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[精品]美语咖啡屋lesson21-30[精品]美语咖啡屋lesson21-30 Lesson 21 - Campaign Manager Y: 各位听众好,欢迎到美语咖啡屋,我是杨晨。 J: Hello. Welcome to American Cafe. I'm Jody. So, Yang Chen, this is a big political year in the United States. The race for the White House is not going to be an easy one. Y: 你说的没错。今...

[精品]美语咖啡屋lesson21-30 Lesson 21 - Campaign Manager Y: 各位听众好,欢迎到美语咖啡屋,我是杨晨。 J: Hello. Welcome to American Cafe. I'm Jody. So, Yang Chen, this is a big political year in the United States. The race for the White House is not going to be an easy one. Y: 你说的没错。今年的竞争非常激烈。现在你只要一打开电视,就能看到竞选 广告里民主党和共和党在相互攻击。 J: But Yang Chen, don't forget; it's not only the White House. There are also Congressional races going on in the States that are very important. In fact, our guest today is Richard Martin, the campaign manager for Christopher Turman's congressional challenge in West Virginia. 实录1 Richard Martin: My name is Richard Martin. I'm managing Christopher Turman's Congressional challenge in West Virginia 2. Y: Oh, Richard是一个竞选活动负责人。他刚才说的West Virginia 2是什么意思? J: West Virginia 2 means the Second Congressional District in West Virginia. All States are divided into districts and those districts each has their own congressional representation. Y: 这种选区的划分还挺复杂的。 J: So complicated! That's why I'm not in politics. So, I asked Richard why he is drawn to politics. Here's what he had to say. Y: 我看我们还是听听Richard来解释他为什么热衷于政治吧。 实录2 Richard Martin: I've been a political professional for about 5 years. I'm drawn to it mostly because I...I...I believe that all too often the government's used as a tool for certain people to get what they want done and it sort of ignores what would be better for most people. Y: Richard投身政治是要促使政府为大众,而不是为少数人服务。嗯,我觉得他 这个理念很崇高啊。 J: Oh, absolutely. Many people believe that government is a tool that is used by huge companies and big business and not everyday people, you know, 老百 姓。 Y: 对,我们选国会议员就是要让他们为老百姓服务。 J: Exactly. And Richard believes that the better representatives we elect, the better everyone's lives will be. Now, let's hear from Richard. 实录3 Richard Martin: I think the better representatives we elect the better everyone's lives are gonna be. And we need our government to work for the people and not the huge companies. Y: 他说得没错。政府就是应该代表人民的利益,所以大家都应该参与政治。那 候选Turman先生有没有在集会上讲话呢, J: Of course, here's the candidate, Christopher Turman, explaining why he is running for office in West Virginia. He also slams, oh, “slams”... Yang Chen, 用 汉语怎么讲, Y:就是猛烈抨击的意思。 J: He slams his opponent, a Republican woman named Shelly Moore Capito by saying that she was only elected on the coattails of President Bush. Y: 你刚才用coattail这个词,就是上衣或燕尾服的下摆。这让我想起中文里的“裙 带关系”,是不是这个意思呢, J: 就是了~Exactly! Let's first hear Turman use the phrase "to ride on someone's coattails." 实录4 Turman: And this event is my first event and this is the first time I'm going to say publicly why I am running. In 2000 George Bush won the White House by winning West Virginia. And in 2004 he is going to lose the White House by losing West Virginia. And Shelly Moore Capito who came in on his coattails is going to go home with him. J: Riding someone's coattails to the top is common in politics. Coattail is spelled C-O-A-T-T-A-I-L. Y: 你是在什么地方采访了Richard,周围好象很吵。 J: Oh, we spoke at a fundraiser for the candidate. Y: 其实关于竞选筹款也有很多法律条文,不过那些法律条文实在太枯燥,今天 我们就不谈了。 J: Well, we won't talk about it today. But, Yang Chen, if you want to pursue your dream of running for office someday, you'll have to know about fundraising. You could run to be the mayor of ... Happyville! Y: 如果我成为Happyville的市长,我会让所有的街道都干净整洁,Happyville 永远鸟语花香,坐taxi不用花钱,买东西不用排队...... J: Yang Chen! Yang Chen, wake up and smell the coffee. You're not running for mayor of Happyville. You're the host of American Cafe. Now, will you say goodbye to everyone. Y: 噢,对不起,我们下次再见。 J: Vote for Yang Chen! Lesson 22 - Garrett the Stylist Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋,我是杨晨。 J: Hello. Welcome to American Cafe. My name is Jody. Y: Jody, 我发现你今天头发很漂亮。 J: Oh, thanks so much! But, Yang Chen don't get me started on my hair. Y: 为什么, J: I was butchered a couple of years ago by people who just didn't understand how to cut curly hair. Look! I have a picture of what one of them did to my hair. Y: Oh, oh... J: I know! It's bad! Y: 其实也不是很丑了,不过看上去是有点奇怪。 J: I know. Give me that back. (Enter sound of picture being snatched away) J: I know it was strange looking. But finally, finally, I found someone who can cut my hair. Garret Johnson at Fiddleheads! Y: 我倒是很好奇这个Garret是个什么样的人。 