首页 5年级寒假作业答案英语



5年级寒假作业答案英语5年级寒假作业答案英语 精品文档 5年级寒假作业答案英语 下文是关于5年级寒假作业答案英语相关内容,希望对你 有一定的帮助: 5年级寒假作业答案英语:小学五年级英语寒假作业及答案 201303 镇 区 学 校 班 别 姓 名 小学五年级英语寒假作业 一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编 号填在题前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分) ) 1、A. tomorrow B. potato C. tomato ) 2、A. smart B. small...

5 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 寒假作业答案英语 精品文档 5年级寒假作业答案英语 下文是关于5年级寒假作业答案英语相关内容,希望对你 有一定的帮助: 5年级寒假作业答案英语:小学五年级英语寒假作业及答案 201303 镇 区 学 校 班 别 姓 名 小学五年级英语寒假作业 一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编 号填在 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分) ) 1、A. tomorrow B. potato C. tomato ) 2、A. smart B. small C. sweep ) 3、A. water B. wash C. what ) 4、A. cook B. book C. look ) 5、A. have a try B. have a friend C. have a book ) 6、A. She’s tall and strong. B. She’s 1 / 79 精品文档 strict and kind. C. She’s shot and thin. ) 7、A. There is a bed , an end table and window. B. There is a bed, an end table and a table. C. There is a bed and an air-conditioner. ) 8、A. We have math, English and music. B. We have Chinese, English and music. C. We have math, English and art. ) 9、A. I’ d like some fish, tofu and cabbage. B. I’d like mutton, tofu and cabbage. C. I’d like fish, pork and cabbage. ) 10、A. I often play chess in the afternoon. B. I often play basketball in the afternoon. C. I often play the piano in the afternoon. 二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内 容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内 打“?” , 不相 符的 打“×”(每小题1分,共10分) 1. ( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 学 号4、( ) 5、( ) 2 / 79 精品文档 )6.I can empty the trash at home. )7. Amy has eggplant and potatoes for lunch. ( )8. There are many flowers in the mountain. ( )9. The cat is under the table. ( )10. My favourite day is Tuesday. 三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面 每组答句中最 合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的 括号 里,每小题2分,共,,分) ( ) 1. A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. 3 / 79 精品文档 Yes, I can. ( ) 2. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, there aren’t. ( ) 3. A. Yes, we do. B. No, we have. C. We have a computer. ( ) 4. A. I can empty the trash. B. He can wash the clothes. C. She can set the table. ( ) 5. A. Grapes. B. Dogs C. Onions. 四、Listen and fill(根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺 的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词,每词1分,共5分) 1. Tom can _______ the floor and do the dishes. 2. A: Are there __________ ____________ in the village? 4 / 79 精品文档 B: Yes, there are. 3. A: I like _________.They’re __________. 五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句 子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“?” , 不相 符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. Lucy can’t do the housework. ( ) 2. Lucy can set the table and wash the clothes. ( ) 3. Lucy can cook the meals. ( ) 4. J can empty the trash. ( ) 5. Jack often does homework at home. 笔试部分(满分50分) 六、 Read the conversation and choose the answers补 5 / 79 精品文档 全对话。(选择合 适的句子,将对话补充完整, 将字母编号填在横线上,每条横线 2分,共10分。) A. What’s the date today? B. What day is it today? C. Do you like Mondays? D. What about you? 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级上册寒假英语作业答案 五年级上册寒假英语作业答案 一、请阅读第21页课文,用直线把各人想去的城市连接起来,并把相关句子补充完整。 1. Mr. Webb Tokyo 2. Mrs. Webb 6 / 79 精品文档 Paris 3. Janet Rome 4. Ben Wellington 二、请根据课文内容,选择适当的词,把下列句子补充完整。 1. Ben would like to go to ______________ (Japan / Rome). 2. Mrs. Webb thinks Tokyo is a _____________ (good / bad) place to visit. 3. Paris is ___________________ (more beautiful / more interesting) than Tokyo. 7 / 79 精品文档 4. Mrs. Webb thinks Tokyo is _________________ (more crowded / more interesting) than Paris. 5. Mr. Webb would like to go to a ____________ (colder / warmer) place. 6. Mr. Web thinks Rome is _____________ (colder / warmer) than Paris. 7. Mrs. Webb thinks Paris and Rome are so ____________________ (quiet and clean / noisy and crowded).5年级寒假作业答案英语。 8. Wellington is _____________ (noisier / quieter) than the other cities. 9. Mrs. Webb would like to go to ______________ (Tokyo / Wellington). 10. Ben thinks Wellington is ____________ (interesting / boring). 8 / 79 精品文档 11. Wellington is _____________ (busier / cleaner) than Tokyo. 12. They decided (决定) to go to ______________ (Shanghai / Beijing) at last. 