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儿童预防接种知识讲座儿童预防接种知识讲座 project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking ...

儿童预防接种知识讲座 project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 儿童预防接种知识讲座 1986年经国务院批准确定,每年4月25日为“全国儿童预防接种宣传日”,以后每年全国都在这天开展各种形式的宣传活动,党和国家领导人多次参加与 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 免疫工作有关的宣传活动,对推动我国的儿童计划免疫工作起到很大作用。今年是全国第24个儿童预防接种宣传日,宣传日的主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 是“及时接种疫苗,人人享有健康”。 我镇的儿童计划免疫在各级政府的领导支持下,通过广大卫生人员的努力,我镇儿童国家免疫规划四苗(卡介苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗、百白破疫苗和麻疹疫苗) 2005年6月1日,国务院正式颁布实施《疫苗流通和预防接种条例》(以下简称条例),确定了我国国家规划疫苗实施免费接种政策。按国家免疫程序,所有适龄儿童都必须全程接种纳入国家免疫规划的所有疫苗。条例规定在儿童出生一个月内,其监护人应当到儿童居住地承担预防接种单位为其办理预防接种证。儿童入托、入学时,学校应当查验接种证,发现漏种儿童督促其监护人带孩子到预防接种单位进行补种。 2007年,温家宝总理在十届人大五次会议《政府工作报告》中提出将甲肝、流脑等15种可以通过接种疫苗有效预防的传染病纳入国家免疫规划。 2008年9月1日,经国务院批准,全省全面实施扩大国家免疫规划工作,扩大国家免疫规划疫苗的范围,是在现行四种疫苗的基础上增加到13种,分别为卡介苗、乙肝疫苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗、百白project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 破疫苗、无细胞百白破疫苗、白破疫苗、麻风疫苗、麻腮疫苗、A群流脑疫苗、A+C群流脑疫苗、乙脑疫苗,预防乙肝、结核病、脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹症)、百日咳、白喉、破伤风、麻疹、风疹、流行性腮腺炎、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、流行性乙型脑炎、等13种疾病。 随着我们国家的经济发展,将会有更多的免费疫苗纳入免疫规划,这也充分说明疫苗接种在保护健康上的重要性。因此我们广大群众要积极参与国家免疫规划,把“疫苗接种”作为一种“健康投资”,真正做到预防疾病和保护健康。我市将以全国4.25预防接种宣传日为契机,加大对计划免疫和预防接种知识的宣教力度,开展多种宣传活动,提高百姓接受免疫预防接种服务的自觉性和主动性,努力提升群众的自我保健意识。 预防接种国家免费政策 一、疫苗分为哪几类, 接种疫苗是预防和控制传染病最经济、有效的方法之一,目前我国疫苗分为两类。第一类疫苗,是指政府免费向公民提供,公民应当依据政府的规定受种的疫苗。儿童接种第一类疫苗免费,疫苗以及接种费用由政府承担,预防接种单位按免疫程序为儿童接种这些疫苗不得收取或者变相收取任何费用。第二类疫苗,是指由公民自费并且自愿受种的其他疫苗,由受种者或者其监护人承担费用。 二、现阶段我市第一类疫苗包括哪些,预防哪些传染病, 实施扩大国家免疫规划后,我镇第一类疫苗包括卡介苗、乙肝疫苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗、百白破疫苗、无细胞百白破疫苗、白破疫苗、establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality control points, develop specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality control follow the "prevention first" principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next page. Quality control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file since trial records 2 design low-down project technology head understand design intent proposed problem drawings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization design project technology head by related file requirements series Construction organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design 5 construction plan project technicians above standard construction drawings ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 麻风疫苗、麻腮疫苗、A群流脑疫苗、A+C群流脑疫苗、乙脑疫苗、以及应急接种的炭疽疫苗、钩体疫苗共13种疫苗,预防乙肝、结核病、脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹症)、百日咳、白喉、破伤风、麻疹、风疹、流行性腮腺炎、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、流行性乙型脑炎等13种疾病。 