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勃朗宁夫人勃朗宁夫人 她的诗和她的爱情 ,,,女诗人Elizabeth Barrett Browning小传 Elizabeth Browning是十九世纪英国著名女诗人~生于,,,, 年?月,日。十五岁时~不幸骑马跌损了脊椎。从此~下肢瘫痪达, ,年。在她?,岁那年~结识了小她,岁的诗人Robert Browning.她 那充满着哀怨的生命从此打开了新的一章。她本来是一个残废的病人~ 生命~只剩下一长串没有欢乐的日子,青春~在生与死的边缘上黯然 消逝。如今~在迟暮的岁月里赶上了早年的爱情。然而~她只能流着 泪~用无情...

勃朗宁夫人 她的诗和她的爱情 ,,,女诗人Elizabeth Barrett Browning小传 Elizabeth Browning是十九世纪英国著名女诗人~生于,,,, 年?月,日。十五岁时~不幸骑马跌损了脊椎。从此~下肢瘫痪达, ,年。在她?,岁那年~结识了小她,岁的诗人Robert Browning.她 那充满着哀怨的生命从此打开了新的一章。她本来是一个残废的病人~ 生命~只剩下一长串没有欢乐的日子,青春~在生与死的边缘上黯然 消逝。如今~在迟暮的岁月里赶上了早年的爱情。然而~她只能流着 泪~用无情的沉默来回答一声声爱情的呼唤。但是~爱情战胜了死亡~ 从死亡的阴影里救出了一个已经放弃了生命的人。就象神话中的英雄在 悬崖边救出了被供奉给海怪的公主~替公主打开了裹在她周身的铁链, 她那不知疲倦的情人也帮着她摆脱了她的惊慌、她的疑虑、她的哀怨~ 扶着她一步步来到了阳光底下。她动荡不安的感情逐渐变得稳定了,她 对于人生开始有了信心~产生了眷恋。未来的幸福~不再是一团强烈的 幻光~叫她不敢逼视~不敢伸出手去碰一下了。她敢于拿爱情来报答爱 情了。 这份爱情使她奇迹班地重新站了起来。在病室中被禁锢了,,年之 后~她终于可以凭自己的双脚重新走到阳光下了。 勃朗宁夫妇一起度过了,,年幸福的生活~在这,,年中~从不知 道有一天的分离。,,,,年,月,,日~白朗宁夫人永别了她的Robert。 临终之前~她并没多大病疼~也没有预感~只是觉得倦,那是一个晚上~ 她正和勃朗宁商量消夏的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。她和他谈心说笑~用最温存的话 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示她的 爱情,后来她感到倦~就偎依在白朗宁的胸前睡去了。她这样地睡了几分 钟~头突然垂了下来,他以为她是一时昏晕~但是她去了~再不回来了。 她在他的怀抱中瞑了目。她的容貌~象少女一般~微笑~快乐。 这部感人的诗集就是他们爱情生活的真实写照。它是英国文学史上的 珍品之一。其美丽动人~甚至超过莎士比亚的十四行诗集。有多人译过这 本诗集~如闻一多~查良铮,金庸,等。但我认为方平译得最好~令人爱 不释手。这里Post的就是方平译本。勃朗宁夫人最初开始写这十四行组诗 大概是在她答应了勃朗宁的求婚以后那一段时期。直到他们婚后住到了比 萨~勃朗宁才读到这本诗集。他不敢把这文学上的无价之宝留给他一个人 享受。,,,,年勃朗宁夫人出版了一卷诗集~把这组十四行诗也收进在 内~共四十四首~还取了一个总名~叫做《葡萄牙人十四行诗集》~用以 掩饰作者身分~因勃朗宁夫人不愿意把个人情诗发表今将这本诗集奉献给 大家~希望大家会喜欢。 晓拂 *01. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第一首 我想起~当年希腊的诗人曾经歌咏: I thought once how Theocritus had sung 年复一年~那良辰在殷切的盼望中 Of the sweet years, the dear and wished-for years, 翩然降临~各自带一份礼物 Who each one in a gracious hand appears 分送给世人,,年老或是年少。 To bear a gift for mortals, old or young: 当我这么想~感叹着诗人的古调~ And, as I mused it in his antique tongue, 穿过我泪眼所逐渐展开的幻觉~ I saw, in gradual vision through my tears, 我看见~那欢乐的岁月、哀伤的岁月,, The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years, 我自己的年华~把一片片黑影接连着 Those of my own life, who by turns had flung 掠过我的身。紧接着~我就觉察 A shadow across me. Straightway I was 'ware, ,我哭了,我背后正有个神秘的黑影 So weeping, how a mystic Shape did move 在移动~而且一把揪住了我的发~ Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair; 往后拉~还有一声吆喝,我只是在挣扎,: And a voice said in mastery, while I strove, -- “这回是谁逮住了你,猜:”“死~”我答话。 `Guess now who holds thee?' -- `Death.' I said. But, there 听哪~那银铃似的回音:“不是死~是爱:” The silver answer rang, -- `Not Death, but love.' *02. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二首 可是在上帝的全宇宙里~总共才只 But only three in all God's universe 三个人听见了你那句话:除了 Have heard this word thou hast said, -- Himself, beside 讲话的你、听话的我~就是他,, Thee speaking, and me listening! and replied 上帝自己:我们中间还有一个 One of us ... _that_ was God, ... and laid the curse 出来答话,那昏黑的诅咒落上 So darkly on my eyelids, as to amerce 我的眼皮~挡了你~不让我看见~ My sight from seeing thee, -- that if I had died, 就算我瞑了目~放上沉沉的“压眼钱”~ The death-weights, placed there, would have signified 也不至于那么彻底隔绝。