首页 建设项目进度控制



建设项目进度控制建设项目进度控制 《建设项目进度控制》课程综合复习资料 一、单选题 1(为了使工程所需要的资源按时间的分布符合优化目标,网络计划的资源优化是通过改变( )来达到目的的。 A、关键工作的开始时间 B、工作的开始时间 C、关键工作的持续时间 D、工作的持续时间 2(在某工程单代号网络计划中,不正确的提法是( )。 A( 关键线路至少有一条 B( 在计划实施过程中,关键线路始终不会变 C( 关键工作的机动时间最小 D( 相连关键工作之间的时间间隔为零 3(在网络计划工期优化过程中,当出现两条独立的关键...

建设项目进度控制 《建设项目进度控制》课程综合复习资料 一、单选 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 1(为了使工程所需要的资源按时间的分布符合优化目标,网络计划的资源优化是通过改变( )来达到目的的。 A、关键工作的开始时间 B、工作的开始时间 C、关键工作的持续时间 D、工作的持续时间 2(在某工程单代号网络计划中,不正确的提法是( )。 A( 关键线路至少有一条 B( 在计划实施过程中,关键线路始终不会变 C( 关键工作的机动时间最小 D( 相连关键工作之间的时间间隔为零 3(在网络计划工期优化过程中,当出现两条独立的关键线路时,应选择的压缩对象分别是这两条关键线路上( )的工作。 A、持续时间最长 B、资源消耗最少 C、直接费用率最小 D、直接费最少 4(在双代号网络计划中,节点的最迟时间就是以该节点为( )。 A、完成节点的工作的最早完成时间 B、开始节点的工作的最早开始时间 C、完成节点的工作的最迟完成时间 D、开始节点的工作的最迟开始时间 5(在双代号时标网络计划中,当某项工作有紧后工作时,则该工作箭线上的波线表示( )。 A、工作的总时差 B、工作的持续时间 C、工作的自由时间 D、工作间逻辑关系 6(工程网络计划费用优化的目的是为了寻找( )。 A、资源有限条件下的最短工期安排 B、资源使用的合理安排 C、满足要求工期的计划安排 D、工程总费用最低时的工期安排 7(在下图所示双代号网络图中,不存在( )错误。 A、节点编号重复 B、虚工作多余 C、循环回路 D、箭尾节点号大于箭头节点号 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 8(右图所示双代号网络图中的( )。 A、虚工作2-3是多余的 B、虚工作4-5是多余的 C、虚工作5-6是多余的 D、所有虚工作均为必要的 9(在工程网络计划中,工作M的最早开始时间为第28天,其持续时间为9天。该工作有 三项紧后工作,他们的最迟开始时间分别为第40天、第43天和第48天,则工作M的 总时差为( )天。 A、20 B、11 C、3 D、12 10(当采用双比例单侧横道图比较法时,如果表示实际进度的横道线起点落在计划横道线起点的右侧,则二者之间的差距表示工作( )。 A、实际早开工的时间 B、实际晚开工的时间 C、超额完成的工作量 D、拖欠的工作量 11(在工程网络计划执行过程中,监理工程师检查实际进度时发现只有某工作进度拖延A, 且A已超过该工作的自由时差,则( )。 A、 不影响其后续工作和工程总工期 B、 不影响其后续工作,但影响工程总工期 影响其后续工作,且可能影响工程总工期 C、 D、 影响其后续工作和工程总工期 12(在工程施工过程中,监理工程师检查实际进度时发现工作M的总时差由原计划的5天 变为-2天,则说明工作M的实际进度( )。 A、拖后2天,影响工期2天 B、拖后5天,影响工期2天 C、拖后7天,影响工期2天 D、拖后7天,影响工期7天 13(在网络计划执行过程中,若某项工作比原计划拖后,当拖后的时间大于其拥有的自由时 差时,则肯定影响( )。 A、总工期 B、后续工作 C、所有紧后工作 D、某些紧后工作 14(项目总工期允许拖延的时间有限,则以( )作为规定工期进行网络计划调整。 A、总工期 B、总工期加上拖延时间 C、总工期的限制时间 D、总工期减拖延时间 15(为了确保工程建设进度总目标的实现,当某工程项目按建筑工程管理(CM)方法实施 时,监理工程师应在业主的委托授权下负责( )方面的监督、管理与协调工作。 A、施工招标和施工 B、设计和施工招标 C、设计和施工 D、设计、施工招标和施工 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 16(某设计项目由若干个施工单位平行承包,由于承包商甲拖延施工进度而导致其后续承包 商乙不能按原施工 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 规定进场施工时,承包乙( )提出工程延期和费用补偿申请。 