几种重要的金属化合物 第三节 用途广泛的金属材料 归纳与整理 第四章 非金属及其化合物 第一节 无机非金属材料的主角---硅 第二节 富集在海水中的元素---氯 第三节 硫和氮的氧化物 第四节 硫酸、硝酸和氨 归纳与整理 附录? 相对原子质量表 附录? 部分酸、碱和盐的溶解性表(20?) 附录? 一些常见元素中英文名称对照表元素周期表 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 化学 必修2 第一章 物质结构 元素周期律 第一节 元素周期表 第二节 元素周期律 第三节 化学键 归纳与整理 第二章 化学反应与能量 第一节 化学能与热能 第二节 化学能与电能 第三节 化学反应的速率和限度 归纳与整理 第三章 有机化合物 第一节 最简单的有机化合物----甲烷 第二节 来自石油和煤的两种基本化工原料 第三节 生活中两种 常见的有机物 归纳与整理 第四章 化学与可持续发展 第一节 开发利用金属矿物和海水资源 第二节 化学与资源综合利用、环境保护 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 归纳与整理 结束语 附录? 相对原子质量表 附录? 部分酸、碱和盐的溶解性表(20?) 附录? 一些常见元素中英文名称对照表 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 化学与生活 选修1 第一章 关注营养平衡 第一节 生命的基础能源---糖类 第二节 重要的体内能源---油脂 第三节 生命的基础---蛋白质 归纳与整理 第二章 促进身心健康 第一节 合理选择饮食 第二节 正确使用药物 归纳与整理 第三章 探索生活材料 第一节 合金 第二节 金属的腐蚀和防护 第三节 玻璃、陶瓷和水泥 第四节 塑料、纤维和橡胶 归纳与整理 第四章 保护生存环境 第一节 改善大气质量 第二节 爱护水资源 第三节 垃圾资源化 归纳与整理 附录? 我国居民膳食中某些元素每日的适宜摄入量或推荐摄入量 附录? 环境空气质量标准 附录? 我国生活饮用水水质标准 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 化学与技术 选修2 第一单元 走进化学工业 课题1 化学生产过程中的基本问题 课题2 人工固氮技术——合成氨 课题3 纯碱的生产 归纳与整理 练习与实践 第二单元 化学与资源开发利用 课题1 获取洁净的水 课题2 海水的综合利用 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 课题3 石油、煤和天然气的综合利用 归纳与整理 练习与实践 第三单元 化学与材料的发展 课题1 无机非金属材料 课题2 金属材料 课题3 高分子化合物与材料 归纳与整理 练习与实践 第四单元 化学与技术的发展 课题1 化肥和农药 课题2 表面活性剂 精细化学品 归纳与整理 练习与实践 结束语 迎接化学的黄金时代 元素周期表 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 物质结构与性质 选修3 第一章 原子结构与性质 第一节 原子结构 第二节 原子结构与元素的性质 归纳与整理 复习题 第二章 分子结构与性质 第一节 共价键 第二节 分子的立体结构 第三节 分子的性质 归纳与整理 复习题 第三章 晶体结构与性质 第一节 晶体的 常识 培智学校常识课教案常识知识题库地理常识题库及答案常识题及答案洗面奶科普小常识 第二节 分子晶体与原子晶体 第三节 金属晶体 第四节 离子晶体 归纳与整理 复习题 开放性作业 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 化学反应原理 选修4 第一章 化学反应与能量 第一节 化学反应与能量的变化 第二节 燃烧热 能源 第三节 化学反应热的计算 归纳与整理 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 第二章 化学反应速率和化学平衡 第一节 化学反应速率 第二节 影响化学反应速率的因素 第三节 化学平衡 第四节 化学反应进行的方向 归纳与整理 第三章 水溶液中的离子平衡 第一节 弱电解质的电离 第二节 水的电离和溶液的酸碱性 第三节 盐类的水解 第四节 难溶电解质的溶解平衡 归纳与整理 第四章 电化学基础 第一节 原电池 第二节 化学电源 第三节 电解池 第四节 金属的电化学腐蚀与防护 归纳与整理 附录 部分酸、碱和盐的溶解性表(20?) 后记 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 有机化学基础 选修5 引言 第一章 认识有机化合物 第一节 有机化合物的分类 第二节 有机化合物的结构特点 第三节 有机化合物的命名 第四节 研究有机化合物的一般步骤和方法 归纳与整理 复习题 第二章 烃和卤代烃 第一节 脂肪烃 第二节 芳香烃 第三节 卤代烃 归纳与整理 复习题 第三章 烃的含氧衍生物 第一节 醇酚 第二节 醛 第三节 羧酸 酯 第四节 有机合成 归纳与整理 复习题 第四章 生命中的基础有机化学物质 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 第一节 油脂 第二节 糖类 第三节 蛋白质和核酸 归纳与整理 复习题 第五章 进入合成有机高分子化合物的时代 第一节 合成高分子化合物的基本方法 第二节 应用广泛的高分子材料 第三节 功能高分子材料 归纳与整理 复习题 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 实验化学 选修6 第一单元 从实验走进化学 课题一 实验化学起步 课题二 化学实验的绿色追求 第二单元 物质的获取 课题一 物质的分离和提纯 课题二 物质的制备 第三单元 物质的检测 课题一 物质的检验 课题二 物质含量的测定 第四单元 研究型实验 课题一 物质性质的研究 课题二 身边化学问题的探究 课题三 综合实验设计 附录I 化学实验 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 附录II 化学实验种的一些常用仪器 附录III 部分盐、氧化物、碱融解性表 附录IV 常见离子和化合物的颜色 附录V 实验室常用酸、碱溶液的配制方法 附录VI 一些酸、碱溶液中溶质的质量分数和溶液的密度 附录VII 几种仪器分析方法简介 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political
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