首页 我的大学五年规划



我的大学五年规划我的大学五年规划 我的五年规划 不经意间,日子悄悄的从我们的指间流过,回首,我的大学生活已经过去了一年多了,这一年多的时间让我学会了很多,也成长了很多。大学是一个和高中完全不一样的小社会,高中我们的目的就是一个,上大学,我们当时对大学充满了美好的憧憬,以为大学就是自由的天堂。如今如愿步入了大学的殿堂,发现在大学我们真的自由了,解放了,我们有了大把的属于自己的时间,完全可以自己安排与支配。确实,现在挺自由的。但是这也只是其中的一面,另一方面,我们有更多的事情要做。在这里,我们要学习,要锻炼,要适应,要完善,要提高...

我的大学五年规划 我的五年规划 不经意间,日子悄悄的从我们的指间流过,回首,我的大学生活已经过去了一年多了,这一年多的时间让我学会了很多,也成长了很多。大学是一个和高中完全不一样的小社会,高中我们的目的就是一个,上大学,我们当时对大学充满了美好的憧憬,以为大学就是自由的天堂。如今如愿步入了大学的殿堂,发现在大学我们真的自由了,解放了,我们有了大把的属于自己的时间,完全可以自己安排与支配。确实,现在挺自由的。但是这也只是其中的一面,另一方面,我们有更多的事情要做。在这里,我们要学习,要锻炼,要适应,要完善,要提高。 四年的大学生活,有的人过的浑浑噩噩,醉生梦死,空虚颓废;也有的人过的充实而健康。我想在大学做一个规划是十分必要的,这样我们的生活才会有条不紊,忙而不乱。毕业后的两年也是十分关键的,所以我打算制定一个五年规划,为我的人生指明方向,明确目标。我打算从三个方面一一制the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 定我的规划,这分别是学习,生活,学生工作,就业准备这三个方面。当然在执行的时候我也可以根据具体情况灵活地调整。 一、 学习方面 学习是学生的天职,活到老,学到老。首先,我要明确我在学习方面的最终目标,那就是在三年之后得到宿迁学院学位委员会颁发的“宿迁学院学士学位”。这是梦想,但也是目标,而且是必须达到的目标。我打算在大学四年努力上好专业课,认真对待每一次考试,绝不挂一科。并且争取平均成绩达到优秀。 尤其是我的英语,我目前已经通过了英语四级,我 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 在大二通过英语六级。同时,在平时我也积极地学习英语,锻炼口语和听力。计算机方面我计划努力拿到二级证书。其实,我认为作为一个新时期的大学生,光学习自己课内的知识是不够的,所以我规划在大学四年中,自己学习一到两种技能,比如电脑网络技术。 二、 生活方面 在生活方面,我应该做到以艰苦朴素为the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻。作为一个大学生,我不应该对生活提过高的要求,条件还说得过去,我就不会也不应该去抱怨。同时也因为我以后的发展需要,我必须时刻适应艰苦朴素的生活条件。另外,我始终相信,一个生活俭朴的人在学业和事业上是会成功的。所以,我对学习生活方面的规划总结起来四个字:艰苦奋斗。 大学也是我第一次离开父母,一个人在外地生活,各方面都要自己打理、安排。第一次感受宿舍集体生活,我认识了一群好姐妹,学会了怎样关心他人,与他人融洽相处,学会了宽容与理解,学会了合作与团结。 三、 学生工作方面 我是一个对工作认真负责的人,而且我的性格外向,待人热情大方,这一点很适合当学生干部。目前我担任校团组织干事一职,也在院学生会工作,我真心希望我能为同学们服务。在社会生活方面,我很愿意积极参加各项活动。除此以外,我对大学的社会活动的规划还包括以下几条:首先,进入学生会,并积极参与活动。第二,我应该在大学the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 建立一个稳定、健康而且作用巨大的朋友圈。第三,我应该在假期积极参与社会活动,例如打工或者参与大学组织的社会活动。这些活动会对我的未来有重大的积极影响。 在大学期间,我有一个最大的梦想,就是希望加入中国共产党,我真心的希望靠近党组织,靠近这个先进的团体,成为一个积极的分子,并且能积极配合协助老师的工作,全心全意服务周围的同学。如果这个梦想能够实现,这个目标能够达到,那将是对我的一大鼓励,同时也将是对我的鞭策。所以,加入共产党是我的规划中很重要的一条。 四、 就业准备 毕业后,我们每个人都将步入社会,选择一份职业。所以我打算在大四就着手准备就业,正确评价自己,制定就业目标;拓展学习范围和就业机会,熟练掌握就业政策;积极做好求职就业的知识、心理和技巧等方面的准备。主要的内容有:对前三年的准备做一个总结。然后,开始毕业后工作的申请,the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 积极参加招聘活动,在实践中检验自己的积累和准备;预习或模拟面试、参加面试等;积极利用学校提供的条件,强化求职技巧、进行模拟面试等训练。 在寒暑假期间,我会抽出时间去学习驾照,都说一个二十一世纪的人才必须具备英语,计算机和驾驶这三种技能,所以在大学前,驾照我是一定要拿到手的。 以上就是我最近五年的规划,也许有一些不全面和欠妥的地方,我想我以后的实践中我会进一步完善这个规划的。这是我的一个规划,一个目标,我会不断的朝这个目标努力,一步步的实现我的一个个愿望。我相信机遇总是会偏爱那些有准备的头脑,我会时刻准备着迎接未来的挑战,完善我的人生。 本文档共有1768字 the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes
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