四、请根据中文意思,把下列句子补充完整。 1. We're going to g______ o______ h___________ i____ P________ (在巴黎度假) this summer. 2. I______ l________ t______ (我想) go to Japan next year. 3. London is ______ g________ p_________ (一个好地方) to visit. 4. Washington is m____________ b____________ t______ T_________ (比东京更漂亮). 5. I'm going to _____ w________ p__________ (更暖和 的地方) with my parents. 9 / 79 精品文档 6. Guangzhou is so n________ a________ c___________ (又 吵又拥挤). 7. Wellington is quieter than t_______ o_________ c__________ (其它城市). 8. I p_________ t_____ (更喜欢) get the red one. 9. This classroom i_____ m________ c___________ t______ (比...干净的多) that one. 10. There are s______ m_________ b___________ p__________ (很多美丽的地方) in the UK. 11. He has been to m________ c__________ i_____ t______ w____________ (世界上很多城市). 12. W________ n________ (为何不) we go to Lijiang this summer? 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级英语寒假作业 10 / 79 精品文档 中国China 双胞胎twins 哪里where 来自from 美国U.S.A. 加拿大Canada 2复习单词 你的 这个 那个 什么 我的 兄弟 他 她 3 句型练习 你来自于哪里, 我来自于中国。 五年级英语步步高, 1抄写单词 学校school 居住 live 远 far 11 / 79 精品文档 乘,骑 by 地铁subway 分钟minute 2复习单词 中国 这个 中国 加拿大 美国 来自 哪里 双胞胎 3 句型练习 你怎样去学校, 有时候我乘坐地铁。 乘,花费take 一点a little 公共汽车bus 附近 live 去 go 走 walk 2复习单词 学校 居住 远 乘,骑 分钟 地铁 12 / 79 精品文档 中国 美国 3 句型练习 我们步行去上学。 你为什么不骑自行车, 五年级英语步步高, 1抄写单词 已经already 刷 brush 牙齿 teeth 完成 finish 赶快 hurry 学习study 2复习单词 一点 去 附近 公 共汽车 地铁 走 哪里 乘,花费 3 句型练习 你正在做什么, 13 / 79 精品文档 我正在穿衣服。 做 do 学习study 等待wait 牙齿teeth 床 bed 报纸newspaper 2复习单词 已经 刷 学习 牙齿 分钟 完成 赶快 楼下 3 句型练习 你几点钟起床, 我在7:20起床。 五年级英语步步高, 1抄写单词 do 的过去式 14 / 79 精品文档 赢得 win 作业homework 在„之前before 晚餐dinner 洗 wash 2复习单词 学习 做 等待 牙 齿 报纸 床 我 你 3 句型练习 你今天过得怎么样, 你赢得比赛了吗, 玩 play 看见see 到达arrive 图 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 馆library 借borrow 已经already 2复习单词 15 / 79 精品文档 做 作业 洗 学 习 赢得 晚餐 刷 学校 3 句型练习 我现在能看电视吗, Billy已经到家了。 五年级英语步步高, 1抄写单词 日期 date 父亲father 第六 什么时候when 第八eighth 五月 May 2复习单词 玩 看见 到达 图 书馆 已经 借 哪里 作业 3 句型练习 16 / 79 精品文档 今天是几号, 你什么时候过生日, 一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 六月June 七月July 2复习单词 日期 第六 五月 什么时候 父亲 第八 什么 今天 3 句型练习 我想给她买一个泰迪熊。 你要去哪里, 五年级英语步步高, 1抄写单词 17 / 79 精品文档 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December 分钟minute 2复习单词 一月 三月 五月 七月 二月 四月 六月 日期 3 句型练习 你要给他买什么, 我要给他买鞋。 5年级寒假作业答案英语:2015—2016年五年级英语寒假作 业 Unit 1 掌握时 间: 检查人: Unit 2 18 / 79 精品文档 掌握时间: 检查人: Unit 3 掌握时间: 检查人: 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级英语寒假作业 五年级英语阅读补充材料21篇 Passage 1 Betty and Kitty Betty and Kitty are twins. They?re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different (不同的)集 邮). She has many beautiful stamps. They?re from different cities(城市)and countries(国家). But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful. Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books. On Sunday,they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too. 19 / 79 精品文档 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误 的写“F” ( ) 1. Betty is Kitty?s sister. ( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers. ( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks. ( ) 4. They?re twelve years old. ( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday. Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 20 / 79 精品文档 ________________ Passage 2 A Crow and a Fox One day a crow (乌鸦) finds a piece of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat the meat when a fox sees her. He comes and stands under the tree and says, “How pretty you are! You must be the prettiest bird in the world.” The crow is very pleased (高兴的)by these words. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your pretty face, but I have not heard your voice (声音). Why don?t you sing a song?” This makes the crow very happy. She opens her mouth and begins to sing. As she opens her mouth, she drops(丢掉捡起) 21 / 79 精品文档 the meat at once and goes away with it. 仔细阅读,根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写 “T”,错误的写“F” ( )1. One day a crow finds a piece of meat. ( )2. Before the crow eats the meat, she meets a fox. ( )3. The fox asks the crow to dance. ( )4.The crow is very clever. ( )5. She is happy and flies to a tall house. Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Passage 3 22 / 79 精品文档 How lucky the man is It is in summer. A young man comes to a forest (森林). He?s walking along the edge (边缘) of the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is a forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A wolf is getting ready to jump on him. What does he do? He must jump into the river. In the river there is a cro 下文是关于5年级寒假作业答案英语相关内容,希望对你 有一定的帮助: codile (鳄鱼). Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. And he hears the wolf jumps, but nothing happens to him. Then he opens his eyes and finds the wolf is now in the mouth of the crocodile. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ( )1. There is a river on the right of the young man. 23 / 79 精品文档 ( )2. A young woman comes to a forest. ( )3. There is a wolf on the right of the young man. ( )4. The crocodile jumps on the young man . ( )5. The crocodile eats the wolf. Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Passage 4 The Halloween Children in America like Halloween very much.On the 31st of October, they put on special clothes in the evening. Sometimes they dress like witches(女巫)and 24 / 79 精品文档 ghosts (幽灵). Sometimes they dress like kings (国王) and queens (女王). They go to their neighbors? (邻居 的)houses and knock at the doors. The neighbors give them chocolate or some fruit. Sometimes people don?t give the children any food. Then the children 捣乱)them. They may put soap (肥皂) on their windows. Children like this special day. They like their bags of sweets. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ( ) 1. Halloween is in China. ( ) 2. On the 30th of October, they put on special clothes in the evening. ( ) 3. Sometimes they dress like kings and queens. ( ) 4. People will give the children food at any time. 25 / 79 精品文档 ( ) 5. Children like Halloween day. Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Passage 5 The toy show It?s Children?s Day today. Every student is happy. They bring their toys to the classroom and have a toy show. There is a small toy car on the desk. It can run very fast. It?s Peter?s favorite toy. Lily has a lovely doll. It is on the chair. The doll has golden hair and 26 / 79 精品文档 blue eyes. It wears a dress. Look at the plane on the shelf. Mike says it can fly. There is a man in it. And there is a boat on the desk. It is not big, but it?s new. Zhou Jie likes it very much. There are so many toys. They are all beautiful. The students play with the toys happily. 根据短文内容选择正确答案 ( )1. What day is today? Today is ______. A. Children?s Day B. Teachers? Day C. Spring Festival ( )2. What color are the doll?s eyes? They are ______ A. brown B. black C. blue 27 / 79 精品文档 ( )3. Where is the plane? It?s _______ A. on the desk B. on the chair C. on the shelf ( )4. What?s Zhou Jie?s favorite toy? It?s a ______. A. plane B. boat C. car ( )5. Is the boat new? A. No, it isn?t. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it does Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Passage 6 The wolf and the sheep 28 / 79 精品文档 One day a sheep is drinking water near a river. A wolf sees the sheep and wants to eat it very much. He says to the sheep, “You make my water dirty. I can?t drink it now.” The sheep says, “I am far away from you. How can I make your water dirty?” The wolf has nothing to say. Then the wolf has another idea. He says to the sheep, “Last year you said something bad behind me.” They sheep cries, “No, I didn?t. I wasn?t born at that time.” “Then it must be your daddy,” the wolf says. Then it rushes towards the sheep and eats it. 根据短文内容填空 1. A sheep is __________ water near a river. 2. A wolf wants to ________ the sheep. 3. Last year you ________ something bad behind me. 29 / 79 精品文档 4. The wolf rushes _______ the sheep and eats it. 5. The sheep is far away _______ the wolf. Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Passage 7 The goose with the golden eggs There is an old man and an old woman. They have a goose. It is a very special goose. Every day it has a golden egg.They sell the eggs for a lot of money(钱). But, the more money they have, the more they want. They think, “Our goose has golden eggs, it must be made of gold” let us cut it open and get out all the gold. Then we will have more money. 30 / 79 精品文档 So they kill the goose but find no gold. When they cut their goose open, they see that it is just like any other geese . After that there are no more golden eggs, so they do not get any more money. In the end they have nothing. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ( ) 1.There is an old man and an old woman. ( ) 2.The goose has a golden egg every day. ( ) 3.They sell the eggs for a lot of money. ( ) 4.The goose is made of gold. ( ) 5.They kill the goose and find some gold. Words list:我学到了以下单词(3-5个,要写汉语意思): ___________________________________________________ 31 / 79 精品文档 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Passage 8 A football Match 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级英语寒假作业 五年级英语寒假作业(1) 一、同学们,请把下面左右匹配一下吧。 ( ) 1. May I have a copybook for Su Yang ? A. OK. Let’s go. ( ) 2. This pen is for you. B. I’ m thirsty. ( ) 3. Is this your umbrella? C. Sure. Here you are. ( ) 4. Where’s my storybook? D. Thank you. 32 / 79 精品文档 ( ) 5. What’s this in English? E. No, it isn’ t. It’s Helen’s. ( ) 6. Whose jacket is that? F. It’s a car. ( ) 7. Shall we go to the cinema by bus?G. Look, it’ s over there. ( ) 8. What’s the matter? H. It’s Mike’ s, I think. 二、根据所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Do you like 2. Don’t ___________ (read) in the library. 3. 4. The students are learning how ____________ (draw ) a square. 5. What are you doing? We _____ _____(clean)the classroom. 33 / 79 精品文档 三、请你选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. She’s ________ a picture in the study. A. writing B. drawing C. looking ( ) 2. This is ________ bear. That’s ________ elephant. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a ( ) 3. Tom ______ a toy car. Tom’s parents ________ two cars. A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have ( ) 4. —Are there ________ swings in the garden? —Yes, there are. A. a B. any C. one 34 / 79 精品文档 ( ) 5. Please show ________ how to make the kite. A. we B. us C. our ( ) 6. — ________ a pumpkin on the desk? —No, there isn’t. A. Is there B. Are there C. There is ( ) 7. Wang Bing is looking ________ his book. A. at B. for C. to ( ) 8. —What ________ she have? —She has a violin. A. do B. does C. has ( ) 9. —What ________ I doing? Guess! —You ________ playing the guitar. 35 / 79 精品文档 A. am; / B. /; are C. am; are ( ) 10. —________ are they singing? —They’re singing in the music room. A. What B. Where C. Who 四、英汉互译。 1(放学后 6. each other 2(和 „„ 一起玩 7.ride a bike 3(许多花 8. 放风筝 4(唱歌跳舞 5(在晚上 10. listen to music________ 五、阅读理解。 36 / 79 精品文档 A.判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。 I live in a new house now. It is big and nice. There are four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. My bedroom is not big. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase in it. There is a nice garden near the house. There are many flowers in the garden. There is a big tree beside the house. There is a swing under the tree. I like reading books on the swing. I love the house and garden. ( ) 1. The new house is big. ( ) 2. There are twelve rooms in the house. 37 / 79 精品文档 ( ) 3. There is a computer in my bedroom. ( ) 4. There are a lot of flowers in the garden. ( ) 5. I like drawing pictures under the tree.5年级寒假作业答案英语。 B.根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。 Mary is my friend. Her family live in Beijing. She has a brother. His name is Jack. They go to the same school in Beijing. On Saturdays, they don’t go to school. Mary and Jack do their homework in the morning. In the afternoon, they go to play with their friends. Their parents are teachers. They teach English. They like Chinese food very much, but 38 / 79 精品文档 Mary doesn’t. She likes hamburgers. In the evening, their parents read some newspapers and books. But Jack and Mary don’t. They often watch TV. ( ) 1. Mary lives in . A. China B. England C. Japan ( ) 2. Mary’s brother’s name is . A. Tom B. David C. Jack ( ) 3. —Are Mary and Jack in the same school? — A. Yes, they are.B. No, they aren’t. C.I don’t know. ( ) 4. Mary’s parents are teachers. 39 / 79 精品文档 A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese ( ) 5. Jack and Mary often A. play chess B. watch TV C. read books 五年级英语寒假作业(2) 一、英汉互译。 1. 寻找2. 打牌 3. 一节美术课 5. 读报纸 7. 扫地8. 一次野营旅行 9. 拉小提琴 二、同学们,请把下面左右匹配一下吧。 40 / 79 精品文档 ( ) 1.What does Mike have? A. They are having a lesson. ( ) 2. Are there any flowers in the garden? B. There are some books. ( ) 3. Can you ride bikes? C. No, he is reading a picture book. ( ) 4.Does she have a bag? D. Yes, there are . ( ) 5. What’s on the sofa? E. Yes, we can. ( ) 6. How many triangles can you see? F. He has a new pen. ( ) 7. Is your brother playing with a yo-yo,G. Fifty-eight Yuan. ( ) 8. Shall we listen to music now. H. I can 41 / 79 精品文档 see six. ( ) 9. How much are these lanterns? I. OK. ( )10.What are they doing? J. No, she doesn’t. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1( (teach)her students in the classroom now. 2( 3( She (have) some pens. 4( (not have) any pictures. 5( 四、选择题。 ( ) 1. A: Are there desks in the reading room? B: Yes, there are . A. any, any B. any, some C. some, any 42 / 79 精品文档 ( ) 2. A: She some cars. What about you? A. have, has B. has, has C. has, have ( ) 3. A: shape is the chair? B: It’s rectangle. A. What, a B. What’s, a C. What, the ( ) 4. A: What the man have? some flowers. A. do, has B. does, have C. does, has ( draw? A. us, in B. I, to C. us, to ( ) 6. Look! 43 / 79 精品文档 A. is coming B. are coming C. are come ( A. books B. book C. a book ( B: He’s skiing. A. can, do B. does, do C. is, doing ( A. on B. in C. at ( A. any picture B. some pictures C. any pictures 五、按要求改写句子。 对划线部分提问) boys are there in your class? 对划线部分提问) do you 3. He is sitting on a football.(改为一般疑问 句,并作肯定回答) he . 对划线部分提问) is the cake? 44 / 79 精品文档 5. there, any, in, are, garden, the, swings, (?)(连 词成句) , 六、阅读短文,根据内容判断正误,正确的用“T”,错误的 用“F”。 I have a good friend. Her name is Nancy. She is fifteen years old. She is American(美国人), but she lives in China now. It is her birthday(生日) today. I want to buy some presents(礼物) for her. I go to the supermarket with my sister. Jane likes reading books. So I buy a picture book for her. ( )1. Nancy is my good friend. ( )2. I buy a magazine for Nancy. ( )3. I go to the supermarket with Nancy. 45 / 79 精品文档 ( )4. Nancy is 15 years old. ( )5. Nancy is living in America now. 五年级英语寒假作业(3) 一、翻译句子。 1、他正干什么, 他正在画一个圆。 ? a 2. 你喜欢猪吗, 不,我喜欢鸭子。 . 3. 我有一匹马。她有一些花。 a some . 4. 迈克有什么,他有个帐篷。 46 / 79 精品文档 a 5. 你会做什么,我会唱歌和跳舞。 you do? ---I can 二、从II栏中找出I栏的答句写在题前 括号内。 I II ( )1. What shape is the table? A. He is sweeping the floor. ( )2. Does she have pens? B. Yes, I can. ( )3. Where is Nancy. C. She’s in the classroom. ( )4. What is Jack doing? D. No, she doesn’t. ( )5. Can you sing a song? E. Yes, he is. ( )6. Is Ben playing cards? F. She’s singing. ( )7. What is she doing? G. There are seven. 47 / 79 精品文档 ( )8. How many stars can you see? H. It’s a circle. ( )9. Do you like dancing? I. Two yuan. ( )10. How much is the pencil? J. No, I don’t. 三、选择适当的词填空。 1. There ________ (is, are) a new building in our school. 下文是关于5年级寒假作业答案英语相关内容, 希望对你有一定的帮助: 2. A: What can you ________ (do, doing)? B: I can 3. A: What ________ (do, does) she have? B: She ______ (have, has) a stove and a telescope. 4. Look, the boys are ________(run, running) in the 48 / 79 精品文档 playground. 5. A: Do you like (skating, skate)? B: Yes, I do. 6. A: How many _______ (card, cards) can you see? B: Ten. 7. This is (a, an) Art lesson. 8( 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级英语寒假作业 英语五年级寒假练习卷 班别: 姓名: 第一单元知识点(主要单词) 晨练,做早操 ___________________ 吃早饭 ___________________ 去远足 ___________________ 上英语课 ___________________ 进行体育活动 ___________________ 吃晚饭 ___________________ 49 / 79 精品文档 吃午饭 ___________________ 爬山 ___________________ 购物___________________ 弹钢琴 ___________________ 看望(外)祖 父母___________________ 第二单元知识点(主要单词) 季节_____________ 春天_____________ 夏天 _____________ 秋天 _____________ 冬天 _____________ 游泳 _____________ 放风筝 _____________ 滑冰_____________ 堆雪人 _____________ 种树_____________ 第三单元知识点 (主要单词) 一月 _____________ 二月 _____________ 三月 _____________ 四月 _____________ 五月 _____________ 六月 _____________ 七月 _____________ 八月_____________ 九月 _____________ 十月 _____________ 十一月_____________ 十 二月_____________ 50 / 79 精品文档 星期一_____________ 星期二 _____________ 星期三 _____________ 星期四_____________ 星期五_____________ 星期六 _____________ 星期天_____________ 明天_____________ 第四、 五 、 六 单元知识点(主要单词) 画画 __________________ 飞______________ 采摘树叶____________________ 洗碗碟_________________ 跳______________ 捉蝴蝶____________________ 做饭__________________ 跑________________ 照相____________________ 读书__________________ 游泳_______________ 观察昆虫____________________ 接电话__________________ 爬________________ 下棋____________________ 51 / 79 精品文档 听音乐__________________ 打架_______________ 举行野餐__________________ 洗衣服__________________ 喝水__________________ 数昆虫____________________ 打扫房间____________________ 荡秋千_______________ 写报告____________________ 写信__________________ 走_______________ 收集树叶____________________ 写电子邮件__________________ 做实验____________________ 各位家长: 感谢您的支持,每天督促孩子听读英语,孩子学英语有了一 定的基础,敬请家长在寒假买好五年级下册的英语录音带, 一如既往地督促孩子继续在家听录音带,模仿录音带,模仿 52 / 79 精品文档 5年级寒假作业答案英语:人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案 小编精心推荐 五年级寒假作业答案:语文 | 数学 | 英语 下面是由整理的人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案,欢迎阅读。