唉~ Less absolute exclusion. `Nay' is worse 比谁都厉害~上帝的那一声“不行:” From God than from all others, O my friend! 要不然~世俗的诽谤离间不了我们~ Men could not part us with their worldly jars, 任风波飞扬~也不能动摇那坚贞, Nor the seas change us, nor the tempests bend; 我们的手要伸过山岭~互相接触, Our hands would touch for all the mountain-bars 有那么一天~天空滚到我俩中间~ And, heaven being rolled between us at the end, 我俩向星辰起誓~还要更加握紧。 We should but vow the faster for the stars. *03. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三首 我们原不一样~尊贵的人儿呀~ Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart! 原不一样是我们的职司和前程。 Unlike our uses and our destinies. 你我头上的天使~迎面飞来~ Our ministering two angels look surprise 翅膀碰上了翅膀~彼此瞪着 On one another, as they strike athwart 惊愕的眼睛。你想~你是华宫里 Their wings in passing. Thou, bethink thee, art 后妃的上宾~千百双殷勤的明眸 A guest for queens to social pageantries, ,哪怕挂满了泪珠~也不能教我的眼 With gages from a hundred brighter eyes 有这份光彩,请求你担任领唱。 Than tears even can make mine, to play thy part 那你干什么从那灯光辉映的纱窗里 Of chief musician. What hast _thou_ to do 望向我,,,我~一个凄凉、流浪的 With looking from the lattice-lights at me, 歌手~疲乏地靠着柏树~吟叹在 A poor, tired, wandering singer, ... singing through 茫茫的黑暗里。圣油搽在你头上,, The dark, and leaning up a cypress tree? 可怜我~头上承受着凉透的夜露。 The chrism is on thine head, -- on mine, the dew, -- 只有死~才能把这样的一对扯个平。 And Death must dig the level where these agree. *04. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第四首 Thou hast thy calling to some palace-floor, 你曾经受到邀请~进入了宫廷~ Most gracious singer of the high poems! where 温雅的歌手:你唱着崇高的诗篇, The dancers will break footing, from the care 贵客们停下舞步~为了好瞻仰你~ Of watching up thy pregnant lips for more. 期待那丰满的朱唇再吐出清音, And dost thou lift this house's latch too poor 而你却抽起我的门闩~你果真 For hand of thine? and canst thou think and bear 不嫌它亵渎了你的手,没谁看见~ To let thy music drop here unaware 你甘让你那音乐飘落在我门前~ In folds of golden fulness at my door? 叠作层层金声的富丽,你忍不忍, Look up and see the casement broken in, 你往上瞧~看这窗户都被闯破,, The bats and owlets builders in the roof! 是蝙蝠和夜莺的窠巢盘踞在顶梁~ My cricket chirps against thy mandolin. 是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和: Hush, call no echo up in further proof 住声~别再激起回声来加深荒凉: Of desolation! there's a voice within 那里边有一个哀音~它必须深躲~ That weeps ... as thou must sing ... alone, aloof. 在暗里哭泣,,正象你应该当众歌唱。 *05. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第五首 我肃穆地端起了我沉重的心~ I lift my heavy heart up solemnly, 象当年希腊女儿捧着那坛尸灰, As once Electra her sepulchral urn, 眼望着你~我把灰撒在你脚下。 And, looking in thine eyes, I overturn 请看呀~有多大一堆悲哀埋藏在 The ashes at thy feet. Behold and see 我这心坎里,而在那灰暗的深处~ What a great heap of grief lay hid [1] in me, 那惨红的灰烬又怎样在隐约燃烧。 