A、不应向监理工程师 B、应向承包商甲 C、应通过监理工程师向业主 D、应直接向业主 17(在施工进度实施过程中,为缩短工程总工期,可以采用的技术措施有( )。 A、采用更先进的施工方法 B、改善外部配合条件 C、改善劳动条件 D、增加每天的施工时间 18(( )是一个由若干个处于不同层次且相互间有关联的网络计划组成的系统。 A、搭接网络计划 B、多级网络计划 C、时标网络计划 D、横道图计划 19(当某工程网络计划的计划工期大于计算工期时,关键工作的( )。 A、总时差为零 B、总时差均大于零 C、自由时差为零 D、自由时差均大于零 20(在某工程网络计划中,已知工作M总时差和自由时差分别为7天和4天,监理工程师检查实际进度时,发现该工作的持续时间延长了5天,说明此时工作M的实际进度将其紧后工作的最早开始时间推迟()。 A、5天,但不影响总工期 B、1天,但不影响总工期 C、5天,并使总工期延长1天 D、4天,并使总工期延长2天 21(下列描述单代号网络计划正确的是( )。 A、箭线表示工作及其进行的方向,节点表示工作之间的逻辑关系 B、节点表示工作,箭线表示工作进行的方向 C、箭线表示工作及其进行的方向,节点表示工作的开始或结束 D、节点表示工作,箭线表示工作之间的逻辑关系 22(当采用非匀速进展横道图比较工作实际进度与计划进度时,如果同一时刻横道线上方累计百分比大于横道线下方累计百分比,表明( )。 A、实际少投入的时间 B、进度超前的时间 C、实际进度拖后 D、实际多投入的时间 23(在工程网络计划执行过程中,当某项工作实际进度出现的偏差超过其总时差,需要采取措施调整进度计划时,首先应考虑( )的限制条件。 A、紧后工作最早开始时间 B、后续工作最早开始时间 C、各关键节点最早时间 D、后续工作和总工期 24(工程项目年度计划中不包括的内容是( )。 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to A、投资计划年度分配表 B、年度计划项目表 C、年度建设资金平衡表 D、年度设备平衡表 25(在某大型建设项目施工过程中,由于处理地下文物造成工期延长后,所延长的工期( )。 A、应由施工单位承担责任,采取赶工措施加以弥补 B、经监理工程师核查证实后应纳入合同工期 C、经监理工程师核查证实后,其中一半时间应纳入合同工期 D、不需监理工程师核查证实,直接纳入合同工期 26(当采用非匀速进展横道图比较法时,如果表示实际进度的横道线起点落在计划横道线起点的右侧,则二者之间的差距表示工作( )。 A、实际早开工的时间 B、实际晚开工的时间 C、超额完成的工作量 D、拖欠的工作量 27(某大型群体工程项目的施工任务分期分批分别发包给若干个承包单位时,该项目的施工总进度计划应当由( )负责编制。 A、施工总包单位 B、施工联合体 C、监理工程师 D、工程业主 28(在工程网络计划执行过程中,当某项工作的总时差刚好被全部利用时,则会影响( )。 A、其紧后工作的最早开始时间 B、其后续工作的最早开始时间 C、其紧后工作的最迟开始时间 D、本工作的最早完成时间 29(在工程网络计划执行过程中,如果发现某项工作的完成时间拖后而导致工期延长时,需要调整的工作对象应是该工作的( )。 A、平行工作 B、紧后工作 C、后续工作 D、先行工作 30(监理工程师控制工程建设进度的组织措施是( )。 A、合同工期与进度计划的协调 B、实际进度与计划进度的动态比较 C、确定进度协调工作制度 D、定期向业主提供进度比较报告 31(工程项目建设总进度计划应在( )阶段编制。 A、前期决策 B、设计前准备 C、设计 D、施工招标 二、多选题 1(某 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 进度与实际进度如下图所示,可以得到的正确信息有( )。 A( 本工作已按计划完成 B( 在第2月前半月内没有进行本工作 C( 在第3月内本工作实际完成的任务量大于计划任务量 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to D( 到第4月末,本工作拖欠5%的工作量 E( 在第5月内,本工作拖欠10%的任务量 2(当某项工作进度出现偏差,为了不使总工期及后续工作受影响,在( )情况下需要调整进度计划。 A( 该工作为关键工作 B( 该工作为非关键工作,此偏差超过了该工作的总时差 C( 该工作为非关键工作,此偏差未超过该工作的总时差,但超过了自由时差 D( 该工作为非关键工作,此偏差未超过该工作的总时差,也未超过自由时差 3(为了有效的控制各专业的设计进度,应编制设计进度作业计划。该计划的编制依据是。 A、 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 设计工作进度计划 B、单项工程建筑设计工日定额 C、初步设计工作进度计划 D、所投入的设计人员数 E、施工图设计工作进度计划 4(施工进度计划调整的组织措施包括( )。 