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最新时尚英文名词Bathtub effect 很多人都说他们学英语的时候最大的障碍就是单词记不住。经常记住了前面的,忘了后面的;要不就是单词字母记错了顺序。有人研究发现,单词的开头和结尾比中间部分更容易被记住。你有这个体会吗? The 'bathtub effect' is perhaps the most commonly reported finding in the literature on memory for words. People remember the beginnings and ends of wor...

Bathtub effect 很多人都说他们学英语的时候最大的障碍就是单词记不住。经常记住了前面的,忘了后面的;要不就是单词字母记错了顺序。有人研究发现,单词的开头和结尾比中间部分更容易被记住。你有这个体会吗? The 'bathtub effect' is perhaps the most commonly reported finding in the literature on memory for words. People remember the beginnings and ends of words better than the middles, as if the word were a person lying in a bathtub, with their head out of the water at one end and their feet out at the other. And, just as in a bathtub the head is further out of the water and more prominent than the feet, so the beginnings of words are, on average, better remembered than the ends. “浴缸效应”大概是与背单词有关的文献 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 中最常见的一个现象了。人们记单词的时候, 对词的头和尾往往比中间部分记得更牢。这就好像单词是躺在浴缸里的一个人,头和脚都露出水面。而同时,头露出水面的部分往往比脚要多,而且比脚更加显眼。 因此,单词的开头部分一般都比结尾部分更容易被记住。 For example: His name is long and rarely seen. I can only recall it begins with “Ja” and end with “son”. Caught by the bathtub effect again. 他的名字有点长而且很少见。我只记得是以Ja开头,以son结尾的。“浴缸效应”又犯了。 Hiberdating 原本经常联络的几个朋友,忽然有一个好久都没消息了。一打听,原来是忙着谈恋爱呢。这种情况通常会被朋友们称作“重色轻友”或者“有异性没人性”。英文里对这个情况的称呼更加形象生动,就一个词:hiberdating。 Hiberdating means dating in the winter months, or the situation that someone ignores all their other friends when they are dating a boyfriend/girlfriend. The second meaning is more popular. The word hiberdating is a blending of the word “hibernating” and “dating”, which means a person is in a state of inactivity(hibernating) among friends when dating someone. Hiberdating指在冬季约会恋爱,或者指某人在谈恋爱期间忽略其他朋友的情况,也就是我们常说的“有异性没人性”。第二种用法更普遍一些。Hiberdating这个词是hibernating(冬眠)和dating(约会)两 个词的合成词,由此便可知它的意思是一个人在约会恋爱期间中断与朋友联络的状况。 For example: I haven't seen or heard from Jennifer since she started hiberdating Teddy four months ago. 自从4个月前詹妮弗跟泰德约会以来,我就一直没有过她的消息。 Girlfriend voice 平时在办公室不苟言笑,大男人味十足的家伙跟他女儿讲话时可能会变成另外一个人。商场 上咄咄逼人的女强人在另一半面前也可能是轻声细语、小鸟依人的样子。这样的角色转变我们都不陌生,或许每天都在经历。所以,如果身边有个男士时不时地用 girlfriend voice跟女友说话,大家也不会觉得太稀奇吧。 Girlfriend voice refers to the change in pitch or tone of a man's voice when talking to their significant other. The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words. 女友专用调(girlfriend voice)指男士在跟自己的另一半说话时声调和语气上的变化。这种变化主要体现为:声调提高、语调更显温柔,并且不时夹杂着各种爱称和幼稚的语言。 This type of speech is usually frowned upon when used in the presence of other men. When another man uses this voice they will usually receive a fair amount of ridicule. 有其他男士在场的情况下,这种语调通常会被嗤之以鼻。如果有男士用这种语调说话,经常会受到嘲讽。 For example: Did you hear Bob's wicked girlfriend voice when he was talking to Lisa? Let’s give him some whip. 你听见鲍勃跟丽萨说话时的那个腔调了吗?咱们去教训教训他。 lipstick effect 在美国,每当经济不景气的时候,口红的销量就会明显上升。这是为什么呢?原来,在经济不景气的情况下,人们仍然会有强烈的消费欲望,但是实际经济能力又无法承担珠宝首饰、衣服等高价消费品,于是人们便会转而购买相对比较廉价的商品。口红作为一种“廉价的非必要之物”成为女性消费者的首选商品,于是就有了一个有趣的经济现象lipstick effect,即“口红效应”。 