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高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration单词·巧记·典句·考点 北师大版必修1


高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration单词·巧记·典句·考点 北师大版必修1名师导航 三点剖析 单词·巧记·典句·考点 【巧记提示】graduat(e)(v.毕业)+tion(名词词尾) 【经典例句】What shall we do after graduation? 毕业后我们干什么? 【考点聚焦】相关词:graduate v.毕业 固定搭配:graduate from 从……毕业 graduate in 毕业于……专业 【活学活用】1.用合适的介词填空 She graduated Beijing University histor...

高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration单词·巧记·典句·考点 北师大版必修1
名师导航 三点剖析 单词·巧记·典句·考点 【巧记提示】graduat(e)(v.毕业)+tion(名词词尾) 【经典例句】What shall we do after graduation? 毕业后我们干什么? 【考点聚焦】相关词:graduate v.毕业 固定搭配:graduate from 从……毕业 graduate in 毕业于……专业 【活学活用】1.用合适的介词填空 She graduated Beijing University history. 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :from;in 【巧记提示】tradition(n.传统)+-al(形容词词尾) 【经典例句】Some people believe in Chinese traditional medicine. 一些人相信中医。 【考点聚焦】同根词:tradition n.传统traditionally adv.传统地 【巧记提示】now(现在)+a(一个)+days(日子) 【经典例句】Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。 【考点聚焦】1)nowadays还有名词词性,同过去相比较意思是“现在,现今,如今”。 2)nowaday是形容词意思是“现在时,当前的”。 【活学活用】2.翻译 Nowadays,adverts,ements can be found everywhere in any big city. 答案:现在,在任何一个大城市里,到处都可以看到广告。 【巧记提示】in(在……里)+clude(卷)+e,卷在里面即“包含,包括”。 【经典例句】The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales. 联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。 【考点聚焦】1)included和including可以相互转换。 We all went,me/myself included. =We all went,including me/myself. I bought six books,including a storybook. =I bought six books,a storybook included. 2)include和contain的区别。 include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。 contain指一个整体包括的内容,侧重“内有”的意思。 【活学活用】3.选择题 1)The band played many songs, some of my favourites. A.includes   B.included   C.including   D.to include 2)This kind of plant lots of vitamin C. A.includes B.holds C.contains D.takes 3)The whole book 12 units, two main revisions. A.includes;containing B.contains;including C.contains;containing D.includes;included 答案:1)C 2)C 3)A 【巧记提示】de(去掉,破坏)+story(struct) 【经典例句】The houses were destroyed by a fire/a flood/an earthquake. 房屋被火灾(水灾,地震)所毁。 【考点聚焦】易混辨析:destroy,damage,ruin和spoil destroy指“打破、破坏”,常用来比喻希望、计划等破灭,常用于被动语态。 damage多指对外观、价值、使用性和完好性的破坏。 ruin多指把东西损坏到不能再修理的程度。 spoil指因破坏、践踏而彻底毁坏某事物的价值和用途。 【活学活用】4.用destroy,damage,spoil 的合适形式填空 1)All his hopes .他所有的希望都破灭了。 2)The earthquake several buildings.地震使一些建筑受到了破坏。 3)The rain my painting.雨水毁了我的画。 答案:1)were destroyed 2)damaged 3)has spoilt 【巧记提示】deco +rate (比率)  【经典例句】They decorated the room with flowers and balloons. 他们用花和气球装饰了房间。 【考点聚焦】1)请记住decorate的派生词: decoration[C]&[U]装饰,饰品 decorative adj.装饰用的,装潢用的 decorator n.装潢工人 2)习惯用语decorate with 以……装饰 【巧记提示】serve(v.招待,侍候,服务) →deserve (vt.应受,值得) 【经典例句】They served the guests a wonderful dinner. 他们以盛宴招待客人们。 Can I serve you in any way? 我能帮你忙吗? 