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梵高英语介绍.doc梵高英语介绍.doc 姓名:Vincent van Gogh 生日:1853年3月30日 职业:画家 去世时间:1890年7月29日 派别:印象派、表现派 性别:男 籍贯:荷兰 供职机构: 经历:为画商工作,当过传教士 代表作:《吃土豆的人们》《夜咖啡》《向日葵》《星夜》《自画像》等 人物简介: 梵高自杀年仅三十七岁,作为一位艺术家,直到死前不久他才以其震憾人心而富于想象力的绘画赢得评论界的赞扬。梵高死后不出几年,一些画家就开始模仿他的画法,为了表现强烈的感情,可以不对现实作如实的反映,这种创...

梵高英语介绍.doc 姓名:Vincent van Gogh 生日:1853年3月30日 职业:画家 去世时间:1890年7月29日 派别:印象派、 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现派 性别:男 籍贯:荷兰 供职机构: 经历:为画商工作,当过传教士 代表作:《吃土豆的人们》《夜咖啡》《向日葵》《星夜》《自画像》等 人物简介: 梵高自杀年仅三十七岁,作为一位艺术家,直到死前不久他才以其震憾人心而富于想象力的绘画赢得评论界的赞扬。梵高死后不出几年,一些画家就开始模仿他的画法,为了表现强烈的感情,可以不对现实作如实的反映,这种创造性的态度被称作表现主义,并且证明是现代绘画中一种历久不衰的倾向。 梵高 ——火一样炽热的大画家 (文森特?梵高(1853-1890),荷兰画家。患有精神分裂症。青年时期曾从事宗教活动,后转向绘画,以其对生活的热烈渴 望开辟出一个艺术的新天地。) 梵高出生于一个基督教牧师的家庭。16岁时,他到古比尔美术公司海牙分店当店员,以后又去伦敦分店工作。几年以后,由于 痛苦的失恋和对职业的厌倦,梵高投身宗教,决心做一个福音传道者。 1897年,他25岁时来到比利时南部的博里纳日传教。在那里,几乎人人都做矿工谋生。他们冒着瓦斯中毒和爆炸等危险,挣扎 在死亡线上。梵高怀着极大的同情心来到矿区,只见矿工们穿着破烂的衣服,满脸煤灰,浑身污黑,骨瘦如柴,肩狭背驼,不时有 人发出阵阵的咳嗽声。几天以后,梵高就在一间简陋的席棚里开始了第一次宗教集会。他天天去看望那些身患重病的人,把自己的 大半薪水用在为病人购买仪器和药物上。他甚至把床让出去,自己睡在地板上,村里的病人他全都护理过,每一间草棚他都送去过 牛奶,面包。而自己呢,却由于缺吃少穿,得了热病,瘦得皮包骨头。上司以他超越牧师职责为名,禁止他继续讲道。梵高失去了 “上帝”,他不得不离开这个生活了6个月的苦难深重的地方。 梵高贫困潦倒,到处流浪。这时,他阅读了莎士比亚、狄更斯、雨果的作品,并开始学画素描。1882年,他到海牙学习绘画, 比他小4岁的泰奥是一位画商,每月寄钱供梵高学画。梵高后来艺术上的成功,是与泰奥在物质上、精神上对他的帮助分不开的。 一次,梵高在小酒店遇到了憔悴不堪、被贫困损害了身心的女人西恩。西恩以洗衣为生,有时还得找个男人为她的5个孩子挣 点吃的。她肚子里还怀着一个孩子,这些孩子的父亲都是一些陌生人。梵高请西恩当模特儿。并收留了她。西恩以充满爱情的双手 为梵高做饭、煮咖啡、铺床、打扫工作室,使他感到从未有过的温暖。梵高多次为西恩画速写,对她身体的线条完全熟悉了,就画 了一张正式的作品,这是一个生命精髓被榨干的妇人,画上 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 了米歇勒的话:“世上怎么会有一个如此孤独绝望的女人,” 但是,好景不长。梵高把泰奥寄来的生活费大部分用在请模特儿和买绘画 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 上,经常身无分文,没有食物。西恩劝梵高把寄 来的钱留作家用,而梵高坚持绘画第一。他和她只好痛苦地分手了。 1883年12月,梵高迁到纽南。在这里,他画了很多朴素的农村场景,画了农民、织工的肖像。1885年5月,梵高画了一幅《食 土豆者》:幽暗的灯光,挖掘土地的手伸向盆里,去拿土豆。作品反映了作者对劳动者深厚的感情。 1886年,梵高来到巴黎与泰奥同住。他在巴黎第一次看到印象派的绘画,大为震惊。泰奥把印象派的情况介绍给他,他们还一 起参观了第一次印象派画展。印象派画家大都喜欢表现自然界的光和色,也表现现代都市的运动感。泰奥陪着梵高仔细地揣摩了所 有的展品;莫奈的油画描绘了河水、天空、房屋、树木,捕捉了变幻的色、跳动的光,使他感到充满战栗的生命感。毕沙罗的作品 表现大自然的欢腾之息。日本浮世给版画鲜明的大色块对比的装饰性色彩,使他一见倾心。灿烂的阳光,丰富的色调,给了梵高 许多灵感。他到街头写生,到近郊写生。他力图画得很亮,但却丧失了自己的独特风格。他感到苦恼,他要表现光明的世界。 1888年,梵高来到法国南部的阿尔。那里碧蓝的天空中悬挂着眩目火球,大地仿佛被炽热的阳光点燃,显示出强烈的色彩。梵 高欣喜若狂,创作激情燃烧着他一生中最优秀的作品就在这里诞生了。梵高发自内心地说:“画面里的色彩就是生活里的热情。” 梵高最着名的作品是1888年8月完成的《向日葵》。在这幅画中,黄色是太阳的象征。他还不止一次地描绘灼目的太阳。同年 10月所作的《夕阳剪柳》中那欢快明亮的色彩,大放光芒的太阳,使观众的心和梵高的心一起跳动。这一时期,他还画了《普罗旺 斯的果园》、《阿尔的收割季节》、《圣玛利的渔船》、《邮递员约瑟夫?鲁兰》等着名的作品。他几乎用原色来描绘,强烈的色 彩对比一下子攫住了观众的心;短促而粗壮的笔触,形成一种节奏感。色彩犹如镶嵌在画面上的宝石,闪闪发光。梵高用心灵感受 光明,由荷兰古典画法、印象派和日本浮世给予的灵感,在绘画艺术领域里开辟出一个新的天 Name: Vincent van Gogh Date of Birth: March 30, 1853 Occupation: Painter Death: July 29, 1890 Factions: Impressionist, performance camp Sex: Male Origin: the Netherlands Serving institutions: Experience: for art dealers, as a missionary Masterpieces [?mæst?pi:s ,?mɑ:st?pi:s]: "People eat potato," "Night Coffee" and "Sunflowers" and "Xingye" "self-portrait." People Profile: Van Gogh committed suicide only 37 years old, as an artist until his death shortly before he shocked the people and imaginative paintings won critical