The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive fur coats, women will buy expensive lipstick. 口红效应指的是在经济危机时消费者更愿意购买相对廉价的奢侈品这样一个理论。女性消费者在经济危机时选择购买的不是价格不菲的皮草服装,而是高档口红。 The underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets. 口红效应揭示的是这样一种思维:就算在经济不景气的情况下,人们仍然有购买奢侈品的愿望。当人们意识到经济在下滑的时候,他们会购买一些对其现有资金影响不大的商品。男性消费者当然不会去买口红了,不过他们可能会买高档啤酒或一些小巧又不太贵的小玩意。 Non-screen time 很多人都说90后一代大部分都是“屏幕儿童”,在电视、电脑等各类屏幕前长大,生活中一刻也离不开屏幕,跟家人的交流也因为屏幕的存在而显得心不在焉。如今,国外不少家庭都会设定“非屏幕时间”,在这个时间段内,大家都得面对面交流,不得使用任何屏幕。 Non-screen time is a kind of tech-life balance strategy that all members of a family agree not to use any screen during certain hours of the day. These agreements may include: no screens before school, all mobiles on the landing at night, no calls at meal-times, etc. 非屏幕时间(non-screen time)是在生活中保证高科技设备使用不会过度的一种手段,所有家庭成员一致同意在每天的某些特定时段不使用任何形式的屏幕设备。这些 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 包括:上学前不用屏幕、晚上不得碰手机、吃饭时不得打电话,等等。 Non-screen time isn't about abstinence but balance, and being "present" and connected. 非屏幕时间并不是一种限制措施,而是在保持平衡;是让每个人真正在场并且彼此互动相连。 草莓族 Strawberry Generation 坊间对80后的议论还没有褪去,针对90后的种种说法又袭来了。“他们的素质都很不 错,可就是承受不了打击,太容易受伤害了。”这话听着是不是很耳熟呢?是啊,大概因为80后和90后这样的情况太普遍了吧,所以人们用了一个很生动的比喻 来指代他们——Strawberry Generation。 They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can't take much pressure. They are the so-called "Strawberry Generation". 他们看起来时尚又世故。他们软弱也容易受伤。他们好像被宠得一塌糊涂,承受不了什么压力。他们就是所谓的“草莓族”。 The term was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules. It refers to the post-60s generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented - just like strawberries - by life's lightest knocks. “草莓族”这个说法是由一位台湾作家在她一本关于办公室法则的书中创造出来的,它指的是60年代后出生的办公室职员,他们像草莓一样是在多方保护的环境中长大的,生活中轻微的碰撞就能让他们受到伤害。 This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers, of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two. They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts. 这个说法现在在中国大陆也很流行,指刚刚参加工作一两年的独生子女一代。他们大都受过良好的教育,但多以自我为中心,过分注重外 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 和物质享受。 Living Apart Together (LAT) 两个人谈恋爱,感情深厚然后搬到一起住似乎已经不是什么新鲜事了。不过近几年,在英国、瑞典以及日本等国,恋人们却开始流行“分开同居”了。英国国家统计局的一份 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 中说,英国有近35%的人选择这种同居方式。这到底是怎么回事呢? Living Apart Together (LAT) is a term for couples who, while committed to each other, decide to have separate homes rather than one shared residence. “分开同居”(Living Apart Together,英文缩写为LAT)指一对情侣保持固定的情感关系但却不住在一起。 There are three approaches LAT couples can take, concerning decision to keep separate domestic residences. The majority are the "gladly apart", along with the "regretfully apart" (due to work commitments, family responsibilities, legal or residency requirements, or other reasons) and the "undecidedly apart" (committed but not especially moving towards cohabitation at the time). 伴侣选择“分开同居”一般有以下三种情形:“乐意分开”、“无奈分开”(由于工作原因、家庭责任、法律或居住要求,以及其它原因)和“暂时分开”(有感情基础,但还没有朝同居那个方向考虑)。 Those gladly apart couples claim that their motives include: 自愿选择“分开同居”的伴侣们列出的原因有: LAT having "kept their relationship fresh". “分开同居”能够让他们的关系时刻保持新鲜感。 