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中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica)


中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica)中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica) 中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica) A single choice (the title of 20 items, each item of 1 points, a total of 20 points) 1. the effective ingredient of Herba Ephedrae is (D. ephedrine) ) A. B. of pse...

中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica)
中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica) 中药药理学(Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica) A single choice (the title of 20 items, each item of 1 points, a total of 20 points) 1. the effective ingredient of Herba Ephedrae is (D. ephedrine) ) A. B. of pseudoephedrine volatile oil C. tannin 2. the effective component of cassia twig dilating blood vessel is (D. cinnamon oil) A. Guizhi resin B. tannin C. mucus 3. it can explain the pharmacological action of Bupleurum Root on exterior heat relieving effect (A. antipyretic effect) Hypotensive effect of B. C. anti-inflammatory effect D. antibacterial effect 4. the drug that has the effect of hypertension (D. ephedra) A. Guizhi B. Bupleurum C. Radix Puerariae Less than 5. of the description of honeysuckle pharmacological action is incorrect (D. hypotensive effect) A. antibacterial action B. antipyretic effect C. resistant microorganisms 6. the effective component of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is (D. baicalin) A. baicalin B. baicalin C. baicalein The difference between antipyretic effect of 7. Qingre drugs and that of relieving exterior syndrome lies in clearing away heat (D. is not accompanied by obvious sweating) A. antipyretic B. cooling C. is accompanied by obvious sweating 8. the main component of rhubarb purgative action is (C. conjugated anthracene glycoside) A. emodin B. Rhein D. tannin 9. the drug with the ability to regulate tissue repair and regeneration is D. Salvia miltiorrhiza A. Corydalis B. Chuanxiong C. Guizhi 10. which of the following actions is the unique pharmacological action of resolving table drugs? (B. sweating) ) A. antipyretic C. antibacterial, antiviral, D. anti-inflammatory 11.. What is the role of water wetting medicine? (D. liters of blood pressure) A. diuretic B. liver protection C. gallbladder 12.. The chemical composition of the heart toxicity of aconite is (A. aconitine) B. methyl chloride dopamine C. higenamine D. salsolinol There are 13. obvious hypolipidemic effect of digestion medicine is (B. Hawthorn) A. chicken C. malt D. Valley bud The hemostatic component of 14. 37 was (B. 37 amino acid) A. 37 saponin C. 37 flavonoids A D. oleanolic acid type saponins 15. what is the effect of Ligustrazine on myocardial ischemia? (A. dilatation of the coronary artery) B. increases coronary flow C. dilate blood vessel, decrease blood pressure, D. increase collateral circulation 16. which does the jujube seed do not have the pharmacological action? (D. anti shock) A. sedation and hypnosis B. antiarrhythmic C. reduces blood lipids 17. the drug that can obviously improve the hypoxia tolerance of the central nervous system is D. borneol ) A. B. musk storax C. Acorus calamus 18. the effect of tonifying deficiency medicine on substance metabolism is incorrect description (B. raises blood sugar) A. promotes nucleic acid metabolism and protein synthesis C. supplement nutrition D. reduce blood fat 19. incorrect description of the role of ginseng in cardiovascular system is (A. speeds up heart rate) B. dilated vessels C. anti shock D. anti myocardial ischemia 20. hemostatic agents that promote blood clotting and promote vasoconstriction A. 37 B. pollen Rhizoma Bletillae D. C. agrimoniae Two, multiple-choice questions (the big topic 9 items, each item of 2 points, a total of 18 points) In the five option of each item listed in at least two is in line with the requirements of the subject, please fill in the code in question after the brackets. The wrong choice, multiple choice, choose less or not choose no points. 1. the following antipyretic drugs have antitumor effect A. Sophora flavescens B. Houttuynia cordata C. Coptis chinensis D. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi E. Artemisia annua 2. the pharmacological action of Coptis chinensis has () A. decreases capillary permeability and B. regulates smooth muscle C. hemostasis promotes bile secretion by D. E. lowering blood pressure 3. what are the following statements about Alisma orientalis? () A. is the most powerful collector in winter B. has a slightly less effect on spring gatherers C. raw, wine fried, fried bran have diuretic effect D. salt has no diuretic effect In E. five Ling powder, Alisma orientalis has the same diuretic effect whether it is used or salt fried 4. what is the pharmacological action of musk (?) A. inotropic effect of B. increases myocardial blood supply C. excitatory center D. inhibitory Center E. Depressurization 5. according to the pharmacological action of rhubarb, it has been used for treatment in recent years A. acute pancreatitis B. hypertension C. D. immune hypofunction in icteric hepatitis E. acute cholecystitis 6.. 