更多寒假作业及答案文章,请关注本栏目。 Page 1(第一页): 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一份假期时间表。(每周从星期一到星期天的作息安排,安排好后请同学们认真执行,也可视情况自行修改) Page 2(第二页):为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张英语新年贺卡,并将样式设计画在本页。 Page 3(第三页):我的抄写和预习。(在这一页上抄写五年级下册Unit1 并试着背下来;认真预习1”标注是否已朗读Unit1的所有课文) 小学五年级寒假作业Page 4(第四页): 画出自己喜爱的小动物,涂上颜色,并用英文标出名称及音标。(至少3种,请参考五年级下册Unit1课文插图的动物图案) Page 5(第五页):我的摘抄和朗读。(在这一页上任选自己喜欢的五年级下册Unit1的一篇单课课文,抄写英文及翻译中文,尽量不要抄全解,并试着背下来) 53 / 79 精品文档 Page 6(第六页):查找世界各地不同的节日,写出中英文。 Page 7(第七页):我的抄写和默写。(1)在这一页上抄写五年级下册Unit1所有双课的红蓝句子2遍,并翻译中文。(2)家长在本页给孩子默写Unit1单词并签字。 Page 8(第八页):列出一年十二个月份,写出中英文,标出音标。选出自己最喜欢的月份,并说明原因。 Page 9—? (第九 — ?页):自行预习五年级下册的剩余单元。 Page ?(最后一页):写一份下学期你的英语学习计划(课上听课表现,课后完成作业等方面的决心),并请家长在结尾附上家长寄语。 注:1. 遇到不认识的单词可以利用点读机、磁带、字01hn.com等工具查阅其读音及中文意思。课 文的中文尽量自己翻译,实在不明白可以参考全解。 2. 不要急于求成,每周完成1~1.5了!也不要都攒到最后开学 一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分) B1、My favourite food is potatoes. 54 / 79 精品文档 A 2、My computer is tall and smart. A 3、My brother can water the flowers. A 4、Can you cook the meals? Yes, I can. A 5、I can’t make the bed, but I’d like to have a try. A 6、What’s your music teacher like?She’s tall and strong. C 7、What’s in your bedroom? There is a bed and an air-conditioner. B 8、What do you have on Tuesday? We have Chinese, English and music. C 9、What would you like for dinner today? I’d like fish, pork and cabbage. C 10、What do you often do in the afternoon? I often play the piano in the afternoon. 二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断句子或图片的是 否与录音内 容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内 打“?” , 不 相符的 打“×”(每小题1分,共10分) ? 1. I can wash the clothes. ×2. My grandma is old but kind. 55 / 79 精品文档 ×3. Look at my music teacher. He’s short and strong. ?4. My like bananas best. ?5. There is a lake in the park. ?6.Waht can you do at home? I can empty the trash at home. ×7. What do you have for lunch ,Amy? I have green beans and potatoes for lunch. ?8. What can you see in the mountain? Many flowers and trees. ×9. Where is the cat? The cat is under the desk. ×10. My favourite class is P.E. ,so I like Thursday. 三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将 下面每组答句中最 合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前 面的括号里,每小题2分,共10分) C 1. Can you do the dishes?. A2. Is there a shelf in the classroom? xkb1.com A3. Do you have English on Fridays? C4. What can your sister do? A 5.What’s your favourite fruit? 56 / 79 精品文档 四、Listen and fill(根据录音内容填写下列句子中所 缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词,每词1分,共5分) 1. Tom can sweep the floor and do the dishes. 4. A: Are there any bridges in the village? B: Yes, there are. 5. A: I like tomatoes. They’re healthy. 五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判 断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“?” , 不 相符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分) J: Hello, Lucy. This is Jack, what do you do on the weekend? L: I often do the housework. J: Really? What can you do? L: I can help my mum empty the trash an set the table. J: Can you cook the meals? L: No, I can’t. Can you do the housework, Jack? J: No, I can’t. I often do homework on the weekend ×1. Lucy can’t do the housework. × 2. Lucy can set the table and wash the clothes. ? 3. Lucy can cook the meals. × 4. Jack can empty the trash. 57 / 79 精品文档 × 5. Jack often does homework at home. 六、BFCGE 七、(1)××××? (2)BBABB 八、girl, housework, helpful, sweep, make , set , is, empty, water, cook 九、1.I can cook the meals. 2.No, I can’t. 3.He’s short and thin. 4. I often read books on Sundays. 5.No, there isn’t. 更多内容尽在: 北师大版五年级英语寒假作业答案 北师大版五年级语文寒假作业答案 北师大版五年级上册语文期末试卷 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级上册英语寒假作业答案 小编精心推荐5年级寒假作业答案英语。 五年级寒假作业答案:语文 | 数学 | 英 语 下面是由整理的五年级上册英语寒假作业答案,欢迎阅 读。更多内容请点击 第一页 Read,match and write 1. How many desks are there? 58 / 79 精品文档 2. Is there a pen on the desk? 3. What colour is the board? 