Having both an intimate relationship and one's own space is a treat. 既能保持一段亲密关系又能拥有自己的空间,这是一种享受。 The anticipation of time together always being special. 盼望相聚的日子总是很特别。 Having bases in two cultures – for example both a busy city and a country village. 能够在两种不同文化的氛围中生活——比如,一个是繁忙的都市,一个是静谧的乡村。 Freedom to do things without consultation, and the freedom not to do things in one's own abode. 在自己的地盘,想做什么或者不想做什么都由自己来决定。 Independent finances and homes meaning that financial dispute and negotiation is not a source of friction in the couple's relationship. 独立的经济和住所意味着在两人的关系中经济纠纷不会成为关系破裂的原因。 Ability to focus on work or one's own activities without interruption at times when one wishes to work.在想要专心工作的时候能够集中注意力,不会有人打扰。 江南style 最近一段时间,韩国一个名为“江南style”的歌曲视频在网上疯传,有些网友还总结出了视频里的舞步,命名为“骑马舞”。江南style本身也就成了一个热门词。 "Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism mainly associated with upscale fashion and lavish lifestyle associated with trendsetters in Seoul’s Gangnam district, which is considered the most affluent part of the metropolitan area. In colloquial usage, it is comparable to the English slang terms “swag” or “yolo”. Gangnam Style(江南风格,更广为人知的说法为“江南style”)是一个韩语新词,多用来形容首尔江南区走在时尚前沿、过着奢华生活的“弄潮儿”们。江南区被认为是首尔市内最有钱的区域。Gangnam Style相当于英语口语中的swag(拽)或yolo(you only live once,意为“人生只有一次”)。 Do-it-herselfer 水管坏了,自己修;灯泡坏了,自己换,想给沙发换个地方,也是自己动手。这就是强大的do-it-herselfer(自己动手女)。 Do-it-herselfer (also called a handywoman) refers to a woman who performs some or all of her home's repair, maintenance, and construction jobs. 自己动手女(do-it-herselfer或handywoman)指能将家中部分或全部维修、维护及修筑类工作自己动手搞定的女性。 According to the Tampa-based Home Improvement Research Institute, women now account for more than a third of all do-it-yourself purchases. More women prefer to spend their weekend leisure time working on a home improvement project than shopping or cooking. 位于美国坦帕的美国家居修饰研究所表示,女性在所有自制类购物者中所占的比例超过三分之一。越来越多的女性更愿意将周末休闲时光用在家庭装修项目上,而不是去购物或下厨。 睡眠负债(sleep debt) 早睡早起身体好。这句话每个人都知道,可是能做到的人却不多。整天被网络、手机、游戏围绕的年轻一代,每天的睡眠时间估计很难达到健康生活的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。是的,他们都是有“睡眠负债”的人。 Sleep debt is the cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep. A large sleep debt may lead to mental and/or physical fatigue. 睡眠负债(sleep debt)指长期睡眠不足产生的影响。睡眠负债过多可能会导致精神或身体疲惫。 There are presumed to be two kinds of sleep debt, caused by partial sleep deprivation or total sleep deprivation. Partial sleep deprivation occurs when a person sleeps too little for many days or weeks. Total sleep deprivation means being kept awake for days or weeks. 睡眠负债的来源有两种:部分睡眠不足和整体睡眠不足。前者指一个人连续几天或几周每天都睡很短的时间;后者则指一个人连续几天或几周不合眼。 A long-term sleep debt may cause emotional upset, compromise work performance, weaken memory, alertness, attention as well as judgment. It may also speed up one’s ageing process and lead to other types of diseases. 长期处于睡眠负债的状况中,不但会影响情绪、工作表现、还会减低记忆力、警觉性、注意力和判断力、并且加速老化,甚至引发其它疾病 Womanizer 原来听过一句话:“生活就像洋葱,一片一片剥下来,总有一片会让你流泪”。说的是生活中难免会有一些艰辛和无奈会让你垂泪,一帆风顺的生活是不存在的。我们今天介绍的这一类人大概也是洋葱式生活的一部分吧。 