首页 手嶌葵_La_Vie_En_Rose专辑_歌词



手嶌葵_La_Vie_En_Rose专辑_歌词手嶌葵_La_Vie_En_Rose专辑_歌词 1.Winter Light(1993/米 映画「秘密の花园」より) 冬日之光(1993/米 映画「秘密花园」) 作词?作曲:Eric Kaz /Zbingniew Antoni Preisner /Linda Ronstadt (埃里克?卡兹&茨比涅夫?安东尼?普莱斯纳&琳达?朗丝黛) 编曲&Piano:フェビアン?レザ?パネ(Febian Reza Pane) Hearts call 心在呼唤 Hearts fall 心在跌落 Swallowed...

手嶌葵_La_Vie_En_Rose专辑_歌词 1.Winter Light(1993/米 映画「秘密の花园」より) 冬日之光(1993/米 映画「秘密花园」) 作词?作曲:Eric Kaz /Zbingniew Antoni Preisner /Linda Ronstadt (埃里克?卡兹&茨比涅夫?安东尼?普莱斯纳&琳达?朗丝黛) 编曲&Piano:フェビアン?レザ?パネ(Febian Reza Pane) Hearts call 心在呼唤 Hearts fall 心在跌落 Swallowed in the rain 隐忍在雨中 Who knows 谁会知晓 Life grows 生命成长 Hollow and so vain 空白又无助 Wandering in the winter light 踟蹰在冬日的阳光里 The wicked and the sane 邪恶与理智的人们 Bear witness to salvation 承担着救赎的见证 And life starts over again 但生命依旧周而复始 Now the clear sky is all around you 如今晴空围绕着你 Love's shadow will surround you 爱的影子拥抱着你 All through the night 渡过漫漫长夜 Star glowing in the twilight 闪耀在曙光中的群星 Tell me true 真诚对我倾诉 Hope whispers and I will follow 期盼与我耳语 让我追随 Till you love me too 直到你也爱我 2.Smile(1936/米 映画「モダン.タイムズ」より) 微笑(1936/米 映画「摩登时代」) 作词:John Turner /Geoffrey Parsons(约翰?特纳&杰弗瑞?帕森斯) 作曲:Charles Chaplin(查尔斯?卓别林) 编曲&Piano:フェビアン?レザ?パネ(Febian Reza Pane) Smile,though your heart is aching 微笑吧,即便内心怀着伤痛 Smile,even though it's breaking 微笑吧,即便伤心往事在心中 When there are clouds in the sky 当天空飘过朵朵白云之时 You'll get by... 你都将渡过难关... If you smile through your fears and sorrow 若用笑容面对悲伤与恐惧的话 Smile and maybe tomorrow 那微笑吧,也许就在明天 You'll see the sun come shining through 你就能看见 For you... 阳光普照... Light up your face with gladness 用欢乐涂抹你的面容 Hide every trace of sadness 隐藏忧伤的痕迹 Although a tear may be ever so near 即便依旧挂着泪痕 That's the time you must keep on trying 也请你时刻继续努力 Smile,what's the use of crying 微笑吧,哭泣毫无意义 You'll find that life is still worhwhile 因为生命依旧姗姗可爱 If you just smile... 只需你微笑着去发现... 3.La Vie En Rose(1954/米 映画「丽しのサブリナ」より) 玫瑰人生(1954/米 映画「龙凤配」)(原译「美丽的萨布丽娜」) 英词:Mack David(马克?大卫) 作曲:Pierre Louiguy(皮埃尔?路易斯) 编曲&Piano:フェビアン?レザ?パネ(Febian Reza Pane) Hold me close and hold me fast 靠近我 抱紧我 The magic spell you cast 这是你施的魔咒 This is la vie en rose 这是玫瑰般的人生 When you kiss me,heaven sighs 当你亲吻我时 天堂之门向我敞开 And though I close my eyes 即使闭上双眼 I see la vie en rose 也能看到玫瑰般的人生 When you press me to your heart 当我贴近你的心房 I' m in a world apart 我便坠入另一个世界 A world where roses bloom 那里栽种的玫瑰 遍地怒放 And when you speak...angels sing from above 当你开口说话 天使便会歌唱 Everyday words seem...to turn into love songs 最平凡的语言 也会变成情歌 Give your heart and soul to me 给予我 你的真心和灵魂 And life will always be 我的人生会永远 La vie en rose... 如同玫瑰般多姿多彩 4.A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes(1950/米 映画「シンデレラ」,アニメーション,より) 梦随心愿 /一个梦是心中许下的一个愿望(1950/米 映画「灰姑娘」<动画片>)(又译「仙履奇缘」) 作词?作曲:Jerry Livingston /Mack David /Al Hoffman (杰里?利文斯顿&马克?大卫&厄尔?霍夫曼) 编曲:笹子重治 A dream is a wish your heart makes 梦随心愿/一个梦是心中许下的一个愿望 When you're fast asleep 在你入睡之时 In dreams you will lose your heartaches 在梦中 看不到悲伤 Whatever you wish for your keep 因为梦 会为你保密 Have faith in your dreams and someday 相信自己的梦想 Your rainbow will come smiling through 有天 你的彩虹将微笑着到来 No matter how your heart is grieving 无论心中是否悲伤 If you keep on believing 只要去坚信 The dream that you wish will come true 梦想就会成真 5.Song Of Green Mansions(1959/米 映画「绿の馆」より) 翠谷之歌(1959/米 映画「翠谷香魂」)(原译「绿厦 /绿馆」) 作词:Paul Francis Webster(保罗?