And how the red wild sparkles dimly burn 要是那点点火星给你鄙夷地 Through the ashen greyness. If thy foot in scorn 一脚踏灭、还它们一片黑暗~ Could tread them out to darkness utterly, 这样也好。可是~你偏不~ It might be well perhaps. But if instead 你要守在我身旁~等风来把尘土 Thou wait beside me for the wind to blow 扬起~把死灰吹活,爱呀~那戴在 The grey dust up, ... those laurels on thine head, 你头上的桂冠可不能给你做屏障~ O my Beloved, will not shield thee so, 保护你不让这一片火焰烧坏了 That none of all the fires shall scorch and shred 那底下的发丝。快站远些呀~快走: The hair beneath. Stand further off then! go. *06. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第六首 Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand 舍下我~走吧。可是我觉得~从此 Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore 我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。 Alone upon the threshold of my door 在那孤独的生命的边缘~从今再不能 Of individual life, I shall command 掌握自己的心灵~或是坦然地 The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand 把这手伸向日光~象从前那样~ Serenely in the sunshine as before, 而能约束自己不感到你的指尖 Without the sense of that which I forbore -- 碰上我的掌心。劫运教天悬地殊 Thy touch upon the palm. The widest land 隔离了我们~却留下了你那颗心~ Doom takes to part us, leaves thy heart in mine 在我的心房里搏动着双重声响。 With pulses that beat double. What I do 正象是酒~总尝得出原来的葡萄~ And what I dream include thee, as the wine 我的起居和梦寐里~都有你的份。 Must taste of its own grapes. And when I sue 当我向上帝祈祷~为着我自个儿 God for myself, He hears the name of thine, 他却听到了一个名字、那是你的, And sees within my eyes the tears of two. 又在我眼里~看见有两个人的眼泪。 *07. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第七首 The face of all the world is changed, I think, 全世界的面目~我想~忽然改变了~ Since first I heard of the footsteps of thy soul 自从我第一次在心灵上听到你的步子 Move still, oh, still, beside me, as they stole 轻轻、轻轻~来到我身旁,,穿过我和 betwixt me and the dreadful outer brink 死亡的边缘:那幽微的间隙。站在 Of obvious death, where I, who thought to sink, 那里的我~只道这一回该倒下了~ Was caught up into love, and taught the whole 却不料被爱救起~还教给一曲 Of life in a new rhythm. The cup of dole 生命的新歌。上帝赐我洗礼的 God gave for baptism, I am fain to drink, 那一杯苦酒~我甘愿饮下~赞美它 And praise its sweetness, Sweet, with thee anear. 甜蜜,,甜蜜的~如果有你在我身旁。 The names of a country, heaven, are changed away 天国和人间~将因为你的存在 For where thou art or shalt be, there or here; 而更改模样,而这曲歌~这支笛~ And this ... this lute and song ... loved yesterday 昨日里给爱着~还让人感到亲切~ ( The singing angels know ) are only dear 那歌唱的天使知道~就因为 Because thy name moves right in what they say. 一声声都有你的名字在荡漾。 *08. 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第八首 你那样慷慨豪爽的施主呀~你把 What can I give thee back, O liberal 你心坎里金碧辉煌的宝藏、 And Princely giver, who hast brought the gold 原封地掏出来~只往我墙外推~ And purple of thine heart, unstained, untold, 任凭象我这样的人去拣起~还是 And laid them on the outside of the wall 把这罕见的舍施丢下,教我拿什么 For such as I to take or leave withal, [1] 来作为你应得的报答,请不要 In unexpected largesse? am I cold, 说我太冷漠、太寡恩~你那许多 Ungrateful, that for these most manifold 重重叠叠的深情厚意~我却 High gifts, I render nothing back at all? 