37 can be used clinically for treatment A. diabetes mellitus B. cholecystitis C. angina pectoris D. coronary heart disease SGPT elevated E. in chronic hepatitis Digestion medicine with antibacterial effect is (7.) A. chicken B. Hawthorn C. D. millet sprout of semen Raphani E. Divine Comedy 8. about the pharmacological action of Platycodon grandiflorum, the correct narration is () A. has an excitatory effect on smooth muscle, and B. inhibits gastric secretion C. has elevated blood pressure, D. has the effect of increasing blood sugar E. has antipyretic and sedative effects 9. drugs with antispasmodic action have () A. antelope horn B. Gastrodia elata C. Uncaria D. earthworm E. scorpion Three, fill in the blanks (the title of 9 items, each 1 points, a total of 26 points) Please fill in the correct answer in each item in the blanks. No fill and no fill. 1. the main factors affecting the pharmacological effects of a drug ______ ___ ___ factors and environmental factors, body factors ______. The 2. main components, ______ toxicity of Tripterygium ______, the major toxicity ______. The main effective components of aconite is 3. boost _ salsolinol beta receptor _____, _ alpha receptor agonist _____, and effective components of precipitation is mainly __ demethylcoclaurine ____. 4. in addition to anti pathogen in vitro, the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory __ antitoxin ____ ______ also participated in the anti infection effect. There are 5. pharmacological effects of Gastrodia elata __ anticonvulsant, sedative, antihypertensive ______ ______ ____. 6. effect of Puerarin on the cardiovascular system has __ ____ anti myocardial ischemia, anti arrhythmia, ______ dilate cerebral vessels to improve cerebral circulation ______. DNA synthesis and antitumor effects and inhibit tumor cell 7. and ______ of Polyporus. 8. effects on the nervous system in Fuzi ______, ______, ______. 9. to ______, ______ Guizhi enhancement, is conducive to ______, these pharmacological effects and efficacy of ______, ______ match. Four, short answer questions (the big topic 6 items, each item of 6 points, a total of 36 points) 1. briefly describe the similarities and differences between pharmacological effects of traditional Chinese medicine and the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine. 2. briefly describe the pharmacological action of Qingre medicine. 3. what is the mechanism of rhubarb purgative action? Rhubarb after oral administration of conjugated anthraquinone without intestinal absorption and directly in Escherichia coli, bacterial enzyme hydrolysis in E. Cheng Ganyuan, aglycones stimulate the intestinal mucosa and intestinal wall muscle layer of nerve plexus, promote intestinal peristalsis, thus play a role to write; inhibition of smooth muscle Na, K-ATP enzyme, Na can not self transfer to the cell in the intestinal cavity, the bowel lumen volume increased, stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, play the role of anthraquinone is written; choline like effect, excitatory M receptors, promote intestinal peristalsis; some anthraquinone is absorbed in the small intestine after transcatheter reduction into aglycone by blood or bile juice, to play the role of e.. 4. briefly describe the effect of Coptis chinensis on cardiovascular system. Anti arrhythmic, antihypertensive, positive inotropic, anti myocardial ischemia. 5. briefly describe the effect of Angelica sinensis on blood and hematopoietic system. 6. brief introduction of the main pharmacological actions of ephedra. Sweating, relieving asthma, diuresis, antipyretic, anti inflammation, anti allergy, anti microbial, antitussive and expectorant A single choice (the title of 20 items, each item of 1 points, a total of 20 points) 1. bitter medicine has dampness or diarrhea, and which contains the following ingredients (A. organic acid)? Volatile oil of B. C. tannin D. alkaloids The 2. component is the strongest effect of Yinchen cholagogue (A.6, 7- two methoxycoumarin) B. chlorogenic acid C. coffee acid D. capillarisin 3. which of the following actions is the unique pharmacological action of resolving table drugs (B. sweating)? A. antipyretic C. antibacterial, antiviral, D. anti-inflammatory 4. effective components of Gentiana is anti-inflammatory (A. gentianin) B. from base B C. gentianal D. gentiopicroside 5. which of the following drugs has the pharmacological effects against fatty liver? A. B. from Fuling C. D. Alisma capillaris 6. the effective component of artemisinin against Plasmodium is artemisinin (B. artemisinin) A. Artemisia annua C. beta - D. ene Seven The drug that has the effect of raising white blood cells is (C. Codonopsis pilosula) A. Astragalus B. acanthopanax bark D. Coptis chinensis Franch 8. which of the following Chinese herbal medicines has no antihypertensive effect (C. Anemarrhena)? A. Coptis chinensis B. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi D. Shandougen The correct description of the analgesic effect of Corydalis alkaloids below 9. is correct (D. tetrahydropalmatine, corydalis corydalis and tetrahydropalmatine) ) A. Corydalis B, corydalis a, corydalis Corydalis B. Corydalis a > Corydalis b > Corydalis C. Corydalis ugly, tetrahydropalmatine, tetrahydropalmatine 10. the following mistakes related to Gastrodia elata are (D. gastrodin can accelerate heart rate) A. Gastrodia elata has sedative and anticonvulsant effect, B. Gastrodia elata has analgesic effect C. Gastrodia elata has antihypertensive effect 11. of the indications for the disease are B. pulmonary encephalopathy ) A. major epilepsy, C. asthma, D. coma caused by cirrhosis 12. the characteristic of acute poisoning of ginseng is (C. bleeding) A. headache B. elevated body temperature D. insomnia 13. the drug that inhibits humoral immune function is C. Codonopsis pilosula A. licorice B. Angelica D. wolfberry fruit 14. the effect of Astragalus membranaceus on blood pressure is ( ) A. is fast