弗朗西斯?韦伯斯特) 作曲:Bronislau Kaper(伯明翰?坎布尔) 编曲:笹子重治 They say that love is a fragile thing 有人说:爱情是件易碎品 A limits wing,a magic ring made of gold 是被束缚的羽翼,是黄金制成的神奇戒指 They say that love is a bird in flight 有人说:爱情是自由的飞鸟 A gleam of light,a star too bright to behold 是瞬息的光芒,是炫目的绚烂星辰 Tell me,tell me.. 告诉我,告诉我.. Tell me oh child of the moon 请告诉我,月之子 It is as they say,must love slip away too soon 爱情真得如同他们所说那般会稍纵即逝么 Tell me,Rima.. 请告诉我,亲爱的瑞玛 where are the meadows of June 哪里会有六月的芳草 Speaking with her eyes,softly she replies 她用会说话的眼睛,轻柔地回答你 I know a place,where green mansions are 我知道有这样一个地方,那是翠谷 As near or far,as any star up above 无论远近,还是星星高悬于天空 And in this land of eternal spring 春天会永远在那停留 Where hummingbirds can learn to sing 那里蜂鸟歌唱 Green groves,the mansions of love 那里郁郁葱葱,那是充满爱的翠谷 6.Secret Kingdom(1976/英 映画「シンデレラ」<実写>より) 秘密国度(1976/英 映画「水晶鞋与玫瑰花」)(原译「灰姑娘/辛德瑞拉」<真人版>) 作词?作曲:Robert B.Sherman /Richard M.Sherman (罗伯特?伯纳德?谢尔曼&理查德?莫顿?谢尔曼) 编曲&Piano:フェビアン?レザ?パネ(Febian Reza Pane) There's a secret kingdom all my own 这是一片只属于我自己的秘密国度 With no castles and no vassals and no throne 没有城堡、奴仆和国王 Just two subjects you and me 只要有你和我 In my private monarchy 这便是我私有的国度 Where the king is Love and Love alone 在那里只有爱成为主宰 In that secret kingdom that you see 你所看到的这片秘密国度 Should the make-believe 能让梦想的事物 become reality 变成现实 With no scepter in your hand 若你没有权利 No dominion to command 去支配那里 Could you be content with only me? 那你是否只为拥有我而满足? What is a song that's never sung? 从未唱过的歌会是什么? What is a heart that's never thrilled to being young? 从未抗拒老去的心会是什么? What is a dream that can't come true? 没有实现过的梦想会是什么? What is my life to me without my love for you? 没有我对你的爱的生命又会是什么? If that secret kingdom's ours to share... 如果这就是你和我的秘密国度 I could never wish for more,for you'd be there 我不会再去奢求更多,只要你在 Just two subjects you and me In our private monarchy 只要你和我,在这私有的国度里 All alone together 相依相伴 We would love forever 相爱直到永久 In our secret kingdom 在我们的秘密国度里 far away,somewhere... 在很远很远,很久以前... 8.Wouldn't It Be Loverly?(1964/米 映画「マイ?フェア?レディ」より) 这难道不美妙吗?(1964/米 映画「窈窕淑女」) 作词:Alan Jay Lerner(亚伦?杰?勒纳) 作曲:Frederick Loewe(弗雷德里克?勒韦) 编曲:古川初穂 All I want is a room somewhere 我只要那里有间小屋 Far away from the cold night air 可以远离夜里的寒气 With one enormous chair 再加上一把大躺椅 Oh,wouldn't it be loverly? 喔,这难道不美妙吗? Lots of chocolate for me to eat 有一大堆可以尽情享受的巧克力 Lots of coal making lots of heat 有堆炉火可以烘得屋子暖洋洋的 Warm face,warm hands,warm feet 从头到脚都是暖意 Oh,wouldn't it be loverly? 喔,这难道不美妙吗? Oh,so loverly sitting absobloominlutely still 呼,可以舒舒服服地坐著 I would never budge till spring 悠闲地一动不动,直到春天爬上窗台 Crept over the windowsill 我才要起身 Someone's head resting on my knee 那时会有一个人将头枕在我的膝上 Warm and tender as he can be 他会温情又体贴地 Who takes good care of me 照顾我 Oh,wouldn't it be loverly? 喔,这难道不美妙吗? Loverly, loverly, loverly... 很美妙~~~ Someone's head resting on my knee 那时会有一个人将头枕在我的膝上 Warm and tender as he can be 他会温情又体贴地 Who takes good care of me 照顾着我 Oh,wouldn't it be loverly? 