首页 主板电源、音频、USB线接法(图)



主板电源、音频、USB线接法(图)主板电源、音频、USB线接法(图) 一般,主板电源开关和重启线不分正负,只要接上电源开关线就可以正常开机和关机了;电源和硬盘灯就分正负,不过些线接不接都不影响电脑正常使用。 一般,主板电源线等共有8根,每两根组成一组,电源开关一组,重启一组,电源灯一组(分正负),硬盘灯一组(分正负)。 一般电源线接口如下: 电源LED灯 + , 电源开关 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 + , 重启 未定义接口(这果多一个接口,貌似没用的) 硬盘LED灯 一般只需注意以上电源线的接法就行了,其他基本不用记,只要...

主板电源、音频、USB线接法(图) 一般,主板电源开关和重启线不分正负,只要接上电源开关线就可以正常开机和关机了;电源和硬盘灯就分正负,不过些线接不接都不影响电脑正常使用。 一般,主板电源线等共有8根,每两根组成一组,电源开关一组,重启一组,电源灯一组(分正负),硬盘灯一组(分正负)。 一般电源线接口如下: 电源LED灯 + , 电源开关 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 + , 重启 未定义接口(这果多一个接口,貌似没用的) 硬盘LED灯 一般只需注意以上电源线的接法就行了,其他基本不用记,只要接口接合适就行了。 其他线如USB线、音频线、耳麦线都是整合成一组一组的,只要接口插得进就对了。 作为一名新手,要真正从头组装好自己的电脑并不容易,也许你知道CPU应该插哪儿,内存应该插哪儿,但遇到一排排复杂跳线的时候,很多新手都不知道如何下手。 钥匙开机其实并不神秘 还记不记得你第一次见到装电脑的时候,JS将CPU、内存、显卡等插在主板上,然后从兜里掏出自己的钥匙(或者是随便找颗螺丝)在主板边上轻轻一碰,电脑就运转起来了的情景吗,是不是感到很惊讶(笔者第一次见到的时候反正很惊讶)~面对一个全新的主板,JS总是不用看任何说明书,就能在1、2分钟之内将主板上密密麻麻的跳线连接好,是不是觉得他是高手,呵呵,看完今天的文章,你将会觉得这并不值得一提,并且只要你稍微记一下,就能完全记住,达到不看说明书搞定主板所有跳线的秘密。 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 这个叫做真正的跳线 首先我们来更正一个概念性的问题,实际上主板上那一排排需要连线的插针并不叫做“跳线”,因为它们根本达不”到跳线的功能。真正的跳线是两根/三根插针,上面有一个小小的“跳线冒”那种才应该叫做“跳线”,它能起到硬件改变设置、频率等的作用;而与机箱连线的那些插针根本起不到这个作用,所以真正意义上它们应该叫做面板连接插针,不过由于和“跳线”从外观上区别不大,所以我们也就经常管它们叫做“跳线”。 看完本文,连接这一大把的线都会变得非常轻松 至于到底是谁第一次管面板连接插针叫做“跳线”的人,相信谁也确定不了。不过既然都这么叫了,大家也都习惯了,我们也就不追究这些,所以在本文里,我们姑且管面板连接插针叫做跳线吧。 轻松识别各连接线的定义 为了更加方便理解,我们先从机箱里的连接线说起。一般来说,机箱里的连接线上都采用了文字来对每组连接线的定义进行了标注,但是怎么识别这些标注,这是我们要解决的第一个问题。实际上,这些线上的标注都是相关英文的缩写,并不难记。下面我们来一个一个的认识(每张图片下方是相关介绍)~ scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 电源开关:POWER SW 英文全称:Power Swicth 可能用名:POWER、POWER SWITCH、ON/OFF、POWER SETUP、PWR等 功能定义:机箱前面的开机按钮 复位/重启开关:RESET SW 英文全称:Reset Swicth 可能用名:RESET、Reset Swicth、Reset Setup、RST等 功能定义:机箱前面的复位按钮 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 电源指示灯:+/- 可能用名:POWER LED、PLED、PWR LED、SYS LED等 硬盘状态指示灯:HDD LED 英文全称:Hard disk drive light emitting diode 可能用名:HD LED 报警器:SPEAKER 可能用名:SPK 功能定义:主板工作异常报警器 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 这个不用说,连接前置USB接口的,一般都是一个整体 音频连接线:AUDIO 可能用名:FP AUDIO 功能定义:机箱前置音频 看完以上简单的图文介绍以后,大家一定已经认识机箱上的这些连线的定义了,其实真的很简单,就是几个非常非常简单英文的缩写。下一页我们在来认识主板上的“跳线”。 轻松识别主板跳线之“基础”篇 实际上,机箱上的线并不可怕,80%以上的初学者感觉最头疼的是主板上跳线的定义,但实际上真的那么可怕吗,答案是否定的~并且这其中还有很多的规律,就是因为这些规律,我们才能做到举一反三,无论什么品牌的主板都不用看说明书插好复杂的跳线。 ? 哪儿是跳线的第一Pin, 要学会如何跳线,我们必须先了解跳线到底从哪儿开始数,这个其实很简单。在主板(任何板卡设备都一样)上,跳线的两端总是有一端会有较粗的印刷框,而跳线就应该从这里数。找到这个较粗的印刷框之后,就本着从左到右,从上至下的原则数就是了。如上图。 ? 9Pin开关/复位/电源灯/硬盘灯定义 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 这款主板和上一张图的主板一样,都采用9Pin定义开关/复位/电源灯/硬盘灯 9Pin的开关/复位/电源灯/硬盘灯跳线是目前最流行的一种方式,市场上70%以上的品牌都采用的是这种方式,慢慢的也就成了一种标准,特别是几大代工厂为通路厂商推出的主板,采用这种方式的更是高达90%以上。 9针面板连接跳线示意图 上图是9Pin定义开关/复位/电源灯/硬盘灯的示意图,在这里需要注意的是 其中的第9Pin并没有定义,所以插跳线的时候也不需要插这一根。连接的时候 只需要按照上面的示意图连接就可以,很简单。其中,电源开关(Power SW)和 复位开关(都是不分正负极的),而两个指示灯需要区分正负极,正极连在靠近 第一针的方向(也就是有印刷粗线的方向)。 