没有一些儿回敬,不~并不是 Not so; not cold, -- but very poor instead. 冷漠无情~实在我太寒伧。你问 Ask God who knows. For frequent tears have run 上帝就明白。那连绵的泪雨冲尽了 The colours from my life, and left so dead 我生命的光彩~只剩一片死沉沉的 And pale a stuff, it were not fitly done 苍白~不配给你当偎依的枕头。 To give the same as pillow to thy head. 走吧:尽把它踏在脚下~作垫石。 Go further! let it serve to trample on. [1] withal, Original meaning is 'likewise', or 'at the same time'. Here it means 'equally', 'with free choice'. *09.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第九首 我能不能有什么、就拿什么给你, Can it be right to give what I can give? 该不该让你紧挨著我~承受 To let thee sit beneath the fall of tears 我簌簌的苦泪,听著那伤逝的青春~ As salt as mine, and hear the sighing years 在我的唇边重复著叹息~偶而 Re-sighing on my lips renunciative 浮起一丝微笑~哪怕你连劝带哄~ Through those infrequent smiles which fail to live 也随即在叹息里寂灭,啊~我但怕 For all thy adjurations? O my fears, 这并不应该:我俩是不相称的 That this can scarce be right! We are not peers 一对~哪能匹配作情侣,我承认~ So to be lovers; and I own, and grieve, 我也伤心~象我这样的施主 That givers of such gifts as mine are, must 只算得鄙吝。唉~可是我怎能够让 Be counted with the ungenerous. Out, alas! 我满身的尘土玷污了你的紫袍~ I will not soil thy purple with my dust, 叫我的毒气喷向你那威尼斯晶杯: Nor breathe my poison on thy Venice-glass, 我什么爱也不给~因为什么都不该给。 Nor give thee any love -- which were unjust. 爱呀~让我只爱著你~就算数了吧: Beloved, I only love thee! let it pass. *10.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十首 EBB _Sonnets from the Portuguese_ No. X 不过只要是爱~是爱~可就是美~ Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed 就值得你接受。你知道~爱就是火~ And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright, 火总是光明的~不问着火的是庙堂 Let temple burn, or flax. And equal light 或者柴堆,,那栋梁还是荆榛在烧~ Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed. 火焰里总跳得出同样的光辉。当我 And love is fire. And when I say at need 不由得倾吐出:“我爱你:”在你的眼里~ _I love thee ... mark! ... _I love thee_ -- in thy sight 那荣耀的瞬息~我忽然成了一尊金身~ I stand transfigured, glorified aright, 感觉到有一道新吐的皓光从我天庭 With conscience of the new rays that proceed 投向你脸上。是爱~就无所谓卑下~ Out of my face toward thine. There's nothing low 即使是最微贱的在爱:那微贱的生命 In love, when love the lowest: meanest creatures 献爱给上帝~宽宏的上帝受了它、 Who love God, God accepts while loving so. 又回赐给它爱。我那迸发的热情 And what I _feel_, across the inferior features 就象道光~通过我这陋质~昭示了 Of what I _am_, doth flash itself, and show 爱的大手笔怎样给造物润色。 How that great work of Love enhances Nature's. *11.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十一首 Selected from EBB _The sonnets from the Portuguese_, No. XI 这么说~把爱情作为我的名份~ And therefore if to love can be desert, 我还不是完全不配承受。