A、增加工作面,组织更多的施工队伍 B、改善劳动条件 C、采用更先进的施工机械 D、增加劳动力和施工机械的数量 E、对所采取的技术措施给与相应的经济补偿 F、增加每天的施工时间 5(在工程施工过程中,承包单位提出工程延期的条件是( )。 A、监理工程师发出工程变更指令而导致工程量增加 B、对合格工程的剥离检查 C、施工方案失当 D、异常恶劣的气候条件 E、施工图纸未按时提供 6(工程项目建设总进度计划的内容包括( )。 A、投资计划年度分配表 B、竣工投产交付使用表 C、工程项目进度平衡表 D、年度建设资金平衡表 E、年度设备平衡表 7(施工过程根据工艺性质的不同可分为制备类、运输类和建造类三种施工过程,以下( )施工过程一般不占有施工项目空间,也不影响总工期,不列入施工进度计划。 A、砂浆的制备过程 B、地下工程 C、主体工程 D、混凝土制备过程 E、层面工程 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 8(监理工程师受业主委托对某建设项目实施监理时,需要监理工程师编制施工总进度计划 的情况有( )。 A、各单项工程分期分批发包,且没有施工总承包单位 B、整个建设项目的施工任务发包给一个施工联合体 、整个建设项目的施工任务平行发包给若干施工单位 C D、整个建设项目的施工任务发包给一个施工承包单位 E、各单项工程分期分批发包给一个施工承包单位 9(确定施工进度控制目标时需要考虑的主要因素有( )。 A、类似工程实际进度 B、工程难易程度 C、工程设计力量 D、工程条件的落实情况 E、工期定额 10(对项目建设总进度计划的作用叙述正确的有( )。 A、保证项目建设的连续性 B、增强建设工作的预见性 C、确保项目按期动用 D、编制上报年度计划的依据 E、使建设前期的各项工作相互衔接,时间得到控制 11(标号法是一种快速确定双代号网络计划( )的方法。 A、关键线路 B、要求工期 C、计算工期 D、工作持续时间 E、计划工期 12(监理工程师控制工程建设进度的组织措施包括( )。 A、落实进度控制人员及其职责 B、编制项目建设总进度计划 C、进度目标实现的风险分析 D、确定进度协调工作制度 E、实际进度与计划进度的动态比较 13(固定节拍流水施工的特点有( )。 A、所有施工过程在各个施工段上的流水节拍均相等 B、相邻施工过程的流水步距相等,且等于流水节拍的最大公约数 C、相邻施工过程的流水步距相等,且等于流水节拍 D、专业工作队数等于施工过程数 E、专业工作队数大于施工过程数 14(流水施工使工程施工连续、均衡有节奏地进行,可以起到的作用有( )。 A、降低工程造价 B、缩短结算时间 C、缩短工程工期 D、减少工程索赔 E、提高工程质量 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 三、简答计算题 1、施工单位对某工程所编制的双代号时标施工网络计划如下图所示。 问题:1、为确保本工程的工期目标的实现,你认为施工进度计划中哪些工作应作为重 点控制对象,为什么, 2、在10月底检查发现,工作K拖后2.5个月,工作H和F各拖延1个月,请用 前锋线表示第10月底时工作K、H和F的实际进展情况,并分析进度偏差对 工程总工期和后续工作的影响。为什么, 3、工作K的拖延工期是因业主原因造成的,工作F和H是因施工单位原因造成 的。若施工单位提出工期顺延2.5个月的要求,总监理工程师应批准工期延期 多少天,为什么, 2、建设工程进度控制的措施有哪些, 3、建设工程实际进度与计划进度的比较方法有哪些,各有何特点, 4、监理师审批工程延期时应遵循什么原则, 5、进度计划的调整方法有哪些,如何进行调整, Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 参考答案及解题思路 一、单选题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B B C C C D B D C B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D C D C C C A B B B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B C D A B B C D C D 31 B 二、多选题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BCE ABC BDE ADF ABDE AC AD 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AC ABDE ABCD AC AD ACD ACE 三、简答计算题 1、 对总工期影响:K影响0.5个月,因其有2个月的总时差和自由时差 H、F影响1个月,因其无总时差和自由时差,是关键线路上的关键工作。 