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 你能区分这根线的正负极了吗, 还有一点差点忘了说,机箱上的线区分正负极也很简单,一般来说彩色的线是正极,而黑色/白色的线是负极(接地,有时候用GND表示)。 学到并且记住本页内容之后,你就可以搞定绝大部分主板的开关/复位/电源指示灯/硬盘指示灯的连接了,现在你可以把你机箱里的这部分线拔下来,再插上。一定要记住排列方式~为了方便大家记忆,这里我们用4句话来概括9Pin定义开关/复位/电源灯/硬盘灯位置: 1、缺针旁边插电源 2、电源对面插复位 3、电源旁边插电源灯,负极靠近电源跳线 4、复位旁边插硬盘灯,负极靠近复位跳线 这么说了,相信你一定记住了~ 具有代表性的华硕主板接线 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ? 具有代表性的华硕主板接线方法 很多朋友装机的时候会优先考虑华硕的主板,但是华硕的主板接线的规律一 般和前一页我们讲到的不太一样,但是也非常具有代表性,所以我们在这里单独 提出来讲一下。 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 上图就是华硕主板这种接线的示意图(红色的点表示没有插针),实际上很好记。这里要注意的是有些机箱的PLED是3Pin线的插头,但是实际上上面只有两根线,这里就需要连接到3Pin的PLED插针上,如上图的虚线部分,就是专门连接3Pin的PLED插头的。 下面我们来找一下这个的规律。首先,SPEAKER的规律最为明显,4Pin在一起,除了插SPeaker其他什么都插不了。所以以后看到这种插针的时候,我们首先确定SPeaker的位置。然后,如果有3Pin在一起的,必然是接电源指示灯,因为只有电源指示灯可能会出现3Pin;第三,Power开关90%都是独立在中间的两个Pin,当然也可以自己用导体短接一下这两个pin,如果开机,则证明是插POWER的,旁边的Reset也可以按照同样的方法试验。剩下的当然是插硬盘灯了,注意电源指示灯和硬盘工作状态指示灯都是要分正负极的,实际上插反了也没什么,只是会不亮,不会对主板造成损坏。 ? 其他无规律主板的接线方式: 除了前面我们讲到的,还有一些主板的接线规律并不太明显,但是这些主板都在接线的旁边很明显的标识除了接线的方法(实际上绝大多数主板都有标识),并且在插针底座上用颜色加以区分,如上图。大家遇到这样主板的时候,就按照标识来插线就可以了。 看到现在,相信你已经明白了装机员用钥匙开机的秘密了吧,实际上也就是POWER相应的插针进行短接,很简单。 前置USB与前置音频的接线方法 ?前置USB 前置USB的接线方法实际上非常简单,现在一般的机箱都将前置USB的接线 做成了一个整体,大家只要在主板上找到相应的插针,一起插上就可以了。一般 来说,目前主板上前置USB的插针都采用了9Pin的接线方式,并且在旁边都有 明显的USB 2.0标志。 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 要在主板上找到前置USB的插针也非常简单,现在的主板一般都有两组甚至两组以上的前置USB插针(如上图),找前置USB的时候大家只要看到这种9pin的,并且有两组/两组以上的插针在一起的时候,基本上可以确定这就是前置USB的插针,并且在主板附近还会有标识。 现在一般机箱上的前置USB连线搜是这样整合型的,上面一共有8根线,分别是VCC、Data+、Data-、GND,这种整合的就不用多说了,直接插上就行。如果是分开的,一般情况下都本着红、白、绿、黑的顺序连接。如上图这根线,虽然是整合的,但同样是以红白绿黑的排序方式。 ?前置音频连接方法 由于前置音频是近两年才开始流行起来的,别说是用户了,就连很多装机的技术员都不太会连接前置音频的线,甚至还有不少JS直接说出了接了前置后面就不出声了这样的笑话。那么前置音频到底是不是那么难接呢,我们一起来看一看。 从目前市场上售卖的主板来看,前置音频插针的排序已经成了一种固定的标准(如上图)。从图上可以看出,前置音频的插针一共有9颗,但一共占据了10根插针的位置,第8针是留空的。 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport, 点击放大 上图是比较典型的前置音频的连线,前置音频实际上一共只需要连接7根线,也就是上图中的7根线。在主板的插针端,我们只要了解每一根插针的定义,也就很好连接前置音频了。下面我们来看一下主板上每颗针的定义: 1——Mic in/MIC(麦克风输入) 2——GND(接地) ——Mic Power/Mic VCC/MIC BIAS(麦克风电压) 3 4——No pin 5——LINE OUT FR(右声道前置音频输出) 6——LINE OUT RR(右声道后置音频输出) 7——NO pin 8——NO pin 9——LINE OUT FL(左声道前置音频输出) 10——LINE OUT RL(做声道后置音频输出) 在连接前置音频的时候,只需要按照上面的定义,连接好相应的线就可以了。实际上,第5Pin和第6Pin、第9Pin和第10Pin在部分机箱上是由一根线接出来的,也可以达到同样的效果。 看起来线有点多,但是同样非常好记,大家不妨按照笔者记得方法。首先记住前三根,第一根是麦克输入,第二根接地,第三根是麦克电压,然后第5Pin和第6Pin插右声道,第9Pin和第10Pin插左声道。从上往下数就是,Mic in、Mic电压、右声道、左声道,再外加一个接地。这么记是不是很简单, 很多接线实际上都整合了,不用再为线序烦恼 scalar on the tube for maximum capacity. 0.1mL, 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL and other specifications. For example, 5mL pipette, the maximum capacity is 5.00mL, its scale is 5.00, 4.50, 4.00 ... ... 