Womanizer is a guy who gets every girl to like him. a gutless and senseless man who treats every girl like they’re the girl for him, then lets them down by having MANY other girls on the side. Womanizer就是指到处讨好女孩子,让她们以为自己就是他生命中那个重要的她;可结果,他却是个没心没肺、没有真情实感,身边有很多个女朋友的“洋葱男”。 A womanizer is compared to an onion because he generally uses layer after layer of sweet words and other deceiving tactics to seduce a woman. But in the end, the romance comes to nothing, leaving the woman in tears when she finds out the truth. 之所以称他们为“洋葱男”,是因为他们通常用一层又一层的甜言蜜语和各种花招吸引女性。可最终结果往往是,女性竹篮打水一场空,唯有泪千行。 Selfie 在图片搜索框中输入“自拍”二字,你可能会看到千奇百怪的网友自拍照片。自拍,好像已经成了很多网络人必不可少的一部分。不过,你知道“自拍”的英文说法吗? A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network. Selfie就是“自拍照”,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。 Not since the days of Picasso has self-portraiture been so prevalent. Smartphones' high-quality built-in cameras and easy access to picture-enhancing apps are making "selfies" a ubiquitous form of self-expression among social-media users. 自毕加索时期以来,自画像从未如此盛行。智能手机的高质内置相机以及可以便捷使用的照片修正程序正在让“自拍”成为社交媒体用户普遍使用的一种自我表达方式 A long-distance relationship 有了网络以后,似乎人和人之间的空间距离就可以忽略不计了。就算远隔千里,两人仍然能通过网络见到对方,互诉衷肠。于是,异地恋、远程恋爱也开始复活了。 A long-distance relationship (LDR) is typically an intimate relationship that takes place whe he partners are separated by a considerable distance. Long-distance relationship(LDR)指双方相隔距离遥远,但却保有亲密关系的状况,也就是我们所说的“异地恋”或“远程恋爱”。 Before the popularity of internet dating, long-distance relationships were not as common, as the primary forms of communication between the romance lovers usually involved either telephone conversations or corresponding via mail. However, with the advent of the Internet, long-distance relationships have exploded in popularity as they become less challenging to sustain with the use of modern technology. Technologies including cell phones, e-mail, online chatting and video conferencing have made it possible to keep in touch. 在网恋盛行之前,异地恋还不是很普遍,因为那时候恋爱双方的沟通交流方式仅限于电话或写信。不过,随着网络的普及,异地恋忽然遍地开花。因为现代技术使远程感情的维系变得不再那么困难。手机、电子邮件、在线聊天以及视频聊天等通讯技术可以让双方随时保持联系。 Reset generation 电脑运行不畅,索性将其格式化再重装。这个工作环境不满意,就立马辞职换一个工作。我们身边有多少人都是遇到困难就离开?难道换个地方就不会有困难了吗? Reset generation refer to young people who, when a situation becomes difficult or burdensome, quit and start over again in a different situation. Reset generation(重启一代)指遇到复杂、难处理的情况时就选择离开那里,重新开始的年轻人。 This phrase was inspired by the "reset" feature that comes with most video or computer games. Choosing this feature gives the player a fresh start and is most often employed when the player gets into a mess from which he or she can't or won't escape. 这个表达的灵感来源于电脑游戏中的“重置”功能。选择该功能后,玩家就可以重新开始;玩家陷入游戏僵局、无法破解时经常会用到重置功能。 The word "reset" means that these young people simply choose to "reset" their "play" buttons by changing jobs, partners or friends, instead of trying to cope with and learn from their difficulties — a standard pattern for older generations. Reset(重置、重启)一词就意味着这些年轻人往往通过换工作、换伴侣、换朋友来“重置”他们的“人生游戏”,而不是像老一辈人那样努力去应对遇到的困难并从中吸取经验。 Cool carl酷抠族 Cool carl refers to those people who are highly educated and have good income but try to pinch pennies all the time. It doesn't mean they are stingy but is a way of saving. 