首页 网上购物利与弊的研究报告



网上购物利与弊的研究报告网上购物利与弊的研究报告 网上购物利与弊报告 课题名称:网上购物利与弊 研究组别:研究课题组第一小组 指导老师:占晓艳 小组组长:陈小玲 小组成员:陈小娜 陈星星 苏成结 徐盈盈 金争争 林婷婷 谢晓彬 李 娜 范祥调 皮文钻 陈文局 黄瑞哈 李其义 林 恒 吴春治 郑国康 [问题由来] 随着网络的普及,网上购物日渐盛行,在给人们生活带来便利的同时,也会带来许多麻烦。 在大多数人的心中,网店中的商品种类繁多,就可以有根多选择,而且购物成本较低,与在现实商铺中购物相比,所以,网购不失为一个更好的...

网上购物利与弊的研究 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 网上购物利与弊报告 课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 名称:网上购物利与弊 研究组别:研究课题组第一小组 指导老师:占晓艳 小组组长:陈小玲 小组成员:陈小娜 陈星星 苏成结 徐盈盈 金争争 林婷婷 谢晓彬 李 娜 范祥调 皮文钻 陈文局 黄瑞哈 李其义 林 恒 吴春治 郑国康 [问题由来] 随着网络的普及,网上购物日渐盛行,在给人们生活带来便利的同时,也会带来许多麻烦。 在大多数人的心中,网店中的商品种类繁多,就可以有根多选择,而且购物成本较低,与在现实商铺中购物相比,所以,网购不失为一个更好的选购途径。但网购的盛行引起了一系列的麻烦。像买主受骗、产品质量较低等。究竟网上购物是否真正有利于人们日常生活,网上购物是否利大于弊,还是弊大于利, 对此,我们小组就有了对“网上购的利与弊”的研究。 [研究目的与意义] 通过了解网上购物的利与弊,客观地面对网上购物这一现象;并通过这次调查分析活动,培养自己的实践能力,以及收集、分析和利用各种信息资料的能力。 [研究方法] 通过互联网、实地考察等形式,结合自己的能力,收集有关资料,具体有以下途径: 1、网上查阅相关资料及真人事迹 2、了解互联网上网购网站的情况 3、做问卷调查 4、亲身经历一次网上购物 5、向指导老师咨询意见 [探究过程] 1.活动准备 (1) 根据老师确定研究的主体小组进行初步的议论;在组长的带领下,制定 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,并拟出草案交老师审核指导。 (2) 小组长根据个人特长,进行组内分工。 (3) 研究性建议:小组内成员按照组内分工,进行研究:?网上购物的过程及方法;?问卷调查人们对网上购物的认知与看法?现在网上购物状况与以前网上购物状况之比较;?得出网上购物的利与弊 (4) 实施工作表 时间 地点 活动具体 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 10月初 教室 讨论课题、确定研究课题 教室 讨论组内成员具体分工 10月中旬 教室、电脑室 撰写开题报告 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 10月下旬 图书馆、资料室 搜集网上购物的文字资料; 教室 讨论有关调查问卷内容与相关内容事项; 11月初 电脑室(或家里的电脑) 制作网上调查问卷,并上传; 学校 编写校内问卷调查表,并派发,对在校内同学进行问卷调查或访问调查;并对个别开网店的买家进行访问调查。 学校 将搜集到的资料和调查问卷的调查结果总结报告汇总给小组长,小组长加以选择,分类整理,总结; 11月中下旬 教室 学习网购相关知识 12月初 教室、电脑室、图书室 收集查阅相关报告知识 12月中下旬 教室 编写结题报告及PPT制作 [探究结果] 网络购物的优势 一、价格更低:在传统的营销模式中,一件商品要走到消费者手中。要经过层层代理商的盘剥。大致有厂家--区域代理--总代理--二级代理 --商户-消费着,价格往往是原有价值的几倍甚至十几倍(尤其是电子类产品)。而在网上购物上成本十分低廉,场地费,水电费,员工工资,产品的成本下降了,价格也自然就下降了,而且通过全国性的大物流公司,货物往往只须几天就到您手中,而价格也是传统价格的一半。 二、购物更方便:传统购物方式是在门市或大超市里.有营业时间的限制,要消费者亲自前去购物,网上购物方式要灵活的多,客户可以24小时随时购卖你所要的商品,网络购物没有地域性, 不需要出门只需要客户在家里打开网站,点击鼠标就可以轻松购物,而且卖家负责送货上门,在很短的时间内就可以完成。而传统的购物形式需要奔波与多家商店之间,给客户增加了大量的时间消耗 与车马劳顿的辛苦。 三、品种齐全应有尽有:“如今网上有啥东西没卖的,”说起在网上购物的原因,很多同学在问卷调查都这样写道。的确,现在打开任何一个知名的购物网站,你会发现,只有你想不到,没有买不到的东西。大到家电汽车,小到牙刷图钉,只要在搜索里输入你想购买的商品,立刻会出现琳琅满目的商品信息。 “网上的东西多啊,即使我在温州,也能买到海外代购的化妆品,买到本地没有卖的商品。”其中一位受访问调查的同学说,之前她在网上花100多元买了一台酸奶机,而这个“稀罕”玩意在龙港的电器专营店根本没有卖的。“你看我买的很多东西,比如港版的诺基亚手机,日本代购的化妆品,还有全国各地的小吃特产,应有尽有。 网络购物的劣势 一、 商品信息描述不清。由于购买者对网络上的商品的了解只能通过图片和文字描述来完成,而有些商品的描述语言模棱两可,容易使人对商品的认识产生歧异。当购买者根据自己的理解完成网络购物交易,拿到商品后,会投诉商品与自己订购的不一致。与传统购物相比,网络购物退换商品是一件相对麻烦和有成本风险的事情。 二、 收货太慢。尽管现在EMS的速度已经比以前的邮寄快了不知多少倍,毕竟购买者还是要等上几天,而这几天的滋味,呵呵,也不用我来多说了。 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 三、 售后服务。假设网上老板与现实老板的售后服务一样好,毕竟通过网上购得的商品更换与维修要不方便一些,要寄来寄去。 四、 网上购物还有一个缺点,就是有一定的风险。网络毕竟不是现实,不可能一手交款一手交货。我想消费者在付出钱财的时候只剩祈祷了 五、 付款安全问题。 虽然现在网上银行很方便,但是从技术角度来说,目前部分网银仍采用静态密码的方式,很容易被“木马”等病毒跟踪到,存在风险。最近,银行纷纷关注网上购物的安全性问题,而沸沸扬扬的账户被盗用事件中,也有不少用户深受其害。 [结果分析] 通过调查,我发现: 1. 目前国内市场尚缺具有相当规模和专业程度的网上购物企业。国内在线 零售网站在资金上的缺乏使得网上购物不能迅速扩大业务规模和品牌效 应,在未来电子商务产业进入高速成长期后,也难以满足客户们对品种、 服务、价格方面的要求。 2. 目前国内网络消费群体尚未到位。目前国内有消费意愿和消费能力的网民 多数处于16-25岁的低收入阶段,而且消费偏好更倾向于网络游戏、无线增值业务、在线影视娱乐等休闲娱乐服务,而非网上购物。 3. 目前国内网络消费环境尚不完善,网上购物立法匮乏,与传统购物环境相比,网上购物在售后服务、质量保障、等方面仍然难以让消费者放心。信用体制、网上支付、物流网络三大瓶颈也仍有待解决。 4. 尽管目前国内网上商品较多,但是品种细分却还远远不够,对比传统的线 下零售,可 选择的余地相对还非常少,导致电子零售市场规模现阶段仍 然难以与传统大型商场、超市所创造的经济价值相提并论。 5. 尽管日用百货销售价格较低、利润空间较小,但相对于传统百货业,电子 零售可以大大节约新增店铺成本,具备无限制容纳大客流、无限制陈列 商品的优势。参照国际上在线商店的发展经验,消费需求较大的百货商 品同样适合通过互联网实现分销。 6. 尽管资本投入不足一直是中国电子零售产业发展滞后的根本原因,2004 年,中国网上购物市场还是开始呈现出百花争鸣甚至混业经营的局面。 愈来愈多的运营商渡过了互联网的寒冬,愈来愈多的网民加入了互联网 消费大军,愈来愈多的商品出现在互联网上。 7(中国网上购物市场的基础环境越来越稳定,淘宝、易趣、当当、卓越等 网上购物网已成为广大网民网上购物的场所。随着我国经济持续快速的 增长,人民生活水平的提高,中国电信网络规模的壮大,电脑的普及率 的提高、计算机技术的发展以及政府多层次多 角度推动,网上购物市 场越来越火暴,会逐渐发展及形成人们购物的主要形式。 纵观我国现有法律规定,对网上购物消费者权益的法律保护散见于《民法通则》、《合同法》、《消费者权益保护法》、《电信条例》等法律法规中,但大多内容散乱,可操作性不强,远不能达到保护消费者的目的。这一切都需要加快立法速度,在参考国外先进立法经验的基础上于时机成熟时制定一部适合于我国国情的电子商务法典。当然,这是一个渐进的过程,前提control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 是必须对我国现有立法进行完善,同时针对现在网上购物存在的问题应当及时做出反应,在相关制度、政策方面可以做一些有益的探索。 [网上购物小贴士] 1、切勿泄露个人秘密。 2、保存交易记录。在发生网上购物争议时,这些记录可作为证据以便维权。 3、仔细阅读网站的购买条款,小心其中的陷阱。 4、对于邮寄发货的情况,买家签字收货时请注意包裹的包装是否完好,如包装损坏则可以拒收。 5、买家必须了解卖家的固定电话(不是手机)及具体地址。如果卖家不透露这两个重要信息,千万不要付款。 6、很多厂家在售后一般会消极处理甚至不急于服务,所以网上异地购物一点要先询问该产品是否是全国联保。 [总结与评价] 在本次调查活动中,我们小组成员认真研究课题,积极查阅资料,认真 执行调查活动,调动组员积极参与活动。仔细分析调查活动中出现的问 题原因,认真总结结果并写出 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 。