0; therefore, it can remove any volume of liquid in 0~5mL, precision tube higher than quantity.A Pipette in a horizontal, hands holding turns lotion all wet wall, from catchy poured lotion. Use running water to wash away the remaining lotion, wash several times with distilled water, and finally remove liquid three times, each about 1/4 of the pipette volume. (2) moved liquid operation: will moved liquid tube tip insert was moved take of solution within, right (or left) hand of thumb and the middle finger hold tube neck marking above of place, left (or right) hand took wash ear ball, wash ear ball of tip insert tube neck mouth, and makes its sealed, slowly to let wash ear ball natural recovery undisturbed, until liquid rose to tube neck marking above, quickly moved to wash ear ball, immediately to right hand (or left) index finger press tube neck mouth, left (or right) hand took Sheng put was moved take solution of vessels (beaker, and capacity bottle like), Makes moved liquid tube vertical improve to tube neck marking and sight into level, left took of vessels mouth received in moved liquid tube needle-nosed Xia, right (or left) hand index finger relax or with thumb and the middle finger gently turned moved liquid tube, makes liquid surface slow and smooth to declined, until tuck surface of Crescent surface and marking phase cut, immediately by tight index finger, not let liquid shed; if tip mouth has half drops hold, should in original vessels within wall by off.l'Inclineu més de 10m s'ha d'establir els mecanismes de la desacceleració necessària. (3), la sortida de tub sota les cordes, alçada de pila concretes no hauria de ser més de 1m. D Abocament formigó: (1) abans d'abocar formigó, primer verifica en el suport, plantilla, proves per l'enginyer qualificat abans de l'emplaçament; (2) transport formigó impulsat elevació cub transport (3) formigó abocant de dalt a l'ordre de fons. (4) utilitzar Insereix tipus vibradors vibració libras, lliura de vibració en punts d'abocament i nou abocament de formigó superfície Shang per, vibradors inserir formigó Endoll ràpid seguit lent tirat tenir principis, així com no a produir buida; vibradors a vertical tenen formigó Insereix dins, i per connectar a Qian una capa de formigó, garantia nou abocada de formigó i ara aboca formigó combinat bo, inserir profunditat General per 50 ~ 100mm; espaiat mòbil no ha en radi de paper de dispositiu de vibració de 1,5 vegades vegades i el costat morir espaiat ha de tenir 50 ~ 100mm de distància, Cada vibracions vora acabat fet vibrador lentament per evitar plantilla Tacte vibrador; (5) per a cada part que vibra, el formigó ha de ser vibració compactant fins ara, s'està compactant està marcada per aturar l'enfonsament de formigó, ja no emet bombolles, pis a la superfície, el xarop de Pan; (6) durant el formigó abocar, designat personal comprovar el suport,
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