J: Well, Garret had a few rocky starts as a young man. He dropped out of college four times and then got kicked out of his parent's house. Y: 他四次从大学退学,还被他父母赶了出来。这个人一定非常叛逆。 J: Those rocky starts led him to a very successful career. He is known all over Washington, D.C. for his ability to cut curly hair. And now...the famous...Mr. Garrett Johnson!! (Enter drum roll under) 实录1 Garret Johnson: Why I got into the hairdressing? Briefly, partially was because of dropping out of college four times and not knowing what to do with my life. And I got kicked out of my parent's house and while I was kicked out I met hairdresser. And I saw that he did really bad hair and the women were giving him a lot of money. And I said, "I can do that and I can do it better. " Y: 有的人没上过大学也可以有成功的事业。Garrett就是一个很好的例子。 J: Absolutely! Especially for artistic people who don't know what they want to do college can be a terribly boring place. Y: 你是在告诉我们的听众上学不重要吗, J: No, no, of course not. Getting an education is very important, of course. But some people find other ways. Y: 没错。我只是跟你开玩笑。上大学并不一定适合每个人。 J: And I can tell, in high school I wasn't a very good student. But I managed to go to China and study Chinese. So, don't give up! If you are a young person who's in high school or college and you don't like it that much, don't give up! You'll find something that you like. Okay, maybe we should go back to our show. Y: 他父母为什么要把他赶出来呢, J: Yang Chen, I don't know! That's none of our business! Y: Uh oh. 对不起。我不该探听别人的隐私,可是我真的很想知道啊~ J: I know, I asked but he wouldn't tell me. Y: You are terrible. 说起“terrible”这个词来,你知道上次我的头发就被剪坏了! J: I remember! Your hair was terrible. I remember that terrible haircut, Yang Chen. ... Well, it was bad. Y: 有那么回事吗, J: Oh, you're telling me? You are telling me about a terrible haircut!? You, Yang Chen, are tell... Look at this picture!! Look at this picture!! That is a terrible haircut. And you know what? You know a good hairdresser when you meet them. I asked Garrett "What is the hardest thing about being a hairdresser?" and this is what he had to say. 实录2 Garret Johnson: In my opinion one of the most difficult things is that if we make mistakes or if something doesn't work out, there's really not much we can do. Whereas in a regular job, for example, if you're typing and you make a mistake you put white out on it and it's gone. If you mess up someone's hair it's there for the rest of ... until it grows out. Y: 说了半天他的意思是说你的头发剪坏了,他也没法儿补救。 J: But you don't have to worry (be)'cause Garrett very rarely makes mistakes. But everyone makes mistakes. On the other hand, I bet it feels really to make someone feel happy about how they look. Let's hear from Garrett. 实录3 Garret Johnson: Having someone tell you "You're a genius!" that's really nice! But really talking to people and meeting new people is what I like about it the most. Y: 看来Garrett真的很喜欢他的工作。下次我也应该试试让他给我剪头发。 J: Oh, good idea. Summer's here and you get a short haircut. Y: 我头发还不够短啊, J: A really short haircut. (Enter buzz sound of razor) J: Thanks for joining us on American Cafe. Y: 谢谢您到美语咖啡屋。我们下次节目再见。不过到那时候我的头发就非常非 常短了。 Lesson 23 - DC Politics & / Culture Y: 各位听众好~ 我是杨晨~ 欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。 J: Hello, I'm Jody. Welcome to American Cafe! Yang Chen, that is a great outfit! You certainly have an eye for fashion. Hey, speaking of fashion have you ever thought about how fashion is connected to politics and society. Y: 时装和政治的关系,我从来没想过。 J: I never thought about it until I spoke to a woman named Tina. She's lived in Washington, D.C. for many years and she studied fashion. Y: Tina在华盛顿住了多少年, J: Let's hear Tina as she answers the question, "How long have you lived in Washington, D.C.?" Tina: Seven administrations. Y: Interesting! 她没有说她在华盛顿住了多少年,而是说Seven administrations 就是七届政府的意思。哇,她可真是个见过世面的人啊。 J: Oh, I bet she has. And with her background in fashion, Tina has a really interesting view of D.C. that involves the connection between politics, society and fashion. Y: 说起fashion来,这当然是我最喜欢谈论的题目之一。不过政治和时装真的有 那么大关系吗, J: Oh, let's hear from Tina as she compares the Democrats and the Clinton administration who she feels are more hip, more liberal, with the more conservative Republican Party. Y: Jody, 你刚才说的hip, 你能给听众解释一下这个好吗, J: Oh, sure. Hip is spelled H-I-P. If a person if "hip" they are in sync or in step with fashion. Y: 就是很时髦的意思。 J: 对了~Exactly! Here's Tina. 