虽然~ I am not all unworthy. Cheeks as pale 你看~两颊那么苍白~那摇晃的 As these you see, and trembling knees that fail 双膝仿佛负担不了沉重的心房, To bear the burden of a heavy heart. -- 这疲乏的行吟生涯也曾想望过 This weary minstrel-life that once was girt 把奥纳斯山峰攀登~却只落得一片 To climb Aornus, and can scare avail 辛酸的哀吟~怎好去跟谷莺竞奏,,, to pipe now 'gainst the valley nightingale 干吗提这些来着,啊~亲爱的~ A melancholy music, why advert 不用讲~我高攀不上~不配在你身边 To these things? O belov\`ed, it is plain 占一个位置。可是~就因为我爱你~ I am not of thy worth nor for thy place! 这片爱情提拔我~让我抬起了头、 And yet, because I love thee, I obtain 承受着光明~许我继续活下去~ From that same love this vindicating grace, 哪怕是怎样枉然~也要爱你到底, To live on still in love, and yet in vain, ... 也要祝福你,,即使拒绝你在当面。 To bless thee, yet renounce thee to thy face. *12.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十二首 说真的~就是这为我所夸耀的爱吧~ Indeed this very love which is my boast, 当它从胸房涌上眉梢~给我加上 And which, when rising up from breast to brow, 一顶皇冠,,那一颗巨大的红宝石~ Doth crown me with a ruby large enow 光彩夺目~让人知道它价值连城。。。。。。 To draw men's eyes and prove the inner cost, ... 就算我这全部的、最高成就的爱吧~ This love even, all my worth, to the uttermost, 我也不懂得怎样去爱~要不是你 I should not love withal, unless that thou 先立下示范~教给我该怎么办,, Hadst set me an example, shown me how, 当你恳切的目光第一次对上了 When first time thine earnest eyes with mine were crossed 我的目光~而爱呼应了爱。很明白~ And love called love. And thus, I cannot speak 即使爱~我也不能夸说是我的美德。 Of love even, as a good thing of my own. 是你~把我从一片昏迷的软乏中 Thy soul hath snatched up mine all faint and weak 抱起~高置上黄金的宝座~靠近在 And placed by thee on a golden throne, -- 你的身旁。而我懂得了爱~只因为 And that I love (O soul, we must meek!) 紧挨着你,,我唯一爱慕的人 Is by thee only, whom I love alone. *13.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十三首 EBB _Sonnets from the Portuguese_, No. XIII 你可是要我把对你涌起的恩情~ And wilt thou have me fashion into speech 形之于言词~而且还觉得十分充裕, The love I bear thee, finding words enough, 不管有多猛的风~高举起火炬~ And hold the torch out, while the winds are rough 让光辉~从两张脸儿间~把我俩照明, Between our faces, to cast light on each? -- 我却把它掉在你脚边~没法命令 I drop it thy feet. I cannot teach 我的手托着我的心灵~那么远距 My hands to hold my spirit so far off 自己,难道我就能借文字作契据~ From myself ... me ... that I should bring thee proof 掏给你看、那无从抵达的爱情 In words, of love hid in me out of reach. 在我的心坎,不~我宁愿表达 Nay, let the silence of my womanhood 女性的爱凭她的贞静~而换来 command my woman-love to thy belief, -- 你的谅解,,看见我终不曾软化~ Seeing that I stand unwon, however wooed, 任你怎样地央求~我只是咬紧着嘴~ And rend the garment of my life, in brief, 狠心撕裂着生命的衣裙,生怕 By a most dauntless, voiceless fortitude, 这颗心一经接触~就泄露了悲哀。 Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief. *14.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十四首 Elizabeth Barrett Browning _Sonnets from the Portuguese_, No. XIV 如果你一心要爱我~那就别为了么~ If thou must love me, let it be for nought 只是为了爱才爱我。