首页 英语毕业论文《麦田里的守望者》中的象征主义TheSymbolisminJ.D.Salinger’stheCatcherintheRye



英语毕业论文《麦田里的守望者》中的象征主义TheSymbolisminJ.D.Salinger’stheCatcherintheRye英语毕业论文《麦田里的守望者》中的象征主义The Symbolism in J.D.Salinger’s the Catcher in the Rye “遁世作家”和“文学隐士”JD.塞林格以自己首部也是唯一一部长篇小说《麦田里的守望者》而享誉世界文坛,并且该作品自发表被一度列为禁书,之后却成为世界经典且经久不衰,塞林格也凭借此小说成为美国“被阅读得最多的经典作家”,这在世界文学史上实为鲜见。《麦田里的守望者》采用第一人称以一个青少年的口吻描述了二战后资本主义世界的种种丑恶与彷徨,在广大读者尤其是青少年中引起强烈共...

英语毕业论文《麦田里的守望者》中的象征主义The Symbolism in J.D.Salinger’s the Catcher in the Rye “遁世作家”和“文学隐士”JD.塞林格以自己首部也是唯一一部长篇小说《麦田里的守望者》而享誉世界文坛,并且该作品自发表被一度列为禁书,之后却成为世界经典且经久不衰,塞林格也凭借此小说成为美国“被阅读得最多的经典作家”,这在世界文学史上实为鲜见。《麦田里的守望者》采用第一人称以一个青少年的口吻描述了二战后资本主义世界的种种丑恶与彷徨,在广大读者尤其是青少年中引起强烈共鸣。本文以象征主义理论为指导,按照纵向关系将小说中的象征符号进行了类别划分,较为全面和系统的挖掘小说中的各种象征性内容,论述了象征主义是如何为凸显作品主题和刻画人物性格特征服务的。 第一章探讨小说中的象征性意象。小说中大到故事背景与自然环境,小到人物外表与相貌穿戴,无处不体现出浓重的象征主义色彩:潘西中学所象征的主流社会文化与纽约所象征的亚主流文化,使霍尔顿在两种环境中倍感窒息和走投无路,塑造其反常和极端的性格;小说中的麦田,悬崖,霍尔顿的猎人帽和灰头发,种种表象都折射出作品所包涵的主题和人物的性格特征。 第二章分析小说中的象征性人物与活动。小说中的人物形象可以概括为正面和反面两种。例如霍尔顿的两个女朋友萨丽和琴分别象征世俗与柏拉图式的爱情。另外,斯特拉德莱塔,妓女孙妮和妹妹菲比,弟弟艾里则是美好与丑陋的代言人。而小说中出现的一些人物活动同样具有鲜明的象征意义。 第三章从色彩角度论述作品的象征意义。小说中以红白黑蓝粉等各种颜色呈现出的一系列事物在特定的语言环境和文化中体现出不同的象征内涵。例如白色所象征的纯真美好,黑色所象征的邪恶恐怖。作家赋予了这些色彩以深刻的象征意义,以突显主题。 Abstract reclusive writer literature hermit, Salinger enjoys prestige world first novel Catcher novel listed banned later became world--- enduring classic,and Salinger regarded classical writer whose works widely Americans. really unusual history world literature. Catcher describes ugliness capitalist world after World third person youth’s tone, which aroused great empathy among readers especially teenagers. Based theory symbolism, thesis defines various symbols novel light longitudinal relations, excavates miscellaneous symbolic contents novel roundly systemically, discusses symbolism serves highlight theme works depict characteristics characters. first chapter explores symbolic imagery novel. Symbolism strongly reflected novel, ranging story background natural environment appearance clothing characters. Pencey York, which respectively symbolize mainstream social culture hypo-stream social culture, Holden choke desperation, molding unusual extreme characters. objects novel cliff, Holden’s hunting refract themes characters features novel. second chapter analyzes symbolic characters their activities. figures novel clarified positive negative, example, Holden’s girlfriends Sally represent profane platonic loves; Stradlater, Sunny Allie, Phoebe spokesmen goodliness ugliness. Besides, figures’behaviors distinct symbolic meanings. third chapter discovers symbolism works perspective colors. Different colors referred novel including white, black, blue, contain various symbolic connotations under specific language environment culture. instance, white stands purity goodness; black repres 1234567 fear. writer presents symbolic meanings these colors feature theme novel. Abstract 2 Introduction 5 Research background 5 Literature review 6 Chapter Symoblic imagery novel 15 Symbolic meanings settings environment 15 Symbolic meanings natural sceneries 15 Symbolic meanings objects 22 Chapter Symbolic characters novel 29 Sally Jane 29 Stradlater, Sunny Allie, Castle 31 Holden 34 Chapter Three Symbolic colors novel 36 Symbolic meanings red 36 Symbolic meanings white black 38 Symbolic meanings other colors 39 Conclusion 42 Notes 45 Bibliography 47 Acknowledgments 50 Introduction Research Background After Second World United States accumulated material wealth, people's living standards increased quickly. However, result Government’s Truman Doctrine McCarthyism, showed strength other countries conducted pressure policy people. world, intensified nuclear terror hanged everyone's heart. People's spiritual lives became empty. people sleepy; people vulgar false world. However, lacked bright ideal said: value world directly proportional devaluation human spirit world"[1]. world material abundance spirit shortage, people without faith ideal. people 1950s known generation catabolic lonely. Jerome David Salinger, called “hermitic writer”, Hampshire Cornish January lived seclusion century always adhered belief loved writing, wrote himself, pleasure. Since 1965, though didn’t working, publish influential works. solitude "hermit" literary world escaped secular behind mystery about himself unpublished works. However, infrequent writers famous United States transgressive works Salinger unique lucky. became immortal works Catcher (1951). short works considered banned book, became popular American school students influenced generations young people. Salinger considered classical writers whose works widely United 1234567 