三、儿童办理预防接种证有哪些要求, 《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和《疫苗流通和预防接种管理条例》都明确规定:国家实行有计划的预防接种制度。国家对儿童实行预防接种证制度。儿童出生后一个月内,其监护人应到当地的接种单位办理预防接种证。儿童离开原居住地期间,由现居住地卫生局认可的承担预防接种工作的接种单位负责对其实施接种。 四、流动儿童在预防接种时享受哪些权利,目前存在哪些问题, 流动儿童与本地儿童在预防接种时享受同样权利,包括办理预防接种证、免费接种第一类疫苗等服务,目前大部分流动人口存在经济条件、文化素质、卫生状况和防病意识较差等问题,接种单位很难对人数日益庞大的流动儿童实施及时的预防接种,流动儿童接种率明显低于本地儿童,流动儿童传染病发病不断升高。这些已逐渐成为严重影响免疫规划工作的突出问题。 全国儿童预防接种宣传日宣传材料(三) ,接种副反应知识宣传, 1、如何看待接种反应 project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 对绝大多数人而言,接种疫苗是安全的。不过疫苗毕竟是一种异物,部分儿童因个体差异会在接种部位发生红肿、疼痛、硬结等,或出现发热、全身不适、倦怠、食欲不振、乏力等症状,这些都是预防接种后的一般反应,病情轻微,多在1,2天内自行恢复,必要时就医。极少数儿童在接种后可出现罕见的异常反应,如无菌性脓肿、过敏反应等,病情相对较重,需要及时治疗。另外,如果儿童在接种疫苗时正处于某种疾病的发病前期,或存在某种潜在的疾病,在接种后碰巧发病,被称为“偶合症”,与疫苗本身无关,很容易与接种的不良反应混淆。 为减少不良反应的发生,儿童家长应该在接种前了解接种疫苗的品种、作用、禁忌、不良反应以及注意事项;配合接种人员,提供儿童的健康状况并了解儿童的接种禁忌等情况;接种后,儿童要在接种门诊留观30分钟,一旦出现可疑反应可得到及时处理。 2、下列情况不属于预防接种异常反应: (一)因疫苗本身特性引起的接种后一般反应; (二)因疫苗质量不合格给受种者造成的损害; (三)因接种单位违反预防接种工作 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、免疫程序、疫苗使用指导原则、接种 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 给受种者造成的损害; (四)受种者在接种时正处于某种疾病的潜伏期或者前驱期,接种后偶合发病; (五)受种者有疫苗 说明书 房屋状态说明书下载罗氏说明书下载焊机说明书下载罗氏说明书下载GGD说明书下载 规定的接种禁忌,在接种前受种者或者其监护人(简称受种方)未如实提供受种者的健康状况和接种禁忌establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality control points, develop specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality control follow the "prevention first" principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next page. Quality control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file since trial records 2 design low-down project technology head understand design intent proposed problem drawings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization design project technology head by related file requirements series Construction organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design 5 construction plan project technicians above standard construction drawings ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 等情况,接种后受种者原有疾病急性复发或者病情加重; (六)因心理因素发生的个体或者群体的心因性反应。 3、什么是预防接种异常反应,常见的预防接种异常反应有哪些, 预防接种异常反应是合格的疫苗在实施规范接种过程中或者实施规范接种后造成受种者机体组织器官、功能损害,相关各方均无过错的药品不良反应。预防接种异常也是由疫苗本身所固有的特性引起的,其发生率极低,但反应相对较重,需要临床处置。90%以上的异常反应均为过敏反应,包括局部过敏反应、过敏性皮疹、过敏性紫癜、血管性水肿、过敏性休克等,此外还有无菌性脓肿、热性惊厥等,比较少见有多发性神经炎、臂丛神经炎、脑炎和脑膜炎、脊灰疫苗相关病例等,接种卡介苗后的异常反应有淋巴结炎、骨髓炎、全身播散性卡介苗感染等。