别这么讲: Except for love's sake only. Do not say “我爱她~为了她的一笑~她的模样~ `I love her for her smile ... her look ... her way 她柔语的声气,为了她这感触 Of speaking gently, ... for a trick of thought 正好合我的心意~那天里~的确 That falls in well with mine, and certes brought [certes: certainly] 给我带来满怀的喜悦和舒畅。” A sense of pleasant ease on such a day' -- 亲爱的~这些好处都不能持常~ For these things in themselves, Belov\`ed, may 会因你而变~而这样唱出的爱曲 Be changed, or change for thee, -- and love, so wrought [wrought: worked] 也将这样哑寂。也别爱我因为你 May be unwrought so. Neither love me for 又怜又惜地给我揩干了泪腮~ Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheeks dry, -- 一个人会忘了哭泣~当她久受你 A creature might forget to weep, who bore 温柔的慰安,,却因此失了你的爱。 Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby! 爱我~请只是为了那爱的意念~ But love for love's sake, that evermore 那你就能继续地爱~爱我如深海。 Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity. *15.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十五首 EBB "The sonnets from the Portuguese", No. XV 请不要这样指责我:我在你面前 Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear 露出一副太冷静、忧郁的面容, Too calm and sad a face in front of thine; 你我原是面朝着两个不同的方向~ For we too look two ways, and can not shine 那普照的阳光照不到两人的前额。 With the same sunlight on our brow and hair. 你看着我~心中没半点儿不踏实~ On me thou lookest with no doubting care, 象看着一只笼罩在水晶里的蜜蜂, As on a bee shut in a crystalline, -- 哀怨把我密封在圣洁的爱情中~ Since sorrow hath shut me safe in love's divine, 想张开双翼~扑向外面的空间、 And to spread wing and fly in the outer air 是绝不可能的失败,,哪怕我狠着心 Were most impossible failure, if I strove 追求这颠扑和失败。可是我向你看~ To fail so. But I look on thee -- on thee -- 我看见了爱~还看到了爱的结局~ Beholding, besides love, the end of love, 听到了记忆外层的哪一片寂寥: Hearing oblivion beyond memory! 就象从千层万丈之上~你向下眺望~ As one who sits and gazes from above, 只见滚滚的浪涛尽向大海里流。 Over the rivers of the bitter sea. *16.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十六首 EBB "Sonnets from the Portuguese", No. XVI 然而~因为你完全征服了我~ And yet, because thou overcomest so, 因为你那样高贵、象尊严的帝皇~ Because thou art more noble and like a king, 你能消除我的惶恐~把你的 Thou canst prevail against my fears and fling 紫袍裹绕住我~直到我的心 thy purple round me, till my heart shall grow 跟你的贴得那么紧~再想不起 Too close against thine heart henceforth to know 当初怎样独自在悸动。那宣抚~ How it shook when alone. Why, conquering 就象把人践踏在脚下~一样是 May prove as lordly and complete a thing 威严和彻底完满的征服:就象 In lifting upward, as in crushing low! 投降的兵士捧着战刀呈交给 And as a vanquished soldier yields his sword 把他从血滩里搀扶起来的主人, To one who lifts him from the bloody earth, -- 亲爱的~我终于认了输~承认: Even so, Beloved, I at last record, 我的抗拒到此为止。假如你召唤我~ Here ends my strife. If _thou_ invite me forth, 听着这话~我要从羞愧中站起。 I rise above abasement at the word. 扩大些你的爱~好提高些我的价值。 Make thy love larger to enlarge my worth. *17.