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晕轮效应_晕圈效应晕轮效应_晕圈效应 晕轮效应 / 晕圈效应 / 光环效应 ,The Halo Effect, 晕轮效应/ 晕圈效应(英文The Halo Effect,,又称“光环效应”,属于心理学范畴,晕轮效应指人们对他人的认知判断首先是根据个人的好恶得出的,然后再从这个判断推论出认知对象的其他品质的现象。 【解释】 如果认知对象被标明是"好"的,他就会被"好"的光圈笼罩着,并被赋予一切好的品质;如果认知对象被标明是"坏"的,他就会被"坏"的光圈笼罩着,他所有的品质都会被认为是坏的 定义, 这种强烈知觉的品质或特点,就象...

晕轮效应_晕圈效应 晕轮效应 / 晕圈效应 / 光环效应 ,The Halo Effect, 晕轮效应/ 晕圈效应(英文The Halo Effect,,又称“光环效应”,属于心理学范畴,晕轮效应指人们对他人的认知判断首先是根据个人的好恶得出的,然后再从这个判断推论出认知对象的其他品质的现象。 【解释】 如果认知对象被标明是"好"的,他就会被"好"的光圈笼罩着,并被赋予一切好的品质;如果认知对象被标明是"坏"的,他就会被"坏"的光圈笼罩着,他所有的品质都会被认为是坏的 定义, 这种强烈知觉的品质或特点,就象月亮形式的光环一样,向周围弥漫、扩散,从而掩盖了其它品质或特点所以就形象地称之为光环效应。 效应 有时候晕轮效应会对人际关系产生积极效应,比如你对人诚恳,那么即便你能力较差,别人对你也会非常信任,因为对方只看见你的诚恳。 例子 最典型的例子,就是当我们看到某个明星在媒体上爆出一些丑闻时总是很惊讶,而事实上我们心中这个明星的形象根本就是她在银幕或媒体上展现给我们的那圈“月晕”,它真实地人格我们是不得而知的,仅仅是推断的。 光环效应, 全面正确地认识人才 提出者, 美国心理学家凯利(H. Kelly) 点评, of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 如一个人最初被认定是好的,则他身上的其它品质也都被认为是好的,有似“爱屋及乌”的原理。它指个人在敬仰、爱慕他人过程中所形成的夸大了的社会认知。光环效应在爱情和偶像崇拜中最明显。 【晕轮效应一词由来】 最早提出 晕轮效应最早是由美国著名心理学家爱德华〃桑戴克于20世纪20年代提出的。他认为,人们对人的认知和判断往往只从局部出发,扩散而得出整体印象,也即常常以偏概全。一个人如果被标明是好的,他就会被一种积极肯定的光环笼罩,并被赋予一切都好的品质,如果一个人被标明是坏的,他就被一种消极否定的光环所笼罩,并被认为具有各种坏品质。这就好象刮风天气前夜月亮周围出现的圆环,月晕,,其实呢,圆环不过是月亮光的扩大化而已。据此,桑戴克为这一心理现象起了一个恰如其分的名称“晕轮效应”,也称作“光环作用”。 心理学家戴恩做过一个这样的实验。他让被试看一些照片,照片上的人有的很有魅力,有的无魅力,有的中等。然后让被试在与魅力无关的特点方面评定这些人。结果表明,被试对有魅力的人比对无魅力的赋予更多理想的人格特征,如和蔼、沉着,好交际等。 晕轮效应不但常表现在以貌取人上,而且还常表现在以服装定地位、性格,以初次言谈定人的才能与品德等方面。在对不太熟悉的人进行评价时,这种效应体现得尤其明显。 认知角度 从认知角度讲,晕轮效应仅仅抓住并根据事物的个别特征,而对事物的本质或全部特征下结论,是很片面的。因而,在人际交往中,我们应该注意告诫自己不要被别人的晕轮效应所影响,而陷入晕轮效应的误区。 【绩效考核中的晕轮效应】 鹰腾“管理上市”系列丛书之《绩效〃剑》中指出,在绩效考核中,晕轮效应意味着一个考核者对被考核者的某一绩效要素的评价较高,就会导致他对该人所有的其它绩效要素也评价较高,反之,如果对被考核者的某一绩效要素的评价较差,则会导致他对该人所有的其它绩效要素也评价较差。