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南京大学 绝对学术 英语系 (二)汉译英词语的处理


南京大学 绝对学术 英语系 (二)汉译英词语的处理(二)汉译英词语的处理 词语是翻译最小的单位。一个词语可能只具备指称意义,也可能既具备指称意义,又具备言内意义和语用意义。翻译时必须在全面透彻理解原文意义的基础上(decoding),根据需要采取直译、意译、音译或音译和意译相结合的办法,重新编码(encoding),力求使译文与原文语义相符,功能相似。 1.指称意义的翻译 人类思维和语言的共性使汉语的某些词语可以在英语中找到完全对应的词语。但不同文化环境的人对大自然和社会的认识不同又使汉语中的某些词语在英语中只能找到部分对应的词语,甚至根本就没有对应语,出...

南京大学 绝对学术 英语系 (二)汉译英词语的处理
(二)汉译英词语的处理 词语是翻译最小的单位。一个词语可能只具备指称意义,也可能既具备指称意义,又具备言内意义和语用意义。翻译时必须在全面透彻理解原文意义的基础上(decoding),根据需要采取直译、意译、音译或音译和意译相结合的办法,重新编码(encoding),力求使译文与原文语义相符,功能相似。 1.指称意义的翻译 人类思维和语言的共性使汉语的某些词语可以在英语中找到完全对应的词语。但不同文化环境的人对大自然和社会的认识不同又使汉语中的某些词语在英语中只能找到部分对应的词语,甚至根本就没有对应语,出现词语的空缺。 接电话to answer the telephone (to receive) 红茶black tea (red tea) 遗产 遗产中的动产部分legacy 被继承人死后留下的尚未被继承的全部遗产estate 已被继承了的遗产inheritance 税 税,税额tax 关税duty 进出口货物课征之税tariff 国税state taxes 关税customs duties 税率tariff rates 保税仓库区bonded warehouse area 汉语中的“干部”一词使用非常普遍,英语中的指称可以分为administrator(行政官员)official (官员,高级职员)officer(军官,高级官员)functionary(机关工作人员)cadre(干部,骨干)office worker(办公室工作人员)public/civil servant(公务员)government employee and professional(政府雇员和专业人员) 以上的汉英翻译中的障碍不是最大的。最大的困难是翻译那些在英语中“意义空缺”的词语,它们的文化负载最重,如“三伏”“三九”“一个中心,两个基本点”等等,这时要尽可能全面转达原文的符号意义。 汉英词语的指称意义翻译大致可分为四种 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 :直译法,意译法,音译法,音译和意译结合法。 直译法:在不违背英语文化传统的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容与形式相符的方法。 1 例: 芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞 Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin. 对外开放取得新进展。1990年共批准“三资”企业99家,全省“三资”企业已达284家。New progress has been made in the process of opening to the outside world. In 1990, the province approved 99 “Three Forms of Ventures” (Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign-funded enterprises), the total number of the “Three Forms of Ventures”reached 284. 词语指称意义的直译要注意防止两种现象:一是专有名词和专门术语的误译,二是用了两种语言中形式相同,但意义却截然不同的词。 常规科学normal science不是conventional science 入学to be enrolled in不是to start school(开始进入小学学习) 白酒spirits/liquor不是white wine 红眼to be green-eyed 不是pink eye (红眼病) 译者一定要注意此类“文字陷阱”,以免造成误译。 例:部分指称意义直译法 报纸、电视栏目标题 人与自然People and Nature 音乐桥Music Bridge 与你同行Going Along with You 国际影院International Cinema 体育栏Sports Section 组织、机构名称 世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization 中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)All-China Federation of Youth 海关总署General Customs Administration 电视剧名 上海大风暴The Big Storm over Shanghai 戏剧人生Dramatic Life 商标名 小天鹅洗衣机Little Swan 飞鸽自行车Flying Pigeon 钻石手 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf Diamond 意译法:译者受到译语社会文化差异的局限,不得不舍弃原文的字面意义,以求译文与原文 的内容相符和主要语言功能相似。 例:在农村,特别是比较偏僻落后的农村,还残存着少数包办买卖婚姻的陋习。arranged or bought and sold marriage既冗长又难懂,没有表达出这种婚姻的强迫性,这时可以只传达出原文的主要精神 In China’s more remote and backward rural areas, corrupt practices exist in the form of forced marriage…. 例:燕子楼饭店Swallow Restaurant So:“Can I eat slowly in this restaurant?” 