实录1 Tina: I'd say, since the Clinton administration it has become much more hip because the Clinton's brought in a much younger, hipper, much more liberal crowd which is much open and less conservative clothing. Y: 如果我没理解错的话, 她的意思是说,不同政党的政府能够影响人们的行为 举止和穿着打扮, 是吗, J: You got it. The pulse P-U-L-S-E of the city changes overnight. Y: Pulse在这里是节奏的意思。 J: Talking about the former President Clinton, another difference is that he often had free concerts on the Mall where he brought in bands from all over the world. Y: 没错,在克林顿执政的时候,在白宫附近的大草坪上经常有免费音乐会,而 且那些乐队来自世界各地。 J: Again, here's Tina. 实录2 Tina: You can feel the pulse It just changes overnight. Down to the inauguration Bill Clinton brought in bands from all over the world like Los Lobos and Santana. And these were free concerts on The Mall. Whereas, during the Reagan Administration they banned the Beach Boys. I mean, it's this complete flip flop in culture. Y: 你得解释一下Flip Flop这个说法。 J: Flip flop is spelled F-L-I-P, F-L-O-P. And flip flop means to change from one thing quickly to the exact opposite. Y: Flip flop就是突然转变或截然不同的意思。 J: There's also a flip flop in what restaurants are popular. Tina explains that Democrats usually prefer fun and trendy restaurants which is a flip flop from the more expensive, what she calls the "expense account" restaurants that Republicans prefer. 实录3 Tina: The restaurants that people go to are more fun. They are less like the expense account restaurants. That's more of a Republican thing to do. Whereas the Democrats tend to bring in people who are working on human rights and the environment. You're not going to take them to a steak house if you're working with PETA. So, there's a direct reflection on not only the clothes but on restaurants and business. Y: Tina 这个人好玩儿 。不过你得先解释一下PETA是什么意思,要不别人以为 你不带他们去吃牛排是因为你小气呢。 J: I'm not cheap. I just don't eat meat very often. But PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Y: 噢,是个动物保护组织。 J: Exactly. So, I don't think they eat a lot of steak. I'm sure of that. But you know Bush is from Texas and Texas produces a huge amount of beef. Y: 对,这下我知道今年大选我要投谁的票了,我最不喜欢吃牛肉,所以... J: Hey, what a minute! You're not supposed to say that on the air! You know better than that. Y: 那好吧,那我等会儿悄悄告诉你好了。各位听众,我们下次节目再见。 J: Thanks for joining us on American Cafe! Lesson 24 - Sean & / Natasha Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hello and welcome to American Cafe! I'm Jody. This week, Yang Chen and I go back to the dance hall! Y: 没错,不过这次我们要学的是交际舞。 J: Today we are going to talk to Sean and Natasha. They are dance partners who compete in a style of ballroom dancing called Latin dancing. Y: 我告诉你一句悄悄话。 J: What's that? Y: 其实我不太喜欢交际舞。 J: Why don't you like ballroom dancing, Yang Chen? Y: 其实也没有什么特别的原因。就是一说起来交际舞我就想到那些跳舞的人, 他们的姿势特别强硬,有时候脸上的表情有点奇怪。 J: Well, I think I know what you are talking about. But, Sean and Natasha don't do that kind of dancing. The style of dancing that Sean and Natasha do is Latin style. And it is hot and passionate and dramatic and most of all sexy. Y: Sexy? J: Very sexy. When I was watching Sean and Natasha and the way their bodies moved together, 我的脸红了。 They have great chemistry. Y: 你也会脸红。你刚才说的great chemistry,这里是不是说他们两人搭配得天 衣无缝。 J: Exactly. Kind of like the great chemistry between us, Yang Chen! Y: 现在轮到我脸红了。 J: First, let's hear from Sean. 实录1 Sean: I'm Sean Murphy and we're standing in the Chevy Chase Ballroom, which is on Wisconsin Avenue. And I'm here with Natasha, my partner. We both compete in international style Latin dancing which is a form of ballroom dance. Y: 他们两人是不是一块儿跳舞有很长时间了, J: It seemed like they had been dancing forever so I asked. And Natasha's answer surprised me. Here's Natasha. 实录2 Natasha: Together we've dancing since November of 2003. But separately of course we had different partners previously and danced separately, of course. But then we got together in November and decided to dance together. Y: 其实他们两在一块儿的时间不是太长。 J: Not long at all. Yang Chen, Some people just click. C-L-I-C-K, which means they instantly, have great chemistry together. Y: 没错,就好象我们两一样。一见如故。 J: 一见如故。 Y: Yeah. J: We clicked. Y: Natasha是从那个国家来的,听她讲话好象有点口音。 J: Natasha is from Russia but her accent is very slight. I think she's been in the States for many, many years. Y: Jody, 我想学跳舞并不难,但是要达到参加比赛的水平可就不容易了。 