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 对后续工作:K影响M0.5个月因其有2个月的总时差和自由时差。H影响L、M 1个 月;F影响I、L、M 1个月,因其无总时差和自由时差,是关键线路上 的关键工作。 工作K的拖延工期是因业主原因造成的,工作F和H是因施工单位原因造成的。 若施工单位提出工期顺延2.5个月的要求,总监理工程师应批准工期延期15天,因为 工作K的拖延工期是因业主原因造成的,但其有2个月的总时差和自由时差;工作F 和H是因施工单位原因造成的,不予延期。 2、建设工程进度控制的措施应包括组织措施、技术措施、经济措施及合同措施。 (1)组织措施。进度控制的组织措施主要包括: 1)建立进度控制目标体系,明确建设工程现场监理组织机构中进度控制人员及其职责分工; 2)建立工程进度报告制度及进度信息沟通网络; 3)建立进度计划审核制度和进度计划实施中的检查分析制度; 4)建立进度协调会议制度,包括协调会议举行的时间、地点,协调会议的参加人员等; 5)建立图纸审查、工程变更和设计变更 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。 (2)技术措施。进度控制的技术措施主要包括: 1)审查承包商提交的进度计划,使承包商能在合理的状态下施工; 2)编制进度控制工作细则,指导监理人员实施进度控制; 3)采用网络计划技术及其他科学适用的计划方法,并结合电子计算机的应用,对建设工程进度实施动态控制。 (3)经济措施。进度控制的经济措施主要包括: 1)及时办理工程预付款及工程进度款支付手续; 2)对应急赶工给予优厚的赶工费用; 3)对工期提前给予奖励; 4)对工程延误收取误期损失赔偿金。 (4)合同措施。进度控制的合同措施主要包括: 1)推行CM承发包模式,对建设工程实行分段设计、分段发包和分段施工; 2)加强合同管理,协调合同工期与进度计划之间的关系,保证合同中进度目标的实现; 3)严格控制合同变更,对各方提出的工程变更和设计变更,监理工程师应严格审查后再补入合同文件之中; 4)加强风险管理,在合同中应充分考虑风险因素及其对进度的影响,以及相应的处理方法; 5)加强索赔管理,公正地处理索赔。 3、常用的进度比较方法有横道图、S曲线、香蕉曲线、前锋线和列表比较法。其中横道图比较法主要用于比较工程进度计划中工作的实际进度与计划进度,S曲线和香蕉曲线比较法可以从整体角度比较工程项目的实际进度与计划进度,前锋线和列表比较法既可以比较工程Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to 网络计划中工作的实际进度与计划进度,还可以预测工作实际进度对后续工作及总工期的影响程度。 4、监理工程师在审批工程延期时应遵循下列原则: (1)合同条件。监理工程师批准的工程延期必须符合合同条件。 (2)影响工期。发生延期事件的工程部位,无论其是否处在施工进度计划的关键线路上,只有当所延长的时间超过其相应的总时差时,才能批准工程延期。 (3)实际情况。批准的工程延期必须符合实际情况。 5、进度计划的调整方法主要有两种: (1)改变某些工作间的逻辑关系。当工程项目实施中产生的进度偏差影响到总工期,且有关工作的逻辑关系允许改变时,可以改变关键线路和超过计划工期的非关键线路上的有关工作之间的逻辑关系,达到缩短工期的目的。例如,将顺序进行的工作改为平行作业、搭接作业以及分段组织流水作业等,都可以有效地缩短工期。 (2)缩短某些工作的持续时间。这种方法是不改变工程项目中各项工作之间的逻辑关系,而通过采取增加资源投入、提高劳动效率等措施来缩短某些工作的持续时间,使工程进度加快,以保证按计划工期完成该工程项目。这些被压缩持续时间的工作是位于关键线路和超过计划工期的非关键线路上的工作。同时,这些工作又是其持续时间可被压缩的工作。这种调整方法通常可以在网络图上直接进行。 Earth-rock backfilling of 90,000 m3. 6.2 filling large amount of planning and reclamation of the project, considering the construction of specific circumstances, mainly the following aspects: 1, good full filling arrangement and construction of roads to ensure filling the roads. 