商家要根据需要改变招牌的译名,以达到相同的效果。巧妙的意译在汉英翻译中很常见:有目共赏---上海牌电视机 Shanghai TV—Seeing is believing (you can enjoy it if you have eyes) 广告之外,新闻标题,书名,文章名等大翻译也能通过意译法来使译文醒目传神。例:《走下神坛的毛泽东》 Mao Zedong—Man, Not God 例:部分指称意义意译法 书名,栏目名等 话说中国China Discovery 华夏风情Kaleidoscope 天涯共此时Sharing the Moment 《旅游天地》Traveling Scope 《大视野》Global Vision 音译法:用音位为单位在英文译文中保留汉语的发音以突出原文的主要语言功能。 成功的音译范例在各种语言中都有,汉语中有:吉他(guitar) 康乃馨(carnation) 探戈(tango)模特(model) 等;英文中有:台风(typhoon) 磕头(kowtow) 气功(qigong) 等。 音译通常有两种方法: 一是直接用汉语拼音进行拼写,如: 西苑饭店Xiyuan Hotel 国泰公司Guotai Co. 二是用类似英语单词的拼写体现原文的发音,如: 康顺有限公司Conson Ltd. 《针眼儿胡同的片警》Police Officers in Zhenyan’er Hutong (lane, alley) 姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船 Outside the city of Suzhou Is resounding a distant knell. It is Cold-Hill Monastery—(Han Shan Monastery) Towards us, tolling its midnight bell 音译意译结合法:在英语的译文中既保留原文的发音又能体现原文的指称意义,以谐音又谐意的方法达到功能相似。 该方法一般有两种形式: 一是在拼音之前或之后加上一个表意的词,如:《唐明皇》Emperor Tang Ming Huang 二是直接套用谐音谐意的英语单词,如:“稳得富“酒楼Wonderful Restaurant 2.言内意义的翻译 言内意义指语言符号之间的关系,在词汇层体现在词语的重复、叠词、双关、粘连、一语双叙和音韵等方面。汉语表意文字的特点决定了翻译时既不能拘泥于原文形式,也不可以将之完全抛弃,而应从语言功能着手,在优先传译原文最主要的功能的前提下,尽量全面地表达其他有关意义,使译文与原文意义相符,功能相似。 重复:有意识地重复某个词语或句子,达到突出内容、强调感情或增强节奏感的目的,包括连续重复和间隔重复。 “沉默啊!沉默啊!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。” “Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence.” “Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out in silence, we shall perish in this silence.”(译文虽然按照原文四次重复,但显得有点拖泥带水,体现不出原文的紧迫感,因此在翻译时是可以进行适当变通的。) 于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影,雨里、雾里、风里、雪里、只盼着早些回家。。。 Thus the gathering dusk often finds me hastening home in a hurry crowd. Whether it rains or snows, windy or foggy, it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps.(该句用了非人称主语) 如果将“雨里、雾里、风里、雪里”直译为“in the rain, in the fog, in the wind and in the snow”会冗长拖沓,与原文不符;采用了it rains or snows, windy or foggy后译文读起来抑扬顿挫。有节奏感和旋律感,符合原文。 判断我们各方面工作的是非得失,归根到底,要以是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强我国的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平为标准。(邓小平) In the final analysis, the criterion for judging the success or failure of our work in various fields is whether it helps to develop the productive forces of socialist society,to strengthen the overall capacity of the country and to improve the people’s living standards. 译者对全文结构做了调整,将“要以…为标准”改为“判断…的标准是…”,使译文前后两部分层次分明,结构紧凑。 重复除了同词重复外,还有异词重复,如:此时此刻,谢天谢地,不知不觉等,但不可硬译为at this time and this moment, thank heaven and thank earth, without knowing and without feeling, 可以按照文化习惯翻译,如谢天谢地译为Thank Heaven. Thank God 叠词:将两个一样的词重叠使用,增加语言的生动性和形象性,汉语中如:干干净净,整整气气,漂漂亮亮,上上下下,前前后后,天苍苍,野茫茫,试试看等;而英文中的叠词较少,且多为拟声词,如:tom-tom (打鼓声)bubble-bubble(沸腾声)等。 寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚。 …… 梧桐更兼细雨, 到黄昏, 点点滴滴。 I look for what I miss, I know not what it is, I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. … On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles. 