通过实践,我们体会到了很多。 研究性学习是给我们进入社会实践,也是一种机会,更是一种实践。同时,还能让我们认识到更多的东西,了解更多我们所不知道的社会问题。因此,研究性学习是有利于我们学习上、身心上的健康的。 通过这次综合性学习活动,我们对网上购物的利与弊进行分析,基本上达到了研究的目标。但是也出现了一些需要改进的地方:一是部分探究不够深入,无法网上购物的发展趋势;二是我们的调查仍不够全面有待后期完善;三是我们对整个过程的突发情况的应对能力、处理能力不够灵活。 附1.问卷调查表: 网上购物调查问卷表 1.请问您是否有网上购物经历, 有网购经历 、 无网购经历且无了解 、 无网购经历,但对网购有少许了解 、 有了解,但是叫朋友代替购买 2.您经常访问哪些购物网站(多选), 淘宝网 、易趣网 、卓越网、 当当网、 拍拍、 其它 3.你选择网购的主要原因(多选) ,节省时间 、方便,送货上门、 价格相对来说比较便宜、 品种齐全,时尚潮流 、受身边朋友影响、 可以货比三家,没有营业员施加的压力 4.请问您会网上购物中选择什么样的价位的产品, 50以下、50-100元、100-150元、150元以上 5.请问您一般在网上购买哪类产品,(多选) 书籍及影音类、 服饰(包括鞋子和包)、 日用品(起居及洗漱用品) 、手机及数码产品、 电脑及配件、 数字类产品,如QQ秀,Q币,游戏币等 美容化妆品、 食品类(包括蔬菜水果零食)、 其它 6.您对网上购买的商品的满意程度, 非常满意 、 满意 、 一般不满意、 非常不满意 7.您如果在网络上购买的物品不和心意或有质量问题,您会怎么办?(多选) 反正东西不多、也花不了多少钱、吃点亏算了、 非常生气,再也不在网络上购物、 想退换货,但不知道通过什么渠道 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 向消费者协会投诉、 向销售网点提出退货要求 、其它 8.你对网上购物的顾虑是(多选), 网络安全(信用卡信息、个人信息等)、 商品质量、 商家的诚信度 、售后服务是否完善、 商品配送时效快慢 、配送费用 9.您怎样看待传统购物模式和网上购物模式(多选) ,传统的比较麻烦,网上的更省力、 网上的东西样式更多些,有更多的选择空间、 差不多,不觉得有很大的区别、 传统的比网上的更有安全感 10.您觉得网上购物的安全性怎样, 还不错,至少我没碰到欺诈行为、仍然有所顾虑、但还是会参与觉得不安全、不太敢尝试其它 附2:问卷调查汇总 网上购物调查问卷表(汇总) 1.请问您是否有网上购物经历, 有网购经历 无网购经历且无了解 无网购经历,但有少许了解 有了解,但是叫朋友代替购买 11票 4票 3票 2.您经常访问哪些购物网站(多选), 淘宝网 易趣网 卓越网 当当网 拍拍 其它 19票 2票 1票 6票 7票 2票 3.你选择网购的主要原因(多选), 节省时间 方便,送货上门 价格相对来说比较便宜 品种齐全,时尚潮流 受身边朋友影响 货比三家,没有营业员施加的压力 7票 11票 14票 1票 3票 4.请问您会网上购物中选择什么样的价位的产品, 50以下 50-100元 100-150元 150元以上 7票 9票 3票 6票 6票 5.请问您一般在网上购买哪类产品,(多选) 书籍及影音类 服饰(包括鞋子和包) 日用品(起居及洗漱用品) 手机及数码产品 电脑及配件 数字类产品,如Q币,游戏币等 6票 12票 3票 8票 2票 5票 美容化妆品 食品类(包括零食) 其它 2票 2票 2票 6.您对网上购买的商品的满意程度, 非常满意 满意 一般 不满意 非常不满意 2票 15票 2票 1票 2票 7.您如果在网络上购买的物品不和心意或有质量问题,您会怎么办?(多选) 花不了多少钱吃点亏算了 非常生气,再也不在网络上购物 想退换货,但不知道通过什么渠道 向消费者协会投诉 向销售网点提出退货要求 其它 4票 3票 6票 4票 9票 5票 8.你对网上购物的顾虑是(多选), 网络安全 商品质量 商家的诚信度 售后服control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 务是否完善 商品配送时效快慢 配送费用 8票 19票 8票 9票 8票 9.您怎样看待传统购物模式和网上购物模式(多选), 网上的更省力 网上样式更多些,更多的选择空间 差不多,不觉得有很大的区别 传统的比网上的更有安全感 4票 15票 1票 6票 10.您觉得网上购物的安全性怎样, 至少我没碰到欺诈行为 仍然有所顾虑 但还是会参与觉得不安全 不太敢尝试 其它 6票 10票 5票 摘自www.maidang.com control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and
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