【考点聚焦】1)要表达“为……服务”时,不要受汉语影响用serve for sb.,而应使用 serve sb.。 2)习惯用语serve as (for) 作为……用;相似 【活学活用】5.改错 We should serve for the people heart and soul. 答案:去掉for 【巧记提示】tradition (n.传统,惯例) →traditional(adj.传统的,惯例的) 【经典例句】We ought to keep up fine tradition.我们应保持优良传统。 【考点聚焦】1)固定搭配:by tradition 按照传统;据口传true to tradition 名不虚 2)同义词:custom 【巧记提示】recept(v.接待,招待会)+-ion 名词后缀) 【经典例句】I got a friendly reception from them.我受到他们友好的招待。 They gave a warm reception to the old expert. 他们对这位老专家给予了热情的接待。 【考点聚焦】 我的记忆卡 习惯用语: a warm reception 热情的接待     a reciprocal reception 答谢酒会 a wedding reception 结婚喜宴 give a reception to 招待,欢迎 hold a reception 举行欢迎会 reception room 接待室,会客厅 have a great faculty of reception 领会力很强 【巧记提示】re(又,再)+tire(累),又累了就该“退休”了。 【经典例句】He retired from the business when he was 60. 他60岁时,退休了。 【考点聚焦】retired,retiring retired形容词,意为“退休的,退役的”。如:a retired Civil Servant 退休的公务员 retiring形容词,意为“过隐居生活的,害羞的”,如: Joanna had a gentle retiring disposition. 乔安娜性格温柔而腼腆。 【巧记提示】sal(e)(卖)+-ary(名词词尾) 【经典例句】He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. 他的工资待遇很好,但他总是向朋友借钱而又从不归还。 【考点聚焦】易混辨析:income,pay,wages,salary和fee income:某一段时间所得,可指挣来的也可指非挣来的。主要指工作报酬或投资收益所得的钱,是通用词。 pay:一般用以指雇主定期付给工人的工资。 wages:指劳动者的工资,或工人的工资,通常指给予短期工作者的报酬。常按小时、日、星期计算或按完成一定的工作量计算,通常为现款。 salary:通常指一的收入。一般指专业人员和办公室工作的人员领取的工资,通常按月支付,一般直接拨入领取者的银行账户。 fee:是付给律师、医生等的报酬。 【活学活用】6.选择题 Some famous singers live on the from their record sales. A.salary B.value C.bill D.income 答案:D 【巧记提示】apply(申请)→apple(苹果) 【经典例句】The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings. 勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。 【考点聚焦】词组拓展: 1)apply for申请; 请求,接洽 如: I want to apply for the job.我想申请这项工作。 2)apply oneself to sth./to doing sth. 专心从事,埋头于…… 如: Students should apply themselves to their study. 学生们应该专心致志地学习。 【巧记提示】congratulat(e) (v.祝贺)+-tion (名词词尾) 【经典例句】It’s your birthday today?Congratulations! 今天是你的生日?恭喜,恭喜! 【考点聚焦】1)易混辨析:celebrate与congratulate celebrate只用于事,如节日、胜利、结婚纪念、生日等,是指以仪式、典礼等 活动庆祝令人欢乐的事或日子。 congratulate指对人祝贺,如表达“就某事祝贺”,一般用介词on。congratulate sb.on sth.为某事而祝贺某人。 2)celebrate 的名词形式为 celebration(庆祝,庆典);congratulate的名词形式为congratulation(祝贺;庆贺)常用复数,与介词on搭配。 【活学活用】7.选择题 1)(上海春季)The three sisters decided to hold a family party to their parents’ sil-ver wedding. A.celebrate B.memorize C.congratulate D.welcome 2)We offered our congratulations his passing the college entrance exams. A.at B.on C.for D.of 答案:1)A 2)B 【巧记提示】ent(e)r(v.进入)+-ance(名词词尾) 【经典例句】Excuse me,where is the entrance to the exhibition hall? 对不起,请问展览大厅的入口处在哪里? 【考点聚焦】entrance 总是与介词to 搭配使用。 如: the main entrance to the building 进入这个建筑的大门 entrance to college 进入大学  entrance to the business world 进入商界 【活学活用】8.选择题 We usually use the front entrance the building but there’s another entrance the back. A.to; to B.at; at C.to; at D.of; in 答案:A 【巧记提示】invit(e)(v.邀请 )+-ation(名词后缀) 【经典例句】We have sent him an invitation to the opening ceremony. 