绝大多数异常反应经过临床治疗后不留永久性损害。 4、接种疫苗后出现反应,还是否继续接种, 国家规划疫苗需连续多次接种的疫苗如乙肝疫苗、百白破疫苗、糖丸等,如出现单纯的局部反应或低热,则不必改变免疫程序。如果引起严重反应,则不继续接种。接种百白破疫苗出现休克、高热、过敏反应、血清病等应停止以后预防接种。 5、有免疫损害者是否可以接种疫苗, 凡患有白血病、全身恶性肿瘤或进行免疫抑制剂治疗的婴幼儿或成人,感染传染病后造成严重后果,应按免疫程序接种灭活疫苗。有免疫损害者不能接种活疫苗。 project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 6、孩子接种后要注意什么, 孩子打过防疫站以后避免剧烈运动,不要吃酸辣等刺激性强的食物,对孩子要细心照料,注意观察,有时小孩会发生常见的不良反应,如轻微发热,精神不振,不想吃东西,哭闹等,一般都不严重,只要好好照料,多喂开水,很快会恢复,如果体温过高,可服些退烧计。接种后24-48小时内,注射部位可发生红、肿、热、痛等局部反应。有时注射部位附近的淋巴结也可能肿大。如局部反应重时,可用干净毛巾热敷,如反应加重,应及时请医生诊治。 全国儿童预防接种宣传日宣传材料(四) ,预防接种知识宣传, 1、疫苗是防控麻疹的最有效手段 麻疹是传染性最强的传染病之一。麻疹病毒主要通过呼吸道传播,日常生活中的密切接触亦可以传播。麻疹发病最初表现为发热、结膜炎、流涕、咳嗽等,第3,7天开始出红色斑疹,首先是面部,而后遍及全身,持续4,7天,出疹前后5天内具有传染性。 人类对麻疹病毒普遍易感,接种麻疹疫苗是预防和控制麻疹的最有效手段。在实施麻疹疫苗接种前,几乎每个儿童都难以幸免感染。我国广泛使用疫苗后,麻疹的发病率和死亡率均大幅下降。但在部分地区仍有麻疹病例暴发。及时全程接种麻疹疫苗,能有效预防麻疹的感染。麻疹疫苗应接种两次,初种月龄为8月龄,复种为18—24月龄。2008年以后,我国开始使用含麻疹成分的联合疫苗替代麻疹单establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality control points, develop specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality control follow the "prevention first" principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next page. Quality control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file since trial records 2 design low-down project technology head understand design intent proposed problem drawings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization design project technology head by related file requirements series Construction organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design 5 construction plan project technicians above standard construction drawings ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 价疫苗,如麻疹—风疹联合疫苗,即一次接种可以预防麻疹、风疹两种疾病。 2、接种脊灰疫苗需注意哪些问题 人体感染脊髓灰质炎(简称脊灰)病毒后,绝大多数为隐性感染,临床上无任何症状,仅有极少数感染者,由于病毒侵入中枢神经系统,引起脊髓灰质炎,会导致肌肉麻痹,俗称“小儿麻痹症”。 儿童服用脊灰疫苗(俗称小儿麻痹症糖丸),是预防此病的重要手段。满2、3、4月龄的儿童,各服糖丸一粒,一岁以内共服3次,满4岁再服一粒。糖丸采用直接口/嚼服或溶于凉开水送服,服苗后半小时内不要喝热水及哺乳,以免降低疫苗活性。 目前,我国是无脊髓灰质炎病例的国家,但世界上还有一些国家仍然有脊灰流行,特别是与我国接壤的印度、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、尼泊尔等国家仍然有脊灰的暴发流行,发生输入性病例的危险始终存在,因此各个国家仍旧对适龄儿童接种脊灰疫苗,直至全球消灭脊髓灰质炎。 3、让流行性乙型脑炎不再流行 流行性乙型脑炎,简称乙脑,是感染乙脑病毒所致。乙脑是人畜共患的传染病,猪是乙脑最重要的传染源。蚊子叮咬了感染乙脑病毒的猪后,再去叮人,可以造成乙脑在人群中的传播。乙脑常见症状是发热、头疼、喷射性呕吐等,病死率高达5%,35%,约30%的幸存者有神经系统后遗症,主要有失语、肢体瘫痪、痴呆等。 给儿童接种疫苗,是预防控制乙脑最经济、有效的手段。2008project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 年起,我国将乙脑疫苗纳入国家免疫规划,儿童要及时全程接种乙脑疫苗。我国目前使用的乙脑疫苗有减毒活疫苗和灭活疫苗两种。减毒活疫苗接种全程共打2针,分别在8月龄和2周岁接种;灭活疫苗接种全程共打4针,分别在8月龄打2针(间隔7,10天打第2针),2周岁、6周岁各接种1针。从非流行区到流行区的人,也最好在来流行区前1个月完成接种。