首页 配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液



配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液 授课日期: 2013 年 11 月 6 日 课型: 实验课 课题:到实验室去 配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液 袁美浩 学习目标: 1.进一步规范药品的取用、称量、量取、溶解、搅拌等基本操作。 2.初步学会配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液的方法。 3.通过实验过程培养学生的学习兴趣和实验创新能力。 4.培养良好的实验习惯和规范的实验操作能力。 知识点(重点、难点): 重点:药品的取用; 难点:胶头滴管的使用。 实验准备:托盘天平、药匙、量筒、胶头滴管、烧杯、玻璃棒、细口瓶、蒸馏水、 ...

配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液 授课日期: 2013 年 11 月 6 日 课型: 实验课 课题:到实验室去 配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液 袁美浩 学习目标: 1.进一步规范药品的取用、称量、量取、溶解、搅拌等基本操作。 2.初步学会配制一定溶质质量分数的溶液的方法。 3.通过实验过程培养学生的学习兴趣和实验创新能力。 4.培养良好的实验习惯和规范的实验操作能力。 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 (重点、难点): 重点:药品的取用; 难点:胶头滴管的使用。 实验准备:托盘天平、药匙、量筒、胶头滴管、烧杯、玻璃棒、细口瓶、蒸馏水、 食盐、标签。 板书 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 : 化学实验基本技能训练(一) 实验一 药品的取用 实验二 .物质的加热 1.粉末状固体:药匙或纸槽 1.酒精灯的使用 (一斜、二送、三直立) 点、加、灭 2.块状固体:镊子 2.给液体加热 (一横、二放、三慢竖) 3.给固体加热 3.液体 (试管口稍向下倾斜) 倾倒法:一倒(放置)、二向(手心)、4.组装仪器的顺序 三靠(瓶口) 从下到上,从左到右 滴加法:悬空垂直在容器的正上方 4.取用药品的节约原则 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 学习过程: 师生互动 活动意图 【复习回顾】 以问题的形式,让 1. 配制一定溶质质量分数溶液的一般步骤有哪些, 学生思考、回答。既 2. 配制过程中导致溶质质量分数偏大(偏小)的可 复习了旧知识,也为能原因有哪些, 3.本实验用到哪些仪器, 溶液配制做准备。 【创设情景引入新课】 问题:1、某医院急需500g0.9,的生理盐水急救病人,利用生活中常见的现你能帮助医院解决吗,比一比那个小组最先配制出来。 象,创设问题情境, 学生回答:老师我能解决,具体的操作为:先用托盘激发学生急于解决问天平称量4.5g食盐放入烧杯中,然后用量筒量取题的欲望自然过渡到495.5ml的蒸馏水倒入烧杯中,最后用玻璃棒搅拌溶解就本节课的任务,使学配好了。 生明确学习目标,并 学生各抒己见,找两个学生上讲台演示,老师和学体会化学与生活的密生共同指出操作中出现的问题。 切关系,体验成功的【归纳】配制500g0.9,的生理盐的实验步骤:(1)计算 快乐。同时培养学生(2)称量(3)溶解(4)装瓶存放 设计实验的能力。 【分组实验】 请同学们按照上面步骤实验,比一比那个小组的操作更 规范 规范基本实验操作,强调:1.托盘天平的使用 2.液体的取用 加深对溶液配制步骤问题:哪些因素会导致溶质的质量分数偏小(偏大), 的理解。 (1)称量前天平未调平,且指针向右偏转。 (2)左码右物使用游码 (3)仰视读数或俯视读数 培养学生对误差分析 (4)量筒向烧杯中倾倒时有少量的水溅出 的能力 (5)配好的溶液向细口瓶倾倒时有部分溅出 (6)食盐不纯 (7)砝码生锈 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 学生观看视频,总结操作要领: 明确实验操作的 任务和 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ,形成动交流反思:1.如何减少实验过程中的误差, 2要准确配制一定量一定溶质质量分数的溶液,应注作定向,根据视频中 意哪些问题, 正确的操作示范,建课堂小结:配制一定量一定溶质质量分数的溶液的步骤 立正确的表象。 布置作业:完成实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 注意指导学生,注 重培养学生实验操作 的规范性,让学生互 教互学,鼓励学生大 胆动手实验,学会分 析实验成与败的原 因,从生活走进课堂, 有利于学生的接受。 课中 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 1( 配制一定溶质的质量分数的氯化钠溶液的一些操作步骤见下图,正确的操作顺序是( ) A(????? B(????? C(????? D(????? 2.用足量的含不溶性固体杂质(含量不祥)的食盐配制溶质质量分数一定的食盐溶液,操作有:(1)称量(2)过滤(3)蒸发结晶(4)计算(5)溶解(6)干燥。其先后顺序为 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 3((09东营市)以下是用8mL蒸馏水稀释浓硫酸的实验操作过程,其中错误的是 4.要配制100g溶质质量分数为10%的氯化钠溶液,下列操作正确的是( ) A.将10g氯化钠固体直接放在天平的托盘上称量 B.量取90ml水时,俯视读数 C.为加快固体溶解,用温度计搅拌溶液 D.将配好的溶液倒入细口瓶中,盖紧瓶塞,贴上标签 5.在配制一定质量分数的氯化钠溶液时,下列出现的操作失误,会引起所配溶液的溶质质量分数降低的是( ) A.用托盘天平称量氯化钠时,将砝码放在左盘,但未使用游码 B.用量筒量取蒸馏水读数时,仰视凹液面的最低处 C.将量筒中的水倒入烧杯时,有水洒出 D.将配好的氯化钠溶液转移到细口瓶时,不慎撒出部分溶液 6.把一根火柴梗平插在酒精灯的灯焰内,待约1 s后取出来,可以观察到火柴梗最先炭化的部分是在灯焰的( )。 A.外焰 B.内焰 C.焰心 D.中上部 课堂总结: 通过本节的学习,请同学们谈谈有什么收获,(从实验技能、实验注意事项、与生活的联系、对生活习惯的启示等方面总结) 教学反思: 1.本节课能通过认知图片、阅读操作方法、视频演示,练习操作的方式,环adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 环相扣,逐步深入引导学生掌握取用药品、给物质加热的实验基本技能; 2.由于在实验室学生控制力较差,不能很好的遵守实验室要求,使得有的小 组实验没有完成; 3.在进行课堂教学时,可以与生活密切联系起来,加强理解。 4.引导学生分析实验误差的原因 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by
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