4. Put your book in your schoolbag. Study happily T T F F F 第三页 read and write 1-5 eraser brown in front of curtain two Study happily A three seven are four five B A eight B A B 第五页 Warn up shirt shorts sweater dress cardigan blouse tie skirt shoes trainers jeans Study happily A This is Bob. He can swim and play football. He can't play the piano. This is Sue. She can ride a horse and ski. She can't roller blade. This is Ted. He can roller blade and play table 59 / 79 精品文档 tennis. He can't ski. B 第一排 第二个 ; 第二排 第三个 打?。 Know more A B A A A 第七页 Warn up floor curtains light door window board desk chair Study happily A 1. It's half past eleven. 2. It's half past two. 3. It's one twelve. 4. It's half past seven. Know more policeman; a hat ,a coat,trousers and shoes; nice/ugly ;like/don't like. cook; a hat, a shirt,trousers and shoes; nice/ugly ;like/don't. 第九页 read and write 1-4 thirty ; ten ; twenty ; a hundred; 5-8 sixty ; 60 / 79 精品文档 thirty-five; four ; fifty-one。 Study happily A 1-5 yellow turn books is here 6-10 Is an are classroom Put B read and write A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: One milk. B: It's 43P. A: Two cakes, please. B: They are 64p. A: Here you are. B:Thank you. A: Goodbye. B: Bye-bye. Know more 1-5 sixty; twenty-four; four year; seven; twelve. 第十一页 read and write play table tennis; play the piano; stand on your head; play football. 61 / 79 精品文档 swim; roller blade;ski;ride a horse. Study happily A C E B A B 1. What colour is your shirt? 2. Put on your jeans. 3. Is this Tom's tie? 4. What a beautiful cap! 5. Do you like the blue shoes? 第十三页 Look and write sixteen, twemty-eight; thirty; fifty, eighty; sixteen, fourteen;sixteen. Study happily A 1. Tom can't roller blade. 2. Can you plau football? 3. Lisa can ski well. B There is a blackboard in my classroom. 62 / 79 精品文档 There is a computer in my classroom. There are 26 desks in my classroom. There are 26 chairs in my classroom. I like my classroom. 第十五页 Warn up door; chair; window; floor board; desk; curtians; light 1. door 2. light 3. floor 4. desk. Study happily A 1. Do you like my new uniform? 2. Peter is wearing a brown cap. 3. I like chocolate very much. 4. I am wearing a white shirt. 5. Andy is 4 years old. B I can play table tennis, play football, roller blade, swim, play the piano and ride a horse. I can't stand on my head, ride a horse, ski. Know more A B B A 63 / 79 精品文档 第十七页 read and write behind; curtains; desk; eraser; floor ; on ; purple; shoes; twelve; under. Study happily A 1. Put the schoolbag behind the curtains. 2. Put the book on the desk. 3. Put it on the board. B FBA DEC Know more c b d a 第二十一页 Look and write play the piano; play football; swim ski; play table tennis ;ride a bike. Study happily A 1. Can you play table tennis? 2. How many boys are there in your class? 3. Have you got a blue cap? 64 / 79 精品文档 4. What colour is your sweater? 5. Do you like roller blading? B B Know more 第1.4.6题 打? 第二十三页 1-5 shirt ; socks ; tie ; trainers ; sweater. shirt Study happily A Sandy; class one; 26;11;15; English; Mrs Lopes; the songs B America; apples and oranges; bananas; Australia; rabbit and hamster;cat. 第二十五页 read and write the words twenty; eighty; thirty eleven; sixty; forty seventy; hundred;ninety;fifty Study happily 65 / 79 精品文档 A 1. I watch TV at half past nine. 2. I go to bed at half past ten. B Mrs white; Little Andy; Miss Jane; Mrs John; Mr Black. Miss Jane is the thief. 第二十七页 1-5 pencil; short; sweater; chair; cap. Study happily A curtains; forty; sweater; behind; light. fifteen; tie; cardigan; thirty; board. B 1-5 C D A B D 第二十九页 Study happily A a pink floor; a brown hair; a green curtain; a yellow window; a red door; a purple desk. B B B A B B 66 / 79 精品文档 智慧之冠 cat; rat; hat; bat; boat; coat; great. 第三十一页 Study happily A 1-5 behind; windows; three; front; under. 第三十三页 warn up 1. are; chairs; the. 2. is; mouse; the. 3. are; books; the. 4. pens; 5. some;pencil; 6.any; pens; the. Study happily A 18 eighteen 27 twenty-seven 36 thirty-six 45 forty-five 54 fifty-four 63 sixty-three 72 seventy-two 81 eighty-one B 1.thirty-one point six 2. ten 3. one, two, three 第三十五页 warn up 1. How many desks are there? 67 / 79 精品文档 2. There is a blue bag on the desk. 3. How much is it? Study happily B live; year; sport; music; swim; piano; April; colour; Saturday; eight; milk; dog; name; love. 