小路两边,是两行小柳树。树枝细细的,柳叶沙沙响。嫩叶上刷着一层白色的绒毛…… T wo rows of small willows lines the path. The twigs were slender, with rustling leaves covered by a layer of white villus. 桥面上主塔高90米,呈双扇面形斜拉起392根碗口粗缆索,使主跨桥梁稳稳地落在桥墩上,保证了大桥的稳定性和抗震能力。 Its main bridgeheads are 90 meters high each, pulling 392 thick slanting cables together in the shape of double fans, so that the central span of the bridge is well poised on the piers and the bridge’s stability and vibration resistance are ensured. 双关:利用音或意的巧合,进行同音异意的偷换,有意使语句同时兼有双重含义,来达到言在此而意在彼的特殊效果,而第二层意思才是本意所在,才是言内意义蕴含的语用意义。 汉语双关分谐音双关和语意双关, 例:老虎拉车—谁赶(敢)?格力空调,创造良机(good machine/good chance) 这些都是谐音双关; “八字还没一撇呢”(There is not even the first stroke of character “八”),英文的翻译会让人困惑。 像这样的汉语中以形表义的双关语现象特别多,如“冻雨洒窗,东两点西三点;切瓜分片, 横七刀竖八刀”,这种语言现象给翻译带来极大的困难; 同样英语中也有类似的语言现象, 如Two ghosts walked into a bar and asked the bar tender, “Do you serve spirits?” spirits既表示“烈酒”又表示“心灵,灵魂”。 因此无论如何翻译,双关语都会部分失去原文的特色。但这并不意味着双关语完全不可以翻译。例: “娘,他们…是要剥我们中国人的脸皮啊,你知道吗?”骄阳下,柳树上,回答他的是一片“知了,知了”的蝉声。(毛炳甫:“剥皮香蕉”) “Mother, what they asked me to do was not…but to lose face for all Chinese! Don’t you see?” In the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of the cicada’s chirrup: “See, see…”(一方面保留了蝉声,另一方面又暗含的“知道”的意思,一语双关。) 当然多数双关语受原语和译语所反映的文化限制,在翻译时很难兼顾内容和形式的统一,译者常常是舍弃形式,求得内容相似。例: 再试纺,顶多忙一阵子,过了几天,还不是外甥打灯笼—找舅(照旧)。(周而复:上海的早晨) And if we’re now going to have a check spinning, it’ll only mean that we’ll be busier than ever for a spell and then after a few days things will be back to what they were before. 粘连:利用上下文的联系,把用于甲事物的词语巧妙地用于乙事物的修辞方法,通常是甲事物具体,乙事物抽象。例: 蜜蜂是在酿蜜,又是在酿造生活;不是为自己,而是为人类酿造最甜蜜的生活。(杨朔:荔枝蜜) Making honey is also creating life, a most sweet life, not for themselves but for others 几件小摆设,每一件都代表着一个故事,珍藏着它们就像珍藏着一份份美好的回忆。(云飞扬:恋家) There are several small souvenirs, each with a story behind it, which I treasure as so many happy memories. 一语双叙:表现在两个或两个以上含有同一词的不同词语之间的对比使用, 如“有文凭没文化,有学历没学问”“价格相同,价值不同”等, 用意义上的反差和对照,形成较强的语势,结构整齐对称,在音韵上跌宕起伏,增强了语言的表现力。但要翻译成英文这一修辞效果却不能完全体现,如“price”和“value”无论如何都不能体现原文的特点。 例:作品的生命力,大约和作家的胆识大有关系;短命,常常是由于短见。 The vitality of a work is probably closely related to the courage and insight of its author; its short-livedness is due to its author’s short-sightedness. 3. 语用意义的翻译 语用意义指的是符号与符号使用者之间的关系,即符号对符号使用者产生的影响,他与语境密切相关。 文化色彩的再现 人类的各民族在历史发展中形成了自己独特的民族风情和文化传统,它们自然而然会反映在语言中。不同国家和地区会用不同的事物表达相同的语用意义,如“虎”在汉语里的含义和“狮”在西方人眼中的地位类似。例: 鸡皮疙瘩goose-flesh 猫哭老鼠假慈悲to shed crocodile tears 狗改不了吃屎The leopard cannot change his spots 还有一种情况是,汉语有些词语的语用意义,在其英语的对应词中没有,反之亦然。 如“鸳鸯”常比喻恋人夫妻,而mandarin duck 却无此意; 又如“山羊”在汉语里没有什么特殊意义,而goat在英语中却表示“色鬼”,所以“山羊”牌的什么东西要出口到英国会引起反感。 此外,汉英语言文化色彩上的语用差异还表现在某些含有语用意义的汉语词语在英语中找不到对应词语,如直译,会失去原文的语用意义,如一些含有人名、地名的词语:“身在曹营心在汉”“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”,直译很难达到作者的交际目的,译者要以其他手段再现原文的语义与功能。例: 小的扣紧,大的放松,池子里捕鱼,太湖里放生。