2, the main excavation, loading, transport, construction machinery, including leveling and compaction are put in good performance of construction machinery and equipment, to meet the construction needs. Earth-rock Backfilling is mainly based on general progress in the concrete construction of the main project to schedule. 6.3 Earth-rock backfilling construction of Earth-rock backfilling construction carried out in the following way: soil-stone embankment in the corresponding parts of the concrete pouring is completed, dam Foundation excavation of sand and gravel material, transported by CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T to fill parts of unloading, mechanical compacting. The Earth-rock backfilling primarily for structural backfill and site filling, relatively low requirements for compaction of backfill, the proposed CAT320 dig dump truck mounted 5~10T brought on to the site, bulldozers and tiered rolling. Layer thickness 50cm thickness of rolling a few times and identification. Local corner is supplemented by frogs Rammer and tamping. Filling quality control are as follows: (1) backfill material is not allowed in mixed clay, grass, wood, and other harmful substances. (2) the backfill material shall conform to the requirements of supervision engineer in construction drawings and. (3) the backfill material layer thickness is not too thick, should meet the requirements. (4) the compacting should pay particular attention when rolling quality backfill sand and gravel, the compact requirements. 6.4 6.4.1 construction quality guarantee measures of quality and safety measures (1) strictly control the quality of filling, no grass, debris and mud content greater than the design of filling materials for backfill, do not fail not backfilled. (2) strictly control the thickness of the filling, construction set at the filling-face thickness of sign posts, bulldozers usually controlled by its height. (3) filling back technique is used when feed, avoid filling materials for separation. (4) in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, we must strengthen the compacted to
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