首页 围巾的织法有很多很多



围巾的织法有很多很多围巾的织法有很多很多 围巾的织法有很多很多,下面我就为大家介绍几种比较简单的几种围巾的织法: 起针随意 1.一针反一针正至一行结束 2.一针正一针反至一行结束 重复1-2至需要长度 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. fro...

围巾的织法有很多很多 围巾的织法有很多很多,下面我就为大家介绍几种比较简单的几种围巾的织法: 起针随意 1.一针反一针正至一行结束 2.一针正一针反至一行结束 重复1-2至需要长度 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 三的倍数起针 1.第一针不织 2.加针 3.两针并一针 4.一针正针 5.加针 6.两针并一针 7.重复1-6至一行结束 重复至需要长度,收针 1.一行反针 2.三针并一针反针织摘下,一针正针插入绕三针再摘下,重复至一行结束 3.一行反针 4.一针正针插入绕三针再摘下,三针并一针反针织摘下,重复至一行结束 5.1-4为一组,重复至想要的长度,收针 以上是我为大家分享的三种比较简单的围巾织法,希望能帮到大家. 文章来自: 女人世界(www.4738.com) 原文:男士围巾的织法有哪些 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive www.4738.com | 发布: 2010-03-28 | 来源: 女人世界 | 编辑: 小杜 | [点击收藏本文] 围巾的织法: 起针数为3的倍数加两针,比如,17,23,32等,如果起了32针,用的是7号棒针 首先织五行正针, 第六行的首尾仍为正针,其余的为先3针一起织正针,针不挑出,绕一次线,继续织一针正针,然后脱下,这样,针数保持不变。 )". 每六行为一个花样,接下来,重复前六针,到需要的长度就ok了 交叉罗纹针(4针倍数加2针) 第一行:(正面)反复织“2针上,2针下”,最后剩2针时都织上针 第二行:反复织“2针下,2针上”,最后剩2针时都织下针 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 第三行:“2针上,右交叉(即向下2针并1针但不从棒针上脱下,再对第1针织下针,然后才把这2针从棒针上脱下)”,重复以上针法,最后剩2针织上针。 第四行:同第二行织法相同 重复上面四行的织法就是交叉罗纹针 起针:4针倍数加2针 第1行<正面>:反复织"2针上,2针下",最后剩2针时都织上针. 第2行:反复织"2针下,2针上",最后剩2针时都织下针. 第3行:上针(从上面的线往下戳) 向下2针并1针, 线绕上来(就象2针上2针下时,上下过度一样,把线绕上来,下次并针的时候线是绕过右手的针的,也就是加了一针), 再下针向下(从下面的线往下戳)2针并1针.再把线绕上来,重复,最后两针前 线绕上来,绕一针,最后两针都是织上针 第4行:同第2行织法相同. 重复上面4行的织法. 文章来自: 女人世界(www.4738.com) 原文:各种围巾的织法 www.4738.com | 发布: 2010-03-28 | 来源: 女人世界 | 编辑: 小杜 | [点击收藏本文] 【色斑祛光光-肌肤白无瑕】 【喝汤丰胸-A杯变D杯】 【老公嫌我"胸小"怎么办?】 【喝左旋咖啡-轻松享瘦】 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 白色细线长围巾的织法 因为细线,所以工程还是蛮大的,适合有耐心的mm 1)用线----白色毛线最佳,稍微细一点的,不用太粗 2)起针----根据你自己买的毛线和针的大小调整,起单数就可以了,我起了95针 3)针法-----正面下针,反面下针,打6行,形成3行排骨(就是那个结) 第7行,第一针不打,直接按照打下针的方式正挑,第2针打平针也就是下针,然后在右手边的棒针上绕两圈,第3针和第4针并一针下针,然后再绕2圈,第5针和第6针并一针下针,绕2圈,第7针和第8针并一针下针,这样一直重复绕2圈并一针,打到最后会剩下一针,打下针。 第8行,全部下针就可以了,重复6行(也就是第8行-13行)下针,第14行再开始第7行的花就可以了。 一直这样重复下去,最后结尾是6行平针后结尾。 说到这里,可能有的筒子会问,第7行也就是花的那一行,绕2圈才并一针,会不会打一行下来会多很多针,其实打第8行下针的时候就知道了,绕2圈,只是增加线的长度,其实只增加了1针,而不是2针,加一针减一针,到后来还是一样的针数的。 对了,因为第7行的花是绕过2圈线的,所以打完第8行的时候记得拉一下,会平整很多哦 文章来自: 女人世界(www.4738.com) 原文:三角围巾怎么织法 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive www.4738.com | 发布: 2010-03-28 | 来源: 女人世界 | 编辑: 小杜 | [点击收藏本文] 【色斑祛光光-肌肤白无瑕】 【喝汤丰胸-A杯变D杯】 【老公嫌我"胸小"怎么办?】 【喝左旋咖啡-轻松享瘦】 一。.织围巾有很多织法,比如说元宝针、上下针、罗纹针或是一些花样等…… 二。围巾的织法图解 棒针基本织法 【起针】 注意:起针时,线端(毛线头)要预留完成尺寸的三倍长度,例如:起针/ 脚是十寸阔,那麼线端要预留三十寸长来起针。 - 可编成”平织/平编起针法”、"弹性起针法之1目松紧起针法" 、 "弹性起针法之2目松紧编织起针法" 及 " 多行弹性起针法(袋编)之1目/2目松紧编织起针法"。 ** 一般图片都说用两根temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 棒针起针,其实用一根也可,双针起针针眼大些,方便初学者织第一行时,容易编织而已。当熟练后,起针时手势已能调较力度,用一根起针也可。不一定,双针起针个针眼大些,方便初学者织第一行时容易织而已。如能掌握绕线的松紧,用一根针起针也可起针。 三。.一般男生的围巾大点好看. 想织的松点就选大号点的扦子,紧的话就相对用细点的. 线的话,要暖和呢要选摸着特别软的,比如开丝棉,可以用2-3跟线一起织.效果会厚点. 要挺的呢就用羊毛的. 一般一斤线就差不多了. 初学者,到买毛线的地方可以让老板教你怎么织的.当然他们教的是最简单的 要织复杂的话,可以搜一些手工编织的网站. 不过,没有基础的话学起来很麻烦. 还是找会的人手把手比较好. 需要很多耐心的哦!! 四。diy钉板编织。步骤一:先取出毛线预留约100cm长,在钉板的a端固定(打结),由a端绕到b端固定。步骤二:取一段不同颜色的线,由a到b整个圈住打结。步骤三:把b的结打开,再沿着上一层的绕法绕回a点固定。步骤四:用0/3或0/5勾针把下层的线,挑到上一层,依序每一支钉子都要挑到。步骤五:用0/3或0/5勾针把钉子的另外一排下层的线,挑到上一层,依序每一支钉子都要挑到。步骤六:把固定在a端的线松开,整排的线往下压整理整齐。步骤七:依序重复再绕线,再把下一层的线挑到上一层,两边都必须挑。步骤八:重复操作绕线?挑针?绕线?挑针?........,编制所需要的长度在下钉板。这是最简单的做法,最重要的是你要有钉板,钩针,毛线。围巾的织法有很多种,有钉板,棒针,钩针,城堡编织器 。 五。织围巾最后怎么收尾, 就按你所编织的针脚编两针,把第一针穿过第二针放掉, 又再织一针,把以前的第二针,现在是第一针按先前的方法放掉,这样一直到最后,把针都弄完就好了,再打个结 文章来自: 女人世界(www.4738.com) 原文: temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive
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