另外,除了接种乙脑疫苗,还要积极灭蚊、防蚊,预防乙脑传播。 4、及时接种疫苗可有效阻断乙肝病毒传播 我国是乙肝大国,约有9300万乙肝病毒携带者。乙肝是由乙肝病毒引起的传染病,主要经血传播。在无任何干预措施的情况下,40%携带乙肝病毒的母亲可将病毒传染给孩子。婴幼儿感染乙肝病毒后,90%,95%发展成慢性携带病毒状态,而成人仅为10%左右。 2002年,我国将乙肝疫苗纳入儿童免疫规划,为所有新生儿免费接种乙肝疫苗。接受乙肝疫苗全程免疫后,几乎所有的儿童都可受到保护,并且效力持久。 新生儿出生后立即按照0、1、6月龄的接种程序,全程接种3次乙肝疫苗。由于携带乙肝病毒的孕妇在怀孕、分娩及产后,有可能将乙肝病毒传染给新生儿,所以乙肝疫苗接种更强调首针的及时性——新生儿出生后24小时内应立即接种第一针。如果孕妇已经明确是乙肝病毒携带者,新生儿的接种时间越早越好,同时还要注射乙肝免疫球蛋白,以提高阻断病毒传播效果。 establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality control points, develop specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality control follow the "prevention first" principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next page. Quality control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file since trial records 2 design low-down project technology head understand design intent proposed problem drawings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization design project technology head by related file requirements series Construction organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design 5 construction plan project technicians above standard construction drawings ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 全国儿童预防接种宣传日宣传材料(五) ,麻疹强化免疫活动介绍, 麻疹是一种传染性很强的呼吸道传染病。早期症状有发热、结膜炎、流涕、咳嗽等,皮疹常由面部遍及全身,持续4,7天。婴儿和成人发病比儿童严重,常见并发症包括中耳炎、肺炎、喉气管支气管炎、腹泻和脑炎等,特别当儿童伴有营养不良时,常常引起并发症死亡。 接种疫苗是预防麻疹的最为经济有效的手段,在麻疹疫苗使用以前,我国麻疹发病水平很高,儿童在15岁以前几乎都会感染麻疹。1965年开始使用液体剂型麻疹疫苗后发病率逐渐下降。1978年我国实施儿童计划免疫以后,麻疹发病水平呈持续下降趋势。1986年,麻疹疫苗改为有效期较长的冻干疫苗,并开始执行两剂次免疫程序,发病率继续下降,1998年我国提出加速麻疹控制规划,近年来全国麻疹发病率一直在10/10万左右波动。 任何疫苗对人体而言毕竟是一种异物,绝大多数健康人群接种后不发生任何不良反应,只有极少数因个体差异在接种后发生不良反应,麻疹疫苗也是如此。部分儿童接种麻疹疫苗后可能出现局部红肿、疼痛、短暂发热及散在皮疹等一般反应,但病情轻微,一般在2天内可自行缓解,必要时可对症治疗;因接种麻疹疫苗引起的过敏反应(如过敏性皮疹、过敏性休克、过敏性紫癜等)或神经系统反应(如惊厥等)极为罕见。根据我国近几年对麻疹疫苗接种安全性的监测情况,接种麻疹疫苗后各种不良反应的发生率在正常范围内,并低于世界卫project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 生组织公布的预期发生率,而且麻疹疫苗接种次数的增多,不会增加不良反应的发生概率,说明我国的麻疹疫苗是安全的。 任何一种疫苗的效率都不是100,的。通常情况下,麻疹疫苗在8月龄接种首剂时疫苗效率约为85,,在18月龄复种时疫苗效率约为95,。但即便人群疫苗接种率较高的情况下,对免疫无应答的人群也会导致麻疹易感人群的不断积累。麻疹的传染性很强,通常认为针对麻疹的人群免疫力至少达到95,以上,才能阻断麻疹病毒传播,当易感人群积累到一定程度时,就会发生麻疹的周期性流行或局部暴发。 2006年,我国所在的世界卫生组织西太平洋地区提出到2012年实现消除麻疹目标,将麻疹发病率控制在1/100万以下。为实现该目标,参考世界卫生组织的建议,我国制定了包括麻疹疫苗强化免疫在内的消除麻疹策略。 强化免疫是对目标人群无论既往有无免疫史都接种一剂次麻疹疫苗,目的是为既往未接种过麻疹疫苗的人群提供一次补种的机会,同时也对既往有免疫史但因个体差异等原因免疫无应答的人群提供一次复种的机会,短时间内迅速提高人群免疫力水平,形成免疫屏障,阻断麻疹病毒传播。 全国疫情监测资料显示,小年龄组仍然是麻疹发病的重点人群,近年来全国15岁以下麻疹病例占总病例数的70,。