J: Most definitely. And according to Sean, if you are going to compete in a dance competition, a good partnership is everything. Y: 好,我们听听 Sean 是怎么说的: 实录3 Sean: Oh, my gosh, partners ... A partnership is pretty much everything, because when...like right now we're probably slacking a little bit and we're practicing maybe three times a week, maybe six to nine hours a week. And to be really competitive, the top couples do it almost full-time, like 40 hours a week. Y: 他和Natasha两个人每星期要练习6到9个小时,而且他还说练习这么长时 间都不够。 J: And now back to Natasha, that "special something" for her is the fact that Sean is such a good lead on the dance floor. 实录4 Natasha: Sometimes there's just one person, two persons, it's very rarely you can find a person that you can have actually good connection with, very easily you can understand that person's lead. Y: "Lead" 就是领舞的意思。 J: Right. In dancing, the man is the lead. So, let's hear from Sean. 实录5 Sean: A lead isn't really telling the woman what to do but it's more suggesting "it would be nice if you did this now." Y: 看来他们真的很有默契。 我相信他们会在比赛中取得好成绩。 J: Oh, I bet they're going to do really well at their next competition. To help them win their competitions, Yang Chen, they work with a coach who gives them choreography, 舞蹈动作的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 。 实录6 Sean: When we compete we have choreography. So, we have these routines that our coach choreographs for us so that each step is kind of predetermined. But, there's still a lot of how we ... how my body moves, how her body moves and how are bodies together. And that's... it's not just choreography, but its how we are, I guess, physically connected. Y: 看来跳舞真的不光是技巧问题,两个人配合默契更加重要。 J: Exactly. We're back to having great chemistry. Y: 没错! 你现在说服我了,我也开始喜欢交际舞了。 J: Listen to that music, Yang Chen. It's passionate, sexy! It's hot! Thanks for joining us on American Cafe. Y: 谢谢大家收听美语咖啡屋。我们下次节目再见。 Lesson 25 - John's Carpentry Y: 各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。 J: Welcome to American Cafe and today we're going to meet John who's a carpenter. Y: 真的,那太好了。我从小就向往当一个木匠。每天都可以闻到木头的清香, 可以听到锯子,锤子这些工具悦耳的声音。 (Enter tool sounds) J: Wow, Yang Chen, I had not idea that you love carpentry so much. I guess we'll have to add that to list of your dream jobs. Let's see. What do we have so far? Fighter pilot, politician and now carpenter. Y: 开战斗机,作政治家都不错,不过我今天对木匠最感兴趣。你赶快介绍我认 识一个木匠吧。 J: Sounds good. Let's get started. Hey, you guys! Turn those tools off back there! We're trying to talk! Yeah, yeah... All right, John is co-owner of a construction company and he and his partner Tony have worked together for about ten years. Here's John. John: Yeah, we do custom carpentry. Jody: John, how long have been doing carpentry? 实录1 John: Probably about 15 years. Yeah, about 15 year doing carpentry. Ten years with Tony about five years just, you know, learning from the older guys. You show an interest and they show you the secrets they want to teach you and I learned. My dad was a carpenter too. Y: 我想啊,John 的父亲也是个木匠,那么对他来说作木匠应该是最好的选择吧。 J: It's a natural choice. But I have a feeling, Yang Chen, it's not an easy job. John said there's long, hard hours with very low compensation。 Y: 你说的low compensation是什么意思啊, J: You know, compensation. Money! Moulah! Ka-ching! Y: 我们还是听听John是怎么说的吧。 实录2 John: We wish the money was better. We put in long hard hours and it just doesn't seem like we're being compensated the way we need to be compensated. J: You heard it from John - long, hard hours and low pay. You know, that just doesn't sound like a Yang Chen type of job. Y: 你这是什么意思。你是说我就喜欢那种工资高又轻松的工作吗, J: No, no, no, no. There are personal rewards with work as well. Again, here's a personal reward John gets from building a friend's deck. 实录4 John: Right now, here we are right now sitting in here looking out. It's raining. Just put done a finished product and it looks great. I guess that's the satisfaction. And to know there's gonna (going to) be a lot of parties on this deck. Alright. Good people here. Good friends. And, ah, that's basically what it's about. Y: 他怎么好象在给啤酒作广告啊。 J: He would approve of that comment. Especially since of us, uh, you know, drank a couple of beers after they worked on the deck that day. Y: 你也喜欢喝啤酒, J: Like beer? Yang Chen, you are looking at the 1993 Beer Girl of Kaifeng's best brewery. 汴京啤酒好喝~ Y: 我不知道你曾经有过这么辉煌的成就,居然给河南开封市的啤酒作电视广告。 那你当时一定也是个名人吧。 J: 不敢当。Now, I wouldn't go that far. But anyway, back to John. John uses many casual expressions when he talks like "all right" "that's what it's about." Y: 他说的"that's what it's about." 意思是“这就是重点。” J: That's what important, right. That's what it's all about. Good friends. Good people. couple of parties, you know. Y: 看来他不但是个好木匠,而且很关心他的顾客。 