酷抠族指拥有高学历,较高收入,却总是精打细算过日子的人群。酷抠族精打细算不是吝啬,而是一种节约的方式。 “腰缠十万贯,骑鹤下扬州”自然是一种潇洒,但坚持“一分钱掰两半儿花”、富日子当穷日子过也未尝不是一种洒脱。如今都市中涌现的“酷抠族”正是这样一群人,他们追求简单的生活、自然的幸福,摒弃过度的奢侈。与那些号称“点菜要吃一盘剩一盘,打的要坐一辆跟一辆,买手机要用一个砸一个”的“摆阔族”相比,“酷抠族”虽然也有着较高的学历,有较体面的工作和不菲的收入,但通过精打细算能够转移消费重点,更好配置“有数”的金钱。对于金钱和为人处事,他们并非真正意义上的“抠门”,故不宜将其直译为“cool miser”。据该词的内涵,不妨将此词译为“cool carl”。这样,既有“酷”(cool)的超逸,也有“凡人”(carl)的简约,而且与“酷抠”在读音上也比较相近。 beer goggles 人们常说“酒后吐真言”,说的是有人喝多了之后会在无意识的状态下把压抑在心底的话说出来。可是,有一种情况,酒后说的可不一定是真言了。人喝多了以后,常常是看谁都美,看谁都那么有魅力。可真的就是这样吗?那就不一定了。要知道这可都是喝酒之后的“啤酒眼”效应哦。 Is there no limit as to what a generous supply of alcohol can accomplish? One notable side effect is the creation of selective visual aids known as beer goggles. Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to see members of the opposite sex as more romantically attainable or physically attractive than they actually are. 大量饮酒会导致的结果大概是无法预计的吧?不过,有一个很明显的附带效果就是创造了“啤酒眼”这种选择性视觉辅助功能。“啤酒眼”其实是一种像戴了眼镜一样的视觉幻想,据说可以让醉酒的人对原本不太有吸引力的异性产生好感,觉得他们比平时更有魅力。 When a person becomes drunk enough to find physically unattractive people beautiful, he is said to be wearing beer goggles. 一个人酒喝多后觉得原本相貌平平的人也很漂亮,我们就说他戴了“啤酒眼”。 杠杆女 VS 经适男 娶妻当娶“杠杆女”,嫁人要嫁“经适男”,最近这话在网络和现实生活中都很流行。这“杠杆女”和“经适男”到底指什么样的人呢? The term “lever women” refers to wives or girlfriends who play their advantages to the full to help their husbands or boyfriends succeed in careers. Such women are compared to levers to lift their husbands or boyfriends. “杠杆女”指充分发挥自己的优势和特长帮助老公或男友在事业上取得成功的女性。这样的女性就像一根杠杆一样,可以把他们的老公或男友给“撬”起来。 “经济适用男”则是身高一般、发型传统,相貌过目即忘;性格温和,发了工资会给老婆一部分;不酗酒、不关机、不赌钱、仅有少量的红颜知己;有责任感,认真工作,热爱家庭,应酬只限于工作上的,月薪不高,有支付住房首付的能力;从事平凡职业的男人。 More and more women now tend to seek a "budget husband" instead of wealthy men just as home buyers now look for budget houses rather than villas during the economic crisis. Although not earning a lot, the budget husbands don't have bad habits such as drinking, smoking or gambling and are family-oriented. 现在越来越多的女性不再想着找“金龟婿”了,而是倾向于找“经济适用男”(简称“经适男”)做老公。这个趋势跟经济危机时期,买房的人不再考虑买别墅,而是四处搜寻经济适用房的情况很类似。“经济适用男”虽然收入不高,但是他们没有抽烟、喝酒或赌博等恶习,而且他们还很顾家。 你我迟到的“间隔年” 我们原来说过generation gap(代沟)这个词,而且也知道gap这个词一般指的也都是“间隔、空档”的意思。那么今天要说的这个gap year到底指什么呢? Gap year is an English expression (also known as drop year, deferred year, bridging year, etc) referring to a period of time - not necessarily a year in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The year out is most commonly taken after secondary school and before  starting university. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23  year olds taking a year out after completing their degree. Gap year(空档年,间隔年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作。当然,这段时间不一定非得是一年。 空档年一般选在离开中学进入大学之前。不过,近几年越来越多21到23岁、已经获得学位的年轻人也开始给自己一个空档年。 The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engage in volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad. 空档年这种做法于二十世纪六十年代兴起于英国。在空档年期间,学生可以旅行、参与海外义工活动或者到国外打工度假。 