近年来我国部分省市为控制麻疹疫情开展了多次局部的麻疹疫苗查漏补种活动,但对于疫情的控制效果不理想,因此有必要通过强化免疫,解决多年累积establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality control points, develop specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality control follow the "prevention first" principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next page. Quality control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file since trial records 2 design low-down project technology head understand design intent proposed problem drawings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization design project technology head by related file requirements series Construction organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design 5 construction plan project technicians above standard construction drawings ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: 的易感人群问题。 从2004年开始,我国贵州、四川等十几个省份先后开展了麻疹疫苗强化免疫,对这些省份的麻疹疫情控制起到了关键作用。我国达到消灭脊髓灰质炎的目标,也是通过全国范围内多次开展强化免疫实现的。 今年全省即将开展的麻疹疫苗强化免疫活动是根据国家《2006,2012年全国消除麻疹行动计划》组织开展的。各地开展麻疹疫苗强化免疫之前,必须制定详细的实施方案,进行技术培训,开展社会动员,在接种期间加强预防接种异常反应监测。在各地开展强化免疫时,省卫生厅都派出专家组进行现场指导。 麻疹疫苗强化免疫是我国为了实现消除麻疹采取的必要措施,国家投入了大量人力、物力和财力,免费为儿童接种麻疹疫苗,是我国政府关注民生,保护广大儿童健康的重要举措。在这项活动开展过程中,卫生部门与儿童监护人应该相互配合,保证儿童及时接受预防接种,也是我国传染病防治法规定的责任和义务。 project task list system by a competent Builder to open the task list for job team, written the day's production and complete the tasks time and meet the quality standards. Consumed materials production tasks, open project task lists while picking the open limit to control the material requisition number, picking the material according to limit issuing material to the operations team. Operations team task required to complete the task, the builder checks whether the task is complete to meet the requirements, quality inspection quality compliance, check whether the material consumption of materials beyond the fixed requirements, and process operating under the team project. Operations team each week with the engineering tasks of checking procedures in place for settlement. 3.6 project concealed works of system testing, acceptance of the three-tier system: the team from inspection--project quality testing--our quality inspection. Three levels of acceptance before the engineer test. "New technologies" inspection, must be approved by the Chief Engineer ... Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improvement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quality problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems and take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed operations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system:
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