J: Yeah, John really wants to do a good job. According to him when you work in someone's home you can't run away from the work that you do. It has to be good, right? Y: 没错。 J: That can be stressful, I bet. 实录4 John: We have great relationships with all of our customers. They're there everyday looking at what you do. So, we try to do the best we can. And, you know, I do the same kind of work I would do in my own house in someone else's house. Y:他说的没错,在别人家干活, 主人天天监督着你,是挺不好受的。 J: So what do are saying, Yang Chen. Do you still dream of being a carpenter and work in people's homes? Y:算了吧。我还是放弃我当木匠的梦想吧。 J: I thought so. Y: 我的又一个梦想破灭了。 J: I'm sure that everyone will learn very soon another dream job that Ms. Yang Chen has. So, stay tuned. Y: 还是你了解我, Jody。好,各位听众,我们下次节目再见。 Lesson 26 - John, A Scuba Diver Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: And I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! Thanks for dropping in. Summer is just around the corner. Y: 没错,夏天要来了,我想夏天水上运动应该是最受欢迎的吧。 J: Oh yea! Water sports! I love it! Swimming, rafting, boating... Y: ...嘿,别忘了潜水。 J: Oh, that's right. I thought you would forget about it, since last time when the topic of scuba diving came up, you sounded kind of ify about it. Y: Ify? 我才不ify呢~ 哎, "ify" 到底是什么意思啊。 J: "Ify" means you're not sure about something. You're full of ifs, "if this happens..." or "if that happens..." Y: Oh. 就是不太确定的意思。没错,我 是有点ify,因为我怕水。 J: Well, whether or not I'm afraid of the ocean, this year I'm going to try it! I've had a strong feeling lately of wanting to leave the Earth. Do you know what I'm talking about? Y: 我看你又有点异想天开, 想离开地球可不好办。你又不能去太空,那剩下的 选择就只有到水底下了。 J: You got it! So, I thought I should meet some people who scuba dive. Today we're going to meet John. 实录1 John : My name is John. I'm from the Dive Shop in Fairfax, Virginia. Well, I started scuba diving in 1957 so I've been diving longer than most people I know have been alive. I have almost 10,000 scuba dives in my life and this is what I do for a career. Y: Wow, 他从57年就开始潜水了,那时候我还没出生呢。 J: Me either. Y: 那你说John 为什么热衷于潜水呢, J: Let's have John answer the question "Why do you love scuba diving?" 2 John: Well, most everyone that you know doesn't dive, so that separates 实录 you from most people. What I find is it's an opportunity to go ahead and appreciate a portion of the Earth that most people will never get a chance to see. An opportunity to go out into a relatively pristine and wild environment is quite fascinating. Y: 他刚才说的pristine这个词很好听,是什么意思呢,Jody. J: Pristine. Pristine is spelled P-R-I-S-T-I-N-E and it means that something is pure and untouched. Usually, pristine is used to describe a natural environment or landscape. Y:就是原始,或者说没有被污染的意思。 J: But you know, Yang Chen, simply going underwater is not the end goal of scuba diving. There's much more to it than that. Y: 那么潜水的真正目的是什么呢, J: Well, John says that scuba diving is not the end activity. It's all about underwater recreation, you know fun activities. Again, here's John. 实录3 John: Scuba diving itself is not the end activity here; it's underwater recreation whether or not it's exploration, whether or not it's photography, whether or not it's examination of sunken ships, or whether or not it's just simply a walk in the woods. Y: 听他这么一说,水下还真的有那么多有意思的活动呢。不过对我来说,幻想 一下还可以,真要到水底探险,那我还真的先克服怕水的心理。 J: Okay, we're going to try something here. Yang Chen, I want you to join me in a little exercise to get over your fear of water. Okay, close your eyes. Y: 在这儿, J: No, really close 'em. Just close your eyes. In fact, everybody out there close your eyes with us. Y: 哎,你怎么没闭上眼睛啊, J: Hey, just listen. Okay, just close your eyes, Yang Chen. Trust me. Y: Okay. J: First, we're stepping into the cold ocean water. Y: 我们现在走进了冰冷的海水。 J: We're slowly sinking down, down, down Y: 沉下去,一直往下沉。 J: You're breathing is relaxed. Y: 在宁静的大海里你仿佛能听到自己的呼吸声。 J: You hope. Y: Jody, 不要开玩笑,我们现在可是在水底下呢。 J: Sorry, sorry. Okay, let's go back. Let's go back. Let's go back. Suddenly, a dark image obscured behind a school of fish and seaweed becomes clearer. Y: 突然之间,你看一个巨大的黑色怪物,越来越清晰地出现在你面前。 J: It's a ship long sunken and long forgotten. Y: 原来是一艘沉睡了好几百年的船。 J: Forgotten treasures awaits you! Y: 哇,船上有那么多金银珠宝,我们发财了~~~ J: No, no, no. We have to go back! Y: 这时候,你还念什么诗啊 。快点帮我拿个大口袋来~ Lesson 27 - Mary Huff, Woman in Rock Y:各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎收听美语咖啡屋。 J: And I'm Jody. Welcome to the American Cafe. Yang Chen, you mentioned that you bought a guitar. How's it going? Y: 我刚开始学。