实质上,晕轮效应应是一种“以偏盖全”的心理弊病,评估者在员工绩效评估过程中,把员工绩效中的某方面甚至与工作绩效无关的某一方面看得过重,用员工of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 的某个特性去推断其其他特性,造成“一好百好,一差百差”,以偏概全的评估偏误。 当被考核者是那些对考核者表现特别友好或特别不友好时,晕轮效应是最容易发生的。 【晕轮效应心理学成因】 从心理学的角度看, 晕轮效应的形成原因,与我们知觉特征之一——整体性有关。我们在知觉客观事物时,并不是对知觉对象的个别属性或部分孤立地进行感知的,而总是倾向于把具有不同属性、不同部分的对象知觉为一个统一的整体,这是因为知觉对象的各种属性和部分是有机地联系成一个复合刺激物的。譬如,我们闭着眼睛,只闻到苹果的气味,或只摸到苹果的形状,我们头脑中就形成了有关苹果的完整印象,因为经验为我们弥补了苹果的其他特征,如颜色,绿中透红,、滋味,甜的,、触摸感,光滑的,,等等。由于知觉整体性作用,我们知觉客观事物就能迅速而明了,“窥一斑而见全豹”,用不着逐一地知觉每个个别属性了。 内隐人格理论 对人知觉时的晕轮效应,还在于内隐人格理论的作用。人的有些品质之间是有其内在联系的。比如,热情的人往往对人比较亲切友好,富于幽默感,肯帮助别人,容易相处,而“冷漠”的人较为孤独、古板,不愿求人,比较难相处。这样,对某人只要有了“热情”或“冷漠”的一个核心特征,我们就会自然而然地去补足其他有关联的特征。另外,就人的性格结构而言,各种性格特征在每个具体的人身上总是相互联系、相互制约的。例如,具有勇敢正直,不畏强暴性格特征的人,往往还表现在处世待人上襟怀坦白,敢作敢为,在外表上端庄大方,恳切自然。而一个具有自私自利,欺软怕硬性格特征的人,则会在其他方面表现出虚伪阴险,心口不一,或阿谈奉承,或骄横跋扈。这些特征也会在举止表情上反映出来。于是,人们既可从外表知觉内心,又可从内在性格特征泛化到对外表的评价上。这样就产生了晕轮效应。 【晕轮效应弊端】 晕轮效应的最大弊端就在于以偏概全。其特征具体表现在这样三个方面, 一是遮掩性。 有时我们抓住的事物的个别特征并不反映事物的本质,可我们却仍习惯予以个别推及一般、由部分推及整体,势必牵强附会地误推出其他特征。随意抓注某个或好或坏的特征就断言这个人或是完美无形,或是一无是处,都犯了片面性的错误。青年恋爱中的“一见钟情”of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 就是由于对象的某一方面符合自己的审美观,往往对思想、情操、性格诸方面存在的不相配处都视而不见,觉得对象是“带有光环的天仙”,样佯都尽如人意。同样,在日常生活中,由于对一个人印象欠佳而忽视其优点的事,举不胜举。 晕轮效应实验 二是表面性。 晕轮效应往往产生于自己对某个人的了解还不深入,也就是还处于感、知觉的阶段,因而容易受感觉的表面性、局部性和知觉的选择性的影响,从而对于某人的认识仅仅专注于一些外在特征上。有些个性品质或外貌特征之间并无内在联系,可我们却容易把它们联系在一起,断言有这种特征就必有另一特征,也会以外在形式掩盖内部实质。如外貌堂堂正正,未必正人君子,看上去笑容满面,未必面和心慈。简单把这些不同品质联系起来,得出的整体印象必然是表面的。 三是弥散性。 对一个人的整体态度,还会连带影响到跟这个人的具体特征有关的事物上。成语中的“爱屋及乌”、“厌恶和尚,恨及袈裟”就是晕轮效应弥散的体现。《韩非子〃说难篇》中讲过一个故事。卫灵公非常宠幸弄臣弥子瑕。有一次弥子瑕的母亲病了,他得知后就连夜偷乘卫灵公的车子赶回家去。按照卫国的法律,偷乘国君的车子是要处以刖刑,把脚砍掉,的。但卫灵公却夸奖弥子瑕孝顺母亲。又有一次,弥子瑕与卫灵公同游桃园,他摘了个桃子吃,觉得很甜,就把咬过的桃子献给卫灵公尝,卫灵公又夸他爱君之心。后来,弥子瑕年老色衰,不受宠幸了。卫灵公由不喜爱他的外貌而不喜爱他的其他品质了,甚至以前被他夸奖过的两件事,现在也成了弥子瑕的“欺君之罪”。 【如何克服晕轮效应的弊端】 第一,注意“投射倾向”。 