(夏衍:考验) Fussy about trifles, careless about big things. Penny wise, pound foolish. (to catch fish in a pool and to free fish in Taihu Lake) 过去,从斋堂进北京靠羊肠小道,需要六七天的时间,如今,109国道平坦便捷,乘车两个半小时就可到北京市区。 In the past, it took six or seven days to go from Zhaitang to Beijing through a winding trail. Now, on the smooth National Highway 109, it takes just two and a half hours to reach Beijing City.(直接翻译出原文的意思) 她在戏中扮演包公。 She played the male role of Judge Bao (the just and impartial judge in Chinese history)in the opera. 语体色彩的复制 语体是同一语言使用者在不同场合使用的该语言的变体,其实质是根据场合(语境)选用同 义词。她们或是随便,或是亲呢,或是刻板,或是典押,或是商谈试的,或是命令式的等等。 例:如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples and / or brochure could be soon forwarded to us. (正式文本中经常用祈使句,可以避免出现主语以及个人的主观感情色彩) 老王说,他没着了。 Lao Wang said he was at the end of his tether. 4.四字词组的翻译 四字词组大都言简意赅,形象生动且琅琅上口,蕴含着丰富的指称意义,言内意义和语用意义,翻译时要尽量兼顾各个意义,介绍中国文化的精华。 例:以卵击石to kick against the pricks to throw an egg against a rock (or stones) to court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds 以上哪一个更恰当?可以保留直译,不会造成误解,也给读者带来新鲜感。 大部分情况下,翻译时最主要传达的是原文的内容,例: 我厂生产的地毯图案新颖,色调雅致,美丽大方,富丽堂皇。 The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent for their novel designs and elegant colors. 中国的外交人员要“立场坚定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、业务熟练、才华出众、风格高尚”。“S teadfastness, far-sightedness, resourcefulness, professional competence, outstanding talent and nobility of character” 以上译文虽然内容不错,但结构显得松散,失去了四字词组的那种对称整齐、简明扼要的文体风格,而一段译文仅体现原文的指称意义是不够的。可以试改成: A Chinese diplomat should be firm in stand, broad in vision, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, noble in character. 该厂生产的各种类型钻头均符合API标准,工艺先进、结构新颖、钢材优质、制造精细、质检严格,均已达到国内同类钻头的先进水平。 Bits of all types manufactured in the factory conform to the API Standards. With novel design and fine workmanship, they are made of quality steel in advanced technology. All the products have passed strict quality test and reached in all respects the advanced level of the domestically-made bits of the kind. (试比较the technology is advanced, the structured design is novel, steel quality is superior, workmanship is fine and quality control is strict) 为取得功能上的相似,用英语中的修辞手段或借用英语中的习语再现汉语四字词语的文体风格也不失为一种良好的变通手法。例: 天气这样闷,十有八九要下雨。 With the weather so close and stuff, ten to one it’ll rain presently. 汉语和英语中都有大量数词组成的词语,如“三心二意”“一举两得”“七上八下”“九死一生”,“at sixes and sevens(乱七八糟,七上八下,杂乱无章), in two twos(一分为二), talk nineteen to the dozen(说个不停,喋喋不休)等,它们中只有极少数是完全对应的,如“三三两两”(by twos and threes),“十有八九”和ten to one 属于不完全对应,但都表示“极有可能”,如果翻译成in eight or nine cases out of ten就失去了原文的简洁风格。 类似不完全对应的英汉词组还有以下的一些例子: 天长地久as old as the hills 泰然自若as cool as a cucumber 轻如鸿毛as light as a feather 艳若桃李as red as rose 狐假虎威ass in the lion’s skin 挥金如土to spend money like water 弱不禁风as weak as water 瓮中之鳖 a rat in a hole 冷若冰霜as cold as marble 山穷水尽at the end of one’s rope 纸上谈兵armchair strategy 但此类词语翻译中要避免望文生义,如to eat one’s words表面上很像“自食其言”而实际意义是“收回前言” 四字词语中典故的翻译也涉及可读性和可接受性的问题,这些词组结构固定,意在言外,因而不能直译,而意译和借用英文中已有的表达又会失去原语的文化特色,译者可以采取直译加注或直译加意译相结合的方法来达到最大限度的功能相似。