首页 药店促销活动方案



药店促销活动方案药店促销活动方案 药店促销活动方案规 以促销活动为主要表现方式的营销策略,是药房持续发展的主要动力, 第二个是关于“药店促销活动方案”的规划。 一、平时在与门店的经营者沟通时,我们发现组织促销活动存在的如下若干问题: 1、时间不够安排,准备不及时,到了节日才临时策划促销活动,结果发现时间不 够安排,谈判、设计DM、物料设计、员工培训等都不够时间,只能草草安排一个主题完事,自然很难获得好的效果。 2、没有培养成各部门及门店分工完成促销活动的流程,不管大小活动,仍然是老板本人拍板决策。 3、针对宣传存在的几...

药店促销活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 药店促销活动方案规 以促销活动为主要 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现方式的营销策略,是药房持续发展的主要动力, 第二个是关于“药店促销活动方案”的规划。 一、平时在与门店的经营者沟通时,我们发现组织促销活动存在的如下若干问题: 1、时间不够安排,准备不及时,到了节日才临时策划促销活动,结果发现时间不 够安排,谈判、 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 DM、物料设计、员工培训等都不够时间,只能草草安排一个主题完事,自然很难获得好的效果。 2、没有培养成各部门及门店分工完成促销活动的流程,不管大小活动,仍然是老板本人拍板决策。 3、针对宣传存在的几个问题:媒体广告宣传成本过高,政府对派发传单的监管控制,顾客对传单的反感,员工无效派发的浪费。 4、搞促销活动的时候感觉人力紧张,人手不够。 5、难有促销新意,特别是顾客对活动麻木。 二、那怎么才能组织相对低成本而又有效的促销活动呢, 我们在经营中,通常会规定公司的促销大纲。我们会按以下原则来部署: actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 1、 把促销活动分为:常规促销、节日促销、主题促销、新店开业 促销、店庆促销以及针对竞争对手的应对性促销活动。 2、把常规促销活动设定为每N天为一个促销周期,每个促销周期结合季节安排一个促销主题。 3、常规促销活动所有门店都统一参与,如果部分活动细节仅限部分门店,可以在宣传单上注明仅限门店。 4、新店开业、店庆、竞争策略、节日促销等临时短期性活动以单张夹页的形式增加,一般以3-7天为一个周期,针对对应门店; 5、每期促销活动另配促销方案、商品清单、赠品、物料清单以及陈列 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 指引。 三、很多药房经常为组织活动的主题而头痛,其实做好规划后并没有这么难,我们看下表: 年度促销活动主题安排 序号 节目 日期 主题 提纲 元旦1月1日 新年 春节1月31日 新年元宵节 2月14日元宵 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 情人节 2 月 14 日 情人节 妇女节 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 3 月 8 日 女性用品 清明节 4 月 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 5 日 劳动节 5 月 1 日 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 青年节 5 月 4 日 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 母亲节 5 月 11 日 母亲礼品 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 儿童节 6 月 1 日 儿童商品 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 端午节 6 月 2 日 父亲节 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 6 月 15 日 父亲礼品 七夕节 7 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 月 2 日 中国情人节 教师节 9 月 10 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 日 教师礼品 中秋节 9 月 8 日 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 国庆节 10 月 1 日 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 重阳节 10 月 2 日 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 感恩节 11 月 27 日 感恩活动 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 圣诞节 12 月 25 日 万圣节 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 10 月 31 日 一年中各个节日活动,加上如“店周年庆、新店开业、营销事件、春季防流感、夏季 防暑、冬季滋补、、年末大优惠、会员优惠活动”等主题活动,一年活动已经排的满满了。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 四、组织活动主题必须明白的道理 1 、节日只是一个载体,商品的优惠活动才是我们真正吸引顾客购买的因素。 2 、节日对于药店来说只是一个销售的机会或者是商机。 3 、要理解不同节日的不同消费习惯。 4 、针对不同节日我们要规划不同的促销活动,特别是活动的主题一定要明朗。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 5 、形成节日商机主要有五个方面: 1 )放假,人们有了逛街购物的时间(如五一、国庆节),这些节日本身并没有什么一定要 购买什么的要求。 