不过我真的有点担心我要是学不好该怎么办呢。 J: Oh, don't worry about it. It's fun just to learn something new. But, on today's show, I have a surprise for you. Y: A surprise? 你是不是又想出什么新的花招吓唬我。 J: No, no, no, don't worry! You'll like this surprise. Today's guest on the show is a woman who's been in rock-n-roll for the past 17 years. Y: 真的,她叫什么名字,是那个乐队的, J: Her name's Mary Huff and the band is called Southern Culture on the Skids, SCOTS, for short. She's the female part of this 3-person rock-n-roll band. Y: 她演奏那种乐器啊,不会正好是吉他吧, J: You guess it! She plays the bass guitar, the keyboards and she sings. Y: 真是不得了。她的专长是低音吉他、电子琴,而且她还会唱歌。这么有才能 的人,我一定要认识她。 J: Well, you'll have your chance in a minute. Mary started playing piano when she was quite young. And then her older brother started learning how to play the bass. That's when she decided to one up him and learn the bass herself. Y: 你可能得解释一下"one up somebody"是什么意思。 J: Oh, that a good idea. To one up somebody means to do better than them; to best them. Now, let's meet Mary. 实录1: Mary Huff: Actually I started playing pretty young, you know. I was the pianist in the family and all that. Then, ah, big brother decided to play bass. And I was like "No way! I'm the musician in the family." So, I had to one up him there. Y: 开来Mary 的好胜心好象很强,作什么事都想超过别人。 J: Exactly! Mary said, "No way man, no way big brother. I'm the musician in the family." Y: 我们还是谈谈乐队里的其他成员吧, J: 好了~Well, there's also Rick Miller, on lead guitar and vocals, and Dave Hartman on drums and vocals as well. Y: Lead guitar 和bass guitar 的区别是什么呢, J: Oh, that's a good question. The bass guitar is usually in the background and keeps the rhythm, like the drums. In this song "Smilin' Yeah Yeah Yeah" Mary's bass is in background keeping the rhythm. (Enter "Smiley Yeah Yeah Yeah") Y: Oh yeah, 听得出来低音吉他保持着乐曲的节奏。 J: And she sings. And as the only woman in the band she gives SCOTS that feminine touch. Here's a sample of Mary singing "Fire of Love" like only a woman can sing! (Enter "Fire of Love" featuring Mary Huff) Y: Mary她唱不错~ 那她参加乐队多长时间了, J: Oh, let's let Mary explain. Here's Mary! 实录2: Mary Huff: I joined when I was nineteen and I'm not even going to tell you how I am now but I've been in the band for 17 years, if you can figure that out. Y: 她19年加入乐队,经过了17年,19 加上17 一概是36岁没错。 J: I think you're right. She wouldn't exactly tell her age, you know. But she let me do the math and because I'm quick, Yang Chen, I figured it out. 19...17. She tried to be sneaky, but we figured it out, didn't we? Y: 没错。 J: But that lead me to a question. You know that led me to a question though. Is it easy being in rock-n-roll as a woman? 实录3: Mary Huff: It's fine, you know, until beauty starts to fade then it's a little rough. But um, I don't know. It's fine. It's great. I've never had any problem with it. I've I think it's an assett. Ass-set, that is. Always has been for me. I don't know Y: 好,Mary加油,我们支持你。本来就是吗,为什么男的五六十岁还可以唱摇 滚乐,女的当然也可以。对不对, Jody, J: Of course! I know a lot of women who are old school rock-n-rollers. And besides, Yang Chen, it's not an age thing, it's more of a lifestyle thing. Don't you agree? Y: 没错。 因为很多女的后来结了婚,生了孩子要照顾家庭所以没办法跟者乐队 到处去奔波。 这可以理解。 J: That's right. But, Mary just chose a different road, the road of rock-n-roll. So, talking about the bass guitar and lead guitar, Yang Chen, which one are you going to play? Y: 这个问题嘛... J: Okay, okay, you just started learning so maybe in a couple of months I'll ask you if you're a lead guitarist or a bass guitarist. 你自己选择~ You pick it! Y: 好,六个月以后你再问我这个问题~ J: Okay, okay! (End with "Fire of Love") Lesson 28 - Dianne, the Italian Opera Lover Y:各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hello I'm Jody and welcome to the American Cafe. Y: Jody, 听说你下星期是不是要到意大利去, J: Yes and I can't wait! I just bought some new clothes for the trip but more importantly I'm learning a little Italian. Piacere! Y: 听着很好听,是什么意思, (Pause) J: Um, just a minute, (flipping through a book) hold on... Y: Jody, 我看你以前一定没好好学你的意大利语。 J: You're absolutely right. I'll try harder. Y: 我记得你好象是意大利人后裔,是吗, J: Yes, I am of Italian heritage H-E-R-I-T-A-G-E, and most of my family comes from Italy. Y: 你是意大利人后裔,可是却不会说意大利语, J: I know, unfortunately, my father's mother and father... Y: (Translate)你是说你的爷爷、奶奶... J: ...right. only spoke English in the home. Y: 他们在家光说 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 。 J: I think during that era, that time period, it was very common for European immigrants to speak English. Y: 他们那时候都急着要学好英语。 