例: 嘴里天天说“唤起民众”。民众起来了又害怕得要死,这和叶公好龙有什么两样?(毛泽东) If one shouts everyday about “arousing the masses of the people”, but is scared to death when the people do rise, what is the difference between that and Lord Ye’s love of dragon? Note: Lord Ye was so fond of dragons that he adorned his whole palace with drawings and carvings of them. But when a real dragon heard of his affection and paid him a visit, he was frightened out of his wits. (直译加注) 但我的事现在搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 But there had been too much publicity about my case.(意译) 汉语四字词语的翻译应该是灵活多样的,既要照顾形式,也不能拘泥于形式,也不能完全不顾形式进行误译,译文应该自然贴切、可读性强。 5.虚词的翻译 不表示具体概念,不能单独使用充当句子成分的词为虚词,包括连词、助词、介词、叹词等,与实词连用能更清楚和准确地表达语言符号之间的关系、语气和感情。例: 虽然 1.花朵虽然看上去可爱,但风吹不得,日晒不得。 Although flowers look lovely, they cannot stand wind and rain. 2.这机器虽然体积大,但运转时却没有噪音。 For all its great size, the machine moves noiselessly. 3.她虽然是女流,但不受旧思想约束,担任了一家进步杂志的编辑. Woman as she was, she was intellectually emancipated and became an editor of a progressive review. 4.虽然不远的墙边,也蹭有一团阴影,但他却是伸手讨钱的。 A few paces off in the darkness there was a shadow figure squatting against the wall, but he turned out to be a tramp. 5.虽然自己曾和她信誓旦旦,但此一时彼一时也… Times have changed. To hell with all those solemn vow s I’ve made to her! 有时,汉语的同一句话翻译为英语时,因侧重点不同,其虚词的翻译方法也不一样。例: 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这个人争取过来。 a)When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. b)As soon as he finds any possible opponent, he is, by instinct, to have as an inclination for winning him over with charm and humor. c)The sight of a potential antagonist arouses / evokes his innate impulse for winning him over with charm and humor. 汉语虚词在英语中多种不同的用法有助于准确地传递信息。但有些汉语虚词在英语中找不到对应词,翻译时需要用其他手段表达意义,如副词“非”,“非”与“不”连用表示“一定”,但口气更坚决。例: 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. (如果以双重否定来翻译,译成one cannot master it without painstaking effort又略显冗长,master与前面的mastery重复,译文有点拖泥带水,失去了原文语气的果断与坚决) 但“非…不可”有时也可以用双重否定译出。例: 1994年要迈出决定性步伐,即推出相配套的几项重大措施,包括……,因为这些方面的原先都是 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济的管理体制,已到了非改不可的地步,否则将影响市场经济的建立。 The decisive moves in 1994 to bring China closer to a market economy involved……, all of which were still under the administrative system of a centrally controlled economy. With no reforms in those fields it would have been impossible to set up a market economy. 汉语虚词中的叹词译法 叹词是摹拟人们感叹或者呼唤应答的声音的词,用来表达说话人的喜怒哀乐,因而具有丰富的表情功能。例: 啊,你总算回来了!(高兴) Ah, so you’ve come back at last! 哎,演出已经结束了!(遗憾) Oh, the performance is over! 好了,车来了!(松了口气) Well, there comes the bus! 怎么,是你?我没注意!(惊奇) Why, it’s you? I wasn’t noticing. 汉译英时应尽量遵循英语习惯,避免因机械性直译而带来的语义和功能紊乱。例: “…这街上,哼,鬼地方!…还有那些上里呵,比乡下更冷哩,咳,那才好哪!火烧一大堆,大大小小一家人,闹热呀!