首页 [V字仇杀队]台词赏析



[V字仇杀队]台词赏析[V字仇杀队]台词赏析 若干年前 我还幼稚 首看 V 并未有所感想 一头雾水的看完了怪异又绅士感的面具侠客的神经质 若干年后 我已成熟 重看 V 内心澎湃激昂 给力的不单是在极权统治下的反抗还有那华丽的台词 特此整理 今日11月5日发表 以纪念我对本片精神的无比赞赏~ 梦幻台词 开始展示 首先 让我自我陶醉下本片被选为宣传标语的台词 同时也是本片的核心思想 municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering...

[V字仇杀队]台词赏析 若干年前 我还幼稚 首看 V 并未有所感想 一头雾水的看完了怪异又绅士感的面具侠客的神经质 若干年后 我已成熟 重看 V 内心澎湃激昂 给力的不单是在极权统治下的反抗还有那华丽的台词 特此整理 今日11月5日发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 以纪念我对本片精神的无比赞赏~ 梦幻台词 开始展示 首先 让我自我陶醉下本片被选为宣传标语的台词 同时也是本片的核心思想 municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people 人民不应该惧怕他们的政府,而是政府应该惧怕他 们的人民 片头的开始。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。? We are told to remember the idea and not the man Because a man can fail He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten But 400 years later......an idea can still change the world 我们被教导要记住思想,不是人 因为人可能失败 他可能会被捕 他会被杀死、被遗忘 但400年后思想仍可改变世界 I have witnessed firsthand the power of ideas. I've seen people kill in the name of them... ...and die defending them But you cannot kiss an idea......cannot touch it or hold it 我亲眼目睹了思想的威力 我见过人们以它为名杀戮 为维护它而送命 但你不能杀死思想不能触到它或者捧着它 Ideas do not bleed. They do not feel pain. 思想不会流血,不会感到痛苦 思想不会死去 That with devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself. municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active 人们往往用至诚的外表和虔敬的 行动,掩饰一颗魔鬼般的心 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 华丽的分割线 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是 V 首次 出场救了Evey后向她作的自我介绍,V用带有戏剧色彩的演绎来介 绍他自己是“一位谦虚的杂耍老手代苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出这个面孔,不 只是虚华的外表它是遗存的人民呼声现已空洞消亡”V的介绍用了大量 V字头 单词 组合成一段串词,里面简单提到自己的身世经历,受到命运的捉弄不得不 戴上这个 面具,而后又说到他出现的目的。可以说,电影以V这段戏剧化的华丽自 我介绍一开始就抓住了我那容易被勾引的心 Who is but the form following the function of what......and what I am is a man in a mask. I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. 我是谁,名字只是事物的代号而已 而我是一个戴面具的人 我不过是指出一个矛盾, 需要问一个戴面具的人是谁吗, But on this most auspicious of nights......permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet......to suggest the characterof this dramatis persona. 这样一个美好的夜晚请允许我建议用更平常的语言来介绍一位戏剧性的角 色 Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active 一位谦虚的杂耍老手代表苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出这个面孔,不只是虚华的 外表它是遗存的人民呼声 现已空洞消亡 不过,我这对过往烦恼的勇敢访问者 恢复了生命的活力 决心铲除那些引来 腐败堕落邪恶的毒虫 遏制他们狂暴的恶毒的 以及贪婪的对意志的破坏 对他们唯一的裁决就是复仇 正义和警惕的信念不会落空 它们的价值和真理终将实现 当然,我这段莫名其妙的杂碎汤 带来的是最冗长的自我介绍 所以简单地说,能遇见您 是我很大的荣幸,请叫我V ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 华丽的分割线 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS:其实V的目的不仅是复仇,更重要的是唤醒被愚弄和被压制自由的 人民,所以他在悄悄入侵了电视台后对着全国人民播放了一段录好的个人演讲,这 份演讲词在我看来及其富有感染力,下面是V的 演讲词 : Good evening London.Allow me to apologize.I do like many of you appreciate the comforts of everyday routine the security of the familiar the tranquility of repetition.I enjoy them as much as and bloke.But in the spite of commemoration,when by important events of the past usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful,bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday. I thought we could mark this November the 5th a day that is, sadly, no longer remembered by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. Even now, orders are municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and, for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object to think and speak as you saw fit you now have censors and surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Certainly there are those who are more responsible than others. And