praise. Van Gogh died a few years, some artists began to imitate his painting, in order to strong performance of the feelings can not be accurately reflected reality, this is called a creative attitude and performance, and proved to be in a modern painting Of ever-lasting trend. Van Gogh -- Intense fire as the great painter (Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch painter. Suffering from schizophrenia. Youth had engaged in religious activities, after steering painting, with its warm thirst for life Wang opened a new world of the arts. ) Van Gogh was born in a Protestant pastor's family. 16-year-old, his Bill to ancient art branches the Hague when the company staff, went after the London branch of work. A few years later, because Lovelorn painful and tired of the occupation, Van Gogh to join religious, determined to be a Christian evangelist. 1897, 25-year-old when he came to Belgium in southern Borinage missionary. There, almost everyone has done miners make a living. They braved the gas poisoning and explosive, and dangerous, struggle In death online. Van Gogh with great compassion to the mining area and saw the miners wearing ragged clothes, face ash, every Wuhei, Gushouruchai, narrow shoulders back a camel, from time to time Issue again and coughing sound. A few days later, Van Gogh in a shabby start Xipeng, the first religious gatherings. He called on every day to those suffering from serious illness, their Most of salary spent on the purchase of equipment and for patients on the drug. He even let out of the bed, their sleep on the floor, the village of patient care and all he had, each Caopeng he sent off Milk, bread. And then their own, but due to lack eat Shaochuan, had fever, disgusting Pibaogutou. Supervisors to go beyond his duties under the pretext of priests, banned him continue to preach. Van Gogh lost "God", he had to leave this life of six months of suffering places. Van Gogh Liaodao poverty everywhere stray. At this time, he read Shakespeare, Dickens, Victor Hugo's works, and started to learn Hua Sumiao. 1882, The Hague to study painting, Smaller than his 4-year-old Taiao is a painting, send money for the month of Van Gogh paintings. Van Gogh was on the success of the arts, with Taiao the material and spiritual assistance to his inseparable. First, Van Gogh in a small hotel can not encountered a haggard, poor physical and mental damage to the woman Sean. Sean laundry to a living, sometimes have to find a man for her five children earn Point to eat. She also stomach with a child, the father of these children are strangers. When Sean Van Gogh to modelling. And to accept her. Sean with his hands full of love Van Gogh for cooking, boiling coffee, Puchuang, cleaning the studio, he had never felt the warmth. Sean Van Gogh painting for several sketches, the lines of her body completely familiar with the painting An official of the works, this is an essence of life was Zhagan the woman, drawing on a metre break that Le's