喔,这难道不美妙吗? Loverly, loverly, loverly... 很美妙~~~ L-o-v-e-r-l-y 真得很美妙 9.Fascination(1957/米 映画「昼下りの情事」より) 迷恋(1957/米 映画「黄昏之恋」)(又译「午后之恋 /爱在午后」) 英词:Dick Manning(迪克?曼宁) 作曲:Fermo D.Marchetti(费尔蒙?丹特?马尔凯蒂) 编曲:古川初穂 It was fascination,I know 这不过是迷恋,我知道 And it might have ended right then at the start 也许一开始,就注定结束 Just a passing glance,just a brief romance 不过惊鸿一瞥,不过瞬间浪漫 And I might have gone on my way empty-hearted 而我可能在中途就已带着空虚的心踏上离去的路 It was fascination,I know 这不过是迷恋,我知道 Seeing you alone with the moonlight above 月光下是你孤寂的身影 Then I touched your hand and next moment I kiss you 与你执手,与你相吻 Fascination turned to love 迷恋已成真爱 It was fascination,I know 这不过是迷恋,我知道 Seeing you alone with the moonlight above 月光下是你孤寂的身影 Then I touched your hand and next moment I kiss you 与你执手,与你相吻 Fascination turned to love 迷恋终成真爱 10.Edelweiss(1964/米 映画「サウンド?オブ?ミュージック」より) 雪绒花(1964/米 映画「音乐之声」)(又译「仙乐飘飘」) 作词:Oscar Hammerstein II(奥斯卡?汉默斯坦二世) 作曲:Rchard Rodgers(理查德?罗杰斯) 编曲:小沼ようすけ Edelweiss,Edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花 Every morning you greet me 每天清晨迎接我 Small and white,clean and bright 你洁白,又鲜艳 You look happy to meet me 看见我,你多快乐 Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow 雪白的花朵,深情开放 Bloom and grow forever 我愿你,永远鲜艳芬芳 Edelweiss,Edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花 Bless my homeland forever 请为我的故乡,永远吐露芬芳 11.Angel(1998/米 映画「シティ?オブ?エンジェル」より) 天使(1998/米 映画「天使之城」) 作词?作曲:Sarah McLachlan(莎拉?克劳克兰) 编曲&Piano:フェビアン?レザ?パネ(Febian Reza Pane) Spend all your time waiting 或许该用所有的时间去等待 For that second chance 下一次的机会 For a break that would make it ok 或许逃避会使一切更好 There’s always one reason 总会有些原因 To feel not good enough 让人觉得不完美 And it's hard at the end of the day 可每到最后却愈发感到艰难 I need some distraction 我需要去散散心 Or a beautiful release 或去寻求一个完美的解脱 Memory seeps from my veins 回忆自我的血管中渗出 Let me be empty 令我一片空白 And weightless and maybe 了无牵挂 I'll find some peace tonight 或许今晚我可以得到一些平静 In the arms of an angel 从天而降的天使 Fly away from here 请带我飞离此地 From this dark cold hotel room 挣脱阴暗潮湿的枷锁 And the endlessness that you fear 远离那无尽的恐惧 You are pulled from the wreckage 当你在无声的幻梦残骸中 Of your silent reverie 被拉起时 You are in the arms of the angel 当你沉醉在天使的怀抱里时 May you find some comfort here 愿你能够得到安慰 So tired of the straight line 厌倦一成不变的枯燥 And everywhere you turn 在你转弯的每一地方 There's vultures and thieves at your back 总有双眼睛于身后紧紧窥视 And the storm keeps on twisting 暴风雨仍肆虐不止 You keep on building the lie 你仍在建构谎言 That you make up for all that you lack 以弥补那些欠缺 It don't make no difference 这毫无意义 Escaping one last time 只是再次的逃避 It's easier to believe 可容易让人相信的是 In this sweet madness oh this glorious sadness 在甜蜜的疯狂与光荣的忧伤里 that brings me to my knees 我不禁颔首屈膝 In the arms of an angel 从天而降的天使 Fly away from here 请带我飞离此地 From this dark cold hotel room 挣脱阴暗潮湿的枷锁 And the endlessness that you fear 远离那无尽的恐惧 You are pulled from the wreckage 当你在无声的幻梦残骸中 Of your silent reverie 被拉起时 You are in the arms of the angel 当你沉醉在天使的怀抱里时 May you find some comfort here 愿你能够得到安慰 You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀抱里 May you find some comfort here 愿你能够得到安慰
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