Well-established in the West, the idea of the sabbatical was introduced to China just a few years ago. However, it has become increasingly popular among young people as they try to learn more about the world in general and themselves in particular after 16 years of exam-oriented education, before they enter afast-changing society with an increasing emphasis on speed. 在西方已被广泛接受的“间隔年”休假理念直到几年前才传入中国。尽管如此,在年轻人中,这一做法越来越流行。这些年轻人在接受了16年的应试教育之后,努力想对整个世界、尤其是对自身有一个更深入的了解,然后再踏入这个瞬息万变的快节奏社会。 做一只墙上的苍蝇 我们都知道有一句话说“当局者迷,旁观者清”。有很多时候,置身事外去看一件事情得出的结论很有可能跟深陷其中时想的完全不同。所以,西方人有时候会提倡做一只停在墙上的苍蝇(a fly on the wall),不动声色地观察周围的一切,我们才有可能看到真相。 A fly on the wall alludes to the position of being able to freely observe a situation without being oneself noticed. It is now most often used in relation to 'fly on the wall documentaries', which are films of real life situations supposedly made without affecting the behaviour of the participants. “墙上的苍蝇”指在不被人注意的情况下随意观察局势的一种状态。现在,这个表达多用于指代“观察型纪录片”,此类纪录片一般如实反应片中人物的真实生活,不会因为拍摄而影响人物的行为。 人们会用 a fly on the wall 这个表达来形容“置身事外的观察者”,大概是因为悄无声息地停在墙面上的苍蝇在被人发现或消灭之前就是一个很冷静的旁观者吧,这样的比喻还是很形象的哦。 来看个例句: In this case, it is wise to be a fly on the wall. 在这种情况下,还是做个置身事外的观察者比较明智。 新时代的4D男人在你身边吗? 一直以来,我们通常会以年代来区分不同特点的人群,比如:70后、80后、婴儿潮一代等等。不过,随着信息的不断丰富,人群的分类不再那么局限,人们的经济状况、生活方式甚至个人爱好都有可能成为分类的标准。在不同的分类标准下,每个人所属的类别也有所不同,这就构成了一个人的多维度特征。 4D Man is a male between 15 and 40 who is confident, individual and has varied interests and passions. 4D man is not as tribal as his predecessors, the metrosexual and the lad, where you either were one or you weren’t. He is also increasingly interested in culture and is more health-conscious. 4D男人指年龄在15到40岁之间,自信、有个性、兴趣广泛又热情的男子。他们不像之前年代的都市美男和年轻派那样有强烈的群体性:不是这一类就是那一类;他们对文化的兴趣更加浓厚,也更加注重健康。 Observable behaviour surely makes it easy to accept that today's masculinity is a blur of contradictions. The "4D man" report pointed to an individual interpretation of man – masculinity with a million dimensions, if you will – rather than a rigid conformity to one simplistic typology or another in terms of outlook, orientation or choice of car, coffee or coat. Men – as women have probably always known – can be really weird these days. 从日常可见的行为方式不难看出如今的男性特征极具矛盾性。4D男人的出现带来了对男人与众不同的一种诠释——多维度的男性特征,如果你愿意,你不必将自己归入某个单一类型的固有框架中,也不用通过外表、倾向性或对车、咖啡或者外套的选择来定位自己。现在的男人,其实跟女人一样,也可以诡异多变的。 Beanpole family,一般译作“豆竿家庭” 四世同堂式的大家庭曾在中国很普遍,七大姑八大姨齐聚一个屋檐下也不足为奇。但随着社会的发展,家庭模式也有了新的变革。核心家庭(nuclear family)、丁克家庭(DINK family)都是时下常见的家庭模式。其实,大家庭并没有消失,只是换了种模式,他们成了beanpole family。 Beanpole family,一般译作“豆竿家庭”,指的是: A family whose living members come from many generations, but with few members in each generation. 几代同堂,但是每一代人数都很少的家庭。 豆竿家庭不朝横向发展,而朝纵向传宗接代,像菜豆茎依附竹竿爬升一样瘦长。当家庭传宗接代的功能丧失,这种家庭就成为截断家庭,像豆竿断枝一样,无后了。 近年来,在很多国家都出现了这样的家庭,新生代的人数普遍减少,多为独生子女,而老一代 人的寿命又在延长,所以整个家庭的模式就像插在地上帮助豆秧向上攀爬的豆竿(beanpole)一样,又细又长。这种家庭最初在英国被称为 verticalized family(垂直化家庭)。 The rising divorce rate partly explains the growth of the 'beanpole' family. With almost one in two marriages ending in divorce, many adults have at least two families, each with a single child. 不断上升的离婚率是“豆竿家庭”产生的一部分原因。在大约每两段婚姻中有一段以离婚告终的情况下,很多成年人都至少有两个家庭,每个家里还都有一个孩子。
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