2 )传统的节日养成传统的消费习惯(如春节、端午节、中秋节),这些节日既放假又有购 买习惯。 3 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party )特定的节日,部分人表达情意的机会形成了销售的商机(如情人节、妇女节、父亲节、 母亲节、教师节、重阳节、感恩节、圣诞节、元旦)。 4 )商家为了宣传而利用的节日,或者自己根据药店的情况组织的活动,借机引导消费促销 (如 3.15 、爱牙节、店庆等)。 5 )某些地区特有的销售机会,还有某些国家或者地区性的大型活动:(如集市以及地方特 色的节日,还有运动会、展览会、交易会等)。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 五、我们要根据节日来设定促销活动的内容 第 1 类节日:(五一、国庆节)并没有规定一定要购买什么类别的商品, 它的商机主要是 来自于人们放假有了购物的时间, 而这段时间药房几乎都搞大型活动, 顾客利用这段时间去 “淘宝” , 而养成了顾客与商店互动的机会, 所以这类型的节日的促销活动主题并不以节日 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 为题,我们要考虑的是如何利用这段普遍大众都已经购买习惯的时间举办 商品的优惠活动。 第 2 类节日: (春节、端午、中秋)是在第 1 类节日的基础上增加考虑传统节日的消费商品 品类,是有节日氛围的。 第 3 类节日: (情人节、妇女节、圣诞节)的活动主题就是主要以节日为题,重点突出在宣 传单上,直接以煽情的广告词激起购物欲望,引导购买; actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 第 4 、 5 类节日:主要是药房根据自己的策划能力而组织的活动;当然我们都要考 虑当时的 气候而推荐的商品品类,如夏季推荐防暑防晒,冬季推荐滋补、抗寒保暖。 六、 我们 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 药房的促销活动案例, 药房在促销活动策划的杰出成就大家有目共睹, 接下来 就给大家分析一下: actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 凡是重点节日,会以单页的形式来加强宣传,而常规的活动主要是以活动的优惠内容来做 主要宣传点。 3 月 8 日 ,作为女性的一个重大节日,药房开始做重点宣传并举办针对妇科促销活动。 五一、十一等节日,我们可以发现,宣传重点在优惠内容而不重视节日氛围,而春节、情 人节、圣诞节会更重视节日的氛围。 商品优惠永远是最有效的促销手段,最近 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 2 年,药房 越来越直接的采取品牌特价形式来促销, 这也是药房攻击的利器。 在研究药房的历年的促销 活动,我们可以发现,常规促销发展的趋势: 1 、发展有效会员,利用短信平台是一个持续发展的方式。 2 、丰富内容具有可读性的、版面美观的 DM 。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 3 、有效利用厂家资源,整合好促销活动。 4 、药店的活动的氛围布置对销售很有帮助。 5 、员工熟悉活动的内容并积极专业的给顾客推荐。 6 、有效的员工促销考核方案。 7 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 、坚持持续不断的策划促销活动,培养顾客消费习惯。 8 、完善的促销计划及促销操作流程。 9 、优惠对顾客仍然是最有吸引力的。 10 、提升交易次数与客单价是促销的最终目的。 七、一个连锁药房,一定要规范公司的促销活动流程,要规范各部门的工作职责。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 《年度促销计划大纲》《促销方案》 (说明:促销时间、活动店铺、促销主题、促销内 容、费用预算、激励方案等)《促销活动部门工作时间安排表》《促销操作须知》 《促销商 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 品配置表》 《促销物料分配表》 《月度促销市调表》《促销活动执行监督表》《月度促销商 品销量评估表》这些都非常重要,要高效运营,一定要有标准化的操作流程。 八、很多连锁药房, 特别是规模还不是很大的企业,会有个苦恼的问题:每次搞活动都是这 些品牌,每次都是这些商品,怎么办, 第一、没有关系,大家都是这样情况。 第二、坚持努力寻找有卖点的新药品。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party 第三、适当变换主题。 第四、 与供应商保持良好的沟通与合作关系, 把活动方案告诉供应商, 努力获取供应商的支 持,共同搞好销售工作。 第五、控制好库存,不要造成积压,积压商品快速处理。 第六、做好促销活动的费用预算,在合理的预算中坚持适当的宣传资金投 入。 actively explore the perfect target evaluation, strengthening the assessment results. 3. Strong solid base, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Advancing "five-good" party committees and party branch building, perfecting and promoting "four on the two open" work method, do a good job, "four pairs" work. Further innovation party
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