and persistent B. boost quickly and temporarily C. continuous administration is easy to tolerate quickly The antihypertensive components of D. are gamma aminobutyric acid and astragaloside IV 15., taking Extractum Glycyrrhizae Liquidum, often occur high blood pressure, edema, blood potassium decreased, because licorice has () A. vasoconstriction, elevated blood pressure B. antagonized aldosterone receptor C. increases renin level, D. mineralocorticoid like effect No sedation is 16. of the following drugs (D. pollen) A. Chuanxiong B. Salvia miltiorrhiza C. Corydalis 17. most complement drugs enhance cellular immune function, and the correct description is that (C. improves lymphocyte transformation rate) A. increased the weight of immune organs B. and enhanced phagocytosis of macrophages D. increased WBC 18. of the following statements about musk are correct (more than D. are not) A. musk has inhibitory effect on uterine smooth muscle, B. musk has obvious inhibitory effect on tumor tissue C. musk had no effect on the central nervous system 19. Chuanxiong can be used to treat (A. ulcer disease) B. insomnia C. angina pectoris D. menstrual pain 20. below the therapeutic effect of Rhizoma Coptidis is inconsistent with (B. treatment of viral hepatitis) A. bacillary dysentery C. treating fetal irritability D. diabetes Two, multiple-choice questions (the big topic 10 items, each item of 2 points, a total of 20 points) In the five option of each item listed in at least two is in line with the requirements of the subject, please fill in the code in question after the brackets. The wrong choice, multiple choice, choose less or not choose no points. 1. the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis drugs on microcirculation is mainly manifested in () A. accelerates microvascular B. to improve microvascular morphology C. promotes microvascular re opening and D. promotes neovascularization E. decreases capillary permeability 2. what are the following statements about Alisma orientalis? A. was the most powerful collector in winter, and B. was less effective in spring C. raw, wine fried, fried bran have diuretic effect, D. salt fried without diuretic effect In E. five Ling powder, Alisma orientalis has the same diuretic effect whether it is used or salt fried 3. what is the pharmacological action of musk? A. inotropic effect of B. increases myocardial blood supply C. excitatory center D. inhibitory Center Anti inflammatory effect of E. According to the mechanism, 4. kinds of diarrhea can be divided into () A. stimulation of B. C. volumetric D. lubricity E.'s harsh nature 5. the effective component of Uncaria depressor is () A. Uncaria alkaloids B. C. de hydrogen sulfide D. The base E. The pharmacological actions of 6. and 37 have () A. hemostatic B. antiarrhythmic C. analgesia D. lowering blood pressure E. anti-inflammatory 7. the pharmacological action of heat clearing drugs has () A. antibacterial B. antipyretic C. analgesia improves immune system by D. E. anti-inflammatory 8. in the following tonic drugs, it has the effect of protecting liver (()) A. Ginseng B. Astragalus membranaceus C. licorice D. Angelica E. wolfberry fruit 9. which of the following components are common to Angelica sinensis and Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort? A. ligustilide saponin B. C. gamma aminobutyric acid D. ferulic acid E. betaine 10. Salvia miltiorrhiza injection can cause which of the following adverse reactions (?) A. blood pressure drops B. skin itch C. headache, dizziness, D. palpitations E. allergic rash Three, fill in the blanks (the title of 11 items, each 1 points, a total of 30 points) please fill in the correct answer in each item in the blanks. No fill and no fill. 1. effect of Angelica sinensis on the blood and hematopoietic system have ___ hematopoietic ___, ___ antithrombotic ___, ___ hypolipidemic ___. The main effective components of Angelica angelica polysaccharide is ___ ___. 2. Lee water wet medicine is the main pharmacological effects of ___ diuretic, anti pathogenic microorganism ___ ___ ___, ___ choleretic ___. 3. for ___ constipation, rhubarb clinical ___ ___ in acute and chronic renal failure, acute infectious disease ___ ___ ___. 4. Pinggan Xifeng drugs main pharmacological effect is ___ sedative anticonvulsant ___, ___ ___, ___ antihypertensive antipyretic analgesic ___. 5. the mechanism of Rhubarb in the treatment of uremia is ______, ______. 6. Chinese medicine has ______ effect, namely the same two kinds of herbs can regulate the pathological state of the opposite. The main component of the ______ 7. Bupleurum antipyretic, ______. The 8. is the main pharmacological ______ ______, Radix Isatidis, ______. 9. of the ______, Coptis cardiovascular ______, ______. The 10. hemostatic hemostatic mechanism for ______, ______, ______. 11. effect of Astragalus on cardiovascular system has ______, ______, its main component is ______. Four, short answer questions (the big topic 6 items, each item of 5 points, a total of 30 points) 1. briefly describe the pharmacological action and modern application of Qingre medicine. 2. briefly describe the mechanism of Rhubarb in the treatment of diabetes. 3. briefly describe the analgesic effect of corydalis. 4. briefly describe the anti myocardial ischemia effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza. 5. briefly describe the main pharmacological actions of Angelica sinensis. 6. briefly describe the characteristics of pharmacological action of traditional Chinese medicine.
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