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十七首 EBB "Sonnets from the Portuguese", No. XVII 我的诗人~在上帝的宇宙里~从洪荒 My poet, thou canst touch on all the notes 到终极~那参差的音律~无一不能 God set between His After and Before, 从你的指尖弹出。你一挥手 And strike up and strike off the general roar 就打断了人世间熙熙攘攘的声浪~ Of the rushing worlds a melody that floats 奏出清音~在空气里悠然荡漾, In a serene air purely. Antidotes 那柔和的旋律~象一剂凉药~把安慰 Of medicated music, answering for 带给痛苦的心灵。上帝派给你 Mankind's forlornest uses, thou canst pour 这一个职司~而吩咐我伺候你。 >From thence into their ears. God's will devotes 亲爱的~你打算把我怎样安排,,, Thine to such ends, and mine to wait on thine. 作为一个希望、给欢乐地歌唱,还是 How, Dearest, wilt thou have me for most use? 缠绵的回忆、溶化入抑扬的音调, A hope, to sing by gladly? ... or a fine 还是棕榈~还是松树,,那一树绿荫 Sad memory, with thy songs to interfuse? 让你在底下歌唱,还是一个青冢~ A shade, in which to sing ... of palm or pine? 唱倦了~你来这里躺下,请挑吧。 A grave, on which to rest from singing? .. Choose. *18.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十八首 我从不曾拿我的卷发送给谁~ I never gave a lock of hair away 除非是这一束~我最亲爱的~给你, To a man, Dearest, except this to thee, 满怀心事~我把它抽开在指尖~ Which now upon my fingers thoughtfully 拉成棕黄色的一长段,我说:“爱~ I ring out to the full brown length and say 收下吧。”我的青春已一去不回~ `Take it.' My day of youth went yesterday; 这一头散发再也不跟着我脚步一起 My hair no longer bounds to my foot's glee, 雀跃~也不再象姑娘们~在鬓发间 Nor plant I it from rose- or Myrtle-tree, 插满玫瑰和桃金娘~却让它披垂~ As girls do, any more. It only may 从一个老是歪着的头儿,,由于 Now shade on two pale cheeks the mark of tears 忧郁的癖性,,披下来遮掩着泪痕。 Taught drooping from the head that hangs aside 原以为理尸的剪刀会先把它收去~ Through sorrow's trick. I thought the funeral-shears 可不想爱情的名份得到了确认。 Would take this first, but Love is justified, -- 收下吧~那上面有慈母在弥留时给儿女 Take it thou, ... finding pure, from all those years, 印下的一吻,,这些年始终保持着洁净。 The kiss my mother left here when she died. *19.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第十九首 心灵跟心灵也有市场和贸易~ The soul's Rialto hath its merchandize; 在那儿我拿卷发去跟卷发交换, I barter curl for curl upon that mart, 从我那诗人的前额~我收下了 And from my poet's forehead to my heart 这一束~几根发丝~在我心里 Receive this lock which outweighs argosies, -- 却重过了飘洋大船。它那带紫的乌亮~ As purply black, as erst to Pindar's eyes 在我眼里~就象当初平达所看见的 The dim purpureal tresses gloomed athwart 斜披在缪斯玉额前暗紫色的秀发。 The nine white Muse-brows. From this counterpart, ... 为了媲美~我猜想那月桂冠的阴影 The bay-crown's shade, Beloved, I surmise, 依然逗留在发尖,,爱~你看它 Still lingers on thy curl, it is so black! 有多么黑:我借轻轻的一吻~吐出 Thus, with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath, 温柔的气息~绾住了那阴影~不让它 I tie the shadows safe from gliding back, 溜走,又把礼品放在最妥贴的地方,, And lay the gift where nothing hindereth, 我的心头~叫它就象生长在你额上~ Here on my heart, as on thy brow, to lack 感受着体热~直到那心儿有一天冷却。 No natural heat till mine grows cold in death. *20.