第三十七页 warn up 1-4 Have; colour; in front of ; behind 5-8 many; live; much; thirty-five Study happily A 2651437 3614752 B Nick; twenty-three; Mr.Chen; English. the songs best; Toby best; song; Butterfly; clever; active. 第三十九页 Study happily B 1. They're green. 2. It's in front of the window. 3. It's in the book. 68 / 79 精品文档 4. Pit is behind the door, and he is sleeping under the tree. 第四十一页 warn up ? He can ride a bike. ? Yes, he can. Study happily B 1.I can play table tennis. 2.I can roller blade. 3.I can't play football. 4.I can't stand on my head. know more 新年 Jan.1 妇女节Mar.8 愚人节Apr.1 劳动节 May 1 儿童节 June 1 国庆节 Oct.1 教师节Sep.10 第四十三页 warn up 1. Mike can play football. He can't swim. He can't play the piano. 2. Lisa can play table tennis. She can roller blade. She can't swim. 3. Peter can ski. He can't play football. He can't play table tennis. 69 / 79 精品文档 Study happily B 1. arrow, drive, green, head, horse, play, ride, swim. 2. apple, bike, duck, football, jeans, new, tea, schoolbag. C 1-3 head; he; play. 5年级寒假作业答案英语:五年级寒假作业答案上册 小编精心推荐 五年级寒假作业答案:语文 | 数学 | 英语 下面是提供的五年级寒假作业答案(上册),欢迎阅读。 快乐阅读 1、跨、踮、钻、挤。写店里顾客很多,也写出了“我”读书的如饥似渴。 2、突出了“我”对书、对知识的渴求心理。 3、在上书店看漫画书时,体验过这种既快乐又惧怕的滋味。 六、心领神会 “读书好”:读书对自己有益;“好读书”:喜欢读书;“读好书”:读有益的书。 70 / 79 精品文档 第三页 三、词语接龙 呕心沥血--血气方刚--刚柔相济--济困扶危 大显身手--手无寸铁--铁案如山--山清水秀 悲欢离合--合家幸福--福寿齐天--天下太平 天长日久--久别重逢--逢凶化吉--吉祥如意 四、句子乐园,按要求写句子 1、我们只有多读课外书,才能提高我们的语文水平。 放寒假后,我不仅要去北京,还要去青岛。 2、我差不多把这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍都借阅了。 这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍差不多都被我借阅了。 3、你不会因为熟悉家中的一切就弃家而去。 4、吃饭是身体成长的需要,读书是精神成长的需要。一个人要成长,既要吃饭,也要读书。 第四页 五、活学活用 1、朋友;故地;书能带给我们温馨的感受。 2、(1)营养;书能充实我们的头脑。(2)阶梯;书能使我们进步。(3)船;书能拓宽我们的眼界。 3、一位良师,能让我们积累知识,了解人生。 六、口语交际 张华,这几天老师让我们写 读后感 读后感免费下载草房子读后感免费下载草房子读后感免费下载草房子读后感免费下载草房子读后感免费下载 ,我想再看看那本书。 71 / 79 精品文档 你看完了吗? 张华,我有个同学向我借那本书,你看完了吗? 水浒英雄榜 及时雨--宋江;母夜叉--孙二娘;拼命三郎--石秀; 浪里白条--张顺;神行太保--戴宗。 第五页 三、仿照下面画线句的句式补写句子。 老师的课堂;鱼的海洋;翅膀的鸟。 第六页 四、阅读感悟 1、刻、果然。 2、枯燥、贫乏、着急、无论、还、就。 3、费:花费,耗费;光:只,单。 5、多读,多写,多写。 五、小小修补匠 芬芳;一位;粉红;舞台;阳;拂过;仔细;优美。 第七页 二、我能给下面的词语唱唱反调 偶然--必然保存--销毁凋零--绽放 稀罕--普通爱惜--浪费慈祥--威严 四、对号入座,选词填空 1、闹;2、皱;3、主张、意见;4、意见、建议;5、建议。 72 / 79 精品文档 第八页 五、快乐阅读 1、P、pian、羽、9;R、rou、木、5。 2、底、栽、飘。 3、弯下(身体)。 4、小桥的身体。 六、趣味字谜 口 第九页 三、补全诗句,并选你喜欢的一句加以赏析。 1、大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。2、海上生明月,天涯共此时。 3、气蒸云梦泽,波撼岳阳城。4、野旷天低树,江清月近人。 5、众鸟高飞近,孤云独去闲。6、星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。 7、映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。诗句极写大漠、长河的平坦空阔,从而描绘出一幅雄奇壮丽的塞外大自然的景色。 四、呼朋引伴,写出下列句子中加点词语的近义词。 1、稀奇;2、惟有、珍惜;3、大概;4、特别;5、依恋;6、干枯。 73 / 79 精品文档 五、改头换面,按要求改写句子。 1、风撩乱了老人的银发。 2、雪白的细亚麻布上绣着血色的梅花。 第十页 六、写诗作画 (诗略)宋、王安石、一水间、隔着、欣欣向荣、思念。 七、明察秋毫。 “b、刚,才”改为“b、专一”。 1、一心一意(专一);2、一唱一和(数目一);3、一鸣惊人(一旦); 4、一视同仁(同一);5、一如既往(完全)。 书呆子丢了什么? 岂有 有此理 第十一页 一、开心辞典 1、擅长;2、享有;3、另外的,别的;4、叠用,跟“越„„越”相同。 二、火眼金睛 正-郑;样-恙;蜡-腊;峦-恋;宝-保;力-立。 三、词语盘点 1、腐烂;2、陈旧;3、宽裕;4、放松。 74 / 79 精品文档 四、小小法官 1、?;2、×;3、?; 五、妙语连珠 1、像甜甜的蜂蜜,让人闻了又想闻。 2、像身处蒸笼一样。 3、像断了线的珠子。 六、写写画画 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。 七、智救故乡 “陛下,我请求您下令毁掉莱普沙克斯。” 花语 二月--梅花--待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。 三月--桃花--竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。 六月--荷花--接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。 九月--菊花--飒飒西风满院栽,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。 第十三页 一、明察秋毫 1、躯-驱;2、篮-蓝,园-圆;3、洪-宏;4、尊-遵,遵-尊。 二、异曲同工 1、浓密;2、赶忙;3、取。 75 / 79 精品文档 三、火眼金睛 1、种田;2、感情;3、愁眉苦脸;4、自私自利。 四、小小模仿秀 1、无论前方的道路有多崎岖,我都会勇往直前,绝对不退缩。 2、如果我能回到过去,就不会像以前那样做了。 3、我一回到家,就看到新买的电视机。 第十四页 五、美文共享 1、勤勤恳恳、默默无闻地工作。 2、洁白的雪花,碧绿的湖水,金黄的麦浪。 3、对绿叶的喜爱之情。 六、口语交际 “你好!是婷婷吗?我是方方。” “婷婷在吗?我有急事找她。” “我想让婷婷帮我修电脑。” “谢谢你!” 第十五页 三、“然”字开花 油;全;公;骤;赫;泰;安;屹;黯;潸。 四、妙手回春 1、“六一”儿童节是我们最愉快的一天。 76 / 79 精品文档 2、我校开展了学雷锋做好事的活动。 3、听了三号学生的经验介绍后,我受到了很大的启发。 五、填一填 十六、两千、四万、十七、十几、四、十、七千、三十、 五十。 列数字、举例子。 第十六页 六、小小设计师 《鲸》;鲸的习性,鲸的传说,鲸的现状。 七、大显身手 吸热玻璃,让你的冬天不再寒冷。 送对联 花店;银行;饭店;书店;服装店;医院。 地十七页 三、敌友分明 1、伤害:近义词(危险)反义词(保护) 2、亲近:近义词(亲热)反义词(冷淡) 3、细腻:近义词(光滑)反义词(粗糙) 4、信赖:近义词(信任)反义词(怀疑) 四、句子乐园 1、刺猬缩成一团。 2、顽皮的小明总爱到村西边的小河里钓鱼。 77 / 79 精品文档 3、我们坚持植树造林,使这个地方变成了绿色公园。 4、心跳快得像有千万个鼓在敲打一样。 5、两杯热腾腾的绿茶、一小碟花生米被值班室的同志送来了。 值班室的同志把两杯热腾腾的绿茶、一小碟花生米送来了。 6、女孩子浓密的长发一样,盖在了笼子上面。 7、碧玉、斑斑驳驳、生意葱茏。 第十八页 五、趣味阅读 1、诚信的价值 2、做买卖,如果产品物美价廉,办事讲信誉,生意就会红火(兴隆)。 3、做事必须讲信誉。 4、诚信以人为本--鲁迅。 六、小小修补匠 ?它大约四、五两重,浑身长满了绿毛。 ?慢慢悠悠,摇头晃脑,非常可爱。 ?摇着头。 第十九页 二、词语长廊 78 / 79 精品文档 星罗棋布心灵手巧受用不尽源 79 / 79
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