首页 关节为何会弹响



关节为何会弹响关节为何会弹响 中文: 对于人体关节活动时发出的响声,人们并不陌生,恐怕每个成年人都曾经发生过。那么,关节响声是从何而来的呢? 关节有时出现响声,一类是生理性的,另一类是病理性的。 生理性的响声 偶然发生的单一响声,常常是在人体突然做较快或者不太自然的动作时,比如中学生玩闹时突然被别人在背后猛拉上臂,致本人低头、弯腰时响起。原因是用力较猛,速度较快,肩关节活动范围又较大,使得关节面来不及充分契合,一侧关节面磨擦到另一侧关节面边缘较粗糙骨质而发出了响声。由于是骨与骨之间轻微碰撞发声,故类似于轻轻击鼓,声音较...

关节为何会弹响 中文: 对于人体关节活动时发出的响声,人们并不陌生,恐怕每个成年人都曾经发生过。那么,关节响声是从何而来的呢? 关节有时出现响声,一类是生理性的,另一类是病理性的。 生理性的响声 偶然发生的单一响声,常常是在人体突然做较快或者不太自然的动作时,比如中学生玩闹时突然被别人在背后猛拉上臂,致本人低头、弯腰时响起。原因是用力较猛,速度较快,肩关节活动范围又较大,使得关节面来不及充分契合,一侧关节面磨擦到另一侧关节面边缘较粗糙骨质而发出了响声。由于是骨与骨之间轻微碰撞发声,故类似于轻轻击鼓,声音较小且沉闷。再如下山或下楼时不慎趔趄,髋关节( 大腿根部 ) 由屈变伸,关节周围的肌腱或者筋膜等组织滑过关节旁股骨的突起部位而发出响声。由于肌腱和筋膜为纤维结缔组织,与琴弦的性质相似,滑过股骨粗隆(股骨的突起)相当于拨动琴弦,因此声音较响且清脆。另一种为扳伸手指发出的响声。即一些人乐此不疲形成习惯的手指弹响。由于手指的特殊构造,指关节的屈伸是由滑行在腱鞘中的屈指肌腱牵拉的,当手指过分弯曲或者由屈迅速伸直时,肌腱就会发出震动声。不过,需要特别指出的是,经常扳伸手指是一种不良习惯,不应效法。 病理性的响声 与生理性弹响不同,病理性弹响主要是关节囊较松引起的。如当髋关节弯曲时,股骨头经常会滑过髋臼上缘而产生弹响。因此,先天畸形、后天外伤、炎症等多种原因导致髋关节囊松弛者,均可出现髋关节弹响。膝弹响的原因较多,如关节中出现碎骨片、半月板损伤、先天性骨关节畸形等均可出现弹响。膝弹响的另一特点是走路时可能发生“打软”或者被“卡住”,有时还伴有疼痛。指弹响多见于手工劳动者、打字员、与电脑为伍的都市白领、家庭主妇, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为手指弯曲后不能伸直,用另一手扳直该手指时发生弹响,又称为扳机指,或者屈指肌腱炎。肩弹响的原因一种为肩关节囊松弛导致肩关节脱位或者半脱位;另一种是关节处软组织变性,活动时滑过骨突起而产生的弹响。由此可见,肩弹响以病理性弹响为主,除非是发生了打闹、嬉戏等偶然情况。 最后要指出的三点 1 . 鉴别生理性弹响还是病理性弹响其实很简单:偶尔发生的单一关节弹响,尤其是在趔趄、打闹等特殊情况下发生的大都为生理性的,无需多虑。经常反复出现的弹响,尤其有疼痛、关节交锁 (卡住 )等并发症状的关节弹响大都是病理性的,应该去医院诊治。 2.锻炼身体应讲究科学,避免盲目。除了肩关节过度锻炼会造成不适外,膝关节弯曲进行绕环锻炼过度也可导致膝关节囊松弛,“扳机指”患者反复屈伸手指,会导致病情加重,迁延难愈。 3.有个别人偶尔发生了生理性弹响后,心里非常紧张,一而再、再而三地变换体位,试 图再次重复响声,尝试找到病因,这是没有必要的。因为若是病理性的弹响,不去找它也会 再次发生;而若为生理性的弹响,过分担心、紧张反而会增加自己的心理压力。 英文: Human body joint activities for the noises, people is not new, I'm afraid all adults have happened. Then, joint noise is come from? Joint sometimes appears sound, one kind is physiology sex, another kind is pathological. Physiological noise Accidental single sound, often in the body suddenly do faster or less natural movements, such as the middle school student to play when suddenly someone behind the tug arm, I bow to bend, when ringing. Because force is fierce, fast, shoulder range of motion is large, the articular surface could not fully fit, side of the joint surface friction to the other side edge of bone and articular surface is rough and made a noise. Because it is between the bone and bone slight collision sound, so similar to gently beat, small and dull sound. And when he plunged down or downstairs, hip flexion ( thigh ) by Bianshen, periarticular tendons or fascia over the adjacent joint femur protruding parts and sound. Because of the tendon and the fascia for fibrous connective tissue, and a string of similar nature, through the femoral trochanter ( femoral protrusions ) is equivalent to the plucking, so the sound is loud and clear. Another is the trigger finger, sound. That some people always enjoy it formed the habit of snapping the fingers. Due to the special structure of the fingers, finger joint flexion and extension by sliding in the tendon sheath of flexor tendon stretch, when the finger is excessive bending or flexion extension by fast, tendon can emit acoustic vibration. However, in particular, often pull and extension of the fingers is a bad habit, should not follow. Pathological. With different physiological snapping, pathological snapping is mainly caused by the loose joint capsule. Such as when flexing the hip, femoral head through the acetabular margin often produce snapping. Therefore, congenital abnormalities, trauma, inflammation and other acquired causes of capsular laxity of the hip, all can appear snapping hip. The cause of snapping knee more, such as the joints of the bone fragments, meniscus injury, congenital deformity of bone and joint can appear snapping. Knee snapping another characteristic is to walk may occur when a " bowl " or be " stuck ", sometimes accompanied by pain. Finger ring found in the manual laborers, typist, and computer company of the urban white-collar workers, housewives, manifested by finger bending can not hold out straight, with the other hand pull straight the finger occurs when snapping, also known as the trigger finger, or flexor tendinitis. Shoulder the cause of snapping a capsule of shoulder joint shoulder dislocation or subluxation relaxation leads; another is the joint soft tissue degeneration, activities over bony prominences and generate snapping. Thus, shoulder snapping to pathological snapping, except in the case of slapstick, and occasionally play. Finally the three points 1 differential physiological snapping or pathological snapping is actually very simple: occasional single joint snapping, especially in the fall, slapstick and other special cases occur mostly physiology sex, do not worry. Frequently recurring snapping, especially pain, joint locking ( stuck) and concurrent symptoms of joint snapping is pathological, should go to hospital for treatment. 2 exercise should pay attention to science, avoid blind. In addition to the shoulder joint of excessive exercise will cause discomfort, knee bending circles of excessive exercise can also lead to knee capsular laxity, " trigger finger " in patients with repeated flexion and extension of the fingers, may cause exacerbations, refractory. 3 some people occasionally occur physiologically snapping, feeling very nervous, one and again, again three to change the position, attempting to repeat the sound, try to find the cause, it is not necessary. If the pathologic snapping, don't find it will happen again; and if the physiological snapping, excessive worry, tension will increase their psychological pressure. 本文由北京同仁医院网上挂号整理 本文转载于:
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