有些人总是从好的一面来解释别人,因为他本人就是一副菩萨心肠。而有些人则总是从恶意来判断他人的行为,即使是好事,他也会认为,这是“别有用心”,这是因为他本人猜of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 疑心重。这种把自己的某些心理特点附加给对方的现象,即“投射倾向”。人际知觉的投射倾向表明,人对他人的知觉包含着自己的东西,人在反映别人的时候常常也在反映着自己、而这种反映又往往是不自觉的。如果你对自己的“投射倾向”不加注意,没有清醒地、理智地经常进行自我反思,就很可能制造出晕轮效应,出现各种偏见。 第二,注意“第一印象”。 两个素不相识的人,初次见面后所形成的直观感觉在心理学上称为第一印象。由于它有先入为主的特点,因而往往比较深刻。如果第一印象好,就会给以后的交往打下良好的基础。从这个意义上说,注意给人留下良好的第一印象是必要的。但初次接触所提供给你的判断 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 不仅十分有限,而且往往是比较外在的,往往还具有一定的虚假性。问MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1717423901827_0的严重性又恰恰在于,一般说来,先得到的信息总是影响着对于以后信息的解释方式,第一印象一旦形成。以后的信息常常只扮演补充和解释的角色,这就是产生晕轮效应的“温床”了、因此,冷静、客观地对待第一印象,思想上具有改造甚至否定第一印象的准备非常重要。 第三, 注意“刻板印象”、刻板印象就是所谓类化作用,按照预想的类型将人分为不同种类,然后贴上标签,按图索骥。比如,提起教师便想到“文质彬彬”,说到商人,总和“唯利是图”挂起钩来,等等。刻板印象的形成,往往始于对某一类人普遍特征的归类,这是一种简单的认识,虽然有利于对某一群人做概括的了解,但也很容易产生偏差。因为人心不同,各如其面、而刻板印象所根据的却并非认识对象本人的事实,有时刻板印象还是由于偏见的合理化而来。因此,刻板印象与晕轮效应可以说是有不解之缘的,是导致失真的一个“误区”。我们要对他人产生确切、深刻的认识,千万别忘了人的丰富多样性,并不断地修正头脑中由于刻板印象所造成的假象。 第四, 避免“以貌取人”。一项心理实验中显示,当人们被要求在一堆他们不认识的照片中分别找出“好人”与“罪犯”时,总会受到外貌晕轮效应的影响,即表现出按外貌分类的倾向。前苏联心理学家鲍达列夫曾向72个人调查,他们是怎样理解人的外貌的。其中9人回答,方方的下巴是意志坚强的标志,宽大的前额是智慧的标志,3人认为粗硬的头发表示倔强的性格,14人认为人胖表示心地善良,2人认为肥厚的嘴唇是憨厚朴实的标志,等等。这个调查结果是有趣的,也具有一定的普遍意义。尽管这些生理特征是较为固定的或天生的,但不少人仍认为从中能看出一个人的性格特征。这种“由表及里”的推断,含有很大的偏见成份。of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 为此,只要我们在认识他人的问题上,确立不满足于表象,而注重了解对方心理、行为等深层结构,我们就能有效地摆脱外貌晕轮效应的影响。 第五,避免“循环证实”。 心理学研究证明,一个人对他人的偏见,常会得到自动的“证实”。比如,你对某人存有怀疑之心,时间一长,自然会为人所察觉,对方必然会产生离心和戒心。而对方这种情绪的流露,又反过来会使你深信自己当初对他的看法是正确的。这就是心理学中的角色互动和双向反馈。由于一方感情的偏失,导致对方的偏失,反过来又加强了一方偏失的程度。如此循环证实,势必陷入越来越深的偏见中去,走进晕轮效应的迷宫迷而忘返。这就提醒我们,当你看不惯某个人,对某个人怀有成见的时候,应当首先理智地检讨一下自己的态度和行为是否受到晕轮效应影响,自觉走出晕轮效应的迷宫。 【走出“晕轮效应”的迷宫】 常言 说,“知人为聪,知己为明” 。