我们已经向他发出了参加开幕典礼的邀请。 【考点聚焦】请记住含invitation的常用词组: get/receive an invitation to收到……的邀请/请柬 on/upon invitation应邀 at the invitation of sb. 应……的邀请 【巧记提示】ceremony(n.典礼,仪式)→harmony (n.协调,融洽) 【经典例句】The prize giving ceremony was simple but beautiful. 颁奖典礼简单而完美。 我的记忆卡 相关短语: perform the opening/closing ceremony 举行开幕/闭幕式 Master of Ceremony 司仪 stand on/upon ceremony 讲究礼节,拘泥礼节,讲客套 with ceremony 正式,隆重 without ceremony 不拘礼节地,随便地 【巧记提示】at(在)+tend (vt.照管,护理 ) 【经典例句】They had a quiet wedding—only a few friends attended it. 他们的婚礼静悄悄的——只有几个朋友参加。 【考点聚焦】易混辨析:attend,take part in,join和join in attend指出席或参加会议、聚会、讲座等。 take part in指参加到某项活动中去(如群众活动、会议等),有时与join in可互换。  join意思是become a member of,加入到某一组织、团体或人群中去,并成为其中的一员。 join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。 【活学活用】9.选择题 It’s Sahah’s birthday tomorrow.Will you me in buying a present for her? A.take part B.attend C.share D.join 答案:D 【巧记提示】contribute (vt.捐献;贡献) → contribution(n.捐助(物)) 【经典例句】He contributed some money to the flood victims. 他捐出一些钱给遭受水灾的难民。 【考点聚焦】1)词组拓展: contribute(sth.)to/towards sth.为……作贡献 如: She contributed a lot of good ideas to the discussion. 她在这次讨论中提出了很多好的意见。 contribute to 有益于 如: Proper rest and enough sleep contribute to long life. 适当的休息和足够的睡眠有益于长寿。 2)相关词:contribution捐助(物) contributor 捐助者 contributive 贡献的 make contributions to对……作出贡献 【活学活用】10.填空 1)He (捐很多钱) to the charity. 2)Exercise (能促成) better health. 答案:1)contributed a lot of money 2)contributes to 【巧记提示】link (vt.连接)→ pink (粉红色) 【经典例句】The two towns are linked by a railway. 这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。 【考点聚焦】常与together,to,with连用意思是“连接”。 【活学活用】11.翻译 The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.  答案:新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。 【巧记提示】serious (adj.严肃的,认真的 )+-ly(副词词尾) 【经典例句】He was seriously ill and was taken to hospital. 他得了重病被送进了医院。 【考点聚焦】固定搭配:take sb./sth.seriously 认真对待某人/某事 如: We take this kind of threat very seriously. 我们对这类威胁非常重视。 【活学活用】12.改错 The shop assistant didn’t take the girl dressed in a grey coat serious. 答案:serious改成seriously 【巧记提示】decorat(e)(vi.装饰; 布置)+-tion(名词后缀) 【经典例句】The decoration of the new house is very modern. 这座新房子的装修非常现代。 【考点聚焦】同根词:1)decorate v.装饰,其重要搭配有: decorate sth. with sth. 装饰某事物;decorate sb.for sth.授予某人奖章 2)decorative adj.装饰用的,装潢用的;decorator n.装潢工人 【巧记提示】un(否定前缀)+fortunate(幸运的)+-ly(副词词尾) 【经典例句】She missed the last train unfortunately. 她不幸错过了最后一班列车。 【考点聚焦】1)同义词:unluckily 2)同根词:unfortunate adj.不幸的,不幸运的 3)其常用句式:be unfortunate to do 做某事很倒霉 It is unfortunate that...不幸的是……;可惜的是…… 4)un-,im-,in-,dis-,ir等均为表示否定的前缀。如: unfair,unable,unkind impossible,improper,impractical incapable,incomplete,incorrect dislike,disappear 【活学活用】13.选择题 Two middle aged passengers fell into the sea. ,neither of them could swim. A.In fact B.Luckily C.Unfortunately D.Naturally 答案:C
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