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十首 亲爱的~我亲爱的~我想到从前,, Beloved, my Beloved, when I think 一年之前~当时你正在人海中间~ That thou wast in the world a year ago, 我却在这一片雪地中独坐~ What time I sat alone here in the snow 望不见你迈步留下的踪迹~ And saw no footprint, heard the silence sink 也听不见你的謦咳冲破了这死寂, No moment at thy voice, ... but, link by link, 我只是一环又一环计数着我周身 Went counting all my chains as if that so 沉沉的铁链~怎么也想不到还有你,, They never could fall off at any blow 仿佛谁也别想把那锁链打开。 Struck by thy possible hand .. why, thus I drink 啊~我喝了一大杯美酒:人生的奇妙: Of life's great cup of wonder! Wonderful, 奇怪啊~我从没感觉到白天和黑夜 Never to feel thee thrill the day or night 都有你的行动、声音在空中震荡~ With personal act or speech, -- nor even cull 也不曾从你看着成长的白花里~ Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white 探知了你的消息,,就象无神论者 Thou sawest growing! Atheists are dull, 那样鄙陋~猜不透神在神的化外: Who cannot guess God's presence out of sight. *21.EEB 勃朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十一首 EBB ``Sonnets From the Portuguese'' No. XXI 请说了一遍~再向我说一遍~ Say over again, and yet once over again, 说“我爱你:”即使那样一遍遍重复~ That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated 你会把它看成一支“布谷鸟的歌曲”, Should seem `a cuckoo-song,' as thou dost treat it. 可是记着~在那青山和绿林间~ Remember, never to the hill or plain, 那山谷和田野中~纵使清新的春天 Valley and wood, without her cuckoo-strain 披着全身绿装降临、也不算完美无缺~ Comes the fresh Spring in all her green completed. 要是她缺少了那串布谷鸟的音节。 Beloved, I, amid the darkness greeted 爱~四周那么黑暗~耳边只听见 By a doubtful spirit-voice, in that doubt's pain 惊悸的心声~处于那痛苦的不安中~ Cry, ... `Speak once more ... thou lovest!' Who can fear 我嚷道:“再说一遍:我爱你:”谁嫌 Too many stars, though each in heaven shall roll, -- 太多的星~即使每颗都在太空转动, Too many flowers, though each shall crown the year? 太多的花~即使每朵洋溢着春意, Say thou dost love me, love me, love me -- toll 说你爱我~你爱我~一声声敲着银钟: The silver iterance! -- only minding, Dear, 只是记住~还得用灵魂爱我~在默默里。 To love me also in silence with thy soul. *22.EEB 白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二十二首 EBB "Sonnets from the Portuguese", No. XXII 当我俩的灵魂壮丽地挺立起来~ When our two souls stan up erect and strong, 默默地~面对着面~越来越靠拢~ Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher, 那伸张的翅膀在各自弯圆的顶端~ Util the lengthening wings break into fire 迸出了火星。世上还有什么苦恼~ At each curved point, -- what bitter wrong 落到我们头上~而叫我们不甘心 Can the earth do to us, that we should not long 在这里长留,你说哪。再往上~就有 Be here contented? Think. In mounting higher, 天使抵在头上~为我们那一片 The angels would press on us and aspire 深沉、亲密的静默落下成串 To drop some golden orb of perfect song 金黄和谐的歌曲。亲爱的~让我俩 Into our deep, dear silence. Let us stay 就相守在地上吧,,人世的争吵、熙攮 Rather on earth, Beloved, -- where the unfit 都向后退隐~留给纯洁的灵魂 Contrarious moods of men recoil away 一方隔绝~容许在这里面立足~ And isolate pure spirits, and permit 在这里爱~爱上一天~尽管昏黑的 A place to stand and love in for a day, 死亡~不停地在它的四围打转。 With darkness and the death-hour rounding it.
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