J: But you know the best way to broaden your horizons is to learn a foreign language. Y: 你说到"broaden your horizons",你记不记得我们上次在意大利文化节上碰 见到的那个女孩Diane? J: Oh right, Dianne. Y: 她也是这么说的。下面就让大家来认识一下Diane: 实录1: Diane: I'm Diane Adleberg and I live in Falls Church, Virginia. I'm on my second Italian class and I am not of Italian heritage but I love languages. And I think it's nice for Americans to broaden their horizons and learn a foreign language. Y: 她说的"Broaden your horizons"就是扩大视野的意思。Diane说的没错,学外 语就是一种扩大视野的好方法,因为你学了一种语言以后,就会自然而然地想学 习这个国家的文化。 J: Exactly. And also, Yang Chen, traveling is another way to broaden your horizons and it's fun. Y: 你说的没错。那你这次到意大利去就是很好的机会,可以提高你的意大利语 水平。 J: I hope so. (Speaking Italian), what do you think? Y: 你说得很好。 J: I don't think so, but thanks any way. Y: Diane说她不是意大利人后裔,可以有那么多外语可以学,她为什么选择意大 利语呢~ J: Maybe because it's so romantic! Y: Sigh. 意大利语的确是非常浪漫。 J: And Diane speaks French already. But she said that she has always wanted to learn Italian because of an opera that she loves very much! 实录2: Diane: Well, I speak French already and I've always wanted to learn Italian because there's a particular opera that I love, La Traviata. Y: 我想很多人和她一样是为了听意大利歌剧而学习意大利语。 J: Diane gave us an example of her favorite aria in the opera La Traviata ... J: What is "aria" in Chinese? Y: Aria就是咏叹调的意思。 J: Again here is Diane. 3: Diane: I'll tell you how the aria to my favorite opera goes. It's: "Di 实录 provenze il mar il suol" And I've just always loved that aria. J: "Di provenze il mar il suol" !! Y: 听起来很好听,是什么意思呢, J: I asked her to translate and she wouldn't. She said we would have to investigate. 实录4: Diane: You know I'm going to translate it for you because it's very poetic so you'll have to investigate. Y: Diane说这句话太有诗意 J: Very poetic. J: If we need to investigate, I guess we have to listen to it first. Here's the aria from La Traviata! (Enter music) Y: Jody, 你听懂了吗, J: Understand? No, not word. But it's so beautiful! Y: 其实你不需要懂得意大利语来欣赏意大利歌剧。 J: Thanks for joining us on American Cafe. Y: 我们下次再见。 (Fade music to end) Lesson 29 - Diana Crespi, Festive Italiano Organizer Y: 各位听众好。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hello and welcome to American Cafe. I'm Jody. Y: Jody你终于回来了。这次去意大利玩得怎么样, J: I had a fabulous time in Italy! Y: 哎呀,好?慕你啊。那是什么给你的印象最深呢, J: All of it, Yang Chen. I loved all of it. The culture, the scenery, the people ... everything was simply fabulous! Y: 吃得怎么样, J: The food was amazing. I think I'm five pounds heavier and I was only there a week. Y: 一个星期增加了五磅,一天还不到一磅,还不算太严重。 J: Maybe to you. Y: 很多人都喜欢意大利菜。不过说到品尝意大利食品,其实你根本不用去意大 利就可以做到。你记不记得你去意大利之前我们去过一个华盛顿意大利文化节 Festive Italiana。哇,当时有那么多好吃的,还有人表演意大利音乐和舞蹈。 J: The food and music that was really a lot of fun! During the summertime there are street festivals like Festive Italiana all over the United States. Let's meet one of the coordinators of the Festive Italiana, Diana Crespi. 实录1: Diana Crespi: My name is Diane Crespi. I am the coordinator - one of the coordinators of Festive Italiana. Um, my involvement is basically just helping to organize this festival that's been going on for six years now. Y: Diana说这个活动已经进行了六年。我们可以想象,这么大型的活动组织工作 一定很不容易。 J: I'm sure that organizing Festive Italiana takes a lot of work. Y: 当时那条街上有一个教堂当时正在作礼拜,教堂传来的悦耳的钟声给文化节 增添了一非常特别的气氛。 J: Yes, it added so much to the atmosphere of the street festival. Y: 下面就让Diana给我们来介绍一下文化节的丰富内容。 实录2: Diana Crespi: They can expect to see everything Italian! Food, entertainment, dancing, you know, songs, culture. And that's why people come down - they really want to be Italian for a day. Every year this is where you can truly be Italian for a day and learn the beautiful language and learn about the food and the history as well. Y: Diana说得多好,做一天真正的意大利人,我当时还真有这种感觉呢。 J: So did I! Y: 可是你本来就是意大利人啊。 J: Yes I am. But it made me feel more Italian. You know, in the U.S. sometimes it's hard to preserve your culture and your heritage. Y: 你说的没错。不过这种街头文化节就是一种传播文化的好方法。 J: That is right. In this next quote, Diana explains how a street festival can help to preserve your culture and heritage. 实录3: Diana Crespi: Italian-Americans aren't looked on as a separate minority in this country; it becomes harder and harder to preserve your culture and heritage. So Festive Italiana really gives the active Italian-American population something to cling onto and a way to preserve their heritage, to promote the culture, the positive part of their culture. Y: 她刚才说的cling onto是什么意思, J: To cling onto something means to hold tightly, either with your hands like clinging onto to a rope or with your mind like clinging onto an idea or your heritage. Y: 就是抓住什么东西不放的意思,比如用手抓住绳子,或者说对一个想法不愿 意放弃。 