首页 基于UG建立模具标准件库



基于UG建立模具标准件库基于UG建立模具标准件库 基于UG/Part families建立模具标准件库 本文重点介绍标准零件库、组件库的建库方法,基于UG/Part families建立参数化模具标准件库、组件库和模架库,其中组件的驱动是通过建立索引文件来实现的。 本文介绍的标准件库主要包括标准零件库和组件库,是提高模具设计效率的必要手段。虽然目前的CAD系统都可以实现参数化的设计,从而满足不同的装配需求,但为了进一步提高设计效率,模具标准零件和组件也必须实现参数化。另外模具标准零件和组件也应该含有装配信息,才能实现自动化和智能化...

基于UG建立模具 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 件库 基于UG/Part families建立模具标准件库 本文重点介绍标准零件库、组件库的建库方法,基于UG/Part families建立参数化模具标准件库、组件库和模架库,其中组件的驱动是通过建立索引文件来实现的。 本文介绍的标准件库主要包括标准零件库和组件库,是提高模具 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 效率的必要手段。虽然目前的CAD系统都可以实现参数化的设计,从而满足不同的装配需求,但为了进一步提高设计效率,模具标准零件和组件也必须实现参数化。另外模具标准零件和组件也应该含有装配信息,才能实现自动化和智能化。 在冲模标准件库中,一个标准件主要有二个文件,即模型文件(prt)和数据文件(dbf)。标准件库的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 一般采用二级结构,第一级为数据库主引导文件。第二级为零件的DBF数据文件,该DBF文件 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 了标准件一系列参数。对于标准组件,需要采用三级数据文件。 在标准件建库过程中,用户必须先建立标准件信息模型,输入的内容分为三类,一是三维参数化特征实体模型;二是特征变量;三是装配信息。它们以一定的结构存贮于数据库中,提供对标准零件或组件的完整描述。 一 参数化标准零件库的建立 在标准零件库的建设中,主要应用基于特征变量的参数设计方法。在模型创建的过程中,添加设计变量,通过设计变量表中的表达式,设置变量间的关联规则,重要参数采用Excel表格来控制,通过对设计变量的修改来驱动生成新零件。具体的步骤如下: 在三维CAD环境中,建立产品实体模型;, 将每个特征相关的数据用变量来表示,以便于变量的驱动和管理;, 对于相互关联的特征尺寸,在变量表的公式中表达,简化实体的尺寸要素。, UG系统中标准件建立 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 如图1所示。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 图1 标准零件建立流程 以下以常用的导柱为例,利用UG/Part families建立导柱系列标准零件库。 在expression表中建立冲模标准导柱数学表达式,由数学表达式驱动模型。建立输入数学表达式如图2,图中包括 了特征变量定义。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 图2 数学表达式 输入完数学表达式后,根据表达式建立参数化特征模型,如图3。 图3 特征模型 参数化特征模型建立后,进行特征变量列表,把需要变化的尺寸定义为参数符号,生成特征变量列表如表1。 表中仅列了一项参数,而且代号和描述项为空。 表1 特征变量列表 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 在特征变量列表中以符号标注的尺寸为族表成员,未添加的尺寸的特征为非变化的,依附于其它特征而存在,重要尺寸可以在expression表中用表达式进行关联设计。族表实质上是由行和列构成的展开表,作者主要利用excel去创建。 特征变量列表生成后即可往表中添加相关模型变量。在实际应用中,可用图中的导柱为类属模型来生成一系列标准件,通过编辑excel表格,把目前市场上出售的冲模标准导柱、按国标(GB)和各标准件厂的企业标准进行生产的导柱的模型变量输入到表中,如表2。 表2 模型变量表 在excel里可以编辑所需要的实例的尺寸值,此处的excel与常用的excel仅仅多了一项Partfamily,数值输入完毕,必须用Partfamily?samefamily项存盘。在表中,行包含了实例和它们适当的值,列则被具体项目使用。 族表的另一个优点是不论你创建一个新表还是修改一个已有的表,你都可以向表中添加项目。运用上述的方法,各个企业可以根据模具设计需要建立自己的三维模具标准件库。 用同样方法建立下模板、导柱、上模板、螺钉、防尘盖、导套等零件库,这里作者不作介绍。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to
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