words: "how the world would be such a lonely woman desperate? " However, Haojingbuchang. Van Gogh sent to Taiao used in most of the cost of living and to buy painting materials modelling, often penniless and without food. Sean advised to send Van Gogh The money reserved for home, and Van Gogh paintings adhere to the first. He and she had a painful separation. December 1883, Van Gogh moved to Newnan. Here, he painted a lot of simple rural scenes, painting the farmers, weavers of the portrait. May 1885, a Van Gogh painting a "rip - Potatoes ": dark lighting, extended the hand of mining land Penli, Quna potatoes. The author of the works reflect the deep feelings of workers. 1886, Van Gogh went to Paris to live with Taiao. He first saw in Paris impressionist paintings, shocked. Taiao the Impressionists on the situation to him, they have a The first time since visited the impressionist exhibition. Most of Impressionist painters like nature of light and color performance, but also the modern sense of movement. Van Gogh Taiao accompanied by a carefully figured out later Some of the exhibits; Monet's painting depicts a river, the sky, housing, trees, to capture the changing color, beat the light, he was full of life Zhanli the flu. Pissarro's works Joy to the nature of the performance of income. Japan Fushi to the large color prints sharp contrast to the decorative color, so that he has a crush. Bright sun, rich colors, to the Van Gogh Many inspiration. He painting to the streets to the outskirts of paint. Very bright picture of him, but lost their own unique style. He was distressed, he has to a bright performance of the world. 1888, Van Gogh to the south of France al. Where blue sky hanging in the blinding fireball, the earth seems to be the hot sun lit, showing that the strong colors. Vatican High overjoyed, creating a burning passion in his life the most outstanding works on here was born. Van Gogh heartfelt said: "The color screen is the life of passion." Van Gogh's most famous work is completed in August 1888 the "Sunflower." In the painting, yellow is the symbol of the sun. He also painted more than once blanch purpose of the sun. The same year October's "sunset shear Liu" in the joyful and bright colors, big Fang Guangmang the sun, so that the hearts of the audience and the Van Gogh of a beating heart. During this period, he also painted the "general-wang Sri Lanka's Orchard, "" Al the harvest season "," St. Mary's fishing boats "," Postman Joseph Lu Lan "were waiting for the works. He almost used to describe colors, strong color Choi contrast Juezhu the audience all of a sudden heart of the strokes short and stout, the formation of a rhythm. Color on the screen like a mosaic of precious stones, glittering. Van Gogh with feelings of the soul Bright, classical paintings from the Netherlands, Japan Fushi Impressionist and give inspiration, in the field of the arts of painting opened up a new day
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