从一定意义上讲,一个政工干部水平如何,在很大程度上取决于他知人知己的能力。我们知道,对人的知觉过程不同于对物的知觉过程,人对自身和同类的知觉,往往一开始就注定要受到主体意识的明显渗入和缠绕。所以对人的知觉与对物的知觉比较起来要更困难,更容易受到主观因素的影响,从而出现失真乃至造成错觉。“晕轮效应”就是其中之一。 所谓“晕轮效应 ”,通俗地说就是以点概面。在认识人的过程中,人们常从对方所具有的某个特征而泛化到其他一系列有关特征,也就是从所知觉到的特征泛化推及未知觉到的特征,从局部信息而形成一个完整的印象,就象晕轮或月晕一样,是从一个中心点而逐渐向外力散成越来越大的圆圈,所以称晕轮或月晕效应。 美国心理学家凯利以麻省理工学院的两个班级的学生分别做了一个试验。上课之前,实验者向学生宣布,临时请一位研究生来代课。接着告知学生有关这位研究生的一些情况。其中,向一个班学生介绍这位研究生具有热情、勤奋、务实、果断等项品质、向另一班学生介绍的信息除了将“热情”换成了“冷漠”之外,其余各项都相同。而学生们并不知道。两种介绍间的差别是,下课之后,前一班的学生与研究生一见如故,亲密攀谈,另一个班的学生of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 对他却敬而远之,冷谈回避。可见,仅介绍中的一词之别,竟会影响到整体的印象。学生们戴着这种有色镜去观察代课者,而这位研究生就被罩上了不同色彩的晕轮。 正如歌德所说,“人们见到的,正是他们知道的。”日常生活中,晕轮效应往往是悄悄地却又强有力地影响着我们对人的知觉和评价。有的领导看到一些青年官兵的个别缺点,或对他们的生活习惯、工作之余的衣着打扮看不顺眼,于是就会把他们看得一无是处。而看到某人的字写得好,就认为他思路清晰,办事果断、认真、有条理等。在教学中,一个教师对学生智力的看法很可能受学生本人相貌、举止、家庭背景以及一些无关的事情所影响。这种偏差不仅影响教师对学生的行为,而且最终会影响学生的学习成绩。晕轮效应的极端化就是推人及物了,从喜爱一个人的某个特征推及到喜爱他整个人,又进而从喜爱他这个人泛化到喜爱一切与他有关的事物。这就是所谓“爱屋及乌”。 晕轮效应的特征, 给人们认知带来的消极影响的直接结果就是偏见。偏见是以有限的或不正确的信息来源为基础的。一个走进晕轮效应迷宫的人,势必会产生偏见。 在学习生活过程中,为避免光环效应影响他人对自己或自己对他人的认识,应注意以下几点。 第一不要 过早地对新的老师、同学做出评价,要尽可能地与老师、同学进行多方面的交往,促进相互间的深入了解。 第二及时注意自己是否全面地看待了他人,特别是对有突出优点或缺点的老师与同学。第三在与他人交往时,不要过分在意他人是怎样评价自己,要相信自己一定会获得他人的认可和理解。 第四注意做好自己应该做好的每一件小事,如作业、作文、值日等等,特别要注意处理好可能会给自己的形象造成较大影响事情。 第五要敢于展示自己,让更多的人了解自己的优点和长处,同时,也尽可能让他人了解自己的缺点。 【大文豪普希金也犯晕轮效应】 俄国著名的大文豪普希金曾因晕轮效应的作用吃了大苦头。他狂热地爱上了被 称为“莫斯科第一美人”的娜坦丽,并且和她结了婚。娜坦丽容貌惊人,但与普希金志不同道不合。当普希金每次把写好的诗读给她听时。她总是捂着耳朵说,“不要听,不要听,”相反,她总是要普希金陪她游乐,出席一些豪华的晚会、舞会,普希金为此丢下创作,弄得of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 债台高筑,最后还为她决斗而死,使一颗文学巨星过早地陨落。在普希金看来,一个漂亮的 女人也必然有非凡的智慧和高贵的品格,然而事实并非如此,这种现象被称为晕轮效应。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life
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