……” “…But this street, humm, what a terrible place! In the mountains, it’s even colder, but when they have a fire in the house with the whole family sitting around it, wow, it’s heaven!”(虚词看起来简单,却也不能机械地对译,译者应根据具体的语境灵活处理) 部分常见虚词的多种译例: 1.原来我的讲义已经从头到末,都用红铅笔添改过了,不但增加了许多脱漏的地方,连文 法的错误也都一一订正。(鲁迅:藤野先生) From beginning to end my notes had been supplemented and corrected in red ink. Not only had he added a great deal I had missed, he had even corrected every single grammatical mistake. 2.为此我拼命干活,连春节也不例外。 So I worked like mad, even during the Spring Festival season when everybody else was enjoying the holidays. 3.他连一句话都来不及说就急急忙忙地走了。 He went away hastily—without saying a word. 4.连饭都吃不饱,怎么能让他去搞什么审美享受呢? How to teach him to enjoy beauty when he is half starved? 5.他见到你连魂都丢了。 He was confounded at the sight of you. 1.由于她长期卧床,身体非常虚弱。 As she was kept in bed for long she became very weak. Her long confinement to bed made her very weak. 2.由于年代久远,古城墙大部分已倒塌。 Due to the passage of time, most of the ancient city wall has collapsed. 3.由于桥断了,我们过不去。 As the bridge was broken, we couldn’t get over. 4.痛苦的死亡却不然,……其原因主要是由于各种苦难和折磨(包括自我折磨)所造成。 (陆文夫:快乐的死亡) Painful death is quite another matter…… It results mainly from various kinds of sufferings and torments (including self-inflicted torments). 1.素以能“吃苦耐劳”而著称的中国人,现在竟自觉不如“西洋人”或“东洋人”能吃苦 了。 The Chinese people, who used to be famous for hard work and bravery, are now aware that they are not so hardworking as the people of other nations. 2.就像半天空里掉下个金元宝一样,罗君的一幅条幅竟然在全省书法比赛中得了奖。(李 秀鲁:玫瑰色的月亮) When he won a prize in the Province’s calligraphy contest, Mr. Luo felt elated as if a gold ingot had fallen on him from the sky. 3.搞环境保护的人真马虎,昨晚下那场大雪,竟没来校园巡视…(林青:媲美) The gardeners were indeed very negligent. They didn’t even come out to patrol the campus in such a heavy snow as last night’s. 4.有一位歌手,有一次她唱完了歌,竟没有一个人鼓掌。 Once a singer finished her performance without receiving any applause from the audience. 5.当时我的感觉很一般,没想到一进如影视界竟然一帆风顺。 I felt only middling, never dreaming that I should start a movie and TV star’s life on a fast track. 1.她双眼没有一丝表情,人们简直以为她根本没有看见对方。 Her eyes were so empty of expression that you might have thought she did not even see him. 2.…瞧那嘴唇,厚得多厉害,简直可以说丑死了。 Look at her lips, he thought. How thick they are!. Ugly beyond words. 3.这么一说,我简直被他弄的莫名其妙了。 What did he mean by this? I’ve no idea what he is driving at. 4.这简直是一个神话。 This is little short of a fairy tale. 1.人们啊,往往如此,有时在一起工作几十年,却依然形同陌路,有时才碰头,就好像几 辈子之前就相知了。 Life is like that. Sometimes people can work together for years and remain strangers. Sometimes they become friends as soon as they meet. 2.他个子足有两米,每次进屋必须低头,才能不撞到门框上。 He was really tall—no less than 2 meters. When he came in through the door, he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the door frame. 1.为什么偏要选这篇作文?有人问道。 But why should this piece in particular have appealed to him so much? Someone asked. 2.