they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told,if you're looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reasonand rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you. And in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace......and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night, I sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to imbed the 5th of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words. They are perspectives.So if you've seen nothing if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest that you allow the 5th of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see......if you feel as I feel,and if you would seek as I seek,then I ask you to stand beside me,one year from tonight outside the gates of Parliament.And together,we shall give them a 5th November that shall never ever be fogot. 伦敦,晚上好!请允许我先致歉.我跟你们很多人一样欣赏规律生活的舒适,熟悉 面孔所带来的安全感,以及日复一日的平静.我跟任何人都一样享受,不过就节日的角 度来讲,节日是用美好的假 日来庆祝过去的重大事件,通常和某人的死亡或者血腥残 酷的斗争的结束有关.我想我们可以从生活中抽出一点时间坐下来聊聊如何纪念今 年的11月5日,一个可 悲的遗忘的日子(话外音:比如屈原投江造就了我们这些后 人能开心的放一天假乐呵呵的吃各种口味的粽子),当然有些人不希望我们说 话,全副武装的人马上就会上路.为什么?尽管沉默代替了谈话,言语却 总是保持着他的力量,言语提供了表达见解的方 式,而且他可以告诉 那些愿意倾听人们真相.而真相是这个国家的有些事情不正常的可怕, municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active 对吗?残暴,不公,歧视和镇压,在这快土地上,你们曾经拥有过反对的 自由,有过思考和言论的自由,而现在你们拥有的是胁迫你们就范的审查 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 和监视系统,这是怎么发生的?这要怪谁?当然有些人要背负比其他人更大的责任,他 们会为此付出代价的,不过话说回来,你们如果要找罪人的话,照照镜子就行了…我知道你为什么这样做,我知道你害怕,谁不会呢?战争,恐怖事件,疾病…曾经 有无数的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 企图要摧毁你的理性,剥夺你的常识,恐惧控制了你,你在慌乱中把票投给了元首先生,他许诺给你们秩序,他许诺给你们和平,所要的回报是你的服从和沉默,昨晚我决定要结束这种沉默(11.5),昨晚我摧毁了老巴里街,以提醒这个国家把他所忘记的事情想起,四百多年前,一位伟大的公民打算将11 月5日永远刻入我们的记忆中,他希望以此提醒世界公平,正义和自由不止是口头说说,他们是对未来的展望,所以如果你什么也没看见,任对这个政府所犯下的 罪行一无所知,我建议你让这个11月5日平淡的过去,可是如果你见到我之所见,如果你感到我之所感,而你愿意寻我之所寻,请你在一年之后的今晚,和我并 肩站到议会大厦的外面,我们我将一起给他们留下一个永远永远不会被忘记的11月5日. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 华丽的分割线 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下为 杂7杂8 的节选台词 同样刺瞎了我的双眼 (电台工作人员在私聊):我们的工作是 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 新闻,不是伪造新闻,伪造是政府的事 “我像上帝一样不掷骰子,也不相信巧合”(语出爱因斯坦,意即世界只受因果律的支配) municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active “艺术家用谎言来表现事实,而政客用谎言来掩盖事实” (鸟巢 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 顾问 艾大爷 就是一个V5的艺术家) “世上没有巧合,只有巧合的假相”(人们总不承认因果律,因为常常不愿为自己的 行为负责) 这个国家需要的不是一栋建筑,而是希望~ (天朝也不需要 M纪念馆 和 装B圣地-RM大会 堂 ) Our integrity sells for so little,but it is all we really have.It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch we are free. 我们的正直诚实并不值钱,但却是我们的所有一切 那是我们最后的一英寸,在这一英寸中,我们是自由的 最后这个也是我之前的QQ签名用的句子 让光芒来的更猛烈些吧 刺瞎我的双眼 吧~ Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy. And ideas are bulletproof. 这张面具之下不止是肉体 这张面具之下是一种 思想,克里蒂先生 思想是杀不死的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 华丽的分割线 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 影评: municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active 轰然响起的交响乐 崩裂的烟火 瞬间倒塌的建筑物 不断的复仇和杀戮 艳丽血红的玫瑰 一直保持微笑的面具 集合了历史各种阶段的人类的悲剧以及必然的爱情故事 综合了这些 难免让人随之想起基督山伯爵的复仇以及结局:每个人都能怀抱着心爱的人 找到属于自己的树 只要不让仇恨覆盖了一切 被各种实验折磨的V 身体发生变异的V 忘掉自己是谁的V 忘记亲人的V 带面具的V 看着基督山伯爵的V 击剑的V 复仇的V 做煎蛋美食的V 听歌的V 在听完点唱机里800多首歌之后 和如约而至的心爱的人 如愿的缓慢的跳起他一生中第一支 也是最后一支舞之后 在通往死亡之路的入口得到平生第一次被亲吻之后 终于 得到完整的人生 进而死去. 经历几近死亡和恐惧 在窒息之后 终于活得新生 伊芙张开双臂在顶楼笑着 尽情的呼吸着 这一切让她忽略掉对V的恨 经理一切 感悟 新生和透彻 有着让人忽略一切的能量 从头来过. 人 们懂得真正的生活的意义 懂得国家机器的到底是个什么玩意儿 懂得如何才是真正的活着 最后集结 反抗 每个人 都是V 怀有仇恨 诡计 信念 梦想 向往美好和自由 他是谁, 他是V~ 你是谁 , 也是V~ 当然 我也是 ~ municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active
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