ates. Perhaps since influence United States, China could utterly ignorant about time, although China under culture authoritarian, government works Catcher appeared quietly internal publication. earliest version works "beige book" translated Xianrong version reprinted several times. paper, perspective overall planning, researcher brief evaluation whole local symbol works Catcher order reveal theme works characters’ fates. Conclusion thesis about symbolism novel Catcher basis whole thesis, author analyzed meaning theories Symbolism. Symbolism artistic theory first forward Moreas. considered Symbolism trying cover ideas perceptible styles. American literary critic Arthur Simmons definition symbol conventional performance. Commonly, according different methods, usually divide symbol "traditional symbol" "personal symbol", "emotion symbol" "philosophy symbol". Since symbolic images special position novel, implication concept emotion exceptional value works. Symbol, implication metaphor leave space readers taste.  unique artistic expression, symbolism is“to represent imply certain things rational association, association, convention accidental, intentional similarity, especially visible symbols performance invisible things, idea, society, country” [27]. Thus, novel’s symbolism visible symbol showing hidden people, things ideas invisible matters. Thus, grasp symbol novel, order novel implication layers. Symbolism rooted cultural traditions social psyche. Symbolic generate commonsense inseparable association, ancient totem worship, religious mythological stories. After accumulation image, these associations, traditions customs gradually fixed, became traditional symbol. addition, there “personal symbolism”, artist, because difference personality, background, personal experience, produce create unique symbolic imagery. Since symbolism produced, there apects examine whether novel’s symbolism successful. means cultural literary traditions, understand writer personality, background novel embodiment symbolism. Based above-mentioned analysis former chapters, Salinger's Catcher picaresque novel 1234567 modern sense. novel learns method picaresque about characters first-person narrative point, episodic structure character rebellious spirit, being consistent tradition returning society. modern color artistic patterns wandering narrative perspective creative skills. vigorous vitality American literature century. novel writing tradition modernism picaresque techniques Catcher reflects causes human spirit pursue lasting influence contemporary American literary. There symbolism novel, never messy. Longitudinal system includes environment, characters, images three systems; transverse system dualistic relationship, symbol division world Holden created favorable atmosphere. basic research contents dissertation follows: firstly, refers symbolic imagery novel. Symbolism strongly reflected novel, ranging story background natural environment appearance clothing characters. Pencey York, which respectively symbolize mainstream social culture hypo-stream social culture, Holden choke desperation, molding unusual extreme characters. objects novel cliff, Holden’s hunting refract themes characters features novel. Secondly, author analyzes symbolic characters their activities. figures novel clarified positive negative. specific, Holden’s girlfriends Sally represent profane platonic loves; Stradlater, Sunny Allie, Phoebe spokesmen goodliness ugliness. Besides, figures’ behaviors distinct symbolic meanings. third chapter discovers symbolism works perspective colors. Different colors referred novel including white, black, blue, contain various symbolic connotations under specific language environment culture. instance, white stands purity goodness; black represents fear. writer presents symbolic meanings these colors feature theme novel. application colors novel, peoples effect colors perceived.  Mastering symbolism kinds colors repeated works understand theme personalities characters novel deeply. Being consistent above analysis summary, novel, typical symbolism masterwork, reflects method thinking symbolism aspects imagery, characters colors. combination these elements, authors establishment milestone history literature.  &nbs 1234567 Notes Halliday, M.A.K, Language Social Semiotic: Social Interpretation Language Meaning (2003), 101-103. 吴亮,章平,宗仁发, 象征主义小说,(北京:时代文艺出版社,1988) ,1-9. Hassan Ihab. Radical Innocence: Studies Contemporary American Novel. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973), 117-118. 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