大家都劝他不要再出门,他偏背着包裹走了。 We had all tried to dissuade him from going out, but he simply wouldn’t listen and left home carrying the luggage on his back. 3.那次本不该他去,可他偏偏要去。 He was not supposed to go that time, but he insisted on going. 1.关于他的过去我所知甚少。 I know little about his past. 2.关于签定合同,我们下次再谈。 We’ll leave the matter of signing the contract until next time. 3.《关于在我国沿海地区兴建“樱花退休人员花园”的设想》 An envisagement of Building “Cherry Holiday Resort for the Retired” in the coastal area 1.他总是片面地看问题。 He is always taking a one-side approach to problems 2.不要总是与周围的人闹意见。 Don’t get into endless disputes with people around you. 3.该看到的总会看到。 We shall see what we should see. 1.山上怕是要更冷一些吧。 It must be colder up in the mountain, I’m afraid. 2.在文史楼前拍张雪景吧。 Let’s take a shot just in front of the Humanities Building. 3.早一点造起来吧,我可以给你监工。 You’d better get start right away so that I can watch to see that everything is done properly. 1.这件事要再研究一下。 The matter must be further considered. 2.唉,和前一辈做父亲的一比,我觉得我们这一辈生命力薄弱得可怜… Alas, compared with father and people of his time, the present generation, I think, have regrettable low vitality… 练习: 1.轮番提价势必影响经济和社会的稳定,搞得人心惶惶。 2.每天早晨,许多小鸟在离我们家不远的树上唧唧吱吱地叫。 3.责任 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,条件成熟了的就可以实行,条件不成熟的不要实行。 4.华夏之门,徐徐地、但实实在在地,开了。 5.对于爱恋中的情人来说,这不是雾,是晶莹温暖的初雪,是撩动情肠的万缕情丝。 6.他们闹着要吃小马的喜酒。 7.宗教不得干预政治。 8.湛江港素有“南海明珠”之称。港内水域宽阔,水深浪静,万吨轮船通行无阻,五万吨 轮船可乘潮自由进出。 9.父亲说:“事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路!” 10.中国百姓历来把“耕者有其田,居者有其屋”视为理想社会的基本标志,把安居乐 业作为自己毕生的梦想和追求。 11.味道真不错,果然名不虚传。 1.This kind of price spiral will endanger economic and social stability and give rise to panic. 2.Every morning, there are a lot of birds chirping/chirruping/twittering in the trees not far from our house. 3.The system of job responsibility can be adopted where the conditions are ripe and not otherwise. 4.China’s door was opened, slowly but unmistakably. 5.To lovers, it was not fog, but glittering warm early snow that plucked the strings of love. 6.They insisted jokingly that Xiaoma should invite them to a wedding feast. 7.It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion. 8.Zhanjiang Port is noted as “A Bright Pearl on the South China Sea”. Its inner harbor is broad and wide with water calm and deep. Vessels of 10,000 tons can enter or leave the port with ease and 50,000-ton freighters can call at or depart from the port with the flooding tide. 9.Father said: “Now that things have come to such a pass, it’s no use crying. Fortunately, Heaven always leaves one a way out.” 10.Throughout Chinese history the ownership of land and housing have always been considered the basic attributes of an ideal society and to live and work in peace and contentment has been an important personal goal. 11.It’s delicious. It really lives up to its reputation.
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