说到继承文化遗产,对于美国这个多民族的国家, 维护各民族的文化 有什么重要意义呢, J: Now let's hear again from Diana. 实录4: Diana: And it's important to the fabric of the United States It's important for all cultures to do that not just Italian-Americans. Y: Fabric of the United State,我好喜欢这个说法。 J: So do I. Because fabric of the United States really describes the diversity of the American culture. Y: 对,用fabric来形容美国是由不同文化组成的国家,真的很形象。你知道我 现在在想什么, J: What's that? Y:作一天的意大利人是很有意思。不过做一天意大利人还不够。我恨不得明天 就飞到意大利去。和我一起去好吗, J: That's a great idea. But I think we have to wait a little bit. I just came back. But we can play some Italian music in the meantime. Lesson 30 - James Millard on Teaching Hongloumeng Y:各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: And I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! Thanks for dropping in. Y: Jody 我今天好高兴~ J: Why are you so excited? Y: 因为我刚认识了一位在乔治城大学教红楼梦的教授。 J: Oh, well no wonder you are so happy! I know how much you love Hongloumeng. Y: 没错,因为《红楼梦》是人类历史上最伟大的小说。 J: Yes, well, to you...it is. Y: 你那是什么表情啊。你想想世界那里还有一部小说象《红楼梦》那样描写了 那么多生动的人物。 J: Really? 那我象红楼梦里的那个人物, Y: 这个我等会儿再告诉你。我们先来让大家认识一下 Millward 教授,他还有个 中文名字,叫米华健。他其实是历史教授。 J: A history professor? Then why he is teaching Hongloumeng? Y: 我们就让米华健教授亲自来解释一下他为什么在历史课上教《红楼梦》: 实录1: James Millward: Well, I've always taught Chinese history and I thought, well it would be nice to teach something that stresses the cultural side of Chinese history as well. And so I thought why not teach Hongloumeng and I wonder if we could use Hongloumeng as a historical source to understand 18th century China. Y: 你觉不觉米华健教授很有创意,让学生通过《红楼梦》来了解当时中国的社 会。 J: That is much more creative because, you know, history can be pretty boring. yawn! Y: 没错。如果你一边读《红楼梦》,一边学历史就不会觉得枯燥了。 J: But I wonder what can they learn from Hongloumeng. Isn't it just a love story? Y: 那我们听听米华健教授是怎么说的: 实录2: James Millward: We read about Qing Dynasty government and Qing Dynasty society, and the legal system. There are a lot of court cases talked about in the book, Xue Pan. And we read about gender, history of gender and gender relations and women. We read about poetry and the role of poetry and, in particular, about women writing poetry; we read about art and art history. J: Wow. So it's not just a boy-meets-girl love story. Y: 当然不是~ 《红楼梦》可不是一部简单爱情小说.它其实是一部社会小说。 J: Well, did the students like the book? Y:那我们来问问米华健教授: 实录3: James Millward: They liked the book. They did find it long. They were glad when they were done. You know, if you sit down in the summer and read the whole thing from beginning to end, it doesn't feel long; but if you are reading it every week, it's like homework, and so it's not as much fun. Y: 你听到了吗, 米华健教授也说了,夏天读《红楼梦》是一种真正的享受。 J: Yeah, but how long is it, Yang Chen? Y: 不太长,只有一百二十回。 J: 不太长? What do you mean!?!? One hundred twenty chapters? Hey, is there a comic book version of Hongloumeng? Y: 有啊, 我就有一套。不过我建议你先看原著。 也许是因为文化差异,美国 学生和中国学生看《红楼梦》会有不同的感受, 我问米华健教授他的学生最喜 欢哪个人物.他是这么说的: 实录4: James Millward: I know in China as well there is always a big debate about who would you rather have as your wife, Lin Daiyu or Xue Baochai. Generally American students found Lin Daiyu to be kind of whiny, and to be lying there all the time and complaining all the time and they didn't really like her character very much. Some of them liked Xue Baochai, although of them found her a little bit calculating. Many of them actually liked Wang Xifeng because they saw her as a very capable woman. Y: 非常有意思。这些美国学生觉得林黛玉喜欢抱怨,whiny。 J: Whiny. That's not a good trait for a woman. Y: 有些人喜欢薛宝钗,可是又觉得她太很有心计,calculating。 J: Calculating? That's another bad quality. Are there any good women to like in Hongloumeng. Y: 你看他们都喜欢王熙凤。哎,你一开始不是问我你象《红楼梦》里的哪个人 物马,我看啊,你就象王熙凤。 J: Why? What's wrong with her? Y: She's perfect! J: Oh, okay. I'll have to read the book to find out because, Yang Chen, maybe I don't believe you. Y: 你最好相信我。 J: Now what about you? Hongloumeng is your favorite book. I know you've read many many times, which character would you like to play? Y: 贾宝玉~ J: Jia Baoyu. Who's that? Y: 男主角啊~ J: A man! Well, we're going to have to talk about that later. Thanks for joining us on today's American Cafe. Y: 好今天的美语咖啡屋就到这里。我们下次节目再见~ J: A man? What do you mean a man?
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